Should the heroine live or die?

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When a heroine loses, should she live or die?

Let the heroine live, defeat is enough.
Sex up the heroine, then let her live with that humilation.
Kill the heroine, no sex.
Sex up the heroine, then end her misery.
What's wrong with you people, the heroine should win!
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I've been reading some of the threads on here, and I'm seeing a lot of different opinions. So I'm looking to see the "spread". Now, the heroine often wins, as we all know. But sometimes, especially in our little community, the heroine often loses. Badly. So I offer this question. When the heroine loses, should she live or die? These are villains we're talking about. The baddest of the bad. So when they win, do the finish off their victims, or do they leave them alive? And why? I'd love to see the results to the poll above, as well as hear your opinions.

What about in videos or stories where the villain has there way with the heroine, sexually? Should they live with that humiliation, or should they be put out of their misery?

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I personally prefer her to win, but she suffers more than before in the hands of villains, either sexually or just taking punches, but I do not see much problem when it loses just think she has to be a challenge for the villains, who does for me so well in his films and Rye and Alex Bettinger
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I've enjoyed both cases, when the heroine lives and when she dies. My only comment is, when she lives I've always thought it would be great to see how the effect of her defeat continues in later stories by that same writer. Whether it's a physical injury like a broken arm that has to be carried through a follow-up story or some psychological manifestation like a tic or a phobia that appears at inopportune times. It shows continuing cause and effect and makes for a deeper reading or visual experience.
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Heroine should ultimately win, but should suffer temporary defeat. I would only be able to appreciate a project in which the heroine died if some unusually ambitious story was being told and the death served a purpose beyond shock or cheap thrills. But I also identify with the heroine, which may or may not make a difference. :confused: A death might make sense to me if the heroine is able to be rebooted (restart, like a video game; say she's a robot or something), but otherwise the full-stop death of a character would hold no appeal for me.
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I've ordered several Superheroine Death Peril customs and can tell you all that it hasn't stopped the producers from using the characters in subsequent videos.
EvilBilly :twisted:

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The way I see it, if you're going to take the trouble to write a superheroine character, and make her believable and likeable, then why in the world would you have her defeated, crushed in spirit and ruined, let alone killed? And I have very little patience with those who say, "oh it just resets for the next story like it never happened." Then what's the point? Plus I don't like to see women hurt. I can't even stand to watch "Criminal Minds" when it's about women getting abducted and beaten up.

Of course that's a "serious" story. If we're talking about videos, that's entirely different. I've never actually purchased one, but I gather they tend to run twenty minutes or less and focus on porn/fetish. Under the circumstances, I can understand that they don't waste a lot of time worrying about the heroine's personality.
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I don't like to see the heroine killed because I like the idea of her escape/return...Not that I especially care about the continuity but I've never exactly been able to grasp the Aeon Flux style where the stories don't mean anything together and a heroine can be killed over and over...also, and I say this without judgement or condemnation, death of anykind is a little morbid for my personal tastes...

@ Centurion- the vid aren't just straight porn (a lot are granted) and really you can find a video or style of video for whatever your tastes/preference might be...campy, rapey, bondagey, good to great fight coreography, the heroine escapes and wins in the endy, the heroine dies and just about anything else you could imagine...
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LadyJane wrote:@ Centurion- the vid aren't just straight porn (a lot are granted) and really you can find a video or style of video for whatever your tastes/preference might be...campy, rapey, bondagey, good to great fight coreography, the heroine escapes and wins in the endy, the heroine dies and just about anything else you could imagine...
I'll have to take your word for that. For a while I would try to check out the new videos as they got posted here, but in practically every one it seemed that the heroine was either raped or strangled to death at the end.
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It has some producers that do this style only heroine defeated and raped, we have some examples as next global crisis, heroine legends and some videos of Rye

Sure they all have the danger but quite normal, are classified as PG 13, I think probably more or fara your taste, and some of it as HL AND NGC has a chronology
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sex then humilation...of course unless she is strapped to the buzzsaw or pattern cutter....then let her have the F'n blade!!! dirty you guys..seriously??
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The superheroine should be left with a sense of peril, but ultimately should survive. I like the idea that they are all set for their doom, but something unseen saves them at the last second.

