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“Man, that’s gonna leave a stain,” lamented 19-year old college co-ed Jennifer Jade. “I should know better than to eat buttered popcorn while wearing a silk top.” Grabbing a bathrobe off the hook, she made her way to the laundry room of her apartment and placed her blouse in the dry cleaning pile. After a moment’s thought, she also took off her plaid skirt as well, leaving her wearing only her bra and tan pantyhose under the robe.

Walking back to the living room to continue watching her rented DVD, Jennifer enjoyed the sensation of walking across the carpet in her nylon-encased feet. Ever since she was old enough to wear them, she had loved the look and feel of pantyhose and tights. Ruefully she thought how the past year had given her many more opportunities to show off her legs in tights than she could’ve imagined.

Like a graceful cat, she curled her shapely legs beneath her as she resumed her seat on the sofa. The sounds of the movie faded into the background as she thought about her many adventures as the superheroine Emerald. The most memorable of these involved her encounter with a powerful and beautiful arch-villainess known as Sheer.

Jennifer trembled a bit as she recalled her feelings of utter helplessness as Sheer’s captive. Struggling against Sheer and her henchgirls, Taupe and Suntan, had been the most dangerous mission of her career as a superheroine. After battling Sheer one-on-one, being held magnetized by the Particle Polarizer, knocked out by Sheer’s treacherous sleeping gas, she had been questioned by the powerful villainess. Sheer had even used Jennifer’s enjoyment of tights against her, caressing her legs while persuading the weakened heroine to reveal her vulnerability at having her belt removed. Emerald had been so powerless that she had even been made to reveal her secret identity to the dastardly Sheer.

“Boy, that’s an evening I hope never to repeat,” muttered Jennifer as she absently played her fingers lightly over her pantyhose-clad legs. She still shuddered when she thought how close she had come to final defeat. If not for the timely intervention of Lilac Lass, she could still be in the arch-villainess’ clutches. Even after Lilac Lass arrived, both she and Emerald almost wound up prisoners of Sheer’s diabolical devices.

Jennifer remembered her tear-filled admission to a recovering Lilac Lass that Sheer had been able to learn the secret of her hyper-powers and even her true identity. After a moment, Lilac Lass had brightened. She used her utility belt communicator to contact “another superheroine friend of mine.”

“Whew,” thought Jennifer. “If it hadn’t been for that little visit Wonder Girl paid to them in their holding cell at City Jail... If not for the will-controlling effects of her magic lasso, my secrets would have been revealed, ending my ability to fight crime as a superheroine.” Emerald owed a debt she could never repay to Wonder Woman’s younger sister. But it couldn’t erase Jennifer’s embarrassment at having been helpless to resist the villain’s distractions.

Emerald had learned that night that the luxury she took in her tights and pantyhose could become a deadly weakness. It had allowed Sheer and her henchgirls to distract her more than once that night. She had discovered that the removal of her bright golden belt with its power-granting emerald stone was not her only vulnerability.

Her reverie was broken by the crackling sound of the police radio speaker she had in her bedroom. Standing up, she walked into the bedroom and adjusted the volume on the radio unit.

“Attention all available units; we have an automated alarm at the City Savings and Loan on Bleeker Street. Surveillance cameras indicate the presence of the arch-criminal The Riddler and other known accomplices. You are urged to use extreme caution and wait for multiple back up units before attempting to apprehend. Repeat, attention all available…”

The police dispatcher’s voice droned on as Jennifer considered the situation. The bank was located less than two blocks from her apartment; as Emerald she could be there before any police units. And while Riddler was certainly a formidable foe, he had no super-powers. If she could keep her mind focused and remain alert for his infamous tricks and traps, she should be able to capture him with not much effort.

Shouldering out of her robe, Jennifer revealed her lithe, shapely young body. Reaching for her hidden crime-fighting uniform, she began a quick transformation into the young heroine known as Emerald. Almost instantly, she was clad in her form-fitting costume of dark green long-sleeve leotard, flesh-tone footed tights without footwear, short yellow gloves, a small Robin-style mask, and encircling her trim waist was a bright gold belt with a large emerald stone affixed in the center.

“All right you puzzling purveyor of petty pilfering,” Emerald smirked. “Let’s see how you like meeting me.”
Can't move... This device... holding me by my... sheer tights... has me powerless!
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Going down the elevator in her midtown apartment building, Emerald smirked at her reflection in the mirrored doors. As always, she used a large tan overcoat and pumps to conceal her superheroine identity. “At least I remembered to remove my mask this time,” she thought wryly. Leaving the elevator in her building’s parking deck, she made her way to her white Saturn sedan. “Maybe I should just paint my car green,” she thought for the thousandth time.

