Batwoman: Seduction Double Cross (

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Doctor Outcome
Posts: 518
Joined: 9 years ago
Location: Wesker Laboratories

Plot: The felonious feline known only as Catwoman is up to her old tricks again. Using the tunnels to access a secret housing bank that holds a rare kryptonite gemstone, Catwoman believes that she now has the one element that will eliminate a pesky thorn in her paw: Super Girl!

However, the crimson-haired crusader known as Batwoman is right on her tail and has no intention of letting her steal a priceless gem to use on a fellow super heroine. Catwoman makes it crystal clear that if Batwoman gets in her way, there will be no mercy and Batwoman lets her know the same thing if she attempts to resist arrest. One thing is certain though…one of these beauty’s will have the fortunate (or unfortunate) pleasure of being the other’s submissive. The question now is...who will it be?
BatWoman (Face Off).wmv_snapshot_02.29_[2016.02.21_18.48.49].jpg
BatWoman (Face Off).wmv_snapshot_02.29_[2016.02.21_18.48.49].jpg (33.79 KiB) Viewed 1973 times
Danger Will Robinson! Minor Spoilers Ahead! Read at your own risk!


-Red-haired fetish model Kendra James has outdone herself again with this exquisite work of art. Once again, Kendra reprises her role as Kate Kane a.k.a. Batwoman and she’s locking horns with cocky, seductive jewel thief Catwoman played by the fabulous Nikki Brooks!

-I’ll start first by saying that this story was very creative and Kendra shows an even more naughty side to Batwoman in this fetish vid that borders closely to her encounter with Demonica in ‘In the Devil’s Hole’. The screenplay for this was top notch (you can always expect that when Kendra plays the heroine) and Kendra has excellent close-ups and camera angles during the shoot which really captures the eroticism of the vid, with clear H.D. quality for a sharper image.

-Fantastic shooting location, this time taking place in what appears to be an old banking house, complete with a cage and some good background equipment also.

-The background music was played at the right interval and didn’t overtake the models during their scenes of conversation so they're easier to hear and understand.

-Wonderful costumes for this shoot. Kendra is still rockin’ the Batwoman outfit and Nikki has a Catwoman mask, black leather top, gloves, satin tights and boots for her costume (Really would like to know where Kendra shops for her outfits cause these costumes are phenomenal).

-Kendra was magnificent as always with her portrayal of Batwoman. She maintains a calm and cool demeanor, combined with a ‘you shall not pass, pussycat’ attitude. She stays totally in control of the situation and has no qualms about throwing down at the slightest hint of resistance with her foe. That’s what I’ve always liked about Kendra playing Batwoman or Poison Ivy or any other character that she portrays: she does her homework on the character’s attitude and habits and makes sure to let them shine when she gets in front of the camera.
BatWoman (Don't touch my kitty!) .wmv_snapshot_08.31_[2016.02.21_18.51.00].jpg
BatWoman (Don't touch my kitty!) .wmv_snapshot_08.31_[2016.02.21_18.51.00].jpg (35.75 KiB) Viewed 1973 times
-I’ve heard many great things about Nikki Brooks and after seeing her performance in this, I must say that she is truly a sight to behold. Her portrayal of Catwoman was just so erotic in this film: the way she talks, the way she walks and the way she meows and purrs in this story just screams of eroticism. Nikki is truly a gifted individual and I look forward to seeing her play this character again in the future if Kendra invites her back.

-There’s a great fight between Kendra and Nikki, complete with punches being exchanged, low blows and cheap shot insults thrown into the mix. Plus, they’ve got plenty of room to do their ‘dance of dominance’ trying to see who can outfight the other.

-Kendra brought out some great fetishes in this story from forced orgasms between the heroine and villainess to bondage on a leather strap-down table and a whole lot more. She and Nikki even get to show off their fabulous bodies in this vid and I must say, these two super fetish models have curvaceous slim bodies.

-Wonderful oral sex from Kendra and Nikki in this story and Kendra even does a reverse 69 on Nikki so she can eat Kendra out as well. Nikki’s reactions to being pleasured were tantalizing, but I’ll come back to that part later.
BatWoman (Pleasure principle).wmv_snapshot_12.26_[2016.02.21_18.52.25].jpg
BatWoman (Pleasure principle).wmv_snapshot_12.26_[2016.02.21_18.52.25].jpg (26.99 KiB) Viewed 1973 times
-Great use of props in the story also from the kryptonite stone to the syringe that Kendra manages to retrieve from Nikki once she has her strapped down to the table.

