Here Comes The Bride: Starring Wonder Woman

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Neophyte Lvl 2
Neophyte Lvl 2
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Hello there. First time poster here.

Not posted any stories before. This a Wonder Woman Story not set in any particular universe although it would probably lend itself to the Lynda Carter TV series best. Don't expect a lot of wonder woman kicking ass in this. It's written from her point of view. Hope you like it and whether you do or not I'm happy to hear any critique good or bad. One more thing, English is my first language but I'm just not that good at picking up errors. I have run a spell check and read it through a couple of times but there are sure to be errors for which I apologize.

Thank You

Here Comes The Bride

I suppose that worse things can happen, worse than waking up in a Vegas hotel room. Worse than when your head is pounding, your throat is dry and you have a sickly feeling in the bottom of your stomach. Worse than when it's difficult enough to raise your head off the pillow and even the act of trying to focus makes the sickly feeling rise and threaten to erupt unceremoniously from your clamped mouth. No I guess that given who I am I could come to terms with that. But finding that the first thing you can focus on is the huge rock on your wedding finger and the fact that you are as naked as nature always intended is enough to push anyone to the edge, Even me. But the noise of the shower being turned off and an unmistakeable male whistling sound betraying the fact that I was not alone I was it had to be said on the verge of panic.

I leapt up from the bed fighting away the light headedness and the nausea and pulled open the bathroom door only to stand open mouthed at the naked man smiling lasciviously at me. He was to put it mildly pleased to see me. He held out his hand and beckoned me forward. I just stood there staring at him, unable to move, unable to think until finally he spoke.

“Well hello there Wonder wife, how does it feel to be a married little super heroine then?”

If anything could push a girl over the edge. Especially a feminist icon Amazonian Super heroine like me. Well that was it. So I did what any self respecting girl would do. I passed out and fell forward into his waiting arms. The last lingering thought as my mind shut down was WHAT!

When I swam slowly back from unconsciousness he was sat on the side of the bed holding my hand in his, smiling down at me like everything was right with the world. I lay there for a while saying nothing. Let my eyes focus and letting my mind dig out some of the pieces of the puzzle. That was taking far longer than it should, my normally razor sharp intellect seemed to have taken an impromptu holiday leaving me with a head stuffed with cotton wool and the word married. Finally when I did open my mouth to speak the man that I had allegedly married place his finger on my lips and shushed me. ME! I was about to leap up and strangle the smug looking Adonis when he said the magic words.

“You look a little confused honey.”


“Like you need me to fill you in on a few details”

You Think!

“You do remember last night I suppose.”

I guess the blank look on my face must have said otherwise.

“Ah I see. So memory a complete blank then. The Dr said that this might happen.”

Doctor! What in Hera's name is going on here. I've never needed a doctor in my life.

“Of course, I guess that only adds to the confusion, you being an almost indestructible Amazon Princess.”

I actually managed to get a few words out.

Where am I. Who are you?”
Not my best effort, but I was lying on a massive bed, stark naked with a just as naked man claiming to be my husband holding my hand and rubbing his obvious interest against me. Something was stirring inside of me. At that point I took a deep breath and tried to focus on something other than the unknown husband and how well he was put together by the gods. An even more difficult task when he decides that now is a good time to start rubbing the inside of my thighs with his fingers.

I suppose in hindsight he took the yelp of surprise as something more encouraging and before I could say anything else he was on me and taking me to a place no Amazon Princess should ever want to go. I should have stopped him. I probably could have stopped him, at least until the point where he buried his.... interest deep inside me. At that point I stopped thinking and just went with the delicious sensations that he had awoken within me. The first orgasm came quickly, mine not his. He seemed to be able to last forever whereas my reserves of energy were quickly washed away, each wave of ecstasy pushing me farther and farther into the moment he had created between us. When he finally did come my whole being just exploded in a mind numbing vortex of absolute pleasure and then once again I passed out. I do remember one more thing. I was smiling he was whispering in my ear but by then it was beyond my capacity to care what wisdom he had decided to impart.

