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Re: The Boys (Season Two)

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2020 2:57 am
by Maskripper
Time for a crossover!? :hmmm:
(yeah, I know not the same company....but the idea is nice anyway)
Supergirl would be even better/more interesting as an opponent.


Credit (not my art):

Re: The Boys (Season Two)

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2020 8:34 am
brdiy wrote:
3 years ago
Mr. X wrote:
3 years ago
TIEnTEEZ wrote:
3 years ago
Am I the only one who thinks Starlights costume (the supposedly slutty one) is ugly? And there's something weird about they way she stands that's just really unattractive.

Is it me?
Yes. I noticed this too. Her boobs just sag in it and she walks all slumped over. She reminds me of most of the models I've worked with when they are on break ;)
Hadn't really noticed, but could it be the awkwardness is supposed to be from the fact that Starlight is not supposed to be comfortable in that costume, preferring her old costume instead?

Personally, I prefer the skirt on her though. 😁
Yeah, I dunno if it's intentional, because the show is supposed to be sort've gritty and more realistic. Or maybe I am just used to porn stars standing in a way that makes them look better. Or maybe she just has terrible posture.

Re: The Boys (Season Two)

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2020 11:05 pm
by shevek
So, Forum fans should be happy about the scenes in Episode 7 that didn't involve anyone talking about their feelings in hallways.
I mean, for those in the Primal camp, there was an outright scene of superhero porn depicted in the episode which looked like some porn actress playing Maeve, Axel Braun-style. She was certainly shapely, and looking like she was having fun.

And for those who lean more towards the TBFE side of things, there was Black Noir kicking the living shit out of Starlight, tossing her into walls and bashing her face into tables. Unfortunately she was only in her jeans and hoodie, but you can't have everything.

On the gore front, the Internet seems abuzz with theories on the possible identity of the Invisible Person who Makes Heads Explode.
-Is it Cindy, acting from somewhere in the margins? It definitely seems like her power set (she's like the Jean Grey of The Boys).
-Is it Edgar, who is definitely *not* afraid of Homelander and since he is the head of Vought may have taken Compound V himself?
- Is it the head of the Church Collective, who seems to be equally not afraid of A-Train, and might have enough pull with the Vought Corporation to also have taken Compound V himself?

Unfortunately we didn't get any more Homelander/Stormfront sex.
Looking forward to the finale next week. Hope it's better than the highly inconclusive season end to Raised By Wolves.

Re: The Boys (Season Two)

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 5:20 am
by Abductorenmadrid
shevek wrote:
3 years ago
So, Forum fans should be happy about the scenes in Episode 7 that didn't involve anyone talking about their feelings in hallways.
I mean, for those in the Primal camp, there was an outright scene of superhero porn depicted in the episode which looked like some porn actress playing Maeve, Axel Braun-style. She was certainly shapely, and looking like she was having fun.

And for those who lean more towards the TBFE side of things, there was Black Noir kicking the living shit out of Starlight, tossing her into walls and bashing her face into tables. Unfortunately she was only in her jeans and hoodie, but you can't have everything.

On the gore front, the Internet seems abuzz with theories on the possible identity of the Invisible Person who Makes Heads Explode.
-Is it Cindy, acting from somewhere in the margins? It definitely seems like her power set (she's like the Jean Grey of The Boys).
-Is it Edgar, who is definitely *not* afraid of Homelander and since he is the head of Vought may have taken Compound V himself?
- Is it the head of the Church Collective, who seems to be equally not afraid of A-Train, and might have enough pull with the Vought Corporation to also have taken Compound V himself?

Unfortunately we didn't get any more Homelander/Stormfront sex.
Looking forward to the finale next week. Hope it's better than the highly inconclusive season end to Raised By Wolves.
Nice summary!
You certainly introduce some names I hadn't considered as being responsible for the explodey-head scene at the end of the episode. I had thought it would be Cindy as that was her trick and we don't tend to see multiple characters have the same powers. Sure, Homelander can be all encompassing in a way, but many active powers seem to be very unique in their mechanics and how they appear to us - like Stormfront's purple lightning for example.

