Do you want to see Defeated Heroines?!?!

General discussions about superheroines!
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This post from a couple of years back gives some excellent advice to anyone starting out in the SH genre.
Superman246o1 wrote:Dear New Producer,

Thank you for your interest in the genre. It's good to have new talent that can offer us exciting and different takes on this particular fantasy. And of course, this will hopefully become a lucrative venture for you. You want our money, and many of us want to give you our money. Presuming, of course, that we get what we want in the deal.

I worry, however, that some new producers don't fully understand what the Superheroine genre is about. That's not necessarily a bad thing; it is a rather unique fetish. Nevertheless, it can be problematic: producers want to devote their limited time and resources towards making a product that will sell well, and customers want to devote their limited funds towards buying products that they will enjoy the most.

That's why I'm here to help.

I offer, free-of-charge, my expertise as an aficionado of all things involving Superheroines. Over the past fiften years, I have collected – one at a time – 65,851 images, stories, videos and even soundbytes featuring Superheroines. I have spent thousands of dollars purchasing videos, acquiring rare comics, and buying high-quality costumes for girlfriends to wear. Now that I think about it, I am a more qualified expert on the topic of Superheroines than on any subject that I studied in college or undertaken professionally. Many would say that's pathetic. I would say that's pathetic. But I'd say that also makes me an expert.

“An expert what, exactly?”

I am not writing this to target any single producer. My intent is not to insult anyone, and if anything I write below seems offensive, please accept my sincere apologies. I have not polled any other customers on their thoughts, and they are more than welcome to disagree with me in the comments below. But I freely offer the three key insights that you will need to make me give you absurd amounts of my hard-earned cash. Take it as you will.

1) Know Your Source Material

Are you producing movies like this because you honestly love the genre, or simply because you see an underserved niche that you can make a profit off of? Both are perfectly legitimate reasons to work in the business, but if it's the latter, that's going to affect the quality of your work, unless you do your homework.

Many fans were first introduced to the genre via either the comics or the live-action adaptations thereof. Few of us spontaneously got into these videos without prior exposure to tales of superheroines fighting against the forces of evil. So the greater your understanding of the original source material is, the more you may appeal to your prospective customers. There are a number of new videos out that treat the superheroine genre as an amalgam of other fetishes, albeit in costumes. That is fine, but it's not going to inspire my patronage.

"You want to do what with my feet?"

If you're going to portray an existing superheroine, know that superheroine. What are her powers? Who are her enemies? How would she respond in a given situation? Why does she devote herself to fighting crime? The better your understanding of a superheroine, the more likely you'll be able to depict her accurately in a video designed to entice her fans. And the closer you can get to the source material that inspired our fantasies to begin with, the closer we may get to making a purchase.

Watch whatever existing material there is of the superheroine you're depicting. Buy a copy of the Supergirl film, or borrow the Wonder Woman TV series on Netflix, or watch Electra Woman & Dyna Girl on YouTube. Yes, these programs were designed for children, but they've also influenced the minds of the pervy adults some of those children turned into. I don't want to feel like I'm buying a movie of an average woman wearing a Batgirl outfit; I want feel like I'm buying a new episode of an actual series that features the new adventures of Batgirl. You generally can't replicate the budget of the original source material (although I suspect anyone with $50 could match the budget of the original Electra Woman & Dyna Girl show), but you can accurately replicate the core character of the Superheroine in question.

A two-hour movie. A lifetime fantasy.

2) High Quality Outfits

Please bear in mind that the outfit for a superheroine is not a costume; it's a uniform. It's supposed to instantly identify the wearer as an extraordinary heroine, not look like a mass-produced Halloween costume. Clothes may make the man, but the leotard/bodysuit makes the superheroine. Please focus on what a difference a good or bad outfit may make. Contrast a picture of Lynda Carter as Wonder Woman...

Here to save the world!

