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1st TIFFANY CHASE SEMI-CUSTOM featuring SHANNON REYNOSA! Pledge now along with your requests! (UPDATED 6/9)

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2016 12:47 am
by Hidden Vault Entertainment
A fan has made a pledge for our very first semi-custom episode. Please check back as I'm sure this post will be updated regularly as the project continues to develop.

Since this fan has Top Tier status, he has provided us with the following basic foundation that the rest of you can build on:

- this one will star Tiffany Chase and former co-star SHANNON REYNOSA.
- both will wear sexy two-piece costumes, no specific characters specified.
- the central peril element is AOH.

Here's what our Top Tier customer suggested as an element list for Second Tier donors:

KO - $200
chloro - $200
multiple low blows - $300
bear hugs - $300
choking - $300

UPDATE: after receiving some feedback here we felt that this particular part was worth clarifying. Second Tier donors don't simply choose the peril element. They get to decide which characters give and receive that element, as well as how many times it's done, etc. Now, as for last part we ask that you of course stay within reason. But ultimately we're open to hearing what you have to suggest.

Any other elements you'd like to see? Let us know what that is and how much you're willing to donate (must be over $100).

Want additional perks to include in your package? Let us know what that is and how much you can spend.

As with all donors, Third Tier fans ($50 - $99) will receive a copy of the episode 2 weeks ahead of release.

We also haven't determined a storyline yet, so we're open to some suggestions.

Please email the amount you wish to pledge and, if you're Second Tier, the additional element that you'd like to see included in this episode to [email protected] with the subject line "TC-SR semi". Once the combined amount pledged meets the minimum budget required for this project you will receive an email with payment instructions.

As mentioned previously, a portion of whatever we collect beyond minimum production cost will go to Tiffany's charity.

Still haven't had a chance to watch Tiffany's new episode? Get it here!clash-of-icons/w7w7c

Thank you!


Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2016 1:24 am
by Brad
Love to know more about what kinds of outfits Tiffany and Shannon will wear...

Awesome to have Shannon back! :yahoo:


Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2016 4:25 am
by Hidden Vault Entertainment
Brad wrote:Love to know more about what kinds of outfits Tiffany and Shannon will wear...

Awesome to have Shannon back! :yahoo:
I'll let everyone know about costumes as those details get hammered out, most likely with sample pics.

Re: 1st TIFFANY CHASE SEMI-CUSTOM featuring SHANNON REYNOSA! Pledge now along with your requests!

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2016 1:05 am
by MAV6666
that sounds like an awesome idea :D I have a feeling I know who got onboard first...

Re: 1st TIFFANY CHASE SEMI-CUSTOM featuring SHANNON REYNOSA! Pledge now along with your requests!

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2016 3:38 am
by Hidden Vault Entertainment
MAV6666 wrote:that sounds like an awesome idea :D I have a feeling I know who got onboard first...
I'm pretty sure we're talking about the same fan since he mentioned a "MAV" who might be interested :laugh:. So if that is indeed you, then what do you say? Come join the party!

Re: 1st TIFFANY CHASE SEMI-CUSTOM featuring SHANNON REYNOSA! Pledge now along with your requests!

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2016 5:10 am
by thrifty
This sounds awful, why do you have to pay to see those standard "elements"?

Re: 1st TIFFANY CHASE SEMI-CUSTOM featuring SHANNON REYNOSA! Pledge now along with your requests!

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2016 11:51 am
by Kitten
thrifty wrote:This sounds awful, why do you have to pay to see those standard "elements"?
I think it is... and it isnt.

I think it is, because they're asking a single donor to put that money in. That's very steep for one person, to put in for a general element. Also what happens, if they get multiple donors for the same element? Do they have extra instances of the element appearing?

I think it may not be, because if they're looking at the big picture to finance a video, it may seem more reasonable. I think they should maybe accept multiple donors for an 'element' and include it when it reaches the goal. That however gets messy, so they just went with 'donor', hoping a single source will step up and cover the cost. I think the flaw here, is anyone willing to put up that amount of money, is putting up numbers for custom videos. At that point they're going to want more say than just an 'element'.

I see where they want to go with this, but it doesnt seem well thought out and flawed. They're not looking at it from the donors point of view. If they dont include any of these elements, they're killing the market appeal for the genre.

Re: 1st TIFFANY CHASE SEMI-CUSTOM featuring SHANNON REYNOSA! Pledge now along with your requests!

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2016 3:46 pm
by Heroine Addict
I agree that the level of input for $300 doesn't seem like good value.

Also, the whole charity thing really needs to be transparent. At the moment, you're telling us that if you meet your unspecified production budget and turn a profit, you'll give an unspecified "portion" - which could either mean a set figure or a percentage - to an unspecified charity which has something to do with Tiffany helping veterans.