Cindy however struck me as being a loose cannon once she was out and getting her to do what you would want doesn't seem an easy feat. I could imagine it if Cindy was strapped into a special wheel chair, her gaze forcibly aimed at her targets somehow and electroshocked until the desired target got squashed like a melon. But her, being given a mission and let out ... doesn't strike me as likely.

Re: The Boys (Season Two)

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2020 6:06 pm
by vnv7272
shevek wrote:
3 years ago
So, Forum fans should be happy about the scenes in Episode 7 that didn't involve anyone talking about their feelings in hallways.
I mean, for those in the Primal camp, there was an outright scene of superhero porn depicted in the episode which looked like some porn actress playing Maeve, Axel Braun-style. She was certainly shapely, and looking like she was having fun.

And for those who lean more towards the TBFE side of things, there was Black Noir kicking the living shit out of Starlight, tossing her into walls and bashing her face into tables. Unfortunately she was only in her jeans and hoodie, but you can't have everything.

On the gore front, the Internet seems abuzz with theories on the possible identity of the Invisible Person who Makes Heads Explode.
-Is it Cindy, acting from somewhere in the margins? It definitely seems like her power set (she's like the Jean Grey of The Boys).
-Is it Edgar, who is definitely *not* afraid of Homelander and since he is the head of Vought may have taken Compound V himself?
- Is it the head of the Church Collective, who seems to be equally not afraid of A-Train, and might have enough pull with the Vought Corporation to also have taken Compound V himself?

Unfortunately we didn't get any more Homelander/Stormfront sex.
Looking forward to the finale next week. Hope it's better than the highly inconclusive season end to Raised By Wolves.
And all on DVD in the Colonel Grace Mallory's house. Who new she was such a freak. :giggle:

Re: The Boys (Season Two)

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2020 11:59 am
by shevek
Whoa! Kripke validates the genre.

Note: Don't bother clicking on "" just leads you to the Sony website for The Boys.

If nothing else, think this might be a clarion call to Axel Braun to hurry into production for a Boys XXX?

Hopefully will get to The Boys finale tonight, but this is a fun promo tweet.

Re: The Boys (Season Two)

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2020 11:36 pm
by helstar
Ok after watching the finale I can safely underline (again) that this season was a huge disappointment compared to the first.
I could elaborate on a dozen senseless scenes on this last episode too (that adds up to an already very long list), but ... I am guessing it has to be obvious for whoever has seen it already, I hope !
It feels like the only weak scene of S1 (the Kimiko liberation) but over and over and over...

Re: The Boys (Season Two)

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2020 2:47 am
by Maskripper
Watched the last episode of the season yesterday.
Dramatic and tragic scenes ...and a worthy finale!
Glad that Annie is finally back in her costume, I was worried we wouldn't see her in it after she was imprisoned. Odd that she changed back to her old costume from the beginnings of season 1.
Really tragic that Butcher now has to care for the child of his wife who killed her. Wow, that's quite a bitter situation!
Is Stormfront actually dead? Homelander said that she was "neutralized" and she was still alive as long she was on screen. I don't know if her powers will keep her alive like this....
And if yes.....what will happen to her? Will they build some limps onto her an make her into a supe-nazi-cyborg? :hmmm: :ohmg:
Looks like Homelander will be even crazier and more evil from now on.
And yeah, like Helstar mentioned, there were scenes that were kind of senseless, but I disagree about the season overall.
Yeah, not every plot line might have been important, some episodes could have been shortened.
But in the end, the season was really good. Was it worse than season 1? Perhaps a little....but still it were highly entertaining TV hours.
Of course I would love to see a masked female supe in season 3...but I guess the chances are rather slim.
As long there are women like Starlight and Queen Maeve....I'm happy.