...vs. a standard Wonder Woman costume for Halloween.

Here to get drunk at the party!

I can imagine what you're thinking. "But Superman246o1, the cheap Halloween costumes only cost $20, while a high-quality custom outfit costs $250 - $400. Why should I waste money on an expensive custom design when I can just get something from Wal-Mart?"

My answer is that it's never a waste to spend more money to bring in more customers; it's an investment. When I see an actress wearing a cheap costume in a preview for a genre video, I immediately lose interest in purchasing that video, and continue shopping with other vendors offering higher-quality videos. Someone wearing a superhero costume from Target isn't going to remind me of the original source material that inspired my interest [see Item 1 above]. Instead, it's going to suggest that the producer wasn't interested in making a decent video. And if the producer can't be bothered to make something good, why should I be bothered to buy it?


Let's presume that you can buy a mass-produced Batgirl costume for $20, or a custom-tailored replica of Yvonne Craig's Batgirl bodysuit for $200. Sure, the former seems like a better deal. But if you're selling a Batgirl video with that costume, the latter bodysuit might attract more customers that want to relive the thrill of watching Yvonne Craig fight evildoers. If you're selling videos for $20, all it takes is a net of 10 additional customers to make up the cost of outfit. And if the great costume inspires even more people to buy the video that otherwise wouldn't, you're making a greater profit than you would have with the cheap costume. As a customer, I can vouch that the quality of the costume has often played a key role in my decision to make a purchase.

Much better.

If funds are limited -- and whose aren't these days -- you can also make a high-quality outfit yourself. Thousands of cosplayers do this on a regular basis each year, and they do it simply for their personal enjoyment. If recreational role-players can devote the time to making a high-quality outfit, so can a producer who is using the outfit in a for-profit venture.

Worth every penny.

3) Power and Peril

The eroticism of superheroines in peril is an unconventional fetish. It is, in some ways, both an empowering fantasy (focusing on heroic women who are more confident, capable and competent than any mortal man), and a misogynistic one (focusing on the aforementioned heroines being weakened and/or endangered). Often simultaneously. If you can reconcile and depict these otherwise antithetical concepts, you can make the perfect superheroine film.

"I can fly through space or lift a bus. But green rocks are tough to deal with."

It seems that a number of professionals who work in the fetish industry are used to depictions of women being denigrated from start to finish. Conversely, those that have worked in more dominatrix-oriented genres are familiar with women being domineering and controlling throughout the entirety of the encounter. Neither of these approaches will work well by itself in depicting a superheroine in peril. If she seems powerless or incompetent from the start, she's not a superheroine; she's just some bimbo in a Halloween outfit. And if she is in control of things throughout the video and never in danger, then there is no peril.

An important balance is to capture both of these aspects of the genre. Perhaps spend a quarter, a third, or even half of the video demonstrating that your superheroine is, indeed, super. It makes her more believable as a heroic character, and it has the added bonus of making the peril that much more thrilling. If the superheroine has already demonstrated that she has amazing skills and powers, a scenario where even she is overwhelmed becomes extremely exciting.

It's important to keep the ratio of the peril consistent with the powers of the superheroine in question. If you depict Wonder Woman shrugging off blows that would crush a normal person's bones early in the video, it's not going to seem particularly threatening later if the villain starts tickling her feet with a feather. There's no sense of "Oh God! How will she get out of this?!" There's only a sense of, "Oh. Well, here's a 17-minute foot tickling sequence for the tickle-fetishists. I guess I should have bought that video that [Rival Producer X] made instead."

