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Shadowgirl: Welcome to Earth Part 4 (Cross the Line Productions)

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 12:41 pm
by Doctor Outcome
Plot: Following a nasty confrontation with Enigma’s forces, superheroine Shadowgirl and her Earthling friend Patty find themselves held captive and at the mercy of the diabolical Twistee. After dispensing with Patty, Twistee turns her sociopathic sights on Shadowgirl, determined to be rid of the one thorn in her side. And to add agony to Shadowgirl’s defeat, Twistee has a ‘new toy’ that she intends to use to do her final ‘performance piece’ on Shadowgirl. Will Shadowgirl survive Twistee’s demented concerto? Or will she be the ‘final note’ in Twistee’s solo performance?

Get ready for maestro Twistee’s greatest composure, folks…THE SYMPHONY OF SENSUALITY!
Welcome to Earth.mp4_snapshot_15.04_[2015.10.11_19.21.51].jpg
Welcome to Earth.mp4_snapshot_15.04_[2015.10.11_19.21.51].jpg (36.02 KiB) Viewed 3201 times
-Though I’ve only seen Part four of this intriguing series (I intend to watch the others soon as I can get my hands on them) the producers of ‘Cross the Line’ entertainment have created a magnificent story in which Shadowgirl (the lovely Tiffany Chase) continues to lock horns against adversaries who are threatening activists who they’ve taken hostage. And this time, Shadowgirl not only fights for her life, but must fight to save the life of her Earthling friend Patty, who has gotten caught in the middle of Shadowgirl’s ‘private war’.
-Pretty amazing sets that they chose for this story, from Twistee’s hideout, to the lair where Shadowgirl is held hostage and tormented.

-Fantastic camera angles, close-ups and riveting audio effects make ‘Welcome to Earth’ Part 4 a truly captivating superheroine tale.

-After seeing her as ‘Moonstar’ in ‘Fighting the Poison’, I just had to see Tiffany Chase again and her playing the part of Shadowgirl was fantastic! Tiffany was an excellent choice for Shadowgirl’s portrayal as she balances being helpless, with being angry and vengeful when she gets loose and turns the tables on her adversary in this story. This is truly one superheroine who has no qualms about ‘crossing the line’ when somebody pisses her off and threatens those she cares about.

-Kristie Dowe totally steals the show though with her portrayal of Twistee, a diabolical henchwoman working for the real mastermind…a villainess known as ‘Enigma’. Kristie was totally on fire in this vid and the spotlight definitely deserved to be on her because her performance was just so riveting. She was like a cross between…Heath Ledger’s ‘Joker’ character and Harley Quinn.
Kristie’s character had an almost childlike, but playful demeanor that bordered on insanity and cleverness. I totally loved everything she did in this vid (from playing the piano, to hypnotizing Patty, to throwing a tantrum when things went wrong) and the best part is that her character had no problem holding her own against Shadowgirl when it looked like the chips were down for her.
*To the director Logan Cross: if you’re reading this, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE BRING KRISTIE BACK TO PLAY THIS CHARACTER AGAIN!
Welcome to Earth (let's Tango).mp4_snapshot_15.49_[2015.10.11_19.23.05].jpg
Welcome to Earth (let's Tango).mp4_snapshot_15.49_[2015.10.11_19.23.05].jpg (24.57 KiB) Viewed 3201 times
Welcome to Earth (This over!).mp4_snapshot_17.43_[2015.10.11_19.24.41].jpg
Welcome to Earth (This over!).mp4_snapshot_17.43_[2015.10.11_19.24.41].jpg (32.02 KiB) Viewed 3201 times
-Samantha Bogach’s character Patty plays the hostage in this and her character is tied up, cleave gagged and sweating bullets from Twistee’s earlier treatment. Twistee even uses some hypnotic crystal to put Patty under a trance and that scene was fun because Twistee made Patty accidentally repeat certain words by mistake:

Patty (trance-like state): I, Patricia Phoenix, was captured by the beautiful Twistee.
Twistee (gleefully): The Gorgeous Twistee!
Patty (trance): The gorgeous Twistee.
Twistee (smitten): Why thank you!
Patty (trance): Why thank you.
Twistee (angrily): No stupid! Don’t say that!
Patty (trance): No stupid. Don’t say that.

