Electra Angels Presents- The girl from A.U.N.T.I.E., Part 2 (Dawnstar Productions)

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Doctor Outcome
Posts: 518
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Location: Wesker Laboratories

Plot: Crime-fighting sister duo Lady Lightning and Kid Dynamo are the Electra Angels and this time, they’ve really gotten themselves into a nasty predicament. A demented former librarian named Auntie Social (pause for side-splitting gut-wrenching laughter) :lol:(stifles laughter: sorry folks, but you gotta give credit to Dawnstar for coming up with that name for this villainess)…anyway as I was saying, Auntie Social is a demented former librarian who was cut loose from her job for her abrasive demeanor towards library patrons for returning books late. She also remembers that the Electra Angels were two youngsters who checked out two books to donate to their local book burning drive.
This sent Auntie Social over the edge as it is a crime to destroy precious literature in her eyes. She has prepared a little trap for the high-voltage vixens and after being deprived of their utility belt and stun blasters, Auntie Social is ready to administer some in-home discipline. With that being said…let the corporal punishment begin!
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-Well let me start first by saying that this was a very fun story to watch. It was light-hearted and humorous and I think that’s what Dawnstar was going for in this one instead of the usual erotic form that his vids are well known for. But either way, ‘The girl from A.U.N.T.I.E.’ had tongue in cheek humor written all over it and it had a campy side to it that really made it enjoyable.
-The Chesterfield sisters (Julia and Amanda, respectively) were amazing in this story. This was the first time that I got to see the two of them work together on the same vid and I was thoroughly impressed. Julia played the calm and practical Lady Lightning extremely well and Amanda was just full of energy with her portrayal of Kid Dynamo. The sisters worked well together and though they’re both retired now from the superheroine acting biz, they sure shined together like a shooting star.
Alone, the Chesterfield sisters can really hold it down in front of the camera, but when they’re together…the magic was endless.
-Loved how Auntie Social used their stun blasters on the two siblings and they reacted well to getting knocked out by their own weapons. Good special effects use for that scene too!
-Auntie Social decides to dish out some corporal punishment two the Electra Angels, starting first with Kid Dynamo and then Lady Lightning. (Dawnstar used a good sound effect when Auntie Social wound up for the final blow)
She even mocks Lady Lightning after she passes out from the last smack to her rear:
Auntie Social: Ten spankings and you pass out from the pain? I thought you were made of sterner stuff.
Dawnstar even does a close-up shot of Julia’s face when she gets the last smack to her bottom to show her in pain before she passes out. That was a very impressive shot!
-Auntie Social has some sort of needle-nail that she uses to administer some knockout poison to Amanda’s rear-end and she’s out like a light. But when it came time for Julia to get a dose, nothing happened and Julia mocked her:
Lady Lightning: Hey, it’s not doing anything. (laughs mockingly at Auntie Social)
Auntie Social (not surprised): I guess it took more to put your sister out than I thought. Oh well, I guess you’ll get the spanking without the anesthetic.
And boy does Auntie Social let loose on Lady Lightning in the next scene.
-Oh and the outfits in this vid were magnificent. Julia and Amanda are wearing matching boots and leotards (Blue for Julia and red for Amanda) and Michelle Kennebec’s Auntie Social outfit made her look like an actual teacher in this. Very creative wardrobe for this story.
-Good bondage: Amanda in cuffs and Julia in rope. And they don’t look uncomfortable in said bondage either.
-The story has a happy, happy, joy, joy ending that really put a smile on my face. I won’t spoil it on how it ends, but I will say that Auntie Social gets her just desserts near the end of the story.
-That song at the end: what can I say but…IT’S ELECTRIC! :laugh:

-I’d have to say offhand the only real con here is the casting of Auntie Social. While Julia and Amanda were in full character with their performance, Michelle Kennebec didn’t really seem like she was into it. Well, she seemed rather bored almost, especially when the Electra Angels turned the tables on her. She was just calm, cool and collected as if to say, ‘I expected this was gonna happen’.
If I could have Dawnstar change one thing it would’ve been the casting of Auntie Social. I mean, Michelle had the look and all but it looked like she just wasn’t fully feeling the role.

Final Outcome
Again, no diagnosis necessary here as everything was a-okay. It’s rather disappointing though that this was the only appearance of the Electra Angels and for some reason there isn’t a part 1 to this story. I’ve searched high and low, but no sign of it anywhere.

But as I said before, the Chesterfield sisters really got to shine in this vid and with them together the possibilities were endless. Just a shame they retired from the scene as I really miss seeing them perform. I have two other vids in my collection where they each get a turn at playing Wonder Woman, but I’ll save that review for another time.
Meantime, ‘The girl from A.U.N.T.I.E.’ gets a whopping 10 out of 10. Another fun masterpiece, courtesy of Dawnstar and Co.

*Julia, Amanda: wherever you are and whatever you’re doing, know that your performances have really put a smile on my face. May good luck and fortune find you both!
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