BERSERKER a Wonder Girl/ Wonder Woman short story

A darker, full bodied blend.
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Hello all, thanks for taking a look at this. This a collaborative effort between myself and Wheelie 915.
Its his concept for the characters, the peril and the outcome and I've just put his ideas into a framework for the story. (or as I like to think of it, he came up with all the sex scenarios :w00t: and death :ohmg: , and I came up with the overblown wording of it all :yawn: ;) )
It's a short story and will only be three posts, a couple of weeks apart.
This WG is based on Cassie Sandsmark (NOT Drusilla from the TV show)
This first one is mostly my contribution, just setting things up for the good stuff to come (which is where Wheelie comes into his own ;) )
If you like it or wish to contribute an idea for the sex and violence please pm or post a comment, equally if you don't like it please tell us why.(That way we can ignore you and stick pins in an effigy of you- hey welcome to the Dungeon :thumbup: )



Part 1

“Hey Silvio. What ya got?” Sterns asked, curious about the large number of cops, medical personnel and ambulances already on the scene. His partner by contrast was nowhere in sight.

“Fucking nightmares after looking in there…” answered the patrolman.

“Seriously? That bad?” the detective asked as he ducked under the police tape, swearing to himself as his coffee splashed hot against his hand. The uniformed policeman just nodded. He was ashen faced and a puddle of still steaming vomit a few feet away spoke volumes. Even at this ungodly hour the sirens and multiple ambulances had caused a large crowd to start to form. News crews were just arriving. ‘Well that’s just dandy’ thought Sterns.

“You seen Mick? He here yet?” Sterns asked after his missing partner.

“What kind of detective can’t find his own partner?”

“He was already out when we got the call, smart ass, he said he’d meet me here.”

“He’s been puking up in the John in the lobby since he got here.”

“Mick? Shit…” Sterns said shocked.

“I ain’t seen anything like this Dan…its BAD.” Patrolman Silvio Esca answered in a low whisper.

Detective Sterns stopped and looked at him seriously.”Really?”

“There’s just…bits of guys everywhere…arms… guts…a head. One guy is fucking impaled for Christsakes! I dunno how many are dead…there’s at least 4 in the entrance hall, but it’s hard to be sure.” He was clearly shocked.”Dunno who the fuck is who. Tasker and Munro from Robbery are inside - they’re the ones who called in Homicide, but you didn’t need to be no fucking detective to make that call. They think maybe the gang had a fallin’ out or got jumped by rival pros…but no one knows. Yet.”

Sterns took a swallow of his coffee. It was still too hot to drink but he felt he needed it. “What they get away with?”

“Nothin’. Its all still stacked and ready to go in a delivery van in the loading bay out back.”

“What, they got interrupted?”

“No. They got sliced ‘n’ diced.” The cop shook his head. “It’s like a wild animal broke loose.”

“Who was first on scene?”

“Twomey and Michaels, they’re round back securing the haul. You’d best get the chief. Hell, you’d best get everybody. It’s like Gettysberg in there.”

“Anyone alive?”

“The four guards got chloro’d - they’re on their way to a state hospital to get checked out , gonna be ok but didn’t see shit. They said they just heard the screams.”

A little while later Sterns came back out into the cold, early morning air, breathing heavily. His face was white. After a few deep breaths he swallowed hard and rang his Captain on his cell.

“Sir? Yes sorry to wake you Cap…yes I know it ain’t 5 a.m. yet. Its Sterns sir, we got a bad situation at the Metro Museum…failed robbery, we think…but we got bodies all over…in pieces…it’s like some of them got ripped apart…just bled out…others…there’s at least one decapitated, sir…we’re not even sure how many yet, …Cap…I got at least 9 dead-

“We’ve found another one!” interrupted a medical examiner shouting from inside the building.

“Make that ten dead…”

“My mistake, another 3 “ the examiner corrected himself.

“Sorry, TWELVE DEAD - it’s a god-damned charnel house in there. There are bodies all over – ain’t even searched all the rooms yet, could be more, …judging by the bits left over, there will be more. It’s like a butcher’s yard… I got 22 years in sir, I ain’t seen anything like it. There’s blood everywhere… Bits of people…It’s like some nut job just went berserk…”

Four hours earlier…

Dixon looked at his watch. 4 minutes,15 seconds. Bang on schedule. Alarms off. Cameras down. Recordings wiped. Guards taken care of. Everyone inside. Nothing to stop them now. They could literally help themselves. He stood in the foyer of the Metropolitan Museum with the stop watch running and a shopping list. He looked out from under his balaclava mask as his crew went about their tasks. Twenty men, twenty items. Stolen to order, around $38 million dollars worth of (almost) priceless works of art, porcelain, antiques, antiquities, jewellery and artifacts. That was on the open market of course. The buyers were paying around $10 million, two of which were his. They were happy, he was happy. And after they’d filled the list, his men could take what they wished, hiding the specifics of the theft in a mass of other stolen items. Some they’d arrange to be recovered later on, leading the investigation away from the real culprits, others they would pass on through reliable outlets and each man could make a little for himself besides his cut. He had a reputation for looking after his boys. That was why he could cherry pick his men. In most cases they were the same, year in, year out, unless someone did something stupid like get arrested. Each man was tasked with getting a single item on the list, but for some it required two men or more and in such instances each helped with the other’s specific artifact. Some of the larger paintings needed two men to strip them safely out of the frame for example. But they knew each other and worked well together. Never any trouble, a job every 18 months or so. This time though Dixon had one item that he was taking purely for himself, a small indulgence after 22 years as a professional thief. It wasn’t worth millions, just around $16,000 in fact. It was a Persian flintlock pistol, with black enamel between silver filigree on a dark ebony handle. He had first seen it 14 years ago and …well he just liked it.

“We’re done, Dix.” Said Charlie, his number two, as the others gathered around him. “Apart from Newmeyer and Bill. They’re getting that big Seurat painting on the second floor. Everything else is already in the truck.”

11 minutes, 42 seconds. Fantastic work!

“Ok guys help yourselves, quick as you can, meet back up in the Hall of Warfare when you got your lucky charms. Percer, Tony ,Noyes and Ricardo, you double up.” He said pointing out the four chosen men.

“Aw, crap, me again?” said Noyes. Doubling up was taking several other items each, that would be recovered later to throw the cops off the scent, besides their own piece for profit.

“Your own fault, you’re so good at choosing ‘em.” Dixon said with a smile.

“I ain’t Ricardo, Dix, I’m Phil” said the last man in the ski mask he had pointed to. They were all dressed alike in black boiler suits, dark army type jackets, gloves and masks. He grinned. “But I’ll double up anyway.”

“Remember, so-“

“I know I know, something unique to the museum that identifies the theft, I ain’t fresh off the boat, Dix… already picked ‘em out from the Museum guide book.”

Dixon smiled as he headed towards the Hall of Warfare, and his crew spread out in all directions.

“Manny and Eddie go help Bill and Newmeyer-“

There was a loud crash as something smashed through the skylight dome over the foyer and landed kneeling, supported on her palm behind the group of men. Dixon and the others spun around in surprise, his first reaction that some idiot had smashed something priceless.

“What the fuck?” he said as he turned around to be confronted by an athletic looking young woman, crouched in the semi darkness of the entrance hall.