For me, the perfect balance of both power and peril comes from the climax of the Supergirl film. Helen Slater's superheroine is a perfect icon: courageous, powerful, and fighting to save the world from destruction (make that two worlds, technically). If you haven't seen it lately, please watch the clip below, as the last showdown is depicted well. There are a few minor challenges that Supergirl has to stand up against, but she uses her powers and her conviction to defy the villainess. The major peril kicks in right as Supergirl seems to be her most confident. Note the change from 2:32 - 2:45 vs. 2:46 - 3:12. The tone of the film changes significantly, as Supergirl goes from being easily assured of her victory to being terrified by the monster that wants to destroy her. The highlight of the clip is the actual peril she suffers from 3:30 - 4:22. But the aforementioned reaction shot was almost equally enjoyable. If peril is the highlight, then the transition from confident and powerful to fearful and overwhelmed is the foreplay.


I do not expect you to replicate the scale of that clip. But if you can capture its spirit, and you are/have an actress who can personify the essence of a superheroine, you will have my money for as long as you make videos.

I hope this helped. If it did, great; I'm going to be a future customer of yours. If it didn't, that's great too; I wish you all the best in the genre. Either way, thank you for your interest in making superheroine films. It is an industry that I love, and I hope you love working in it.

"A brass unicorn has been catapulted across a London street and impaled an eminent surgeon. Words fail me, gentlemen."

Heroine Addict wrote:I'm not a big fan of off-the-peg superheroine costumes as they're obviously made for Halloween parties, rather than crime-fighting. The Robin and Supergirl designs look particularly cheap and tacky.

You could throw something together yourself which would look far superior.
Of course! I wouldn't buy the ones that look like crap lol I'm going to have them made... the pictures are more in terms of the cuts, colors, and styles... :cylon:
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the one you use for your avatar would be just fine with me.
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Nothing too far out and maybe not even a fetish but I love fitness/athletic women and some of the more muscular ladies are beautiful too.

I would love to see someone like Megan Avalon star as a superheroine in peril, just the thought of a beautiful and physicall strong woman in danger is hot!
I am a big fan of tall amazons and long strong legs too....
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my idea would be for a very physically strong built model say someone like the wrestler afrika playing nuclear girl in a clip where she confronts supergirl maybe played by randy moore....the two square off and for a while its back and forth equal battle...but eventually sg gets worn down by the more physical model...and eventually defeated and ots carried away unconcious
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DefeatedHeroines wrote:
DrObiCaffi wrote:
I'm even stuck on whether I want my Supergirl to be in a one-piece like 1984 Supergirl or a two-piece like Logan's version, Vega in
1984 1984 1984, but add TIGHTS!!! The 2 pieces are too slutty for me. If a heroine is to revealing it seems fake. Like She's BEGGING for a villain to take her. If she has a more subtle but still sexy look, it's hotter that her innocence is taken from her. I vote unitard over 2-piece ANY DAY!
I agree on the slutty thing, but…. ummm… do you see my avatar?? To me, that's hot lol... wait, no lol, it is. I'm also going to have an Ultrawoman who is going to be in a one-piece and have tights… I know all about the tights vs no tights thing… no wars here but I'm gonna go 50/50 on that to appeal to everyone ;) Who knows, the Supergirl alter ego may ALWAYS wear pantyhose… hmmm…. anyone else? Do we all want 1984?? :cylon:

I do
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All I know is that I'm excited when I hear about any new website that caters to a specific fetish I enjoy. Also, I am a cameraman/producer/director myself, so if you ever need any assistance behind the camera or coming up with new ideas, please let me know.
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Going to echo the vote for the classic Supergirl look,


I don't mind the two piece comic look, but this one is the way to go. Also don't use the white t-shirt, short skirt version, never understood the appeal of that costume. That one looks the most fake.

Other than Supergirl I'd say keep the classic WW look as well.


The basic bodice, star spangled bottoms, lasso, etc is the way to go. I don't like the bikini or two piece WW costumes that have showed up in other vids.

After those two I'm not as picky other than this, no Halloween costumes. You want to stand out from the crowd, follow what HL, Rye, etc are doing. Good looking costumes which show some effort in their creation and look awesome.
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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NO PANTYHOSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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1. LOVED that ALL-BLACK single piece swimsuit outfit. A Ms. Marvel style of outfit would be fantastic!

