Wonder Woman: Jailhouse Rock

A darker, full bodied blend.
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Hey, hey, kiddos! Guess who's come out with an all-new Wonder Woman story, just in time for New Year's?

I admit, this one's been in the making for about half a year, with me changing both the premise and the title several times over. Right now, though, I can really look back and say that yeah, I'm more-or-less satisfied with this.
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Wonder Woman is Copyrighted by DC Comics. This is pure fan fiction, and I receive no pay or other benefit from it.

Please direct all comments and feedback to [email protected].....

By Omega Woman (AKA Disciple)

Wonder Woman smiled as she heard the loud cracks splitting the chilly night air, and saw the dizzying array of colors and shapes dancing across the cloudless sky. All told, the fireworks shows were probably her second-favorite part of New Year's Eve.

Her favorite part had to do with why she was spending the night visiting the dreary, gray collection of concrete and barbed wire that was the Cromwell Detention Center for Wayward Women, rather than sipping champagne or watching the bowl game on TV like everyone else probably was.

For to the Amazing Amazon Princess, New Year's Eve was a night of endings and beginnings more than anything else. A night where the mistakes of the old year were put in retrospective, and resolutions were made for the new. Above all, it was a night for redemption.

"And if there's anyone in need of redemption..." she said to herself quietly, her smile now wistful.

Whereas the region's female serial killers, bank robbers, and big-time mobsters got sent to the supermax facility upstate, the Cromwell Center held women who had been convicted of less serious crimes: the shoplifters, the drug-sellers and -buyers, and especially the prostitutes. Women who were not beyond redemption, but needed a firm and compassionate hand to be guided into it.

Most people would have thought that a super heroine's job ended when she brought the criminals to prison, but as far as Wonder Woman was concerned, that was only the beginning. As an Amazon Princess, it was her duty to help sisters in need, to be that guide back onto the path of righteousness.

And so, Wonder Woman had spent much of the afternoon speaking to an assembly to all of the center's inmates, urging them to stay on the straight and narrow once they were released. She had expressed her faith in their ability to overcome this dark period in their lives, and pledged to stand by them every step of the way, even promising to help them find honest employment if they could not find any themselves. By the end of it, she was sure she had convinced a good number of the inmates; even the warden, who had initially objected to her visit, had seemed moved.

Now, she was in the middle of the more intimate part of her mission: speaking to each of the center's "dormitories" separately. The Cromwell Center's hundred-odd inmates slept in seven separate dormitories surrounding the main building - part of the center's recent attempts at "no more bars" modernization. From what she had heard, Dormitory Seven would be the toughest audience: it contained the center's most hardened inmates, the multiple offenders who actually seemed to like being on the wrong side of the law.

So naturally, she had decided to begin there. If she could convince women as hardened as them to turn over a new leaf, the rest of the dormitories would be a breeze.

"Well, Diana, here we go," Wonder Woman murmured as she approached the front door to Dormitory Seven. The entire dormitory was like a smaller version of the Cromwell Center's main building: squat, rectangular, and gray. A few bits of graffiti could be seen on its walls.

Before the heroine could punch in the passcode on the door's electronic keypad, the door suddenly swung open. Wonder Woman watched as a lanky, mustached guard walked out, a grin on his face. A grin that was a little too big for her liking.

"Just did one last contraband check, Wonder Woman," he said with a nod. "All clear. Those girls won't give you no trouble, and if they do, all you have to do is holler."

"Thank you," Wonder Woman said cautiously. The man seemed more interested in her rack than her eyes, but that was really par for the course by now.

Without another word, she strode past him and through the doorway. She felt the warm blast of the heating system almost immediately. Barely a second later, the door closed behind her, automatically relocking itself with an electronic beep.

Instinctively, Wonder Woman assumed the classic super heroine pose: hands on hips, feet shoulder-width apart, chest thrust out, and hip slightly cocked to one side. She let a warm, inviting smile grace her red lips as she surveyed the inside of the dormitory.

The inside of the dormitory was coated in slightly peeling lime-green paint, and was almost devoid of furniture. There were about a dozen beds, and every one of them had an inmate lying or sitting on them. The inmates were all young women - in their late twenties, at most - clad in the Cromwell Center's standard-issue gray shirts and slacks. All of them were leveling pretty hostile looks at Wonder Woman.

"Well, well, well," drawled the tall, ponytailed girl sitting on the bed closest to Wonder Woman. "Makin' us listen to your boring BS once wasn't enough?"

The Amazing Amazon frowned slightly as she looked the girl over. There were quite a few inmates in the dormitory that looked vaguely familiar to her, but her current challenger was the only one she could name right off the bat: Jacqueline "Jackie" Martin, one of the most temperamental, and most devious, hookers that she had ever taken in.

Unlike most prostitutes, Jackie wasn't content with merely trading money for sex; she often engaged in a number of "side businesses", from petty forgery to drug dealing. She'd had quite a reputation on the streets, too; several people who'd gotten too close to disturbing her operations had been handed vicious beatings from her, and there were even rumors that she'd murdered an unlucky few.