A sly smile spread across her face, the corner of her mouth curled up on one side as she raised her head slowly. She flicked a seasoned gaze around the ring of men about her, assessing the threat. Though heavily outnumbered she was not unduly worried. She was, after all, trained in the ways of the Amazon warriors of old. She stood slowly, straightening up and uncurling the thin golden rope at her hip as she turned at the waist, first left, then right, taking in the men behind her.

“You should’ve brought more guys.” She declared simply as she started to run the rope through one hand as she held one end in the other, staring back at the leader with clear blue-green eyes.

“Ohhhh, I think we’ll do just fine…” Dixon said as he recovered his composure. One woman against the whole outfit? This bitch had clearly bitten off more than she could chew. Then he noticed the thin golden strip at her forehead, a red star at its centre.

“Oh, shi-“ Dixon never got any further as some of his gang directly behind her recovered from their initial shock and made a move towards her.

In an instant she had dropped onto one bent knee, braced by her free hand, the other leg straight as she swiveled around , her hand holding the rope raised before flashing down in an instant as it cracked out along the line of five men behind her like a whip, slashing at head height across the masked faces of the men approaching her.

They reeled back, yelling in surprise, two clutching cut cheeks, blood seeping through gashes in the ski masks, as they all stepped back in shock – literally as the lasso had delivered a small but intense stab of electrical pain on contact.

Dixon saw the bright red, strapped sleeveless crop top with the gold eagle splayed over the modest but still appealing breasts. There was gold trim around the low cut neckline and the base of the top above her well-toned abs. She wore very tight jeans with a silver and gold eagle belt buckle, with red stars at each thigh. Long silver bracelets with a red star at their centre covered her forearms.

“But…you’re a blonde! You ain’t Wonder Woman! “ Noyes said, confused.

“No, she ain’t. But it don’t matter who she is… Listen lady this don’t need to go bad, just get lost an’ leave us to it , huh?” said Dixon.

“Wish I could fellas. But I can’t.” she said icily as she rolled to her left, coming up on one knee, twirling the rope viciously, raking another seven men across the face and chest. She stood and jumped back to her right somersaulting sideways in mid-air to land roughly where she had stood originally. But Dixon’s gang had closed in on that side slightly and a further crack of her rope-whip slashed at them, again inflicting minor injuries.

“We don’t want no trouble…” Dixon said placatingly, palms raised.

“Don’t worry. You aren’t giving me any. But it’s way too late for that speech...” she smiled, coldly.

“Okay, fuck it , take her down!” Dixon ordered.

She smiled in anticipation.

The rope flicked out effortlessly again as the first thief took a half step towards her, wrapping around his throat as she deftly avoided his arm raised in defence. He started to spasm and twitch as the electric charge shocked him. She gave a slight tug but such was her strength the man, Thomas, was yanked suddenly off his feet into the two men next to him to his right. The rope was released from his neck, with a subtle ripple of her wrist to add the slack, as his body was still in mid-air. By the time the three of them had hit the ground she had spun and lashed six men off to her left, this time with much more force than before, two of them knocked to the floor as the others reeled screaming. The lasso flashed out again but this time it was blocked and caught. Though as the charge coursed through him, the thug clearly regretted it. Yet she never hesitated, using the held lasso as an anchor she ran at lightning speed straight into two of the thugs, body checking them out of the way, looping the lasso around Hennessey, the man who held it and two of his companions. As they froze beneath the power of the lasso she lashed out with a ferocious backhanded fist that slammed into two of them, knocking them out, before returning her hand as a straight jab to the wind pipe that caused the last man to collapse gasping, before passing out.

As he sank to the floor she flicked the rope clear and gripped his shoulder as she swung her body up, perpendicular to the floor, landing a vicious double kick to the nearest two unfortunate thieves. One fell unconscious as the other grabbed his broken nose, screaming. At least four were out of the fight permanently with another five or six in different stages of recovery. The remaining ten or twelve guys still standing stayed back, uncertainly. She flashed her lasso out low this time, whipping around the ankles of one attacker and sending him crashing to the floor where she yanked him around using both her hands on the lasso to pull him into three of his companions, sending them tumbling. Even as she did so, she jumped and lashed out with a sturdy boot to the face of the nearest assailant. As she landed, she grabbed the dazed felon and hurled him into two of his companions, then turned and struck a fourth man crisply on the jaw, who dropped like a stone. She ducked a punch from Noyes, landing two answering blows to his gut that caused him to sink to his knees. As he dropped, she kneed him in the temple as a backhanded blow struck Edison off to her left sending him down onto the hard marble floor with a shocked groan. Again she swung her rope around in a complete circle, forcing the surviving attackers back, slashing at a few, then delivering a finishing punch to Edison that put him out like a light.

Almost half his men were permanently down and no one had laid a glove on her. Dixon was starting to panic. And he never panicked. He was a thief not a prize fighter. He’d lasted this long through planning, not brawling. He was totally at a loss as to what to do to stop her. He just stepped back and stared, dazed as his men went down one after the other.

The girl leaped up to head height, her slender thighs flicking her legs out with lightning speed, first one then the other in a fearsome double kick that cracked one man’s jaw with an audible report and sent the second man, Roecastle, flying back four feet into his companions.

As she landed, one of the men behind her finally closed pinning her arms to her chest in a bearhug. It lasted for less than a second and a half as she deftly flicked her head back to split his nose in a shower of blood that covered the back of her head in sticky spray.

As his arms released her and he staggered back, clutching his nose, she spun, kicking him in the groin and then landing a double fist of laced fingers down on the back of his neck, knocking him down to the floor. She then flipped back onto her palms and kept going, doing a succession of backward hand-stands that resulted in more felons being kicked and barged out of her way.

As she finally landed upright she flashed her lasso around the throat of one of the 6 men still standing yanking him off his feet to collide and smash heads with the nearest fellow thief.

She launched herself straight into two nearby, with a forearm smash to the windpipe of one and a left hook to the jaw of the other. Both hit the floor clutching the point of impact. One of the last survivors pulled a .45 but her rope snaked out and struck his hand causing him to drop it with a scream before he had even brought it to bear. She closed, grabbing him by the lapel and belt and lifted him above her head before hurling him into his last two companions. One managed to dodge the flying body but the other was struck full in the face and both hit the marble floor hard and lay still. The guy who had dodged came up shooting, three wild shots that missed her, before she finally had to deflect two with her bracelets. She leaped forward landing a swift one-two to the one called Eddy who was unconscious before he hit the ground. She turned and sauntered casually over towards Dixon, literally the last man standing, who was backing away, hands up pushing the air between them as if to stop her advance.

“I didn’t know about the guns, I swear, I’m a thief not a murderer.”

“Why don’t we let my Lasso of Justice decide that, huh?” said the young woman as she stopped before him. She grabbed him by the lapels and lifted him slightly.

“W-who the fuck are you anyways?” he stammered.

“Some people call me ‘Wonder Girl’…” she said.

“’Wonder Girl?’” said Dixon.

She head-butted him with a lightning strike to his nose, breaking it in a fountain of blood that sprayed all over her face and her tiara.

“BUT I hate it when they call me that.” She finished.

