Supergirl Goes Goth part 1

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by Slavemaker

It had been a long day. Supergirl gracefully flew through the window of her apartment and immediately, she had that safe secure feeling, the kind you only get when you arrive home from a rough day. Supergirl looked around her apartment, walked into the kitchen and grabbed herself a large bottle of water and a glass of ice. She settled back into the couch of and kicked off her boots, curling her red long socks up under her as she unhooked her cape and relaxed. She mindlessly clicked on the TV, leaning back and stretching, her breasts tight against her large iconic S shield as the puts her arms over her head with a little moan. She caught a glimpse of the small plaid backpack in the corner near the door, having almost forgotten her “houseguest”. “Better check on her before bed” Supergirl says to herself without even realizing she said it aloud, as she opens her spare rooms’ door very slightly. Lying in the bed is the mayor’s niece, Lilith. 17 years old, only two years younger than Supergirl , and already a knockout. As Supergirl watched Lilith, she had that “big sister” feeling for a moment, something she had never experienced before. The feeling quickly dissipated into one of embarrassment and shock when Lilith rolled over towards the door in her sleep. The young girls long black hair rolled over with her, shining in the moonlight as it cascaded across her shoulder and neck. Supergirl could see that she was wearing some sort of black bra with red circles on it, and that it was made so that her nipples would stick through little holes in the middle! Supergirl quickly shut the door, shocked humiliated and a little excited thought she would never admit it. “I have SO much work to do”, she thought to herself as she prepared for bed herself,”but I WILL reach this girl”. Supergirl pulled the soft covers over herself and laid down to sleep, trying not to think about those nipples and that strange black bra, as sleep finally took her.
Across town the Mastermind was smiling. As he took a long draw on his cigar, he watched Supergirl sleeping in her own bed, on the small hidden cameras that had recently been installed all over her house. Six months ago when mastermind had caught the mayor at one of his “establishments”, he knew he wanted Supergirl, but didn’t realize how easy it would be. Once the mayor was under his thumb, locating Supergirl was simple. Just place an ad in the paper asking her to come to city hall for an “urgent matter, and there she was. The mayor had simply asked her for her address, in case she had to be reached “for emergencies”. She played on her emotions and pride, telling her she could be this cities “batman”, hell they could even get a “Supergirl” light if she wanted! After an evening of massaging her ego, the naïve girl gave him everything on a silver platter. His next move was to send in one of his best minions, Lilith. Lilith was young, but extremely ruthless. She had been living on the streets since she was a young child and had eventually led one of the cities toughest gangs. He found her and educated her and took her under his wing, and realized she would be perfect to help him ruin the maiden of might. They would target the young Supergirl where she was the most vulnerable, her overconfidence and inexperience. Once the mayor had Supergirl thinking she was the new “mascot” for the city, he put her in a few press conferences and even had a parade in her honor. Once she was where he wanted her, mastermind made the first step of the plan and had him insert Lilith. The mayor told Supergirl that his nice Lilith was having trouble with gangs, and had almost joined. He begged her to take her in and to befriend her, and to try and get her on the “straight and narrow”. That was three months ago, and it didn’t take long for Supergirl to start trying to help Lilith out. Lilith appeared to be doing better, bringing up her “grades” and staying out of trouble. The only thing that made Supergirl nervous over the past few months was Lilith’s appearance, the goth rocker type look, and her outgoing sexual nature. Lilith would just make overt sexual comments and dress like a whore; Supergirl had tried to counsel her on it, but was too embarrassed by the subject to really get into it, so she tried to ignore it. It only took Lilith around a week to place hidden cameras and mics alls over the apartment, and now the mastermind enjoyed his “Supergirl” reality show anytime he wanted. As Supergirl lay in bed, tossing and turning from the bra she saw on Lilith, the mastermind sends Lilith a simple text message “it’s time”.
Over the next few weeks, Lilith really tries to become Supergirls best friend. She spoke to her about her secrets with “boys” from school, and watched as Supergirl listened, seeing how interested Supergirl was in the subject. Even at 19, Supergirl had basically zero experience with sex or any type of relationship. Superman had kept her away from any sort of temptation since her arrival on the planet, and while she had felt the urges, she was basically lost on what to do or what she was feeling. Lilith realized this, and used it to her advantage. “So you have REALLY never kissed a boy?” Lilith asked Supergirl one night, as they both lay in the living room floor watching a movie. Lilith was wearing her long dark hair loose and on her shoulders, black boy short panties with a black misfit’s t shirt, and black and white striped knee socks. Supergirl was in stark contrast, wearing a blue cami top with her logo on it, with a pair of red sweat pants and white socks with her hair in a ponytail. “I’ve..I’ve never kissed ANYONE…” Supergirl says, giggling it a little “What’s it like?” Lilith smiles and slides closer to Supergirl, “you know, me and my girlfriends used to practice on each other, it might have if you had at least kissed SOMEONE before you kiss your first boy, I mean you don’t want to suck at it! Especially since your 19! He will think you’re a freak!” Supergirl looks at her, realzing that she is right, and feeling a tingle throughout her body as she looks at Lilith’s dark black lips. “Oh…ok, but just a little” Supergirls giggle is cut short as Lilith grabs her by the sides of her head seductively and kisses her deeply. Supergirl is startled but returns the kiss, and the two girls make out for several minutes. As Lilith lets Supergirls head go, Supergirl swoons “I never knew kissing was SO great! Is sex better than kissing Lilith?” the maiden of might asks innocently. Lilith smiles at the question “its amazing Supergirl, but you have to find the right boy, that’s the most important part. Do you have a boy in mind?” Supergirl thinks, she hasn’t really talked to many boys, but there were a few at the college where she attends that she liked. In particular there was one boy who sat beside her in Statistics, ”Jimmy”. “There is one guy in my class, but he doesn’t know I’m alive!” Supergirl says, having no idea that every boy in her class wants her. “Well, if you want Supergirl I can help you! I get lots of boys. You will just have to listen to me; I will get you a boy friend for sure!” Supergirl Lilith and the mastermind all smile, for vastly different reasons.
The next night, they start the next phase of the plan. The mastermind, being only in his late twenties himself, walks into Supergirls college class and sits down right beside her. He has been in her class for the entire semester now, and he has seen her looking at him. He keeps himself in that clean cut image that he knows Supergirl will go for, not unlike her cousin clarks look. The mastermind is tall, around 6’3 and he is wearing an Abercrombie and Fitch t shirt with jeans. He smiles at Supergirl, knowing that today is the day he makes his move. “Hey Kara”. He says gently with a smile “would you like to come over and help me with this stuff? I am so totally lost! And you seem to know exactly what your doing” Supergirl smiles, not being able to believe what happening. “Sure jimmy. I guess I might be able to come by later tonight, but no promises” Supergirl says, remembering what Lilith said about not being too eager and playing hard to get a little. Later than night, Supergirl and Lilith talk about what she should wear, and Supergirl heads over to Jimmy’s. She is wearing a blue dress that goes to just above her knees and long grey tights with her furry boots. As the night goes on, Supergirl does everything Lilith taught her, being sexy and seductive, but playing hard to get. The mastermind revels in it, smiling as Supergirl attempts to seduce him in a very high school way. Jimmy ignores her advances, and when the night is over he hugs her, and asks her to help me more with the class. Supergirl is in tears when she gets home. She goes to talk to Lilith, and sees that she has a sock on her door, meaning she has a boy in her room. Supergirl goes into the bathroom, and takes off her clothing, now wearing only her Supergirl top without the cape and her red panties as she looks into the mirror, her makeup running. She glances down at the black lipstick and white makeup in Lilith’s kit, right there on the counter. She thinks of the boy in Liliths room, and what they are doing. The mastermind smiles from “Jimmy’s” apartment as he watches Supergirl, staring at the makeup kit Lilith left for her. Supergirl wipes the makeup and tears from her eyes, and opens the case. She pushes out her lips, and slowly rolls up the black lipstick as she slides it onto her moist red lips. She looks in the mirror, her blonde hair and iconic costume in contrast to her now jet black lips, and she makes a pouty face, and then touches herself as she stares at her own face in the mirror. Mastermind laughs, knowing that now there is no going back for the maiden of might, and he lights his cigar.
To be continued