2. If any Wonder Woman type of outfit is used, I would suggest the type of shorts that have many stars, not the big two or three stars.

3. Can't go wrong with a high quality Supergirl outfit.

4. DEFINITELY agree with what was posted above about the cheap Halloween outfits. Some look decent, but in a video they become very cheap looking and the logos seem to peel off quickly.

5. The 1984 Supergirl outfit (which has been used in several others) is one of the best quality Supergirl outfits I have seen.
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DefeatedHeroines wrote:Image
So I'm stuck on this ROGUE kick now… I'm thinking I'll release my Supergirl, Ultrawoman, Wonder Woman, and Rogue as my 1st four Heroines?? Maybe?? I dunno… all depends on the actresses I can get really… :cylon:

I was just talking with Logan over at Heroine Legends… What do you guys think about completely original characters and costumes VS costumes and characters you already know??
I'll be happy to see Rogue face some defeats and get some peril treatment. She's really been overlooked in this genre.

Here are some of my other thoughts:

In general I like costumes that look like the outfits from the comics rather than unrecognizable ones. I also like to see the costumes kept on rather than see them stripped and have the video turn into porn rather than peril.

Just get good quality costumes that actually fit the models. And get good quality models.

There have been plenty of times I've passed on videos because the costumes look cheap, and/or the models look chubby, unattractive or can't act well enough to pull off the unconscious look.
candle boxx is a good example, she's hot , and has great facial expressions, and plays limp better than just about anyone. (She'd make a great Rogue in my opinion, if you can get the white stripe in her hair)

Spend a little more money and put out good quality products, that's what I look for. I'm willing to pay more for it.

Also make sure that we can actually see the models in the film.
You have to get good lighting while filming, I've seen some films where the woman's face was in the shade half the time. Others where her face was completely covered with her hair, just have the villain pull her hair out of her face when necessary so we can see her.
And don't have the villain block the view of the woman , keep her body in view, that's who we want to see.
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Hey this is my first post.......Well here goes. I think the allure of a heroine is the potential danger and trap. For that I like the leotard or catsuit but the combination with high or thigh high boots make a great look. Oh yeah tights and boots are a great look as well.
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DefeatedHeroines wrote:I'm even stuck on whether I want my Supergirl to be in a one-piece like 1984 Supergirl or a two-piece like Logan's version, Vega in Anyway, I'd like to see what you guys have to say about it all… :cylon:
Well I probably won't help your decision making too much with this, but I think both of those costumes are hot. To me personally...the most important thing is who's IN the costume.
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DefeatedHeroines wrote:
Heroine Addict wrote:I'm not a big fan of off-the-peg superheroine costumes as they're obviously made for Halloween parties, rather than crime-fighting. The Robin and Supergirl designs look particularly cheap and tacky.

You could throw something together yourself which would look far superior.
Of course! I wouldn't buy the ones that look like crap lol I'm going to have them made... the pictures are more in terms of the cuts, colors, and styles... :cylon:
I like the Robin costume...well except for the "utility belt"...which is horrid.
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DefeatedHeroines wrote:
Heroine Addict wrote:I'm not a big fan of off-the-peg superheroine costumes as they're obviously made for Halloween parties, rather than crime-fighting. The Robin and Supergirl designs look particularly cheap and tacky.

You could throw something together yourself which would look far superior.
Of course! I wouldn't buy the ones that look like crap lol I'm going to have them made... the pictures are more in terms of the cuts, colors, and styles... :cylon:
I like the Robin costume...well except for the "utility belt"...which is horrid.
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DefeatedHeroines wrote:
Heroine Addict wrote:I'm not a big fan of off-the-peg superheroine costumes as they're obviously made for Halloween parties, rather than crime-fighting. The Robin and Supergirl designs look particularly cheap and tacky.