"Am I to presume that you're the spokeswoman for this dormitory?" Wonder Woman kept her voice polite, but cold, as she addressed the hooker.

"Damn right I am," Jackie said proudly, tilting her head back and crossing her arms under her ample chest. "I'm queen bitch of this place, Wonder Dud, and everyone here knows it."

All the other girls nodded and spoke their support, some even cheering rather loudly. Wonder Woman was a bit disturbed to see that they had little, if any, fear or reluctance in their eyes. It seemed that, either by accident or design, Jackie had banded together with like-minded women in Dormitory Seven.

Hera, it looks like this will be even harder than I'd thought.

"Yes, well..." Wonder Woman looked Jackie right in the eye, careful to show no hesitation. "I hope you know that that counts for little outside-"

"Just cut to the chase already, Princess," Jackie interrupted, rocking back on her bed. "Throw your straight-and-narrow spiel at us so we can forget it and get back to game night."

Wonder Woman raised a brow. "Game night?"

Jackie smirked lazily as she tilted her head the girl in the bed across from hers - a little blonde with her hair in pigtails. "Show 'er, Carol."

The blonde looked a bit hesitant at that, but quickly obeyed. She opened the steel storage box at the foot of her bed, and took out a smaller box that was a little bigger than a pencil case.

As the blonde opened that box, Wonder Woman took a few steps forward and looked inside. She furrowed her brow as she looked over the contents: two packs of playing cards, five dice (including two ten-sided ones), a few marbles, and various other pieces of gambling equipment.

"Gambling in jail?" the shapely Amazon asked coldly. "Isn't that against regulations?"

Carol shrugged. "The guards don't ever seem to have a problem with it, 'long as we do 'em a favor or two." She licked her lips mischievously.

Wonder Woman exhaled sharply, feeling a slight heat spreading across her face. "This is exactly the sort of thing I'm talking about. I'm trying to make sure that young women like you won't ever face the indignity of being in jail and... and prostituting yourselves ever again!"

Jackie gave a laugh from behind the Amazon Princess, and a half-dozen others followed her lead.

"Really? You know, you could just bust us out of here right now."

That got the entire dormitory laughing. Wonder Woman scowled, her baby blues narrowing fiercely. She whirled around to face Jackie again, and assumed a haughty, icy look.

"You know I can't do that. You girls must pay your debts to society."

Jackie waved a dismissive hand. "Yeah, yeah. Try telling one our parole officers haven't run into the ground yet."

The ponytailed hooker suddenly perked up, a mischievous spark in her sea-green eyes. Wonder Woman gave her a wary look.

"I got an idea," Jackie said as she clapped her hands together. "You wanna try your luck at game night?"

Wonder Woman just looked at the hooker, torn between open-mouthed shock and genuine laughter. Finally, she composed herself and measured out a calm, dignified response.

"Not interested. I am a well-respected super heroine and a law-abiding member of society. What could you girls possibly have that would interest me? Month-old cigarettes? Pills stolen from the infirmary?"

Jackie rocked back again, giving the sexy Amazon a nonchalant look. "How 'bout this, then? You win, and we listen to your whole reformation spiel without makin' a peep."

Wonder Woman's expression didn't budge. "Really."

"Really," Jackie said calmly. "What the hell, we'll even try to 'seek honest employment' like you said."

"And if you win?"

Jackie's expression darkened. "Then you get your high-and-mighty star-spangled ass out of here and never bug us about going straight again."

Wonder Woman crossed her arms, frowning. "Unacceptable. It is my duty to educate my fellow sisters, and I cannot-"

"Sounds like someone's afraid," Carol piped up from the other bed.

A couple of the other girls nodded in agreement. Some of them were even shooting Wonder Woman the contemptuous look that she usually reserved for criminals. The Amazing Amazon clenched her fists, trembling a little.

Something in the back of her head told her to drop the matter, that all this wasn't worth it. But one more glance at Jackie's smirking face, and the heroine's legendary Amazon pride won out.

"Fine," Wonder Woman growled. "What's the game?"

Jackie bounced herself off of her bed and stood straight. Face-to-face, she was still quite a bit shorter than Wonder Woman was.

"We'll go with something even a goody-two-shoes like you should know how to play," the hooker said. She walked over to Carol's gambling box, and dipped her hand inside. She turned around, and showed Wonder Woman what she had taken out: a dozen pennies.

"Pitching coins?" Wonder Woman asked, amused. "My mother was playing that game while Socrates was still alive and lecturing at Athens."

"You talk big, I'll give ya that," Jackie sneered as she handed Wonder Woman half of the pennies. She pointed to the wall at the far end of the room, below the dormitory's only window. "We usually play over there. No chance of the coins sticking."

"Mm," Wonder Woman nodded as she walked over to that wall and lined herself up with it. She knelt down about ten feet from the wall, right at the foot of one of the beds. A moment later, Jackie took the same position next to her.