She dropped him to the floor where he lay moaning, re-gathered her lasso into coils and re-attached it to her belt. She then stood, hands on hips, twisting her upper body slightly as she cast a glance over first one shoulder, then the other, a sly smile of satisfaction on her face, that spread into a beaming smile as she acknowledged the 19 men lying about her. She rose up on the balls of her feet and bobbed up and down contentedly. She’d got a bit messy – her head was covered in their blood, but on the whole, a job well done.

Damn, she was good and getting better, she thought to herself. If only her sister Diana had been here to se---

“AAAARRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHH!” she screamed as the twin barbs of the taser struck her in the back of her left shoulder, her body spasming and twitching with the shock, but she was a demigoddess and as such could just about take the blow. But not a second one. The second taser strike hit her square between the shoulder blades a moment behind the first, causing her whole body to shudder as the current hit home and she rose up on her tip-toes, her back arching, the current sending her firm young breasts oscillating beneath the tight red fabric of her top, the blood rushing to fill her nipples as they hardened involuntarily beneath the golden eagle wings. The floor of her pelvis clenched as all strength left her legs and her knees buckled as she sank slowly to the floor, her pretty features contorted in a grimace of disbelief and agony.

She hadn’t realized that two of the gang were still upstairs when she attacked. It was a naïve mistake that she would pay a terrible price for. Newmeyer and Bill came down the stairs, Bill handing his taser to his colleague as he rushed forwards, pulling a chloroformed cloth from his pocket, the same one he had used on the museum guards. As he neared her, Newmeyer finally yanked the taser prongs free. But Cassie barely had a seconds respite before Bill’s arm came around her throat from behind, his hand clamping cruelly over her left breast as he squeezed and kneaded her tit with his right hand, as his left held the debilitating cloth over her nose and mouth.

“MMMppppphhhhhhh!!!!” was the only sound she could utter, the taser shocks preventing her from even bringing up her arms to pry the hands loose, as her body still struggled to cope with the shock and recover some degree of movement.

Tears of shame and despair pricked at her eyes as she found herself completely helpless, powerless to do anything but breathe in the nauseous vapours. She could feel his breath hot against her neck, then her cheek and her ear as he moved his head alongside hers, careful to avoid the blood covering the back of her head and her forehead where she had butted his co-villains. She felt herself starved of oxygen, each desperate breath making her more drowsy, blurring her vision. As her green-blue eyes fluttered and closed one pitiful thought formed in her mind…

‘Oh, sister….please…help me….’ The tiny red star at the centre of her circlet/tiara glowed briefly.

Lying in bed asleep, in another part of the capital, Diana Prince awoke with a start.
Last edited by tallyho 8 years ago, edited 7 times in total.
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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Elder Member
Elder Member
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Good job, not enough WW peril stories. Nice to see Wondergirl so proud of herself only to be brought down to earth, literally!

Nice touch on Wondergirl calling her big sis for help.
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Staff Sargeant
Staff Sargeant
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I love the idea that she's so capable and yet makes such a rookie mistake.
Now what are they going to do with the blood-spattered bimbo?
Bait or victim?
Torment or humiliation?
Neophyte Lvl 2
Neophyte Lvl 2
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Here's the second part of mine and tallyho's collaboration story, full of sexual peril ;) (I'm no good at openings) Enjoy!


“Okay, shit!!! Pheww!!!! Fucking bitch!” Dixon panted. “Okay, gather everyone up and let’s hustle. And since when do we take fucking guns on a job?” He turned angrily, wiping blood from his nose with a thumb as he looked at Eddy Henderson.

“We all got a coupla strikes Dix. Just cos you been lucky and come out clean don’t mean we all have. An’ if it’s some ol’ fart of a guard and me doin’ 25 to life, I ain’t goin down just for the cost of a bullet. Most of us carry.” Henderson said simply.

“What the fuck?” Since when?” Dixon looked around incredulously at the men he thought he knew.

“Since always.” Edison said. Most of the others nodded. “Just cos you been lucky we aint all in the same boat.”

“Lucky? It ain’t fucking luck dumb ass, I’m careful, I plan, and I don’t use guns!” Dixon said angrily. “ Now, let’s get back to Gabby in the truck an get the fuck outta here.”

“No way, Dix. We gonna settle a score with that bitch, right guys?” Henderson said as the others nodded and murmured their agreement as they looked with lustful eyes and the helpless body of the beautiful young woman that lay unconscious at their feet.

“You ain’t the boss of this outfit Eddy, I AM,” Dixon jerked with his thumb at his chest. “And I say we roll.”

“Maybe you aint the boss no more Dix.” Henderson said simply. He looked around at some of the others. Edison, Roecastle, Noyes, Ricardo, Newmeyer and Bill all stood with Henderson, and all were armed. They looked meaningfully at the others who gradually with reluctant shrugs went to stand behind the big man. Only Charlie stood by Dixon.

“I appreciate it Charlie, but you better go with the rest” Dixon said philosophically. “So this is it , huh guys? New King in town, huh? Well fuck you, I’m still outta here…”

“Uh- huh, Dix.” Henderson levelled the pistol. “We’re all stayin’. Noyes, go get Gabby from the truck, I want her to see what happens to a bitch that crosses me. Sit down, Dix, enjoy the show.”

“I never did get what that girl sees in you.” Dixon said bitterly, talking of the only female member of the gang, Gabby, who provided the initial distraction in persuading the guards to open up with a-little-girl-lost routine. All it ever took was a smile and holding the map upside down and there was always a guard only too willing to open up and help. She’d been Henderson’s girl since they joined the gang as regulars 4 years ago, but he treated her like crap.

“Jealous, Dix?” Henderson smiled. “What she sees in me is a fix every time she needs it…she kinda…depends on me , ya might say.” He smiled.

“You fuck her over and the cops won’t stop until they get you, you know that right?” Dixon said, jerking a thumb at Wonder Girl.

“No, Dix, they ain’t gonna stop until they find who killed her. And that’s where you come in. See, if you’re dead with your cock in her ass no one’s gonna look too closely for anybody else. Look on the bright side, at least you get to go out with a bang!” Henderson laughed at his own joke. “Bill, why don’t you keep Dix covered, huh? Charlie, it ain’t that I don’t trust ya, but I don’t trust ya. Why don’t you go keep Dix company too, huh?” he gestured and the man moved to stand by his former leader.

“Now, fellas, let’s get to work on this pain in the ass, huh? Whaddya say, huh? Damn straight!” he laughed as many of the men smiled and nodded their agreement with a chorus of yesses.

Cassie was lying sprawled face down on her right cheek, her mouth open in a wince of pain and a frown frozen in place on her bloodied brow, her hands in weak claws either side of her head. Henderson stood over her and looked down at the crumpled form in triumph. He looked up at the clack-clack noise on the marble floor that announced Noyes was bringing Gabby in from the truck.

“What the fuck? We should be gone Dix, we’re late! What the fucks goin’ on, were they gun shots? Dix?” the young woman asked curiously as she saw the gang leader sitting on a museum bench with Charlie leaning against a wall beside him and apparently Bill covering them both.

“Change of plan, hon. I’m the boss now, right Dix?” Henderson said smugly, pulling her towards him by her waist.

She had long brown hair with a slight wave, high cheekbones and a sultry look in her hazel eyes. She was dressed immaculately in black high heels, a snow white fur coat, a knee length black cocktail dress with a salacious slit up to her thigh over her hour glass frame and an assortment of genuinely expensive jewellery. It was all part of the poor little rich girl hopelessly stranded routine that she used to sucker the guards into opening up before they were rushed, tasered and chloroformed. She oozed elegance and the only slight oddity was a thick metal torque –type neck band, that, though it looked polished, clearly wasn’t silver. She pushed herself awkwardly away from Henderson.

