Aurelia - Zombie Rendezvous

A darker, full bodied blend.
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Aurelia - Zombie Rendezvous

Hiding out in an abandoned zombie infested district of the metropolis had its benefits, providing Aurelia with sanctuary from the prying eyes of government authorities that had become set on the eradication of any and all things supernatural. That is, until the government became preoccupied with defending against the zombie outbreak of two years ago.

The severity of the zombie outbreak had tested the limits of local financial resources in the district, causing humanity to retreat to establish a quarantine district in an attempt to contain the growing zombie outbreak. Despite the general withdrawal from the district, however, there remained hidden pockets of humanity as well and other supernatural beings that were either left behind or whom had opted not to vacate.

For Aurelia, humanity's withdrawal from the district meant less likelihood that her Gwardian origin might be discovered.


The 5' 8" dark brown haired, green eyed, athletically lithesome goddess was from a superior humanoid species from the planet Gwardia. She possessed superior speed and strength, with incredible powers of rejuvenation. To the untrained eye, she might be confused for being a vampire due to her retractable needle point fangs and her ability to draw out a human's life force either telepathically or through the ingestion of bodily fluids, such as from the blood of a human.

Aurelia's galaxy-wide pursuit of the Dark Gwardian had ended in her becoming stranded here on Earth several millennia earlier. As cruel fate would have it, the Dark Gwardian had somehow managed to capture the Gwardian Goddess. She had become enslaved to and raped by the very target of her pursuit.

Dark Gwardians were never thought of being genetically compatible for breeding with a pure Gwardian Breeder, but her rape at the hands of the Dark Gwardian had somehow resulted in her impregnation. This resulted in Aurelia giving birth to a litter of abominations, which over the centuries have come to be known as the original vampires on Earth.

After finally escaping from the clutches of the Dark Gwardian, Aurelia finally extracted her revenge in assassinating her foe. The Gwardian Goddess then set off on a centuries long hunt in an attempt to eradicate the abomination scourge she had unwittingly birthed unto the planet Earth. At the same time, the huntress was also the hunted, as the lore that she could give birth to pure bread vampires spread amongst the Tainted inhumans.

The downside of humanity's retreat from the district meant that she had fewer desirable prospects to fulfill her all too frequent Gwardian Breeder oestrus cycles. As one of the very rare breeders in her species, Aurelia was beholden to her ever active Breeder libido.

During Aurelia's many recent quests to fulfill her carnal sexual need, she had discovered that zombies, though nearly mindless in their hunger for all things flesh, still packed an active libido when stimulated. In some respects, they represented the perfect object to provide mindless satisfaction, if not for the underlying danger inherent in trying to take advantage of them.

As Aurelia left the sanctuary of her industrial bunker, she left on her racer bike wearing a short skirt rather than more generally suitable pants, so as to facilitate a quicker interaction thereby minimizing the time required to gain fulfillment. It was generally necessary to be as quick as possible before other zombies happened upon the scene. The difficulty was to find a zombie in relative seclusion, as they tended to travel in packs of anywhere from 3 to 5 to mobs numbering in multiples of ten.

The electric motor on Aurelia's motorcycle allowed her to travel the mostly deserted roads in near silence, thus avoiding any undue attention.

As she rounded yet another corner passing by an alleyway, Aurelia spotted two lone zombies down an otherwise seemingly vacant back road. Stopping to scan her surroundings to be sure that no other eyes were fixed on her presence, she stealthily proceeded slowly down the alley. Neither of the two zombies had noticed Aurelia's approach, allowing her to park her bike inset in a an entrance way of one of the long abandoned brick buildings lining the alleyway.

As Aurelia walked out from the recessed entrance back into the alley, her movement caught the attention of the nearest zombie, whom immediately turned toward Aurelia and began to slowly approach her. As it began its lumbering approach, the other zombie also noticed her presence and began to follow.

"Perfect!" Aurelia thought to herself. She'll easily be able to incapacitate the first zombie and then have her way with the second. Happily, the alleyway remained vacant as the distance between Aurelia and the first zombie quickly closed as she walked toward the abomination.

Now upon her, the zombie slowly lunged toward Aurelia trying to grab her torso as it moved in to feast upon her deliciously pale white flesh. Aurelia had other plans, though.