I'm certainly not accusing you of anything shady, but you really can't afford to be vague when using a charity as an incentive to get people involved in your productions.

Re: 1st TIFFANY CHASE SEMI-CUSTOM featuring SHANNON REYNOSA! Pledge now along with your requests!

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2016 4:02 pm
by Hidden Vault Entertainment
Kitten wrote:
thrifty wrote:This sounds awful, why do you have to pay to see those standard "elements"?
I think it is... and it isnt.

I think it is, because they're asking a single donor to put that money in. That's very steep for one person, to put in for a general element. Also what happens, if they get multiple donors for the same element? Do they have extra instances of the element appearing?

I think it may not be, because if they're looking at the big picture to finance a video, it may seem more reasonable. I think they should maybe accept multiple donors for an 'element' and include it when it reaches the goal. That however gets messy, so they just went with 'donor', hoping a single source will step up and cover the cost. I think the flaw here, is anyone willing to put up that amount of money, is putting up numbers for custom videos. At that point they're going to want more say than just an 'element'.

I see where they want to go with this, but it doesnt seem well thought out and flawed. They're not looking at it from the donors point of view. If they dont include any of these elements, they're killing the market appeal for the genre.
To Kitten and thrifty, let me start by saying that, as I stated in my previous posts, this is a continually evolving approach and, as this concept is in its early stages, very much experimental. And just so we're clear, the Top Tier donor doesn't just pay for a single general element. He or she gets to select the actresses, characters, costumes, not to mention perks and early copies of the video. That was clearly stated from the get go.

Now for Second Tier donors (I use the term "donors" because "investors" would be erroneous as they won't see financial returns), the guidelines clearly state that, while these fans can't decide on the premise and who gets cast, they can decide what else can go into it other than what the Top Tier suggested. I'll make certain that, prior to making their donation, they go in with that understanding. They should be very clear on this point. If fans don't want to donate that amount for something over which they can't decide all of what goes into the video, then they should save up to cover the costs of a full custom or simply move on. Remember, this is called a semi-custom, which means that the fans go in with the understanding that they can't solely make the decisions.

And we absolutely want to look at it from the donor's point of view, which is why I said I was open to suggestions from the beginning. The last thing we want to do is "kill the market appeal for this genre." In fact, we're doing this in order to improve upon it! It's all about the fans! So wouldn't it be far more constructive to offer suggestions as to how to fine tune what we're trying to do here so that it can work for everyone involved?

Keep in mind why we're offering semi-customs in the first place. Since we started this company several months back we've been getting emails from numerous fans requesting customs. Most of them they are unable or unwilling to cover even the basic costs to shoot a single video. For us, getting talent, crew, location, meals, post-production (a major expense), etc., far exceed what's been frequently offered by these fans. A single shoot can cost upward of $1,500, particularly if we're expected to produce something of quality. And now, with Tiffany Chase and her former co-stars, the asking price to bring any of them back drives the costs up even higher. So if anyone here knows exactly how other producers are able to pull off a custom shoot for a $100, $200, $300, $600, then hey, we're all ears!

And last but not least, let's not forget the philanthropic aspect. I understand that that's probably a secondary reason for purchasing a Tiffany Chase video, but we are genuinely trying to help those in need. Even if we come up slightly short in a custom order, we're still going to try to see if some of what we collect can go to Tiffany's charity. And even if we can't, knowing her, she'll most likely contribute a portion of her own earnings.

Re: 1st TIFFANY CHASE SEMI-CUSTOM featuring SHANNON REYNOSA! Pledge now along with your requests!

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2016 4:11 pm
by Hidden Vault Entertainment
Heroine Addict wrote:I agree that the level of input for $300 doesn't seem like good value.

Also, the whole charity thing really needs to be transparent. At the moment, you're telling us that if you meet your unspecified production budget and turn a profit, you'll give an unspecified "portion" - which could either mean a set figure or a percentage - to an unspecified charity which has something to do with Tiffany helping veterans.

I'm certainly not accusing you of anything shady, but you really can't afford to be vague when using a charity as an incentive to get people involved in your productions.
I understand, HA, and your points are valid. So please tell us what else $300 should get the fan that donates that amount. We want to make this work.

As I said before, Tiffany's charity is in its infancy. So we still need help getting it off the ground. Some of what's collected for her videos will help make that happen. So far, what I can tell you is that she approached me with her willingness to aid homeless veterans in Los Angeles. Here, it's been estimated that 51% of the homeless are veterans. Now, I personally would love to help them all, but for now this is a more focused effort to assist those who served our country. I'm currently working with Tiffany to put together her own announcement.

