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Silver Sable is Cheered Up

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 4:43 pm
by Disciple
I'll be frank with you, folks: I wasn't really satisfied with how this one came out, and I redid it a dozen times, but hey - what can ya do? I just hope that at least one of you will derive some small amount of entertainment from it.

Re: Silver Sable is Cheered Up

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 4:45 pm
by Disciple

Silver Sable is copyrighted by Marvel Comics. This is pure fan fiction and I receive no pay or other benefit from it except getting my jollies off. Please send all glowing praise and disgusted vitriol to [email protected].

Silver Sable is Cheered Up
by lego_joker (aka Omega Woman)

Silver Sable pursed her lips as she gripped the wheel of her rental car and began to lighten pressure on the gas pedal. The sun had set about ten minutes ago, and there was a cool breeze whipping through her long hair. Her destination - a squat building done mostly in bright yellows - stood about fifty feet away, just after the next intersection.

Finally, the sexy, platinum blond mercenary thought to herself. If all goes well, this will be the last time I'll have to breathe this city's smog for a good long while.

Who could have guessed that Mina Madison, infamous international jewel thief and bearer of a forty-thousand-dollar bounty, would pick a rundown L.A. waffle house to do business in?

Still, it was slightly more dignified than where Silver had found Ed Rollins, up-and-coming jewel fence and the thief's would-be business partner. He had been caught two nights ago as he was leaving a comic book store. Turned out that he was a closet fan of role-playing games, and had been looking for the latest manual while on his "vacation".

Men these days. Silver shook her head. No matter how old they get, they're all little boys at heart.

Rollins was currently stashed in the trunk of the car, bound hand and foot and securely gagged. Silver had spent a good portion of last night "persuading" the man to tell her the exact details of his upcoming deal. He'd held up fairly well at first, but in time, he'd spat out exactly what merchandise Mina had offered, how much money he'd intended to pay for it, and the exact location and time of the deal.

The mercenary narrowed her eyes as she crossed that last intersection, even as a predatory glee curled her lip. Showtime.

Silver drove around the waffle house, and pulled up right behind it. She'd never seriously thought of entering through the front; if the jewel thief spotted her, it could turn very ugly very quickly. Mina Madison was a thief first and foremost, but she had never been above carrying or using guns.

Just in case, Silver had suited up in full mission uniform: a skintight silver-white bodysuit that enabled maximum freedom of movement while containing bulletproof padding throughout, combined with white leather gauntlet gloves and boots. Her shapely torso and legs were encircled by several holsters and belts, containing either pistols or little half-moon-shaped throwing weapons - her trademark chai.

Silver got out of the car quietly and checked all of her equipment one last time. Then she checked the time. Still twenty minutes before her quarry's designated meeting time.

"Don't go anywhere," she said as she patted the trunk gently.

The trunk made a very faint noise that might have been her "passenger" cursing her out.

Silver strode toward the waffle house's back door with stealth and speed. Once she'd reached it, she immediately removed a lock-pick from her glove. It was open in ten seconds.

The beautiful bounty hunter ducked inside the restaurant, and found herself in a hallway that had definitely seen better days. There was a thin layer of grime on almost everything, and several of the lights desperately needed replacement. Once or twice, she could've sworn that she saw a cockroach out of the corner of her eye.

Guess I won't be staying for a celebratory cup of coffee.

She crouched down behind a sink, reached into a hidden compartment in her boot, and took out a little black device much like a jeweler's scope. In truth, it was somewhat similar in function, serving as a small but powerful telescope.

The Symkarian mercenary switched it on, pressed it to her right eye, and zoomed in on the double doors across from her - the ones that led out into the dining area. Through the little window in one of those doors, she could see the restaurant's staff - just a cook and a waitress - dawdling behind the counter. The dining area seemed to be wholly empty.

A few minutes later, the restaurant's front doors swung open, and a skinny blond woman in a dark red jacket and skirt walked in. Silver tensed just a little; it was Mina Madison, no doubt about it.

She watched as the thief made a sharp turn and walked out of the window's - and thus the telescope's - field of vision. No problem. All Silver had to do was switch to thermal imaging, and she could soon see that Mina had sat down in a secluded little corner of the waffle house. The waitress was walking over to that table, no doubt to take Mina's order.

Only a few seconds later, the waitress walked away. Silver saw her chance.

The bounty hunter put her scope away, slipped out the pistol in her thigh holster, and strode toward the double doors. Now that Mina was a good distance away from the only two civilians, she was-


Silver bit back a curse as the waffle house's front door opened again. Three college-age cheerleaders dressed in skimpy, tight blue uniforms and white sneakers walked in, black gym bags over their shoulders, giggling and chatting without a care in the world.

Damn it!

Fortunately, the three cheerleaders didn't take long to pick seats - and pretty damn far from where Mina was sitting, too. Silver let out a breath she didn't realize she'd been holding as she watched the trio put their bags down.

Okay, this complicates things, but as long as those bimbos stay in their seats, I should still be able to take down the quarry before she can try anything.

As the waitress walked over to take the cheerleaders' order, Silver shoved the double doors open.


Every head in the waffle house turned. She ignored every stare except one, and zeroed in on Mina's table. In less than a second, she had vaulted over the counter, raised her pistol, and pointed it at Mina.

"Freeze. Mina Madison, you are wanted for breaking and entering, grand larceny, and distribution of stolen goods."

Silver heard the cook mumble something behind her, but paid it no mind. The waitress and the cheerleaders stayed silent; the only other sound was some inane 70s pop song playing over the restaurant's audio system.

Mina, for her part, scowled as she put down her cell phone. Her now-empty hands remained in plain sight.