The next time I awoke I kept my eyes closed and tried to keep my breathing as deep and even as possible. I couldn't afford to look at him, not in my present state. I knew exactly what would happen. The last time was still at the forefront of what passed for my memory. I could still feel him touching me, inside of me, playing me like some musical instrument. I slowed my breathing again and tried to clear my mind. It was difficult, whoever he was, husband or not he really had done a number on me and until I could remember at least some of that which had lead me here I would be several steps behind him.

I could hear him breathing beside me. I sensed it was night. Hopefully he would sleep until morning and give me a chance to remember something, anything, even the smallest fragment that would give me something to hold onto. What was the last thing that I could remember. The memory when it came was not what I expected, nor what I sought but in spite of that I grabbed on to it and willed it to grow. I was dressed in a plain white dress and carrying flowers. There were others there but their faces were shadowy and indistinct. I tried to focus, tried to pick out details but other than myself and the tall athletic man beside me I could recall nothing. Then I was there in the memory watching like an observer unable to intervene as the man in the Elvis costume started to speak. I wanted to scream at him to stop. To rush over and tell him that this was all wrong. That I would never be marrying anyone. Not while the world still needed me. I wanted to pound on his chest and cry out that No I did not take this man and this man would not take me. That there would be no for better or for worse, no till death us do part. But I couldn't move, couldn't speak all that I could do was stand and bear witness to my own wedding. I was married. Married to a man I didn't know, Married to a man whose name I didn't even know. This was wrong. So very wrong. I sat up suddenly in bed bathed in sweat, eyes wide open.

I felt his hands gently massage my back as he leant closer and whispered in my ear.

“Did you have a bad dream honey?”

I couldn't speak, he pulled me back down until I was resting on the pillow. He cupped my chin in his hand and lacked eyes with me.

“Everything is gonna work out just fine honey.”

His mouth moved towards mine, I opened it to protest but all that came out was a gasp as I felt his manhood slide across the top of my leg.

“Max is gonna make it all go away.”

I knew what was coming next and to my eternal shame at that moment, in that instant I wanted nothing else. CRAP!

Next time my eyelids flickered into life we were in a car and Max was driving. He seemed to know instantly I was awake. I looked sideways at him, he was smiling. He looked at me and winked.

“Couple of hours and we'll be home honey. You can take a look around and tell me what you think.”

What I thought! Well Mr Max, husband mine man of mystery I'll tell you what I think. I think you are up to no good. You've obviously drugged me or are trying to brainwash me into believing whatever pile of hooey you are selling. Well I've got news Mr hunky gorgeous, sexy.... I stopped thinking at the point with the dawning realisation that whatever else was going on here I couldn't ignore the fact that he made me feel in places I didn't even know I had places. Not good for an Amazon super heroine to feel like this even a married one. Hang on a minute when had I accepted that? Just how did that happen. Then I noticed the music. I was wearing earphones. The music was nice, made me feel all tingly. This wasn't right. I went to raise my hands to pull them out but my hands remained stubbornly in my lap. I looked back at Max. He reached over and picked up the cable and the volume of the music suddenly increased. Somewhere in the background I heard him tell me how tired I looked and how the Doctor said I should get more sleep.

Back to the damned doctor again what did I need with a doctor. But Max was right about one thing I did need to sleep. Staying awake really was taking it out of me and the music was nice, repetitive, but nice. Max touched me gently on the forehead and my head just slid forward and my mind slid easily into the darkness.

I was in his arms my head rested against his chest and his heartbeat was playing all sorts of havoc with my own breathing. I lifted my head up a little just in time to see a door before he swiftly turned and pushed it open with his back.

“Here we are honey, home sweet home.”

