dubbphil is back! And bringing K & Whiff with me.

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Hey everyone, been a while since I've posted. Had a problem with my profile and was deleted accidentally. Unfortunately all of my previous stories went with it. Was pissed and figured that was that. But I've gotten back on the horse and wrote a little something.

For those who don't know me and hadn't read any of my previous stuff, here's the lowdown. What's great about this board that MH started is there is something for everyone. In my stories you won't find crazy violence, death or sex scenes. I'm campy. A la Batman from the 60's. Corny dialogue, not super in depth storylines. Just fun easy reads with a simple formula of heroines meet villains, heroines get captured by villains, heroines defeat villains. All the players are homemade and are mostly every day people. I try to update as quickly as possible, but sometimes takes me a bit to finish up a story.

If my cheese isn't your deal, I respect that and take absolutely zero offense. If it is, take a read as one of the first heroine teams I made a while back, K & Whiff return to action against formidable foes.

Thanks for reading...
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“So far so good tonight” said K as she and her partner made their way across State U’s Campus
“I’ll say so. It’s been kinda nice around here lately. Haven’t had too many problems” replied her partner Whiff

K and Whiff were actually Donna and Erin, the two Stars of State U’s softball team and consensus All-Americans. Donna threw a blistering fastball and led the team in every offensive category, while her best friend Erin relied more on pinpoint accuracy with her pitching.

Donna stood 5’10” and had long blonde hair. And while Erin was only 5’4”, her blonde athletic frame was impressive. Both on the Dean’s list, the chemisty majors used their knowledge of Chemistry, Physics and Engineering to manufacture their weapons.

K (baseball/softball lingo for strikeout) has a satchel of softballs as part of her utility belt. They explode on impact releasing a potent and engulfing cloud of blue knock-out gas that renders the target unconscious almost instantly. Not to be outdone, Whiff (also terminology for strikeout, but also a play on her pistols) has 3 pistols holstered to her utility belt. The 1st emits a fine stream of royal blue gas that knocks its target right out. The 2nd is an adhesive that will stop its target dead in its tracks and lastly the 3rd fires a strong truth serum spray that, much like Wonder Woman’s lasso, makes the target unable to resist telling the truth. She had deadly accuracy and can nail a target from across a room.

Each heroine also has sticky athletic tape that doubles as their form of handcuffs as well as other do dads that get them out of trouble they often find themselves in.

Their heroine outfits are similar to a softball uniform, but sexed up in school colors. K wears a short sleeved white leotard with blue gloves, with white/blue striped skin tight pants that stop at the knee. Her white stirrups are actually tights that she wears underneath her pants that are impervious to tranq darts, needles and the like. Her blue mask, white/blue shoes and an embroidered blue K across her ample chest complete her stunning outfit.

Whiff’s outfit is similar but inversed. Blue leotard with white gloves, blue/white stiped skin tight pants and blue tights doubling as stirrups that too protect her against enemies who may try and take her out with tranq darts or injections. Also wearing a blue mask and blue/white shoes with a white W across her chest, they were as stunning as they are a force to be reckoned with.

As they were nearing the end of their routine patrol, they saw a light on in the campus general store. A higher end 7-11, the store was a destination during the day and early eveings for students. Coffee, sandwiches, snacks, alcohol were all available for purchase. But was only open till 10pm so it was strange that the lights were still on.

“It’s midnight, who would be working this late at the store on a Sunday night?” inquired K
“Would think only us losers” quipped Whiff “I’m sure someone just left the lights on K”
“Probably right. Ok let’s head hom…..Did you see that?” she asked her partner as several people moved through the store.
“Yep. I’m sure it’s some drunk kids trying to get more beer. “ replied Whiff
“Well whoever it is, we need to go get them. Come on” said K

The two heroines came to the entrance of the store and heard several female voices inside.
“Looks like there are 4 of them, but they are girls?” said Whiff
“Sorority girls probably doing some sort of initiation. We’ll let them off easy, come on”

The heroines entered the store and were surprised when they saw what the 3 girls were wearing. Black leotards with red gloves. Red tights and black boots. One was blonde who stood at 5’8”, the 2nd auburn hair who was also 5’8” and the 3rd was 5’6” was a strawberry blonde. All 3 had their hair in a ponytail.
“Uh, what kind of sorority prank is this?” asked Whiff

“Not a sorority prank at all, I can assure you Whiff” said a voice of a 4th girl, who came from behind the back of the store where the safe was. She was as tall as K, 5’10” with brunette hair tightly tied into a ponytail. She had on a red leotard with black gloves, with black tights and red boots.

“Who are you?” asked K who began to unlatch the satchel on her utility belt. These were not drunk sorority girls and she and her partner were badly outnumbered. Whiff sensing the same, slowly moved her hand down to her sleep pistol.

“That is none of your concern now. We shall meet again very soon I can assure you. Now if you’ll excuse use, we’ll be going” said the brunette villain.

“You’re not going anywhere!” said K as she prepared to fire one of her potent softballs at the group of villains.
“Hold it right there” said Whiff pointing her sleep pistol at the gang of crooks.

“Ah yes. Your weapons. I’ll go ahead and take those” said the villainess as she extended both arms in the direction of the heroines. “Wouldn’t want them to interfere with my plan”
“What are you talking about?” said Whiff defiantly which then turned to confusion “You’re not taking…What the???”

Whiff was suddenly having trouble holding on to her sleep pistol. At the same time, K was also losing the grip on her softball.
“Whiff, I’m losing grip. Can’t hold on…” said K struggling
“Me too” replied Whiff

The villainess fixated her eyes on the two heroines and was prying their weapons from their hands. From across the store!!!!!

They couldn’t hold on any longer, let go of their weapons and stood shocked as the softball and pistol floated away from them towards the villainess. They floated in midair just out of their reach “What the hell?” said K.
“Must be some sort of kinetic power” said Whiff

Before they could go on, the villainess said “Correct you are Whiff. My name is Mindbender and we are taking this city over!!!”
“What do you want Mindbender?” said K
“What do I want? What do I want K? Ah, right. I want you both to sleep” she said as she thrust her arms at the heroines.

Before they could react, K’s softball hurled back at them and exploded at their feet engulfing K and Whiff in a cloud of blue gas.

As it happened in a flash, they were unable to try and hold their breath. Both knew it was futile but desperately tried to clear the air around them. After only a few seconds, K & Whiff collapsed to the floor of the store in an unconscious heap.

One of the brunette henchwomen closed her eyes, disappeared from where she was standing and reappeared right next to the slumbering heroines. “Should we finish them off Mindbender?” she asked kicking Whiff over onto her back.
“In due time Teleport, in due time.” She responded. “Now let’s go, we have work to do”

The villain and her team quickly left the store with money and food in hand. But more importantly, left State U’s Prized Protectors defeated and unconscious…at the hands of their own weapons.


Posted a couple pics of K/Whiff. Making the villainesses and will post when finished.
State U's Prized Protector, K
K.jpg (125.56 KiB) Viewed 7549 times
K's partner and best Friend, Whiff
Whiff.jpg (129.43 KiB) Viewed 7549 times
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Awesome start D and welcome back!