"Ah, the famed Silver Sable. Head of one of the world's biggest mercenary corporations. I'm almost flattered. Who sent you?"

"People who would like their family heirlooms back," Silver said coldly. "That's all you need to know."

"I don't suppose you'll drop this thing if I offer to pay double?"

Silver sneered at that. "I doubt you even could."

Mina shrugged. "Guilty as charged. Can I at least have my coffee first?"

"Don't play games with me, Ms. Madison," Silver said as she approached, keeping the pistol steady at all times. "Your would-be partner is already in my custody. Maybe if you ask nicely, they'll give you two a double cell."

"Har har har," Mina said darkly, hands clasped together.

"Cheer up," Silver said as she took out a pair of handcuffs with her free hand. "With good behavior, you could be out in just thirty years."

"Why don't you take your own advice, bitch?" a hostile female voice came from behind Silver.

Silver whirled around at the voice, and saw a projectile headed straight her way. Instinctively, she aimed her pistol and fired at it.


That turned out to be a mistake.

Silver gasped and coughed as a burning black cloud enveloped her. Someone had thrown a pepper shaker at her, and she'd been stupid enough to break it. Now her eyes were watering, and her nose and mouth were firing out one sneeze after another.

"Get her, girls!" came Mina's voice. Followed by the sound of running feet.

Silver's blood ran cold as she heard that. She cursed herself for underestimating Mina.

As the bounty hunter blinked away her tears and lifted her pistol back up, she managed to make out a blur speeding towards her. A second later, two sneakers collided with her face in a devastating drop kick.


The impact knocked Silver straight back, slamming her head against the table Mina had just sat at. Both of her hands immediately loosened, sending both the pistol and the handcuffs flying into different parts of the restaurant.

Silver got to her feet as quickly as she could, cradling her throbbing head. Dimly, she could hear three pairs of feet approaching.

I let my guard down, she thought grimly. I shouldn't have dismissed those cheerleaders on sight.

By now, the pain in her eyes had mostly subsided. Silver forced her eyes open, and saw the three cheerleaders approaching, all smiling smugly. And behind them were Mina, the cook, and the waitress. The latter two had fainted dead away, and the former was busy binding and gagging them with duct tape taken out of one of the gym bags.

"So you weren't dumb enough to come alone, after all," the sexy mercenary sneered aloud. More a stall for time than anything else. "Mind introducing me to your friends?"

"We can introduce ourselves, bitch," the cheerleader in the middle - evidently the leader - said arrogantly. She was the tallest and bustiest of the three, with haughty green eyes and sandy blond hair in pigtails. The word "VIXEN" was written across the torso of her uniform in looping white letters. "Ever hear of the Vixens?"

Silver said nothing, just looked her foes over. None of the three cheerleaders seemed to be armed (save for the pom-poms hanging from their well-rounded hips), so if she could reach her gun before they attacked, she would have an advantage. But there was one big problem: she couldn't see where her pistol had fallen, and if she tried to look for it, she would be giving them an opening.

That aside, she still had her chai. But those were much slower than bullets, and there was a risk - however slight - of hitting the innocent hostages. She did not want to deal with the fallout from that.

"We're like, the most badass gang in this part of L.A.," the redheaded cheerleader to the blonde's right said. "And we're gonna RUN this town one day."

Silver couldn't resist snorting at that. "You? Tell me, are you even real cheerleaders, or just a bunch of dropouts in Halloween costumes?"

"Watch your fucking mouth," growled the third cheerleader - a brunette with high cheekbones. "For your information, we ARE real cheerleaders, and we didn't drop out. The University pussied out on US, not the other way around."

"Conduct unbecoming a student my ass," the redhead said in turn, her pretty face scrunching up in displeasure. "We sure showed them, though. I wonder if Dean Bronson is back on solid foods yet."

The two of them giggled for a bit, until the blonde silenced them by raising a hand.

"I'm, like, Jessica," she said airily. She gestured to the redhead, then the brunette. "These are my besties, Nickie and Sasha. And tonight, we're gonna make our reputations by taking down the legendary Silver Sable."

"How impressive. You actually know who I am," Silver drawled. "Not bad for a couple of airheads playing way out of their league."

Jessica's smirk grew wider as she flowed into a fighting stance. Nickie and Sasha followed suit. "Seventy-five grand salary does a lot to motivate a girl. Oh, and if you're looking for your gun, it's by the bathroom door."

Silver didn't look. She'd fallen for one sucker trick already, and she wasn't about to do it again. The shame alone would probably kill her.

"What makes you think I need it?"

"Duh, because it's three-on-one," Jessica said, crossing her arms and cocking her head to the side. "And we've got, like, MAD martial arts and gymnastics skills. Any ONE of us could whip your oversized ass."

Silver rolled her eyes. "And I suppose that next you'll be tearing tanks apart with your bare hands." Nevertheless, she assumed a battle stance as well. "I'm a busy woman, and my business is with your employer. This is your last chance to stand aside."

All three cheerleaders just kept approaching. Silver glanced over their shoulders, and saw that Mina had finished tying up the restaurant's staff. But the thief didn't look like she was in a big hurry to run.

Idiot, Silver thought. You've just blown your last chance at freedom.

On some unseen signal, Jessica leaped toward her with a flying kick. Fast, but Silver was faster. She ducked beneath the attack and rushed forward, decking Nickie across the face while catching Sasha in the chin with a high-kick.

Nickie went down - at least for the moment - but Sasha regained her balance in a split-second and slammed a roundhouse kick into Silver's ribs. The armor in the torso of Silver's suit absorbed some of the impact, but it still knocked the wind of of the Symkarian mercenary.


