Breakaway props?

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Would you like to see breakaway props used in films?

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To all of the amazing producers on the forum:
Have you considered incorporating breakaway props into your films? I can't recall ever seeing one used in a film that I have seen, but I think they would add a little something extra to fight scenes and KO's. I'm sure safety is a concern, especially if breakaway glass is used, but it looks like there's plenty of other types of props. I'm not suggesting going crazy with them, or making the film look like an out of control wrestling match (with the steel chair bah gawd!), or something amusing but out-of-place like Dark Vega hitting Trinity over the head with a dinner plate. Perhaps a KO by a break-away 2 x 4, lab beaker, anything that is in the scene (but still relevant to the set/story).

To the fans: is this something you'd like to see? I've made this into a poll to gauge opinion. Just so you know I don't consider this to be anything incredibly important to the final decision to purchase the film, just a thought I had to for something new/different.

Keep up the great work producers! What an incredible time to be a ShiP fan!
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Mr. X
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We used break aways when we got started. Bought some breakable bottles. A couple of things happened:

1. Models played with the breakable and broke them over her own head trying them out before we started shooting.
2. Other model who got hit freaked out cause it still kind of hurt and she was worried about the fragments.
3. One model hit another model with the wrong bottle.
4. Some things like walls made from aluminum foil are cool ie metal wall they ploy thru but again models were too concerned about being cut etc.
5. Costly to do retakes.
6. One guy in a monster suit was supposed to burst through a real thin sheet rock fake wall. Yeah he didn't deliver on that and we had to do cut scenes cause we only had one wall.

Not saying its not possible. Just saying we kind of gave up on trying that. We still used things like breakable 2x4s but only her hitting the bad guy. One of the problems is worrying about cutting or bruising the model.
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It'd be lovely to see it, but there's a good reason not to. Mr X kinda sums it up really - there's a reason stunt people exist. So really the question to producers is "Do you want to hire a stunt double?"

From a bit of experience working behind the scenes I'd be highly doubtful this'd be the case - profit margins aren't that broad.

Also fairly unlikely you'll get many professional stunt-women wanting to work in fetish vids
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They are used in Nova Woman2 - JC Marie gets a bottle to the back of her head and Paris picks up a vase to use as a weapon but Karlie Montana smashes it in her hands.

I liked their use and would like to see more. Gave the fight a bit more dynamism

Loved the point above about the models trying them out, bless :D
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It's a dangerous path though - you're employing someone, often for an exorbitant pay/hr fee. Should said person get injured, they sue you. Those lost days of working and medical bills...

Sooooooo easilly done with sugarglass - can easilly get into eyes. Eye protection's not so "super".

Whereas stunt people sign a waiver and are often paid handsomely for doing so.
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True but you can minimize the risks - throwing a bottle that a heroine can duck and it smashes on the wall behind her or shielding behind something so it smashes harmlessly against that object - for a female Captain America it would be a chance to use the shield!
My point was that it had been done and I for one would like to see more, not that it wasn't without it's problems.
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Definitely would be good - just a nightmare from a safety perspective.
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Mr. X
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The breakable bottles were expensive for us. Cheaper to just buy a real bottle of wine.
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Thanks for your feedback everyone! Definitely some very good points brought up that I hadn't thought about. Mr. X, point number 3 you mentioned must have been a tough situation to diffuse. The last thing I want is for anyone to get hurt because of a small prop. Is it something that was bad at the time, but know you can look back on it and laugh a little? Or is it still bad?
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We used some in the Perils of Batgirl film and it was fun but it is expensive and difficult to do because u only get one take.
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Mr. X
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sam wrote:Thanks for your feedback everyone! Definitely some very good points brought up that I hadn't thought about. Mr. X, point number 3 you mentioned must have been a tough situation to diffuse. The last thing I want is for anyone to get hurt because of a small prop. Is it something that was bad at the time, but know you can look back on it and laugh a little? Or is it still bad?
It was a situation of "Is this the bottle I'm supposed to use" KLONK "OOps wrong bottle". It was a tap on the head.

I just avoid anything that can bruise or cut the model UNLESS she is particularly trained to do it. Like some girls are trained to do wrestling so they can take body slams etc. I'm not saying don't do breakables. I'm just saying don't expect the model to be all in for having a styrofoam fake 2x4 bashed over her head.
Alex Bettinger
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We've used plenty of breakaway props--in Divapocalypse (bottle and vases), Wonder Dame (cinder block), Nova Woman 2 (bottle and vase), XCW (brick, table).

Found them not only easy and awesome to use, but actually surprisingly cheap. Never had anything even close to a problem--they are made to basically disintegrate with the slightest hit.

I prefer props like that to digital special effects.
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Just had a thought on breakaway props: How about using large pieces of styrofoam cut to shape? If you can get them from appliance or furniture stores, they'll be plentiful and free. No broken shards to worry about. You could even cut a slit In the foam opposite where she gets conked to create the breakaway effect.

Hope that helps!
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I can do this... ;)
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