'Fiendish Feline' Part 1 (Kendra James)

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Doctor Outcome
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Kendra James Batwoman and the Fiendish Feline! hd catwomanivy_low.mp4_snapshot_02.59_[2015.07.05_16.18.15] - Copy.jpg
Kendra James Batwoman and the Fiendish Feline! hd catwomanivy_low.mp4_snapshot_02.59_[2015.07.05_16.18.15] - Copy.jpg (10.78 KiB) Viewed 1853 times
‘Fiendish Feline, part 1’
Plot: After Batgirl goes M.I.A., Batwoman begins searching for clues that may help her to locate the young crime-fighter. After finding a calling card left by the fiendish feline burglar Catwoman, Batwoman corners her and demands to know where her partner is. Catwoman tries to toy with Batwoman to lure her into a false sense of security and when the kitten unleashes her claws, Batwoman will find herself totally at the bad, young puttytat’s mercy…
Danger Will Robinson! Spoilers ahead!

-I had heard interesting things about Kendra James and after seeing her play ‘Harem Girl’ a few years earlier, I decided to see what she could do playing a caped crusader. Needless to say, Kendra’s performance of Batwoman was top-notch and right on the money in this vid. I think she may have watched Tim Burton’s ‘Batman’ to prep for this role because her facial expressions while she’s on top of Catwoman looked almost like Michael Keaton’s, particularly her frown.
-Anastasia Pierce has started to grow on me after seeing her performance as Dr. Ether in a ‘Wonder Woman’ parody and while her performance was a little hammy, she still showed a great deal of gusto in playing the felonious feline of crime.
-Kendra’s Batwoman costume was pretty hot too and it looked just like Batwoman’s, right down to the insignia.
-Kendra beating the crap out of Anastasia for answers was an excellent spin on things. I was like, ‘Finally! A vid where the heroine gets to dominate a little bit.’ If Kendra keeps this up, I’ll definitely have to see what other heroines she can play in the future.
-Anastasia’s sexual innuendo-talk was priceless in this. She still has that European accent from when she played Dr. Ether. I guess she wanted to keep that accent for playing this role, but it worked out great for her in this. You should hear some of her lines that she throws at Kendra in this:
‘Oh Batwoman, looking for sweet little pussy, aren’t you?’ or when Kendra asks where Batgirl is, Anastasia replies with, ‘Hmm, I know I would enjoy licking her bowl.’ Anastasia, you go girlfriend! 

-Catwoman’s drugging of Batwoman with her catatonic claws. That was a sneaky trick and that really made me gasp with shock and excitement.
-Boob smothering ala Catwoman? Now that’s definitely something I’d pay to see! Loved how Kendra’s lipstick got smeared on her Anastasia’s cleavage. Rowr!
-This vid had a good ending showing that Batwoman was down, but not out. That was a good idea for Kendra to end the story to show that she still has a fighting chance to win.

-Eh, not a big fan of bondage but I was willing to make an exception for this one. Biggest problem for me was that Kendra’s bondage position looked really uncomfortable.
-I like the vinyl look, but it just didn’t work too well for Anastasia in this one. Plus her hair should’ve been out of sight instead of hanging out the back of her mask.
-Anastasia put on a good performance, but it felt a little hammy in-between during her capture of Batwoman. Like when she mentioned that Poison Ivy was her roommate, she said, ‘I have a roommate, such a leaf. Poison Ivy always put on some crazy parties and she never cleans up’ in regards to the leaves all over the place.
-Not a fan of dildos, I’ll tell you that now. Honestly, I don’t know what the attraction is to that.

Diagnosis (What could have been better)
-I’d have Anastasia wear something a little more erotic. If she had gone for the Lee Meriweather look, then she really would’ve been rockin’ in this vid.
-Ix-nay on the dildos. Maybe a vibrator would’ve been good, but the dildos? They gots to go.
-Kendra’s gotta work on her beatdown technique. The p.o.v.-style shot of her beating the snot out of Anastasia was fun, but Kendra was hesitating a little bit from time to time in-between blows. She should’ve been laying into Catwoman non-stop furiously or better yet, she could’ve done this:
P.O.V. shot
Batwoman: Where’s Batgirl?
(no answer. Batwoman slugs Catwoman across the face and the camera shot moves to the side as Catwoman gasps before returning back to face Batwoman again)
They could have done that scenario over a few times with Batwoman demanding Batgirl’s whereabouts and then slugging her when there’s no response.

Final Outcome:
‘Fiendish Feline’ has a lot of merit going for it and the performances of its too leads was definitely worth viewing. Granted, this is only part 1 of the vid but if part 2 is better I’ll definitely check that one out too.

I give this fetish vid, a 7 ½ out of 10.
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Doctor Outcome
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kendrajames wrote:Thanks for the review and tips! I hope you enjoy part 2:)
I look forward to it, K.J.
'Underestimate your enemy in battle, odds are, you won't live to see another one'
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