Crisis by Lee Carl Productions

Superheroine Video Reviews By The Fans!
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Crisis by Lee Carl Productions (available via SHG-Media: ... 4459689029)

Crisis is a sexual peril heavy film featuring a Supergirl-type heroine with a beatdown for the first third or so and then sexual humiliation for the latter 2/3. There is topless nudity and simulated sex.

What I liked (in no particular order):

The heroine remains in costume the whole time (with significant destruction).
Lee Carl also plays attention to little details like stains on her uniform
The acting performances are quite good and supplemented with some nice voiceovers from the heroine
Originality: there are a few ideas in this film that I haven't seen before, which is very nice to see.
Strong camera work: Lee Carl really knows how to show his performer's best angles so to speak

What could be improved (also in no particular order):

The forced orgasm/simulated sex scenes tend to drag a bit, perhaps if they were shorter and there was a bit more variety, even switching from nonsexual to sexual peril.
The voiceovers are great and I wish there were more of them.

Overall, if you like a sexual peril heavy video, I highly recommend Crisis, especially if you want to see a few things you haven't before (at least I haven't). A lot of the content and style are similar to Lexx Files (which Lee Carl worked on previously), so if you liked those videos, this is a must buy (especially because Alexis Adams gives a stronger performance). If you're not into the sexual stuff, then this isn't for you, but if the trailer and images look like they're up your alley (, then I highly recommend Crisis!
Posts: 71
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Oh, I should add that I didn't want to get too specific with the content because I know some people want to go in "spoiler free," but I am happy to answer any questions.
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I have a question during the sexual peril does it seem she likes it??
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Yeah, I would say that she resists initially but then she gives into pleasure in the end.
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What's your score out of 10 (see forum rules in red at top ;) )
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Oops, sorry! I hate assigning a number score! I'll give it a 9 out of 10 IF simulated sexual peril is something you're interested in.
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Mas I like it when it is done well and the hero seems forced to have the pleasure and not give n to it. Like in the Parole 2 Gigi did that amazing.
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I would say it's more on the forced side. There's certainly plenty of time that she's fighting/resisting.
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