As she drove the short distance to the bank’s Bleeker Street address, she pondered this latest set of developments. The Riddler had been on somewhat of a crime spree in recent months. Not enough to really attract more than usual attention, but his crimes had been all of one theme; it seemed as if he was operating within some type of nursery rhyme motif.

A few months ago, Riddler and his gang had knocked over a PayDay Check Cashing branch. The three lovely female members of his gang had been dressed in skintight nylon costumes, complete with large round mouse ears, dark eyeglasses, and white canes. It was an obvious play on Three Blind Mice. The poor customers and staff of the branch were shocked to discover that the white canes contained special vision-blinding smoke, which their dark glasses could apparently see through.

Next came The Riddler’s version of Sing A Song of Sixpence. “He sure got away with a lot more than that,” Emerald thought, remembering how he and his trio of beautiful bakers had released ‘four-and-twenty’ blackbirds from their diabolical dessert. The staff at the Annual City Orphanage Fundraiser was so overwhelmed that the maniacal mischief maker got away with over $100,000.

After other rhyme-crimes, it seemed that now his target was the City Savings and Loan. Parking her decidedly non-superheroine vehicle around the corner and removing her coat and pumps, Emerald replaced her mask and was ready for action. Coming around the front of the bank building, Emerald used her hyper-senses and found the hole the villains had cut in the window glass was still hot. Glad that she had arrived so quickly, Emerald silently made her way through the hole and into the darkened bank.

Creeping forward on nylon-covered feet, the beautiful young heroine crouched and used her hyper-vision to avoid running into anything in the gloom. Pausing, she reached out with her hyper-hearing and detected muffled sounds coming from the rear of the main bank area. It was then she saw a telltale crack of light coming from underneath what could only be the partially opened vault door.

Without a sound the shapely teen crimefighter made her way to the vault and carefully peered inside. There she saw the infamous arch-criminal Riddler, clad in his signature green spandex leotard and tights, festooned all over with miniature question marks. As he was busy placing stacks of currency into canvas sacks, he was assisted by two of his henchgirls. Clad in body-hugging black nylon bodystockings and no footwear, the young women appeared to be identical twins. They both had short strawberry blonde hair, and the only apparent difference was that one of the curvaceous criminals had the word “Dish” emblazoned onto the front of her costume, while the other girl was wearing the word “Spoon.”

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” thought Emerald as she prepared to apprehend the oblivious bandits. She stepped up onto the circular rim that formed the seal between the vault’s circular door and the reinforced wall. Placing her gloved hands on her shapely hips, she spoke aloud, “OK Riddler, it’s time to end your evil storybook.”

Caught completely off guard, Riddler and his assistants whirled to face the new arrival. Recovering, the arch-villain replied, “Well, if it isn’t the new kid on the block. Emerald, if I’m not mistaken? And what a lovely little jewel you are.” His gaze was not something the nylon-clad heroine cared to suffer for long.

“That’s right, Riddler,” she replied. “And if you know who I am, you know that, as they say in Star Trek, ‘Resistance is futile.’ So, you tell me, easy way, or hard way?”

With a flourish, Riddler smiled and said, “Dear Emerald, riddle me this: When are three and one equal? Answer: When it’s my three against your one. Dish, Spoon, get her!” With that, Riddler and the two beautiful henchgirls sprang forward toward the teen heroine.

Prepared for their attack, Emerald used her hyper-strength to wrap the three criminals in her outstretched arms and forcefully shove them backwards to trip and stumble over their piles of ill-gotten money. Remaining hyper-alert for any surprise tricks, she hyper-sped into the vault and deliverd rapid punches and kicks, quickly defeating the three would-be bank robbers.

Standing back a few paces from the stunned trio, Emerald admired her handiwork. She was proud that she had so easily taken down the arch-criminal that had so often confounded the legendary Batman and Robin. She thought to herself, “Maybe Riddler’s slowing down as he gets old.” Aloud she said, “Well it looks like you’ll be doing your next lullabyes at the state penitentiary.”

Suddenly, Emerald’s world exploded in a dazzling wall of painful sound. The high-pitched squealing was mind-numbing and completely obliterated any attempts to block it out. The shocked heroine collapsed to her knees as she tried in vain to block out the ear-splitting assault.

Since her hyper-abilities were dependant upon her ability to concentrate, Emerald was rendered powerless as the deafening cacophony seemed to smother her from all sides. She fell to her side, helplessly writhing in the invisible grip of the unseen attack.

