Wonderous Woman vs Zandor (Now Available)

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I finally cast a Wonderous Woman who will be taking on Zandor in a single release featuring a brutal back and forth slug fest with the big guy and the sexual domination of Wonderous Woman.

Please welcome Gigi Allens as Superia in THE Parolee 2 and Wonderous Woman vs the Zandor coming soon to an SHG-media near you!

Here is a teaser for The Parolee 2 and Wonderous Woman vs the Zandor!




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Too blonde and too skinny to be a WW that I will want to see but the costume looks good.

I may change my mind when she is in full costume though as I emjoy most of your releases Rye, would of loved to see a dark haired lady with a similar build to Cassidy play WW.
Last edited by rayman 10 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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SHA-WING!!!! Wow. She is so pretty, and with minimal tattoos from what I can see. Needless to say, great cast! The costume looks fantastic as well.

My request is more costume destruction (obviously) and if it's possible toss some grime into the fight. I have no idea what the location is like you have in mind, but a good scene with some mud or such for her to be cast down in would go a long way. Makes the location very interactive and the scene more intense as it evolves imo.

On the sexual peril topic, I love the way you do your scenes, but how do you feel about adding a bit more ferocity in them? Fast hard trusts, wild roars from the Zandor, just rougher. More primal.

I get so many ideas when I think of this scene and I enjoy the fact that she has the lasso. What about a part where she uses it to latch around his neck and pulls him into a powerful strike, maybe even a few. The lasso is around his neck she pulls the Zando into a hard hit to the belly, spins and runs behind him while he is stunned, pulls him backwards into a crushing blow to the back. ( I have probably been playing too much Injustice lol )

Another idea, an over the head body slam? Into mud? My mind is dancing with ideas, let me know if I am at all on the right track with things you would enjoy in the film.
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Wow Rye!

What a surprise tonight!! You are starting 2014 with a bang for sure.
The model looks amazing and I like the costume. One request though..

Can the bottoms be a bit more snug and perhaps a little more high cut?
Just look a bit loose on that model and the last two vids have knocked it
outta the park with high cut leos on SG and Skyfire.

Other than that, cannot wait. Work your magic!
You are the Steven Spielberg of this genre. haha
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Yum! Superia is the Powergirl outfit, right? One fantasy I can think of would be to have her and Cassidy (who would be in the red and blues as Superior Girl) in the same film. I may have to give more thought as to what to include in that film... :sly:
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"In a separate release Gigi will also be playing Superia in the Parolee 2 which features a recently paroled group of thugs who make headlines by assaulting young women and don't take too kindly to Superia trying to intervene..."

This sounds hot as fuck. Love it. If you want to do me a favor, keep the kryptonite out of it and just find a reason to give them super strength... stolen power armor, experimental drugs, some magic villain who's boosted their strength hoping to draw out a heroine... I've always wanted to see a scene like that.
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Btw, to the guy who said she's skinny... Look at those thighs. That girl ain't skinny. She's just TALL.
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saxman314 wrote:Btw, to the guy who said she's skinny... Look at those thighs. That girl ain't skinny. She's just TALL.
I like the thighs shown in the WW costume but I think that is not Gigi, I like tall women but Gigi is simply too slim for someone I would like to see as WW, I am sure she wil make a great SG character but I am simply into a build like Cassidy has.
Don't get me wrong Gigi is beautiful but just not my cup of tea for WW.
I never really dug SG until Rye unleashed Cassidy upon us and I love seeing SG when Cassidy portrays her.
Just my taste no disrespect to Rye or Gigi.

Rye knows how long I have been waiting for him to shoot an epic WW movie like he did with 1984 and Doomsday, he even shared a script with me based on the original WW and lasers scene which will be amazing if he ever gets to film it.
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Rye wrote:I finally cast a Wonderous Woman who will be taking on Zandor in a single release featuring a brutal back and forth slug fest with the big guy and the sexual domination of Wonderous Woman.

