Aurelia - Gwardian Breeder Goddess

A darker, full bodied blend.
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I have moved this topic from the Super Heroine Stories section, as I have a feeling this will be a more appropriate place, considering some of the stuff to come. :evil:

Here is a repeat of my post:

I have an original story that is only partially all hashed out. I will post a few of my Aurelia stories here. They're mostly just shorts, often times not finished to fruition, so more like just short lil'ol chronicles, the chronicles of the Gwardian Goddess Aurelia.

As background to her, I offer the following information ...


A collection of supreme like beings, or Gwardians, that protect the galaxy from undo interference of one world unto others / to prevent “unnatural” interventions. The Gwardians intervene where space faring criminals wrongfully interfere in isolated societies / worlds. In that sense, though, I can put my heroine into any world situation I want, primitive or modern.

The main character is a stunningly beautiful, dark brown haired (medium/short “bob” hairstyle) beauty. 5’ 8”ish, 115 lbs-ish in an lithe, but athletic build, modest endowment, strikingly enchanting green eyes with the voice of an angel.

Her name is Aurelia (pronounced Or-eeleea)

These Gwardians, or more specifically, Aurelia, are able to telepathically drain and absorb the life force out of people as well as possessing telekinetic powers and sometimes extra sensory perception, as well as superhuman strength and speed and the ability to fight with all of the martial arts abilities of the greatest samurai. Telekinetically she is also, to a small degree, able to manipulate her own cellular solidity. Hence, when taking damage, she is able to simply absorb and regenerate, though repeated damage can take a cumulative toll upon all of her powers.

Perhaps her main vulnerability is the weakening effect that water has upon her powers. Being “electric” in being, water serves to slowly dissipate her powers, as her force conducts out of her body. Also, she is vulnerable to electrical charges, as such can have the effect of scrambling her own powers, if exposed to enough voltage. Gwardians are also subject to being mildly weakened with over exposure to sunlight. The weakening is only slight, but is cumulative in effect. Something about the electromagnetic effect of stars.

Also, Aurelia is a Gwardian "Breeder". The very rare person of her species that is capable of reproduction. Gwardian Breeders generally can only be impregnated by rarely found Gwardian mates that are found to be genetically compatible. A weakness of Breeders is that they tend to be VERY enslaved to their sexual desires and sexual stimulation during their oestrus cycles, which have no reliable cycle of occurrence or duration. Such cycles just happen when they do and last for however long they last, sometimes for years!

Each Gwardian has a protective military unit assigned to them. These protectors are known as the Gwardian Shield.

The main villain that she pursues … eventually to Earth, is a mutation of Gwardians. Though in possession of similar powers, this subspecies is considered to be weaker and lacking the ability to telekinetically draw out a person’s life force. His kind can only draw life force through physical consumption, more specifically, eating and or drinking of the flesh / blood of others. Additionally, this subspecies is inclined to hedonistic immorality, and is most comfortable in darkness, as the sun serves to also dampen their strength and powers, much more so than with Gwardians like Aurelia.

After pursuing the villain to earth (we're talking in the very early middle ages if not earlier - I am thinking of maybe going back as early as Greek times, tyring Aurelia and her foe as worshipped gods and goddesses), after the villain had killed her intended / arranged Gwardian mate, and doing battle with good vs. evil to try and bring down the reign of the villain on Earth, Aurelia is captured by the villain's forces of darkness. Aware that Aurelia is a Gwardian Breeder, the villain holds her captive to breed with her, over and over. Unlike humans, the gestation period for Aurelia’s offspring is only a couple of weeks.

The villain species is not thought to be compatible to mate with Aurelia, but to her surprise, she still becomes impregnated, but the offspring is yet another Gwardian mutation. The villain’s being is combined with Aurelia’s to create an abomination; the birth of vampires on Earth!

After being held captive for almost a two year period, during which she birthed 16 vampires, all of whom are sadistically allowed to feed off of Aurelia, causing her to be infected by the vampire virus that was born into her offspring. The effect of this is to diminish her Gwardian powers, causing her to become more like the abominations that are her offspring.

Aurelia eventually escapes. To replenish herself, she must prey upon humans or vampires (or any other mammal). Morally, she opts to target the seediest of the species, to take their replenishing souls (life force). Due to her weakened Gwardian powers, though, she is not able to effectively draw upon the life force telepathically, as she once did. Instead she is generally left with no other option than to draw out the life force of others via feeding upon the blood, just like her subspecies offspring that victimized her.

Once reasonably rejuvenated, she sets out on a centuries long journey to try and destroy all the abominations that are vampires. Although she is the huntress in an attempt to set things right, she is at the same time also the hunted. Some vampires trying to destroy her and others bent on trying to capture her to mate so as to further their lineage.

In the epic battle to bring down the main villain, she succeeds, but several of her offspring vampires manage to again bite and feed off of her, bringing back memories of her being enslaved. Breaking free, she manages to kill them, but in having again been fed upon, she finds her pure Gwardian being further infected by the vampire virus, which battles to overtake her, but with time the vampire virus is fended off by her immunity system. Not without effect, though, as with every bite she endures, she becomes less of a Gwardian and more of a Vampire.

