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'Neutralizing the Clone' (Anastasia Pierce Productions)

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 12:17 pm
by Doctor Outcome
After checking out Anastasia's performance as Dr. Ether and playing Catwoman in one of Kendra James' earlier vids, I decided to give this erotic vid a shot. Sensual and tantalizing are the order of the day, but this particular vid did have quite a few ailments that could use some T.L.C. for future episodes.
Wonder.Woman.with.miss.americamp4_snapshot_00.06.38_[2015.07.24_23.30.02].jpg (30.33 KiB) Viewed 1286 times

Plot: Somewhere in New York, the patriotic Miss America has captured a Wonder Woman clone and brought her back to her laboratory. For what reason you ask? This clone was created in a lab by the villainous Poison Ivy to impersonate the real Wonder Woman for nefarious reasons, but Miss America discovered the truth and captured her. However, Miss America has deemed that even though she is a clone, she still deserves a chance to do right by those she has wronged, but how do you turn a bad clone good? The answer: Miss America’s special chem. bath!


-In all my years, this is probably the first superheroine parody I’ve seen where a superheroine helps a villain turn good. I mean, we’ve seen so many superheroine stories on the web that involves the heroine being brainwashed and turned bad by the villains, but Anastasia puts a different spin on that category by having a villain be rehabilitated into an essence of good through the powers of science. Very creative and very inventive idea on Anastasia’s part and I loved it.
-Seeing Anastasia in this performance was a treat for me. Her portrayal of Wonder Woman’s clone was rather fun to watch because after she’s captured, she shows fright and concern for her own well-being because she fears that Miss America will destroy her. Anastasia’ cries of mercy and her fear of the mutant Wolverine (cameo appearance) was also fun to watch.
-I mainly watched this vid though to see the statuesque Angela Sommers perform because my homegirl said that she was a great fetish model. Needless to say, Angela is certainly no stranger to the superheroine parody world and her portrayal of Miss America was a sight to behold. She showed compassion and mercy for the Wonder Clone and a deep protective desire to help her become a better person through the use of science.
-Loved the dialogue between Anastasia and Angela in this and I think Angela had the best lines in the vid:
Wonder Clone (as she’s being led to chem. bath): Miss America, I’m scared!
Miss America (assuring): Superheroine sisters stick up for one another. This is for your own good, Wonder Woman.
Personally, I think Angela kinda stole the show from Anastasia this time.
-The scene where Angela is playing with the mist from the chem. bath was really sensual. I love how she mentions ‘Tony Stark would be proud’ during this scene.
-The part where Miss America and Wonder Clone consummate their relationship after she has changed to good was sensual also, but that particular scene did have some flaws that I’ll list in a moment.
-Nice costumes in this vid, particularly Miss America’s. Really loved her outfit the most.
-Personally, I think the blonde look works well for Anastasia in this vid. I was like, ‘Wow! Anastasia is stunning as a blonde! She needs to keep that look for her next fetish session.’

-The writers didn’t exactly focus much on how the Wonder Clone managed to get captured by Miss America. She’s kinda just brought in but there’s no mention of how Miss America managed to detain her.
-While it was cool to see Wolverine in a cameo, I kinda felt that bringing his character in didn’t serve much purpose, except maybe to frighten Anastasia’s character. Still, it was cool to see him anyway.
-That chem. tub that they used for Anastasia seemed a bit too small for her. As tall as she is, it’s a miracle she managed to sit down in it at all.
-The editors used too much background transitions to detail Wonder Clone’s transformation from bad to good.
-Dildos? Again? Oh me oh my someone really had a dildo fetish when they made this vid.

Diagnosis (What could’ve been better)
-The should do an origin story about Wonder Clone so we can get a better insight on who she is and how she would respond to committing acts of evil in Wonder Woman’s likeness.
-If Miss America did capture Wonder Clone, I’d like to see how she did it. I mean they gave Angela a shield, I say let her use it a little. It’s more than just a prop after all.
-The ‘sexual session’ that Miss America and Wonder Clone had was interesting, but they didn’t exactly warm up to this scene quite the way they should have. It’s like, they just wanted to skip straight to the foreplay (not complaining mind you, but they should’ve found a way to build up to it, like the heroines had just come home from a day of fighting crime and would like to relax…with each other’s company. That would’ve worked better).
-The chem. bath scene was fun and sensual, but Anastasia needed something wider to sit in so she could relax and enjoy herself. Also, Angela should’ve stuck around with her and bathed her and watched her transition from bad to good right before her very eyes. Also, the ball gag, while erotic, seemed out of place for this particular scene. I would've just had Angela gag Anastasia with a cloth or something instead.
-The thing with the dildos? :no: Again…I just feel that’s something they can do without in this particular storyline. And that dildo machine? Totally unnecessary…ixnay on the dildo-hay please.

Final Outcome:
‘Neutralizing the Clone’ had its flaws here and there, but that doesn’t mean that it wasn’t enjoyable. On the plus side, Anastasia and company came up with a fun idea of introducing a superheroine clone but it wasn’t executed quite the way it should have been done. On the up side, I got to get a glimpse at the wonderfully talented Angela Sommers and I must say that her portrayal of Miss America was a sight to behold, so I’m hoping we’ll see more of her again in the future.

I give ‘Neutralizing the Clone’, 7 ½ out of 10.