She was completely unable to resist as she watched Riddler and his assistants shakily get to their feet. Regaining composure, the villains pulled on a heavy drawer in the wall directly above Emerald’s prone form. With a final pull they opened the drawer, releasing a flood of individual bills that rained down, effectively pinning the powerless young heroine under a heavy pile of tens and twenties.

As quickly as the offending noise had begun, it now ceased. Her head continued to echo and ring from the audible assault and Emerald knew it would be some time before she could must the concentration needed to bring her hyper powers to bear. Once again, she found herself at the mercy of a diabolical super-villain.

It was then she noticed a new arrival in the vault, as in walked the forgotten third member of Riddler’s beautiful entourage. “Make that identical triplets,” the woozy heroine thought as she watched the new young woman, who was holding what appeared to be a violin and bow, walk to stand beside her beaming employer. She was also wearing a neck-to-toe nylon bodystocking and no shoes or boots. But her outfit was colored in a swirl of soft browns and greys, and had the addition of a long cat-like tail.

As the three girls turned to the task of picking up their sacks of loot, Riddler faced the captive young superheroine. Removing a small device from his ears, he giggled insanely and said, “Hey diddle diddle, this is my cat and her fiddle. I thought some pesky spandex simpleton might show up, so we had this delightful young thing hiding behind the vault door. Her ultrasonic paralyzing violin combined with your amazing hyper-hearing was quite effective, don’t you think? Sorry I couldn’t enjoy the concert myself, courtesy of our ultrasonic paralyzing violin proof earplugs.”

“You’ll never… get away… with this,” said the weakened heroine as she struggled to regain her senses and break free of this devilish monetary morass. At that moment, she heard the sirens of approaching police.

The Riddler turned to his terrible trio and said, “Come on ladies, I think it’s time we made our exit.” As they all grabbed multiple sacks of money and headed for the vault entrance, the beautiful henchgirl clad in the cat-like bodystocking paused and turned her head toward the struggling heroine. With a sly grin she said, “We’ll see you later… I’m sure.”

Moments later, as the internal echo of Riddler’s insidious music subsided, Emerald was able to manifest enough of her hyper-strength to squirm out from under the pile of crushing currency. Pausing to catch her breath by the bank vault door, she noticed something lying on the floor.

Bending over, she picked up what appeared to be small child’s puzzle piece. Examining it she saw that it was a piece from a puzzle where children were supposed to assemble pieces shaped like all the different states in the country. This piece was in the shape of New York.

As she heard the police begin to swarm throughout the bank, she placed the puzzle piece in the wrist of her glove, so as not to alert the police that she was removing possible evidence. “Sorry boys,” the teen crimefighter thought to herself. “This one’s mine.”
Can't move... This device... holding me by my... sheer tights... has me powerless!
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All right Emerald is back! :-D Love how this story is starting off sign4deaf. Update soon!
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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After giving her statement to nearly a dozen separate police detectives, the teenage daredoll Emerald was finally able to double back around the side of the bank building to her car. Back in her topcoat disguise, she stopped at an all-night convenience store, all the while trying to figure out the mysterious puzzle piece clue left behind by Riddler and his henchgirls.

Sitting at a bench in the fast food area sipping a slurpee the beautiful young heroine was deep in thought. She now realized how foolhardy her headlong rush into the bank vault had been. She should have known that Riddler and his mob had used more than simple good luck on the occasions when they had battled, and sometimes captured, Batman and Robin.

Or the original Robin, she reminded herself. Superheroine gossip was now the original boy wonder had gone solo and was calling himself Nightwing. Most heroines were excited that Batman now had a new full-time crimefighting partner, and that this new Robin was a female! “Think what a girl could learn from a master like Batman,” Emerald mused as she pondered Riddler’s next move. “And I always thought those sheer tights would look better on a girl!” But she couldn’t afford to get distracted by such thoughts; she needed to focus if she were going to thwart Riddler’s nefarious schemes.

“Hmmm… New York,” Emerald thought to herself. “What could the importance be? Is he going to try to take over New York state? No… Climb the Empire State Building? No, that’s been done. Vandalize Central Park by putting up hundreds of orange flags? No, that’s just a stupid idea. What in the world could Riddler want in the Big Apple?”

Then suddenly, she had it! “The Big Apple, of course!” Grabbing a nearby phone directory she began looking up business listings. “Yes!” she said triumphantly. “This has to be it, ‘The Big Apple Tree Toy and Children’s Book Factory.’” Knowing that all arch-criminals always wound their crimes and hideouts around a common theme, the lovely young crimefighter knew she was on the right track.