The story evolves through the centuries to modern times. Aurelia is rarely able to telepathically feed, instead having to resort to the ways of the vampire. Still Gwardian at heart, she wishes to minimize any intervention upon the peoples of Earth. Over the centuries, she had built up economic wealth and through ghost holding companies, owns BloodWorks Labs, a bio genetic research company. One of the uses of the company is the unlimited supply of the blood which she needs to replenish herself, thus allowing her to sustain and slowly regain her Gwardian self, without having to kill.

Meanwhile, a powerful “turned” vampire recalls the stories of his master, since killed by Aurelia, whom told him of the stories of the mother of vampires, the lone breeder which holds the key to the resurgence of the vampire species. This new foe has been pursuing Aurelia through the ages, but without success. Of late, though, he uncovered her web of economic wealth and his new plan is to flush her into the open by tracking down and destroying all of her economic resources. His ultimate goal is to capture Aurelia so that he may breed vampires anew.

In his pursuit of Aurelia, this formidable foe has used the cover of international terrorism in his search for the goddess Aurelia. As a result, however, CIA / FBI / Interpol agents have been in pursuit of this cloaked international terrorist ring. It is this pursuit that draws them into the hidden world of real vampires.
Jenn (aka Flirty)
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Aurelia : Fun With Zombies

Part 1

Growingly, Aurelia was becoming more and more depraved in her bent indulgences, as yet another in a long line of her Gwardian Breeder oestrus cycles had set in. Having already killed her target vampire, she was not at all concerned by the fact that roaming the secret laboratory grounds were vampiric zombies, the results of failed genetic testing by the organization she had just effectively brought down.

On the contrary, from what she has seen of these zombies, they were rather slow moving near corpses that posed little threat to her, given her far superior supernatural strengths and powers. In fact, she thought it might be a little bit of fun to tease and toy with these hapless abominations. Besides, if in her toying, she were to get bitten here and there, she did not mind, as she had always found being fed on by vampires to be an exceptionally arousing experience.

True to her musings, when her path was confronted by a single zombie, she proceeded toward it with no fear whatsoever. As they came upon each other, the smallish zombie slowly reached out to grab Aurelia. As she expected, it was painfully slow and easy to elude. She simply side stepped its failed grab and circled behind it, giving him a shove in the back of its right shoulder, while noting in her mind that it was a good half foot shorter in height than she was.

The push enabled the zombie to turn around to face Aurelia quicker than it would have otherwise been able to accomplish. Aurelia was amused as it again reached toward her, knowing full well that zombies like this are only dual minded in their cravings ... to feed on their victims and to fulfill their animalistic yearning which they could not control, nor understand. If the thrill of being fed on by such creatures was not enough, Aurelia fancied being doubly desired by these sort of creatures by letting them sexually please her as well, if they are so inclined.

Slowly, Aurelia stepped backward out of the creature's reach, when suddenly she heard steps from behind her.

Quickly turning to look, Aurelia was surprised that a second, similarly sized creature had been stealthy enough to sneak up from behind without her having noticed sooner. Only about five steps away from her when she turned around, the slow moving zombie had closed the gap to only two steps and it too began to reach out to grab her.

Aurelia pushed out her left hand to stop the zombie's advance when all of a sudden she felt the hand of the first zombie grab upon her right shoulder from behind. The zombie from behind created enough distraction that the second zombie standing in front of her was able to grab her left hand..

Unconcerned by the zombie now holding her left hand, Aurelia twisted to face the zombie that had grabbed onto her shoulder, so as to ensure that he wasn't about to take a big bite at her neck, as being fed on by her neck was a much more dangerous endeavour than letting them nibble at her other less prone body parts.

As she started to turn around, the zombie from behind let his hand fall off of her right shoulder, instead using its hand to grab hold of Aurelia's right forearm. It then brought its other hand forward, grabbing onto the Aurelia's right wrist, with a surprisingly firm two handed grip.

Similarly, the other zombie firmly gripped Aurelia's left arm with both of its hands.

Mildly excited by this, Aurelia was still completely unconcerned as she asked aloud, "Mmmm, what are you two up to?"

Aurelia suspected that the zombies were incapable of actually making a verbal response, but still, all the same, she found it amusing to speak to them as though they were just semi-mindless pets, despite knowing the actual answer to her question.

Opening his mouth, thus revealing small pointy, but sharp incisors, the zombie to her right brought its mouth to Aurelia's forearm and bit into her skin, creating multiple punctures from which it began to suck on Aurelia's delicious blood. As the other zombie did the same to her left forearm, Aurelia let out a subtle exhale, with her mouth slightly falling open with a pleasured expression on her face.

Slowly closing her eyes as she enjoyed the depravity of allowing herself to be fed on be these two sorry creatures, Aurelia again spoke out, knowing full well she was not going to get any verbal response, "Mmmm, you two are very naughty ... but I like it."

