Does you friends/family know about you fetish?

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How is theire reaction of your friend and family?

My family and friend didn`t know a bit. A problem is that in europe/germany. There is not a little bit of superherofetish debatte on TV. I mean some German programms, debate about any kind of bizarre and crazy fetish. But not about the superhero/batfetish, which has so much class. What`s wrong with them?
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I admitted on the radio show I used to work for that my wife wears a super girl costume for me in bed so my family knows that. They don't know the "peril" aspect of it though. I don't think they would understand the whole bondage, rape, peril, torture, pain aspect of it. That part I will probably take to my grave. Its hard for me to understand it. I love seeing all that stuff but would NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS wish it on someone. I guess I just can't help what gives me a boner.
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Batfetish wrote:How is theire reaction of your friend and family?

My family and friend didn`t know a bit. A problem is that in europe/germany. There is not a little bit of superherofetish debatte on TV. I mean some German programms, debate about any kind of bizarre and crazy fetish. But not about the superhero/batfetish, which has so much class. What`s wrong with them?
They know, but no one will be up front and honest about any of it. There's a giggling, teasing quality to any vague reference to it, with a critical undertone. Disapproval and a refusal to try to understand are both clearly conveyed. Generally, though, it's not a problem. They just treat it as some odd quirk of mine, most of the time, and the topic is mutually avoided.

In a broader cultural sense, I have seen some mainstream(-ish) discussion of the fetish, at least on the internet. I recall some website which covers news and culture interviewing the operator of a website dedicated to the SHIB fetish, years ago. The interview was open-minded and tolerant, but the interviewee was careful to state that the fetish is "not for kids". He noted that the mainstream superhero culture of his own childhood had brought him to his adult fetish, and balked at where some kid might end up, starting not from that mainstream material but from the fetish-kink version.

And I think maybe that's the core of any cultural discomfort with the fetish (or any cultural discomfort which might be greater than that held for any other fetish or for sexuality in general). Superheroes are still largely regarded as "kid stuff", at least in mainstream U.S. culture. Comics in general, the entire medium deeply associated with the superhero genre now for decades, suffers much the same stigma. Superheroes are an interest appropriate for children, the idea runs. As a result, any adult still interested in the topic may have something wrong with them. Any adult with a sexual twist to that interest is perhaps seen as a bit dangerous, a high-risk source of potential corruption of children. As a result, the mainstream culture dances carefully around this and similar topics. But here in the U.S. we're a bit crazy when it comes to sexuality in general, in our mainstream culture. The culture bombards us with hints of sex from every direction, but also has a terrible fear of ever discussing sex or sexuality more directly and openly. I don't know what it's like in Germany. I'm told that European culture overall is more open about such things. We're kind of weird about it, here, though. :laugh:
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Nobody has sex in Britain, its what Johnny Foreigners do. Consequently the subject is never discussed. But whilst i have had the yearning to see the good guys lose (well gals anyway) since childhood, it was a Bizarre magazine article 3 or 4 years back that made me realise it wasnt anything particularly unhealthy in wanting to fuck a beautiful girl in a skin tight cozzy. Sometimes I see myself as her rescuer and we do it out of gratitude for me saving her, sometimesI'm the villain who is going to take advantage of her.
A lot of established psychotherapy is bollocks anyway. Freuds Oedipus complex for example .Oedipus didnt KNOW IT WAS HIS MOTHER. Thats a world away from someone knowing it and still wanting to have a go. If they cant name they're own neurosis categories properly how are they gonna understand those of a stranger? So I wouldnt worry about being understood.
Below is the lovely Jerri Byrne from the Bizarre mag photo shoot that got me hooked
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They are more open, but not in a Superhero/Batfetish!!
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Reaction :

Girl #1: "That's weird" - broke up with her
Girl #2: "I'm not sure about that" -wasn't really even into bandage either. Broke up.
Girl #3: "I'll try it" - Never did. Tried bandage, didn't enjoy it. Broke up.