The door clicked shut behind us and for some reason I buried myself a little deeper into his chest. My heart was fluttering, my breaths were sharp and if I didn't know better I'd have said that the strong feelings that I was having were tinged with fear, fear and something else, something altogether different, it was need. Max seemed to know exactly what I was thinking. He hugged me tightly.

“Well aren't you a needy little vixen. Guess we know what you want don’t we.”

Oh god he was going to do me here. Now and I had so many questions, but to be honest the damp patch between my legs was betraying me and what I truly wanted.

“I figured you'd have more questions, but I guess not, not yet anyway. Besides this old couch could do with seeing a little action.”

He dropped me gently onto the couch and I don't even remember him undressing me but right there and then I got exactly what my body wanted. I was a super heroine for Hera's sake, this could not be happening to me. But it was and it did.
Max was in the kitchen when I eventually managed to drag myself from the couch and follow the noise of dishes clinking and a rising smell of culinary deliciousness. Rounding the corner into the kitchen I nearly collapsed into his arms. He scooped me up and sat me in a chair.

“I thought you were out for the afternoon. Still here you are lets pour you some coffee and have a little talk.”

A talk would be good. Fill in some of the blanks. Help me remember. Did I want to remember? He poured us some coffee and boy did it taste good.

“So you remember my name then?”

I nodded.

“And the wedding.”

I nodded again.

“How about the accident?”

I looked at him blankly.

“May as well start by telling you how you saved my life.”

He must have seen my look of astonishment.

“As true as I'm sat here. We were having dinner. Nothing special, you had those cute glasses on, hair up, looking like some sort of accountant. Of course had no idea I'd bagged myself a real Wonder Woman.”

I opened my mouth to speak.

“Hey honey this is my story remember?”

I told him to go on.

“Well there we were tucking into desert when the place was robbed. I tried to stop them and they were going to shoot me at least until Wonder woman got in there way. Great moves with the bracelets by the way. You saved my life.”

“You said I had an accident.”

“I'm getting to it honey. Wonder Woman made a quick exit, but I was so darned grateful I followed her. Caught her mid change and couldn't believe my eyes when I found out my own little sweetheart and wonder woman were one and the same. Walked right up and took you in my arms and kissed you. Thought you were going to whip my ass, but hell if you didn't seem to like it.”


“Oh yeah, well we left the restaurant hand in hand and I reached over to kiss you again when a truck cam barrelling out of the darkness, you pushed me out of the way but took the whole force of the truck hitting you, it flung you through the air smashed you into a wall and then pinned you against it. I guess even Wonder woman has limits. You were totally out, knocked out completely. Well I didn't want anyone to find out our secret so I scooped you up and took you to a Doctor Pal of mine and he fixed you up.”


“Yeah well it seems you banged your head pretty good. Your memory was coming and going, some times you remembered everything, other times, well not so much.”

“You took care of me?”

“Sure did. Took you back to my place and looked after you best I could.”

“I don't remember any of this. Are you giving me drugs”

I looked down at my coffee as I yawned.

“Doctors orders honey.”

The table came up to meet my face, I felt him intervene to stop me hurting myself. CRAP!”

So here I was laid down on a nice soft big bed staring up at the ceiling and wondering just how in Hera's name I had gotten myself into this mess. I was married to a guy I barely remembered knowing. I think we'd been dating for a while, but that was still a little bit hazy. I remembered the fight in the restaurant and I certainly remembered that kiss. Difficult to forget when the man of your dreams.... wait where did that come from? Is he the man of man dreams? It certainly felt good when he touched me, when he.... I felt my cheeks redden. Time to stop that train of thought. Maybe If I have a little Wonder Woman time I could get a better handle on things. I stood up slowly, but it seemed that whatever drugs the good doctor had prescribed they were not affecting me at the moment. I struck the pose and started to spin and then promptly stopped again. I looked in the full length mirror and frowned. I was naked, no surprise there, Max seemed to like me like that. A delicious tremor ran through me. I shook my head and tried to focus. There was a little voice at the back of my head telling me I wasn't ready to become Wonder Woman again just yet. The voice was insistent, very insistent. I stood there for a moment trying to decide what to do. I knew the answer right away. I should ask Max, Max would know.

