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Sargeant 1st Class
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Hello all.

Well, after much deliberation I’ve decided to try my hand at superheroine fiction. I don’t claim any talent whatsoever, but simply want to share my fantasy with others who appreciate such things.

I welcome your comments, whether praise or critique. This is my first literary foray, as it were, and I want to see how it goes. What I lack in writing ability I make up for in “sheer enthusiasm.” I’ve been inspired by the incredible collection of images, videos, and stories contained here and hope I can add to it.

Please enjoy.


During the wee hours of the night, as she crept silently along the exterior wall of the supposedly deserted warehouse, the beautiful young blonde superheroine Emerald monitored the surrounding area with her enhanced hyper-hearing. She was clad in her form-fitting costume of dark green long-sleeve leotard, flesh-tone footed tights without footwear, short yellow gloves, a small Robin-style mask, and encircling her trim waist was a bright gold belt with a large emerald stone affixed in the center. As she moved through the gloom she reflected on the events that had brought her to such a place in life…

Only 6 months earlier, 19 year-old Jennifer Jade was an attractive sophomore geology student at Oakton College. While on a class field trip to assist in the excavation of a Peruvian temple in South America, she discovered a large emerald within the ruins. As she gently pried it loose from the debris, she felt a strange sensation of power envelop her. Quickly placing the stone back on the ground, the sensation disappeared. She decided not to share her discovery with her professors until she could determine the nature of this find.

After several weeks of tests, she could only observe the effects this emerald had on her. While she was directly in contact with it or carrying it in a pocket, she gained an amazing set of abilities. While it definitely didn’t power her to the level of the famous superheroine Supergirl, it enhanced a number of her natural abilities, including her physical strength and speed, all 5 senses, and also promoted a faster than normal healing process after injury. She also learned that it took an incredible amount of concentration and will power to utilize more than one of these powers at a time. And any use of her hyper-abilities for a prolonged period left her feeling drained for a short time afterward.

She then decided that the scientific community would only study such a discovery, but she could make use of this to aid others in their quest for justice. “Who knows,” she once thought. “I could run into Lavender Lady and Lilac Lass at a superheroine cocktail party.” And thus, Emerald was born.

Behind the warehouse, Emerald shook her head to dismiss the distracting reverie. “I need to focus,” she thought. “Whoever’s behind all these false alarms and phony threats could have something quite real up their sleeve.” During her first few months as a fledgling superheroine, she had helped capture an impressive number of the city’s arch-criminals, including Spydra, Traveling Salesman, and the infamous Snoopy Gang. “Good grief,” she thought. “After almost getting ensnared by Linus’ security blanket, I never want to see another blue blanky.”

Then the city had begun experiencing a rash of phony emergency calls, ranging from elementary school bomb threats to poison gas attacks at the local senior citizens’ center. After several of these incidents, Emerald began to see a pattern emerging. The time and location of each phony situation seemed to be forming a giant spiral around the city. It was a simple matter to locate the center endpoint of the spiral- an abandoned warehouse near the center of the city. After parking several blocks away, she removed the overcoat and pumps she used to conceal her costume and quietly made her way to the warehouse. “I’ve really got to invest in a cool superheroine car or motorcycle,” she thought wryly.

Attracting unwanted attention didn’t seem to be a problem here in the deserted central area. Using care and her hyper-agility to ensure silence, she lithely made her way up the side of the building using an old but sturdy fire escape. “I hope this grime will wash out of my tights,” she muttered as she climbed over the top edge and made her way over to the skylight in the center of the roof.

Looking down into the building through the dirty window, she could only make out dim shadows around the sides of the large open space. But the center of the space was well lit indeed. “So much for being deserted,” she thought with satisfaction. She could make out what seemed to be a well-equipped laboratory set with various benches and tables holding any number of ongoing projects. And one corner of the lighted area was dominated by a large smooth-surfaced machine whose function she could only imagine.

A figure then emerged from the surrounding darkness and moved into the lighted lab area. “What in the world?” Emerald breathed as she watched a slim brunette woman walk among several different tables. “She’s naked.” Emerald watched as the dirt-obscured woman without any semblance of clothing or shoes seemed to attend to various experiments and the large machine itself.

After several minutes of observation, Emerald was fairly certain that the mystery woman below was alone in the warehouse. Very gently Emerald opened the single panel window and slid her shapely form through the opening, dropping silently to a catwalk that circled high above the warehouse floor below. She then climbed down a corner support pillar and stepped off into the darkness of a remote corner.