“Who the hell is that?” she asked of Wonder Girl.

“Tonight, she’s something of a love rival ya might say.” Said Henderson. “But don’t worry it won’t be for long.”

“What the fuck! We need to go, NOW!!! Screw her, the trucks all loaded, let’s get outta here!”

“That is the general idea. Screwing her, I mean.” Henderson smiled. He took a small remote out and looked coldly at Gabby. “But never forget, you don’t tell me what to do…” He pressed the single button on the remote and she stiffened and gasped as a small electric shock crackled through the collar. “EVER.” He finished menacingly.

“W-we should go, Henderson, the shots…” Edison muttered weakly.

“A car back firing. This is a big building set back from the others, with its own grounds. Nobody passin’ this time of night. No alarms goin’ off. They may swing by, but the cops’ll find it all locked up an’ no signs of trouble. They’ll walk on and if they don’t, one of us will just dress as a guard and talk to them; be nice; invite ‘em in; - they won’t bother if they see we got nothin’ to hide. It just means we can’t do her here, is all. You two clean up the foyer, get all that debris from the skylight outta sight. Phil. Ricardo. You bring her into the weapons hall.”

Phil and Ricardo grabbed an elbow each and dragged her pathetic, limp body across the foyer, her knees and toes scraping over the floor as her head hung down, her bloodied hair leaving an intermittent red smear as she went. Her thin gold circlet fell from her head to the floor in the first ante room off from the hall, but out of sight from the doorway nobody bothered to retrieve it. They dragged her on, through the antechamber into the Hall of Warfare.

“Baby, this is shit, we should go…” Gabby pleaded desperately before another shock silenced her.

“SHUT UP, BITCH!!! I’m gonna make that fucking bitch pay for puttin’ me down.” Henderson snarled. “But she took a shitload of stopping. I ain’t taking no chances. Boys, tie down and hold her arms. YOU” he turned to Gabby “You keep a cloth on her all the time, slightest peep out of her and you drug her, got it?” She nodded, reluctantly.

In the Hall of Warfare the two thugs spread the limp young girl’s body out on the floor, arms and legs splayed, face up. Gathering some chains and rope from one of the displays they tightly bound her wrists, anchoring them to two pillars. As they worked they couldn’t resist a quick grope and feel of her breasts beneath her thin red top, her firm mounds exciting them as they exchanged lecherous glances with each other.

With her arms spread above her head, her rib cage was naturally distended, flattening her diaphragm, flattening her abdominals and forcing her firm young breasts higher. The adrenalin and excitement of the fight had made her small nipples harden and made them stick prominently through the flimsy red top.

Ricardo squeezed her breast firmly, grinning at his partner in crime who watched silently, breathlessly before he accepted the unspoken invitation and joined in cupping, kneading and groping her other breast. Her deep breathing became more ragged and shallow as she started to stir.

“Hey Gabs, get over here!” called Phil. The female gang member hurried to kneel down beside the heroine as Henderson and the others entered the warfare room, Charlie and Dixon were ushered into a corner, still covered by Bill. Henderson stood for a moment, casting an eye over the cases of halbeards, axes, daggers, maces, spears, shields and swords. He smiled down at the helpless young woman as she slowly tried to rouse herself.

“Hall of Weapons, huh? Got a weapon o’ my own right here.” He stepped forward as he slid his fly down with an audible noise that carried to prone woman prompting a frenzy of movement as, still barely conscious, her brain decoded the sound of his zipper.

“UUUUUuuuuu-uuuh-huh…..N-nu….no...” Cassie said weakly as she began to come to, her heels moving weakly against the marble floor.

“HOLD HER DOWN!” Henderson barked as more of the gang grabbed her by the ankles and the knees.

As Cassie returned to consciousness it was a tear from Gabby’s face that fell to land on her cheek that finally caused her eyes to snap open with a shocked start. For a split second the two women looked at each other, faces inverted like a yin and yang symbol, as Cassie tried to work out what was happening and who this person was leaning over her.

“I’m sorry…” Gabby whispered as she brought up the hand holding the chloroform cloth.

The sight and the smell prompted Cassie to snap to full wakefulness as she suddenly realised her arms were bound and her legs physically pinned by many hands. There was a frenzied thrashing of her body as she bucked and writhed in their grip but it was no use. Gabby gripped her jaw and neck with one hand as she placed the cloth over Cassie’s mouth and nose. As the smell filled her nostrils, she gagged and swallowed, casting a brief glance down the length of her body at the sea of masked strangers who were leaning over her. Her desperate plight hit home and real fear gripped her as she looked up beseechingly into Gabby’s face, her terrified eyes pleading for mercy as she realized with dread in her soul, what fate awaited her. She knew too, that without her tiara her telepathic link with Diana was broken and hopelessness filled her brave young heart.

In her weakened state her powers deserted her as the drug took effect. Unable to break free of her multiple captors her frantic efforts slowed, her body stiffening as her senses left her, her eyes glassing over as Gabby’s face blurred above her.

Her straining limbs weakened as they were ever more firmly gripped, held and pinned down. Her eyelids flickered closed as she struggled to keep them open fighting against the inevitable until finally, she could fight no more.

“Uh-huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu” she sighed, her warm breath flowing through the cloth to brush against Gabby’s fingers as her eyes finally rolled up and closed. Gabby released her grip and ther heroine’s head rocked slowly onto her bare shoulder.

As she lay powerless, the criminals stood, looking down at her helpless body appreciatively.

“Strip the bitch” Henderson ordered with a cruel smile.

With whoops and cries they fell upon her ripping her flimsy red top from her body exposing her red sports bra. Her boots were unceremoniously torn from her feet, finally allowing her starred jeans to be stripped from her body revealing her smooth, well toned thighs and an inviting pair of bright red high cut panties.

“Tie her legs.” Henderson’s command was duly followed, lashing the heroine down legs spread wide.

He knelt between her legs, exposing his engorged manhood from beneath his overalls. He was a big man in all departments.

“You be ready with that rag” he ordered Gabby. “And, as you’re there…why don’t you play with them fine looking titties of hers, huh?”

“Baby…I-I don’t wa-“ Gabby began


Reluctantly she leaned forward, gripping the base of the sports bra and lifting it over the impressive mounds of the young woman’s breasts, up towards herself, leaving it bunched around Cassie’s throat.

In the pool of pale moonlight that splayed across her body her breasts were revealed in all their spectacular glory, perfect silver tinted semi orbs of sexual pleasure, her small darker nipples like tiny round crowns.

Gabby, kneeling directly behind the fallen heroine’s head, leant forward, pressing her palms in to the outer edges of the tits, pushing them inward, gently squeezing them together, until the flattened cleavage formed a more arousing, inviting slit between the mammaries. She cupped her hands, caressing the outer curvature of the innocent young woman’s breasts, sliding down to cup them at their base and pull them towards her, filling the warm flesh resist, stiffening beneath her fingers as the latent musculature of the young girl’s body reasserted itself. She teased the fingers up an around, circling the erect nipples, pinching them to make them harden. All the while Gabby avoided Henderson’s gaze as she looked down at the helpless, beautiful young girl lying exposed and vulnerable before her.