I picked up a robe and slid it on, the soft silk gliding across my body making me shiver. I opened the door and called out his name. Silence. I walked along the hall opening doors but other than a couple more bedrooms and a large bathroom no Max. I slowly made my way down the staircase into the downstairs hallway. Like the rest of the house it was tastefully decorated even if it was a little on the masculine side. Maybe Max was in the kitchen. I walked towards the kitchen and passed another closed door when I heard voices. I was about to open the door when I caught a snatch of conversation.

“No everything is going smoothly, very smoothly. You were right about the drugs.... yeah and I was right about the music.”

He must be talking to the doctor about me. I was about to open the door again when the conversation continued.

“Sure, but brainwashing someone like this takes time..... sure the sex speeds things up, but I’m building her memories from the ground up here. She's accepted that we're married now. That part is real anyway, but everything else will fall into place.”

I stood up with a start, the word brainwashed flashing in my head. I took an involuntary step backward and banged into an ornament which fell to the floor with a loud crash. I turned to run but Max was in the doorway smiling.

“I guess you heard that honey.”

I started to back away. Max matched me step for step. Until I was backed against the far wall.

“I'd like to be able to tell you it's not what you think honey. But you and I both know that it is don't we?”

I felt myself nod in acknowledgement.

“Never mind Mrs Rutherford. In a little while only one of us will remember and it wont be you.”

I just stood there open mouthed as he moved towards me. I was expecting him to grapple me to the ground and bind me, or knock me out with an uppercut to the chin. I was ready for anything, anything except another in a lengthening line of wonderful awesomely amazing kisses. My head just emptied of thought and I felt my robe fall to the floor. I didn't know you could make love on a polished hardwood floor, or on the stairs but we did. I don't remember getting to the bedroom, but I’m sure we did and even before I passed out from an over-abundance of mind blowing orgasms I'd already forgotten everything but him.

Mrs Rutherford. So that was my name now, Diana Rutherford. I get that we're married, hard to argue with that. I get that on a scale of awesome sexiness he rings the bell and then some, I even get that I was injured in an accident saving his life. What I don’t get is everything else, all the memory gaps, all the stuff before. I could remember everything about my life on paradise island, coming to a mans world, taking up the fight against evil wherever it was found. But about my life outside of being Wonder Woman I could remember absolutely nothing. I was a Super heroine. What was I doing dating anyone. Amazons just didn't do that, well except for me it seems. I turned off the shower and stepped out grabbing a towel and jumping back a few inches as I saw Max leant against the vanity unit smiling. He was unsurprisingly naked. I started to shake my head as he moved towards me but honestly my heart just wasn't in it. I think of all the places he'd taken me so far the shower was my favourite. I remember the orgasm. Not that I had just one. No that wasn't his style at all. I remember him whispering in my ear again as I buried my head in his chest. Don’t remember what he said it didn't seem that important.

I was laid on the bed a blanket covering my dignity. My eyes were still closed and I could hear Max and another man talking over me.

“So she heard the phone call?”


“You were able to....”

“Absolutely. In the state she's in blowing in her ear would probably send her over the edge.”

“You still need to be careful, remember who she is.”
“How could I forget. It's not every guy who gets to live out the fantasy of every red blooded male on the planet now is it?”

“I suppose not.”

“Besides, we're just about ready for stage three wouldn't you say?

“Yes, all the indications are that she will barely realize what is happening to her. She will fight it of course.”

“Isn't that the point.”

“Anyway, I'll make the final preparations after I've seen you out.”

“Call me as soon as its done.”