Using her hyper-vision she made her way through rows of dusty stacked pallets and crates as she wound her way closer to the lighted center area. As she neared the laboratory, Emerald became aware that the mysterious dark-haired researcher was not truly nude. She saw that she was wearing a seamless flesh-tone footed and gloved opaque bodystocking over her athletic physique. The garment extended from the middle of her neck to the soles of her feet, and like Emerald, she wore no shoes or boots. While not made of see-through material like Emerald’s tights, the woman’s costume clung to every part of her luscious figure. Emerald had a moment’s thought, “Damn, I hope I look that good in my uniform.”

Thinking that this evening had indeed turned out to be an interesting one, Emerald emerged from the darkness behind the woman and assumed the classic hands-on-hips stance all superheroines master. In the confident tone only a 19-year old superheroine possesses, Emerald said, “I knew my investigation would pay off, and I cannot wait to hear exactly what’s going on here.”

With no evidence of being surprised by Emerald’s sudden appearance, the woman put down the document she had been working on and casually turned to regard the young heroine. “Very good. You’ve arrived just as I expected,” she said smiling.

Realizing that this woman had predicted her arrival, Emerald adjusted her expectations slightly. “Yes, it seems as if you intended for me to find you. So now that I’m here, it’s time for you to answer a few questions. Who are you and what exactly is going on?”

The woman’s delicate smile broadened. “Yes, of course you have questions and I’ll be only too happy to explain everything, dear Emerald. I am Dr. Analisa Bellamy, PhD, not MD. But these days I prefer to be known as Sheer.” Appearing to be in her late 20s to early 30s, she leaned back against a waist-high workbench, hands resting non-threateningly on her shapely nylon-encased legs.

Taken aback by the woman’s easygoing attitude, Emerald said, “Sheer? Interesting choice of name. You’ll forgive my insisting you tell me about the false alarms you’ve been planting all over and why I’ve apparently been led here.” As she spoke, Emerald continued using her hyper-senses to scan the building for the possibility of others in the vicinity.

“Of course,” said Sheer in an eager to please tone. Placing her hands on the workbench, she hopped up to sit upon the bench. As she crossed her long legs, both women took silent pleasure in the sound of her nyloned legs rubbing together. “Whoa, that’s never happened before. I need to be careful of distractions like that, especially when using my hyper-hearing” Emerald thought silently.

Seeming concerned at Emerald’s momentary lapse, Sheer leaned forward, asking, “Is everything all right, Emerald? You looked a bit flushed for a moment.”

Irritated to have her distraction noticed by the mystery woman, Emerald replied, “If I were you I’d be a bit more worried about myself right now. My patience is nearing its end.”

“I am sorry.” Leaning back once more, Sheer adopted the tone of the many college lecturer that Emerald had grown accustomed to. “My sad story is a short one. Please allow me just a moment to enlighten you.”

As Sheer spoke, she unconsciously began slowly rubbing her shapely legs together. “As a young girl, it became obvious that I was unlike so many other children. While they wanted to play and have sleepovers, I found myself always attracted to academics and learning. I shunned a normal childhood and began a life of study, especially in mathematics and science. I had earned 2 doctorates, in Physics and High-energy Particles, by the time I was 20. That of course led to my choice of research positions with any number of institutions around the world. I quickly accepted a department-head with Strangis Multinational Industries in Research and Development.”

“As it turns out, the caliber of work at SMI is equaled only by the amount of sexist chauvinism there,” Sheer recalled bitterly. “Never mind that my breakthroughs propelled the company forward at lightning speed, management always found some way to award credit for my work to some male researcher, no matter how inept. And the unceasing stares and leering at my body, especially my legs, nearly drove me mad. I wanted to be respected for my work, not ogled for my body.”

Emerald could well imagine any man’s interest in the beautiful woman sitting before her. She was having an increasingly difficult time forcing herself to focus on Sheer’s face and voice. Having never before encountering such a powerful distraction, Emerald kept reminding herself to remain alert and wary of danger.

Sheer continued. “So, eventually it all got to be too much and I simply walked away. But patents and trademarks be damned, the designs I came up with belong to ME. So I’ve decided that going solo is the right choice for me. Granted, some of the methods I’ve had to employ are somewhat ‘other than legal’ shall we say, and so I’ve had to adopt another identity, as I’m sure you can understand. Since men always seemed to see through my work and focus on the merely physical, I came up with the name Sheer. Like the perfect pair of pantyhose, able to enjoy the surface texture as well as the substance beneath.”