I'm engaged now, but I didn't even bring it up to her. Made me question if there are any women who actually enjoy this niche in real life. :-P
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i guess i have been sorta lucky in that respect while i havent fully expounded on the "whole" thing (peril forced things as such) i havent had any problem getting my significant other (both of them to include 2 girlfriends in between of them) will all dress up for me especially if i purchase the outfit (unitard) as a surprise and just straight up ask them to wear it for me, the bondage thing was broached to me by one of them which turned out to be awesome for me to just run them ragged with O's and i actually had one as a sort of gift for me she was wearing a unitard go running with me one day , she was wearing a tracksuit over it when we got to the cross country trail we enjoyed running she stripped out of the pants and jacket and took off down the trail smiling at me like an idiot,,,needless to say i got ahead of her on the trail found a blind corner in the tree line and returned the favor by full filling something she had been asking me to do for her ( i jumped out of the tree line threw her jacket over her head bound her arms with zip cuffs and dragged her into the brush ,,,,well, figure out the rest :) she was awesome, i loved her :)
it is very scary to tell someone you care about everything you like, but i ask why do you have to tell them everything feel them out pay attention to what they say you will know where or when to draw the line or at least you should if you care about them and thier opinion of you but no reason not to at least test the waters,,,it sucks that mnit83 above had picked ones that cant get into it for him, if you find one thatwill or better yet one that gets it like you get it marry her, or at least make her as happy as you can so she will want to marry you :)
if she wears the batgirl unitard and lets u cuff her,,,,propose :) after you get her off a few times, hedge your bets to get that breathless yes :P
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its still rare, i know i have kept looking lol
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And no i have not mentioned my fascination with anyone but i have moved conversations in that direction. I just feel I would like to keep it private.

too bad there is no way to tell if a woman was into it.
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I'm the 'normal' one....It's everyone else out there that has the problems. :)
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batgirl1969 wrote:
Godz24 wrote:And no i have not mentioned my fascination with anyone but i have moved conversations in that direction. I just feel I would like to keep it private.

too bad there is no way to tell if a woman was into it.
If you see a girl at a con in a skin tight heroine costume or showing lots of skin? yeah...that pretty much cinches it...she is into some kinky stuff!! Trust me! Us girls know whats up and we always can tell

Maybe in chicago its a little different lol. Ill keep a look out at wizard world. Too bad i cant read peoples minds lol.
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my fetish is on a need to know basis and my family and friends don't need to know. My wife appeases me w/ wearing something tight occasionally to bed, but she's not really into the 'superheroine peril' aspect of it. That's still OK w/ me - at least she's trying.
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batgirl1969 wrote:
Godz24 wrote:
batgirl1969 wrote:
Godz24 wrote:And no i have not mentioned my fascination with anyone but i have moved conversations in that direction. I just feel I would like to keep it private.

too bad there is no way to tell if a woman was into it.
If you see a girl at a con in a skin tight heroine costume or showing lots of skin? yeah...that pretty much cinches it...she is into some kinky stuff!! Trust me! Us girls know whats up and we always can tell

Maybe in chicago its a little different lol. Ill keep a look out at wizard world. Too bad i cant read peoples minds lol.

Most cons I go to I always seem to somehow run into some lets say kinky time I met a nice steampunk chic and her man...lets say it got a little steamy corsets can be TIGHT when someone else is forcing it on you....funny thing was they asked me to hang out. I was like "sure!"
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'You are the proof that I am not insane'

I like that BF, you could put it on a t shirt!
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Batfetish wrote:How is theire reaction of your friend and family?

A problem is that in europe/germany.
Hey man, I'm from germany too. And yes it's not a fetish that can be found to often in this country I guess. But hard to tell for me. I didn't tell anyone really about I guess many do it the same way. The friends only know that i like movies with superhero/superheroines... And that's a little nerdy at most. And "my" fetish is "only" about masks and unmasking. Not the really hard stuff.
You can hide behind your mask...but not for long!
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awesome! have a great time. WW come to chitown next week
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same day i was planning to go , ill keep a look out!
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sure I will look for whatever you are going to be. send a PM
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Maybe its an age thing?

