Wonder woman formula 407 improved.

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part 1

It was 1 PM on September 22, 1942. The place was a weapons testing facility outside Washington, DC. An army truck was driving down a path. Suddenly a male voice boomed from a loudspeaker. "10, 9, 8, 7,6,5,4,3,2,1 and detonate!" the voice commanded. A series of explosions erupted.

Once the dust had settled, Major Steve Trevor and General Phil Blankenship examined the truck's tires. Not a scratch on any of them. "Looks like the formula works, General," Steve said.

"It will be very useful to our forces," General Blankenship said. "But in the hands of the Nazis it could be a dangerous weapon." "There's a huge shipment of Formula 407 ready for pickup at Professor Moreno’s house," said Diana Prince, Steve’s secretary. "If only we knew where it was."

"Professor Moreno lives in Argentina, which is a neutral country," General Blankenship said. "I need you and Steve to fly down to the professor's house in Buenos Aires, to collect it." "Argentina is officially a neutral country, but there are many people in the country who are very pro-Nazi. There may already be Nazi spies down there as I speak." General Blankenship turned to Major Steve and said "I'll feel much better when you and Diana have that shipment of Formula 407 back here in America."

"Diana," General Blankenship said. "Apparently you speak Argentinian”. "Yes sir," said Diana, lying. "Good," General Blankenship said. "That should make getting the shipment a whole lot easier." meanwhile Steve was thinking: I hope Wonder Woman is there! Maybe this time I can make out with her.
Last edited by bob79519 9 years ago, edited 4 times in total.
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Well, this is really just an opening paragraph rather than a story chapter - I would suggest getting a bit more material together before you post installments.

There's not a lot to say about it because not a lot has happened, but I would offer the following advice.

Put separate lines between different people speaking so rather than, as you have it -

"There's a huge shipment of Formula 407 ready for pickup at Professor Moreno’s house," said Diana Prince, Major Steve’s secretary. "If only we knew where it was." "Professor Moreno lives in Argentina, which is a neutral country," General Blankenship said.

put it like this

"There's a huge shipment of Formula 407 ready for pickup at Professor Moreno’s house," said Diana Prince, Major Steve’s secretary. "If only we knew where it was."

"Professor Moreno lives in Argentina, which is a neutral country," Ge.neral Blankenship said

It makes it easier to follow.

The other point I'd make is that they speak Spanish in Argentina.

But don't worry learn from your mistakes its what we all do. Good luck with the rest of it ;)
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great start!
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thank you!
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part 2

the next day and Diana and Steve were on the plane to Argentina. Diana was reading a learning Spanish book. Steve was sleeping, having a dream in which he and Wonder woman made out, had sex, married, had children and lived together for the rest of their lives! Steve smiled through the entire flight.The plane carrying Steve and Diana Prince landed in the late afternoon at Buenos Aires Airport. Coming out of the main terminal, they were greeted by the U.S. ambassador.

"Are we going to the embassy?" Diana asked.

"I thought it would be safer if we went to my house," the ambassador answered. "There would be less of a security problem. Both the U.S. and German embassies are heavily guarded. My house is located on the outskirts of the city." Then tonight we are going to the Professors house tonight to congratulate him on creating formula. The after the party,we go back to my house. The professor will give you 2 the formula the morning after making sure he gives you the correct formula. You 2 then go back to America with the formula and they should win the war!

The car carrying the driver and three passengers was soon on the road just outside Buenos Aires but As the car approached the road leading to the ambassador's house, the driver saw a sign in Spanish warning of roadwork up ahead.

"I didn't notice that sign this morning," the driver said.

The ambassador, Steve and Diana were rather suspicious. Suddenly a group of armed men surrounded the car. Steve and the ambassador were forced out of the car at gunpoint. They didn't bother with Diana and the driver. Diana watched as Steve and the ambassador were taken away.

"Get help because i am too lazy to!" the driver said to Diana.