Pulling herself out of Sheer’s woven tale, Emerald said, “Forgive me for not breaking out in tears, but I still don’t se what that has to do with these false alarms or your interest in me.”

“My dear young heroine, I would’ve thought you had guessed by now. Those little harmless pranks were simply my way of leading you to me. I have no interest in blowing up children; my goal is to meet YOU. Your hyper abilities are the perfect extension of my work in high-energy physics. I wanted the chance to see exactly what makes you tick and to explore the possibilities of your fantastic powers.”

An amazed Emerald gazed at Sheer. “So you think I’m just going to become a willing guinea pig for your studies? I think it’s time we end this little game here and now.”

With a mischievous gleam in her eye, Sheer replied, “No, I don’t think your assistance will be ‘willing’, but I do agree that it’s time to end our ‘little game’.” And with that, Sheer’s hand quickly depressed a small control button on the bench beside her.

From the darkness a large net was propelled from a hidden device. Having been almost hypnotized by Sheer’s cobra-like rubbing of her legs together, Emerald was a heartbeat too slow to avoid the onrushing trap. Striking her in the side, the net instantly entangled the beautiful young heroine. Sheer gazed down from her perch as Emerald tripped and fell trying to loosen the tightening bonds.

As she struggled, Emerald found that the net began to stiffen. “Uh oh, this is bad,” she thought. Desperately she called upon her remaining hyper-strength and with a mighty effort tore free the tangled netting from her body and ripped away the wrappings holding her shapely legs. Standing, she said, “It’ll take more than that to capture me.” And without waiting for a reply she leaped the short distance between herself and the now shocked villainess.

Taking the offensive, Emerald grabbed Sheer by the wrists and wrestled her backwards onto the workbench, scattering tools and equipment. The young heroine instantly realized that her constant use of her hyper-senses, the hypnotic effect of Sheer’s legs, and her struggle with the net had taken their toll. Her hyper-powers were temporarily depleted and she could feel the oncoming weakness that followed their use.

As she lay back grappling with Emerald, the beautiful villain knew she had to end this quickly. “Hyper powers or not,” she thought, “this girl is strong and 10 years younger than I am.” Instinctively, she wrapped her legs around Emerald’s belted waist and began pulling her closer in a crushing leg scissors.

With the sudden pressure threatening to cut off her air supply, Emerald reflexively dropped her hold on Sheer’s wrists and began trying to loosen her ever-tightening legs. But the sheer nylon material of her gloves against Sheer’s bodystocking prevented her from getting a firm enough grasp. That was all the opening the villainess needed.

Sheer had planned for such an encounter. Arching back, she reached behind her and grasped the handle of a large specimen jar. Reaching inside, she removed a spherical sponge and pulled herself upright, aiming for the young heroine’s unprotected face.

Realizing the danger, Emerald clamped shut her eyes and mouth, holding her breath. She then spun around within Sheer’s encircling legs and attempted to pull herself free. Knowing she only had one chance, Sheer bent her knees, placing her locked ankles directly between Emerald’s knees. She wrapped her empty left hand around Emerald’s waist and began pulling her backward.

The drained heroine felt as if she were battling a nylon-encased octopus. Pulled onto her back, she struggled valiantly within Sheer’s increasing grasp, trying to regain her leverage and break free, while avoiding whatever Sheer was trying to get near her face.

Utilizing the distraction she had noticed in Emerald earlier, Sheer suddenly moved her left hand down, directly between Emerald’s tights-covered legs. Sheer then gently but firmly cupped her hand against Emerald’s tight fitting costume. Caught completely off guard, Emerald reacted with a wide-eyed, shocked inhale. And at that exact instant Sheer squeezed the sphere in her right hand directly in front of the heroine’s face.

Once triggered, the anesthetic gas was perfectly drawn in Emerald’s mouth and eyes. She immediately felt as if a warm, wet towel had been wrapped around her head and her entire body seemed to multiply in weight. She sluggishly tried to shake off its effects.

An exhausted Sheer, avoiding the quickly dissipating gas, lay back and unwound her legs from Emerald’s lithe form. She then pulled her legs together behind the weakened heroine and placed her feet on the back of Emerald’s golden belt. With a forceful shove, Emerald stumbled forward, falling directly in front of the large machine in the corner of the workspace. Disoriented and moaning, she tried to wipe away the clinging residue of the gas.