I let them leave and close the door. Whatever phase three was it didn't sound good. I'd obviously been abducted, definitely been drugged and quite likely been subject to some serious mental manipulation not forgetting memory suppression. They were clever but so far they had only been dealing with Diana... Diana. Damn she could even remember the alias she used in her secret identity. It was time to let Max meet Wonder Woman and see how he felt about that.

He hadn't heard her open the door behind him in fact she knew the first thing he'd felt was her lasso of truth wrapping itself around his wide strong well defined amazingly attractive shoulders. Damn! It was time to focus on the task in hand.

“Well hello Max”

She had spun the chair to face her. Max stared back at her immobilised by golden lasso.

“Time to answer my questions now. Just remain seated and answer each question truthfully.”

“As you wish Wonder Woman.”

“Are we really married?”

“Of course we are.”

“How did you get me to agree to that.”

“Drugs, subliminal s, oh and lots of sex. I enjoyed that part most.”

I blushed and Max smiled.

“But the ceremony someone must have known it was a fake.”

“It was Vegas, nobody gave a crap as long as they got paid.”

“Right! How long have I been your prisoner”

“A little over two months.”

“TWO MONTHS! Why has no-one looked for me?”

“why would they everyone thinks you are dead.”


“Yeah the plane you were in went down in the pacific, never found the wreckage.”


“Actually you never even got on the plane. I took you right before take off.”


“Taser and an injection.”

“So what was stage one.”

“That was your acquisition and apparent death.”

“Stage 2?”

“That was the brainwashing, memory suppression and drug regime.”

“Then why do I remember being Wonder Woman but nothing much else?”

“We needed you to remember that for stage 3”

“and what exactly is stage three.”

“That would be having you stood here in your Wonder Woman costume ready for me to acquire it.”

“Acquire it? And just how exactly are you going to do that.”

I realised too late I should never have asked that question. I suddenly realised what was coming, what this had always been about. Max looked up at me and winked.

“and guess what after this is finished I get to keep you. How cool is that?”

I should have started running but I just stood there rooted to the spot.

“Diana honey, please take of the lasso.”

I did as I was told.

“How did you?”

He slid the lasso from my hand and began to coil it up.

“Even with all that brainwashing we couldn't get you to relinquish control of your Wonder woman persona. We need you to change of your own free will, rip your little accessories from wherever it is they hang out when you are just plain old Diana.”

“The conversation this morning?”

“Yeah you were supposed to hear that. I guessed it would have the desire effect. Oh hello Doctor, right on time.”

I couldn't turn around, couldn't move at all. I watched Max hand him the Lasso.

“Exactly as you predicted my friend. I am impressed. If you could just get her to relinquish the rest of her toys and such I'll be on my way.”

“Of course. Diana do as he says please.”

So I did, I gave him everything until I was stood there naked. Tears were welling up in my eyes. I was as close to tears as I had ever been.

“Don’t take it so hard Diana. We've still got each other.”

He shook the doctors hand. I heard the door close and then felt Max run his hand down my back. I knew there was no way out for me now. Max had far more control over me that I had ever believed possible. I was about to find out just how much power.

“You know Diana the hardest part of the plan was finding out you secret identity. That took a while, but once I had that information to hand everything else was just a matter of time. I had to wait for a suitable opportunity to abduct you and fake your death. The doctor delivered me the required drugs in a large enough amount to make the result certain and I used my own expertise with subliminal conditioning and seduction to make the process as pleasurable as possible for both of us.”

“You are a monster.”

“So tell me honestly Diana. Do you find me attractive?”


“Very attractive?”

“Y... yes”

“In fact I think you are in love with me.”


“Madly in love.”


“Of course you are, all a product of the drugs and conditioning but real enough to you.”


“Please Diana. don’t bore with the I'll keep fighting you speech because after today you wont. You see your Wonder woman identity was all that was keeping you from falling into the abyss and with that taken away from you there is nothing left for you to fight for. You followed your conditioning to the letter and handed the doctor everything of you that was wonder woman without so much as a hesitation.”

“I still have my memories.”