Sasha pressed her attack, going after Silver with lightning-fast punches and kicks. But what the brunette had in speed and ferocity, she lacked in caution. Silver quickly caught her in the jaw with a one-two combination, then brought a knee up into her pussy and finished her off with a judo throw.

The brunette collided face-first against a nearby wall, and slid to the tiled floor with a groan.

"Bitch," Jessica's voice hissed from behind.

Silver dodged another kick from the blonde just in time, and countered with a kick of her own. That was likewise dodged.

They're better than I thought, Silver noted as she traded blows with Jessica. In other circumstances, maybe I would've tried recruiting them for the Wild Pack...

She heard the other two Vixens beginning to recover behind her, and scowled. Sandwiched between them was the worst place to be, unless...

The beautiful bounty hunter took a gamble, and reached out and GRABBED Jessica's leg when the blonde kicked at her head.

"Lemme go, you bitch...!"

With all her might, Silver swung the smaller, lighter woman around one-hundred-eighty degrees and let go. True to her hopes, Jessica sailed toward her two cohorts like an out-of-control missile.

But what Silver hadn't counted on was the reaction. Jessica flipped herself around in record time, and tucked her legs in as she flew towards the other two Vixens feet-first. Nickie and Sasha reacted just as quickly, holding out their hands to provide a springboard for Jessica's feet.

The blond Vixen rocketed back toward Silver, fists first. And she aimed low, straight at Silver's groin.


Silver immediately dropped to her knees, eyes crossing from the pain. Due to flexibility issues, the current version of her uniform didn't have armor over her pussy. That was a design flaw she'd hoped to perfect in the near future, but now...

Her foes gave her no chance to catch her breath. As one, they pounced on her and beat her down with fists and feet. The beautiful mercenary could do little more than hold back groans of pain as she sunk to the tiled floor, feeling herself blacking out.

Then, Silver heard a soft, metallic click. As she slowly regained her senses, she realized - much to her horror - that they had bound her hands behind her back with her own cuffs.

And, as if to add insult to injury, Jessica was pointing her own pistol at her, too.

"Nice work, girls," the blonde grinned.

Seconds later, Nickie and Sasha sat down on Silver's prone body, making sure that she couldn't get up or even kick at them. Silver felt her face beginning to burn. In less than half an hour, she'd not only fallen into her own quarry's trap but also gotten her ass handed to her by a bunch of cheerleader-cum-wannabe gangsters.

"Aww," Jessica smirked with mock sympathy as she looked down at Silver. "Looks like SOMEBODY could use a little cheering up."

Silver said nothing, but could tell that her indignity was just about to begin. And she could just manage to see Mina approaching, too. The thief wore the biggest, smuggest smile Silver had ever seen.

With her free hand, Jessica took a pom-pom off of her waist and thrust it high into the air. "Two, four, six, eight, who did we humiliate?!"

"Silver!" cried Nickie.

"Sable!" added Sasha.

"Who, despite her fearsome label-"

"Was, in fact, just plain unable-"

"To guess how we would turn the tables!" all three finished.

"Cute," Silver snarled between clenched teeth. "Did you make that one up on the fly?"

"Hardly," Mina said as she walked over and draped an arm around Jessica's shoulder. "I've been suspecting that you were after me for a long while. When my business partner didn't call me last night like we'd arranged, I decided to call in some backup."

Silver scowled at that piece of information. It seemed that her interrogation skills were as rusty as her combat ones, if Rollins had managed to keep that from her.

"Was this all you could hire?" Silver sneered. "A couple of pom-poms with some attitude?"

Mina just smiled as she took a black lacquered cigarette case out of her jacket. She lit a cigarette with an expensive-looking lighter and took a deep puff. "They took you down, didn't they?"

"O-M-G. Like, don't disrespect us, bitch," Nickie - who was sitting on Silver's back - sneered. For emphasis, she brought her hand down on Silver's still-stinging twat. Hard.

"Uggghhh," Silver groaned, unable to stop herself.

"Aww, does the big bad bounty hunter's widdle cunt hurt?" Sasha - who was straddling Silver's legs - said in a sugary-sweet voice. "Here, let me make it all better."

"What are you..." Silver began. Then she felt a finger pressing against the thin material over her groin. Right against the pussy lips. "NO! Stop, you pervert!"

"Don't worry," Sasha laughed. "You're not like, even CLOSE to being my first girl. I can be gentle, like, totally..."

"Fuck that, girl!" Nickie exclaimed. "TRASH that pussy! Just, like, trash it!"

All the hairs on the back of Silver's neck stood up. And to the mercenary's continuing horror, Sasha's finger didn't stop probing. It was a skilled digit, rubbing and tapping and swirling this way and that.

In seconds, Silver found an annoying pleasant heat spreading between her legs. And it wasn't even skin-on-skin contact.

"Like that, Silver Slut?" Sasha cooed.

Silver closed her eyes and bit down on her tongue, determined to not give them anything more.

Unfortunately, that did nothing to dissuade Sasha. The cheerleader added a second finger, and continued tormenting Silver's poor pussy lips with wicked skill. In little more than a minute, Silver's pussy wasn't just warm, but also wet.

Goddammit, Silver thought. Her mind was becoming more and more clouded. It had been quite a while since she'd sated her body's natural desire for sex, and now, it was making her PAY. C-Can't hold it in... much... longer...

Coming in front of her enemies was a humiliation she could barely think about. Doing it in a run-down waffle house was downright unacceptable.

"That's enough," Mina suddenly said. But the amused sparkle in her eye didn't fade. "For now."

Sasha slowly pulled her fingers away, leaving Silver half-relieved and half-frustrated. The Symkarian mercenary cursed her own weakness, her base, primal desire to come regardless of pride or circumstances.