Henderson watched delightedly, as did his men, but unlike them he was in a position to release the sexual tension he was feeling. He leant forward supported on one palm beneath Cassie’s left arm as he gripped the waist band of the flimsy panties, he paused then, seeming to change his mind and instead gripped the inner leg of the red silk, pulling it aside, hooking it over the rise of her mons pubis, tight to the opposite leg, exposing her neatly trimmed slit in the dim moonlight. He licked his lips in anticipation. He pressed his palm against her smooth inner thigh, pushing the legs wider before dropping his own body weight between her knees and then sliding up, his pelvis resting on her body, the tip of his penis just nuzzling her cunt. He rolled his hips slightly, playing his bell-end against the outer lips of her labia, nudging them up and to the side before they sprang back to form the slit once more. Her hood was neatly tucked between the folds of her flaps but would not be for long. Braced on both palms now, he finally pressed his body weight forward, gently at first, only lightly parting her body with the very tip of his ten inch cock. He dipped his head as he grinned and cast a glance down to check he was properly aligned before he pushed forward slowly feeling the tight warm wetness of her body yield to his, her lips peeling apart as they embraced his head, dry at first and juddering as the flesh stuck to flesh before he moved in and out slightly, again and again, her body responding with natural lubricant as he intended. As the strokes became easier so too he pushed deeper, still just limbering up before he entered her fully. As Gabby toyed with her breasts he seemed to be waiting for something almost warming up before the main event as it were. Back and forth he went, making her slightly wetter with each stroke, her senseless body unresponsive apart from her sexual juices which were starting to flow as they were supposed to, making entering her ever easier. Her still form rocked back and forth under the pressure of his body as his gang slowly started to make some noise, urging him on.

Finally he saw what he had been waiting for – a troubled flicker beneath her soft closed eyelids, closely followed by a brief crease in the skin at her forehead as she slowly regained consciousness.

“NOT YET!” he barked at Gabby as she made to use the cloth again.

He sped up, entering her more each time as she let out a low moan and her face crumpled into a wince and frown of incomprehension. He roared, screaming in anger as her entered her fully ramming his ten inch penis deep inside her, his thrusting sending shock waves through her body that finally brought her back to consciousness. Her mouth opened in a silent ‘o’, her lips quivering, her disbelieving eyes filling with unbidden tears as she could only gasp a single word.


“Oh yeah, Wonder Girl. You’re gettin’ it good!” Henderson cried as he slammed his body into hers again and again, his manhood slicing deep into her defenceless body. She strained at her bonds but her arms were held fast and his body weight pressing down on her pelvis meant she could only bend her knees slightly before the restraints at her ankles took effect. Relentlessly he pummelled her as she lay, sickened by her own impotence, in shocked disbelief. Finally the disgusting violation of her body ended as he slid all the way into her, his groin pressing painfully into her loins as he at last exploded inside her. She went rigid, her back arched, mouth open in a silent scream as he climaxed, before she crumpled broken and defeated. How had she come to this? She was Wonder Girl, more than a match for any gang of criminals and yet…yet they had taken her. The bitter taste of her physical and sexual conquest was impossibly hard for her to bare. She screwed up her face as she fought back the tears, turning her head away and then Henderson nodded for Gabby to put her under once more. This time as Gabby used the cloth she forced her mouth closed, pinching the nostrils shut, forcing the only air she could inhale to come through the cloth, with the sleepy cargo of vapour it contained.

With the heroine senseless, the gang could do as they pleased with her. And they did. With her still tied down Newmeyer slid beneath her, ripping the flimsy panties from her body leaving only the tattered waistband, before shoving is cock up her oh-so-tight ass as he fondled her tits and kissed her neck and cheek. He was watched for a while before the one called Ricardo decided to join in.

“Hell, we ain’t got all night!” he said as he slid in between her thighs , kneeling now as her body resting on Newmeyer was raised that much higher. He entered her already used vagina easily, relishing its moist heat. The men were all aroused now and lined up on either side of her body, pleasuring themselves as they watched the floor show.

There was no need of the chloroform now, for as her weakened body came to her senses this time Roecastle pushed Gabby out of the way, gathered her blonde hair in a bunch at the back of Wonder Girl’s head, gripped it viciously and turned it to face his groin. Cassie barely had time to breath before he rammed his cock deep into her mouth , making her recoil and gag as she pulled back as best she was able. But tied and held as she was she couldn’t go far before it was rammed into her orifice again. After a few rapid penetrations she was sickened by the salty taste as he came directly into her mouth. As she gagged and tried to spit he held her jaw closed, forcing her to swallow as she felt the equally sickening sensation of Newmeyer’s ejaculate flowing warmly into her anus. She choked on the creamy coloured liquid as some dribbled from the corner of her mouth, squeezed out by the hand holding her cheeks and jaw. A second later the avenue of masturbaters were showering her with warm droplets of their own ejaculate as they all came within moments of each other. She had never felt so powerless, nor so defiled, as she could feel their sticky seed splash all over her silken skin.

“Lick it.” Henderson ordered Gabby as he pointed at Wonder Girl’s cum drenched body and her tits in particular. As his pet whore went to work kissing and sucking at Cassie’s teats, lapping up the cum like a cat with cream so Henderson stood over Wonder Girl’s shuddering, gasping body. Newmeyer, spent, had now retreated and she was lying breathless on the floor once more.

“Any of you heroines ever been choked to death? By cock?” Eddy Henderson added as he laughed, his men following suit. He mercilessly rammed his manhood into her then, holding her jaw to force her mouth open as his enormous penis filled her throat, even pushing his sack all the way inside her lips so that her cheeks bulged. He was indeed choking her. It was to be this way then; the final disgusting and ignominious end to her proud career as a defender of the law.

A sickening way for a brave young woman to die at the hands of the very people she was trying to bring to justice. But in truth, as she fought desperately for air as Henderson pinched her nostrils closed with his hand, she was almost past caring. After these shocking violations and her utter debasement, death would be a release. But as she hovered on the verge between life and death a shadow flickered in the moonlight across her body. A second later there was a small noise from the main foyer.

Everyone froze. Long moments passed. The silence was deafening. There was a second sound, a slight scraping against the marble. Not unlike someone picking up a golden tiara from a marble floor. Then there was more silence. A dark and terrible, brooding silence.

Until finally one of Henderson’s men broke.

“What was that?” said Phil.

“SHHHH!!!” hissed Henderson, bringing up his index finger to his lips as he still held Cassie’s nostrils with his other hand.

It was a mistake.

Cassie did the only thing she could in the circumstances, a last final act of defiance, as with all her strength, she bit down on the organ that was killing her.

Hard and ferociously.
Let us know what you think, okay? ;)
Last edited by Wheelie915 9 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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I think I wish you had written it where she could not bite down.....
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Excellent fight scene description. Nice set up with the carnage as well. What might have caused all that?
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I think the fingers between my legs are now utterly soaked, but I am left wanting for more! HOW DARE YOU LEAVE A GIRL HANGING LIKE THIS, due to your pause in writing.
Jenn (aka Flirty)
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flirty_but_nice wrote:I think the fingers between my legs are now utterly soaked, but I am left wanting for more! HOW DARE YOU LEAVE A GIRL HANGING LIKE THIS, due to your pause in writing.
tallyho will post the last part asap ;)
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Here is the last part, please let us know your thoughts


Wonder Woman had sped across town with a rising sense of fear for her young half-sister, guided by their telepathic link towards the museum- until that link was broken. She had found the broken dome of the skylight above the foyer and gazed down into the patch of moonlight below, half expecting to see her body. But there had been nothing – not even the debris from the broken dome above - and that had increased her suspicions - and the sense of dread.

