TOSG: Supergirl and the Robot Robbers

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Tales of Supergirl, Last Daughter of Krypton

Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful then a locomotive and able to soar across the sky like a bird Supergirl has dedicated her life to fighting for truth, justice, and our planet. Sole survivor of her home world Supergirl poses as mild mannered secretary Linda Kent…

Supergirl and the Robot Robbers

The Metropolis Savings and Loan had been in operation for decades. Suriving the banking crisis and the Depression it had been a life saver for many of Metropolis’s citizens in the tough times. However that didn’t matter to whoever was robbing it. A call was made to the Police who responded quickly. Leading the first group of responders was Detective Richard Malverne. His partner drove while he checked his service revolver.

“Holy Hannah! Dick you aren’t going to believe this!” His partner exclaimed.

Putting his weapon down Dick saw what was robbing the Savings and Loan, a giant robot. It was something out of Buck Rogers with a huge metal body square covered with rivets and something that might be a door. The head was blocky with large radio antennas sticking out of it. Something glassy, (eyes maybe?) was on top of the head. Two large mechanical arms with claws held a massive safe easily. The ground shook as its legs slammed into the ground. He couldn’t believe it, how could such a thing move?

The Police cars all pulled to a stop about a hundred feet away from the mechanical monster. Getting out the detectives pulled their pistols while some of the uniformed officers had Thompson sub-machineguns.

“Halt! Stop where you are!” Dick ordered the automaton. It kept walking at them holding the safe in its claws.

“Fire!” he yelled. The officers opened up only to see their bullets bounce or smash off the armor. Two policemen emptied their entire load of forty-five slugs into the metal giant. However their actions had no affect, other than to attract the attention of the robot. Dick watched as a slot opened inside the machine’s chest. Suddenly a barreled appeared. Dick shouted a warning to everyone. The cops scattered.

It was just in time as the robot fired off a small shell. One of the police cars exploded in a blast of fire and smoke. The police returned fire, only to have machinegun bullets start shooting at them. Dick knew they needed help and fast. It was coming.

One of the cops caught sight of something in the sky flying, “Look up in the sky.”

“What is it, a bird, a plane, the Army coming to help?” one of the detectives asked.

Dick smiled, “Even better, it’s Supergirl.”

The heroine landed in front of the policemen with the grace of a ballerina. Turning to face the new threat, the robot fired its machinegun again. Supergirl stood there in her power stance and smiled as the bullets bounced off her body. She walked forward at the machine. Seeing that its attack had failed, the monster decided to increase its firepower. The cannon barked with a shot. Supergirl was blown off her feet and sent skyward as pieces of street and dirt landed on Detective Malverne and his men.

With Supergirl out of the way the robot stood still and extended a pair of wings from its back. Dick then heard a roar as a rocket motor engaged. Atop a pillar of flame, the machine lifted off the ground and into the sky. Supergirl could see this too. After regaining her balance and flight she moved to chase the machine. It could see her coming and in a last act fired its cannon again. The shell missed Supergirl, as it was supposed to and hit the stone architecture on the building over the Metropolis Policemen. Tons of rubber was now falling towards them.

“Oh no!” Supergirl exclaimed and immediately dived to save the men below. She grabbed a metal billboard ripping it off its roof. Then faster than anyone could believe she positioned it above the policemen. The rubble slammed into the metal denting it but holding together. Once the storm of destruction had stopped, Supergirl carefully placed the billboard on the ground. She then headed over to the cops.

“Detective Malverne are you alright?” she asked concerned.

He smiled, “I think so” a quick turn of his head showed that all of his men were alright as well, “Thanks to you we are Supergirl. What was that thing?”

Supergirl searched the sky for the robot but couldn’t see anything. She shook her head, “I don’t know Dick but I plan on finding out.”