Excitedly she wrote down the address of the toy factory and dashed to her car. The address listed was a warehouse located down on the city’s older waterfront section. This made it easier for them to pack up their products for shipment all over the world. Her mind raced as began her plans for the capture of Riddler and his trio of felonious femme fatales.

Parking well away from her target building, Emerald once again shed her disguise and donned the mask of one of the city’s powerful superheroines. The feather-quiet swish of nylon was the only sound heard as she stealthily examined the exterior sides of the factory, apparently long abandoned. Nothing she saw gave any indication of recent inhabitation, save for the freshly dampened tire tracks leading into the buildings enclosed loading area.

In a move of prudent wariness, she went into an abandoned building directly adjacent to the toy factory and climbed its interior stairs until she emerged onto the building’s roof. With the silent grace of a jungle cat, the lithe heroine used her hyper-strength to jump lightly onto the roof of the former Big Apple plant. Alert for possible tricks and traps, she moved to a skylight near the center of the roof.

A shudder moved through her as she recalled the last time she entered a darkened building through a skylight. She had fallen directly into the clutches of the villainess Sheer. With resolve, she thought, “This time, things are going to be different.” Knowing the extremely high probability that this was in fact a trap, the teen heroine was determined to bring the riddling rascal and his band to justice.

Leaving the skylight, she moved to a small trapdoor set into a corner of the building’s roof. Her hyper-strength made short work of the lock, and within moments she was lowering her shapely nylon-clad legs through the opening. Emerging into a darkened upper storage area, Emerald slowly descended the stairs, towards the main factory floor.

From her vantage point she could take in the entire plant. Among the various pieces of dormant manufacturing equipment, she could clearly see Riddler and his three henchgirls moving about in a central area of the main floor. Knowing that she had all of her prey accounted for, she began a silently slow decent, her bootless tights-encased feet padding down the metal staircase.

Reaching the bottom of the stairs as yet undetected by the villainous quartet, the lithe young heroine crouched on the bottom step. She had an almost unobstructed view of the lounging criminal gang almost 50 feet away. They seemed to be relaxing and congratulating themselves on Emerald’s easy defeat. They were sprawled across several comfortable looking recliners and sofas all arranged on a large intricately woven rug atop the hard factory floor. It seemed as if Dish and Spoon were wearing the same alluring bodystockings from before. Riddler was also clad in his same colorful costume, but the third henchgirl had changed into another outfit. Now she appeared in a powder blue opaque bodystocking, with a see-through lacy short skirt wrapped about her trim waist, with a childish blue bonnet perched atop her head.

“Looks like I got here just as they were about to head out for another robbery,” the shapely teen imagined. As she prepared to move, Emerald looked down at the floor and saw a comically large green footprint painted on the floor, with a definite black question mark within it. She saw that beyond it lay another, and another, until an entire path of these footprints led directly to the rug in the center of the cavernous room amidst all the now silent toy-making machinery.

Knowing a definite trap when she saw one, the hyper-powered heroine decided to use a bit of strategy. In a single silent leap, she landed atop one of the large manufacturing devices located some 20 feet BEHIND Riddler and his treacherous trio. With the element of surprise, she then pounced, landing lightly on her nyloned feet about 5 feet behind the unsuspecting criminals.

“All right Riddler, how about a rematch? Now that everyone’s accounted for, I think we can have a little fun.” The powerful young heroine crouched slightly, ready for anything the arch-villain might have up his sleeve.

Startled by Emerald’s sudden appearance, The Riddler actually fell out of his seat. Quickly the shocked gang faced the powerful girl, knowing of her hyper-abilities all too well. “Um… well… hee hee hee,” Riddler giggled lamely. “While I’d love to stay and chat, I think a hasty retreat might be in order.”

Sensing the criminals were about to flee, Emerald announced, “Not so fast!” As one, the band of criminal cohorts began edging backwards, preparing to run. At this, the powerful young teenage superheroine leaped…

Or tried to. As she tried to jump, her nylon covered feet remained immobile on the factory floor. “What…? What’s happening?” Emerald exclaimed as she realized her feet were locked in place. A sinister smile appeared on the face of the felonious foursome as they stood looking at the grounded heroine.

Beginning to giggle like the madman he was, the leotard-wearing lunatic walked to the edge of the large area rug directly in front of the struggling young Emerald. “Oh dear, I forgot to warn you about my special adhesive spray. The entire floor is coated with it except for the footprints we plainly marked so we could avoid it.”

Pulling with all her hyper-strength, the trapped young girl was unable to free herself from the sticky trap adhering itself to the bottom of her beautifully sheer tights. And since the fibers of her costume were designed from an indestructible nylon composite, she couldn’t tear herself free from her imprisoning hosiery.