Diana got out of the car and went to the first secluded spot she could find. She did her trademark spin and transformed into her Wonder Woman Then she ran with super speed to stop whatever evil plan the Nazis had in store for Steve and the ambassador.
Last edited by bob79519 9 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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part 3

Steve and the ambassador were taken at gunpoint to a secluded area a few meters from where their car had been stopped. One of the Nazi agents drew a pistol from underneath his jacket and pointed it at Steve first. Obviously he intended to kill him and the ambassador in order to stop the mission to pick up the formula from Professor Moreno, Suddenly Wonder Woman leaped out from behind the hills. She seized the pistol from the Nazi agent and crushed it in her right hand as it were a piece of paper. Then she took the agent by his shirt collar and tossed him through the air. She proceeded to do the same to the other agents. The agents ran off. Wonder Woman checked on Steve and the ambassador. They were safe and sound.

Wonder Woman helped Steve and ambassador to their feet and said "Are you okay?"

"Yes, I am," said Steve. He gestured to Wonder Woman. "Thanks to this young lady here. That was amazing! You came to the rescue like the U.S. Cavalry."

"Cavalry?" asked Wonder Woman. "What is that?"

"In the movies, the U.S. Cavalry would always come to the rescue when things looked like they were at an end," Steve answered. "Didn't you ever go to the Saturday afternoon matinees when you were a kid, Wonder Woman?"

"Oh no," said Wonder Woman. "On the island where I came from, we didn't have movie theatres."

"One of these days I'm going to take you to the movies to show you how the U.S. Cavalry always arrives in the nick of time." said Steve.

"Well, thank you," said Wonder Woman. "That sounds nice."

Then Steve thought of something other then making out with Wonder Woman. "Is Diana Prince all right?" he asked.

"She's all right," said Wonder Woman. "She's back at the car with the driver. I'll go check on them now."

"We're going to dinner at someone's house tonight" said Steve. "Would you care to join us?"

"Are you expecting any more trouble like the kind you just had?" asked Wonder Woman.

"Oh no," said Steve. "It's just that I'm sure Professor Moreno would like to meet America's greatest female superhero."

"Thank you, Steve," said Wonder Woman. "But I am busy So I'm afraid I can't join you. I'm sure Professor Moreno will understand."

"Well, it was worth a try," "I hope to run into you again soon." said Steve, smiling.

"The feeling's natural," said Wonder Woman, flashing a smile and wink at Major Steve

Wonder Woman ran off. As soon as she found a secluded spot, she turned back into Diana Prince and went to join Steve and the ambassador.

As soon as they arrived at the ambassador's house and got settled in, they all got dressed into full evening wear. The ambassador and Steve wore a white tuxedo (the kind popular with military personnel) and Diana wore a slinky blue dress. Then, along with the ambassador, they got back into the car and drove to the professor's house for dinner.
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part 4

Steve rang the doorbell at the professor's house. The professor answered the door.

"Welcome," said Professor Moreno. "Please come in and make yourselves at home. Dinner will be ready soon."

"Professor," said the ambassador. "You already know me. This is Major Steve Trevor and his secretary, Diana Prince."

The professor shook hands with Steve and Diana Melissa greeted the professor in fluent Spanish.

"Impressive," said the professor. "And yet here I am speaking perfect English. Please come into the living room. I would like you to meet some people."

The professor introduced Steve and Melissa to the following people: his wife: Maria, his daughter: Lydia, and her husband: Otto Dietrich

They then all had dinner.

After dinner, Professor Moreno stood up and said "My friends, that was a good dinner, wasn't it? I invite you now into the dining room for brandy, cigars and more good conversation."

They all went to the dining room.

Lydia and Otto stepped outside for a romantic walk. when they got outside,they took each other and kissed passionately and deeply.

Steve and Diana sat down next to each other. Bored yet? asked Steve. Yes said Diana. Me too! said Steve.

Then Steve saw Lydia and Otto being attacked by the same Nazi's that tried to kill him and the ambassador earlier!

Lydia! cried Steve and ran outside!

Steve! cried Diana before running after Steve! she stepped outside being attacked by the same group of group of Nazi's attacking Lydia and Otto!