Re: The Boys (Season Two)

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2020 3:57 pm
by Femina
What's of interest to me, and worth noting as a strength of the show is how carefully it approaches the more complex aspects of human nature... In spite of everything horrible about him, Homelander apparently would have made a good Dad... nothing he does with his son in these final episodes is actually WRONG (outside of the attempt to push the mom out of his life ENTIRELY... but as a child of divorce myself I think that feels like a realistic mirror to child custody friction). I recall being worried the show was just gonna be 'supers bad instead of good' when it was first announced and marketed, but the show has consistently been more thoughtful than that.

Re: The Boys (Season Two)

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2020 6:25 pm
by Mr. X
I agree.
When Homelander pushed his son off the roof he did what dads do, push the kid past his limitations. By getting the kid to expose his powers he may have saved someone's life. Imagine the boy getting mad at a kid at the grocery store or school yard or at his mom. laser eyes.

Plus, when Homelander got mad at the mom, the boy stepped in to defend her vs hiding behind her. Major step forward. Again what happens if the kid pushes his mom out of anger and doesn't know he has powers.

Re: The Boys (Season Two)

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2020 7:18 pm
by Femina
Mr. X wrote:
3 years ago
I agree. When Homelander pushed his son off the roof he did what dads do, push the kid past his limitations. By getting the kid to expose his powers he may have saved someone's life. Imagine the boy getting mad at a kid at the grocery store or school yard or at his mom. laser eyes.

Plus, when Homelander got mad at the mom, the boy stepped in to defend her vs hiding behind her. Major step forward. Again what happens if the kid pushes his mom out of anger and doesn't know he has powers.
I'ma go ahead and spoiler tag all this
Well I mean xD I'd be concerned that his powers might be DIFFERENT from mine and thus just chucking him off the roof might go badly... but I'd also argue that the homelander in the first half of the season seems to be evolving and mellowing out a bit in the back end as he starts to acquire better reasons to exist than just smiling for the cameras and trying to acquire the public worship... but everything he's said over these last few episodes I feel were genuine. That he didn't want the kid growing up a lab rat like he was, recognizing (at least SEEMINGLY genuinely) to the boy that he acknowledged just pushing him off the roof was too big a first step (But I DO definately agree that just pretending like he hasn't got powers until he accidents upon them is a recipe for panic inducing confusion AT BEST, Disaster at worst)... getting him away from the crowd the INSTANT the kid was showing upset and then DISCUSSING both why its understandable... considering that the other side of Homelander is one tick away from amoral madness... I think there's at least A CHANCE that if he'd been allowed to try and raise his son, at least going by the admittedly situational evidence we have... there's at least a chance he'd have done a pretty good job!

I can't be the only one that thought for a moment before Homelander appeared and brought him back to reality... that Butcher was maybe a few seconds away from (attempting) to use that crowbar on the kid? While there's no world in which I'd say Homelander is the GOOD GUY... I wonder if time will test whether or not the son (I really wish I could remember his name off the top of my head) winding up in Homelander's custody might not have been better for him and maybe a whole lot more people even. A Homelander with a son he loves to mellow out his darker tendencies and maybe even impress upon him WHY it might be worth trying to work toward a better future instead of just the one their heading toward might have been the better option for everyone... I mean, at least so far as the LITERAL NAZI was dealt with by that point (Any future with Stormfront in it was probably doomed)

Re: The Boys (Season Two)

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2020 1:36 am
by shevek
So this a forum about women with superpowers but nobody is talking about

1. The violent fight scene involving four superpowered women - three of them in costume. Is that some kind of record for
mainstream TV?