Wasting no time, the lovely villainess slid off the table and moved to the side of the machine. After removing a small remote control device, she rushed back to the work area, several yards from the ominous device. With only the barest fragment of her hyper-powers returning, Emerald had gathered the strength to kneel on one knee. “Got to… clear my head,” she thought. “Still… too weak… to fight. Need time… to recover.”

Breathing hard from her battle, Sheer again rested against the workbench and looked at her young enemy. “Well done, my brave young heroine,” she taunted. “This is turning into my best experiment ever. And now I’d like to show you my most prized discovery. The machine behind you is known as a particle polarizer. My own creation, I can use it to change the physical, molecular properties of any substance within its admittedly short range of effect. As you are now.”

And with that, the cunning and beautiful villainess pressed a button on the remote control, activating the large machine with a loud, low hum. Suddenly, as if unseen hands gripped the helpless young heroine, Emerald was jerked backwards into the air, colliding with the machine behind her. Her body, arms, hands, and her beautiful legs were instantly pinned to the smooth surface of the particle polarizer. Emerald fiercely began to struggle, but it was as if she had fallen onto a giant sheet of flypaper. She was helplessly magnetized to the device. Only her head and neck were able to move.

“Yes, dear Emerald. Now you understand. I’ve programmed my wonderful machine to alter the molecular properties of the compound tetramethylene terephthalate. That’s one of the polymers used to create the wonderful substance commonly known as nylon. Simply put darling, you’re being held prisoner by your very own leotard, gloves, and those wonderful tights you’re wearing.”

Gasping, Emerald felt somehow betrayed by the uniform which she had so lovingly created. She had always enjoyed the look and feel of her leotard and tights, and now those same leotard and tights held her fast to this diabolical device. Try as she might, even with her slowly returning hyper-powers, she couldn’t break free from this iron grip. She muttered, “Can’t break… free. My leotard and… tights are… holding me powerless.”

The beautiful arch villainess turned and walked to a distant corner of the laboratory area. A moment later she returned wearing a bulky one-piece metallic coverall with built-in gloves and boots. She had obviously slipped into this while still wearing her alluring flesh-tone bodystocking. She walked back to the workbench she had struggled with Emerald on, and once again pulled a small sphere from the specimen jar.

She then began walking toward the trapped young heroine. “Sorry I had to slip into something less comfortable, especially knowing how much we both enjoy our tight fitting costumes. But I couldn’t let myself become trapped as you are. There’d be no one to release us.”

“You can’t… do this. Please… let me go,” pleaded the firmly trapped young heroine.

Standing next to the powerless Emerald, Sheer smiled. “Oh, I’ll be glad to let you go. But only after you’ve revealed to me all the secrets of your incredible powers.” And she then reached down and ran her fingertips slowly up the inside of the desperate young heroine’s thigh. And again betrayed by her body’s reaction to the touch, Emerald gasped, straight into the triggered anesthetic gas. Having exhausted all her physical and mental resources, the defeated beautiful young heroine’s head slumped forward into unconsciousness.
Can't move... This device... holding me by my... sheer tights... has me powerless!
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Great story! Any chance of someone coming to Emerald's resuce or no?
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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Last edited by cthulhu1 13 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Thanks for the kind words of encouragement. And from 2 of Hypnotic World's best authors to boot. I am humbled. This is honestly something I just threw together from many of the things I would LOVE to see on video. And thanks for letting me borrow the wonderful characters of Lavender Lady and Lilac Lass for a moment.

Worry not, there will be a continuation. I really like the idea of henchgirls, but will need to work on folding them into the story frame.
Can't move... This device... holding me by my... sheer tights... has me powerless!

I'm glad to hear there will be more. Here are some suggestions for the hench-girls:

1) Physics graduate students Sheer recruited from her old alma mater. Their background makes them helpful as lab assisstants.
2) Strangis interns that worked under Sheer, came to agree with her point of view, and accompanied her when she left to become a villian.
3) Agents on loan from some secret ultra-radical militant feminist group the man-hating Sheer is allied with. Some examples are W.A.R. (Women's Armed Revolution) and W.A.M.O. (Women Against Male Oppression). Maybe Sheer is trying to create super-soldiers for the eventual revolution.
4) Temps hired through R.A.T. (Rent-A-Thug). All those hench-people have to come from somewhere.
5) Former pantyhose models who don't know any other way to make a living.
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Last edited by cthulhu1 13 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Drowning. No, swimming upward, desperate to reach the surface. Catching glimpses of light as the pressure begins to lessen. Finally, breaking the surface…

Slowly, with great effort, Emerald tried opening her heavily lidded eyes. Bright lights assaulted her, but she was able to keep from slipping back into slumber. Like a computer beginning its start up routine, she began to reconnect with her body and surroundings.