“Can’t… move my… feet,” the struggling heroine gasped. “You fiend…, I’m trapped… like a… fly on… flypaper.” It was true, all of Emerald’s strength was useless as she floundered about, trying to escape Riddler’s sticky diabolical trap.

Motioning to the henchgirls behind him, the arch-criminal smiled at the helpless young heroine’s plight. Enjoying her fruitless struggles, he said, “Don’t worry my lovely, we’ll get you loose. And then we’ll all have some fun.”

The powder-blue and bonnet clad young criminal walked to the edge of the rug, not 5 feet beyond Emerald’s struggling form. She was now holding a long shepherd’s staff with the straight end pointing directly at the now frightened captive heroine. The Riddler’s maniacal voice rose as he cried, “Now, riddle me this: When did poor Bo Peep loose all her sheep?”

“When she’s asleep!” said the apparent Bo Peep and triggered her staff to emit a cloud of treacherous knockout gas right into Emerald’s face. With no way to move, she was powerless to avoid the cloying mist as it enveloped her, smothering her in its sleep-causing effects.

“Oh… no. Please… don’t,” said the dreamy captive heroine as she slumped to the floor, completely within the Riddler’s power. “You… can’t… do… this.” The teenage captive then succumb to the knockout gas, her beautiful eyes closing, oblivious to the evil plans that awaited her as Riddler’s helpless captive.
Can't move... This device... holding me by my... sheer tights... has me powerless!

The return of Emerald was was well worth the wait. Love the three henchgirls and the red & green tighted Robin as a female character. I can only imagine she too will be making an appearance. Very well done- can't wait for the next episode.

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All right!
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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Hours later, a groggy 19-year old captive slowly regained consciousness. As she awoke, Emerald recalled her last few moments of wakefulness, and knew she was in trouble. Snapping fully awake, she took stock of her situation.

First, she realized she was lying atop the colorful rug on the large toy factory’s main floor. She didn’t seem to be bound by anything and a quick hand to her trim waist ensured that her amazing power belt remained there. She got shakily to her feet and could feel her connection to her hyper-abilities returning quickly.

It was then that she realized that she had been placed in what seemed to be a large transparent cube, about 12 feet each side. Wary of booby traps, force fields, electrical currents, or other such diabolical tricks, she move near one wall to examine her erstwhile prison. Cautiously she put a hand out to touch the wall.

She was surprised to discover that the cube was made of, not a rigid indestructible material, but rather it seemed pliable. As she applied force to the wall it bulged outward as if it were made of rubber. Grinning, she knew that this was a trap she could escape. Looking around to see if she were being observed by Riddler or his assistants, Emerald pushed hard against the wall.

As she pushed the wall continued to bulge outward but it became harder to push the farther she moved forward. Using her hyper-strength allowed her to push somewhat further, but the wall showed no signs of fracturing. As she reached the limit of her powers the elasticity of the wall rebounded, tossing her forcefully back onto the rug.

Now she understood the diabolical nature of her captivity. Her Emerald-augmented powers would be able to puncture most any hard surfaces she was imprisoned within. But this devilish substance was able to absorb her force and bend with it, dissipating her energy. A closer look at the floor showed that the seamless cube’s surface extended below the rug which had apparently been placed in the cube with her. “So,” she thought ruefully, “That eliminates all directions of escape.”

After doing a careful examination of the wall for any weaknesses, the dejected teen captive slumped down and sat on the colorful rug. Hugging her nylon-clad legs close to chest, the beautiful young woman began to feel a true fear. How could she escape such a diabolical trap?

Suddenly she heard people approaching, the sound only slightly muffled by the treacherous membrane preventing her escape. She watched as the arch-criminal and his all-female gang walked from the direction of the loading dock across the main floor. Since they didn’t seem to be hampered by the sticky floor substance that had trapped her earlier, she could only guess that they had some special way of overcoming its effects.

Watching Riddler and his nylon-wearing henchgirls come into view, she noticed that although Riddler, Dish, and Spoon remained in the same costumes as she had first seen, the as yet unnamed third beautiful villainess had again changed outfits. This time she was wearing a skingtight bodystocking that was brightly painted with the design of the flag of the United Kingdom. Her red, white, and blue legs walked sensuously across the floor.

Standing, she now saw that henchgirls Dish and Spoon were carrying something as they drew near. They were sharing the burden of supporting a large duffel bag, which contained the obvious treasure of their latest escapade. Emerald couldn’t help but notice the beaming smiles of the 4 villains as they stopped a few yards away from her flexible but inescapable trap.