-Kendra and Nikki cook up some wonderful dialogue together in this story with lots of vulgar talk coming from Nikki, especially when Batwoman starts rubbing Catwoman’s cunt and Nikki angrily tells her ‘Don’t touch my kitty!’. But I really loved the exchange between the two when Batwoman reveals that she’s taking her to Arhkam as soon as she’s done playing with her:

Catwoman: No! I’m not going there!

Batwoman: The police are coming to find your uh…mostly naked body…then you’re going to be locked away in a cell…

Catwoman (angrily): No!

Batwoman: …with Harley, Ivy and the rest of them.

Catwoman (in despair): That crazy bitch! No-ho-ho! You think I talk too much, you’ve never had dinner with Harley Quinn! That psychotic cunt!

Batwoman (devilish grin): Ohhhhh. Sounds like you don’t like her. Maybe I should arrange for you to share a cell.

Catwoman (defiantly): FUCK YOU!

:lol: OMG, I just couldn’t stop cracking up at that part where Batwoman was planning to antagonize Catwoman by having her locked up with Harley Quinn and Nikki’s defiant ‘F-you’ response just made my day. Hell, that scene alone is worth a thousand words and they really utilize the use of vulgarities to the max in this scene and the rest of the film.

-The scene that really had my juices flowing though was when Batwoman retrieved some sort of syringe that was in Catwoman’s possession in her corset while she’s half-naked. Catwoman tries to steer Batwoman away from using it on her but none the less, she does when she learns that it came from Poison Ivy. Once she’s injected, Catwoman becomes a horny, lustful but very loving and obedient kitty cat. The injection also served to be some kind of truth serum because Catwoman was then answering Batwoman’s questions when she demanded to know who she planned to use the syringe on.
Nikki’s euphoric response to the ‘Seduction serum’ was real and believable when her attitude towards Batwoman changes. She acts innocent, meows and purrs and she wants Batwoman to play with her and once she’s certain she’s not a threat, Batwoman unties her so that they can *play* some more. These two beauties even share some tender kisses with each other and that made this vid all the more hotter…I love a good passionate kiss in a story like this.

*Bonus points to Kendra because she had Batwoman use that situation to her advantage to get some pleasure from the villainess the same way that a villainess would take advantage of the heroine. :thumbup:
BatWoman (seductive injection).wmv_snapshot_10.41_[2016.02.21_18.56.12].jpg
BatWoman (seductive injection).wmv_snapshot_10.41_[2016.02.21_18.56.12].jpg (35.84 KiB) Viewed 1973 times
BatWoman (Wicked glee) .wmv_snapshot_11.07_[2016.02.21_18.59.52].jpg
BatWoman (Wicked glee) .wmv_snapshot_11.07_[2016.02.21_18.59.52].jpg (34.64 KiB) Viewed 1973 times
Batwoman (passionate kisses).wmv_snapshot_31.19_[2016.02.21_19.03.19].jpg
Batwoman (passionate kisses).wmv_snapshot_31.19_[2016.02.21_19.03.19].jpg (32.46 KiB) Viewed 1973 times
-A happy, happy, joy, joy ending but it kinda had me feeling bad for Nikki’s character at the end this time. The ending was still good (won’t say how it ends) but it left Nikki looking pitiful and it made me feel sad for her character. Rarely do I ever feel anything for the villains in a superheroine fetish vid but this time, Kendra ended it in a way that you’re happy and a little sad at the same time for the antagonist.


-Just one: the double dildo that Nikki and Kendra played with didn’t seem very erotic. It doesn’t detract anything good from the vid itself though.

Final Outcome

Well, my hat is once again off to Kendra and her fabulous superheroine stories that revolve around the Lady Dark Knight and she has a wonderful co-star in the form of Nikki Brooks to really make things interesting between Batwoman and Catwoman. I highly recommend this prescription for Batwoman and Catwoman fans alike and I guarantee you won’t be disappointed.

Final Score for ‘Seduction Double Cross’: 12 out of 10!

*Kendra, you’re still continuing to impress me. Keep up the wonderful work! :yahoo:
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