"What now?" Jessica asked, not taking the pistol off of Silver for a moment. "You, like, hired us to take this bitch down, and we did. You wanna pay the rest of our fee now?"

"Not exactly," Mina said after another drag of her cigarette. "My associate and I still have business, and our pound of flesh to extract from Miss Sable here. But after that..."

An evil smirk tugged at the corner of the jewel thief's lips. Silver knew that she wouldn't like what she heard next.

"How would you like a form of alternative payment...?"

Silver saw Jessica - and felt the other two cheerleaders - looking her over like a piece of meat at the market. Her stomach turned as she realized what they must have had in mind.

That kicked her instincts into overdrive. She squirmed and fought as best as she could, and Sasha and Nickie had quite a time holding her down. Even repeated blows to her much-abused pussy couldn't calm her down entirely.

"Seems our guest is getting a bit cranky," Mina drawled. "Jessica, if you please?"

Jessica nodded, and took out a purple, fancy-looking perfume bottle. She squatted down, holding the nozzle level with Silver's face.

"All that bitchin' is totally gonna give you early wrinkles. Why don't you have a little Eau de Ether?"

Silver tried to avert her face, but it was useless. The cloud squirted from the bottle was large enough to envelop her entire head. The lovely mercenary tried holding her breath, but a few more blows to her pussy had her breathing it in quickly enough.

This... night... can't... get... any... worse... she thought as the narcotic perfume took effect, making everything in her field of vision spin out of control. One by one, every muscle in her body loosened.

In seconds, all she knew was darkness.

Truth be told, Silver had half-expected (or was it half-hoped?) to never wake up. Her captors definitely wouldn't have been above putting a bullet through her head and dumping her body out in the desert somewhere.

But wake up she did. In restraints a-plenty. And with most of her clothes missing, too. Her boots and gloves were the only articles still on her curvaceous body, and she knew that any tools in them - like her lock-picks - were probably long gone.

"Mmph!" she cried uselessly.

Quickly, she realized that her mouth was being kept wide open by a ring-gag. The rest of her body fared little better. She had been locked into some bondage device straight out of Medieval Europe - a pillory-and-stocks combo that kept her bent over while completely restraining her arms, legs, and neck. A thick rubber rod down at her waist ensured that the top half of her body made a ninety-degree angle with the lower half, and that her lovely ass was sticking right out. Her pussy, left exposed to the cool air, still hurt a little. But not as much as before.

Silver could already guess what kind of room she was in, but she glanced around as best as she could anyhow. Sure enough, she'd been taken into a BDSM dungeon while she was out; every wall in sight was sheathed in black rubber, and there were several shelves of whips, gags, and other nasty toys in plain sight. The sole light came from a lamp dangling almost directly overhead, leaving the edges of the room in shadow.

Okay, Silver, she thought desperately. Don't panic. You're still breathing, so there's always a chance-

The click-click of high heels on tile interrupted her thoughts.

"Well, would you look that, Mr. Rollins. Our little morsel is awake."

Silver's heart sank at the sound of Mina's voice. It sank even deeper when the jewel thief strode into the bondage dungeon and directly into Silver's line of sight.

The helpless mercenary resisted the urge to gulp. Mina had shed her street clothes for a full-blown dominatrix ensemble: black corset top, black leather thong, black opera gloves, and matching thigh-high boots. She was holding a short leather lash with the air of a woman who definitely knew how to use it.

Back in the waffle house - and in all photographs that had been taken of her - the jewel thief had looked unremarkable, even mousy. But now, with her new outfit and a fresh coat of makeup, she almost glowed under the dim light. Her mischievous hazel eyes, cherry-red lips, well-rounded tits, and unblemished skin radiated not just sex, but POWER.

"Like it?" Mina cooed. "Here's a little-known fact about me: I'm a pretty well-liked client of L.A.'s Sunrise Club. They've even got an outfit reserved just for when I drop by."

In a moment, Ed Rollins joined his business partner. He was a fairly heavy-set man of about forty, though not too bad on the eyes. Unlike Mina, he had opted for a cheap-looking suit and tie - not the outfit that Silver had caught him in, but close enough. And he was sneering at her behind his thick glasses.

"Surprise, Silver Strumpet," Rollins growled, and made a show of cracking his knuckles. "I told you you were going to regret fucking with me."

The beautiful bounty hunter gave him the best glare of defiance she could manage under the circumstances. Which, all told, wasn't really that intimidating.

With a teasing smile, Mina brushed the tips of her lash against Silver's exposed nipple. "I don't usually go for all that 'honor among thieves' garbage myself, but no one, man or woman, should ever be denied a chance with a piece of fuckmeat as hot as you. So I went and invited Mr. Rollins to our little tryst. Sue me."

"Mmmmph!" Silver cried through her gag. The feel of leather against her nipple was so irritating.

"Ooh, like that?" Mina cooed. "Can't blame you. Who DOESN'T go ga-ga for the touch of leather?"

"Especially big-titted bimbos who like strutting around in all those skintight duds," Rollins added with a look of glee. "What's bettin' she's secretly kinky as all hell deep down?"

"Let's find out," Mina smirked, and began to drag the lash all over Silver's full, enviable body. She made several trips around the captive mercenary, dragging that maddening BDSM tool over virtually every square inch of Silver's skin. And all poor Silver could do was squirm as her body betrayed her in all the most delightful ways.

It was one of Silver's best-kept secrets: she could resist many gruesome torture techniques, but her body had always been extraordinarily ticklish. Especially around her nipples and pussy. Mina probably didn't know that, but she paid the most attention to those areas anyways. Humiliation was her first priority.