:lol: See what I mean?
Welcome to Earth (Girl Talk...Twistee style).mp4_snapshot_02.17_[2015.10.11_19.26.36].jpg
Welcome to Earth (Girl Talk...Twistee style).mp4_snapshot_02.17_[2015.10.11_19.26.36].jpg (28.31 KiB) Viewed 3201 times
-Fantastic costumes for this story, particularly Shadowgirl’s and Twistee’s outfits.

-Shadowgirl is hooked up, via cables to some sort of piano that Twistee has that sends some kind of orgasmic signal into her body every time Twistee plays a note on the keys. Now that hands down, has to be the most diabolical if not impressive doom device I’ve ever seen in a superheroine tale like this.
Twistee is playing orchestra style tunes on the piano and as she does, Shadowgirl is hit with a burst of juice and her character gets a strange tingling sensation through her body that makes her horny. Kristie does all sorts of silly things while playing the piano, including playing the keys with her badonkadonk! LOL! I had to rewind that part over and over just to see that scene because it was just too funny for words!
Clearly, the production crew wanted Shadowgirl’s humiliation to be based on pleasure, rather than pain. And for all intents and purpose, it works extremely, extremely well for this story.
Welcome to Earth (Let the sensual symphony...begin!).mp4_snapshot_08.48_[2015.10.11_19.32.52].jpg
Welcome to Earth (Let the sensual symphony...begin!).mp4_snapshot_08.48_[2015.10.11_19.32.52].jpg (28.01 KiB) Viewed 3201 times
-Absolutely loved the dialogue that was used in this vid also, particularly Kristie’s. After Shadowgirl makes the machine malfunction, Twistee throws a tantrum:

Twistee (in despair): No! No! Noooooo! (angrily to Shadowgirl) You little slut, you broke my machine! You…naughty girl! I’m the one who’s supposed to be naughty! You’re the one who’s supposed to be…DEAD!

Then after Shadowgirl gets free:

Shadowgirl (to Twistee, vengefully): You wanted to make me feel pleasure?! The only pleasure…I want to feel…is from ending you.
Twistee (nervously): Look, look, look, ummm…I didn’t hurt ya’ now…did I?
Shadowgirl (anger rising): You kidnapped…my friend. And then you tried…(slams fist on piano with rage)…TO KILL ME?! Give me one good reason…why I should let you live?

Twistee actually tried to bluff her way out of that situation and when that didn’t work, she juiced herself up on some strange muscle enhancers so she could take the fight to Shadowgirl. For all it was worth, Twistee definitely held the fort down in this showdown.

-That’s the other thing that I loved about this story: Director Logan Cross played with the outcome a great deal, making it look like one side was close to losing while the other one could be close to winning. It was just like a chess match with Twistee and Shadowgirl trying to outmaneuver each other with their own tactics. Though Shadowgirl was at a slight disadvantage in this battle because Twistee was holding all the Aces…and she was going to play each one right down to the last.
-Great use of props from syringes to hypnotic crystals to toy airsoft guns and the special effects combined with these props were astonishing to say the least. Fantastic editing was done when the props were used too.
-The ending was good but ambiguous. Don’t wanna spoil what happens but it does leave the door wide open for another sequel, that it does.

Final Outcome

No cons in sight for this vid and no need for a diagnosis on my part. ‘Welcome to Earth, Part 4’ of the Shadowgirl series seems to be a fantastic story piece and I enjoyed every minute of it. Now I just have to get my hands on the others and I’ll be a really happy review surgeon.
Bottom line though, the Shadowgirl series appears to be a very wild and kick-ass story and I highly prescribe it.

Final Score for ‘Shadowgirl: Welcome to Earth’: 10 out of 10!

What are you waiting for? Go and purchase it now here:
Welcome to Earth (website) mp4_snapshot_12.27_[2015.10.11_19.39.40].jpg
Welcome to Earth (website) mp4_snapshot_12.27_[2015.10.11_19.39.40].jpg (16.57 KiB) Viewed 3201 times