"No rolling, and it doesn't count unless they bounce off the wall. We take turns, and whoever's got the better average wins," Jackie said. "Remember the years on yours, so we can tell 'em apart."

Wonder Woman checked the pennies in her hand. "1974, 1976, 1999, 2013, 1975, and 2008."

The Amazing Amazon heard a scribbling sound, and turned to see Carol scribbling something down on a sticky note. Once finished, the blonde handed Wonder Woman the sticky note. Wonder Woman glanced down to see the years she had just said aloud, folded the sticky note in half, and stuck it inside her boot.

"2014, 2000, 2003, 1979, 1996, and 2012," Jackie called out.

Carol took those years down on a second sticky note, and passed it to Jackie. The ponytailed hooker crumpled it up and tucked it away without another look.

Wonder Woman suddenly became aware of a dozen pairs of eyes on her. All the other girls in the dormitory had crowded around the two of them, and were watching them quite fixedly. She heard her heart beating a little faster, her blood rush a little quicker.

"Prissy princesses first," Jackie invited.

Wonder Woman said nothing as she laid five of the pennies aside and held the sixth between her thumb and forefinger. Her eyes narrowed in concentration as she lined up her shot.

As if on cue, the colorful spark of another firework shined through the window above.

Wonder Woman made her first pitch. Her penny sailed through the air in a straight line, bounced off the wall with a loud clink, and landed on the floor about six inches from the wall.

"Not bad," Jackie mused from beside the Amazon. "For an amateur."

With that, the ponytailed hooker made her first pitch. To Wonder Woman's mild irritation, Jackie's first penny landed about half an inch closer to the wall.

The other cons in the dormitory made a few cheering noises, but nothing too loud or distracting. Right as the dormitory lapsed into silence again, Wonder Woman made her second pitch.

And on the game went, both women pitching their respective coins with laser-like focus. Their efforts were neck-and-neck, with virtually every penny landing closer and closer to the wall. Indeed, Wonder Woman was actually beginning to enjoy herself a bit.

But even before Jackie pitched her sixth penny, Wonder Woman could tell that victory was at hand. Throughout the game, she had kept track of each of her own pennies' locations, and three of her pennies had landed ahead of Jackie's closest throw. Even if Jackie's final throw outstripped every other penny, Wonder Woman would still retain the higher average.

All told, Jackie's final toss was pretty anticlimactic. It landed pretty far from the wall - farther, at any rate, than her closest- and second-closest pennies. Wonder Woman almost felt sorry for her. Almost

The sexy super heroine smiled. "Looks like I win."

Jackie gave a shrug of her shoulders. "I guess." She suddenly turned toward Wonder Woman with an evil grin. "For a given definition of win."

Wonder Woman felt a chill slither up her spine at that look, and alarm bells going off in her head. But before she could do any more than that, she suddenly felt a rope falling over her shoulders and being pulled tight around her bosom.

"Freeze, Wonder Woman," a new, female voice came from behind her head.

Wonder Woman gasped in sheer, utter shock and dismay as the all-powerful magic of her own golden lasso flowed through her. She had no choice but to obey, and she was soon frozen in that kneeling position, utterly helpless.

A rapid stream of questions flowed through the frozen heroine's mind. H-How did they... when did they...?

Jackie stood up, as if on cue, with that evil grin on her face growing even wider. "Nice work, Lee."

That same woman holding the lasso from behind Wonder Woman chuckled. "Two years in this dump, and I've still got it."

"Word of advice, Wonder Bitch," Jackie taunted as she grabbed a fistful of the Amazon's raven-black hair and yanked straight up. "Never turn your back on one of the state's best pickpockets."

"Best pickpocket?" the other woman - Lee - cooed in false modesty. "Aw, I'm blushing."

Great Hera! Wonder Woman thought in dismay. Th-This can't be happening! Outwitted by common crooks?!

Jackie reached a hand out, and Lee obligingly passed the loose end of the golden lasso to her. Jackie's hand clenched around the magical rope, as if savoring every bit of its power.

"Get rid of the belt, too!" another con - an Asian girl with her hair cropped short - piped up. "It's what gives her all those fancy powers!"

"Ooh, good call," Jackie smiled.

And just like that, Wonder Woman felt her legendary golden girdle being unfastened from her slim waist. With a groan of despair, she felt all of her super powers draining out of her shapely body. The girdle was haphazardly tossed onto a nearby bed, far out of her reach.

For the first time that night, Wonder Woman felt a rush of genuine fear overtaking her. The reality of her situation was sinking in: she was utterly helpless and at the mercy of a band of women that at best disdained her and at worst despised her. She had no chance left, unless...

"By the way," Jackie said as if she'd read the Amazon's mind. "Don't count on any of the guards to bail you out. New Year's Eve, they're always up drinking in the warden's office till about one in the morning. It's just you and us, baby."