Looking forward to more of this first time K and Whiff have faced a superpowered opponent right? They might need to call in some help maybe?

Nice start and as usual love turning the heroine's weapons against them.
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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I'm looking forward to seeing the drawings of the villains. love it when they're in leotards and tights, too.
Neophyte Lvl 3
Neophyte Lvl 3
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I'm SOOOO!!! glad that you have returned with with the sexy softballers.
I love the use of brightly colored sleeping gas your stories and your female counter parts are always in tights and leos. everyone in the story gets KO'd at least once sometimes twice

I'm eagerly awaiting your next post.
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Awesome work man.. SO excited to see the post and hope you keep the good work going..
Neophyte Lvl 2
Neophyte Lvl 2
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Welcome back! I've been quietly reading your posts over the years and love K & Whiff!

Please could you add some chloroform into this story (maybe have K chloro Whiff even if it's an accident)?
Also maybe have them fall in love at/near the end?
Neophyte Lvl 3
Neophyte Lvl 3
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i hope the next chapter of k & whiff comes soon love your stuff!!!
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Thanks for the kind words everyone. And patience as well. Onto part 2, with part 3 almost done:

“Ugh…” moaned K as she came to. “What the f?” she wondered aloud as she rolled over to check her partner.

“Whiff…Whiff” she said trying to rouse her unconscious sidekick.
“Is it time for get up for class?” Whiff said as she opened her eyes.
“Very funny. Come on, let’s get you on your feet” said K as she helped her partner up.
“What the hell was that K?” asked a groggy Whiff trying to shake the cobwebs. “Never seen anything like it”
“Some sort of kinetic powers. I couldn’t hold the softball once she put her mind to it” replied K
“Yeah I knew we were screwed when that happened. Last thing I remember was the ball whizzing back at us and then blacked out”
“Ditto. Was out in a flash” said K
“Well let’s get back to the dorms and see if we can figure out who these girls are” said Whiff.

State U’s prized protectors exited the store and headed home to lick their wounds. The next morning, Whiff was up early researching kinetic powers and mind control. K and her had never faced a villain like this before and was trying to find anything they could use to capture them.

As she was scrolling through a page on the web, her iChat pinged. “Cheers, Erin” is what it read. Erin got a big smile on her face when she read it. The message was from their British friend Nicola, who was better known across the pond as British Knight, the English Superheroine who along with her Partner Bullseye, joined forces with k & Whiff to take down one of England’s biggest crime rings last Spring Break. They now keep in regular contact to help each other with the various crooks they encounter.

“Hey Emily, how’s everything?” typed Erin
“Excellent. You?” replied Emily
“Not so good. New villain in town. Took Donna and I out last night.” Replied Erin
“Oh no, are you guys ok?”
“We’re fine. The main villain calls herself Mindbender. She pried our weapons from our hands from across the room with her mind.” Said Erin
“Kinetic power. And from the sound of it, very strong kinetic power. What did she do with your weapons?”
“Sent Donna’s softball back at us which knocked us both right out as it exploded. When we came to, they were gone.”
“Oh Erin, well at least it was just Donna’s knockout gas and not something worse.”
“Yeah good point.”
“Was Mindbender alone?”
“No, she had 3 partners. They did not do anything, at least before we were gassed out”
“This sounds like trouble for you guys”
“Have you guys ever faced anyone like this before?”
“We have, a few years back. And it was a doosey . We had her dead in the water so many times, but she escaped almost every time. But we finally got the drop on her and is behind bars now”
“Any tips? Donna and I are in over our heads on this one. “typed Erin
“Of course. But rather than typing it out, maybe Emily and I can come stateside and provide some assistance.” Replied Nicola
“Really Nicola? That would be fantastic. Are you sure you can get away?”
“Shouldn’t be a problem. Things have been quiet here lately and frankly we can use a vacation!”
“This is great. Can’t wait to tell Donna.”
“Well get this sorted out for you guys Erin, see you in a few days. Cheers” typed Nicola as she signed off

Donna came out of her room and saw Erin at the computer. “How are you even awake? I feel like I got hit by a fucking truck Erin. The gas in my balls really packed a wallop”
“Want to repeat the last part of your sentence.” Quipped Erin with a smile
Donna said “The gas in my balls really…” Donna started laughing. “Guess that came out wrong. See I’m still really groggy.
“Well I’ve got some good news that will cheer you up” said Erin as she handed her roommate a cup of coffee. “Nicole and Annabelle are coming for a visit!!”
“Really? When” Donna replied with a grin
“Tomorrow! I was chatting with Nicola and told her about our new adversary and asked if they’ve ever gone up against a villain like this before. She said they had and offered to come help us out.”
“That is awesome Erin. We need all the help we can get. If our weapons are useless, not sure how we can take Mindbender down. Not to mention, we don’t even know what her henchwomen are capable of.”
“Good point, I wonder if they have special powers as well?” said Erin in a concerned voice.

The next day the girls were walking back to their dorms when they saw a white Porsche Panamera pull up. “There they are” said Erin.
She and Donna raced over to meet their friends.

“So good to see you guys!” said Donna as she hugged Nicola
“Hey guys. So happy to be here!” replied Annabelle
“See you brought your car?” asked Erin of the White Panamera
“No, daddy had this arranged for us with someone from your CIA” replied Nicola. “Not quite the same as our, but with most of the bells and whistles.”

Nicola’s dad Sir Tommy was the Chief of MI6 in England, their version of the Secret Service. For years, Nicola and her best friend Annabelle have been better known as British Knight and Bullseye, the renowned heroines. Sir Tommy had no idea that British Knight was actually his daughter and had been trying to capture and arrest them for impeding investigations. By luck, he found out the truth and has since been working with his daughter to help fight crime in their beloved country.

“So things have been good with your dad?” asked Erin
“Oh yeah, we’re getting along famously now that he knows. Even built us a new HQ.” replied Nicola with a smile
“Yeah, bit better now that he isn’t trying to chase and arrest us” laughed Annabelle
“What about Evie?” asked Donna “Is she still part of the team?” Dona was referring to Nicola’s sister Evie who was chief technological and weapons officer for MI6. She had covertly given Nicola and Annabelle weapons, gadgets and info over the years.
“Oh yeah, she is still there. Unable to join us unfortunately. You know luvs, duty calls and all” said Nicola
“Well we are so stoked you guys are here. And not a minute too soon, know Erin told you about our run-in last night” said Donna
“Yeah, sounds like a tough one girls. But don’t fret now, we’re here to help” replied Nicola.
“That’s all well and good girls, but we just flew 10 hrs to get here, can we get a pint first before we begin?” asked Annabelle with a grin
“Of course, come on let’s go” said Erin

They ended up at one of the Campus Bars and before they knew it, they were hammered. Nicola and Annabelle were loving life in the US. The 4 girls were surrounded by fraternity boys, football players and the party was rocking.
“This is fucking brilliant!” shouted Nicola as she clanked her glass off of Erin’s
They were definitely living it up.