The curtain protected her from onlookers as she spun into her Wonder Woman costume. She then made one of her super leaps over the balcony and onto the ground below.

She ran up to the Nazis, punching and kicking them into the lake.

As she ran over to Steve,2 other men grabbed her from behind and pulled her up. One of them placed a blue rag over her nose and lips. Another agent held her arms. Another agent was squeezing her breasts. She moaned and started to feel sleepy. She realized that they were using chloroform to subdue her. Unable to break free, she slipped into unconsciousness.

Wonder Woman fell to the ground, asleep. next to Steve! One agent took Lydia away at gunpoint and put her into a waiting car. Otto was evilly laughing! 2 other agents picked up Steve and Wonder Woman and carried them to the wine cellar under the house.
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Errr...Wonder Raccoon?!!!!!!! :hmmm:

You may wanna edit that very last paragraph! :)

It reads much better spaced out, yes? But half way through the last post you stop using quotes ( " ) and it gets a bit confusing again.

It might be an idea to leave a longer gap between posts to give people time to read and post comments too.

Good luck with the rest of it. :)
Last edited by tallyho 9 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Wonder Raccoon?
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^^^^ I suspect its a triumph of autocorrect / predictive text
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stupid spieling mistake! fixed now!
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part 5

The nazi's carried Steve and Wonder Woman into the wine cellar of the house before throwing them onto the floor! The nazi's took off Wonder woman's golden lasso of truth and tied it around her hands, crossed to look like an X! They then used normal rope to tie Steve's hands in the same way. The nazi's then tied Steve's ankles. They then tied rope around Wonder woman's ankles, knees, elbows, above and below the breasts and to finish off, boots tied to her ankles!

There is no way they can get out of that! said Otto, before leaving Steve and Wonder Woman at opposite sides of the room and locking the door!
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Interesting very interesting. :)
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thanks! part 6 will be the best part yet!
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part 6

Steve awoke in the wine cellar underneath Professor Moreno's house. His hands were tied so he couldn't open one of the bottles of wine and drink it just to pass the time. He glanced around the cellar until he saw the one person who would help get him out of this predicament. The only problem was...she was still unconscious.

Wonder Woman lay on her side with her: wrists ankles, knees, elbows, above and below the breasts and to finish off, boots tied to her ankles tied up! She may be bulletproof, Steve thought, but she wasn't chloroform-proof. His feet were tied so he had to hop over to Wonder Woman! Steve fell down a few time until he reached her! He found her so beautiful, but she seemed to be more beautiful and sexy when she was sleeping.

Steve bent down and smiled. Here goes nothing he thought and he kissed Wonder Woman! She then opened her eyes very slowly!

"Hello," he said, smiling. "It's hardly a good morning, isn't it?"

"Mmm," was the only thing she could say at first.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"I...I think so," she said. "They must have used chloroform on me. It smelled terrible."

"Can you stand up?" he asked.

"I'll try," she answered. She tried but could,t because of all of the rope.

"The chloroform sure must have packed a wallop," he said.

"A wallop?" she inquired.

"Just a term we use here in man's world," he said, laughing slightly. So 1 quick snap and we are out of here right? asked Steve.

I am afraid they have tied me up with my unbreakable Golden lasso said Wonder Woman.

Darn! said Steve. Well I will try to untie all of the rope on you and you can try untie all of my rope!

OK said Wonder Woman!

1 hour later...

They had managed to untie all of the rope except the wrists!

It,s no good said Wonder Woman to Steve. the knots too tight!

Well there is only one thing to do! said Steve

what? said Wonder Woman.

Make out! said Steve.

OK? said Wonder Woman doubtfully and they started to kiss and eventually made sweet love to each other!
Last edited by bob79519 9 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Funny twist. :)
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As a long term lurker, I found this a bit disappointing. Quite some time ago, I wrote a version of this story for MrX page.
It probably borders on a Dungeon story but if there is interest, I will be happy to post it here.
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I have to say at first this story didn't appeal to me much because honestly I didn't like the Lynda Carter television series, but I'm starting to enjoy it! I'm trying to picture in my head how they can make love with their wrists tied! If only they had been tied back to back with the same rope! Hmm? :)

Looking forward to the next installment!
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part 7

Steve woke up after the greatest night of his life, with his hands still tied with rope. He then kissed Wonder Woman back to conscious.