Dammit! Silver thought angrily. Why did my body have to be so damn sensitive?

After about seven or eight minutes, Mina stopped at Silver's ass. An evil grin spreading over her face, the jewel thief-slash-dominatrix raised the lash and brought it down on Silver's left butt cheek.


"Ugghh," Silver groaned without meaning to. Instantly, she regretted it.

Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack!

"Mmmph! Hmmmmph!"

Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack!

Silver's beautiful blue eyes started crossing from the sheer pain. Mina wasn't whipping very hard, but she knew all the right angles and spots to get maximum reaction with minimum effort. And worse, the pain was beginning to stir the pleasure centers in the sexy Symkarian mercenary's brain.

Dear God, no! Silver mentally groaned. I cannot be getting off to this!

But her cunt refused to listen; within minutes, it was moistening once more, even quivering in anticipating to the next taste of Mina's lash. Even Silver's ass seemed to be wiggling the best it could, to anticipate that next strike.

Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack!

And, as suddenly as they'd began, the whippings stopped. Silver almost moaned in disappointment, but stopped herself. She hadn't fallen that low.

Then, she felt hot breath on her damp pussy, and she immediately blushed in deep shame.

"Would you look at that!" Mina crowed. "Our little Silver Skank really DOES get off to getting her ass whipped!"

"Told ya so," Rollins said smugly. Silver was disgusted - though not really surprised - to see a hard-on now tenting the man's pants. "She wet enough to handle my little friend here?"

Silver shuddered a little. Truth be told, this was far from the first time she'd gotten fucked when her enemies had gotten the drop on her, but that didn't mean she looked forward to it. And besides, there was a difference between getting plowed by world-class supervillains and small-timers like these two.

"I sure hope not," Mina said from behind Silver. "No fun when it goes in TOO easily."

"Amen to that," Rollins laughed as he pulled his pants and boxers down.

Silver grimaced at the sight of jewel fence's erect dick, just inches away from her beautiful face. It wasn't the biggest she'd seen, but it was pretty damn thick and already leaking pre-cum. The smell told her that he probably hadn't washed it recently.

The sexy mercenary struggled in her bonds a little more, but in vain. All she did was amuse her captors as they traded places: Rollins walked over to her backside, while Mina strolled around to Silver's face again.

Silver flinched when she felt Rollins' (surprisingly soft) hands on her ass. And, despite herself, she most certainly did NOT keep quiet when he mounted her.


"Christ, is this bitch a tight one," Rollins laughed, wiggling around to plant himself deep inside Silver's pussy. "Hey, think she's on the pill?"

Mina shrugged as she squatted down so that she was roughly face-level with Silver. She reached up and tweaked the furious mercenary's nose. "How the hell should I know?"

Rollins shrugged in turn. "All right. Just don't expect me to pay child support, cunt."

"Uggh! Mmmgh!" Silver groaned through her gag as she felt the jewel fence start thrusting into her. Within the first couple of thrusts, she could already tell that Rollins knew quite a bit about how to pleasure - and punish - a woman's body.

No! she thought desperately. Must... stay... focused...! Figure out where I am... the Sunrise Club... should be... one of the red-light districts...

It was a losing battle, though she didn't want to admit it. The initial pain of Rollins' penetration had already faded, to be replaced by hot, mind-numbing pleasure. The more "civilized" portions of her mind were rapidly shutting down.

Then, just to seal the deal, Mina swooped in and locked her lips onto Silver's.

"Mmmmmmmmm," they groaned together.

It was the lipstick kiss to end all lipstick kisses. What was left of Silver's intelligence rapidly drained away under the jewel thief's sensuous onslaught. Between Rollins pounding her from behind and Mina tongue-tangoing her from the front, her spectacular body rocketed toward orgasm at unprecedented speeds.

"HNNNNGGGHHHH!" the mercenary cried as that first climax hit. Her entire body went rigid for a moment, her pussy clenching Rollins' cock tighter than ever. It was a microcosm of pleasure that she never wanted to end.

But inevitably, it did.

Fortunately - or unfortunately? - the two criminals were more than willing to get her heated back up again. Rollins just kept on fucking her doggy-style and shouting all sorts of degrading insults at her, while Mina stood up, stripped off her thong, and thrust her blond pussy right in Silver's face.

"Mmmmgghhh," Silver moaned, face buried in the jewel thief's pubic hair. Mina seemed to have better personal hygiene than Rollins did. Or maybe the sheer, intoxicating smell of SEX was overriding everything else.

Whatever the case, Silver lapped at Mina's pussy like a well-trained dog. It was far from her first time eating another woman out, and old skills died hard.

"Hot DAMN!" Mina screamed, fingers buried in Silver's luxurious mane of silver-blond hair. "This bitch oughta be doin' porn or something!"

For some reason, that made a spark of pride go up in Silver's chest. She increased the speed of her tongue, and started swirling it around Mina's slit instead of just moving it up and down. In "reward", Mina ground her pussy harder and rougher against Silver's mouth and nose.

"Oh! Oh! Oh... my... God!" Mina finally howled, her orgasm exploding into Silver's face full-blast.

As luck would have it, the jewel thief's orgasm triggered Silver's own climax, even bigger and wilder than the first had been. The sheer bliss made Silver's lovely eyes roll straight up.

"Ready or not..." Rollins' voice boomed from behind. "Here... I... COME!!!"

"Hgggghhhhh!!!" Silver cried through her gag as his hot seed went straight up her twat.

Rollins didn't pull out until he'd emptied every last drop into the beautiful Eastern European noblewoman. And in that moment, Silver wouldn't have had it any other way. There was just something so deliciously WRONG about it all that touched all her darkest, innermost desires. She, one of the most respected and feared mercenaries in the world, was getting her brains fucked out by a common crook. And eating out another one.