Mysterious Robot Robs City, Police Baffled was the headline at the Planet the next morning. Linda Kent read the summary of what she had experienced first hand as Supergirl. Whoever had built that robot must be a genius she had decided. However how anyone could use that intelligence for crime or destruction, it angered her. Her home, Krypton had been far more advanced than Earth, but had used that power peacefully. She was blessed with amazing powers on Earth and tried to use them to help people, yet whoever built that robot was using it for their own benefit. But who?

Lois Lane came out from the Chief’s office and walked over to Linda’s desk, “So you think that thing will strike again?”

“I’d assume so it managed to even evade Supergirl.” Linda answered. It did upset her that she had let the robot get away.

Lois shook her head, “She was too busy saving the police. Besides if that thing comes back I’m sure she’ll be ready.”

The heroine smiled, the comment perked her up, “So what did the chief want?”

“It seems that the threat of the Robot Robber is not going to stop the Jasmine Jewelry Show from opening today.” Lois referred to a new show from New York. The Jasmine Jewel Company had funded a big Broadway like show to attract wealthy consumers for their diamonds and jewelry, “and the chief wants me to cover it.”

Linda frowned, “Lois you hate when he assigns you…what did you call it, ‘girly stuff’.”

The reporter smiled, “Yeah but if I was the Robot Robber, a show filled with thousands of dollars of rare diamonds and gems would be a tempting target. If the monster strikes I’m getting the story.”

A young man came up to the two women, “I’m ready to go Miss Lane, oh hi Linda.” Jimmy Olsen was a photographer just starting out with the Planet. He had his camera hanging around his neck.

“Jimmy’s coming with me to get some pictures, hopefully of the robot.” Lois said.

“Well sorry to root against you Lois and Jimmy but I hope nothing happens.” Linda offered. Of course though she thought Lois had a point. Maybe I need to stay close to that show today, she thought.

“Nah don’t worry about us Linda.” Jimmy said excitingly. He was hoping Lois was right it would give him a chance to stand out at the paper.


Far away from the offices of the Daily Planet in a deserted Army Air Force base laid the base for the robotic robber. The largest hanger was occupied by one man and his creations. Henry Anderson once worked for the Army. During the Great War he saw that only through invention and science could the stalemate in the west be broken. However the Army higher ups laughed at him. They kicked him out shortly after the war was over. Like Linda he had a copy of the Daily Planet, and rather than being upset at the news he was delighted.

“Ha, I bet those Army idiots are squirming in their boots now.” He said aloud. Ranting to himself he walked over to his machines, “Laughed at my designs. Telling me they were too complicated, couldn’t be built, ha!”

Four massive mechanical robots, each one slightly different than the other stood before him in the hanger ready to receive orders. In another building he had his control station with a radio control unit and new long range visual transmission device, so he could see what his robots saw. He had preformed repairs and checks on Number 3 which had robbed the Savings and Loan, now he needed a new target. Leafing through the paper he saw the Ad for the JJC show.

“Yes I think this will do.” Turning to his machines he activated all four robots.


Lois was bored. At first she thought her idea that the machines would show up to rob the JJC show was a lock. Now the show was halfway done and there was no sign of anything foul. While she was checking her watch every few minutes, Jimmy was having the time of his life. He snapped some pictures of the theater and its rich crowd. It was also a thrill to see the showgirls and actors up close. At the moment a whole line of showgirls wearing sparking encrusted leotards and shoes danced a number on stage. He focused his camera on one of the dancers and her long fishnet covered legs.

Also keeping an eye on the show from the back was Linda Kent. She had looked for anything suspicious at the theater. It had looked like the robot was radio controlled last night. Maybe someone in the audience had the control device. However a search with both her enhanced and X-ray vision showed nothing of the sort. A check of the building also revealed nothing. Like Lois she was thinking this was bust, till she heard it.

Thanks to her super-hearing Linda knew it was coming before everyone else. Lois and the rest only noticed the roar till it was too late. Outside the theater people watched in shock as four machines landed trailing smoke slamming into the ground. The earth shook as the machines cracked the pavement and sidewalk with their weight. Number 1 lead off the attack, smashing through the wall with its weight.