As her mind tried to focus she recalled her battle with Sheer in the warehouse laboratory. Through her curiously clouded vision Emerald realized that she was still in that same laboratory area. She could just make out the various workbenches, and that large vile machine, the particle polarizer, that had held her fast in its merciless grip.

It was then she discovered her own current position. She found herself lying atop a metallic table, its surface tilted at about a 45 degree angle. As dulled sensation reentered her body she attempted to move, only to find that she was secured to the table by wide bands affixed tightly across her wrists, nylon-encased ankles, and across her torso, below her ribs but above her trim waist. Relieved to be free from the all-encompassing grip of Sheer’s insidious device, Emerald was still held firmly, with no apparent means to resist or escape. Attempting to utilize her hyper-strength, the beautiful young heroine found herself unable to concentrate enough to bring her formidable powers to bear.

Unable to move, she was still able to sense the comforting pressure of her power belt still encircling her waist. But it was as if something was somehow blocking her connection with the mystical stone within the belt that was the source of her hyper abilities. “What has she… done to me,” Emerald thought. “How can I… still be so… weak and powerless?” Never before had the young blonde superheroine felt so vulnerable.

Just then a figure moved out of the darkened perimeter and into the lighted lab area. It took a moment for Emerald to realize that the woman wearing the neck-to-toe gloved bodystocking and no shoes was not the villainess Sheer, whom she had battled earlier. From her short distance away, she appeared a few years younger than Sheer and had lightly curled red hair. But her shapely form in the body-hugging opaque garment proved a vivid reminder of Emerald’s previous encounter.

It was then that Emerald was forced to confront the strange reactions she had experienced both before and during her battle with the powerful new villainess. From almost the first moment, Emerald had become almost entranced by Sheer’s physical presence. Emerald had to admit that she had always been a person that enjoyed pleasurable sensations, which included the look and especially feel of tight fitting pantyhose and tights. But she had never had such a reaction when seeing another woman wearing them.

Emerald knew that she had become deeply distracted by Sheer’s costume, especially the way in which she hypnotically rubbed her legs together. Emerald had been lulled into such a position that she knew her abilities had been compromised. And she knew that her reaction to Sheer’s touch had been even more distracting, losing focus to such a degree that caused her to be in her present predicament. The young heroine knew this to be a new and unforeseen weakness against the alluring villainess. What could have caused such an unexpected vulnerability, and could this weakness be evoked by this new woman, who Emerald had to assume was one of Sheer’s minions?

As she pondered these developments, she watched the lovely red-haired woman turn toward her, for the first time noticing that the captured superheroine had awoken. Walking toward her, Emerald was saddened to realize that she was also reacting to this newcomer. She could not deny her fascination with the young woman’s approach.

“Well, look who’s awake,” said the shapely young woman as she hovered near Emerald’s prone form. “We heard you gave our master quite a time. I’ve gotta say that I wouldn’t mind a tussle with you myself. Lying there helpless, you do have a definite appeal.” Her tone wasn’t mocking, simply stating matters as she clearly saw them. Her gaze roamed up and down the length of the bound young heroine’s body.

Squirming weakly within her bonds, the helpless Emerald replied, “Who are you? And what are you going to do with me?” It was then that Emerald remembered that the woman had said “we heard” and “our master.” Adding to her despair, the powerless Emerald wondered just how badly she was outnumbered. Even with her hyper abilities, would she be able to escape these diabolical clutches?

“I’ll let someone you’ve already met handle any introductions,” smiled the young villainess. “As far as what we’re going to do with you, it doesn’t look like you’re in any position to resist. For myself, I’m anxious to see the face hidden behind that mask.”

Emerald realized she had been so distracted by her peril and her inexplicable reactions, she had completely failed to consider the issue of her secret identity. She knew that most villains dreamed of unmasking her and other superheroines, thereby eliminating their ability to serve as crimefighters. It was as if Emerald’s mask supplied her with power as much as her emerald belt. The thought of losing either while under the power of these mystery women increased her struggles, but to no avail.

“Ah, I see our brave young heroine has met Taupe.” Both Emerald and the newcomer turned to see the graceful entrance of the villainess Sheer. Walking behind the powerful criminal mistress was another young woman also only a few years older than herself, this one with very closely cut blonde hair and wearing a costume identical to that of the other two. Indicating the woman behind her, Sheer said, “And I’d like to introduce my other associate, Suntan. I know, naming them after shades of pantyhose may seem a bit too ‘arch villainess’ and all, but aren’t they just luscious?”