The next thing she knew, Mina's pussy had vanished, to be replaced by Rollins' cum-slathered dick. The second he slid it into her mouth, she obediently began licking and sucking it. Making it clean. Making it PERFECT.

"Listen," Rollins said over his shoulder as Silver worked his dick over. "That was fun and all, but I'm kinda on a tight schedule here. I don't think I've got the time for another fuck."

"Same here," Mina called out from somewhere else in the room. Silver wasn't sure where. "We'll get cleaned up, take care of that other business, and split. Sound good?"

"Real good," Rollins smiled as he pulled out. He looked down at his saliva-coated dick, and then patted Silver on the head. "Anyone ever tell you you're the best business partner ever?"

"A few times," Mina said as she walked back over, carrying something else in her leather-sheathed hands.

It took a while for Silver's eyes to re-focus, but when they did, they widened almost immediately. Mina was carrying a pair of diamonds. Attached to a pair of metal nipple clamps.

"Oh, these?" Mina said as she bent down to look Silver in the eye. "Well, you did come all this way for some jewels, and I'd hate for you to leave empty-handed... or empty-titted, as the case might be..."

That shocked the reason back into Silver's mind, but the beautiful noblewoman could do nothing as Mina crawled under her body and attached the first clamp.

"Hmmmgh!" Silver screamed through her gag.

The sexy Symkarian's nipples were already plenty erect from all the sex, so the pain from the cool, biting steel was exquisite. It cleared away most of the cobwebs in her head quite well, but she wasn't sure whether to be grateful for that.

"And I'll have you know they're the finest cubic zirconium," Mina tittered as she attached the other clamp. "Only the best in fake jewelry for MY fuck dolls."

"Hmm! Hmmph!"

"You're a real riot," Rollins laughed as he pulled his pants up and re-did his belt. He then gave Silver a suspicious look. "You SURE she's gonna be outta our hair from here on?"

"Positive," Mina said. For emphasis, she gave one of Silver's clamps a gentle tug. "Now, get the needle, will you?"

Silver didn't like the sound of that. And when Rollins returned with a hypodermic needle and a small bottle of some smoky liquid, she found that she liked the look of it even less.

But, as before, she could do nothing as he handed the equipment over to Mina. The jewel thief walked over to Silver's bare ass again, and patted a spot on the sexy Symkarian's left butt cheek. Less than a minute later, something thin and sharp pierced Silver's soft flesh.

After that, Silver wasn't surprised to find the room spinning and her eyelids getting heavy again, but she groaned in dismay just the same. The smirk on Rollins' face just made it worse.

God... I... hate... California... were the last thoughts that passed through the mercenary's mind before the darkness took her again.

The next time she woke up, it was in a much better-lit place. But as soon as Silver had taken a good look around, she found that she might've preferred darkness after all.

Now, she didn't even have her boots or gloves on anymore; her nipple clamps were the only "coverage" she had left. And her bondage had only gotten more secure, if a little less humiliating - she was now seated upright in a reinforced chair, her arms and legs tightly bound by metal rings. The chair's legs were bolted right into the floor, so she couldn't move an inch.

Worse, she was completely surrounded - by the trio of skimpily-dressed bimbos who'd captured her, plus what looked like an army of girls in similar-looking cheerleading uniforms. There had to be at least twenty of them in all.

Looks like they weren't bluffing about running an entire gang, Silver thought grimly. I really underestimated them.

"Sweet dreams, Silvie?" Jessica cooed. She was standing at the front of the pack, those irritating pom-poms clutched in one hand. Silver wasn't surprised to see Nickie and Sasha flanking her.

"As a matter of fact, yes," Silver said coldly. "I was dreaming about how I was going to beat you and your bimbo friends senseless, and turn you in to the LAPD."

That had all of the Vixens laughing their heads off. Silver stewed in her bonds, humiliated but at least content that she'd managed to distract them. It gave her time to silently analyze her surroundings. She quickly concluded that she was in an abandoned school gym - possibly the Vixens' usual hangout.

"So, yeah." Jess casually slung her pom-poms over her shoulder, attracting Silver's attention. "Like, we've got good news and bad news."

"The good news is that we're gonna be fuckin' rich!" cried Nickie. "Gonna get a jillion bucks! Seriously."

Silver felt her heartbeat go up a few notches. She already had a pretty good idea of what she was going to hear next.

"The bad news is that we're getting it for selling you," Sasha said with an over-the-top pout. "So we can't keep you as our bitch for life."

Silver grimaced. So it was going to be sexual slavery after all. Degrading, but far from the worst option - being delivered to a new owner would offer many more opportunities for escape.

"Cheer up!" Jessica laughed. "You'll spend the rest of your life fucking and sucking in the lap of luxury. Ask me, it sure beats getting shot at-"

"Who's the lucky buyer?" Silver interrupted, eyes hard.

Several of the Vixens giggled. None of them gave her an answer.

"That would be telling," Jessica said, wagging a finger. "We want it to be a surprise."

"Your generosity knows know bounds," Silver said dryly.

"Enough chit-chat," Jessica said, and stepped aside. "We've got, like, twelve hours to make you... presentable to your new owner. Ako, if you please."

Silver's eyes widened. "What's that supposed to- HEY!"

The sexy mercenary was cut off by another Vixen - a Japanese girl - shoving a gag into her mouth and tying it around her head. She spluttered in rage when she realized a moment later when she realized that the gag was an old, filthy sock.

"Mmmph! Hmmmmmph! HMMMMPH!"