I am in my mid twenties and never have had an issue getting girls I am involved with to embrace my kinks. I think a lot of it is in the wording and tone of how you explain it. If your bringing it up like its something your ashamed of then of course the impression it will leave won't be a positive one.

If you embrace it like its fun in the tone of your voice (or text) it creates a fun place for your partner to venture too rather than your darkest nightmares. What girl doesn't love Batman? (I know some do, but Im talking majority rule) "50 shades of gray"s popularity I think only shows that the mass culture loves kink and bondage. But there is also the taboo of it, poor media portrayal of vacant basements where everyone is a gimp in tight leather.

Sports Illustrated as their infamous swimsuit edition every year, its not a big jump to put a cape and mask on that fantasy. Women know men like that, why not this?

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hmmm great advice
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tallyho wrote:Nobody has sex in Britain, its what Johnny Foreigners do. Consequently the subject is never discussed. But whilst i have had the yearning to see the good guys lose (well gals anyway) since childhood, it was a Bizarre magazine article 3 or 4 years back that made me realise it wasnt anything particularly unhealthy in wanting to fuck a beautiful girl in a skin tight cozzy. Sometimes I see myself as her rescuer and we do it out of gratitude for me saving her, sometimesI'm the villain who is going to take advantage of her.
A lot of established psychotherapy is bollocks anyway. Freuds Oedipus complex for example .Oedipus didnt KNOW IT WAS HIS MOTHER. Thats a world away from someone knowing it and still wanting to have a go. If they cant name they're own neurosis categories properly how are they gonna understand those of a stranger? So I wouldnt worry about being understood.
Below is the lovely Jerri Byrne from the Bizarre mag photo shoot that got me hooked
Where can we see more of this hottie, Jerri Byrne?
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Jerri 's a page 3 girl who did regular slots in Bizarre magazine.
I've never found that shoot complete anywhere - it was on a German site but the topless pics got removed.
Here is the cover, but I don't want to derail the thread so I'll add the ones I've got to the Gallery under 'others.' Or whatever the misc section is.

On topic my mate in work knows but because of the job I do I need to kinda keep it quiet anyway so he's the only one, but it just gradually emerged between me and him, and I know what's his is too.

Thing is generally you don't kinda talk about such things day today. Never found a partner I felt like sharing it with unfortunately.
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batgirl1969 wrote:
SHL wrote:Maybe its an age thing?

I am in my mid twenties and never have had an issue getting girls I am involved with to embrace my kinks. I think a lot of it is in the wording and tone of how you explain it. If your bringing it up like its something your ashamed of then of course the impression it will leave won't be a positive one.

If you embrace it like its fun in the tone of your voice (or text) it creates a fun place for your partner to venture too rather than your darkest nightmares. What girl doesn't love Batman? (I know some do, but Im talking majority rule) "50 shades of gray"s popularity I think only shows that the mass culture loves kink and bondage. But there is also the taboo of it, poor media portrayal of vacant basements where everyone is a gimp in tight leather.

Sports Illustrated as their infamous swimsuit edition every year, its not a big jump to put a cape and mask on that fantasy. Women know men like that, why not this?

Have a nice day, wish you all the best!!!!

Don't be ashamed! The best sex of your life is still ahead of you!
YES...well said friend...I am at a convention right now and WOW....the freaks come out at night here...anyone here heard of fandom fest? well stalkers....thats where this chica is at this weekend and I am about to rock this bitch! And I sure hope the best sex of my life is ahead of me...
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Wish you all the best, have a nice day!!
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My current girlfriend is the only person I've ever discussed my fetish with. Thankfully, she didn't make me feel like a creep about it and was totally supportive/accepting. Even went with me on and helped pick out some costumes. We've done some roleplay sex a few times, and a few times I just fucked her while she was in costume. Either way, it's been totally incredible and super fulfilling to get to live out my wildest sexual fantasy. She's actually starting to enjoy aspects of it herself, which is REALLY exciting. We did some roleplaying last week, and it ended up with her in the sex swing using the hitachi while I fucked her - she came for 20 mins straight, no joke. It was easily the hardest she had ever came. She said the fantasy was actually starting to do something for her.