After a moment of enjoying the intoxicating feel of being fed on, Aurelia slowly opened her eyes while the pace of her breathing increased, as she became increasingly aroused. With her eyes opened, brought into focus was the sight of a third zombie approaching her from the front.

For a fleeting moment, a shred of rational thought intruded upon her pleasurable indulgence, as she briefly contemplated freeing herself from the grip of at least one of the two zombies so that she could safely guide the inevitable attempt of this third zombie to also take a nibble on her. That thought was cut off, though, by the sudden tug of both zombies simultaneously collapsing down to their knees, while maintaining their grips and bites on Aurelia's arms.

Though the zombies were smaller than her, the combined weight of their collapsing to the ground served to pull Aurelia off balance, thus causing her to fall down to her knees as well.

"Mmm, guys, this is fun, but three might be a bit of a crowd.", she weakly protested aloud. Not distracted, the two zombies continued to feast upon Aurelia's arms. Surprisingly, a wave of dizziness briefly pulsated through Aurelia's head, when both zombies, again in unison, laid back onto their sides, pulling Aurelia down with them, this time onto her back.

With one of Aurelia's legs getting entrapped under her, Aurelia struggled a little bit to move her right leg out to free it from underneath her own body. Just as she extended it out, the third zombie knelt down in front of her and grabbed her just freed leg after she had extended it out by her black combat boot.

Rather than concentrating on her leg, though, it moved up her body pawing her bare leg over her knee and up her thigh, settling under her already short skirt.

Aurelia tried to prop her torso up a little bit to better see what the third zombie was up to, but the other two zombies had her arms firmly secured as they fed upon her forearms rendering her attempt to sit up as failed. Thus, she was only able to slightly raise her head, just in time to see the third zombie angling its mouth high upon the now exposed inner thigh of her right leg.

Suddenly, Aurelia let out another gasp as the third zombie's mouth locked onto the soft supple skin of her inner thigh. As it began to suck on the blood leaking from the new wound in Aurelia's thigh, while holding her leg in place with its left hand, it allowed its right hand to probe further up her leg until it found the moist panties between her legs.

Aurelia let out another gasp and she felt its fingers move her panties to the side and then effortlessly penetrate her moistened vagina. The pleasure of this caused Aurelia's eyes, to again fall shut, as her body tingled with excitement.

Adding to her arousal, the zombie that was feasting on her left forearm reached out and grabbed hold of the hemline of her shirt, which had already cropped up to expose a teasing amount of her stomach, pulling her shirt up even further, thus exposing more of her abdomen. The zombie on the other arm also grabbed onto her shit, pulling it up right over her boobs, exposing the bra that covered her beautiful breasts.

That other zombie's hand then moved from her belly button up to her bra and then he slid its hand under her bra and grabbed onto her right breast. The other zombie then followed suit, as if they were cooperating in unison, bringing its left hand up her tummy and under her bra, latching on to her left boob.

Aurelia was surprised by this apparent act of cooperative fondling, as in her past experience with zombies, they were always singular in purpose with what they were currently doing, which in this case was feeding from her.

While enjoying the rush of excitement from having these three diminutive zombies feeding from her AND fondling her breasts and her pussy, another wave of light headedness pulsated through Aurelia's head. With it, Aurelia thought to herself that maybe the zombies were drawing blood out of her at a faster pace than she should safely allow.

Deciding that she should break herself free of at least one of the zombies, Aurelia tried to pull her arm free of the zombie on her right side. She was surprised, though, at the firmness of the zombie's grip, which caused her initial attempt to free herself to fail. She instead then tried to free her left arm from the other zombie. That attempt also failed, again due to the surprisingly strong grip of the zombie .

Suddenly, Aurelia came to the realization that the potency of energy in her blood was allowing the zombies to grow stronger with every passing slurp of her delicious blood. This concern of hers, though, was interrupted as the zombie that was feeding upon her inner thigh suddenly pushed his probing hand much harder into her vagina, managing to slide its entire hand inside of her, ramming back and forth and probing inside of her. With this, her lower body began to involuntarily quiver.

While Aurelia was becoming overcome by pleasure with her body quivering in heightened arousal, another rush of light headedness fell upon her. As this latest rush lingered then dissipated, the zombie on her left withdrew its mouth from her arm and instead moved its mouth toward her left boob.

Taking first her nipple, then a lot more of her boob into its mouth, it clamped down tightly around her nipple, with its teeth making penetration of Aurelia's soft skin. All of a sudden, she could feel the pulsating of it sucking her life force rich blood from her boob.

Following suit, the zombie on her right side did the same. As it bit down on her right boob, though, Aurelia's body became overwhelmed with arousal and it transitioned into orgasm.

While her body mildly convulsed, held in place only because of the firm grip of the zombies on top of her, Aurelia felt the zombie on her lower side pull it's hand out of her, then shift its weight moving to bring its mouth down onto her other leg, biting down upon her left upper inner thigh.

Aurelia tried to lift her head and torso, but was unable to because of the weight upon her from the two zombies feeding on her breasts. Instead, her head flung back as her back arched up as much as it could under the weight of the zombies, as her body convulsed as the intensity of her orgasm grew.