She had leapt down to land with a small noise braced on her left hand, her right clenched tight in a fist. As she straightened her keen eyes saw the traces of bloody smears on the marble floor smudged and partially cleaned up in haste. She followed them off towards the ante chamber before the warfare hall and there lying dark and bloody she saw Cassie’s slim golden circlet, the shiny gold hidden beneath dark splodges of congealed blood. She had held her breath as she walked silently over to it, hoping desperately that it would somehow turn out to be something else, that she was mistaken. She was not. She had picked it up in a daze, finally letting out her breath in a sad, desperate shuddering sigh, making a faint scraping noise as she lifted it off the floor. She fought back the wave of emotion that washed over her, the urgent press of the tears of grief, the tender lump that rose in her throat. All those natural emotions and feelings of pain came upon her. She suppressed them, and replaced them with hate. Hate for those who had murdered her sister. Not for millennia, since she and her sisters had fought the Greeks at Pharancxios in the last battle before they shunned the world of men, had she known hate like it. Then it had been seeing her friend Callistae, surrounded and hacked down by the hated Greek hoplites, stabbed in the back as she tried to hold them at bay and give her sister Amazons time to escape the ambush, that had brought on the terrible blood-rage within her. But she felt it now, stronger than ever, filling her mind with a terrible purpose, blood and adrenalin pounding in her veins, making her strong, making her unstoppable. Justice no longer mattered. The law no longer mattered. Vengeance was all that mattered. Death was all she sought now. Then she heard Henderson’s screams. She rose slowly and turned her head towards the Hall of Warfare. Holding her breath she moved silently to the entranceway.

“FUCK!!!! AAAAAGGGGGHHHHHH-FUCK!!!! FUCKIN’ BITCH!!!! FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!” Henderson screamed as he reeled away smashing a fist into the side of Cassie’s head to get her to open her jaw. His penis was lacerated and his scrotum had ripped open, covering Wonder Girl in blood as he fell to the floor, screaming and rolling as he clutched his genitals.

His cries ensured all eyes were on him as Wonder Woman came to the doorway. She saw Cassie’s blood soaked body lying still, her head cradled in Gabby’s lap , her face a mask of blood from Henderson and she felt her worst fears confirmed. She saw the bloody abused body of her sister lying unmoving, her eyes closed, and reached the obvious but erroneous conclusion. The very last of her inhibitions fell away then and all she knew was rage. She was Nemesis incarnate. And they would pay in blood for their crimes.

She flicked her gaze around the display stands, cases and dioramas that filled the hall, decked out with the banners, flags and gonfalons to resemble a medieval banqueting hall. She removed her tiara and announced her presence by throwing it around the room, smashing case after case before it returned to her hand like a boomerang, effortlessly flicking her hand with lightning speed to replace it on her head.

“SHIT! It’s Wonder Woman!” said one of the gang as they all turned to stare at her. But he was wrong.

She wasn’t Wonder Woman anymore. She was Diana, Princess of the Amazons. An avenging angel, and their lives were hers to take.

Her breathing was deep and heavy, increasing in tempo, her eyes were fierce and slightly glazed, locked on the body of her sister. She slowly uncoiled her lasso of truth as she stared at the blood spattered body.

“None of you men will leave this museum …alive.” She said quietly, her voice echoing off the marble floor.

“What the fuck? You think we’re gonna believe that, huh? Just roll over cos you threaten us with that bullshit? You’re Wonder Woman you don’t ki-EEEUUUUGGGGGHHHHH!”Edison gasped as her hand flashed out holding the lasso end and sending it snaking out, whipping the other end tightly around his neck several times. She yanked forward with all her strength and the audible snap of his neck breaking echoed around the hall as his body pitched forward. He was dead before he hit the floor and his body just lay there, his feet twitching.

The only sound in the hall was Henderson’s whimpering groans as the gang stared in stunned silence. On either side of the doorway were mannequins, one of a 14th century man at arms, the other a Roman legionary. She seized the pilum from the Roman, hefting the spear lightly in her right hand. She was spoilt for targets as everyone stayed motionless, stunned.

“Fuck…” said the one called Bill, quietly to himself and thereby he sealed his fate. The iron spear point took him in the throat splitting his jugular in a gurgling fountain of blood that pinned his body upright to the wooden beam behind him. The flexible half shaft set the wooden base of the pilum juddering up and down with the force of the impact.

The room then exploded with noise as the villains darted in all directions. Diana seized the weapon carried by the man at arms, a vicious halberd, part axe, part spear, that she swept straight through the man nearest to her left, cutting him clean in two with a shower of blood before burying the scythe like point into Newmeyer, disembowelling him. He fell to his knees gasping in shock as he feebly tried to scoop up his own steaming intestines and tried to force them back into his ripped open gut. She kicked someone back with a massive blow to their chest, cracking their sternum. As a second man rushed at her she chopped down with the edges of both palms into his neck with ferocious force, stopping him in his tracks. She gripped his throat with one hand and lifted him clean off his feet and continued to squeeze, crushing his windpipe as his legs kicked in mid-air, she turned and threw him at Ricardo as he tried to move past her into the ante chamber. As she released him she dug her nails into the soft flesh of his throat, ripping out his windpipe as she hurled his body away from herself. Gabby was screaming as someone finally fumbled their gun out, firing crazily at the enraged Amazon. The first bullet took off half the back of Phil’s head and the lifeless body dropped to its knees. The next several shots she deflected with ease, marching towards the desperate shooter with a terrible purpose. As the last shot was fired and missed her, she gripped an Anglo-Saxon sword from a nearby case and sliced through the wrist holding the gun with effortless ease. The gunman gripped his severed wrist with his other arm screaming in agony before she run him through, driving the hilt in right up to the flesh, twisting it then ripping it from his body.

She turned, deflecting a barrage of bullets as several of the gang backed away. Her eyes had a dull sheen of indifference as her wrists were a blur as each step took her closer to the three or four armed men. Four or five others had made it to the far exit, only to find it locked. They screamed and shouted desperately, shaking the doors ineffectually. Charlie and Dixon just sat in stunned silence as Ricardo backed up towards them.

“C-can you believe this shit?” he said aloud, his eyes excited as he turned to face the former leader.”This is fucking GREAT! She’s gone fucking nuts man! Ha! Gonna sue the fucking ass off her for this! I’m gonna be traumatised, I can tell!” he said smiling.

“You crazy? You’re dead you asshole…” said Dixon in disbelief at his stupidity.

“Not me, man…” Ricardo dropped onto his knees and laced his fingers behind his head “I’m surrendering…” He raised his head slightly as he shouted “WONDER WOMAN, LOOK! I’M SURRENDERING! NO TROUBLE FROM ME, NO SIR!” he turned to whisper quietly to Dixon “I’m gonna write a fucking book about this!” he said grinning. “Make a fuckin’ fortune!”