Wonder Woman's last hope evaporated just like that. She actually began to tremble as she watched all of the dormitory's other inhabitants gather before her, eyeing her like she was a scrumptious piece of meat. Every last one of those women looked downright gleeful.

"You know what we're gonna do now, Wonder Whore?" Jackie asked menacingly.

Slowly, numbly, Wonder Woman shook her head.

"What we've always wanted to do for years," Jackie answered. And with that, she viciously slapped Wonder Woman with her free hand.

"Ugh!" Wonder Woman cried. Jackie was stronger than she looked, and the slap sent the Amazing Amazon's head bouncing off the side of the closest bed. Wonder Woman groaned miserably, head spinning and cheek smarting.

"Get her, girls! Wonder Woman is FAIR GAME now!" Jackie hollered.

That tied Wonder Woman's stomach into a knot, but she could do nothing to defend herself as the vicious-looking female cons closed on around every corner. All she could do was smile nervously and pray.

Wonder Woman found the next five or so minutes a blurry nightmare - a whirl of punches and kicks and slaps that hurt more than most of her scrapes as a fully-powered super heroine ever did. The inmates of Dormitory Seven dealt her some of the most humiliating abuses possible; several kicked her in the pussy, and a few even banged her face against the floor. Almost all of them spat on her at least once.

But all told, when Jackie went and shooed the other girls aside, Wonder Woman found herself definitely conscious and in no immediate mortal danger. She almost breathed a sigh of relief, having expected much worse.

"Oh, don't look all disappointed," Jackie said, waving a finger in front of the downed-but-not-out Amazon Princess. "That was just part ONE of our little New Year's Surprise."

Wonder Woman's head perked up a bit. That did not sound good.

"Part two's a lot softer and sweeter," Jackie drawled as she twirled the golden lasso's loose end around her index finger. "For us!"

And, to Wonder Woman's horror, all of the other girls began to strip out of their institutional gray. Soon, every other woman, besides herself and Jackie, was in nothing but bra, panties, and socks.

"No..." the heroine said in a tiny, scared voice.

"Oh yes!" Carol grinned wildly as she gave her clit a few rubs through her plain white panties. "We've dreamt of this moment for ages!"

"Making the high-and-mighty Wonder Woman our bitch," another con - a short but busty Latina - added.

"Hell, every con, guy or girl, probably wants a piece of that sweet star-spangled ass!" the short-haired Asian girl grinned lustfully.

Wonder Woman opened her mouth to speak, but the inside of her mouth was dry, and there was a lump in her throat the size of a grapefruit. Her mind was racing, a part of it incapable of accepting her situation.

This has to be a dream. I'm the country's premier super heroine! I can't be overpowered and... and raped by a bunch of common crooks like these!

"Alright, listen up, Wonder Woman," Jackie suddenly commanded again. Wonder Woman instantly stiffened, the lasso's magic forcing her to listen to the hooker's wicked commands. "You will not, in any way, fight back against us or try to escape even when we've removed this lasso. You will, however, be completely free to run off that sassy mouth of yours. Understood?"

"I-I understand and obey," Wonder Woman growled through gritted teeth.

"God, I love this thing," Jackie grinned as she removed the lasso from around Wonder Woman. As commanded, the Amazon didn't make a move to fight or escape.

Jackie tossed the lasso into the steel storage box at the foot of the closest bed. Right afterward, she stripped down to bra and panties, like the rest of the convicts.

"How 'bout I make this easy for you, Wonder Woman?" Jackie said smugly as she pointed at her carefully-trimmed pubic patch. "Eat me out, right now, and I promise we'll only gangbang your sexy ass lightly."

Wonder Woman turned her face away, unwilling to dignify that with a response.

Jackie raised an eyebrow. "I was hoping you'd pick that. The hard way it is, then."

"Woohoo!" several of the other cons cheered at once, and rushed at Wonder Woman.

Before the Amazing Amazon knew what was happening, her unresisting body had been thrown atop a bed and tied spread-eagle to it. She didn't know where the cons had gotten the restraints, but she suspected that they had done several more "favors" for the guards.

Hera, when I get out of this, I'm going to have a nice chat with the warden about-

The Amazon's thoughts were quickly interrupted. One of the girls - a long, thin brunette with three piercings on her left ear - had crawled up between her legs and pulled her star-spangled bottoms right down. The thin garments were left around the Amazon's knees, stretched wide but far from breaking.

Another, equally invasive inmate then reached beneath Wonder Woman's body and, with some difficulty, unzipped the super heroine's iconic red-and-gold bustier. Wonder Woman could only spit curses at the leering convicts as the top was pulled away, revealing her large, round boobs.

Half of the girls wolf-whistled; the others began clapping. Wonder Woman felt her face burning.

Then, a pair of girls suddenly climbed up onto the bed and straddled her half-naked body. The bed was narrow, but they managed it. And together, they put their hands on her massive mammaries and began squeezing and stroking.

"Ooooh," Wonder Woman moaned, despite herself.