That way, they can be captured and placed in peril all over again.
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I could have it either way, but I like the adult videos with sex. It's the ultimate humiliation, IMO. If the heroine lives, they have to live knowing what the villain did to her, and knowing that the villain also gets to forever have that knowledge, even if they eventually get caught.

But if it's a story where the heroine dies, I like her to die WHILE something sexual is being done to her...whether it's forced orgasm, being sexed by a villain...or hell, you could have style of trap that's set to kill the heroine once she comes to orgasm. That way she's fighting her own urges the whole time, until she gives in, has the ultimate orgasm, only to have her life end in a humiliating way immedietely after.

For me, there has to be sexual content either way. Why? Because in my opinion, if the baddest of the bad people in a fantasy world of supervillains had one of the heroines who had beaten them over and over in their grasp...I don't think they would just kill her. Especially if she was at their mercy. I imagine their defeats by her would have been very demeaning, especially if their "macho" guys. They would let out their sexual frustrations on her. Just my opinion.
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The living or dying aspect doesn't really bother me either.

Generally speakig I have little interest in superheroine porn, sometimnes I enjoy the dialogue in these movies but aside from seeing a naturally sexy woman dressed in kick ass outfits they just don't strike my interest.

BUT being brought up on WW,SG 1984 and The Bionic Woman it is the fighting,action and peril/danger or vulnerability that excites me.

Femile fighting, westling and belly punching when done right are what I go for and the thought of a seemingly invincible super heroine going down fighting live or die is what I am here for.

That is why, to me this forum is so useful because all types of producer and model/actress are availab;e here.

From the po i get the impression that a new topic of Porn or Peril could be interesting...I think porn would win....sadly....But perhaps I like the peril of defeat whilst other prefer the peril of sexual humiliation and forced sex...?
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ranger87 wrote: ...or hell, you could have style of trap that's set to kill the heroine once she comes to orgasm. That way she's fighting her own urges the whole time, until she gives in, has the ultimate orgasm, only to have her life end in a humiliating way immedietely after.

Like in Barbarella?, Maybe not like Barbarella, she survived because she broke Duran Duran's machine with a super orgasm.
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I actually prefer a "fate worse than death" but that wasn't an option in the poll. Superheroine Central used to do this pretty well with the heroines being turned into statues which was always fun.

Cliffhanger endings are always good too and Mr Weathers' O-Girl movies used these to good effect.

If the above aren't an option then I guess the lovely lady will just have to end up dying (oh well, I'm sure she'll be back next week anyway), but only in an ott comic book style, nothing gruesome please, I'm squeemish.

The heroine getting rescued is just about palatable although very boring, but escaping under her own steam and then winning just doesn't interest me one bit.
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One thing to point out is snuff is not exactly popular with authorities in places like Britain. They had some incident about 8 years ago in which some loon murdered a girl and claimed he copied it from a porn snuff site. The Daily Mail went on a rampage promoting the mother's view such sites should be shut down. So Visa went after the service provider who happened to also be MY service provider. I lose thousands, get shut down cause some other site was doing snuff.

So be aware that killing girls does put you in a different category. chloroform already has some weird stigma about it that makes it a sticky issue with Visa. Notice vendors use the term "sleepy cloth" and not chloroform anymore in descriptions.
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Yeah...they are even cracking down here. For anything even remotely "unwanted" sexually, it's almost better posting on nicheclips because they supposedly only take mail order. Mail order can suck, but by bypassing visa, they can keep the more extreme content...the big drawback is that people don't want pay that way, so the profit margin is much lower.
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It's actually against the law here in the UK to have a film depicting anyone who looks like they could come to "serious injury".

For anyone interested here is an extract which summarises the legislation, taken from this site -
Images must satisfy four tests:

1. The image must be pornographic: ‘must reasonably be assumed to have been produced solely or mainly for the purpose of sexual arousal’.

2. The image portrays at least one of the following:

(a) an act which threatens a person’s life,

(b) an act which results, or is likely to result, in serious injury to a person’s anus, breasts or genitals,

(c) an act which involves sexual interference with a human corpse, or

(d) a person performing an act of intercourse or oral sex with an animal (whether dead or alive).