2. The chillingly evil and sexy eye-shadowed appearance of the assassin, revealed as the show AOC-analogue, Victoria Neuman.
(gender-flipped and role-flipped from the comics, where a 'Victor Neuman' is the VPOTUS and former Vought CEO)

and hey, is anyone a fan of the soap opera The Young and the Restless? Is it just a total coincidence that there is both a Victor
Newman *and* a Victoria Newman in that show?
Some great information about the actress Claudia Doumit, and possible theories about how her character will play out in Season 3. ... ia-neuman/

Re: The Boys (Season Two)

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2020 2:09 am
by theScribbler

Re: The Boys (Season Two)

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2020 12:06 pm
by Mr. X
shevek wrote:
3 years ago
So this a forum about women with superpowers but nobody is talking about
I thought the fight was lack luster. The Black Noir fight was better. The show suffers from a low budget. Also I thought Starlight absorbed power. Doesn't Stormfront shoot lightning? And how does a normal human stab a super's eye ball? And they didn't show the kid actually laze her.... which might actually be a twist. Maybe Homelander did it from far away.

Re: The Boys (Season Two)

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2020 6:48 pm
by Dogfish
I thought the show stuck the landing. I was worried a few stories might be dragged out what with the series renewal, but everything got wrapped up with enough loose ends to make that third season if needed.

I think it's the best superhero TV show anybody has done so far. Only thing close is Punisher season one. It captures the essence of a comic book in the costumes, even beyond the caped characters, also in the action and the dialogue, but it's also clever in the same sort of ways as a comic book can be. It's not trying to be great TV on the same terms as The Sopranos was great TV, there are few great meetings between characters (one or two but not so many), instead there are great moments, moments that would be great panels in a comic book. It's really beautifully done and a huge tribute to the source material.

Re: The Boys (Season Two)

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2020 12:26 am
by shevek
Don't watch this video unless you've already gone through Season 2, but look at all the stuff they have planned!

Stormfront as Darth Vader. Tek-Knight. Soldier Boy. Black Noir origin. Payback. Kimiko gets friendlier. Victoria as Vought's secret
White House candidate. And most amazing of all.....they will be doing Herogasm!

Re: The Boys (Season Two)

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2020 2:34 pm
by helstar

Erin seems to even improve by time... holy... :D

Third Season is confirmed, and there will be the infamous Herogasm arc too ... gay-scene/

Re: The Boys (Season Two)

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2020 4:07 pm
helstar wrote:
3 years ago

Erin seems to even improve by time... holy... :D

Third Season is confirmed, and there will be the infamous Herogasm arc too ... gay-scene/
She looks like she has lost a little weight there.

Re: The Boys (Season Two)

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 11:47 am
by shevek
Speaking of Starlight...I found what might be officially the first The Boys XXX parody. Surprised 1) it took this long; 2) that Axel Braun didn't get to it first; and 3) it's by a company called Amateur Boxxx, which I've never heard of before but actually has a decent variety of superheroine and cosplay parody clips. It has actress Kali Roses playing Starlight, with the male actor as The Deep.

The only special effects involve a sequence where Starlight is flying around, and the Starlight costume (which can be brought online quite easily now) looks good on the actress. We know she has the power of flight from the comics, but she has never flown on the show (in fact, she rides around in cars or takes trains). Unfortunately we don't get to see her use any of her other powers - it would have been fun to see the lights flickering while she is having sex with The Deep, or for her to glow or emit blasts during her climax, but that doesn't happen. So the rest of the video is pretty much a typical porn scenario. But at least it's a Rule 34 milestone that Eric Kripke can notch on his belt, given that he actually advertised a porn video in one of the episodes but never actually went through with filming it.

Here's the link to it on clips4sale: ... mp4-parody

Re: The Boys (Season Two)

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2020 6:34 pm
by Dogfish
I wonder if The Boys stole the XXX parody thunder by having a XXX parody in the show.

Must confess I'm a little bit disappointed by Kripke talking big about how there's too much superhero stuff on TV and the movies, then setting himself up to be the grand poobah of a The Boys Universe.