You could throw something together yourself which would look far superior.
Of course! I wouldn't buy the ones that look like crap lol I'm going to have them made... the pictures are more in terms of the cuts, colors, and styles... :cylon:
I like the Robin costume...well except for the "utility belt"...which is horrid.

kingles wrote:I like the Robin costume...well except for the "utility belt"...which is horrid.
Oh, definitely. It looks like a piece of paper wrapped around her waist lol I have 3 costumers that replied to my job post so next step is to see if they can make what I need. We want someone who can repeatedly make these costumes because I have plans on destroying them a few times… I saw some of the photos I posted as options for so many things… Black Widow most importantly. Is that Rogue costume up to everyone's likes? I'm not keen on having the brown leather jacket with it... :cylon:
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I definitely like this style of costume from your list above - a one-piece with very high cut legs. Add some shiny pantyhose and heels and it's perfect in my book!
hicutleotard.JPG (117.98 KiB) Viewed 6182 times

All good info here!! Trust me when I say that the actresses, situations, filming, writing, and costumes for both Heroines & Villains are going to be paid attention to, but my budget can only go so far so don't be overly critical on my first few films. I have a donation thing up on my site for anyone who wants to help get me up and running, but other than that, it's gonna be whatever is in my bank account to get started. The actresses are already most of my budget lol
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I prefer the green unitard to the green skirt on the Robin Costume. Someone posted a FABULOUS Robin costume on here not too long ago, I'll look it up.


Tights are PERFECT and EVERYTHING!!! This model/actress has the PERFECT body for the cosutme too. Don't think you want super curvy model for this look. Nice and soft and petite. I never got what project this is from. Anyone know? Not crazy for Chair Ties unless it's something more extreme, but I'll check it out!

Wonder Woman is a costume I don't mind a lot variations of. I liked the Gold Pants, the Blue Pants, the Star skirt, bikini bottoms or the traditional bottoms.

Super Girl though, all ONE Piece and tights. 1984 and the SUPERNOVA Costumes are the best I've seen around. Danica in that costume was AMAZING, her body was perfect for that costume!

Batgirl, 1960's batman all the way (minus the pointy bras of course)! Maybe more of a unitard look would be ok or a Purple top and yellow skirt, something along those lines. BUt I always thought Cali and Tracy Jordan nailed that costume.

Well, I don't want any negative press, but I have never seen anyone try and do this, so here I am trying!! If it works, then awesome, if not, then, well, I'll make it happen one way or another.

So I have been finding that this is going to cost me a lot more than I thought to get things up and running. A little help would be appreciated. I have the story, a selection of girls, the location, and the costume idea… just need a little boost to get this going!!

Of course there's no point in just asking for money. It's rude. I don't like doing it. But on IndieGoGo, I can give PERKS for the people who DO want to see this site happen. If you're even a little intrigued, check it out:

Well, I hope you guys are on the same page as me… I really want to get some filming done!! Starting with Supergirl!!!

I guess I'll have to be creative then. It seems like I can do that without getting beat up on the forums lol I just want to make sure! Well, since the majority is for the 1984 Supergirl, then that's where we will go. I put up a separate post for an Indiegogo campaign… who knows if it'll help, but it'll give me a boost in the right direction to get it all going. I don't want to half-ass it so I need to do it right from the beginning. And the first film will be Supergirl… in the 1984 costume (or one that resembles it) :cylon:

I have merged all your threads into one thread. You don't need to open a new thread for each new idea. If they pertain to your new site, then just post in your site thread. This one.

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greenknight wrote:I definitely like this style of costume from your list above - a one-piece with very high cut legs. Add some shiny pantyhose and heels and it's perfect in my book!
This would be good on a muscular/fitness girl with some short ankle boots or granny boots to show off her strong legs.