With the smooth grace of a skilled ballerina, Aurelia simply twisted her body to avoid the zombie's grasp and then she grabbed hold of its outstretched left arm twisting the zombie in such a way as to allow her to secure its arm behind its back. Without effort, suddenly there was a snap as Aurelia bent the zombie's arm unnaturally upward, popping its left arm out of the zombie's shoulder socket.

Turning the zombie around, Aurelia then grabbed it by its head and pushed its face down toward her swiftly rising left knee. With a sickening crash, its face smashed upon her knee, leaving blood on the bare skin of her leg. To be sure he zombie was incapacitated, Aurelia maintained her hold upon the zombie and then quickly ploughed it head first into the solid brick wall of the building. Then, as one last final measure to ensure the zombie would pose no further threat, she quickly twisted its head around, snapping its neck.

Just as its neck snapped, Aurelia found herself being grabbed from behind by the other zombie. She was a bit taken by surprise, as she had not expected it to so quickly join the fracas. Unconcerned, however, Aurelia turned to face the zombie, using her hands to keep the zombie from getting in closer quarters to her body.

The zombie was quite a bit taller than Aurelia and it had much longer arms, which allowed it to grab at Aurelia's body as she tried to hold it at bay. As it grabbed at Aurelia in an attempt to pull her body in toward its menacingly growling mouth, the zombie grabbed hold of Aurelia's leather jacket above the zipper, further pulling Aurelia toward itself.

The pressure of the pulling action caused her jacket to unzip downward, revealing Aurelia's lowly cut black bra top. The light of the moon and the dim area light shining from the buildings reflected off of Aurelia's exposed cleavage glistening into the eyes of the zombie.

Now managing to grab onto both sides of the opened jacket front, the surprising strength of this particular zombie was not only causing Aurelia's jacket to unzip almost right down to its waistband, but the zombie's strength was also allowing it draw Aurelia's body in closer toward itself.

Aurelia increased her resistance to hold herself away from the zombie when all of a sudden it released its grip upon her jacket and in turn quickly thrust its left hand forward, grabbing Aurelia by her hair, which had been hanging freely on the right side of her face.

The sudden tug upon her hair caused her face to twist to her left, partially causing Aurelia to lose the leverage of her stance. Before she could adjust her stance, the zombie managed to pull the right side of Aurelia's body into its own body, presenting the opening it needed to try and bite down on Aurelia's right shoulder.

Though the pressure of its bite was somewhat painful, the zombie's teeth were unable to pierce the black leather of Aurelia's jacket. The pain of the bite preoccupied Aurelia's mind just enough, though, to allow the zombie to reposition its right hand around Aurelia's body to pull her in even tighter into its grasp.

Realizing that the zombie's bite was not strong enough to pierce through the material of her jacket, with her arms now simply hanging down at her sides, Aurelia moved her hands forward to the front of the zombie's pants and she began to undo them.

Aurelia had just managed to unclasp the font of its pants when the zombie's right hand dropped down the left side of her back onto her bum, just below her butt cheek. Then suddenly, the beast grasped her butt cheek and effortlessly lifted Aurelia up off the ground.

It moved quickly forward and before Aurelia could take evasive action, it crashed her back into the brick wall behind, causing her to become dazed from the impact of her head against the wall. The zombie then pulled Aurelia forward toward itself, away from the wall. Aurelia's slightly dazed state from the impact of her head against the brick wall resulted in her head falling back and to her left, fully exposing the right side of her neck and shoulder. The zombie wasted no time in moving its mouth further up her shoulder, biting into the bared flesh at the base of her neck. Aurelia's mouth fell open with a quick gasp, as the zombie's teeth broke through her skin and it began to suck on her blood.

With Aurelia now held prone, the zombie continued to bite and suck on her skin at the base of her neck. At the same time, it then dropped to its knees plopping Aurelia onto the ground on her bum. It then moved forward causing Aurelia's upper body to fall back onto the ground.

Aurelia was laid on her back with the zombie on top of her. With her legs spread open, she was not in a position to offer any credible resistance as her blood was being sucked out of her. All of a sudden, the zombie released its bite upon her neck and lifted its torso up, giving it a very pleasant view of Aurelia's upper body and the skimpy cropped bra top that was fully exposed due to her jacket being fully open. With both hands, it then grabbed her top by the small of her cleavage and then pulled upon the material in opposite directions causing the top to rip open, exposing Aurelia's modest, but perky breasts.