3. The portrayal must be ‘explicit and realistic’; a reasonable person must believe the actors (and animals) involved are real.

4. The image must be ‘grossly offensive, disgusting or otherwise of an obscene character’.
People should make up their own mind about what constitutes an offence. For my part I don't believe that an actress in a superheroine costume being vaporised by a deathray or turned into a statue or something would qualify as realistic. But other stuff might indeed be closer to the mark.....
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So then Twilight should be banned in Britain since its clearly made for female arousal and contains violence and death.
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Mr. X wrote:So then Twilight should be banned in Britain since its clearly made for female arousal and contains violence and death.
But above all because its shit.
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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Bella is a trampire!
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Henchman wrote:I actually prefer a "fate worse than death" but that wasn't an option in the poll. If the above aren't an option then I guess the lovely lady will just have to end up dying (oh well, I'm sure she'll be back next week anyway), but only in an ott comic book style, nothing gruesome please, I'm squeemish.

The heroine getting rescued is just about palatable although very boring, but escaping under her own steam and then winning just doesn't interest me one bit.
I'm not criticizing mind you, I'm just curious. If you don't want the heroine to escape or be rescued, how can she come back in the next video? Aren't you implying that you don't take her peril seriously?
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Interesting question Centurion, sorry in advance for my rather rambling response.

You're absolutely right, I don't take these films, or the peril they depict, seriously at all. It's just a bit of fun.

That doesn't mean I don't care for or want to see well acted, believable, characters. However, I don't need a whole season of shows with a convoluted arc plot and months of teen angst to identify with a character.

In fact, I would be quite happy to see a different/new heroine in every movie (in fact I think it would be a positive bonus to get away from the endless supergirl/batgirl re-runs but that's another subject) and it would not affect my ability to empathise with them.

Equally, I am fine with the heroine coming back next week regardless of the outcome. I don't know if you ever watched any of the old Saturday morning serials from the 1930s (Flash Gordon, Buck Rogers etc). Those shows regularly ended on a cliffhanger where the hero/heroine would be facing certain death, e.g. falling off a cliff, and the next episode, they would actually cheat and show a slightly different version where they don't fall off at all. It just erases what went before and we as the audience are willing participants in the little subterfuge and we carry on and enjoy the next installment.

I find my imagination is perfectly able to suspend my disbelief and pretend that the situation really is "serious" regardless of whether the heroine is a long term character or not. The fact that she'll be back next week in a completely unrelated story as if this one never happenned is entirely irrelevant to me. This is because what I enjoy is actually the feeling in the moment of peril. I identify with the heroine mostly, and want to imagine what it's like being her whilst the timer counts down to her seemingly inevitable doom. It's the drama of the dire situation she's in that I find exciting, not the last six months of backstory or next week's show.

I spent my life growing up watching shows where the girl is always rescued at the last minute and it's boring to me because knowing she's going to be rescued wholly removes all the dramatic tension of the scene.

So, I'm going to spin it back to you now - if you know she's going to escape/be rescued, how can there be any drama at all?
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You might as well ask how you can stand to watch any television show with continuing characters put in perilous situations! Or even movies for that matter. How can you watch, say, a Nicolaus Cage movie when you know he's going to survive whatever happens? HOW he escapes the peril is where the drama comes from.

I realize that for most of us this is just sexual fantasy pure and simple, so none of this matters. No problem. But for us Peril fans, if the heroine doesn't escape the deathtrap, there is no "next story" because there is no more heroine! More to the point, if she's not resourcefull enough to escape, she had no business putting on those tights and trying to fight crime in the first place. I like to have some sense that she's really a superheroine and not just some cosplay chick.

I don't mind a Fetish story every now and then, but my main interest is Peril. Basically all this poll does is point up the relative popularity of the two, about six to one. I was actually surprised. I thought it would more like ten or twenty to one!
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Centurion wrote:The way I see it, if you're going to take the trouble to write a superheroine character, and make her believable and likeable, then why in the world would you have her defeated, crushed in spirit and ruined, let alone killed? And I have very little patience with those who say, "oh it just resets for the next story like it never happened." Then what's the point? Plus I don't like to see women hurt. I can't even stand to watch "Criminal Minds" when it's about women getting abducted and beaten up.