She was almost on top of the gunmen now and as one cracked and tried to rush her she dropped and spun away from him rotating in the opposite direction to sweep the blade around in a clean cut that neatly severed his head. Like a headless chicken, the lifeless corpse jerked forwards on the nerve reactions for a few steps before sinking slowly to its knees like a run down clockwork toy. She had already straightened up and driven the blade straight through the mouth to the back of the head of the next of the gunmen, pressing the blade on into the chest of the man behind him as well, before the headless corpse had stopped twitching. The last of the armed men had dropped the empty pistol to the floor and was simply looking at her incredulously as she hefted a two handed battleaxe. He was shaking his head and mouthing silently ‘No, please…’ but the eyes that locked with his had no mercy left in them. He raised an arm to ward off the attack and she took it clean off at the shoulder , then partially sliced through his throat, causing the head to fall back held in place by a thin flap of skin at the back of the neck as his upside down eyes still stared desperately around the room.

The blood lust was fully on her now and only death could stop it, hers or theirs, either would be suffice. She heard then Ricardo’s shouts and turned, striding purposefully towards him as behind her the felons trapped by the locked door desperately armed themselves with whatever was to hand. The man with the crushed chest crawled away through the gore on his elbows, leaving a thick bloody smear in his wake as he headed towards the entrance hall. She ignored him as she approached Ricardo.

“No quarter…” she said quietly as she raised the axe behind her.

Ricardo turned, frowning to face Dixon. “What’s she mean ‘quarter’?” he asked. As he turned back to face her he discovered exactly what her words meant. The blade took his bottom jaw clean off with the right to left stroke before she looped it around, turning its shaft in her hands like a practiced veteran Housecarl, to sweep back in a figure of eight that removed the entire top third of his skull. His eyes rolled into their sockets and he fell forwards, face down, his brains spilling onto the shiny marble floor.

“You dumb fuck…” Dixon said quietly as Charlie gaped in shock.

A crossbow bolt whizzed towards her but she caught it easily. She tossed it up in the air and flipped it over so it was pointing back at the bowman, catching it by the shaft before hurling it deep into Manny’s eye. It went straight through his left one and stuck partially out of the back of his skull. He dropped like a stone, falling backwards rigidly without a sound. One man ran passed her into the ante chamber and she let him go, before spinning on her heel and throwing the battle axe, splitting open his skull as it slammed into the back of his head with an enormous spray of blood, knocking him stumbling forwards. He staggered on, finally to collapse in the main entrance hall.

Another man had a small Indian dagger from a case which he brandished before himself now, edging around her before dropping it and running for the doorway. He slipped in the gore and scrabbled forwards on all fours panting desperately as she simply picked up the dagger and strode purposefully after him. As she caught up with him at the far end of the anteroom, she kicked the back of his knee, knocking the scrambling figure down onto all fours and spilling him into the main hallway before she seized his head by the hair, pulled it back and swiftly slid the knife across his throat from ear to ear. He made a gargling sound as he choked on his own blood. She then sliced through what was left of his neck to severe the head completely and tossed it by the hair, sending it bouncing squidgily into the hall of weapons. She strode forward two steps and hamstrung the man with the crushed chest with two quick slits across the back of his knees, leaving him screaming and immobile.

Two men were still backed up into the far doorway, one armed with a rapier, the other with a tulwar. She was panting, her eyes glassy, her mouth open, drool slowly escaping her sweet red lips like strands of liquid silver. The blood lust was upon her and she felt immensely powerful, unstoppable. Her head was dipped slightly and she stared at them evilly from beneath her brow, her dark hair partially concealing her face. She moved to get a replica of a short Persian stabbing sword, feeling its weight appreciatively in her palm.

The man with the rapier edged forwards cautiously but she simply walked straight at him. She swept left and right with her blade, the first snapping the flimsy rapier, whilst the second swing seemed to do nothing.

“Ha ! You missed bitch!” cried Roecastle, as he hefted the tulwar nervously. For a long moment nothing happened and then a thin red line appeared across the forehead of the man with the rapier. He dropped the broken blade and his eyes rolled up into their sockets as his body collapsed, sending the top of his head rolling across the room and his brains spilling out onto the marble floor.

As it fell Diana had turned away, picking up a Spartan Hoplon shield, a modern replica. She had fought against the real thing and this was poor in comparison. She discarded it contemptuously, hurling it like a Frisbee edge on, such that it took Roecastle in the throat, slicing through his neck to embed itself in the wooden door behind him. The head was so cleanly cut that it remained perched on top of the shield, staring lifelessly at her, a look of slight surprise frozen on the features.

Dixon had finally got his hands on the Turkish pistol he had desired for so long, but he simply sat back down, cradling it, staring at it lovingly as he admired the intricate silver tracery over the black enamel.

SHOOT HER! SHOOT THE BITCH!” screamed a wide eyed Charlie who finally grabbed it from his friend, aiming at the demonic Amazon as she strode up to point blank range. He pressed it hard into her bosom as she placed both her palms over his ears, staring at him intently like lovers about to kiss.

He pulled the trigger and the percussion cap came down with a loud click – but nothing happened.

“It’s a museum, Charlie…” said Dixon quietly as he took the gun back off him. “They don’t keep them loaded.”

Charlie started to cry as Diana leaned in close, her lips almost at his, before she violently twisted his head, breaking his neck with an audible ‘krakkk’.

Dixon still sat, looking at the beautiful pistol in his hands, stroking it , running his fingers over the superb craftsmanship, before he raised his gaze slowly to meet hers. She seemed to be calmer now, but then he supposed that might be because she was running out of people to kill.

“We didn’t do anything… me an’ him…” he nodded towards Charlie’s slumped body. “He’s the bastard you want…” he looked towards Henderson, writhing on the floor still gripping his balls.

“Then by your own admission…you did nothing to stop it…” she said venomously, stepping over to retrieve the Saxon sword once more.

Dixon smiled ruefully as he met her gaze. “Fair enough…” he said with a sad smile. “I won’t scream.”

“I know.”

She drove the blade in deep through the chest, twisting it to make sure she had burst the heart cavity, before she slid it out as Dixon’s dead body fell away.

All the while Gabby had been sobbing but still holding Cassie’s head in her lap. She looked up tearfully now at the blood spattered female warrior.

“I-it’s true…” she wailed. “…that’s the fucker you want…”

“And what part did you play?” Wonder Woman asked coldly.

“I did w-whatever that bastard said…or else- “ she pulled at her collar “This is electrified…that FUCKER has a remote…”

Diana was shocked herself. She stuck the blade in Charlie’s leg to keep it upright and easy to retrieve. She then finally squatted by Cassie and to her delight found her breathing.

“She’s ALIVE!” she cried delightedly, tenderly stroking her sister’s face.

“She had it rough…” said Gabby. “That bastard saw to that…” she indicated Henderson again who was still crying and groaning a few feet away.

Wonder Woman stood and gripping the electric shock collar stretched and prized it from Gabby with ease, breaking the lock mechanism with a shower of sparks. She discarded it and turned to Henderson, only for Gabby to clutch at her bloody hand, pulling her back. She looked down at the tear streaked face and their eyes met and finally a spark of humanity re-emerged in the Amazon. Gabby was beautiful and the pleading look in her eyes touched through the red mist that had engulfed her.

