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Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2015 7:00 am
by CustomSuperheroines

Re: New Years Clearance Videos (109 Titles)

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2015 12:36 pm
by Ripper1
Well I definitely want tot take advantage of this sale
so I got a list of about 6 Photo sets to start with but when I go to Cashing out & put in the DISCOUNT CODE "NEWYEAR40"
the discount Mathematically only is coming out to about 5%
so far my total is See Copy of the purchase list
Subtotal $ 38.94
Discount NEWYEAR40
- $ 7.19
Description Price
Including $ 0.00 in taxes USD $ 31.75

does the 40% not apply to all photo Sets ? ?
just asking before I proceed

Re: New Years Clearance Videos (109 Titles)

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2015 3:38 pm
by CustomSuperheroines

Re: New Years Clearance Videos (109 Titles)

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2015 6:07 pm
by veggifriedweiss
Hey Logan, I know the deal with the feature film, and wishing you guys luck.

But I'm not understanding why you can't keep the store open, and just continue to garner a stream of revenue from films already produced. Do you mind me being curious enough to ask? You guys have made some good films, and the fact that you repeatedly cast Cherie Deville as a superheroine makes you aces in my book. So just wondering why you have to completely disappear...

Re: New Years Clearance Videos (109 Titles)

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2015 7:21 pm
by CustomSuperheroines

Re: New Years Clearance Videos (109 Titles)

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2015 7:41 pm
by RedMountain
Just curious, but does it have anything to do with needing to have a non-fetish/non-porn background or reputation going into making the feature film so it will be easier to work with other people or financial backers? Only reason I ask is I have had a number of friends that I know who used to be in the erotic peril/erotic art/writing fields and then decided they wanted to try to get jobs working for a comic book company or newspaper or somewhere they'd be using their artistic talents and due to them wanting to go into these areas they had to basically purge/get rid of any online presence of their erotic content or anything that could be linked back to them because their possible future employer would hold it against them. I find it a bit ridiculous that you have to hide your activities in that case, but was just wondering if maybe that was what was going on with your situation as well.

Re: New Years Clearance Videos (109 Titles)

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2015 8:10 pm
by CustomSuperheroines

Re: New Years Clearance Videos (109 Titles)

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2015 8:24 pm
by veggifriedweiss
Logan wrote:but the truth of the matter is we are producing a multi-million dollar feature film based on a set of female superheroes... I have to focus my time and energy there and let this business dissolve.
This is the first time I heard "ARE producing." Congrats and best wishes on it. I am a commercial director and I had a previous life as a filmmaker...the best advice I ever got was from Steven Spielberg, who was a guest lecturer in a class I took once: "The smartest thing a director can do is get in shape, because a feature film is unbelievably grueling." Enjoy every step on the journey, guys.

Your answer makes sense. I'm just sorry you have to end your revenue stream after all the hard work you put into your site. But hopefully the feature film's success will render the point moot!

Again, best wishes and here's to your success in 2016!

Re: New Years Clearance Videos (109 Titles)

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2015 8:48 pm
by CustomSuperheroines

Re: New Years Clearance Videos (109 Titles)

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2016 5:21 am
by veggifriedweiss
Great--looking forward to seeing you and cheering you on!