“Hee hee hee,” giggled the green-clad super-villain. “I see our young heroine is awake. Tell me my pet, do the new accommodations meet with your approval?” As he spoke the henchgirls lowered their burden to the floor.

“I would approve of being let out of this dastardly trap,” said a frightened young heroine, hoping her voice held more confidence than she actually felt.

“Oh, I am so sorry, but you’ll need to remain in that lovely little display for a while longer.” Riddler could barely contain his humor at her powerless plight. “And thanks ever so much for helping us test our adhesive spray trap. While its effects are sadly temporary, you’ve shown us it has true potential.”

“Well,” she thought, “that explains how they can now walk across the floor without becoming trapped themselves.” Aloud she said, “So what do you have planned now that I’m your prisoner?”

“Dear child, I’m afraid that will have to wait just a bit. My lovely associates and I need some time to make use of the results of our latest caper. Dish, Spoon, please show this dear child what we’ve just acquired. You see Emerald, London Bridge isn’t the only thing that fell down tonight.”

With that the black bodystocking-wearing henchgirls pulled on drawstrings on both ends of the oversized sack. As the bag fell open, the captured young heroine gasped in shock, pushing forward futilely on her prison wall. “No! You fiend! What have you done?”

The now open bag revealed the unconscious body of the lithe young brunette crimefighter known as Robin. As she gazed at Robin’s motionless form, clad it her signature mask, red vest, green trunks, gloves and boots, yellow cape, and sheer flesh-colored tights, Emerald’s face showed the deepest despair. If Riddler and his evil women could capture Batman’s young partner, what hope did she have?
Can't move... This device... holding me by my... sheer tights... has me powerless!
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Great update Sign, I'm really pscyhed by the return of Emerald you do an excellent job writing her adventures.
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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A feeling of complete helplessness filled Emerald as she gazed at Batman’s young protégé, totally vulnerable as she lay out cold at The Riddler’s feet. His maniacal laughter echoed around the abandoned toy factory, resplendent in the perils that awaited the captive young heroines.

“London Bridge is falling down,” sang the mad arch-villain, “My fair lady! Oh, it was truly delicious, my jeweled captive. No sooner we had gotten into the Federal Reserve building than little miss Girl Wonder here swoops down on us. True, four against one is hardly fair, but she’s not quite the scrapper her predecessor was. After a bit of rough horseplay, we decided that she made an even better prize than the money, so ta-da, here she is.”

“I still wonder where that flying rodent partner of hers is,” offers the flag-clad femme fatale, idly nudging the sleeping teenage heroine's leg with her own tights-wearing foot. “I just hope we haven’t brought her here only to have Batman come crashing down upon us. We’ve worked too hard to have him ruin everything now.”

Emerald experienced an instant elation at the thought of being rescued by the famed caped crusader. Riddler was quick to dash her newborn hopes. “Don’t worry about him; he was last spotted assisting New Ireland Yard over in jolly old Londinium. Seems that Miss Penelope’s Crime School for Girls has begun another semester of larceny and he’s been asked in to help.”

“Still, we don’t want to take too many chances,” the unnamed villainess replied. “Let’s make sure our pretty little birdie stays put.” With that she kneeled over Robin’s shapely unmoving body, running her hands over the captive girl’s hips and up to her waist. After a brief search, she discovered the safety catch which fastened Robin’s famous utility belt.

Undoing the buckle, she slid the source of the heroine’s crimefighting tools from around her trim waist. Tossing the belt casually aside, Robin was now truly helpless within the clutches of this evil band of criminals. Without her belt, she was simply an intelligent and beautiful young 18 year-old girl, completely unable to resist the whims of Riddler and his alluring henchgirls.

Silent tears of fear and frustration welled up in the eyes of the trapped Emerald. “Who knows what kind of evil schemes these criminals have in store for me and the lovely young Robin,” she asked herself. Robin looked so vulnerable, lying there clad in her colorful costume and sheer tights. “Without her belt, she’s as helpless as I am.”

“Well dear Emerald,” Riddler addressed her. “I’m a busy man, yes I am. While my lovely associates are preparing this priceless young prisoner for a particularly puzzling peril, there is something I need to tell you.” As the 3 vile vixens carried the unconscious teenager over to a large machine and began to bind her, Riddler continued.

“I’m sure you’ve discovered by now that the little geometric jail we’ve placed you in is quite inescapable. It’s amazing the things you learn when you steal industrial secrets from the best companies. Anyway, the wonderful material preventing your escape has many wonderful properties.”