As the night was winding down, the girls had enough and were ready to make their exit. As Donna took one last swig of beer, she saw 4 familiar faces enter the bar.

“Guys, that’s them” she motioned.
“Really now” whispered Nicola as she surveyed the scene.

As with their 1st encounter, all 4 girls were in Black leotards with red gloves, red tights and black boots. The brunette one who called herself Mindbender was clearly the leader.

At first everyone stared at the girls, but after a few they went back to their business figuring they were sorority girls out at a costume party.

“What are the other 2 girls’ powers?” whispered Annabelle
“Not sure. The only 1 we saw do anything was Mindbender, the one in the middle blonde.” Said Erin
“Yeah everything happened so quickly, didn’t see anyone else do anything before we were out” added Donna nervously
“What do we do?” asked Erin
“We wait. We’re all pissed drunk. NO match for frat boys let alone super villains.” Whispered Nicola

After a few minutes, a couple of football players approached the girls.
“What’s your deal ladies, costume party?” asked one of the guys
“Costumes? Not exactly” said one of the blonde villains
“More like our work uniforms?” said the auburn haired villain
“Work, like strippers? YES!” quipped one of the meathead football players as he fist bumped his buddies
Mindbender stood up and focused on the football player who immediately flew across the into the jukebox.
“What the fuck!” yelled one of the players. “Why…How did you do that?” he said a little nervously looking at his unconscious buddy
“Like this” replied Mindbender as she sent him across the bar into a table full of patrons.

At this point the atmosphere in the bar was bedlam; a couple other football players attacked Mindbender but were met with bolts of electricity from 2 of the villains.

“Disappear, the front door” said Mindbender noticing people were making a break for it. The brunette villain closed her eyes and popped from where she was standing to the entrance of the bar, blocking the exit of the terrified patrons.

“Now that we’ve had our fun everyone, we would encourage all of you to empty your belongings into the bags my associates are holding. NO need for anyone else to be hurt this fine evening is there?” said Mindbender as she stood atop the bar.

“Safe to say, they are all powered villains ladies.” Whispered Nicola as the blonde heroine approached them with the bag
“Come on, money and jewelry into the bag bitches” said the blonde
Erin, Donna, Nicola and Annabelle complied, dumping their cash and watches into the bag. Nicola was especially perturbed; the watch was a gift from her father. Her mother had worn it and her father gave it to her once he realized his daughter was British Knight England’s Superheroine of record.

“I’ll be getting that back shortly” said Nicola grabbing the villains arm as she slid the watch of Nicola’s wrist
“Is that right?” said the blonde villain
“Most definitely love. Most definitely” smirked Nicola still holding her arm. She was drunk and knew she should just let her go, but was seething at the fact she was taking her mother’s watch from her.
“Nic, come on let her go. Sorry miss, she’s incredibly drunk. We don’t want any trouble” said Annabelle trying to get Nicola to let go.
“No problem my British friends, if she wants to hold on for the ride then let’s give her her monies worth” said the blonde

The blonde villain’s left arm begin coursing with electricity that immediately began to transfer to Nicola since she was still holding her arm. Nicola began writhing in pain as she was zapped full of electricity.
“Stop it” yelled Annabelle as she lunged for the villain. Donna grabbed her before she could knowing if she touched the villain she’d also get zapped.

That’s enough Zap!” yelled Mindbender to her blonde colleague. “Release her”
“As you wish Mindbender” she said as the electricity stopped immediately.
Nicola dropped to the floor in a heap, still twitching.
“Thank you all for your assistance. Until we meet again…” she said as the 4 villains left the bar

Annabelle, Donna and Erin checked on Nicola. She had stopped twitching from the electric assault and was unconscious on her back.
“She’ll be fine, her pulse is strong she’s just unconscious at this point.” Said Annabelle
“Let’s get her out of here” said Donna as they carried Nicola out.

Later that night, Nicola had recovered and the girls assessed the situation.
“So they are all powered, Zap and Charge had the electric powers. The one called Disappear has ability to teleport and Mindbender can move things with her mind.” Recounted Donna
“Holy shit guys, how do we fight them? We’ve never gone against anyone like this?” said Erin
“They are formidable ladies, yes they are, but not unbeatable.” Said Nicola, “Like I told you Erin, we have gone up against villains like Mindbender before and they can be defeated.
“How?” asked Donna
“Biggest thing against Villain and Disappear will be to disrupt their train of thought so they can’t concentrate” answered Annabelle
“How do we disrupt their train of thought? They are so quick?” said Erin
“Loud noises, bright lights, that sort of thing” answered Nicola as she produced an air horn from her luggage
“An air horn?” said Erin
“Yep love, an air horn. Not the most sophisticated Superhero Weapon, but effective nonetheless” said Annabelle.” It disorients them and gives us ability to use our weapons to take them out!”
“Took us many encounters to figure it out, but trust us it works.” Said Nicola
“What about Zap and Charge? How do we stop them, you saw what they did?” said Erin
“That’s the question. We haven’t gone up against this kind of villain before. And believe me that jolt she gave me was a doozy girls” smirked Nicola
“So what’s the plan then?” asked Donna
“We don our heroine outfits and go surprise them at their hideout” replied Nicola
“Their hideout? We have no clue where they are?” said Erin with a puzzled look
“Yeah Nicola, are you feeling ok after being zapped?” replied Donna
“Oh ladies, you Americans have so much to learn” smiled Nicola as she opened her laptop

There was a red dot on the map displaying on the computer screen. “You thought I didn’t want to part with my mother’s watch for sentimental reasons. While that may be true, I was also activating the GPS installed in the gears to track them. Just needed a bit to activate it on the winder on the watch. Glad I was able to before she zapped me though”
“Fucking Brilliant Nic, genius!” said Annabelle
“You are awesome Nicola” said Erin
“They are holed up in the flower shop over on State Street, about 10 minutes from here” said Donna
“Why a flower shop?” asked Annabelle
“Interesting to say the least girls. Maybe we drop in on the birds and see for ourselves?” said Nicola
“Can we get some rest first? I’m still drunk” said Erin

All 4 burst into laughter. “And I’m not feeling great after my shock therapy. Agreed tomorrow we go after them, they’ll never expect it” said Nicola

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Nice update D, glad to see Nicola is a lady who likes to be prepared :)

Love the super-baddies, electrical, teleport, and mind powers a real challenge for the softball superheroines and their Brit friends. I expect that things won't go completely to plan ending up with some costumed cuties out cold and tied up :)

Keep up the great work!
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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Any feedback is greatly appreciated guys...On to the next one:

The next afternoon the girls had readied their costumes and were hatching the plan to take down Mindbender and her cohorts.

Nicola was now British Knight, wearing a leotard resembling the British Flag, glossy nude tights, red boots and gloves. Her utility belt has all the bells and whistles you could imagine with the disposal of the MI-6’s tech team at her beckon call.