With her back slightly arched upward from the pull on her top, her breasts were heaving upward toward the zombie, who in turn brought its mouth down upon her right breast, taking the thick, erect nipple and surrounding flesh deeply into its mouth.

Taking a depraved sort of pleasure from herself being victimized, Aurelia could feel the zombie beast's manhood stiffening against her groin. Ignoring her own arousal, Aurelia thrust up with her arms to push the zombie off of her. The powerful thrust caused the zombie to fall off of Aurelia's body, falling onto its back to her left. Aurelia quickly sat up and then moved to straddle overtop of the zombie.

With her left hand, Aurelia held the zombie's body down, despite it pawing at her upper body and boobs with its long arms. Still managing to hold the zombie in place, with the arousal of her Gwardian Laria stirred, Aurelia reached down and attempted to manoeuvre its pants down. She found the task too difficult to accomplish with just one hand, though.

To aid in her efforts, Aurelia let go of the zombie with her left hand and then quickly moved further down the zombie's body, so that she could use both hands to pull the zombie's pants down to expose the zombie's ample, stiff manhood. Having released the zombie's torso, however, had freed the zombie to lift its torso up into a sitting position as Aurelia was lowering its pants. This opening allowed the zombie to reach forward and again grab Aurelia by her hair while she was preoccupied with pulling its pants down.

Yanking forward on her hair, the power of its pull caused Aurelia to fall forward on top of the zombie. With Aurelia again off balance, the zombie managed to roll over reversing positions so that it was once again in the dominant position on top of horny Goddess!

With the zombie on top of her, Aurelia's legs were again straddled around the zombie, causing her skirt to ride way up her thighs. In the position on top of Aurelia that the zombie was in, its stiff member was inadvertently pressing right against her thin thong panties pushing against the slit of her womanly opening.

The stimulation from the pressure of its stiff rod against her womanhood caused her overwhelming arousal to grow even more in intensity! To further enhance matters, Aurelia did not bother to try to hold the zombie back from lowering its torso and head down onto her, instead she reached down to her groin with both hands, using one to move her panties off to the side and with the other, she guided the zombie's stiff shaft into her wet opening.

Just as the zombie again bit down onto her shoulder, its member penetrated inside of Aurelia, causing a surge of intoxicating stimulation to overwhelm her senses, leaving Aurelia somewhat oblivious to the more nefarious intentions of the zombie feeding upon her.

With the zombie intent on sucking her blood rather than actually nibbling upon her flesh, Aurelia was lost in her depraved pleasure, bucking her hips rhythmically to enhance the zombie's fucking of her pussy. As the stimulation continued to build inside of Aurelia, she could at the same time sense that she was slightly weakening due to the zombie's draining of her blood. Her weakening started to be further enhanced by the zombie virus infecting and spreading through her body.

Thankfully, the zombie virus, which would very quickly infect and overwhelm a normal human, had a much more mild affect on Aurelia due to her supernatural Gwardian immune system. A quick bite would have virtually zero effect, but even with her supernaturally powerful immunity system, prolonged exposure to zombie feeding would begin to temporarily slow her regenerative powers and would begin to enhance the pace of her weakening as compared to just normal blood loss.

In this instance, Aurelia could sense that the prolonged amount of time this zombie was feeding upon her due to her continued sexual indulgence was beginning to allow too much of the zombie venom to enter into and spread through her body. The sexual stimulation she was experiencing, though, was increasingly leaving her in a state of thoughtless intoxication as her desire for further stimulation increased as she inched closer and closer to orgasm.

Aurelia was nearing her plateau when she suddenly felt the zombie climax, its warm ejaculate spraying deeply inside of her. This was the final stimulation she needed to cause her own body to begin convulsing from sexual climax.

For close to a full minute, Aurelia's body shook and convulsed in an uncontrollable orgasm, causing her to scream out in satisfaction, all while the zombie continued to suck upon the open wound on her flesh.

When her orgasm finally dissipated, rational thought began to return to the vampire like vixen. Aurelia brought her hands up to try and push the zombie up from being on top of her. As her attempt failed, however, only then did Aurelia consciously realize how much she had been drained and weakened by the zombie. She felt a very strange tingling throughout her essence, as the zombie virus fought to overwhelm her Gwardian immunity.