Linda was right next to the robot as it smashed through. She was covered with rubble as it landed on top of her. The machine passed between the side balconies and loomed over the elite of the city. One by one, the other machines came in and stood beside it. People got up and began to scramble for an avenue of escape.

Controlling his machines from the airfield, Anderson laughed as he watched the people run on his black and white screen with static. He pressed some buttons on his control panel and sent a command to Number 2. The machine opened a few nozzles on its chest and unleashed a stream of green gas. It washed over the audience and worked its way up to the stage. Everyone inside the gas coughed and passed out only moments after being exposed to it.

The showgirls Jimmy had been admiring all went down as well. Too shocked to run off stage they passed out many landing next to or on top of the other. With the room knocked out the robots began their looting. Number 4 activated its powerful magnet. Suddenly all the jewelry and other stray items with the crowd began flying up and into the chest cavity of the robot. Watches, necklaces, and cufflinks were consumed.

Lois Lane and Jimmy watched from their hiding spot. Right before the gas attack, Lois pulled the young photographer aside and off stage avoiding the sleeping gas. Now they saw the robbers do their work, “Golly Miss Lane they are cleaning this place out. I’ve got plenty of pictures, should we go now?”

The reporter shook her head, “No way. Come on!”

Jimmy wondered for a moment if she had lost it but followed anyway. The two dashed pass the sleeping showgirls and hopped down into the band area. The robotic robbers were too busy to notice. Lois tried to figure out if there was anyway to tell who the robots belong to. Jimmy took some more pictures, but as he leaned back to get one of the large mechanical men into the shot, he knocked over an instrument.

One of the machines turned, or more precisely turned by Anderson. He picked up the noise on the audio sensor built into Number 4. Then he saw the source, “So seems we have some snoopers. Well I can take care of that.” Anderson sent a command to Number 2.

The robot turned and opened its nozzle again. Lois seeing what was about to happen yelled a warning. It was too late; the gas hit both of them. She coughed and tried to get away from the monster but it was too late. Lois passed out along with her photographer. Anderson took a moment to study both of his victims.

“Hmm Lois Lane and a photographer, they could show my brilliance to the world…” he pondered.

Number 1 sent out a mechanical tentacle which wrapped around both Daily Planet reporters. With ease it lifted them up and dropped them into the loot compartment inside the robot. Seeing that he had as much as his robots could carry, the Anderson ordered them back home. As the machines marched out of the theater however someone stirred. Linda had been buried under quite a bit of rubble. It took a minute for her to wiggle some room so she could use her strength. With a sigh she pushed and broke through the debris that held her down.

Upon getting to her feet she saw that the dress and coat she had been wearing were ruined and one could see her Supergirl uniform that had been hidden beneath. Before anyone could see her the Girl of Steel spun in place and removed her excess clothing and now stood in her blue, red, and yellow glory.

“So much for that outfit.” She commented tossing it aside. Turning Linda saw the escaping giants. A quick sprint put her outside with the robots which suddenly activated their rockets and wings. Fire and smoke from their exhaust covered the area and blinded Supergirl for a moment. Once it had cleared the robots were getting away.

Oh no, you’re not getting away this time, she thought. Pushing off with her legs Supergirl shot into the air after them.

They were fast and it took a burst of speed to catch up with them. The robots had been launched on a ballistic flight path. As they reached the top of their flight path they would begin to arc downwards pulled by gravity. Linda managed to get closer as they reached this point. Using her x-ray vision she saw that Jimmy and Lois were inside one of the machines. She needed to get them out of there. However ripping them out now at this high altitude would be dangerous do to the thin air.

As Supergirl got closer to the robots she set off an alarm. Anderson manning his control station activated the television camera, “Supergirl!”