Annabelle/Bullseye’s leotard was a combination of the Royal Air Force logo and a shooting range target. White with a red dot, blue gloves and boots and red glossy tights. Similar to her American counterpart Whiff, Bullseye relied on deadly accuracy with her arsenal of pistols to take down her foes.

Both were dressed for action as were K and Whiff.

“K, any thoughts as to why they would be holed up inside a flower shop?” asked British Knight (Nicola).
“No clue. So far all they have done is rob the student store and the bar last night.” Replied K
“Yeah, nothing points to why they are there.” Added Whiff
“Maybe this is it, convenience” interrupted Bullseye (Annabelle) as she spun the laptop around.

“State U Flower shop has renovations halted for permit violations.” Read British Knight aloud “Could take up to 4 weeks to get permits straightened out with the University and City, to remain closed.”
“You’re right Bullseye, it’s a perfect hideout. No one will be looking for them there.” said Whiff
“Except us. They are going to be stunned when they see us” said K
“And this time we have a plan.” Quipped Whiff “What’s the plan again?”

They all shared a laugh and then got down to business:
“So Bullseye and I will get Zap and Charge to break away from Mindbender and Disappear. You won’t stand a chance if all 4 are in there and it’s too dangerous for all 4 of us to barge in. We will take them out separately so as to not alert anyone. Bullseye, you make bloody sure you nail Charge with your sleep gun. Those darts have to take her out quickly. Can’t have her warn Mindbender and Disappear or else K and Whiff will be in a bad spot”
“On it, I won’t miss” replied Bullseye as she double checked her weapons
“I’ll take Zap down and maybe give her a good once over while I’m at it. She has my mum’s watch and I owe her. Added British Knight, clinching her fists.

She continued, “K, you and Whiff will bust in blaring the air horns. The trick is to not lose the element of surprise girls. They both will shocked at seeing you and will be disoriented because of the noise.” Said British Knight.
“But don’t dawdle, they will get their senses back and then you are exposed to their powers.” Replied Bullseye
“She’s right. Don’t give them a chance to recover, hit them with the air horns straight away which will really scramble their brains.” Added British Knight
“Then all that’s left is to put them both to dreamland with your weapons and we’ll be at the pub by happy hour” said Bullseye laughing.
“All well and good Bullseye, but let’s not kid ourselves, these girls are dangerous. One slip up and we could all be in trouble. They may be booby traps at the flower shop so be alert.
“We should communicate and let each other know what’s happening. No surprises.” Said Bullseye

“Sounds like an easy enough plan.” Said K in a sarcastic voice. “Whiff are you ready?”
“Let’s roll” said Whiff as she fist bumped the 3 other heroines.

K, Whiff? Don’t forget these.” Said British Knight tossing earplugs to the softballin superheroines. “Wouldn’t want to scramble your own heads now would we”
“Thanks guys” said Whiff.


The heroines arrived at the Flower Shop nodded to each other and went their separate ways. 1st thing was to get Zap and Charge away from Mindbender and Disappear. Peering in a back window, British Knight saw the 4 villains. Zap and charge were in the room next to the back entrance, while Mindbender and Disappear were in the front of the store.

She motioned for Bullseye to climb the fire escape ladder above the back door. Bullseye would wait from above and when Charge comes out she could nail her with the potent sleep darts.

Meanwhile, British Knight phoned the flower shop and said she was trying to deliver a pizza someone ordered to the flower shop and could someone come out and sign for it. Annoyed, Zap and Charge called up front to their partners.
“Did you guys order pizzas? They are out back.” Yelled Zap
“No. Just take it from them and get rid of them. I’m starved” ordered Mindbender
“Whatever, I’ll get it” Zap said to Charge.

Zap opened the back door and found a pizza box out in the middle of the alley about 10 feet from the door. “Hello? Hello?” she called but no one answered. “Impatient fuckers aren’t they? Not even 2 minutes after they called they leave” Zap said approaching the pizza box.
“Everything ok?” called Charge
“Yeah, she left. Pizza is here though. I’m grabbing it.” Zap replied

She knelt down and picked it up and was surprised to see the box was empty when she opened it. But that was nothing compared to the 5’8” blonde villain’s surprise when she was grabbed from behind and had a needle jammed into her neck.
“What the? Uhhhhhh….zzzzzz” Was all Zap mustered before she passed out into British Knight’s Arms.

British Knight nodded at Bullseye that she takes Charge out when she comes to investigate. Bullseye acknowledged and British Knight dragged Zap down the alley and out of sight.


Meanwhile Charge had grown suspicious of Zap’s absence and had gone into the alley to investigate. To her surprise, Zap was nowhere to be seen. “Zap, Zap! Where are you?” she called out. She walked towards the pizza box.

British Knight peered from around the corner to see Charge come out the back entrance. She quickly tied Zap up and placed a gag between her pouty red lips. “Told you I’d get this back” she said, sliding her mum’s watch off her unconscious wrist. She gave the villain a kick for good measure, although she was oblivious. British Knight pumped Zap full of a powerful sedative which would have her out for about an hour.

Just then someone popped out of the back entrance of Shooters, one of the local restaurants on the State U Campus. British Knight was startled, but not as startled as the Brunette waitress taking out some trash seeing a superheroine tying up what appeared to be a real live supervillain. “Nice outfit!” she quipped.

“Hello there love, should say the same to you.” British Knight replied referring to the Brunette’s Navy Dolphin shorts, white tank top, scrunchy socks and glossy nude pantyhose.
“Ah, thanks I guess?” she said confused, the sarcasm going way over her head.
“Just on a routine mission with K and Whiff. Nothing to be alarmed about” said British knight in a soft whisper as she texted K and Whiff “Zap under wraps. Charge about to be as well. Go get em girls!”


“OK we’re on Whiff, let’s go” said K after reading the text. They fist bumped and kicked the door in. Mindbender and Disappear were as shocked as predicted when they saw K and Whiff standing in front of them.
“Well very impressive K and Whiff. Not sure how you found us, but applaud you’re detective work.” Said the 5’10 villainess
“And glad to see you’ve slept off whatever is in that softball of yours.” Added Disappear, as she mulled over options
“Well if you play your cards right Disappear, you’ll get a chance to see for yourself” quipped Whiff nervously

Mindbender could not focus on moving objects while she talked, so she took the cue from Disappear’s dialogue with the heroines to try, focusing on the softball in K’s right hand.


“Ah cool, K & Whiff rock. You know they worked here for a while last year?” said the waitress
“Did they now? Had no idea, cheers for the tip” Laughed British Knight who couldn’t wait to get that backstory. “Anyhow love, like I said nothing to worry about…Should be off now, don’t worry about her, she’ll be out for a while dear”
“What’d you do to her?" Asked the waitress “Is she dead?”
“No, just sleeping off a little of this.” Said British Knight producing the syringe “No violence, just a nice nap for our villain"
“Cool…Love to have that for some of these bitches inside” the waitress laughed. “Has that ever happened to you? You know, get captured? I’ve heard it happens to K & Whiff”
“Unfortunately it has.” British Knight replied
“How often?” she asked
“More than I’d like to admit. These villains want nothing more than to be rid of us”
“Is it scary?”
“Sometimes. Waking up not knowing where you are or what is going to happen next is.”
“Then why do you do it? Ya know, if people always want you captured? If my job involved me being drugged unconscious and tied up, I’d quit” said the waitress
“This isn’t for everyone love. And besides, you’re in college you should be having…”


“Ah right, almost forgot” said K as she pressed the air horn button

Mindbender tried to cover her ears from the incredibly loud air horns. Disappear did the same.
“Air horns K and Whiff? Somewhat primitive for esteemed heroines such as yourselves” said Mindbender in an irritated, broken sentence.