“Thank you.” Gabby said simply. Wonder Woman gripped the wrist that held her hand and pulled it away, turning it so that she could see the underside of Gabby’s forearm and the needle tracks that lay there.

“Him again.” Gabby said with hatred. “He kept me hooked…” she looked at Henderson with hatred as he tried to crawl away.

Something about her vulnerability touched the Amazon. With her heightened emotions she felt a surge of lust for this young woman who had been just as much of a victim as her half-sister. And a surge of renewed hate at the man who had debased them both, She walked over to stand over him.

As she drew close she could hear him speaking to himself. She crouched beside him, her forearms resting on her knees.


“Don’t worry…you won’t be needing them ever again…”

Her words terrified him and he slithered quickly away, panting desperately and whimpering, across the floor towards the entrance hall, the blood and gore acting as a lubricant and speeding him up. She watched him go before she stood.

“Stay with my sister.” She commanded Gabby as she strolled out after him. On the way out she retrieved a short pike from the dummy of a Roundhead soldier.

Henderson was crying as he heard her footsteps behind him, like the echoing chimes of doom as each step rang out on the marble tiles.

“P-please…no please…” he was mumbling as he continued forward, crying to himself.

She rolled him over with her boot, grabbed him by the throat and hauled him up onto his feet. Then she rammed the base of the pike into his foot, pinning it to the floor as she used so much force it went clean through to embed itself in the marble beneath. He screamed a strangled scream that was shortened when she squeezed his throat.

FINE! I get it…” he sobbed” you’re gonna kill me… but at least I got to see what its like to fuck a heroine…” he laughed hysterically, still sobbing.

“Then why don’t we give you a bird’s eye view of this too, hmmn?” the Amazon said coldly as she raised her hand her slender fingers extended, pointing towards his face. He stared at them without understanding what she was going to do, until her finger nails twitched and then he understood. But it was way too late. She darted in, hooking her fingertips behind his eye and drawing forth the eyeball, still attached to the optic nerve.

He screamed again, experiencing the strange and disorienting vision of literally seeing himself for the first time, as well as the palm of her hand. She pulled it until the nerve stretched taut, then cruelly put it into his own mouth at which point it broke. He gagged as she forced him to bite down on it before it burst, filling his mouth with the vitreous humor fluid that squirted out and dribbled down his chin. She prized his jaw open as he retched, scooped out what was left of the sludgey optic and hurled it up at the ceiling, where it stuck with a dull splat.

“You’ll get a good view from up there.” She said callously. She pushed him so he fell flat, one foot still pinned in place. She squatted down beside him and pulled aside the fly of his bloody overalls, brushing away his hands, gripping his genitals and squeezing.

Awww god noooooooooooooooo!” he made a pitiable mewling noise as she slowly crushed his bloody testes. He was left wide eyed and gasping, tears streaming down his face. As she squeezed the blood pulsed from his ripped scrotum, warm and rich on the back of her hand. She could feel the harder nugget of his testes yielding beneath her grip. She watched his face coldly as she dug in her sharp fingernails, heightening his screams until she twisted her hand viciously and clenched her fist bursting his genitals and reducing them to a bloody red pulp in her hand. Henderson could stand the pain no longer and he finally passed out in agony.

She patted his face gently for a few moments until he groaned, then she shook him violently back to wakefulness.

THIS –“ she dug her fingers like claws into the soft yielding flesh of his groin as he screamed “ is the reward you have sown here tonight”. She ripped his balls and penis from his body then, holding them up like a trophy before his single good eye for him to see. He made a pathetic whimpering noise, his mouth open, beseeching her to stop. She stuffed his reproductive organs into his mouth, gagging him with them before she stood and removed the pike from his foot. She gripped the weapon in both hands, stepped back and then rammed the 10 foot weapon into the base of his pelvis, slicing deep into him and then up through his rectum and bowels, splitting his stomach open before finding the path of least resistance up through his oesophagus, in to his throat before bursting through his tongue where it lodged in the roof of his mouth. She levered the body up on the pike, holding it aloft in triumph, the legs twitching lifelessly as blood poured from the body, down the wooden shaft, covering her arms before splattering about her on the floor. She reveled in the red spray as it fell onto her cheeks, covering her heaving breasts with the dark red stain of gore.

She carried the pike staff upright, his body above her, like an ancient army standard, out into the foyer where she again rammed the metal base of the pike through the floor, leaving it standing as a warning to all who entered.

She felt…glorious! She had not fought like this in centuries, with no inhibitions, with no remorse, with no mercy. The warm blood of her victims still fresh on her skin! The sweet sickly smell of death filling her nostrils! All her enemies dead at her feet! But finally the darkness seemed to lift from her soul and her glassy eyes began to clear.

She took a deep breath and walked back to where Gabby was tending to Cassie, tenderly adjusting the young woman’s torn and shredded clothing to restore to her some dignity. Wonder Woman stood over the two of them as Gabby again looked up. Whether the adrenalin and violence of the night had awakened something primal in her she would never know, but she suddenly just felt a surge of desire for the young woman. She gripped her by the back of her head and pulled her upright, kissing her passionately on the lips with a fierce and desperate lust.

“You’re coming with us…” she said breathlessly to Gabby as their lips parted, before she added huskily “…lover.” The word was said with passion and intent, and both women knew its significance. Gabby knew also that this woman, this blood stained warrior, was all that she desired. She would be safe, she would be protected, she would be loved.

Detective Sterns stood smoking outside as his Captain arrived. His hands were shaking. His partner Mick was still retching intermittently in the public toilets inside the museum. Apparently he had been hit by a drop of fluid from the ceiling and when he had looked up he had been hit by and then partially swallowed, a squashed eyeball that had dropped into his mouth.

“Well?” asked his Captain as his arrival prompted shouts from the news crews and reporters gathered behind the police tape. He ignored them.

“Twenty one dead… heads, brains, guts, severed arms… all over.”

“SHIT!” said Captain Weisz.

“Scene of crime guys reckon its gonna take two days at least just to document all the blood splatter and try and work out who’s is who’s. Ain’t no rival gang though, in my humble opinion, or they’d have taken the loot in the truck out back. Ain’t seen anything like this.” Sterns said still shaken.“ Used all kinds of weapons in the museum on those guys like a pro. This is beyond us. We’re gonna need to call in help, sir. SERIOUS help.” Said Sterns earnestly.

“I’ve been on to Quantico, Feds have offered full assistance from their forensics guys and access to their databases. Gonna send a forensics team down special to help.” Weisz said.

“Think we’ll need more than that, sir.” Sterns said between quick draws on his cigarette.

“You mean…?” said Weisz.

“Yeah. Think we’ll have to call in Wonder Woman…” said Sterns.

Last edited by tallyho 10 years ago, edited 3 times in total.
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Really enjoyed that. As far as this genre goes, that's pretty much my cup of tea. Liked the tone throughout, and once again there were lots of enjoyable turns of phrase which would have made it a pleasure to read irrespective of the content - which as I say, was totally up my street. So, big thumbs up to the concepts and the execution of them.
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Very well done
Mr. Pantyhose Lover
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Say,why don't you let this one be the Wonder Woman that was originally set to be on TV his past September or the one set to be in next year's Superman movie?
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Finally got to finish this. Masterfully done. But I won't be eating anytime soon. Like, for a fortnight. Yikes!
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