Please welcome Gigi Allens as Wonderous Woman!
:welcome: :hooray:

Impressive! I googled her for more images and was not disappointed! Well done.
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I agree with Scribbler! Shes smoking hot. Hopefully you have a nice OTS scene and chloroform knockout-- Cant wait to see what you do!
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Wow, she is hot! Keep her blonde please, she looks incredible. I second the motion on the shorts, higher cut the better. And if we could have some Diana Prince (civilian) peril as well as WG, that would be ideal. Lined up to buy once again Rye, thanks!
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Brad has a good question - " Superia - what is the costume? " - I thought it was same as SuperGirl but for copyright reasons - blah blah. Either way - I most strongly recommend Superia tie down - spread eagle? - costume under skirt/blouse (white?) with a little showing - grope then RIP to shreds her blouse and more to reveal the costume - I mean shirt/blouse with pockets - get a feel then grab a pocket and rip. Laughing all the time. Don't care male/female. ""Hey - you trying to hide something on use - HAHA - little do you know - Rrriiiiipppppp"". Also concur with Peter75 - Rye - you've set the standard and you exceed it with each new production. ((other subject - Rye - I disagree with the comments on other post concerning the slime or goo. In 1984 it looks like you used green liquid soap which would not wash out under the shower. I think if you used a gel slime (which can be found on the web) the conditions would be better and the actress would be more acceptable versus soap.)) - final comment - I love Cassidy, I love SuperGirl, I love seeing her in the stills on SHG website. Not sure who is running that site or how I can provide feedback but I see the " X " rack in the background and am wondering if LEXX is going to use it on Cassidy??? For all - your contributions are outstanding & I love reading them - regardless of subject/opinion (btw - Superia "with" Kryptonite and PANTYHOSE).. ha ha. Braces
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Wow, she is hot. Looks like 2 more guaranteed Rye purchases. Related to the WG, I vote you keep her blonde as she looks amazing. And some scenes with peril as a civilian (Diana Prince) would be great.

Thanks Rye, looking forward to them.
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Love the costume and Gigi....when she does face the zandor.....would love to see a few bearhugs....Unlike the tv show and some past WW films and clips....Really show the peril of WW ssuffering in the hug... maybe some backbreakers also....Can't wait for this
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Rye, tip of the hat man. I have to say initially i was drawn back by the fact that the model is blonde, but she's growing on me and another thing to keep in mind is performance is half the deal.

I love the costume by the way. Glad I held back on the bulk purchase and waiting for this to come out with my mouth watering!
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also some things I would like to see is variety of actions instead of repetitive low blows or such things. I would love for you to use the environment against the heroine and have her become bruised and bloodied...or at least dirtied up in the fight. I find that sexy.

Couple of things I am in favor of are debooting and some scenes of her in her normal everyday life. I know some of my points are points of contention with many fetsishists of this genre, but just want my voice to be heard either way!
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Abducted by Zandor's minions and taken aboard spaceship where she is broken and prepared for his pleasure. Laid out on a table(secured) naked or close to it by his throne. He has his way with her then chains her to his throne as his slave for future pleasure
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She's gorgoeus by the way. These films are always awesome and usually have everything I'm looking for. My requests mostly involve taunting and humiliating the heroine because everything else is so well done:
-Taunting/name calling (her a "bitch" "whore" or "slut" right in her face.
-Laughing in her face as she's suffering and/or being hurt
-Telling her all the horrible things that are going to happen to her before hand.
A few other non-taunting requests
-Painful raking/clawing of her back.
-Painful Boob grabbing/clawing
-Slamming her and sexing her against a wall.
-Simulated cumshot. SHC went overboard with the goo but I'd love to see her face splashed with some sort of gooey substance.
-I also second the harder/rougher violation request; as if the bad guys have been sexually deprived for years. They should rail the holy hell out of her.
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Beautiful. I think the shorts are fine. Some of them have gotten so high cut lately that they look absurd. Skyfire's almost seemed like they went up to her armpits, as high as they went above her belt.
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maybe some mind control device that tortures here while she squirms to fight it
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Hey Rye,

Great model! Smoking hot and lovely face. I think she would make a great Wonder Woman or Supergirl. Just out of curiosity, if she plays Wonder Woman, would she dye her hair black or wear a black wig or stay blonde? My preference would be for her hair to be black, as close to LC and the original character, but I'll take anything that your direct and produce.

Any idea on a release date? Thanks for your great work!

LexL (Luther)
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The only suggestion I have for you Rye would be to give Wonderous Woman a dramatic death against the Zandor as opposed to the strangle which is usually used to close out PH films. Don't get me wrong, I love it, but I think it'd be cool to see something different in a climatic showdown. Like the Zandor intentionally breaking each bone in her body, crippling Wonder Woman, and then he turns a horde of tiny little aliens loose on her to eat her.
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How tall is she?
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Just a couple days left for requests!

I think you're gonna like Gigi. This upcoming movie is not my big epic WW film but I still think you will enjoy it.

HeroineFall84 -
thanks for the suggestions. Costume destruction might be tricky with WW but Superia will be no problem at all.

Lol thanks Peter. I ordered 3 pairs of panties all with different cuts... what ever looks best on camera is what Ill end up going with.

Indeed that is the Powergirl-esk character. The costume should be very similar to the original Parolee

No kryptonite planned... A military General who is experimenting with devices that level the playing field between humans and Krystonians gives the parolee's some assistance.

thank you sir!

Should be easy enough, no problem.

I'll see what I can do. She will be blonde and Im not going to even try a wig.

Hehe thanks a lot, and thanks for the suggestions. The spread eagle thing should be easy enough but the civilian peril might be harder to do with what im planning. As for Cassidy pics on superherogirls.com that is owned and controlled by SHG-media and yes I believe that frame does get used if I remember correctly ;)

Already planning on it ;)

Thank you very much, and this fight will be closer to Doomsday if anything. I have complete faith in Gigi's ability to pull this off.

There will be bondage for sure... don't know if I can build a spaceship between now and then though!

Ninja J.-
thanks and some of your requests would work best for Superia and some for WW so ill try to mix it up.

Ive got 3 different pairs to try :)

thanks man, and she will remain blonde. She looks amazing and I think it will make this movie stand out a bit from other WW creations.

done and done

She is 5'10 so with boots she will be 6'1 :ohmg:

To all, Zandor is being upgraded this time around fully equipped with Slimy long Tentacles that can wrap around poor Wonderous Woman :) They are being built by the same props/makeup artist from Doomsday and Last Laugh.
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My usual sir :) ots carries(with gentle butt slaps) chloroform with inner voice"I can't fight it,falling asleeeeeeeep" :)
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Hey Rye, I would like to see her use her magic lasso one of the villains, and she asks them what are you planning on doing. They respond by letting her know what they are going to do to her. She could let them know, that will never happen. If at some point the lasso could be used to tie her hands behind her back I could get into that as well. The villian might even say something like, so nice of you to bring a toy to the party of something like that. Really looking forward to both of these movies. Best of luck and warm welcome to Gigi.
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The magic lasso is unbreakable right? Would make an awesome pulled tighter and tighter crotchrope! (For use on WW, not villain)

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Thanks for the response Rye-- you are top notch! keep up the great work!
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Hell yeah, Rye! Here's another thought for the pot... Instead of beating her into submission or being "out on her feet," the surprisingly strong villain(s) can sneak in little gropes or tweaks of her costume while they fight her to show how little they fear her power...

For example, she walks up to grab one of them and he grabs her wrist, making her wince unexpectedly. Instead of punching her or something, he just reaches out and slaps her breast or twists a nip, then shoves her back and tells her, "bring it on, bitch!" Or someone sneaks up behind her and instead of clocking her on the head or going for a choke, she just gets a wedgie or a wicked spank (or both) while the villain laughs at her. She can even be landing good hits and doing damage while this kind of thing is worked it.

The only thing that makes some of these vids seem repetitive to me is that the heroine is not molested until she's completely over powered, at which point, she's almost unresponsive, and can rest assured she did all she could to fight with honor. In the scenario above, she's gonna get flustered and feel inadequate as a fighter since she's actively resisting and STILL unable to keep from being used for the villains' fun.
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I just want to echo a couple good suggestions that were already made to ensure they're not overlooked:

(1) I agree that the costume needs to be tighter around hips and crotch. It looks pretty loose and ill fitting as is.

(2) I agree with the suggestion that the heroine is not just beaten physically, but humiliated throughout the fight by such things as titty twisters and wedgies (front and back). Beyond that, use your imagination for what else could be done to her to emphasis her inadequacy as a fighter.
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Thanks for listening to these suggestions...
Already made the plea for tight and high cut bottoms so I won't be too demanding but
I think there is kindof a consistent call here for some sort of mind game.

I think the villain should mentally get to WW throughout the fight and then near the end,
I would love to see WW simply be worn down and simply give up the fight . I would love to
see her will broken, knowing all hope is lost and the only thing she can do is join the dark side.

We saw it in Skyfire 3 briefly but she was forced through brainwash...this one would be more by her
own choosing after realizing she is beaten and simply too worn down to win. Her kneeling at the
villain's feet would be awesome while crying and sobbing that she has lost all hope.

Then next scene, a confident, new dark WW out for blood...her first prey? Skyfire? Superiorgirl?
Wow-one can dream right??
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***Breaking news!***

Chris Styles is now booked for a movie with Gigi featuring a parody of Atom Eve! If you aren't familiar with the character just google her and I don't think you will be disappointed!

Foolish Mortal-
The honest ramblings of a villain who explains her destruction does sound pretty awesome...

Definitely going to be some lasso bondage going on, but I must admit I am a bit more excited about the amazing tentacles I had built!!!!

Np ;)

The Parolee 2 fight will have lots of embarrassing gropes, grabs, and things of that nature during the fight. You can count in it ;)

Well we haven't actually seen the costume on Gigi as of yet so I don't know how its going to fit but I do have several different options for the panties.

Thanks for the suggestion Peter, I haven't fully decided how this one is going to end yet but ill take that into consideration.

Her plane lands tomorrow! Ill be occasionally checking in to see if there are any last second requests and will hopefully be able to post some pics as each day we film.
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If they have hose on GET THEM WET!

Tie them up (in multiple positions)

Experiment on them,

Drain their powers

Torture them

please please please.... :-p
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Rye wrote:Just a couple days left for requests!

I think you're gonna like Gigi. This upcoming movie is not my big epic WW film but I still think you will enjoy it.
Hey Rye
Good luck with the shoot, I am sure I will like your movie, I always do LOL!
Gigi will probably look a totally differnt shape in costume so I wil definitely be showing an interest and good to hear you stil have anepic WW movie on the back burnerm I expect you will want to cast somebody very special for that onelike you did for 1984 and Doomsday and Ultragirl.

Off gppgling now LOL!
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DrObiCaffi wrote:If they have hose on GET THEM WET!

Tie them up (in multiple positions)

Experiment on them,

Drain their powers

Torture them

please please please.... :-p
I'm with Obi. :)
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She looks awesome Rye. :D Best of luck with her, and all your productions this coming year.

My only preference for the costume is that I prefer NOT seeing any red appear below her belt. I don't know what it is, but when the belt 'appears' resting more around the stomach then at the waistline? It just looks out of place. So if you could position it lower, or do whatever to get it to sit at the waist...that's just a personal preference. :D
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I agree with Gman2 about the belt position, it is supposed to be a belt not a girdle as some producers call it so it should really fasten around the waist not around the stomach and small of the back.
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LOL See, Rye, this is why you're the top of your game.
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Yes, definitely get the heroines wet! In more ways than one if possible.
And perhaps even a bit of a brawl in mud...or making the heroine crawl around in the mud.
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I have to agree with the talk about belts, belts are much better when they sit lower on a heroine's hips instead of up by her stomach like a grandpa's pants.
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Hey Rye!

i know you are probably well into your shoot with Gigi Allens but I wanted to drop some more ideas with pics on any future wonder woman like project. I found these on the deviant art page. The story is by Richvillaino and he is really amazing; creative peril story teller without the nudity or profanity.

I'll only post a few of his pics but the general idea I liked is that it's a cyborg like weapon built to defeat wonder woman. I like the idea of the bracelets not able to sustain her; it reminded me of the old show episode where a laser beam was beating her into submission. That would actually be another awesome scenario to adapt. Here are some takes from the story:




http://www.deviantart.com/art/Third-Rai ... -434456515

http://www.deviantart.com/art/Third-Rai ... -434467074


What I liked about this particular set is in the beginning he shows us the heroine's private life, which is always an enticing intro IMO. Then I loved the reaction shots when the cyborg thing talks back to wonder woman. You can notice the fear/uncertainty. And obviously the rest, including the damage to her arms after the laser attack and the draining scene... I don't know if those are achievable effects but I think these are some great ideas to consider. Keep us posted on your shoot! Cheers
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Just wanted to echo the point about high cut costumes - think getting them higher than the picture would be great!
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Thanks for that shot. Can't wait to see more pics from this weekend's shoot.
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First let me start off by saying Gigi was INCREDIBLE! Wow what a gorgeous, talented, hard working girl! I can't wait to work with her again!

Ok.. here are some screen shots (now in the original post) from both the Parolee 2 and Wonderous Woman vs the Zandor! I have a few personal matters to attend to but I will get some more out as soon as I can.
Last edited by Rye 10 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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She looks amazing, Rye! And she pulls off the wig quite nicely, which is always a concern. Hope to see more pics soon and waiting for the video! congrats on the wrap!
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Simply put: wow. Gigi looks amazing with the wig and WW outfit, and her Superia looks really hot too. Can't wait to see more pics.
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As far as I can tell shes wearing tights as Wonder Woman? Fantastic!
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This Wonderous Woman is fantastic!! Any chances of seeing her show off her super-strength by bending/crushing guns, lifting and tossing guys, and so on? :yahoo:
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kk here are some more caps which I put in my original post.

I gotta run but yes she is wearing nylons... I found these at a local shop and used them because they really look nice and they still allow you to see her gorgeous skin.
Last edited by Rye 10 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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