Pacing like a college professor, he continued his diabolical lecture. “The walls of your enclosure are flexible, allowing you to waste all the time and hyper-energy in the world trying to break free. They are also completely transparent and quite permeable to sound. But there was one small detail that the designers couldn’t really figure out. How to make the walls permeable to air…”

As Riddler’s evil oratory sunk in, Emerald’s eyes widened in shock. She was more than imprisoned; this was actually a deathtrap! She resumed frantic but futile attack on the wall before her.

An amused Riddler watched her for a moment, savoring his victory. “That’s right, my helpless little captive. You’re definitely running out of time, because you’re running out of air. I guess my dear old mother was right, sometimes it is the things you don’t see that kill you.” The mirth in his eyes mixed with a hatred born of madness. He was truly enjoying every moment of this.

An exhausted heroine paused in her futile attempts to break free. “Riddler, you can’t do this. Please, let Robin and me go. She’s just a young girl, for heaven’s sake, and I’m sure I can get the police to consider your case if you end this now.” Her desperate pleas fell on ears deaf to all but his own maniacal plans.

“Yes, I’m sure they’d let me just walk out of here,” smirked the arch-villain. “No thanks dear child, I think I’ll take my chances. And yours too. But alas, there is work to be done. This is a special night, for tonight we will witness the end of 2 meddlesome young heroines who should have known better than put on their tights in the first place. And before your own slowly smothering demise, you have the grand opportunity to see the final act in the play known as Robin, the girl wonder.”

Riddler then turned with a flourish and skipped madly the few feet over to the large contraption to which the helpless young Robin had been brought. The captive young girl now had flexible black straps binding her ankles together, and it was apparent that her wrists were also bound together behind her back.

The helpless young crimefighter had been placed on a conveyor belt, which led into an imposing looking machine whose function Emerald could only guess at. The bound young heroine stirred slightly as whatever anesthetic Riddler had used to incapacitate her was beginning to wear off.

“Ah, perfect timing, my troublesome teenager,” Riddler said as he glared down at the groggy girl. “You’re just in time to say good-bye.” Standing beside the sluggishly struggling Robin, the crazed arch-criminal motioned Dish and Spoon to stand ready at the control panel for the monstrous apparatus.

“Riddler…, what are… you… doing… to me?” asked the slowly writhing brunette. From her all-too-clear vantage point, Emerald could see the young captive trying in vain to squirm free of her bonds. Even had her senses not been fogged by Riddler’s gas, she had nowhere near the strength to break free. Robin slowly discovered that her utility belt had also been removed, further ensuring her helplessness. “Please… no.”

In agony, Emerald could only watch as Riddler waved toward the towering machine. “Ladies, let me introduce you to what was once the state of the art in toy manufacture, the Puzzleator 3000. This machine, taking what was once the laborious handmade task of carving puzzle pieces out of wood, automated the process by reducing large planks of wood into hundreds of tiny puzzle pieces.” With an evil glare toward the weakened and helpless Robin, he added, “Just think what it could do to a pesky superheroine.”

“No, you can’t!” cried a furious Emerald. “She’s just a girl. Please, keep me here but let her go.” She could see the horror in the eyes of the still-drugged young Robin, who struggled weakly within her bonds, unable to free herself.

With an air of one who is master of all he surveys, Riddler turned to his villainous henchgirls. “Dish, Spoon, if you please.” The young criminals pressed a control and the malevolent machine growled to life. As it did, the conveyor belt underneath the bound young teenager began to slowly creep forward, toward what was surely the wood intake area. Within the jaws of this evil contraption lay certain doom for the helpless young captive.

It was then that Emerald felt the first touch of lightheadedness. “Oh no,” she thought wildly. “My air supply is finally beginning to run out!” She desperately pounded upon the walls of her pliable prison, to no avail.

Grinning, Riddler then asked loudly, “Riddle me this, when did tonight’s danger suddenly double?”

“When Emerald awoke in a treacherous bubble,” replied the villainous beauty in the British flag bodystocking.

And her identical sisters, Dish and Spoon, added in unison, “And when the Girl Wonder fell into great trouble.” The completion of this dastardly taunting rhyme caused all 4 villains to laugh at the peril facing the 2 desperately helpless heroines.

As the conveyor belt moved a weakened struggling young Robin ever closer to her demise, Emerald began to feel the true effects of Riddler’s devious oxygen deprivation trap. She thought to herself, “Getting hard to… breathe. Can’t lose… concentration. Not now.”