I do think age probably has something to do with it. We're in our mid-twenties, and people in this generation are more open and expressive sexually than ever.
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I believe it you are correct definitely a generation thing. I am 30 and i still haven't really found anyone i have felt comfortable mentioning my fetish to. I remember the Supergirl 1984 movie as being the main thing that got me into this. I still own it. Hmm i cant wait until wizard world!
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looks like no wiz world for me this year :/. wish i coulda met some of you who were planning on going
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well that sucks. and too bad for me lol actually maybe i should just go there on friday.
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Any pics to share guys?
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batgirl1969 wrote:
mnit83 wrote:Reaction :

Girl #1: "That's weird" - broke up with her
Girl #2: "I'm not sure about that" -wasn't really even into bandage either. Broke up.
Girl #3: "I'll try it" - Never did. Tried bandage, didn't enjoy it. Broke up.

I'm engaged now, but I didn't even bring it up to her. Made me question if there are any women who actually enjoy this niche in real life. :-P

YES there are...ME!! my sister is too!
The only people in my family that know are her and our older Step Brother, he "introduced" me to this genre by taking me to my first comic con Dragoncon in Atlanta....I was hooked as a superheroine from then on out and I am now 23 so yes, women like, we love it, we just dont let many people is afterall kind of dangerous for us!
Well superheroines are supposed to have secret identities, after all. I think comicons are the perfect place to find open-minded people, just as rock shows are the place to find people who like that. They might not all be into peril, but it should be fairly clear who might and might not be.
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batgirl1969 wrote:Crazy! So far in 2.5 days no one has found me or asked me if was batgirl1969 or have i tell you? You know who you are you evil villain...did i act surprised? You tell me! I did meet some very special mortal combat girls and a very very cute harley...she was fun!

i was looking for a mini batgirl, didnt see one lol.
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batgirl1969 wrote:
Godz24 wrote:
batgirl1969 wrote:Crazy! So far in 2.5 days no one has found me or asked me if was batgirl1969 or have i tell you? You know who you are you evil villain...did i act surprised? You tell me! I did meet some very special mortal combat girls and a very very cute harley...she was fun!

i was looking for a mini batgirl, didnt see one lol.

I was not batgirl...the subtle hints I dropped and catsuit...I was a catwoman...had a cool set of ears too!
didnt see any cat women either! oh well my loss! maybe next time
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batgirl1969 wrote:
Godz24 wrote:
batgirl1969 wrote:
Godz24 wrote:
batgirl1969 wrote:Crazy! So far in 2.5 days no one has found me or asked me if was batgirl1969 or have i tell you? You know who you are you evil villain...did i act surprised? You tell me! I did meet some very special mortal combat girls and a very very cute harley...she was fun!

i was looking for a mini batgirl, didnt see one lol.

I was not batgirl...the subtle hints I dropped and catsuit...I was a catwoman...had a cool set of ears too!
didnt see any cat women either! oh well my loss! maybe next time
seriously>??? I ran into like 3 or 4 of really good catwoman too...she had a cool whip...kind of steam punk like.
I went on friday, at about noon to 2. I saw 2 DoA cosplayers, very good btw. I saw a cute harley quinn and Batgirl, also a power girl. but no catwomen
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Apparently I'm one of the few lucky ones. My wife knows and has no problems using different suits in the bedroom, we have a powergirl suit, 2 supergirl suits (the classic skirted one, and the new leotard style one), a beautiful huntress suit, a couple of WW suits, a Princess Adora suit (one of my favorites), and lots of gymnastic leotards.
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A sample of the costumes we use, my wife is just the best.

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wow you are one lucky man
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I have a couple of costumes, why would my wife get all the fun of dressing up?, she recorded this a couple of years ago.
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