If everyone likes I can do a second part. I just acctually wrote this in about an hour this morning after a discussion me and a few others had in the forums. Tell me what you think!
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Elder Member
Elder Member
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Not bad, quite liking the setup - but I'd prefer if there was some action of some sort, maybe a fight scene or making an arrest before she arrives home?

What's the motivation of the mastermind? Is he looking for a slave, to destroy supergirl, to destroy her reputation? It's not totally clear.

Would be interesting to see where you plan to take it.
Neophyte Lvl 2
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I invision the action more int he second part, as criminals etc see her "new look" etc. As far as his motivations, he just want supergirl to be his. what more perfect weapon that a turned Supergirl who does your bidding?
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Elder Member
Elder Member
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Cool, so a brainwash type scenario?

I still think vampires would be a good fit, with their enhanced strength and hypnotism powers that they're often portrayed with.

Still, looking forward to seeing how it develops ;)
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Hello everyone. I didnt get a lot of feedback on my story, just wondering how everyone liked it. I told myself If i got a lot of views I would finish it and publish some of my older stories as well. Just seeing what everyone thought so far, and if people really want more! lol, just let me know
Elder Member
Elder Member
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I enjoyed reading it so please continue. Also I like where you are taking the story.
Sargeant 1st Class
Sargeant 1st Class
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Please more!

My 2 cents.
Sargeant 1st Class
Sargeant 1st Class
Posts: 213
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Excellent story - can't wait to read more!
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