Also I agree with several who have said don't mess up the quality SG and WW costumes, your pics showed Hannah as Wondergirl and that is agood costume as is Supernovas and wondras and don't forget Lady Wonder either.
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DefeatedHeroines wrote:Let me know what else you guys want to see so I'm sure to put it in… I know what I like to see... let me hear what you like :)
My do and don't do list:

There's a lack of well done, restrictive bondage these days. Miles of rope, difficult positions, predicament bondage. Contraptions like straight jackets, monogloves, discipline hoods. Heroines deserve them! (I personally don't like watching fifteen or twenty minutes of the villain applying ropes - film something of that to give the idea but pls shorten these scenes)

I would like a developing (simple) story or a common theme in the videos, with several characters, but without taking too much time from the action.

The heroines should be beautiful, fit and reasonably young looking. If not, they are not heroines, aren't they?

Not interested in hardcore sex or vibrators, forced O's and so on.

The random punch or athletic kick is good but I'm not interested in coreographed fights. I prefer heroines and villains wrestling to hold and subdue the adversary. Heroines who struggle against impossible odds (multiple or very strong enemies) and are slowly overpowered and then disposed of.

My favourite KO methods are chloro and smothering (by hand, cloth, medical mask, sleeperhold...) or drowning. I don't like KO spray or a club over the head or kryptonite-style mystery substances. But...

.... but no need for any evil or good character to die in my opinion unless some plot device call for it.

A strong heroine should not be so easy to defeat and put to sleep... but I have nothing against heroines with mental or psychic power but no super strength being helpless in a fight.

I am a big fan of devious traps (if done well), underwater peril (drowning, wrestling under water, trapped under water), ambushes.

In front of all of this heroines should be fearless and even unwary or reckless, even if they are often defeated. Speaking of that, sometimes they should be allowed to show their powers or strength, so we know why the villains are afraid of them.

I like prisoner heroines trying to break free, attempt their escape (maybe still partially bound), moving around the evildoers lair in search of an exit.
Or prisoner heroines cruelly disposed of because the villains are under attack, need silence to ambush a fellow heroine coming to the rescue, need to escape their lair and so on.

I like latex and form fitting spandex, wet look leggings. Boots are OK.
As for pantyhose-bare legs, I like both :)

I like Batgirl and WW but I have nothing against heroines created "ad hoc" for your clips.

arkane wrote:
DefeatedHeroines wrote:Let me know what else you guys want to see so I'm sure to put it in… I know what I like to see... let me hear what you like :)
My do and don't do list:

There's a lack of well done, restrictive bondage these days. Miles of rope, difficult positions, predicament bondage. Contraptions like straight jackets, monogloves, discipline hoods. Heroines deserve them! (I personally don't like watching fifteen or twenty minutes of the villain applying ropes - film something of that to give the idea but pls shorten these scenes)

I would like a developing (simple) story or a common theme in the videos, with several characters, but without taking too much time from the action.

The heroines should be beautiful, fit and reasonably young looking. If not, they are not heroines, aren't they?

Not interested in hardcore sex or vibrators, forced O's and so on.

The random punch or athletic kick is good but I'm not interested in coreographed fights. I prefer heroines and villains wrestling to hold and subdue the adversary. Heroines who struggle against impossible odds (multiple or very strong enemies) and are slowly overpowered and then disposed of.

My favourite KO methods are chloro and smothering (by hand, cloth, medical mask, sleeperhold...) or drowning. I don't like KO spray or a club over the head or kryptonite-style mystery substances. But...

.... but no need for any evil or good character to die in my opinion unless some plot device call for it.

A strong heroine should not be so easy to defeat and put to sleep... but I have nothing against heroines with mental or psychic power but no super strength being helpless in a fight.

I am a big fan of devious traps (if done well), underwater peril (drowning, wrestling under water, trapped under water), ambushes.

In front of all of this heroines should be fearless and even unwary or reckless, even if they are often defeated. Speaking of that, sometimes they should be allowed to show their powers or strength, so we know why the villains are afraid of them.