Jessica laughed, and tugged on one of Silver's clamped nipples on good measure. "Keep quiet and be a good little girl, Silvie. White slaves should only speak when spoken to."

Silver briefly thought about struggling even louder just to spite her captors, but went silent when yet another Vixen - a Hispanic girl this time - walked up to her and flashed a razor. The girl then brought out her other hand, showing a small can of shaving cream.

"Your buyer's got seriously a thing for slaves with bald pussies," Sasha explained. "And the Vixens, like, live to please our customers."

"O-M-G," the Hispanic girl gasped as she raked her nails through the silver hairs of the mercenary's pubic patch. "It is natural. You bitches owe me ten bucks each."

"Fuck!" several of the Vixens grumbled at once.

"Like, who does this bitch's hair?" a tall African-American Vixen said, pushing her way to the front of the group to get a better look at Silver.

"I wouldn't bother, Jasmine," Nickie stated. "What if it's, like, premature aging?"

Jasmine made a horrified face. "Ew! Gag me with a spoon!"

A small part of Silver was vaguely insulted, but she was mostly concerned with what the Hispanic Vixen was doing. The girl was kneeling between the mercenary's spread legs, and shaking up the can in her hand.


"Mmph," Silver groaned involuntarily as the cold shaving cream hit her sensitive flesh.

With a wicked smile, the Hispanic girl massaged the shaving cream into Silver's pubic patch, fingers boldly and skillfully dancing over Silver's groin. Her hand lingered far longer than strictly necessary, not that that surprised Silver. Depraved men and women alike had always been attracted to her stunning body.

Silver showed no outward signs of fear with the Vixen held up the razor next, but inside, she was more than a bit nervous that the girl would accidentally (or maybe even deliberately) cut her. The girl didn't, but it took five long, torturous minutes for her to shave off all the pubic hair, which she cleaned up with an old rag.

Jessica held her thumbs and forefingers out in a frame. "Perfect. Now we can get to the fun part. But first..."

The blonde gestured to Nickie, who took out a small perfume bottle and sprayed Silver's newly-shaven pussy. Silver involuntarily recoiled, half out of shock and half out of embarrassment.

Leaning down, Jessica gave Silver's crotch a deep sniff. She sprang back up with a pleased-looking smile. "Awesome. I dunno about all you bitches, but I've got STANDARDS when it comes to eating pussy."

Silver's head jerked up at that. That movement didn't go unnoticed.

"Yeah, I totally forgot to mention that," Jessica smirked. "Buyer wanted you pre-broken."

Every single one of the Vixens' faces suddenly lit up with a predatory look. Silver stared back at them, suddenly feeling like a deer in headlights, or a piece of meat at the butcher shop.

Oh, shit.

An irritating little thrill ran between Silver's legs. She still hadn't fully recovered from the banging that Mina and Rollins had given her, and now she was about to get gangbanged by an entire mob of girls. Girls with explicit instructions to break her.

Okay, okay, I can handle this. I'm Silver Sable. Fifty of these cheerleading bimbos couldn't...

That train of thought was brought to a screeching halt when Jessica lowered her face to Silver's pussy lips, and started licking.

"Hmmmgh!" Silver cried through her filthy gag.

The blonde gangleader wielded unholy skill in cunnilingus, leaving Silver squirming and moaning in only a few licks. Then she began to apply her hands to other areas of Silver's groin, and the sexy mercenary realized that climax was inevitable.

Slurp. Slurp. Slurp.

"Uggghhhhh..." Silver moaned reluctantly as an orgasm rocked her body. It wasn't big enough to make her scream, but she doubted it would be her last one.

Jessica looked up at Silver with a smug grin, then dove back down and licked Silver through two more orgasms. Her marvelous pussy-eating left Silver trembling and sweaty, with clamped nipples harder than ever before and stomach a whole nest of butterflies.

"She's all lubed up down here, bitches," Jessica said, patting Silver's now-hypersensitive twat. "And then some."

Through hooded eyes, Silver saw that the rest of the Vixens were now in various states of undress, most of them with rock-hard nipples to match her own. About half of them now held sex toys in their dainty little hands.

"Now we just need to get her OTHER END lubed up," came an unfamiliar voice from behind Silver.

To Silver's surprise, she felt her gag being untied from behind. But before her climax-addled mind could fully wrap itself around that, Sasha suddenly stepped forward and pressed a huge glass bottle to her open mouth.

"Mmmmm!" Silver cried as she tasted alcohol. Fairly strong alcohol, at that. She tried to shake her head and mouth away, but that same pair of hands from behind grabbed her face and held her steady.

"Now, now, Silvie," Sasha scolded mockingly. "We can't get this party started 'til you get in the MOOD. Can't, like, have you biting or scratching us."

"Or escaping," Nickie piped up.

Silver tried to resist for as long as she could, but gravity forced the alcohol down, and she soon had to swallow or risk suffocating. The liquid, cold but burning, worked its way down her throat remarkably quickly.

Feels like vodka... and not the wimpy stuff, either...

Like a great many Eastern Europeans, Silver could hold her liquor, but not that much that quickly. In mere minutes, she was hopelessly drunk, her rational mind evaporating. The muscles in her body quickly relaxed, as did her grip on reality.

"I think she's, like, sooo sloshed now!" one of the Vixens cheered.

Jessica made a cautious hand gesture, and several of the Vixens moved over to free Silver from the chair's restraints. To their combined relief, Silver just hiccuped and sat there limply, giggling to herself.

Several pairs of hands reached out and pulled Silver out of the chair, throwing her to the floor. As the drunken mercenary slowly got to all fours, someone grabbed her by the hair and pulled her face under a cheerleading skirt. At the same time, someone else quickly thrust two fingers up her soaking-wet pussy.