“Whatever gets the job done, which by the way is what we are about to finish” said K.


Bullseye had Charge in her sights and was ready to fire but when the air horns began blaring, she got startled and lost her balance she shifted her boots on a rung. Charge heard the air horns and whipped around to see Bullseye trying to keep her balance on the ladder. Charge blasted a beam of electricity at the fire escape, hitting the bottom few rungs.

Bullseye was instantly jolted with the blast as it ran up through the ladder she was holding onto. “Uhhhhhhh” she moaned writhing in pain. The jolt and her movement caused the ladder to unhook and slid down to the street of the alley throwing her off. Bullseye barrel rolled into the alley and tried to get her bearings. It wasn’t a direct hit, but she was stunned and groggy from the blast and fall, and had lost her pistol in the process.


“Nothing to worry about? Sounds like a lot to worry about!” said the waitress referring to the air horns and crash of the fire escape ladder crashing onto the alley.
“Go on back inside, I’ll handle it” said British Knight
“Good luck…”


Charge made her way towards the shocked heroine, grabbing the Brit’s pistol en route. Bullseye was on her hands on knees when Charge kicked her in the stomach flipping her onto her back and fired the pistol twice without hesitation.

2 darts hit Bullseye in her ample chest and quad. She tried to pluck the one from her tights clad thigh, but was futile. Her head fell to the side as she collapsed unconscious, arms and legs spread. “Not sure who the hell you are, but that should keep you quiet for a while. Now what the fuck is happening inside?”

British Knight carefully peered around the corner once again to Charge dragging her 5’9” partner into the store. “Fuckin Hell Annabelle” she said to herself.


Back inside the store, Charge saw K and Whiff holding Mindbender and Disappear at bay. She quickly put the slumbering Bullseye in an office chair and rolled her into the front part of the store.

“K, look! It’s Bullseye!” said a shocked Whiff at the sight of their unconscious friend rolling into the store.
“Wonder what happenedddd, ahhh” said K as the air horn was zapped from her hand. “Whiff watch out!” K yelled as Whiff’s air horn was also zapped away from her

Mindbender and Disappear had their chance. K and Whiff were frazzled with what happened to Bullseye.
“What the fuck happened to Bullseye. Where’s British Knight?” wondered Whiff as she dove for cover.

Disappear made a break for it to the side of the store but K was ready. She rifled the softball in her hand towards Disappear. It landed about 3 feet in front of where she was going, exploding into a blue cloud but Disappear never went through it. She appeared on the other side of the store.

“Shit” K mumbled as she went for the air horn once again. But was zapped away once again from a blast by Charge.

Whiff took aim and fired a fine blue stream of mist at the leader of the villains. Mindbender, although not 100% with it, dove out of the way of the potent sleep spray.

K grabbed another softball and fired it at Disappear, who somehow managed to teleport out of the way once again. They were under attack from Charge and lost their advantage over Mindbender and Disappear, things were not going very well for the heroines.


British Knight’s boots quietly tiptoed behind Charge, who was moving in on K and Whiff. The sight of Bullseye pistol in Charge’s belt made her blood boil. She unfastened a button on her utility belt and pulled out a silk hanky with the British Flag on it. As she palmed it and was about to clamp it over the villains face, British Knight realized what a dumb decision it would have been. Charge would simply shock British Knight’s hands once she clamped down. She needed another weapon.

Quickly producing an extendable baton from her utility belt. British Knight nailed Charge in the kidney with a viscous blow from the baton, doubling Charge over in pain. British Knight quickly finished her off by clobbering Charge over the back with the baton. Charge crashed to the tile floor on her stomach. British Knight dragged the strawberry blonde villain out of the fray without anyone noticing in the commotion. Then she rolled Bullseye also out of harm’s way. She knew she still had the advantage and Mindbender and Disappear did not know she was there. If only K and Whiff can last.


Noticing British Knight dragging Charge out, K zeroed in again on Disappear. Another softball fired though, another miss. Whiff was fairing no better. Mindbender was focusing in on her pistol and Whiff was desperately trying to hold on.
“K, she’s getting my pistol.” Whiff shouted
K dove headfirst across the tile floor to one of the air horns. She pressed the button, setting off the screeching noise once again. Mindbender lost focus and Whiff’s pistol dropped to the floor out of mid air. Disappear dropped down to cover her ears once again.

Unfortunately, the air horn began to sputter. “You’ve got to be fucking joking!” K said to herself as she shook the can. It was spent.

Whiff went for Mindbender and tackled her. She figured if they were fighting hand to hand she couldn’t focus her mind. And it proved correct. Whiff was much smaller than the 5’10 villain, who was better suited for K, but was holding her own.

Disappear got her bearings and quickly dodged another one of K’s softballs. She teleported directly behind K who turned and fired again. Disappear popped out of the way to K’s side who fired again to no avail. She had run out of softballs. Disappear ended up about 3 feet away from K this time who charged her.

Disappear teleported out of the way just as K lunged to grab her. Off balance, K’s momentum kept her moving towards a display of flowers and vases. Crashing into it, she got her balance back and turned to find Disappear again fists clinched. K was so focused on what was in front of her, she did not notice the brunette villain had popped right behind her. Disappear grabbed an empty crystal vase from the display and crashed it over the head of the All-American heroine. K’s arms flailed up upon impact as she dropped to the floor. “Smashing success if I do say so myself” quipped Disappear as she admired her handy work that left K knocked out at her feet.


Whiff heard the crash but didn’t see what had happened to her partner. She had applied a good beating to Mindbender with well placed punches and kicks. She landed a perfect kick to Mindbender’s mid section that doubled her over. Whiff quickly got the villain in a sleeper hold and was applying the pressure. Mindbender was spent and seeing stars. Her oxygen supply was cut off and dropped to her knees. She couldn’t focus on anything and was going down.

Disappear grabbed another vase and teleported made her way towards the Whiff/Mindbender scuffle. Standing right over the top of the fight, she raised the vase to conk Whiff over the head but was grabbed from the side by British Knight.

British Knight clamped the Yukon Jack adorned silk hanky over the brunette villains face. Disappear had inhaled a huge gasp of the sweet fumes when she was grabbed and her mind was foggy. She couldn’t focus enough to teleport out and was beginning to want nothing more than to sleep. British Knight pulled her tight and said “That’s right luv, take it all in. Let it run its course.” Disappear’s dark eyes began to flutter and her protesting stopped as British Knight let her drop to the floor on her back. Disappear’s head bobbed from side to side and was out for the count.


Whiff felt Mindbender go limp and let her go. The villain was thankfully out and Whiff was exhausted from the fight. She was about to fire a dart into the slumbering villain to keep her out when British Knight distracted her.

“Well done Whiff, she’s a big one isn’t she?” laughed British Knight as she helped Whiff to her feet
“Yeah they all are. How’d you get Disappear?”
“My British Knight Special Sleepy Hanky.” Replied British Knight as she showed off her hanky. “ She was about to wallop you Whiff, like she did to K. But no worries, took her down, straight away” replied British Knight “So strong she was not able to focus on teleporting”
“I can smell it from here, yikes. “said Whiff “That’s why I fought Mindbender to keep her mind occupied” replied Whiff “Wait, where’s K?” asked a concerned Whiff
“There” British Knight pointed to an unconscious K who’s head was sprawled out on her left side with her head resting on her left arm.
“Go check on Bullseye, I’ll get K” said Whiff as she began to go to her unconscious partner.

Unfortunately Whiff never darted Mindbender to keep her out. She had recovered from the sleeper hold enough to get to her feet. “I don’t think we’re done ladies. Especially with our new English Heroine” said Mindbender

British Knight and Whiff were surprised to hear her voice and turned around hands on hips, but Mindbender was steps ahead of both oblivious heroines. She focused in on British Knight’s left hand that was still palming the sleepy hanky. British Knight felt her left arm twitching and ultimately move up and before she knew it, her left arm had swung around Whiff’s neck and clamped the British Hanky over her friend’s face.
“Shit Whiff, Mindbender has control of my arm!” she yelled

Whiff panicked as she was completely shocked as to what was happening. She clawed at British Knight’s arm but could not budge it. British Knight was trying with everything she had to drop the chloro soaked hanky but Mindbender had it locked in.

Mindbender motioned with her left hand and British Knight brought Whiff tight into her body, the rag clamped over Whiff’s face. Whiff’s legs began to give out as the chloroform was swimming in her head and smelled so good. Her mmmphing began to subside and her blue eyes began to flutter behind her mask. British Knight kept telling her she was sorry, that it wasn’t her doing it but Whiff didn’t care. She wanted nothing more than to close her eyes, which finally she did.

Mindbender made a motion and British Knight’s arm finally moved away from Whiff, who dropped to the floor with a thud. At Mindbender's will, British Knight's Her left arm then swung the rag into her own face!

Shocked as to how fast everything went wrong, British Knight was instantly rocked by the chloroform. She tried pulling her own arm away from her face but could not. The fumes penetrating her nostrils and knowing how fast it works, she knew she would be asleep soon. She tried one last time to pull her arm away from her face but was no use. Her legs were rubber, her thoughts were foggy, her blue eyes fluttering, she was about to pass out. Unable to stand any longer, the woozy heroine collapsed to the ground on her back after being forced to chloroform herself to sleep.

Mindbender surveyed the heroine carnage. British Knight still had her British Hanky clamped over her face even while unconscious. Mindbender motioned and her arm flopped down to her side, dropping the hanky.

Whiff was on her side next to where British Knight had fallen. K was sprawled out across the store and Bullseye was still in back, not waking up any time soon. Not to mention Mindbender’s own clan was a mess, Disappear was out cold and she had no idea where Zap and Charge were.

She kicked British Knight whose arms and legs were spread. Her head bobbed side to side and came to rest. “Who are you and your other English friend?” She whispered. “And why are you with K and Whiff? Guess we’ll find out mates”

“Now to find the rest of the crew. ZAP? CHARGE? Where the hell are you guys?” yelled Mindbender as she stepped over British Knight.

Neophyte Lvl 2
Neophyte Lvl 2
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Yay, chloro :D could you have K & Whiff, forced by Mindbender, chloroform each other? Or handsmother each other?
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Awesome :evil:

Loved how mindbender turned British Knight's own sleepy hanky against Whiff and then forced to use it on herself. Wondering if that lovely waitress will be coming in to help and hopefully get KO'd herself in that nice uniform of hers :D

Great update looking forward to seeing what peril Mindbender and her crew have in store for the ladies.
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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Great story so far. I'd love to see you bring back the Cheerleaders in a new story at some point. :)
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Working on the next chapter everyone. Thanks for the feedback and patience.

Added pics of British Knight and Bullseye.
British Knight.jpg
NIcola aka British Knight
British Knight.jpg (89.73 KiB) Viewed 7196 times
Bullseye 2.jpg
Annabelle aka Bullseye
Bullseye 2.jpg (69.21 KiB) Viewed 7196 times
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Thought 7 months was plenty of time to let this thing breathe. Very sorry in the delay everyone. Our heroines receive some unexpected help in the next installment. As always, welcome the critique, questions, comments and the like.

“So what are you doing tonight, Missy?” asked Gwen as the girls left Shooters after their shift
“Going back to the sorority house and changing to meet Brad and his friends to play pool” replied Missy, the Shooters waitress British Knight had met in the alley.
“Fun, I’m going over to the Beta house, they are having a big party. You should come after you see Brad”
“Maybe, I’ll text you around 10 and see what’s happen…” said Missy as she got distracted.

Missy is everything ok?” asked Gwen as her friend watched the 4 villains walk out of the back entrance of the flower store, including Zap who last time Missy had seen her was out cold.
“Uh yeah Gwenny. Sorry, just a little pre-occupied with Brad. I’ll catch up later” replied Missy as she began to walk down the alley.
“Ok sweetie, talk to you later!” shouted Gwen


“Something must’ve happened to British Knight, K and Whiff.” Missy thought to herself. She carefully peered around the corner and the villains were nowhere to be seen, so Missy walked towards the back entrance of the flower store. Just then her cell phone buzzed

“Remember, you can’t be out in public in your uniform, you’re going to get busted if Marie sees you ;)” was a text from Gwen
She quickly responded “Just going to the ATM Gwen, only take a second. Heading home after.” She replied.
Gwen sent another smiley face text and that was that. Although she was right, being out in your Shooters uniform was a breach of policy and she could get suspended or even fired, Missy was worried about the heroines.

“British Knight had that one girl captured and now they are all walking out. Something is wrong.” she thought as her trembling hand tried the doorknob.

Missy carefully entered the flower store on her tip toes. Fortunately her sneakers didn’t make a sound on the hard floor. AS she got into the main part of the flower shop, it was a mess. “Holy shit, looks like a tornado hit this place” she thought.

There was no sign of anyone in the main part so she went back where she came from. The door to the greenhouse was closed and the window looking into it had been covered up. She slowly opened the door and peeked in.

British Knight and Bullseye were tied back to back as was K and Whiff. All 4 heads were bobbed forward and were unconscious.

Missy ran inside and tried reviving them. She immediately began to sweat from the humidity in the greenhouse. Her legs were especially hot with her glossy suntan tights she had to wear at Shooters. “A greenhouse is no place to wear pantyhose” she thought as she untied the heroines.

