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Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 2:03 pm
by WonderKenna
I just wanted to reach out and ask that no one post our videos any where for free. It has been happening to the point that we have to have someone make it part of their work schedule to get it taken down. Our whole team shares what the videos make, it is our full time jobs. We earn normal sized paychecks. Pirating our content takes a very noticeable amount of money away from everyone working to make the videos you enjoy.

If you see our full videos posted anywhere please let us know.

Re: Piracy

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 2:45 pm
by sugarcoater
Will do, and I am totally annoyed with the idiocy that is piracy. As a fan of a product, when that product is pirated, the producers/investors in the product lose money. When that happens, the obvious effect is to de-incentivize them from producing more of the product. That hurts all consumers of the product. Why so many people can't grasp this basic economic rule is beyond me.
And to post someone's superheroine video for free makes no sense to me. What's the benefit? A few more hits to a website? A few extra views on a YouTube channel? Credit for a video the poster had no hand in producing?

Re: Piracy

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 2:55 pm
by Mr. X
Yes its an annoyance. I have to spend time a week just hunting pirate sites and getting my stuff taken down. Luckily they use rapidshare and other file upload sites and those are usually easy to get the material removed from. Sadly I have no idea what's getting passed around on bit torrent.

The conversion rate of pirates to paying customer is literally zero so nothing other than enforcement will stop pirates. Only thing is to make sure your copyright and web address is on the material so if it does get pirated its at least free advertising.

Re: Piracy

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 4:55 pm
by Valik10
It's a huge pain in the ass thats for sure. At least once a month I go searching a few known sites to see if any of my stuff is there. Its unfortunate but there is no way to ever stop it or get ahead of it I'm afraid

Re: Piracy

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 5:26 pm
by sugarcoater
Perhaps have a post on your website where buyers could see the issues with piracy clearly laid out. Granted, I don't think many would be affected by it, yet I do think some would think twice as they consider how they are sabotaging their very interests by pirating videos. And there doesn't seem to be any benefit for the piracy to the person posting the video.
I for one have never pirated any video as I don't want to have producers lose money and have to either raise prices or quit producing.

Re: Piracy

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 6:11 pm
by Visitor
I've seen a person who claimed he made his living installing computer software have no problem with piracy. He was demanding a computer game company lower its prices to $1 or he would pirate its games. There are enough people that believe content will magically appear without the content producers getting paid or paid enough to survive.

Re: Piracy

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 7:39 pm
by miette
Visitor wrote:I've seen a person who claimed he made his living installing computer software have no problem with piracy. He was demanding a computer game company lower its prices to $1 or he would pirate its games. There are enough people that believe content will magically appear without the content producers getting paid or paid enough to survive.
Ugh. Everyone wants a top quality product at a crappy quality price. Drives me nuts how many people think these pornstars must work for free. You don't make a career in something that doesn't give you a paycheck. By like... definition.

Re: Piracy

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 6:44 am
by CustomSuperheroines
We are dealing with the same thing. It's been getting worse. I spend a good hour or two every other day and it's more tedious and annoying than anything. If you're a producer and looking for places your videos are pirated, PM me-- I know a few places that are pretty bad.

Re: Piracy

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 10:48 am
by Maskfan
It is a pity there isn't a way to watermark each download with a unique identifier to tell who's copy has been uploaded to the pirate sites. Then you can tell who the culprit is, and take action accordingly.

Re: Piracy

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 2:38 pm
Maskfan wrote:It is a pity there isn't a way to watermark each download with a unique identifier to tell who's copy has been uploaded to the pirate sites. Then you can tell who the culprit is, and take action accordingly.
before we started creating content for 20 niches I had far more time.
We had our own merchant account and i would make 5 copies of the same movie. each would get encoded differently and there were things added that normal people couldn't notice. I would then setup my shopping cart to sell version a 10 times then shutdown, then setup version b and repeat. whenever i found a movie on a torrent site or tube site i just looked what version it was and put all 10 people on a watch list.
Everytime i found a movie i would check and write down the names. after finding 10 movies there would always be one name that was several times (6-8 times)
that person would then get their name, email, credit card, IP address, home address, and phone number blocked so he couldn't buy anymore videos.

After a year of doing this I noticed my movies stopped being shared.
To this day i rarely find movies being pirated and then i just contact C4S

obviously this is something not every producer can do. it worked for me because i had the software and merchant account.

Re: Piracy

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 4:38 pm
by RedMountain
There is a lot of stuff going up on youtube as well, which is odd since they usually catch it pretty fast. I've seen several accounts posting the same videos every 3-4 days. Most of it is Giga stuff, but have seen things from producers here and try to flag them/notify when I can.

Re: Piracy

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 6:01 pm
by Mr. X
Might seem odd but one thing I found that slowed my movies being pirated was mine were really long. Like 1.5 hours. Makes it hard to upload them.