"Ha!" laughed the Black girl molesting the Amazing Amazon's left boob. "Told ya they were real, Kira! That's five cigs you owe me!"

"Damn!" the Asian girl stroking the heroine's right boob growled. She gave the titty meat a particularly rough clench, making the captive Amazon shudder. "You win this time, Mandy..."

"S-Stop this..." Wonder Woman hissed, desperate to regain control of herself. They might have been criminals, but the girls were also damn good at handling a woman's chest. "I-It's not too late... if you just..."

"Oh, I agree," Jackie said smugly, looking at Wonder Woman from the foot of the bed. "It's not too late... for us to bang your sanctimonious ass seven ways to Sunday. For you, though? It's way too late."

Those words, and the fact that Kira and Mandy had began tormenting her nipples with flicks and gentle bites, pushed Wonder Woman's mind to another place. Despite her predicament, the convicts' ministrations were sending thrill after thrill of sheer bliss into her brain.

"Keep at it, girls," Jackie ordered. The ponytailed hooker then reached down, grabbing something that Wonder Woman couldn't see. She then lifted it high, revealing it to be a Hitachi Magic Wand.

Wonder Woman just gaped at the long, sleek white instrument, not knowing what to say.

"Took me a dozen blowjobs to "buy" this, and even more for the batteries. But only the best in bitch-taming technology for you, Wonder Tits," Jackie grinned.

Wonder Woman's blood ran cold. She was well-acquainted with the pleasuring powers of the Hitachi, since she had one at home to take care of her "repressed" desires. She had never dared to set it on HIGH before; its LOW-setting vibrations were addicting enough for her.

But naturally, Jackie's thumb flipped the vibrating device to HIGH, first thing. Wonder Woman could only look on helplessly as the Magic Wand's large, bulbous tip began to vibrate with a truly frightening roar. Then, Jackie crawled up onto the bed, and thrust the devilish device right between Wonder Woman's legs.

"Ooooooohhhhh!!!" the bound heroine moaned wantonly as the powerful vibrations coursed through her clitoris.

In a matter of seconds, Wonder Woman's brains had become scrambled by the sheer pleasure erupting from her throbbing pussy. Less than a minute had passed before she cried out in wonderful, shameful orgasm, her toes curling inside her red boots.

"Damnnnn," one of the girls commented. "I ain't never seen anyone come that fast before!"

"What a super slut!" another girl sneered. Several more laughed aloud, tossing similarly cutting insults at Wonder Woman.

Mind reeling, Wonder Woman could only moan as she felt her love juices leak out and stain the sheets beneath her. All the while, Kira and Mandy never ceased their combined assault on her titties. Already, the Amazon Princess could feel her body rearing up for another climax.

"Liked that, didn't you?" Jackie mocked, and the Hitachi away with a cruel grin.

Before she could stop herself, Wonder Woman gave a pathetic little whine. That just made all the inmates watching her laugh some more.

"You'll get more private time with Mr. Hitachi if you're good," Jackie said, wagging a finger. "But right now, I think it's time I had a little fun."

The ponytailed hooker reached down into the storage box again. This time, what she took out made Wonder Woman's eyes go wide. It was a handheld dildo, red and thick and at least nine inches long.

"No..." Wonder Woman gulped. "P-Please... I-I'm a virgin!"

"Really?" Jackie said, and laughed. "Even better! I'm gonna be the girl who breaks the mighty Wonder Woman's cherry!"

"Yeah!" one inmate cheered.

"Show her who's boss of this place!" cried another.

"You go, girl!"

"Ooooh... nooo...!" Wonder Woman cried as she watched that big, red shaft slide up between her opened legs, sliding closer and closer to her forbidden place. But the command put on her through the golden lasso limited her ability to resist, and the fact that her arms and legs were bound didn't help matters.

In no time at all, the hard rubber tip of the dildo had pushed up against Wonder Woman's hymen. Wonder Woman looked at it fearfully, her eyes almost crossing.

"Well, whaddya know?" Jackie chuckled. "Wonder Virgin wasn't kiddin'. Poor baby. Let's strip her of that nasty ol' virginity and make her a real Wonder WOMAN, shall we?"

"Ooooh... you... you WITCH!" Wonder Woman growled. "When I get free I'm going to...!"

"If you get free, Wonder Cunt," Jackie corrected. "Now, then..."

The hooker thrust the dildo forward with all her might. Wonder Woman's entire body tensed, but the wall of tissue held for the most part. Undaunted, Jackie pulled her arm back and tried again.

"NOOOO!" Wonder Woman cried as she felt the dildo invade her virgin pussy.

"YES!" Jackie grinned as she felt the beautiful crimefighter's hymen breaking. "Take this, Wonder Woman!"

The hooker wasted no time in beginning a ruthless pumping rhythm, working that big dildo in and out of Wonder Woman's twat with no small amount of skill. All that poor Wonder Woman could do was cry and beg and moan as the vicious convict ripped orgasm after orgasm out of her shapely, sweaty body.

Soon enough, the constant cycle of pleasure and pain melted into one long, mind-dulling haze for Wonder Woman. Without even meaning to, the sexy Amazon began counterthrusting against that wonderful shaft inside of her, trying to get as much out of it as possible. While all this was happening, the other girls were running two separate trains on her tits. EVERYONE, sans Jackie, got a chance to squeeze, pinch, and suck those huge titties.

Jackie squeezed a good six or seven orgasms out of Wonder Woman before finally tiring, and ripping that dildo out of Wonder Woman with a loud squish. Wonder Woman just lay there, gasping, her baby blues glassy and unfocused.

"Mmm," Jackie cooed as she looked the love juice-soaked dildo over. She stuck out her tongue, and sensuously licked a bit of the sweet liquid off. "Now you've got me all hot and bothered, Wonder Whore."

Wonder Woman watched, not really comprehending, as the hooker pressed two fingers against her own panties and rubbed herself for a little while, making a dark stain spread across those panties. Then, without much preamble, she stood straight up and stripped right out of her damp panties, exposing her warm, moist pussy.

Even from that distance, Wonder Woman could smell the sheer sex radiating from Jackie's cunt. She lay there, open-mouthed, as the domineering hooker moved up the length of the bed. The two girls molesting her tits so wonderfully moved out of the way, clearing the path for their "leader".

"Mmph!" the super heroine squeaked as Jackie squatted down on her upturned face. Now, all she could see was a bit of the hooker's supple, smooth skin, some pubic hair, and a mess of pink pussy flesh.

"Eat me, Wonder Woman," Jackie purred huskily. "Eat your MISTRESS out."

"Hrrrmmm!" the Amazing Amazon cried into that mouthful of pussy. The strong stench of pussy juices and urine quickly surrounded her, driving her senses wild. She couldn't help but feel so horny, and shamed, at her predicament.

Great Hera, am I nothing but another pervert for these deviants to have their way with?

Sensing Wonder Woman's hesitation, Jackie took the initiative and aggressively ground her warm, moist pussy against Wonder Woman's mouth. In concert with her efforts, the two girls currently attending to Wonder Woman's tits and nipples redoubled their efforts as well.

Without realizing it, Wonder Woman slipped out her hot, wet tongue and took the first tentative lick. The feeling was nothing short of electric; she was a newcomer in the skill of cunnilingus, but she was eager to learn.

"Oh! Oh, yeah!" Jackie whooped and hollered as she rode the Amazon's face like a genuine cowgirl. She even reached up to wave an imaginary ten-gallon hat. "You go, Wondie! Oh... oh...!"

The hooker climaxed loudly and dramatically, leaving a mess of pussy juices all over Wonder Woman's face. But neither of them were done. Not by a long-shot. Running on mostly pure instinct, Wonder Woman licked Jackie to several more bone-rattling orgasms, greedily gulping down the hooker's love juices every time.

By the time that Jackie finally rolled off of Wonder Woman's face, the Amazing Amazon barely knew where she was anymore. The constant sexual pleasure she had been receiving - and giving - had done a number on her normally sex-repressed body and mind. Indeed, the gorgeous Amazon was pliable like never before.

"I think that Wondie here is ready for the final step," Jackie said wickedly, panting a little from her exertions so far that night.

The other convicts in the room all murmured to one another, wide-eyed. Even the two girls teasing and torturing Wonder Woman's boobs stopped for a moment. For her part, Wonder Woman was still too dazed to really care beyond a vague curiosity.

Jackie made a hand gesture, and got off of the bed. The convicts glanced at each other some more, before two of them moved to untie Wonder Woman's hands and feet. Then, they - together with the two girls handling Wonder Woman's tits - maneuvered Wonder Woman so that the half-naked super heroine was now on all fours in the middle of the bed.

Wonder Woman made no move to resist; her overheated mind and body were still in no condition to fight back, and the golden lasso's spell was keeping any other attempts to escape at bay. The sole emotion running through her brain right now was excitement: excitement over her humiliating defeat and penalty, and excitement over what was going to happen to her next.

The Amazon's head drooped down, giving her an upside-down view of what her captors were now planning.

"I'm kinda tuckered out right now," Jackie said, stretching herself this way and that. "Lee, would you care to do the honors?"

The redhead who had earlier relieved Wonder Woman of the golden lasso and the golden girdle looked floored. "M-Me? A-Are you...?"

"You've earned it, kiddo," Jackie said with a grin. "Liz, hook her up, will ya?"

Lee gasped in joy, and looked ready to faint then and there, but Mandy and Kira steadied her. Then, another blond inmate walked over to Lee, holding a gleaming black strap-on dildo. It looked, if anything, even bigger than Jackie's red handheld dildo had been.

"Merciful Minerva..." Wonder Woman gasped. A bit of drool actually began to trickle from her mouth.

Slowly and deliberately, Liz helped Lee don the rubber phallus. After it had been secured, Lee crawled up onto the bed, positioning herself right behind Wonder Woman. Wonder Woman involuntarily tensed herself, instinctively knowing that the fiendish women were about to violate the last "virgin" orifice her spectacular body had left.

Meanwhile, Jackie crawled up onto the other side of the bed, and got down on her knees in front of Wonder Woman. Her still-moist pussy was now level with Wonder Woman's face, and with a single thrust of her hips, the ponytailed hooker reacquainted the two.

"Uggghhh..." Wonder Woman moaned at the familiar, rank, but still electrifying taste. Her eyes began glazing over again almost immediately.

"Shh, shh, shh," Jackie said softly. "Just handle your attic right. Don't you worry about the basement."

The hooker's dirty talk actually had a soothing effect on the horny Amazon. In no time at all, Wonder Woman was dutifully lapping at Jackie's twat again, with few other thoughts in her head. Then, just to seal the deal, two more convicts crawled onto the bed, between Wonder Woman's juicy, hanging tits, and began to play and suckle with them once more.

In the meantime, Lee was taking her sweet time lubricating the length of her strap-on with the love juices still leaking out of Wonder Woman's cunt. Once she was sure that the sex toy had been lubed enough, she daubed a finger in Wonder Woman's wet pussy, and smeared some of those pussy juices around Wonder Woman's asshole.

"You know," Lee gloated. "The cons around here always thought you were a pain in the ass. Time I repaid the FAVOR!"

With the last word, she lined up the tip of the dildo with Wonder Woman's anus, and thrust with all her might.

"Uuuuuggggghhhhh!!!" Wonder Woman cried, baby blues springing wide.

"Don't stop!" Jackie growled, digging her fingers into Wonder Woman's raven mane. "If you know what's good for ya!"

"Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!" Wonder Woman cried into Jackie's muff as she felt Lee work that strap-on deeper and deeper into her poop chute. Lee's penetration was much more painful than Jackie's had been, but in its own way, that just got the sexy super heroine even more hot and bothered. Yeah, she was a real glutton for pain mixed into her pleasure.

"Come on, girl!" an inmate cheered!

"You've almost got it in all the way!"

"Just a little more...!"

Hera! Wonder Woman mentally cried, eyes crossing something fierce. I am weak! Sooooo weak! I fear I have come to my... to my...

"Theeeeeere we go!" Lee screamed joyfully as she finally rammed that dildo in all the way.

"Oh! Oh! Aaaaaiiiiiieeeeeee!!!" Wonder Woman screamed, helpless as the blond convict drove her half-mad. That dildo was doing whatever it liked inside her asshole, driving her to greater and deeper levels of pain and pleasure with every passing second.

"Scream, Wonder Bitch!" Jackie growled in turn, ramming her pussy into Wonder Woman's face with greater and greater fervor. "Scream so we all know who's the top dog around here!"

"Aiiiiieeeeee!!! Uggghhh.... aiiiiiiieeeeeeeee!!!"

Lee pumped and pumped, seemingly without tiring. Wonder Woman came again and again, her dazed mind no longer capable of even keeping track of how many orgasms she was having. After a while, it just seemed like an endless chain of orgasms going off in one long burst.

Wonder Woman didn't even notice when Lee pulled out of her asshole, and let another girl called Collier take over the job of pounding her ass into submission. In due time, Jackie switched out with another girl as well, leaving Wonder Woman to eat a pussy that was, if anything, even fouler.

The dozen-odd inmates of Dormitory Seven ruthlessly ravished Wonder Woman's body for what seemed like an eternity, leaving none of those wonderful Amazon curves unmolested. Every con in there fucked her pussy at least once, her ass at least once, and got eaten out by her at least once. In "return", they all demonstrated the skills they'd "learned" in the Cromwell Center's showers and laundry room on Wonder Woman's erect nipples and aching clitoris.

At the end of it all, Wonder Woman was left in a panting, barely conscious heap. She lay flat on her face on the bed, soaking in a puddle of her own sweat and love juices. All of her dignity, and pride, and self-respect as an Amazon and a super heroine had been surrendered long ago.

"Well, Jackie, what do we do now?" Liz asked, leering over Wonder Woman's well-fucked body.

Jackie tapped a finger against her forehead. "What time is it?"

Carol glanced at the clock on the wall. "Ten minutes till midnight."

Jackie's pearly whites showed in a truly pleased smile. "Perfect."

The ponytailed hooker retrieved Wonder Woman's lasso from the storage box at the foot of the bed, and dropped the loop around Wonder Woman's neck. Wonder Woman gave a little gasp as her eyes snapped open, but she didn't do much else.

Jackie frowned. "Get her power belt back on. We need her to walk out of here looking recovered. Someone at the gate might see her."

Collier went to one of the adjacent beds, and fetched Wonder Woman's golden girdle. Somewhat tentatively, she re-fastened it around Wonder Woman's slim waist.

The Amazing Amazon Princess gave a shudder as she felt her powers rapidly flow back into her body, allowing her to recover at a much faster rate than normal women. Before she could even think about escape, however, Jackie delivered her first command.

"Wonder Woman, hear and obey."

"I hear and obey," Wonder Woman said in a mindless monotone.

Jackie smirked. "I hope you liked what we just did to you, Wonder Whore, because I think it's going to be a nice weekly tradition from now on. How's that sound?"

Wonder Woman's face suddenly shifted into one of mild discomfort. "I-I don't know about that. My job at the IADC might not give me a schedule-"

"Say what?!" Jackie interrupted. "Your job at what?"

"The Inter-Agency Defense Command," Wonder Woman replied, her brains still too scrambled by sex to understand the full ramifications of what she was admitting. "I am a top agent there, in my civilian identity as Diana Prince."

Jackie stared, open-mouthed, at the other cons. They stared back with identical expressions, none of them quite willing to believe what they were hearing.

"D-Does that mean..." Jackie stammered, not sure how to proceed. "You work with government cover-ups, black ops, that kinda stuff?"

"In a manner of speaking, yes," Wonder Woman admitted.

"So..." Jackie said quietly. "You can forge paperwork to get us out of here? Fake IDs and everything?"

"Yes. I could even help you set up new identities in other states."

Jackie stared at the other inmates once again, hardly able to believe her - their - good luck. At the same time, all of them exploded into a storm of eager cheers.

"Fucking A!"

"Our ticket out!"

"Looks like Parole Day is here already!"

"Now this is a late Christmas present!"

Jackie waited for the girls to calm down, before issuing her next command. "Wonder Woman, at the stroke of twelve, you will leave here not consciously remembering any of what happened tonight. As far as you're concerned, you lectured us, and then ran short on time and had to leave. Understood?"

"I understand and obey."

"Good," Jackie said. "But, in your subconscious, you will remain bound by a compulsion to secretly free us with all your contacts at the IADC. Do nothing to make others suspicious, but spend any spare time you have working to get us released one way or another, no strings attached, ASAP."

"Yes. Free you using the IADC's resources. No strings attached."

"Once we are free, you will begin to arrange new identities for us to live under, so we can keep working on the wrong side of the law. Oh, and some cash wouldn't hurt, either."

"Y-Yes," Wonder Woman said, a hint of a frown coming onto her lovely features for the first time. "B-But wouldn't you rather-"

"No buts, Wonder Slave," Jackie growled. "It's our lives, and you just do as you're told."

"Yes, Mistress," Wonder Woman replied immediately, bowing her head.

Jackie and the other cons spent the remaining time drilling various other commands into Wonder Woman's head, doubling back and making sure that there were no loopholes or leaks in their plan. In all, they guaranteed that the shapely Amazon would become their steadfast ally on the outside, even if the she herself didn't know it.

Finally, at midnight on the dot, Wonder Woman - carefully redressed in her costume, girdle and lasso included - left the Cromwell Center with a proud smile on her face. It had taken her longer than she'd imagined, but she'd done her best with the Cromwell Center's "problem" dorm. Pity that she was short on time, but she could always come back sometime in the new year.

And if just one of the women she'd spoken to took her words to heart, it would have been all worthwhile.

The Amazing Amazon Princess walked a good distance from the detention center before she arrived at her car - or, rather, Diana Prince's car - in a well-hidden patch of trees off the main road. After looking around to make sure that no one was watching, she spun around and let the Golden Light of Transformation turn her back into civilian Diana Prince.

"Happy New Year's to all," Diana smiled as she got behind the wheel of her car, watching the last of the New Year's fireworks light up the night sky. Then, she turned the key, hit the gas, and made for home.

All she wanted now was a nice shower, an overdue dinner, and perhaps a little television. Oh, and perhaps to read up a little on the authority of IADC agents over county institutions.

Diana paused for a moment. Where had that come from?

She shrugged a moment later, and kept on driving. "Oh, well. Nothing wrong with expanding one's knowledge. Who knows what surprises the new year will ring in?"

Last edited by Disciple 9 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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prison can be a pain in the ass
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Staff Sargeant
Staff Sargeant
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Good story
Sargeant 1st Class
Sargeant 1st Class
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Awesome story - love the open ending - hoping for more!
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Wonderful story. From begining to end.
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Thank you all for the kind words.

Believe it or not, I'm already halfway through my next Wonder Woman story. But the second half will be a lot slower coming, at least until the people I've sent research questions to reply.
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Great Looking forward to it
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I love this story. A superheroine beaten and humiliated in a female prison is a fantasy of mine.
For my tastes it should have been better if the powerless superheroine should be phisically overmatched by only one stronger inmate. I find that more humiliating and arousing. I love when the superheroine suddenly lost her powers and become a weak normal girl.
But thanks again for your great work!
Sargeant 1st Class
Sargeant 1st Class
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would love to see a followup to this story!
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