K was the first to come to. “Ugh, my head. Where are we?” she groggily asked. “Who are you?”
“K, it’s me Missy. From Shooters”
“Missy? What are you doing here?” as K got to her feet
“I met her in the alley with one of the villains you guys were tracking. My shift just ended and saw them leaving the flower shop and came to check it out. Don’t worry they are gone, do you think they’ll be back?”
“Well thanks, and yes they will be back. We owe you one. Here spray this on them, should help them come around” said K as she handed Missy an atomizer. They both sprayed in the faces of the slumbering heroines and all 3 began to rouse.

British Knight recognized Missy and said, “See love, told you this happens more than I’d like to admit.” She hugged Missy and thanked her for helping them.
“I’m glad you guys are alright” said Missy to the group
“Outside of a massive headache from the chloroform, we’re right as rain” replied BK
“You were chloroformed? That stuff is real? Thought it was just a TV or movie thing” asked Missy
“It’s very real and a favorite of villains worldwide, we can assure you” said BK
Missy shook her head in disbelief as what she was in the middle of.

“Now what do we do?” asked Whiff
“We wait and get the drop when they return.” Said British Knight
“We just tried to surprise them and ended up tied up in that awful greenhouse” said K
“Let’s discuss this outside, I’m sweating right through my tights” said Bullseye
“And look there are our weapons” said Whiff as she motioned to a table in the back of the store.

The heroines were outfitting their utility belts and weapons when K said, “Missy you should go, and we will take it from here. Thank you again for your help”
“Ok, you’re welcome. I’m just glad everyone is ok.” Missy replied as she hugged the heroines. “Good luck, I’ll check here again in the morning and make sure everything went ok?
“Couldn’t hurt” laughed BK as she hugged Missy


Missy waved and turned to walk out of the back entrance and ran into Mindbender and her gang as they walked back into the store.
“Well well, this is a surprise” said Mindbender as she grabbed a terrified Missy.
“Shit.” Said K “Let her go Mindbender, she has nothing to do with this”
“Well apparently she does. You 4 are all awake and untied so I would say that is quite the contrary K” replied Mindbender. “Now if you would kindly take off your utility belts and drop your weapons, I will consider letting her go.

The 4 heroines looked at each other when Missy stamped her foot on Mindbenders and shoved past her henchwomen. Mindbender hopped around on one foot and gave the chance that the heroines needed.

They all scattered into the main part of the store as Zap and Charge began firing bolts at them. Missy hid behind the front counter with BK. “That was brilliant Missy”
“Thanks. I’m scared shitless British Knight” she scared holding back tears.
“I know dear. Just stay back here and you’ll be fine. If you get a chance, make a run for the front door. You understand?”
Missy nodded her head. BK jumped from behind the counter and was into the fray.

K rifled her softball weapon at Mindbender who motioned it away with her hand and it exploded on a wall innocently.

Whiff had taken several shots at Zap but to no avail and was now pinned down behind the Rose Display in the middle of the store. Zap made her way towards it, electricity coursing through her hands.

Bullseye had also taken a few shots at Charge but was not able to connect; she too was pinned down near a flower case.

British Knight was tracking Disappear who was popping in and out of sight. Disappear popped right behind her and grabbed a vase. Missy saw what was happening and shouted “Behind you British Knight!”

BK turned just in the nick of time and was able to dodge the booming blow by Disappear. She tackled the villain, quickly produced her needle from her trusty utility belt and jammed it into her exposed neck. Just then, British Knight flopped onto the store floor, as Disappear had vanished. BK quickly popped up to find her. Out of the corner of her blue eye, she saw Disappear pop back. The sedative had done its job and when she reappeared, she did so unconscious with the needle still in her neck. BK walked over and retrieved it and went back to Missy, “Thanks again love”

K was now dodging flying flower vases as Mindbender relentlessly sent them towards her. Fortunately none had connected with K. BK saw her friend in trouble and made her way towards that part of the store; as she did BK found just what she needed. The air horn Whiff was using during their previous encounter! “Hope it still has some juice left” she thought.

Mindbender saw Zap and Charge trying to get to Whiff and Bullseye and focused on the two cases they heroines were hiding behind, they started to shake and eventually flew out of the way. One of them crashed into K, sending her flying onto the floor. The other crashed into the front counter where Missy was hiding.

Whiff and Bullseye, quickly moved as they were now out in the open. K was stunned by the impact and shook the cobwebs loose. Missy was rocked behind the counter but was also ok.

BK stopped and grabbed a bag of soil and quickly ripped it open. She grabbed two handfuls and went toward Zap and Charge. She whistled at them and they both turned around to get facefulls of dirt to blind them. BK quickly produced her trusty baton and swept their feet out from under them with it. Both villains landed with hard thuds and were instantly hit with two darts each by Whiff and Bullseye. They went limp, faces still covered in dirt.

Whiff and Bullseye, thanked BK and went towards Mindbender. Mindbender was booting K with her leather boots. She was focused on a shelf of supplies that would bury K, but BK blew the air horn and Mindbender was scrambled. “WAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!”

She staggered around with her hands covering her ears. Whiff and Bullseye helped K up. “You ok?” asked Whiff
“Yeah, she was kicking the shit out of me. Literally” screamed K over the air horn.
Mindbender staggered towards the middle of the store.

Missy emerged from behind the wrecked counter and saw her friends with the upper hand. She was thrilled to see Disappear, Zap and Charge all out of the fight, and them closing in on Mindbender. “Thank god” she thought.

The 4 heroines stood in a line as BK kept the air horn going. She motioned Bullseye to ready her pistol. Missy stopped to watch them finish Mindbender off once and for all.

Bullseye fired two sleeping darts at Mindbender, but with one swoop of her right hand they immediately changed direction. In an instant the two darts hit Missy in her chest right between the Shooters logo, and in her tights clad thigh just below the bottom of her blue shorts.

Missy had no clue what happened but her vision was blurred and legs rubbery, the last thing she remembered before collapsing was BK shouting “Missy, no!” The brunette waitress was out cold before she hit the floor, coming to rest on her left side, her silky legs curled up.

The stunned heroines were focused on what happened to Missy they did not notice the four 10 gallon glazed ceramic flower pots hanging above where they stood. Mindbender quickly motioned both of her hands towards the ceiling of the flower shop and the pots began to shake. By the time the heroines refocused on Mindbender the pots broke free.

In perfect unison, the heavy pots broke into pieces as they connected over the heads of the unsuspecting heroines. Although empty, they performed as Mindbender had hoped. Each heroine was instantly felled as they were hit, and hit the ground in an unconscious heap. K and British Knight were both on their backs, arms and legs flailed. Whiff was on her stomach while Bullseye slumbered on her right side.

Having played possum and positioning the heroines where she could finish them off, Mindbender popped the ear plugs from her ears and flicked them towards the unconscious crew. “Now, to finish this” she said.

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Whiff’s head was killing her. It was throbbing where the flower pot hit her. The surroundings were familiar as was the miserable temperature inside the greenhouse where she woke up not too long ago. But she quickly felt something else wrapping around her legs. She looked down and saw a plant vine crawling up her legs. She began squirming to try and break free. Her hands her at her waist and her also wrapped up in the plant vines.