He activated one of the weapons on Number 1. The machine rolled and turned slightly to put Supergirl right in its sights. Once he had it lined up he pushed the fire button. Seconds later a blast of compressed air shot a net out at Supergirl. Linda had no time to dodge the incoming weapon. It caught her and wrapped her up pinning her arms and legs together. This completely stopped her flight and Supergirl began to fall.

The robots continued their glide to the ground.


Supergirl tried to get some wiggle room within the net. It was tight and made of steel wires. Linda opened her eyes and used her heat vision to cut the part of the net covering her face. Freeing her head she struggled back and forth. Her freefall wasn’t helping. The wind and rotation in the air was making it impossible for her to turn her head and use heat vision against the rest of the net. Linda could see there was only a few thousand feet till she hit the ground hard.

Finally however she was able to wiggle her shoulder a little. It gave her arm all the room it needed. Pulling away from her side with her right arm, Supergirl snapped the net all along that side. It came apart as she moved the other parts of her body. Once free of the net Supergirl corrected her flight and steadied herself. However she had lost the robots.


Anderson has watched as his machines landed and then marched to the hanger. With glee he emptied the holds of the robots and saw the loot stolen from Metropolis pour out onto the floor. Also dropped down were the knocked out Daily Planet employees of Lois and Jimmy. Anderson pulled each of them to some chairs he had set up. Dumping each into a chair he then tied them up with ropes.

“That should take care of you two. Now let’s see what wonderful things my creations have brought.”


Supergirl decided the best way to find the robots and whoever controlled them was to fly along their flight path. She was looking for something that would serve as a proper base. Those robots would need mechanical care and somewhere they could hide. A place out of the way, she decided. After a half hour of looking Supergirl believed she found it. There was an abandoned airfield with some large hangers. Plus there were some big scorch marks on the runway.

Just like the kind a rocket would make, Linda decided. This was the place. She flew straight down to the airfield. Landing in the middle of the field she was confident in her choice. While long grass grew in most parts of the base, the runway and areas around the largest hanger were cleared. Plus there was the deep imprints left by the robots in the ground.

She walked confidently towards the main hanger.


“You’re insane you think you can get away with this?” Lois asked the former Army scientist.

“Of course I can Miss Lane. You see my robotic warriors will be wanted by every army on the planet. If you think the government is going to let some petty theft stop them from having the weapon of the century!” he answered.

Lois and Jimmy were stilled tied up in an office overlooking the hanger. They had both been forced to listen to the madman rant and rave about the government and his genius. It drove both of them crazy as he ranted. Suddenly however there was a bell ringing. Lois recognized it as an alarm.

“What’s that?” Anderson ran over to check something. Jimmy thought it looked like the outline for something. One of the lines of the diagram was flashing.

Anderson swore, “Damn the perimeter alarm!” Running to the window he peaked through the blinds. His eyes widened and he cursed again, “Damn it’s Supergirl.”

Jimmy and Lois smiled except so did Anderson, “Now I can truly test my creations!” He ran out of the office.


Supergirl was right outside the hanger door when it suddenly exploded in her face. She was showered with splinters of wood and metal. Not to mention sent flying back. Landing on her feet she prepared to face her attacker. All four robots walked out, lead by the one with the small cannon. One of the robots she saw had a speaker which blared with the voice of the robot’s creator, “Greetings Supergirl!”

“Hello, I guess you wouldn’t mind surrendering?” Linda asked.

He laughed over the speaker, “Hardly Supergirl, this will be my crowning moment.”

The four robots charged starting off with another cannon shot. Supergirl leapt into the air avoiding the shell and explosion. Soaring into the air she dived to take out the heavily armed robot first. Number 2 opened up on her with machineguns to try and protect Number 3. The rounds bounced off her body as she flew straight and true. Linda clenched her fists together moments before impact, driving them right into the heart of the robot.