Thanks for stating your concerns. Hopefully I've helped address some of them to a degree.

Re: 1st TIFFANY CHASE SEMI-CUSTOM featuring SHANNON REYNOSA! Pledge now along with your requests!

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2016 4:54 pm
by Heroine Addict
Hidden Vault Entertainment wrote: So if anyone here knows exactly how other producers are able to pull off a custom shoot for a $100, $200, $300, $600, then hey, we're all ears!
They make most of their money by selling the custom video to the rest of the customer base. The person who placed the order gets their requests fulfilled for a few hundred dollars while everyone else gets to buy the exact same video for the standard price.

The full production cost would only be passed on to the customer if:
A) They want to be the only person who ever sees the video.
B) You can't market the video because the requests were too bespoke and too weird. Such as someone asking to see Tiffany in a beekeeper outfit, drawing the faces of famous serial killers on red balloons and then popping them with a plastic spork.
Hidden Vault Entertainment wrote: I understand, HA, and your points are valid. So please tell us what else $300 should get the fan that donates that amount. We want to make this work.
It's difficult to say what $300 should buy, as one person's requests may impact upon another's. Bare legs versus pantyhose is a perfect example of this.

It's just someone paying $300 will want more than "bear hug" if they can buy plenty of existing bear hug videos for a fraction of that price.
Hidden Vault Entertainment wrote:As I said before, the charity is in its infancy. So we still need help getting it off the ground. Some of what's collected for Tiffany's videos will help make that happen. So far, what I can tell you is that she approached me with her willingness to aid homeless veterans in Los Angeles. Here, it's been estimated that 51% of the homeless are veterans. Now, I personally would love to help them all, but for now this is a more focused effort to assist those who served our country. I'm currently working with Tiffany to put together her own announcement.

Thanks for stating your concerns. Hopefully I've helped address some of them to a degree.
Fair enough. I would say people would feel the perceived emotional benefit of giving to charity if you could specify a percentage and guarantee a donation for every video sold.

As it stands, if this video performs below expectations, the donation is potentially nothing.

Re: 1st TIFFANY CHASE SEMI-CUSTOM featuring SHANNON REYNOSA! Pledge now along with your requests!

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2016 5:37 pm
by Hidden Vault Entertainment
On your first point, once we make enough to have that cash reserve then we can probably take that approach. Some producers might also have their own studio space, filming and editing equipment, etc., which saves them a ton and can help them move product at such a low cost. As we're still a young company, investing in such items wouldn't be practical at this stage. So without those or the requisite capital it's tough to cover $1,500 to $2,000 per episode, especially when the more popular actresses being requested now want their pay up front. Now, I have heard of certain fans who have been known to shell out five figures for a custom. If anyone reading this happens to be one of those fans, please hit us up! :laugh:

Understood on your point of full cost, thus technically making that a full custom. We wanted to offer semi-customs in order to at least offer something for what they're asking. In this case, fans are not merely purchasing videos featuring a specific peril element. That would be ridiculous. No, they don't just request the element itself, but also, for example, how many times it can happen in the episode, and which actress does what to the other, etc. We can tailor their element of choice to their specifications. A semi-custom is still a custom to a certain extent.

As of now, we're looking at 10% of the profits going to Tiffany's charity. And even for videos that underperform, which we hope is never the case with Tiffany Chase productions, we're willing to chip in something. I'm a big believer in karma, and we want to set a positive example in this genre. As a matter of fact, our original intention when Hidden Vault Entertainment was launched was to give a portion to charity. Unfortunately our original numbers couldn't help fulfill that goal. But now that we've revamped our brand, thanks in large part to Tiffany's appearance in our latest episode, we might be able to do some good. It can still be pretty tricky when also dealing with a low-volume niche market. But hopefully this is only the beginning and we can gradually look to other sources for aid.

If none of this works out, then we'll just scrap these ideas and go back to the conventional way of doing things.

Re: 1st TIFFANY CHASE SEMI-CUSTOM featuring SHANNON REYNOSA! Pledge now along with your requests! (UPDATED 6/9)

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2016 3:14 am
by possum2
I'd Love to see Shannon Reynosa in another video!

I'll wait to see what she'll be wearing, none of Shannon's outfits were ever skimpy enough for my tastes.
The more of her bare skin we can see the better.

Re: 1st TIFFANY CHASE SEMI-CUSTOM featuring SHANNON REYNOSA! Pledge now along with your requests! (UPDATED 6/9)

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2016 4:38 pm
by Richpartist
Any ots carries?Tiffany has one of the best asess for a ots carry............just sayin'