Inwardly, Emerald groaned, “Oh, how can I ever hope to escape 3 women who seem to have such a powerful hold over me?” She watched as Taupe and Suntan positioned themselves behind and beside their master. Clearly they knew who was in charge and they respected her greatly.

“Just so you know, these 2 beautiful young women are not your run of the mill henchgirls. They are both former Strangis junior researchers who were equally mistreated by the male-dominated system. After my departure they sought me out in hopes that I could empower them as I had decided to do for myself.” As Sheer explained, Emerald continued to realize the true depth of her predicament.

As Sheer moved closer to the table holding her prisoner, the still groggy young heroine tried her best to remain calm, even though the nearness of her beautiful captor made it extremely difficult to concentrate. “Well, now that I’ve fallen into your trap, what do you plan to do to me? You know I’ll never cooperate with you.”

Standing over the helpless heroine, Sheer looked deeply into Emerald’s eyes. “Oh, we have some methods that may increase your willingness to participate.” Looking fondly at her captive, Sheer asked, “Tell me dear, how old are you?”

Surprised at the nature of the simple question, Emerald replied, “You know that I’m not going to tell you anything, no matter hat you ask.” With a slight smile, the villainess reached a nylon-covered hand across Emerald’s immobilized leg and placed her fingertips gently on the back of the heroine’s tights-encased knee. Soothingly, Sheer asked, “Emerald, how old are you?” As she spoke, the villainess lightly moved her fingers up and around Emerald’s leg and stopped just at the point where the young heroine’s thigh emerged from her green leotard.

“Ni... ni... Nineteen!” the helpless girl gasped aloud. Wide-eyed with shock, Emerald realized that she had no control at all. She had been as helpless to resist Sheer’s question as if she had been bound by Wonder Woman’s golden lasso of truth. “No! Please!” she pleaded, struggling weakly. Where were her powers when she most desperately needed them?

Satisfied, Sheer gently began absentmindedly massaging the outside of Emerald’s leg, up and down her thigh. “You see darling, current technology maintains that either chemicals or physical pain must be employed to strip away the layers of defense we use to control our thoughts and actions, such as brainwashing techniques or truth serums. Being years ahead of everyone else, I determined that you only need a small amount of chemically-induced weakening that allows an application of pleasure to make a subject completely susceptible to suggestion.”

“But I’ve been free of your knock out gas for some time now,” the captured young heroine said with more confidence than she felt.

Sheer looked a bit disappointed, saying, “Then I assume you haven’t noticed the small vent openings on the table near either side of your head. They’re keeping your face bathed in the tiniest amount of my special anesthetic, designed to keep you just groggy enough for my plans. I can’t very well have you concentrate enough to activate your hyper abilities, now can I?” She then added ominously, “At least, not yet.”

With each passing moment the fate of the beautiful young heroine seemed even more dire. “Please don’t do this,” she begged, all pretense evaporating from her voice.

With an almost sad expression, the powerful villainess regarded Emerald, as if to apologize for the fates to come. As Taupe and Suntan watched raptly from behind, Sheer moved her hand back to the inside of Emerald’s nylon-covered thigh and began lightly stroking the leg. “Now, let’s begin. Please tell me your name.”

Completely powerless to resist the maddening touch, Emerald stammered < “Jenn… Jennifer... Jennifer Ja… Jade.” She thought, “My God, I’ve revealed my secret identity! I’m totally under her power!”

But the questions were far from over. Sheer continued her hypnotic massage. “Jennifer; that’s a lovely name for a lovely young woman. Tell me Jennifer, what is the source of your incredible powers?”

With all her willpower, Emerald replied, “No… please! Not my powers!”

“Oh, but I must insist. Emerald, what is the source of your powers?”

The unceasing physical sensation of Sheer’s nylon-covered hands moving across her tights was just too much. “I get my… powers from… the… mystical emerald… in my belt.”

Intrigued, Sheer questioned, “And are your powers permanent?”

Unable to resist, the beautiful young prisoner gasped, “If you… remove my… golden belt…, I become… completely helpless. No! Please don’t… take my… belt!”

“You are under my power, Emerald. I want you to let me have your power belt.”

While the merciless touching continued, the lovely captive breathed, “No! Please! You can’t!”

“Emerald, listen carefully to my voice. Please let me have your power belt.”