It immediately gave way to her strength and massive dent was made in its chest. Supergirl pulled away and watched as it went down. She had hit something important and taken out the mechanical monster. Linda didn’t get a chance to relish her victory as another of the robots slammed its arm into her. The Girl of Steel slammed into the concrete face first. Too stunned to react, she couldn’t stop the robot from bringing its foot down right on top of her.

Number 2 continued to smash down on her body driving it deeper into the ground. As it brought its foot up again Supergirl managed to get out with a burst of speed. She then placed her hands on the metal pad as it tried to crush her again. Anderson couldn’t believe it that mere girl was stronger then his robot. She was actually pushing its leg back up. In moments Supergirl was standing and shoved the robot onto its back. It landed with a massive clank.

Anderson cried out in rage and directed Number 4 to strike. Linda was seized by the claw that formed its hand. She struggled as it lifted her up and then dumped her into the chamber inside its chest. Anderson activated some more controls, “I’m sorry Number Four but to win this battle sacrifices must be made.” He activated the self destruct sequence.

Seconds later there was an ear splitting explosion as the bomb built inside the robot went off. Lois and Jimmy wondered what had happened. Anderson had finally brought Number 2 to its feet and its brother Number 1 around to see if he had succeeded. Pieces of the machine laid everywhere. In the middle of the rubble lay the body of Supergirl. He zoomed in with his camera. She wasn’t moving.

“Yes I’ve done it my creations have destroyed Supergirl!” he yelled at the top of his lungs. Lois and Jimmy heard it and worried. They were reassured when they heard the scientist scream this time in a panic.

Supergirl got up from the ground and stood in front of the two remaining robots, “Time to end this.”

Her eyes glowed red and she shot out her heat vision. The beams cut right through the two machines. She went right down the middle of each one. As the now bisected robots fell apart their edges still glowed. With a final clanking of metal the machines landed on the ground. Anderson immediately ran from his control station. He managed to make it only a few feet before running head first into Supergirl.

Lois and Jimmy were relieved when Supergirl entered the office, “Are you two alright?”

“Just fine Supergirl!” Jimmy exclaimed excited to meet the Maiden of Might for the first time up close, “You licked those robots.”

“Yeah and I would love to hear how.” Lois asked as Supergirl untied her. Freed she rubbed her wrists and looked for something to write with. Before she could begin however Supergirl produced her notepad and pencil.

“When…” Lois started.

Supergirl smiled, “When I took Anderson to Detective Malverne. So what is your first question?”

The End
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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Excellent!! :) :) :)
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Agreed!! Another fantastic retro Supergirl story!! I really liked the use of the giant robots. Especially the one who used the sleeping gas on the whole room. One of my favorite scenarios. :D =D> I loved the part about the leotard/fishnet clad showgirls all going down in a heap and landing on top of each other. :supz: Great work Sgz!!

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Tmon, Okona thanks for the comments guys. I've got some more ideas for TOSG in the future but also might try a modern SG tale too.
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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You are an excellent writer. Thanks for sharing. Looking forward to more of your work.

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Going back over old SG stories, I came across this one and enjoyed it very much. Unless I'm mistaken, this plot is modelled after a Superman cartoon from the 40s or 50s. Down to Lois and Jimmy being put in the storage chute inside the robot. Except in the cartoon, Lois went inside the chute on purpose, as usual to get her story. Still, I liked the transfer to it being SG.
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Excellent little story SGZ! Love the quick hitter type of stories.

Well written, good KO scenarios, fun characters.


A-ha, it was an oldie. Just realized that, guess the memory is getting a little shoddy! None the less was a fun story!
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Hey thanks for the comments guys, glad you liked the story. New SG story (modern times) coming soon.
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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I THOUGHT it seemed familiar, like I had read it before! You ought to warn us when you do that! But I liked it. I kept expecting the robots to suddenly sprout energy cannons powered by you-know-what, and when they didn't, I was flabbergasted, but in a good way!
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