"let's never do that again" asked Wonder Woman.

"OK" said Steve lying. "I tried yelling for help but these walls are 4 feet thick and nobody came except a angry Nazi who shouted some random German at me before he left!"

"Why are the Nazi's here?" asked Wonder Woman.

"They are here for the formula" said Steve. "I,ll tell you later about it"

"OK" said Wonder Woman. "First we have to get these bounds off us, I will untie you first and then you can untie me"!

"OK" said Steve.

1 hour of hard knot undoing later and Wonder Woman and Steve were free!

"We need a diversion to get them in here so we can overpower them and get out of here ourselves." said Steve.

"If we knock over that rack of wine bottles," Wonder Woman said. "That should bring them in here."

She walked over to the rack. With just one push, it fell over and the bottles broke open on the floor. Two guards came running in and slipped on the spilled wine. Steve and Wonder Woman each used a karate chop to knock the guards out. Wonder Woman took the guards' guns and bent them, making them useless.

They quickly ran out of the cellar and closed the door, locking it behind them. That way, when the police arrived, they would be able to apprehend the guards with no problem. Then they went off to find the professor.
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part 8

Steve and Wonder Woman ran upstairs where they saw that Otto and the Nazi's had Lydia hostage at gunpoint.

"give us the formula"! shouted Otto.

Wonder Woman then beat up and handcuffed all the Nazi's and Otto!

"My dear Lydia are you all right"!? said The professor.

"Yes" said Lydia.

The Professor gave Steve the formula.

"Later Steve"! said Wonder Woman and left the room and turned back into Diana Prince! She then went into the room with Steve!

"Diana!" said Steve,"I got the formula!"

"OK then, let's go!" said Diana!
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part 8: the final part!

A few days later, back at the War Department in Washington, DC, everything was back to normal in the lives of Major Steve Trevor and his secretary, Diana Prince.

"So are you saying that nothing exciting happened in Argentina?" asked General Phil Blankenship secretary.

"Not if you call being held in a wine cellar with Wonder Woman exciting," Steve" answered.

"Or preventing Formula 407 from falling into enemy hands," Diana added.

General Phil said. "Once the war's over, hopefully something better will come along." "I wonder how it is that Wonder Woman always knows when you're in trouble and comes to your aid," General Bert asked. "No matter what part of the world you're in."

"Just feminine intuition, I suppose," Diana said.

"That's just the kind of answer Wonder Woman would give," Steve said.

"Well, thank you, Major," Diana said. "I'm glad you and Wonder Woman approve."

Last edited by bob79519 9 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Wow Wonder Raccoon returns.
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Truthfully I real wish you had fleshed this story out while you made your changes.
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:hmmm: I offered you good advice in the first post (advice which you followed I see, although the quotations came and went) and wished you good luck. I don't really see as that warrants a negative rating? Similarly, I wished you well in my second post. Ho-Hum. No worries. I'm just surprised, is all.

Likewise tmon got pinged just for pointing out a bizarre typo in Wonder Raccoon? Laugh at such things, life is too short to take them seriously. And then just expressing his opinion on the story. Such feedback is REALLY IMPORTANT TO WRITERS, don't alienate people or nobody will bother commenting on your work and there is nothing worse than posting to silence.

These things don't matter a jot, but I just wonder were you go now, if someone offers you bad advice and ill luck? ;) :smart:
:lol: ;) (that should get me another one!) :thumbup:

Good luck with your future endeavours anyway :)
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It would be better if you didn't burn bridges. Support and comments aren't easy to generate, but they're easily chased off. I enjoyed the story - I hope to see you do more. You'll get better the more you write, so don't be dissuaded. The final parts are written well and they show you getting better as you wrote - do a whole story like that and I'll be first in line to read it. Kudos to you for editing as well.
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