"Eat me," a harsh, feminine voice demanded.

The smell of urine and unwashed sex assaulted Silver's senses, but in her intoxicated state, they actually felt energizing. Without any more prompting, the sexy, silver-maned bounty hunter began a slow, teasing motion with her tongue.

Slow, however, did not describe whoever it was finger-fucking her. Those fingers rammed in and out mercilessly, getting Silver's loins more and more excited. In less than a minute, whoever it was had added a third finger, bringing Silver to orgasm not long after.

"Aiiiieeeee," she cried into the wet pussy against her mouth.

Right on cue, the twat that she was licking so fervently exploded in orgasm as well, drenching her face and hair with girl cum.

It was around then that someone else turned on a trashy '80s "love" song. Silver was too drunk to make out most of the lyrics, but the rhythm hammered her body nicely, sinking into her mind and soul. Melting into one with the pleasure rocketing through every inch of her fabulous body.

Another pair of hands grabbed onto her big, round tits, removed the clamps, and started massaging those soft mounds like there was no tomorrow. Then the skirt around her head suddenly vanished, and a Vixen she didn't recognize appeared out of nowhere, and pulled her into a deep, brutal lipstick kiss. All the while, whoever it was behind her kept on pumping those fingers in and out of her needy little snatch.

I'm... doomed... the sexy mercenary admitted to herself, realizing that it would probably be the last coherent thought of her "old" life.

The Vixen massaging her boobs began to apply lips and tongue to the equation, suckling at Silver's big, hard nipples. Meanwhile, someone started running a spit-lubed finger up and down Silver's ass crack, obviously looking to penetrate. Silver couldn't care less. Her anal virginity would be the least of what she'd lose tonight.

While the vanquished bounty hunter was getting worked over, Nickie and Sasha went on either side of her, squatted down, and began whispering in her ears. Whispering filthy, degrading messages to PERMANENTLY shape and change her vulnerable mind.

"You're a Silver little Slut," hissed Nickie. "Say it."

"I-I-I'm a shiver shlut..." Silver warbled.

"You're harmless as a little bunny," Sasha added.

"H-Harmlesh ash a bunny..."

As they kept whispering back and forth, someone put perfectly manicured hands on Silver's sweaty, smooth ass cheeks and slid a HUGE strap-on into her pussy. Silver grit her teeth, feeling like she was going to be split in two.


The big rubber shaft pumped her good, feeling better than the fingers ever had. All the while, the Vixens rotated around Silver's face and tits, never letting up their stimulation for an instant.

About thirty minutes into the orgy, Silver's body launched into machine-gun orgasms. It might have seriously hurt or even killed a lesser woman, but her superior body, toned with years of proper diets and exercise, gave her quite the endurance rate.

"Oh! Uggh... AIIIIEEEEEE!!!"

"Hot DAMN!" one Vixen laughed, pointing.

"She's a bigger slut 'n' the rest of us put together!" another giggled.

"Was there, like, ever any doubt?" a third chuckled.

In time, the dildo in her twat was pulled away. Only to be thrust up her ass twice as hard. It took quite a bit of work for the Vixens to break that cherry ass of hers, but it was a very enjoyable experience. For both Silver and the Vixen fucking her.

"Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!" Silver moaned like a broken record, big boobs jostling every time she was nailed. It was getting so hard to keep her eyelids up, and yet her many, many lovers didn't seem the least bit tired. And deep down, some instinctive part of her knew that she couldn't rest until they had all had their fill. It was her lot in life now.

Each of the Vixens had her wicked way with Silver like that, getting their pound of flesh out of the vanquished mercenary and then some. Every one of the sexy, silver-maned mercenary's holes got reamed out good that night. And every one of the Vixens, in turn, enjoyed her talented tongue and huge, perky tits.


Three weeks later.

"Good evening, Silver Slave," Venus Robinson chirped as she strolled into lavish, heavily-perfumed bedroom.

As always, the slave she'd recently purchased from an up-and-coming street gang was waiting for her, dressed in an incredibly skimpy French maid uniform with five-inch stilettos, fishnets, and a leather collar round her slender neck. The silver-haired woman was quite a bit taller than the Hollywood starlet was, but Venus didn't mind; indeed, she'd always had a taste for ordering around women bigger and more imposing than she was.

Silver quickly and submissively bowed her head at her mistress. "Good evening, Mistress. How was your-"

"Horrible," Venus snarled as she tossed her five-thousand-dollar designer top away. Silver blushed at the sight of her mistress's impressive - though not as large as her own - tits. "That BITCH Andrea stole the auditions for the next Europa picture, AND my agent turned down a guest appearance on Disney Channel."

"Did you want-"

"Hell no! But it WOULD have been nice to hang up on that fucking mouse PERSONALLY!"

Venus made a frustrated groan as she stalked up to Silver, and roughly clenched the former mercenary's left tit. After feeling that tit in her hand for a minute or so, she reached beneath Silver's scandalously short black skirt, pushed a bold finger past the frilly white panties, and began probing Silver's already-moist womanhood.

Silver closed her eyes, bit her lip, and moaned. She had accepted her fate long ago, and now her only purpose in life was to be her mistress's helpless plaything and servant. And what a glorious purpose it was.

With a saucy grin, Venus grabbed Silver by the scruff and dragged her over to the king-sized bed that dominated the room.

"C'mon, slave. I could use a little cheering up..."

The End

Re: Silver Sable is Cheered Up

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 8:56 am
by DrDominator9
I wouldn't be so hard on yourself. I found this to be entertaining and a refreshing change of pace from the Supergirl and Wonder Woman carousel, not that there's anything wrong with that/them. :shifty: