Booth Babes And Sexy Cosplayers Are In Danger Of Being Completely Banned From Events

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Mr. X
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PAX has basically said “because a few people are uncomfortable we’re getting rid of this without putting it to a vote or any real consultation with the audience that pays money to come to our events.” This is classic blind SJW pandering, and it’s also just a tacky way to slut shame. Of course in this new world where revolutionists and activists went from being the people of the sexual revolution the new revolutionaries are puritans and insecure fear/hate mongers.
So we can't slut shame but its perfectly fine to ban booth babes.
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Anyone want to explain what "SJW" stands for?
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Sargeant 1st Class
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Social Justice Warriors. A kind of all-purpose KKK.
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I have been to trade shows in the business world, where more is shown.
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viking wrote:Anyone want to explain what "SJW" stands for?
Imagine someone who for several different reasons deciders that he/she is going to go on a internet war against something.
this person just doesn't know what.

then they stumble upon Facebook/ tumblr/ twitter and comes across a post someone made.

this person had 1/4 of the facts straight, injected their own opinion or religious/political belief
changed facts, and distorted other facts.
the SJW will take what that person said at face value and go on a tirade.
for example:

A cop comes across a man stealing a car.
the cop commands the guy to freeze
the man reaches behind him and takes out a weapon
he then proceeds to rush the cop in order to get a clear shot.
the police officer takes the kill shot

someone on Facebook posts:
"This cop pined down a man against his car. what he does next will shock you"

the SJW clicks on the bait and reads:
"a police officer snuck up on a man getting into a car and rushed him with his weapon drawn and shot him in cold blood. sign this petition to have the officer charged"

The SJW does not bother researching what the facts are.
He goes and signs the petition to have the cop fired. he then gets on social media and commands all his friends to do the right thing. he gets into arguments with people who try to tell him the actual facts and labels them racist, fascist, etc
they make a point to make as much waves as possible with little to no real facts.
the proceed to badger and protest the shooting, never once researching the actual facts.
will resort to being a troll

this is the simplest example of a SJW
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Booth babes are not 'sexy cosplayers' they are professional models wheeled in to look pretty and to attract lowest common denominator attention to a game. The industry is well shot of them at events because it's demeaning. It's not so much demeaning to the women, a job's a job, nothing wrong in that at all, but it is demeaning to the entire industry because it looks tacky. It makes a multi-billion dollar industry look cheap.

Everything else in the article is a slippery slope argument without meaning. You can't argue 'They're going to ban this because they banned that' when the reason for any given ban is completely different. Booth babes are not at events for the same reasons that cosplayers are, and vice versa.
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SJWs are fealots. Fake zealots. They use a fake moral high ground as an excuse to grind someone down. Like the anti abortionist who says they are protecting children who blows up an abortion clinic with people inside. Or the protector of women who champions women and then tries to ban sexy women from a convention.

I've seen this in other areas. STEM, Sci fi, gaming, comics, atheist plus.. same pattern over and over. They come in, make a big stink about feminism that is not happening, set people against each other and alienate the original community by labeling them evil straight white cis-gendered males. And they hide behind the fake shield of helping the oppressed while they really just bully the group they are attacking.

Almost every one of their victim groups are people that no one will stick up for in society. Like nerds in gaming or hot chics or people in the porn industry or white males.

My worry is they will start in on us.
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Why else go to crowded conventions?
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E3 did this a few years ago didn't they? Stopped all the 'sexy, costumed' girls from standing at booths. Once it started there I kinda had a feeling the 'sexy girl' look at cons was going by the wayside.
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correct me if im wrong who goes to these thing for just the chance to look at a new comic cover or game box or have somebody from tv in the 80's sign something,,,,,,,,,and not for the people who go and dress up and take photos of each other and the women and the costumes and the atmosphere of the entire thing,,,,if you could find this stuff in Walmart people would congregate there but you cant you goto comic cons or e3 and such,,,,seriously myself and pretty much any or all of my friends that I might be able to talk into going with me to see one of these would ONLY go after I showed them what goes on in one,,,and id probably use a thread from here to do it,,

ME="hey check out the 25 different versions of wonder woman,,,that was last week at the comicon in vegas",,,,my friends and pretty much anyone I have ever known or been introduced to in my life time= "ummm yea,,thats amazing, they seriously dress up like that?,, im down,,, lets go"

Me= oh yea and tom baker and Nathan fillion are gonna be there too,,,Friend= who? doesn't matter, shut up and lets go!

im just sayn!

ps F@#K SJW's,,,,,in the mouth!
I hope they get (insert any body part appropriate) Ebola
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Is Emily Booth still allowed at events? :confused:
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