“Do you?”


“Really don’t you feel them fading even now?”


“What if I do this?”

I felt his finger linger over the lips of my pussy and then one of them push gently inwards.

“What do you remember now Diana?”

The memories came, but they were all of him, of us, every sexual act, every caress, every tender word and every desire I had ever felt pass between us. The washed over me like a wave of ecstasy all conspiring together to rip an orgasm from me that brought me to my knees panting. He was kneeling down in front of me he cupped my chin in his hand and raised me head up to look into his eyes.

“and now Diana, what exactly do you remember now.”

It was the easiest question I had ever had to answer.


It was easy because it was true. For some reason I felt a fleeting sense of loss but it was gone almost before I'd known of it's existence. He lifted me up gently and kissed me deeply, he was humming that kiss encapsulated into one sensation everything that I wanted, everything I was and everything I would ever want to be. I felt him pick me up and carry me out of the room and up the stairs. I cuddled into him as deeply as I could listening to the beat of his heart and drinking in the scent of his body and I was content. I was his and what else could any woman want.


Max finished typing and sat back in his chair. He could hear her in the kitchen and smell the scent of fresh coffee. She was humming. He smiled and saved the file. This morning had been the last session, he was finally satisfied that nothing remained of either Diana Prince or Wonder Woman. Dictating this story to him had been a way of getting her to finally release everything she had been. It had worked perfectly, so much so that when he had asked her to recount the story just one more time she had looked at him strangely, her head tilted to one side and had asked him with no subterfuge at all.

“What story is that my love?”

The End
Last edited by darkhypno 10 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Very nice little tale.
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Welcome to the forum, and an excellent debut!

Really enjoyed it, (could do with a few commas here and there.) but all I would ask is why didn't the power of her lasso work? Didn't quite get that part.
But perhaps that's just me.
Great job. Interesting premise and nice execution. Good work!
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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Thank you Dr D, glad you enjoyed it. Tallyho, sorry about the punctuation I'm just not too good on that, I was using the lasso assuming it could just make him tell the truth, which I thought it did and not as some sort of omnipotent mind control device. Glad you enjoyed it though, thanks for the feedback.
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darkhypno wrote:Thank you Dr D, glad you enjoyed it. Tallyho, sorry about the punctuation I'm just not too good on that, If was using the lasso assuming it could just make him tell the truth, which I thought it did and not as some sort of omnipotent mind control device. Glad you enjoyed it though, thanks for the feedback.

I guessed that but if he is forced to answer her questions then he would answer her questions - not actually act out the plan so when she asks what stage 3 was he would be forced to describe it, not do it.
That's just me being anal, but I was just expecting a reason as to why he still had the free will to act it out rather than just sit and respond 'I would have asked you to...' etc. which is inherently different to him commanding her.
The rest was so well put together I was just looking for more of a surprise or an explanation.
All iterations of the lasso I've seen, the suspect can only sit and respond as it restrains them - not necessarily mind control but a loss of free will to act. That's just me being a dick I suppose.
The reason I mentioned the commas is, as it's first person, it can get a little confusing when one sentence runs into the other. Rough rule of thumb, wherever you take a breath reading it
shove a comma in.
Don't let any of that put you off- it's a great little short, really well told.
Last edited by tallyho 10 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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Neophyte Lvl 2
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OK, yeah I see where your coming from with that. Re-read that section a few times and it could work a little better. I may have to think on that and re-visit it fi I can sharpen it up in the context of the story. Thank you.
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I just read your story and I enjoyed it thoroughly. Really good stuff, well thought out. I really enjoy stories like these that everyday ordinary people as villains in them rather than over the top, wacky cartoon like villains. This may sound silly to you but I think that your normal everyday ordinary villains add a touch of realism to the stories, and those are the types of stories that I particularly enjoy. I hope you have written other stories because I am definitely going to check them out. Nice job, sorry that I am four years late to the party.
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