Falling ever more under the spell of the relentless villainess, the weakened Emerald could only reply, “Sheer…, please… remove… my belt. Please. Take my… power belt.”
Can't move... This device... holding me by my... sheer tights... has me powerless!
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Hey any chance we can see more of the story?
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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Yes, I'll be continuing this story, but the holidays and travel have slowed me down somewhat. I should be able to move along this week.
Can't move... This device... holding me by my... sheer tights... has me powerless!
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Yes, I'll be continuing this story, but the holidays and travel have slowed me down somewhat. I should be able to move along this week.
Can't move... This device... holding me by my... sheer tights... has me powerless!
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“Of course darling, anything for you”, cooed the evil villainess. Slowly, her nylon-encased hands snaked around the helpless young heroine’s waist, finding the fastener holding Emerald’s power belt. Pulling the fastening material apart she removed the source of Emerald’s powers and with it, any hope of escape for the beautiful captive.

Reduced to breathless sobs, Emerald was powerless to resist as Sheer examined her new prize. Never before had she felt so vulnerable, so helpless. She was completely in the power of Sheer and her henchwomen. The knowledge that she herself had been unable to stop herself from revealing her weakness made her predicament all the more grave.

With the confidence of one who has defeated all their adversaries, the evil villainess Sheer said, “All right, Taupe. Let’s get started with the particle analysis of our new trinket. Suntan, please be a dear and watch over our young friend here. We don’t want anything to happen to her; she may yet prove useful. Who knows what information she might provide to help us deal with her superheroine friends?”

“Yes, of course,” replied the lovely blonde henchwoman as she moved closer to the helpless heroine’s prone form bound upon the table. “It’ll be a pleasure.” Sheer and the young redhead Taupe softly padded away, leaving Emerald at the mercy of Suntan.

Moving next to the powerless young heroine, Suntan placed a nylon-gloved hand lightly along the inside of Emerald’s lower tights-covered thigh. Feeling the almost electric quiver in the girl’s body, Suntan knew that Emerald was susceptible to her touch as well. Beginning a hypnotic and exciting massage of Emerald’s leg, Suntan began, “All right sweetheart, let’s talk about some of your heroine friends. What are some weaknesses of Lavender Lady and UNGH…”

Like a puppet whose strings have been cut, the beautiful henchwoman Suntan suddenly gasps and slowly falls to the floor beside Emerald’s table. “Boy, you sure are lucky I have such great timing,” says a petite teenage girl. Wearing a light purple leotard and tights, with matching cape, mask, belt, and gloves, she is replacing the small dart-shooting device on her belt with which she has obviously just incapacitated Sheer’s young henchwoman. “The police found you abandoned car a few hours ago and asked for our help. They weren’t sure what to make of a new Saturn left in this neighborhood with a woman’s overcoat and heels left on the front seat.” As she spoke, the newcomer began loosening the bonds on Emerald’s torso, wrists, and ankles.

“Lilac Lass!” the weakened heroine breathed. “Thank heavens! We’ve got to get out of here. This villainess named Sheer has…”

“Slow down, Emerald. I know what’s been happening. I’ve been lurking out in the shadows listening, waiting till the odds were a bit more in my favor. But you’re right, we do need to move. Lavender Lady isn't here so it’s just the two of us. Can you make it?”

Freed from the effects of the knock-out gas, Emerald was beginning to think more clearly, even though she had lost her golden belt containing the source of her hyper-abilities. She was now standing, just a bit shakily. “I think so, but what about my belt? We can’t let Sheer keep it.”

“Well, I guess that depends on if you can take it from me.” Both young heroines spun and found themselves facing the bodystocking-clad forms of Sheer and her henchwoman Taupe. “Looks like we’re not quite done for the evening. Taupe, if you would please handle our little captive, I think I need to take care of this pig-tailed trespasser.” And with that the two villainesses launched themselves at the surprised young heroines.

Taupe leaped wildly upon the still-recovering Emerald, pinning her down atop the table she so recently escaped from. Quickly the red-haired villainess forced Emerald backwards, Emerald’s nylon-covered feet unable to gain leverage on the hard warehouse floor. The young heroine struggled under the athletic young Taupe’s grasp.

At the same time, young Lilac Lass found herself sprawling across the floor, grappling with the powerful Sheer. The feisty teenage heroine knew she had to keep the older villainess pinned to the floor. There was no telling what kind of dangers and traps she may have in store if she got herself free.