Tired, she slumped to her knees, and then noticed something. Robin’s utility belt had been left laying only a few feet outside the walls of her flexible-walled trap. “It’s my only chance,” a now groggy Emerald thought. Using all her strength she pushed forward on the walls of her diabolical prison. Unnoticed by the elated criminals watching Robin’s slow progress and tapping into the last reserves of her fading hyper-powers, she was able to just barely grasp the discarded utility belt in one outstretched hand, still surrounded by the flexible substance.

With aching fingers, she groped along the many miniature compartments on the belt. With million-to-one good fortune, she found a small container labeled Bat-Charges. With the last of her strength, she grasped the 2 small capsules and pulled inward desperately. At the very limits of her endurance, the small devices suddenly activated, causing a small explosion directly on the other side of the flexible barrier. The force of the small blast and the wall’s elastic recoil catapulted Emerald back several feet and she landed on her backside on the padded carpet.

Startled by the explosion the criminal foursome spun to see what had happened. As the helpless young Rbin moved steadily closer to the gaping maw of the puzzle-sawing machine, they watched amazed as Emerald shakily got to her feet. It was then that everyone noticed the gaping hole in the before-impenetrable wall. With fresh air flooding the enclosure, Emerald smiled at the return of her concentration and, hence, her hyper-abilities.

Quicker than anyone could react, Emerald’s hyper-speed propelled her through the opening and toward Riddler’s now-frightened gang. A forceful shove sent The Riddler flying backwards as the hyper-powered heroine sped toward the Puzzleator’s control panel. Two quick chops to the necks of the stunned Dish and Spoon sent them to dreamland as Emerald stopped the progress of the devilish machine, just barely in time to rescue a struggling young Robin.

Bounding over to the captive 18 year-old, Emerald began helping her break free of her bonds. Suddenly the hyper-powered heroine was knocked off her feet by a strong blow to the backs of her sheer nylon-encased legs. Landing hard, she saw the source of her attack, the shapely third identical triplet quickly getting to her feet. “Damn,” she thought. “That’s twice she’s gotten me.”

Suddenly Emerald’s world exploded in an all-too-familiar world of pain as the beautiful arch-criminal had been able to grab her dastardly hypersonic fiddle. Hands covering her ears in a useless attempt to block the noise, the tights-wearing young heroine fell to her knees, unable to withstand the aural assault. “So… close,” the powerless heroine lamented to herself through the pain. “Almost… escaped.”

As suddenly as it began, the crushing wall of sound stopped. A confused Emerald looked up to see the villainess stand motionless for a moment, and then dreamily topple forward, landing in a heap beside the recovering heroine. It was then she realized that the beautiful woman had been the victim had been the unsuspecting victim of a well-placed Bat-Kick to the back of her head.

“That’ll teach you to sneak up on people,” said a feisty young Girl Wonder as she hopped down from the stopped conveyor belt. Looking at the heroine now rising to her feet, she asked, “Emerald, are you OK?”

“Yes, I think so,” replied the green-clad 19 year-old as she dusted off her sheer tights. “Now, before they can spring any more surprises on us, let’s wrap up these felonious females and their riddling ringmaster. By the way, how were you able to resist that diabolical violin?”

The teenage heroine said, "Oh, that was easy, thanks to my Bat-Anti-Hypersonic-Violin-Earplugs." A bemused Emerald shook her head as she watched the youinger member of the famed Dynamic Duo retrieve her utility belt.

The 2 young women smiled knowingly, each admiring the other's skills as they took the unconscious criminals into custody. Robin slyly turned a mischievous eye toward the slightly older Emerald and asked, “Say, I love those tights of yours; mind telling me where you got them?”

The End
Last edited by sign4deaf 19 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
Can't move... This device... holding me by my... sheer tights... has me powerless!
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Story General
Story General
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Great story sign! Emerald is an excellent character and I loved your little death trap of the expanding box. I do think MH should try and do a photo set or video clip of her.
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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Sargeant 1st Class
Sargeant 1st Class
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Thanks for the kind words PZ, they really mean a lot, especially coming from someone with your writing talents. It's interesting you mention MH doing a video or photoshoot with Emerald. I just e-mailed him yesterday with a request to discuss doing exactly that. I'm hoping to get a video done of Emerald in her first battle and capture with Sheer from my first story.

I'll keep you posted. I'm sure that if we do it, MH will post plenty of vidcaps. And it would be fine with me if he were to sell my video as a DVD. I think it would be very popular.

I'm of course looking forward to more of your awesome writing. I can't wait to see more of American Star. And I'd be honored of you gave writing about Emerald a try. She's a fun character to write; lots of interesting angles and issues.
Can't move... This device... holding me by my... sheer tights... has me powerless!
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