Of course that's a "serious" story. If we're talking about videos, that's entirely different. I've never actually purchased one, but I gather they tend to run twenty minutes or less and focus on porn/fetish. Under the circumstances, I can understand that they don't waste a lot of time worrying about the heroine's personality.
Most of the fetish videos are either direct parodies of established characters or feature common superheroine archetypes. We already know (or can safely assume) a great deal about the heroine's personality, so the focus is on delivering the final shocking chapter which the mainstream versions always teased and then cruelly snatched away at the last second.

Besides, virtually all of the major DC and Marvel characters have been exposed, crippled and/or killed at one time or another. Although these drastic changes are never permanent.

Having said all that, the fetish video producers' method of just pressing the reset button and having the heroine restored for her next adventure - leaving her destroyed in the previous universe - is much less annoying than all the convoluted twuntery used by the mainstream to undo a 'destruction'.
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Centurion wrote:You might as well ask how you can stand to watch any television show with continuing characters put in perilous situations! Or even movies for that matter. How can you watch, say, a Nicolaus Cage movie when you know he's going to survive whatever happens? HOW he escapes the peril is where the drama comes from.
I would indeed argue that pretty much any Nicolas Cage film is largely devoid of dramatic tension.

Joking aside, you make a good point, but you must surely admit that there is more tension when the outcome is not pre-ordained. Try watching a film like "Das Boot" twice, and tell me which viewing was more dramatic. (Hint - it's the first time).

Continuing characters in TV shows are a major reason for their complete lack of meaningful adversity. Look at the current glut of rinse and repeat crime dramas; if they actually lost, even just occasionally, it would improve the experience no end. Deadwood, on the other hand sheds major characters on a regular basis and it's an order of magnitude more dramatic because of it.
Centurion wrote:More to the point, if she's not resourcefull enough to escape, she had no business putting on those tights and trying to fight crime in the first place. I like to have some sense that she's really a superheroine and not just some cosplay chick.
Conversely, if the villain isn't resourceful enough to get his act together and make his trap properly escape proof he's hardly much cop as opposition. He's just another rubbish TV bad-guy and our heroine doesn't have to be particularly super to beat him. A cosplay chick could do it!

Finally, please note I didn't actually vote for a death ending (so I'm wondering why I've ended up in this discussion at all), I prefer a fate worse than death (which can always be reversed easily next week), or a cliffhanger (ditto).

At the end of the day I just find winning endings boring, and you don't, but discussing it is fun.
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Henchman wrote: Joking aside, you make a good point, but you must surely admit that there is more tension when the outcome is not pre-ordained. Try watching a film like "Das Boot" twice, and tell me which viewing was more dramatic. (Hint - it's the first time).
So you're telling me you NEVER watch the same video twice? :)

It's not a question of the outcome being "pre-ordained". It's just that when I like a heroine and sympathize with her, if she loses and gets killed, I feel like I've wasted all that time.
Henchman wrote:Conversely, if the villain isn't resourceful enough to get his act together and make his trap properly escape proof he's hardly much cop as opposition.
Wait a second, WHICH ONE are you rooting for again? :) Sure the villain has to be a worthy opponent, but where does it say he has to be literally unbeatable? It's called a "superheroine story" for a reason, isn't it?

Anyway, it's been a pleasure talking to you.
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Personally death and violence are actually quite the turn off, but I'm not just a fan of superheroine in peril vids for general sexual kicks. If that was all I wanted I would be quite content with mainstream vids.

It's more that you can invest more with the character with SHIP vids, which makes a turn on (such as forced orgasms) more intense. Therefore I'm willing to pay a premium for SHIP.

By this concept, this entire vote is irrelevant to me. The heroine could well be killed at the end of the vid - because that's part of the story. Sure, it wouldn't be a turn on for me - but as I say if it was just the turn on I was after specifically, a run of the mill porno would work for me. Which'd save me some cash.

The story is paramount, is basically what I'm trying to say. Within which the heroine could live or die, doesn't matter.
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