As Emerald struggled beneath the young henchwoman’s writhing body, she felt the same powerful distraction she had earlier. She couldn’t let herself become so powerless again, knowing Lilac Lass would surely be no match for these two women combined. She only had one chance. Using her opponent’s equal attraction to her, she began moving her tights-encased leg up and down, rubbing against the insides of Taupe’s nyloned legs. Instinctively Taupe leaned even more across the pinned Emerald.

And that was all she needed. Emerald used all her remaining strength to lift Taupe off the floor and roll her onto the table. Now atop the villainess, Emerald used her bodyweight to pin Taupe to the table surface. He young villainess gasped, right into the stream of knock-out gas coming from the vents beside her head. After a few moments, her eyelids began to droop as Taupe lapsed into sleep. “Have a nice nap, sweetheart,” exclaimed an exhausted young Emerald.

The distraction caused by her assistant’s defeat gave Sheer the opening she needed. She was able to maneuver Lilac Lass’ trim young body far enough away to apply a crushing leg scissors that pinned the heroine’s arms to her sides. Pressing her advantage, the evil villainess then locked her hands together and brought them down in a blow to Lilac Lass’ shoulder. Stunned, the nylon-clad heroine slumped back. Releasing her legs, Sheer then quickly stood and began dragging the helpless girl backwards, dropping her directly in front of the dreaded particle polarizer and grasping the remote control unit.

“Oh no! cried Emerald as she climbed off the table now holding her unconscious opponent. She watched as Sheer smiled and activated the dastardly device. Immediately Lilac Lass’ groggy form was propelled backwards, landing hard against the machine. As had Emerald before, the purple-clad young heroine was helplessly pinned to the devices smooth surface. Her struggles were useless against the iron grip of the powerful force holding her fast.

“Can’t… break free,” gasped Lilac Lass. “My… utility belt… out of reach.”

With all her strength, Emerald ran towards Sheer, hoping to wrest the remote control from her and free the trapped Lilac Lass. As soon as she reached the powerful villainess, Emerald knew she didn’t have a chance. She was too exhausted from all her battles and struggles of the day. Sheer’s powerful hands gripped her by the arms. “Oh no, young lady. I’ll deal with you in just a moment.” And with that she shoved the weakened Emerald away, landing atop a nearby workbench. “Now, let’s see just how much force your little rescuer her can tolerate.” Sheer then began to increase the intensity of the machine’s attraction force, literally using Lilac Lass’ own leotard and tights to crush the lithe body within.

“Unnngghhh…,” cried out the captive heroine. “Can’t… breathe. So much… pain. Please… stop.”

“Hey Sheer!” The villainess spun around to the source of the voice and found herself face to face with a defiant looking Emerald. Her arm was suddenly gripped by a powerful hand and it was then the villainess realized she had tossed the young heroine directly toward the workbench where she had been examining her golden belt. She never even saw the hyper-strength punch coming.

Dropping the now unconscious villainess to the floor, Emerald immediately deactivated the particle polarizer, releasing the weakened Lilac Lass. Lowering the battered young heroine to sit on the floor, Emerald found Lilac Lass’ communicator on her belt and used it to summon Lavender Lady for help. Using her newly-restored powers, Emerald then tied up Sheer and her beautiful young henchwomen.

As the two young superheroines waited for Lilac Lass’ partner to arrive, Emerald couldn’t help but wonder about what her future held. There was no way to stop Sheer and her assistants from revealing her secret identity, the source of her powers, or even more troubling: her unexplained vulnerability and weakness in the face of these nylon-clad villains.

Would she be able to continue in her role as a superheroine crimefighter?

Only time will tell…
Can't move... This device... holding me by my... sheer tights... has me powerless!
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Last edited by cthulhu1 13 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Sargeant 1st Class
Sargeant 1st Class
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Thanks for the kind words of encouragement. And also for letting me borrow Lilac Lass; she's a great character and I enjoyed having her in the story.

I have some thinking to do in regards to Emerald. I really like the character and her costume but writing this story has really shown me that I need to think much farther ahead. While it worked at the moment, Emerald revealing her secret identity creates a lot more problems down the line. I didn't want to just take the easy Lilac Lass Memory Erasing Gas route. :D

I would love to see Emerald show up in your young superheroines group if I can come up with a way to keep her as a viable character. But I do like the way she's distracted by her own and other costumes. This could create an interesting angle when working with other heroines.

Anyway, thanks again. I have some other ideas/characters that I hope to write about soon.
Can't move... This device... holding me by my... sheer tights... has me powerless!
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