Just want some insight from our fans and viewers!!

General discussions about superheroines!
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Just want to get a preliminary feel for this:

We are going to begin our fund-raising campaign for our project 'Psygents'. The intention is to raise enough for a nice promo video which will introduce you to the concept, plot, and four lead female characters of the series/brand.

For those of you who don't know, the project has been going on for almost half a year with concepting, training, and development. It is now Trademarked and Copyrighted so all concepts, images, etc are protected.

It is a Charlie's Angels meets X-Men type of project and will be high-concept, high VFX, high focus on storyline and, of course, very sexy!

Our campaign will allow for minimum contributions of $1 and go up to as high as you want to contribute with different levels of 'perks' for contributing. It will be run as a typical Kickstarter Program. While this is not a Superheroine peril series, it will include many elements and the things we have learned from the filming of 'Heroine Legends' within the project. This project has the bar set VERY high for it and is meant to be a very globally interactive brand.

The project website is still under construction, but you can see the promo photo attached to this post to get an idea of the lead females and their powers.

We'd like some feedback about this project and whether or not it's something you would stand behind on any level, whether it be $1 or more. This is only for our personal knowledge as to where our fan base stands on the new concept/project.

Thanks for reading and I look forward to your input!!

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It sounds interesting but I can not make any type of informed comment without knowing more about the content etc.

If it is just a sexy team of supernats kicking butt all day long then I would have very little interest but if there was peril and an element of real danger then it might spark my interest.

If for example it is to be as boring as Dark Angel,Witchblade or the Bionic Woman remake then I doubt I would be interested.

I will check out the website when you announce it though.
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What Rayman said. :cool2:
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I am definitely intrigued as long as there's some peril and knockouts involved!
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I think I can definitely say that we are taking what we've learned from the filming of Heroine Legends and what the viewers want and applying it to this new series. It is targeted for mainstream, but knockouts, chloros, carry offs, and the girl in trouble are definite integral components of any successful series like this. :)

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Staff Sargeant
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I'll probably just stick with your Heroine Legends stuff. I prefer superheroine outfits and costumes - there's always a chance a PsyAgents trailer may catch my eye though.
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ledonatello wrote:I'll probably just stick with your Heroine Legends stuff. I prefer superheroine outfits and costumes - there's always a chance a PsyAgents trailer may catch my eye though.
This won't be a pay-per-view series. This is going to be an internationally marketed mainstream series/brand. The Kickstarter campaign will be to get this off the ground to get a nice trailer/promo put together :)

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