Could this be it? Would her careless sexual indulgence cause her to actually be victimized, turning her into a nearly mindless zombie?

To further compound matters, through the corner of her eye Aurelia saw far down the alley that a group of six more zombies were slowly approaching, likely alerted to her presence by her screaming out while lost in the throes of her intense orgasm. To the approaching zombies, it appeared that they had merely happened upon a live capture that they would all be intent on sharing with the single zombie currently on top of and feasting upon its prey.

Aurelia's temporary sexual satisfaction and contentment was now replaced by panic in the realization that she had become significantly weakened and that she was now on the cusp of a fight for her life to escape the approaching zombie horde. Time would now be of the essence, so that she could get into position to fight the oncoming group of zombies. First things first, however, Aurelia had to very quickly somehow manage to free herself from the zombie currently on top of her.

She quickly and violently bucked her hips up in an attempt to knock the zombie off of her. All this managed to do, however, was cause its still stiff member to slide nearly out and then back deeply inside of her, which again served to tweak her Gwardian Breeder curse of uncontrollable arousal. She tried again to buck the zombie off of her, but again it only led to further stimulation. Apparently the zombie was also stimulated by her actions, as it began to instinctively move its hips up and down, fucking the Gwardian, thus intensifying the feeling of renewed arousal that was once again beginning to cloud Aurelia's mind.

The movements of the zombie, though, must have also been causing the zombie its own distraction, for Aurelia sensed its bite upon her flesh loosen. Aurelia still had the presence of mind to seizing upon this small opening, grabbing hold of the zombie's head and pulling it up causing the zombie to completely lose its bite on her flesh. At the same time, however, due to her weakened state, Aurelia struggled to keep the zombie's head from moving back down to again bite her, all the while her own stimulation from still being fucked by the zombie created its own distraction for her.

Finally, though, with a burst of concerted effort, Aurelia managed to roll sideways causing the zombie to roll off of her. This positional change caused the zombie's stiff rod to slide out of Aurelia and with the source of her intoxicating stimulation for the moment now out of her, Aurelia leapt to her feet. It was at that moment, however, that she was reminded as to how drained she had become, as she stumbled and struggled to maintain her balance due to a strong feeling of being light headed.

Her own troubles allowed the zombie now at her feet to grab hold of the bare flesh on her calf and then further secure its grip around her booted ankle. Aurelia immediately tried to pull her leg free of the zombie, but before she could, the zombie lunged with its mouth and bit into the bare flesh on her calf.

Aurelia let out a pained squeal, but then quickly reacted in using her other leg to stomp down onto the head of the hungry zombie in an attempt to free herself from its bite. The manoeuvre worked, but a small chunk of flesh from her leg remained in its mouth.

Aurelia staggered a few feet from the zombie as she tried to gain her bearing. Looking at her leg and then up to the wound on her shoulder, she became more panicked in seeing that neither wound was immediately regenerating as quickly as they normally should. At that very moment, adding to her woes, she was hit by a wave of nausea causing her to involuntarily bend over and vomit. Through the course of prolonged feeding upon the Gwardian, the zombie had injected much more of it venomous virus inside of Aurelia's body than her superhuman immunity could immediately process, causing her body to convulse as it reacted to the zombie infection attempting to overtake her body.

This was not at all good for Aurelia, as the other six approaching zombies were nearly in reach of her. Seeing that they were almost right on top of her, Aurelia mustered up the will within her to overcome her nausea and try to retreat out of their reach.

Still very weak, Aurelia was only managing to move just out of their reach, but not managing to put any further distance between her and the approaching hoard of hungry zombies. As she turned to see where she might further retreat to, the problem at hand came to the fore, as the lane was a dead end and she had nowhere else to go!

With the limited time available to her, Aurelia's only immediate option was to turn and face the approaching zombies, who had her outnumbered by a count of seven to one.

The good news was that her incredible Gwardian immunity system and power of rejuvenation was just starting to kick in, causing her wounds to start to close, with her body and super powers regenerating. Aurelia still felt weak, but she had enough energy to quickly move to her right, toward the opposite side of the lane from which the zombies were approaching.