I like prisoner heroines trying to break free, attempt their escape (maybe still partially bound), moving around the evildoers lair in search of an exit.
Or prisoner heroines cruelly disposed of because the villains are under attack, need silence to ambush a fellow heroine coming to the rescue, need to escape their lair and so on.

I like latex and form fitting spandex, wet look leggings. Boots are OK.
As for pantyhose-bare legs, I like both :)

I like Batgirl and WW but I have nothing against heroines created "ad hoc" for your clips.
Lots of good stuff here… some of it different from others, but all good! The traps are gonna be the hardest part since it will require more budget to build after a while. A few videos with the easy stuff then more expensive as they become more elaborate e.g. drowning… whether we build something or rent a location that has a pool or whatever, still going to be more… which will all be worth it, but everything everyone is asking for is so expensive to do… I guess that's the real reason it's not done. Maybe? I'm going to give it a whirl. Hopefully the 1st video will bring in enough profit to make the videos with the expensive stuff, yeah? My first idea is pretty cool, I think, and I can do it within a reasonable budget so we'll see!! :cylon: I freaking love this emoticon!!
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As far as I'm concerned a video must have(to get my money) ots carries with gentle butt slaps,chloroform with "sleepy talk" and moans and sighs by the victim,eyes rolls,forced orgasms WITH THE MAGIC WORDS"I'm cumming"If you have most or all of those things,I'll hab
nd over all my money to you sir :)

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.....ok,cut the forced orgasms then. :)
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OH!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, LEGGINGS! That's my new fetish.There is nothing more sexy on a woman than yoga pants,leggings or whatever they are called.Ots carries,chloroform,and yoga pants.Just take ALL my money!!!!!!! :)

Richpartist wrote:.....ok,cut the forced orgasms then. :)
Why am I cutting out the forced orgasms? ;)

Richpartist wrote:OH!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, LEGGINGS! That's my new fetish.There is nothing more sexy on a woman than yoga pants,leggings or whatever they are called.Ots carries,chloroform,and yoga pants.Just take ALL my money!!!!!!! :)
I FUCKING LOVE YOGA PANTS!!! I think I practically screamed that.

Favorite version??:

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short red skirt and high cut blue leotard ;)
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DefeatedHeroines wrote:
kingles wrote:I like the Robin costume...well except for the "utility belt"...which is horrid.
Oh, definitely. It looks like a piece of paper wrapped around her waist lol I have 3 costumers that replied to my job post so next step is to see if they can make what I need. We want someone who can repeatedly make these costumes because I have plans on destroying them a few times… I saw some of the photos I posted as options for so many things… Black Widow most importantly. Is that Rogue costume up to everyone's likes? I'm not keen on having the brown leather jacket with it... :cylon:

I like the Rogue costume without the jacket as well.
That costume looks pretty good, the gloves should be all yellow , but I guess that's pretty minor.
The boots don't look the greatest, but maybe they'll look better when they're on an actual person. So long as they look like real boots, and don't end up looking like stockings or something.
I assume you can get the rest of the costume to fit so that it looks skintight rather than loose like on the mannequin?
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The one sitting in the lower left corner. Another thing to pay attention too; make sure the cape is tucked back NOT COVERING THE SHOULDERS! When the cape rests on the shoulders, the sides come up front a little wrapping around and covering the heroine. Looks crappy! Noticed that happen a lot in these films.
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DrObiCaffi wrote:The one sitting in the lower left corner. Another thing to pay attention too; make sure the cape is tucked back NOT COVERING THE SHOULDERS! When the cape rests on the shoulders, the sides come up front a little wrapping around and covering the heroine. Looks crappy! Noticed that happen a lot in these films.
You took the word right out of my mouth, DrObiCaffi. :) I Have to agree. The one sitting in the lower left corner aka The classic 1984 supergirl costume is the one of my favorite. Hope you use that version, Defeated Heroines. :supes:
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DefeatedHeroines wrote:
Richpartist wrote:.....ok,cut the forced orgasms then. :)
Why am I cutting out the forced orgasms? ;)
I don't know, but don't cut them out...
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DefeatedHeroines wrote:Favorite version??:

As I said above somewhere, I'm not too picky about the costumes. Supergirl MUST have the little skirt though! :thumbup:

I'd say 1. The one on the far left. 2. The one on the far right. 3. The 2 piece front and center.

possum2 wrote:
DefeatedHeroines wrote:
kingles wrote:I like the Robin costume...well except for the "utility belt"...which is horrid.
Oh, definitely. It looks like a piece of paper wrapped around her waist lol I have 3 costumers that replied to my job post so next step is to see if they can make what I need. We want someone who can repeatedly make these costumes because I have plans on destroying them a few times… I saw some of the photos I posted as options for so many things… Black Widow most importantly. Is that Rogue costume up to everyone's likes? I'm not keen on having the brown leather jacket with it... :cylon:

I like the Rogue costume without the jacket as well.
That costume looks pretty good, the gloves should be all yellow , but I guess that's pretty minor.
The boots don't look the greatest, but maybe they'll look better when they're on an actual person. So long as they look like real boots, and don't end up looking like stockings or something.
I assume you can get the rest of the costume to fit so that it looks skintight rather than loose like on the mannequin?
I'm not going to buy that one… it's just the closest I could find in real-life form… it'll definitely be skin-tight!!!!
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Have to get a vote in for hotpants and V-neck top Supergirl, one of her best costumes!

RedMountain wrote:Have to get a vote in for hotpants and V-neck top Supergirl, one of her best costumes!
I actually really like that one too… maybe it's not innocent enough though??
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This site sounds extremely promising! Just a few points I'd like to make.

I'd like to see either original costumes/heroines or the lesser-used comic heroines in your videos. Not to hate on WW or Supergirl but I feel that those heroines have been portrayed over and over again, and I'd like to see something different. NGC and Heroine Legends have done a wonderful job creating their own unique heroines (Bluebird and Allura are amazing, and Suki Deluxe was .
If not that, then I'd like to see some other comic heroines portrayed, such as Ms. Marvel, Dark Phoenix, Psylocke, Kitty Pryde, Vampirella, Invisible Girl, and the previously mentioned Rogue.
Also sign me up as a avid supporter of yoga pants/spandex/full body spandex suits!
I enjoy most kinds of knockouts, especially the non-conventional sci-fi type (electric zap devices, etc). Not a big fan of sleeper/choke holds.

Please keep in mind that these are just suggestions and what you decide to do with the site is ultimately up to you. Just my two cents. Looking forward to the completed site!
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I'd like to throw my hat in to the "lets see something new and interesting" crowd. Create your own heroines. Sure use the characters from comics, movies, and TV for inspiration but put your own spin on them. If you have some good peril, good actresses, and good story you should do well. I don't want to see another supergirl or wonderwoman facing the same situation ad nauseam.

Interesting and relieving to hear!! I was afraid I'd be stuck making Supergirl 1984 all over again just to get a fan base… I love that you guys are open to NEW STUFF!!! YESSSS!!!! :) Oh, and I'll say it again… yay for yoga pants! :cylon:

Decided on my characters! Now it's time to get this thing going for realzies!!! :cylon:

Show me a picture of YOUR favorite version of Jean Grey!!! (there IS a reason for this)
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DefeatedHeroines wrote:Show me a picture of YOUR favorite version of Jean Grey!!! (there IS a reason for this)
The original. The mask was perfect.
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I would love to see that high cut black leotard used with a lightening bolt on it for a Ms. Marvel type of character. Add black, knee-high boots and possibly tight black gloves and that would be one hot outfit.
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