With the zombie between her legs having removed its hand from her vagina, slowly Aurelia's orgasm began to dissipate, though she remained in a state of heightened arousal simply from continuing to be fed upon.

After another wave of light headedness came and went, Aurelia realized that she's had her fun, but now she should get back to business and bring this depraved indulgence of hers to an end. This thought was easier said than done, though, as when she again tried to free herself from the Zombies on top of her chest, they were able to reject her attempt to move them off of her.

Again, with more of a panicked thought, Aurelia realized that there was something different about these zombies and the way that they were seemingly gaining strength exponentially from feeding on her rich blood.

With both of her hand free, she grabbed the zombie on her left boob by its head and tried to lift it up from her to free her of its bite. The zombie was relentless, though, in not letting its bite release. Although Aurelia was able to lift it head up quite a bit, its jaws remained locked onto her breast, causing her boob to stretch up with the zombie's head.

The pain of the zombie not releasing its bite, thus stretching Aurelia's boob up too high as she lifted its head was too much pain for her to bare, so she released its head.

Aurelia instead turned her attention to the other zombie and started to try to lift its head. When it became clear that it was also just as determined not to release its bite upon her, Aurelia continued to hold its head up with her right hand and then with all of her power, brought her left fist crashing upon the side of the zombie's face.

The impact did the job, as its bite was released and it laid dazed from the punch with its head slumped onto Aurelia's stomach.

Aurelia then used the same tactic on the zombie attached to her left boob, with equal success. She was far from out of the woods yet, though, as both zombies were laying on her stomach dazed, while the other zombie continued to feed from her left thigh.

Aurelia raised her torso into a sitting position, causing the two dazed zombies to fall off of her body as they continued to struggle to regain their composure. At the moment Aurelia sat up, the zombie feeding upon her thigh worked its right hand back inside of Aurelia, causing her mouth to fall open with a gasp. Though again stimulated, Aurelia was able to look past the distraction of her body's arousal, as she pulled her bra back into place and pulled her shirt back down over top of her already healed breasts.

After a slight pause to enjoy the zombie fisting her, she reached down and grabbed the zombie's arm and pulled its hand out of her.

The zombie seemed not concerned, as the attention of its mouth remained locked onto her thigh as it continued to feed from her.

Aurelia leaned forward and grabbed its head and repeated the process that had freed her from the bite of the previous two zombies. This one however was more determined, for despite the force of her punch, it did not release its bite from her thigh. Instead, it seemed to bite down even harder, causing Aurelia to let out a moan of pain.

With a sense of increased urgency she tried again, this time hitting the zombie with even more ferocity. The second time was the charm, as its bite was release. Despite having its bite removed, though, it did not simply fall away dazed, like the previous two zombies. This zombie turned and stared with a black hollow look of hatred right into Aurelia's deep green eyes.

With its fangs bared and stare still focussed upon Aurelia's eyes, in a slow lunge, it retaliated by starting to try to climb up Aurelia's body grabbing at her face.

Aurelia was able to use her hands to prevent it from grabbing onto her, but because of the way it was partially on top of her, she was prevented from leveraging her position.

Her lack of mobility played to her disadvantage as the weight of the zombie pushing up onto her torso caused her to fall back to the ground on her back, with the zombie lurching forward trying to grab onto her face and bite at her neck.

Aurelia was managing to prevent the zombie from its reaching its target when all of a sudden she felt the zombie that had been dazed off on her right biting down onto the front of her right thigh, just above the knee.

She grimaced in pain, but managed to not let the distraction prevent her from blocking the attacking zombie on top of her from biting down onto her neck.

Her troubles then multiplied, as she felt the other dazed zombie bite down onto her left calf. Despite grimacing in pain, she was still managing to fend off the bite attempts of the zombie on top of her chest.
As the ferocious zombie again lunged for her neck, Aurelia deflected its head to her left. As its face came to rest on her left shoulder, she turned to face its exposed neck, and then with her fangs fully bared, she clamped down onto ITS neck and she began to suck the life force from the zombie.

Aurelia's bite proved to be too lethal for the zombie, as its strength was quickly being sapped from it with each and every swallow of its blood by Aurelia. Although the blood of the zombie was helping regenerate Aurelia, her strength was not yet appreciably enhanced due to the two other zombies still feeding from her legs.

With the zombie lying on top of her seemingly reaching a state of incapacitation, Aurelia was able to roll it off of her. She then sat up and turned her attention to trying to break free of the zombie feeding on her right leg above her knee.

Aurelia wasted no time in hammering her fist upon the back of its head. This time, though, for whatever reason, the zombie was not dazed by her punch. She reached to grab its head to again start hammering it with punches when suddenly she was surprised by its quick release of her leg and twist and lunge forward at her, with shocking quickness for a zombie.

Aurelia was not prepared for such an aggressive attack and as a result, she was unable to divert its attack.

Before she could defend herself the zombie had lunged up onto her torso causing her to once again fall onto her back. As she fell back, Aurelia's head slammed onto the ground beneath her, slightly dazing her.

Her temporary vulnerability was quickly capitalized upon by the zombie as it brought it mouth down to Aurelia's neck, biting down on the left side of her neck. Though dazed, Aurelia's eyes grew large as she felt the beast's bite upon her neck.

As the zombie began to suck on her neck, with each suck she felt a pulse of weakness, as her blood was being drawn out of her. Each suck by the zombie seemed to increase in length and intensity, which in turn led to increasing pulses of weakness flowing through Aurelia's body.

As Aurelia laid prone being fed on by the two zombies, she realized that her depravity had landed her in a rather dangerous predicament, leaving her at the mercy of two diminutive zombies.

Not yet giving up, though, she summoned her power to use both of her hands to take hold of the zombie's shoulders and push up to push the zombie away. The zombie's increasing strength coupled with its positional advantage of leverage served to thwart Aurelia's attempt, though.

Quickly reverting to plan B, Aurelia instead moved her hands up to grasp onto the sides of the zombie's face, to try and push his bite off of her neck. The zombie was undeterred, though, managing to maintain its bite, while it continued to drink in Aurelia's strength enhancing blood, which at the same time served to continue to slowly diminish Aurelia's own strength and power.

Realizing that her situation would soon become very grim if she was not able to free her neck from the feeding zombie, Aurelia used her thumbs to dig into the eye sockets of the zombie as she continued to try and push its face from her neck.

The zombie was unrelenting, but as its eyes were literally popped by her thumbs, finally its bite was released.

Aurelia then twisted her body counter clockwise, causing the zombie to fall off of her to her left. She continued to partially roll on top of the zombie, even though her leg did not twist with her because of the zombie still latched on to her left calf.

Still not worrying about the zombie on her leg, Aurelia bit down on the zombie now partially beneath her and began to feed from its neck. With its wounded eyes, this zombie was subdued even quicker than was the previous zombie Aurelia fed from.

Content that the zombie beneath her was now rendered harmless, Aurelia rolled back to her right, onto her back. After a few hurried breaths of recover, she then sat back up to turn her attention to the zombie that was still feeding from her calf.

Aurelia leaned forward and reached out to grab the zombie by its head, but the zombie sprung its left arm out to deflect Aurelia's attempt. Undeterred, Aurelia again tried to grab at it, but again it managed to block her attempt. This time, however, rather than simply deflect her attempt, it grabbed onto Aurelia's left hand and with its pointy sharp claw like nails on its fingers pressed them tightly against her skin, breaking the skin on the underside of her wrist in the process.

Before she could fully comprehend what was happening, the zombie released its bite on her calf and quickly brought its mouth up to her wrist. With tremendous suction, it latched on and immediately began a deep, long suck from Aurelia's bleeding wrist.

The fast flow of her blood out of her into the zombie's mouth sent yet another wave of light headedness through Aurelia. Her breath exhaled and her free right hand collapsed to the ground beside her, as she sat without further resistance as the creature sucked a vast quantity of blood from her.

While continuing to feed from her wrist, the zombie moved its left hand onto Aurelia's stomach, positioning it underneath her shirt and then moved its hand up her body, latching onto her right breast. Once there, it firmly grabbed hold with its claw like nails again puncturing Aurelia's skin, causing her to start to bleed from her right breast.

The light headed feeling that was overtaking Aurelia continued to intensify causing her mouth to fall open and her head to fall somewhat forward, as though she was barely able to keep her head up. At the same time, the zombie continued to squeeze on her breast, as though trying to squeeze more and more blood out of her, while also sucking the blood out of her wrist as quickly as it could.

Feebly, Aurelia raised her right hand and moved it under her shirt to grab onto the zombie's right wrist, in an attempt to pull its hand off of her breast. She pulled down several times, but all this did was cause more pressure on her breast as the zombie's claws plunged deeper inside of her.

Aurelia's grip on the zombie's wrist let go and her hand again fell to the ground beside her.

Feeling increasingly weak, Aurelia's head tilted sideways to her left, as her focus tunnelled in on the right side of the zombie's neck which was facing her. In Aurelia's perception, everything seemed to slow down to super slow motion, as she focused in on the pulsating vein of the zombie's neck.

Aurelia's eyes then closed for a lingering moment before reopening, still focussed in on the zombie's neck. Suddenly, her mouth opened wider and her fangs became fully exposed and her head fell swiftly forward with her mouth aimed on the zombie's neck.

Before it could react, Aurelia had locked on with a deep bite onto the main vein of its neck and she began to quickly suck its blood, at a significantly faster rate than it was able to suck on her blood.

Pushing out with its left arm which was still locked onto Aurelia's right breast, it tried to push Aurelia back in an attempt to push Aurelia's bite off of it. In reaction, Aurelia simply twisted her torso to mitigate the push attempt, as she intensified her sucking, as the energy within her began to grow.

Aurelia again brought her right hand up and under her shirt, grabbing hold of the zombie's hand which remained attached to her right breast. This time, though, she brought much more force with her attempt. When her initial attempt to simply pull the zombie's hand free her breast failed, she then simply concentrated her strength on tightening her grip on the zombie's wrist.

With inhuman power, her grip grew tighter and tighter until finally, the bones in the zombie's wrist began to crumble underneath of her powerful grip. All at once, with its hand rendered useless, the Zombie's grip on Aurelia's breast was released and she pulled its hand away. Just as quickly, her regenerative power took hold and the wounds on her breast healed.

Undeterred with its wrist being crushed, the zombie continued to suck on Aurelia's wrist with increasing ferocity, but it was fighting a losing battle, as the flow from its prone neck was much more than what it could replace from feeding upon Aurelia's wrist. Suddenly, after several moments of the cross feeding contest going on, the zombie's bite on Aurelia's wrist was released and it fell back in such a way that Aurelia's rolled with it, onto its body while maintaining her bite on its neck.

After a few more moments of feeding upon it, the zombie's body became limp. Aurelia had succeeded in drawing out enough of its life force to render it not a threat. Finally, Aurelia released her bite and sat back up.

She then leaned forward and stood up and straightened her shirt and skirt into place.
Looking down at all three zombies, she walked up to one that was still barely moving and with a single stomp of her boot, crushed in the skull of its head. Still conscious and seeing what just happened, the zombie that Aurelia had just managed to get off of her, started trying to drag itself away.

Upon seeing what it was doing, Aurelia asked, "Where do you think you're going?" She took a couple of steps toward it and then without mercy, stomped it also into oblivion, like she had just done with the other zombie.

She then turned her attention to the last remaining zombie, who had recovered enough to sit up onto all fours as it began to slowly moved toward Aurelia, as if it was still wanting to attack her, despite its obvious disadvantage.

"Aw, poor dear." Aurelia taunted, as she walked toward it.

Bending down and grabbing it by the chin, Aurelia asked, "Actually, you're kind of cute for an ugly, disgusting thing. Still up for some fun?"

As she was finishing the question, the zombie brought its right hand up and grabbed the wrist of Aurelia's left hand, which was still holding its chin.

Surprised by its resiliency, Aurelia answered her own question with a pleased expression on her face, "You ARE up for more fun. Good."

Aurelia then knelt down on her knees so that she was almost at the same height as the zombie, though she was still higher up just because of her taller stature.

While letting the zombie continue to hold onto her left wrist, she pushed the zombie back with her other hand, so that it fell off of its knees and onto its bum, but still in a sitting position. Aurelia then lifted one of her knees and straddled over the zombie's lap, with its face sitting eye height to her boobs.

Then, to help the zombie with its weak attempt to pull her wrist to its mouth, Aurelia took the initiative, moving her left wrist to its mouth, telling it, "Well, don't just sit there, have a drink."

On cue as if obeying her, the zombie brought its mouth forward and bit into her wrist.

Aurelia let her head fall back in pleasure as she once again allowed herself the depraved indulgence of the zombie beast.

As it sucked on her wrist, Aurelia moved her hips around slowly, essentially dry humping the beast's lap.

With her eyes still closed and her head still tilted back, Aurelia was lost in her bent pleasures when all of a sudden she felt the zombies left hand slide up the skin underneath of her shirt, grabbing onto her right breast, which had already fully healed due to her regenerative powers. Like the previous zombie, this one too sank its sharp claws into Aurelia's skin.

With this, Aurelia gasped out aloud and then brought her head forward and opened her eyes while seductively licking her lips. the commenting, "Naughty, naughty."

As the zombie continued to feed from her wrist and squeeze her breast, Aurelia gently placed her right hand on the left side of the zombie's face and then gently caressed upward, letting her hand flow back through the zombie's wiry hair. All the while, Aurelia continued to buck her hips as t she dry humped the zombie's lap.

As her own arousal was once again building to higher and higher heights, she could sense the zombie's power increasing as it drank her energy giving blood. Choosing to verbalize this realization, Aurelia said, "Mmmm, I can feel you getting stronger by the gulp." She then added with a wry smile, "I can also feel you stiffening underneath of me."

Indeed, Aurelia's writhing in the zombie's lap had served to physically stimulate the zombie's beast hood.

Excitedly, Aurelia managed to pull the zombie's hand from her breast and she then slid off of the zombie's lap, shimmying part way down its legs, so that the waistline of its grungy pants was accessible. She then used her free right hand to deftly manoeuvre to open the front of his pants. All the while, the zombie continued to feed from her left wrist without pause or emotion.

Artfully using just one hand, Aurelia managed to free its penis from its pants. It was at least eight inches long, maybe more, and surprisingly thick, and it was standing to aroused attention upon being freed. Staring at it, Aurelia said, "Well, I think we're going to have to do something about this."

While still allowing her left hand to be held up to the zombie's mouth and fed upon, Aurelia moved her hips even further down the zombie's leg and then she leaned forward and took the zombie's penis into her mouth. Slowly Aurelia then moved her face down, taking the zombie's penis all the way into her throat as far as it would go.

While she orally worked its penis, with her right hand, Aurelia hooked the hem of her skirt and lifted it up, free of her bottom. All the while, she continued to give the zombie a grade A blowjob.

Withdrawing her mouth from the zombie's penis, Aurelia sat back up, still facing the zombie. As she sat up, though, a rush of light headedness-returned, due to the volume of blood that she had allowed the zombie to continue to withdraw from her body.

As the light-headedness dissipated, she then straddled her way back onto the zombie's lap, positioning herself so that his hard and fully erect penis was sticking up between her legs. Using her free hand to help guide it, she brought herself over and down so that its penis was able to penetrate her vagina.

Aurelia again began to move her hips up and down, this time not to dry hump, but rather, to fully fuck the zombie.

After a few moments of this, the zombie withdrew its bite from Aurelia's wrist. It did not release her wrist, though, but rather, it grabbed on tighter with its right hand and lifted its arm straight up, taking Aurelia's hand up with it. With its left hand no longer holding onto Aurelia's right boob, it firmly grabbed hold of Aurelia's right wrist and then also brought it up as high as it could go, so that both of Aurelia's hands were now being held up above her head.

Then, with a push and a bounce, the zombie managed to push Aurelia back while freeing its legs from underneath her. It then continued to push Aurelia back and then down onto her back with her wrists held firmly to the ground behind her head. Throughout this reversal of position, the zombie's penis remained fully inside of Aurelia, enabling the zombie to continue fucking the vampiress.

Now on top of Aurelia, the zombie quickly brought its torso down on top of her, taking up a traditional missionary position. Non traditionally, though, when the zombie buried its face into the small of Aurelia's neck, rather than merely nuzzle, it brought its mouth to bear, biting into her neck with its sharp incisors.

That coupled with the ongoing stimulation from its penis was enough to send Aurelia deep into yet another climax. Aurelia the vampiress nympho responded with not only full body quivering, but very audible gasps of pleasure timed with the zombie's thrusts of its penis and the coinciding rhythmic sucking of blood from her neck.

Suddenly, to Aurelia the zombie's sucking of her blood seemed to fade as she felt an explosion of liquid inside of her spray from the zombie's penis. As the pulsating of its penis dissipated, though, so increased the veracity of its sucking of blood from Aurelia's neck.

As her body was still lost in a quiver, despite trying, Aurelia was unable to move her hands free from behind her head due to the zombie's increasing strength.

As her orgasm subsided allowing her to recapture some semblance of rational awareness, the thought entered her mind that here she is yet again, having obtained an exceptionally pleasurable orgasm through her depravity, but again leaving herself dangerously prone and vulnerable, with her blood being sucked out of her with her own strength weakening while the strength of the zombie was increasing.

She again tried to break her hands free of the zombie's hold, but all that succeeded in doing was causing the zombie to dig its claws into her wrists, breaking the skin and opening new wounds from which the blood started to flow out of her.

Beginning to intensify her struggle to break free, her continued attempts to move her arms free of the zombie's hold seemed to only succeed in causing the beast's claws to slice deeper and wider wounds upon her wrists. Also, her attempts to wiggle her hips to try and throw the increasingly powerful zombie off of her only served to make him once again hard, thus reigniting its fucking of her.

With her struggles not working, Aurelia tried the different tact of making herself seem even weaker than she was increasingly becoming by ceasing all resistance and reaction. It was easier to stop her resistance, though, than to stop the involuntary reaction of her body's quivers due to the ongoing stimulation of being fucked. She fixated her mind toward the task at hand, though, which was to break free of this situation. To that end, she was able to coax her body to go completely limp with her head turning to the side and with her eyes closed shut, as though she had fallen unconscious.

Despite her facade of defeat, the zombie continued to suck on her neck while fucking her until finally it once again came inside of her. As its orgasm dissipated, its fucking of Aurelia came to an end when the last vicissitudes of zombie seed shot inside of her. At the same time, the zombie also stopped feeding from her neck.

Bringing its torso up as it straddled over Aurelia, the zombie looked down content in having defeated the vampiress. As it lifted one leg off of her, though, so that it was no longer straddling Aurelia, something must have struck the near mindless beast as not right, as it suddenly brought its hands down hard across her abdomen.

The shock of this startled Aurelia out of her pretend unconsciousness, causing her to let out a cry of pain as the zombie's claws of each finger shredding her shirt, slicing her open across the stomach with multiple wounds.

Instinctively, Aurelia evasively rolled to the side and quickly jumped to her feet to assume a defensive posture and plot her intended counter attack. In her weakened state, though, her reaction was not as quick as she had hoped and by the time she was gaining her balance, the zombie had moved forward and began another swipe with its sharp claws.

Aurelia tried to twist her body to evade the zombie's claws, but she could not move quick enough, as its claws raked across her chest, further ripping her shirt open and again opening slice wounds, this time across her chest.

Aurelia stumbled to the side with the momentum of the swipe almost sending her to the ground. As she regained her balance, though, the zombie grabbed her left arm and with shocking strength, pulled Aurelia off of her feet, toward himself.

As her body crashed into the front of the zombie, it wrapped its right arm around her back, sinking its clawed finger through her shirt and into her back. As she let out a shriek of pain, the zombie wasted no time in opening its mouth and biting into the left side of Aurelia's neck, once again beginning to suck her blood.

Aurelia's legs instantly became weak and if not for being held in the zombie's grasp as it began to again feed off of her, she would have collapsed to the ground. Bringing its left hand also around her back, it dug the claws of its left hand also through her shirt and into the skin of her back, holding her tightly against himself as he continued to feed from the weakened vampiress.

As the zombie continued to feast on Aurelia's life giving blood, the zombie's body began to grow as it slowly transformed from a smallish zombie beast into an increasingly muscular powerful looking vampire. Suddenly, it stopped feeding and lifted its head to the moonlit sky and let out a loud howl of strength.

Looking down at the nearly unconscious vampiress that was slumped into its grasp, the newly created vampire beast spoke out for the first time, "I want to thank you, my poor weak vampiress, for freeing me! For this gift, I will not kill you."

Effortlessly picking Aurelia up into its arms, it then hoisted her precariously on top of its hands, raising her above its head, then offering the salutation, "Until we meet again!" It then hurled Aurelia about fifteen feet away, causing her body to land harshly on the ground, then rolling down an embankment until her body came to rest almost entirely covered by the fast moving water of the drainage stream below.

The newly formed vampire beast then turned and fled into the darkness beyond.

to be continued ...
Jenn (aka Flirty)
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Well I like to "practice what I preach" in that I think it is highly...well rude, when people read stories, and do not reward the author with feed back, good or bad (I mean look at my story, 8,000 hits 13 replies and most of them are MY posting)

Anyways enough about me....this is about you.

Well the real positives are, I loved that you put in the time and effort to NAME your characters and name them something actually they could be proud of, nothing so superficial as "Jungle babe" So KUDOS, I also LOVED your set up... imaginative and creative....the writing and plot were both professional and plausible.... well described described things you didn't TELL let my imagination work.

Then I got to the Sparkle Vampires and the Zombies, and promptly vomited and lost all interest. No harm no Foul, If it's your thing and you like it...but frankly the thought of something cold and dead, does not leave me hot and bothered, Decaying flesh and stench is not what does it for me.... just an opinion, but Vampires and Zombies have been done to death.....(pun intended)

So this woudl not be a story *I* would follow...but still great writing and thanks for sharing :)
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lordgriffin wrote:Hello:

Well I like to "practice what I preach" in that I think it is highly...well rude, when people read stories, and do not reward the author with feed back, good or bad (I mean look at my story, 8,000 hits 13 replies and most of them are MY posting)

Anyways enough about me....this is about you.

Well the real positives are, I loved that you put in the time and effort to NAME your characters and name them something actually they could be proud of, nothing so superficial as "Jungle babe" So KUDOS, I also LOVED your set up... imaginative and creative....the writing and plot were both professional and plausible.... well described described things you didn't TELL let my imagination work.

Then I got to the Sparkle Vampires and the Zombies, and promptly vomited and lost all interest. No harm no Foul, If it's your thing and you like it...but frankly the thought of something cold and dead, does not leave me hot and bothered, Decaying flesh and stench is not what does it for me.... just an opinion, but Vampires and Zombies have been done to death.....(pun intended)

So this woudl not be a story *I* would follow...but still great writing and thanks for sharing :)
Thanks for your feedback and for your candid honesty. I suppose I am not too surprised that my depraved imagination and kink triggers are not really shared. :-)

I do have other little chronicle sort of Aurelia stories that do not involve zombies. I will soon post a couple of them. Maybe you can check it out and give me your honest feedback on them. Note, Aurelia herself, though somewhat vampire like, is not actually a vampire. She's just the powerful alien being (Gwardian Breeder) that through her rape, gave birth to the abominations known as vampires. :-)

Anyway, thank you for posting. :)
Last edited by flirty_but_nice 10 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
Jenn (aka Flirty)
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Hey Yer Welcome:

You shoudl always write what YOU like, but another thing I neglected to comment on, I also enjoy that you do not "cop out" you actually have her GET defeated, your stories make logical sense, even if they are not MY "Kink triggers"

Of course MY story is a bit LONG but perhaps sometime you could give me a bit of feed bac as well? your opinions are valuable :)
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lordgriffin wrote:Hey Yer Welcome:

You shoudl always write what YOU like, but another thing I neglected to comment on, I also enjoy that you do not "cop out" you actually have her GET defeated, your stories make logical sense, even if they are not MY "Kink triggers"

Of course MY story is a bit LONG but perhaps sometime you could give me a bit of feed bac as well? your opinions are valuable :)
I'll give it a read, probably won't be able to get to it for a week or so. When I do, though, rest assured I will not be shy in posting my comments to you. :-)

Please let me know what you think of the Aurelia WHi-Fi story ( ). :-)
Jenn (aka Flirty)
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Aurelia the Gwardian Goddess, lost in her sexual intoxication and being submissively indulgent ...
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