Briefly, she had an opening to try and bolt forward through the hoard, bypassing the first couple of zombies, who were not quick and nimble enough to effectively follow her. The zombies were scattered apart, though, thus allowing the zombies that were in back of the approaching hoard to move to their right in time to cut off Aurelia's path to freedom, causing Aurelia to have to stop, so as not to simply run directly into the zombies.

With her stopped, the situation again seemed to grow more grave, as now she had zombies approaching from both in front of and from behind her, with the other zombies she had ran past now turned in pursuit. Aurelia didn't have time to thoughtfully contemplate her next move and she knew that in her weakened state, it would be unwise of her to stand and fight when she was so outnumbered.

Mustering up all of her explosive strength that she could, Aurelia sprinted forward angling her approach so that there was only one zombie directly in her way. Just as she was about to crash head-on into the zombie, she leapt high into the air reaching up and forward into a diving position, flying right over top of the too slow to react zombie.

Aurelia landed hands first and tumbled into a well executed summersault which resulted in her immediately being back on her feet and in a full sprint toward the entryway to the alley, where she had left her motorbike. With the horde of zombies chasing after her with surprising speed, Aurelia quickly mounted her motorcycle and pushed the ignition button.

Just as the lead zombie was about to lean forward in an attempt to grab at Aurelia and her motorbike, Aurelia revved to full throttle and with the tires squealing, the bike popped up into a wheelie and she sped away, just managing to accelerate quickly enough to avoid the lunging grab of the first of the zombies to arrive where her motorcycle had been only a split second earlier.

Aurelia raced through the darkened, deserted streets of the district, having narrowly avoided perilous defeat due to her recklessly dangerous sexual indulgences. Somehow Aurelia knew, though, as she sped away, that it would likely only be a matter of time until her depravity made for yet another interesting evening.

The End
By flirty_but_nice
Last edited by flirty_but_nice 8 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
Jenn (aka Flirty)
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Sorry if the story is crap and not really all of y'all's "thing". It was just a quick little story of indulgence that I had written quite sometime ago. I must've had a bit of a zombie obsession going on at the time. Please forgive lil'ol me.

On a (maybe?) good note, I'm trying to come up with a story angle that sort of takes Aurelia from simply being some sort of dark huntress of vampires, to her taking on a bit more of a superheroine sort of role. Deep down, she is "good" after all, so perhaps it is that after centuries of hunting icky things like vampires, maybe she figures it is time to evolve into a slightly more productive life, say as being more of a Vigilante, bringing her wrath upon seedy criminals that needlessly victimize good people, but somehow keep evading the reach of conventional law. Or if not going into such a role of her own volition, perhaps she is coerced into it. Maybe that way my heroine Aurelia might more conventionally fit in as being a superheroine, as it were.

Well, that's the plan, anyway. :)
Jenn (aka Flirty)
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Finally got round to reading this. It reminds me a touch of one of the really early Aurelia stories you posted, with the three zombies pinning her down and feeding on her and her arrogantly tolerating it just a moment too long, and getting into all sorts of trouble. Once again it's not totally my thing (more to do with zombie junk being a nasty image) but once again I like the exchange of power that's going on, and I do like the dark sex and death thing that's playing in the background of this (which was the main draw to taking a crack at this in the 'Enticed and Ensnared' story).

Anyways, I think you've written this one much, much better. It reads well and it looks like you've edited it, which makes it a pleasure to look over. I liked a lot of the descriptions going on. I actually think taking Aurelia to a more 'superheroiney' place is a really good idea, and I think she would fit into the role pretty well. I'd certainly read any effort that went that way. I might suggest Aurelia be just a smidge less reckless, in terms of wanting to get off, but I get that one of the kinks here is that Aurelia is an indulgent heroine - and it is kind of pleasing to see a heroine be so care free and pleasure-focused. I guess the peril is real, but perhaps the sexual stuff comes off as less perilous where she is the instigator? But then it's cool that her peril comes from exactly her sexual appetite. Ah, heck, it's all fun in the end.
Lost in the night, and there is no morning.
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Thank you for the feedback, Void. Your comment caused me to reread the story and wow, did it still have a lot of bad wording and errors in it. I have re-edited it, cleaning things up and hopefully making this little vignette a little bit better. :)
Jenn (aka Flirty)
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