“What the hell, are these things alive?” she thought
British Knight also began to stir. “Fucking hell, I need some Advil” she groaned.
K and Bullseye each came to, with similar headaches. All 4 were tied tight with vines that were seemingly moving around them.
Missy finally roused and was shocked when she realized where she was. “What happened guys, last thing I remember was Bullseye shooting her gun and feeling 2 pinches. I’m so groggy”
“Mindbender played possum. The air horn didn’t affect her. When I fired, she redirected the sleeping darts towards you. You‘re groggy because the darts hit you instead and put you to sleep. Are you ok?” said Bullseye
“Yeah just sleepy, how long was I out?” Missy asked
“No clue, we all just came to ourselves.” Replied Whiff
“How’d she get you guys, was it because of me?”
“Obviously we were thrown off when you went down, but Mindbender had us where she wanted us regardless. Remember seeing a bunch of flower pots hanging above the ceiling and judging by the pain in my head, assume she hit us over the head with them” replied K
“I’m sorry guys” said Missy
“Not your fault Missy, we should’ve been more aware of where we were in the store.” Said K

“How did she resist the air horn British Knight?” asked Whiff
“No clue, but she sure tricked us unto standing over whatever walloped us. I was out before I hit the floor. “ said BK
“Me too” Bullseye agreed “More importantly girls, these plants are alive, how?” asked Bullseye.
“Uh, yeah, they are definitely moving” said Whiff

Ah, welcome back ladies. And to answer your question, these are how I resisted the air horn” said Mindbender as she showed them the earplugs. “And to further answer your questions, the plants are under my control and will begin to squeeze the life out of you very shortly. By the time they find you when renovations continue on this place, we will be on to our next location. I had no idea I could make them come to life, but you know how the old saying goes, ‘When you put your mind to something you can do anything…’ Goodbye all!”

Mindbender exited the greenhouse and closed the door. The vines began to constrict around the heroines and Missy.

“What do we do K?” asked Whiff
“I don’t know. BK, Bullseye any ideas?” said K
“None” they both said

The vines were really starting to squeeze. They were all straining to breathe. BK, Bullseye and Missy’s arms were all tied above their heads, but K and Whiff’s were by their waists.

K was extending her fingers to try and unsnap her utility belt. “If I can get my scissors out, maybe I can cut the vines” she strained to say.

“Got it opened” K said. She was starting to see spots from the air being squeezed out of her.
“K hurry, I can’t breathe!” said Whiff

K got a hold of the scissors and began cutting. Her hands were free and then she cut her legs free and jumped out of the vines.

Bullseye had passed out from the strength of the vines and K quickly cut her free. She coughed like crazy once free, but was ok. K then cut everyone else out and in a few minutes, they were all away from the moving vines.

“Well outside of our uniforms being stained green, we’re ok right everyone?” asked Whiff.
“My boss is going to kill me” said Missy as she looked at the green vine stains on her shirt

They crept to the door and saw the villains sitting at a table in the back of the store.
“You ready?” asked K “I’ve got an idea”
They all nodded and busted through the door.

“How the?” said a shocked Mindbender as the heroines came at them.

K ran over to the wall where a hose was wrapped around a hook on the wall. She quickly unwrapped it.

Zap and Charge immediately began firing bolts at the other heroines. Bullseye, Whiff and BK pushed a couple of flower displays at the villains and pinned them together. Mindbender began trying to move them while Zap and Charge kept shooting bolts. Disappear was able to get away and popped out from behind the cases. She appeared behind K and grabbed her in a bear hug.

British Knight saw what was happening and unsnapped a pocket of her utility belt. “Missy catch” she said as she threw the Yukon Jack Hanky to Missy. “Put it over her face”

Missy caught it and immediately smelled the sweet odor emanating from it. “Chloroform. No way” Missy ran and jumped on the back of Disappear and clamped the rag over her face. Disappear was so surprised she couldn’t concentrate enough to teleport. She clawed at Missy’s hands but Missy had it clamped tight. Disappear felt herself drifting off and fell back into Missy’s arms. One last sigh and she was out.

Missy laid her down slowly and helped K up. “Are you ok?”
“Thanks again Missy, nice work!”

Missy looked at the unconscious Disappear. “I just chloroformed someone, a villain no less! Wait till I tell Brad!”

K got back to her feet and turned the hose on. She flooded the area leading towards where Zap, Charge and Mindbender were pinned.

“Guys, get away from there.” K ordered.

The heroines saw the water and immediately moved. Mindbender finally freed themselves by thrusting the flower cases that had pinned them out of the way. She looked down and saw her boots standing in water and knew what K was doing. “Zap, Charge stoppppp uuuuhhhhhh”

K’s plan was brilliant. She knew if she could get them all together and get the floor wet, Zap and Charge would shock the entire group of villains. It worked to perfection.

Zap, Charge and Mindbender were writhing as they stood in the water. Finally Zap and Charge passed out and the electricity stopped. All 3 were twitching on the floor even as they were unconscious.

They quickly tied the villains up with K and Whiff’s sticky athletic tape. They put headphones playing white noise on both Mindbender and Disappear so they couldn’t focus or use their mind powers. Zap and Charge’s hands were fitted with gloves so they could not produce any electricity.

After the police hauled them off, the girls recapped their adventure.

“Missy thank you so much for all of your help, could not have been able to it without you.” Said K
“Agreed love, you were brilliant. You are welcome to fight crime with us anytime.” Said BK
“Sorry about your uniform” said Whiff referring to Missy's Shooters uniform

“Thanks guys, I know now British Knight why you said this isn’t for everybody. Waking up in that greenhouse with very little hope of surviving was scary as hell, I’m so happy to be alive!” Missy said as she welled up. “What a rush though. My boyfriend will never believe that I got captured and got to help you guys out. And that Chloroform is really real!”

They all laughed.

“Speaking of my boyfriend, I’m so late and he is texting me so I’ve got to go. See you around K and Whiff?” Missy said

They hugged and she walked out of the flower store.
Back at the girl’s dorm, Donna and Erin helped Nicola and Annabelle pack.
“We need to get ourselves together when there isn’t a villain trying to kill us.” Said Whiff
“1000% agree. Maybe a trip to the Caribbean is in order?” asked Nicola
“We are in” said K and Whiff

The British Beauties honked as they sped off and agreed to make plans very soon.

“Another one in the books” said Erin to Donna
“I don’t know how you are even drinking that, my head still hurts from Mindbender and her gang” said K
“Remember, if you put your mind to it, you can overcome anything” laughed Erin as she took a long sip from the Margarita straw.
“Good point. Bartender!” said Donna as she order one as well, laughing at what her best friend and partner just said.

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Great conclusion D! Liked the inclusion of Missy in the adventure and how she was able to help out. Any chance she'll be interested in a superheroine career now?

A fun team up with the heroines and hope you'll be bringing them back in the future!
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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Any new stories coming soon?
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