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The Rise of Doctor Akitomi Part Two (a poll driven story)

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2016 9:03 pm
by Philo Hunter
Alright everyone, here’s the next part of the story! I hope you enjoy, and please read the note at the end about how voting is going to work for the next part.

You can find the previous installment here:


And the next part can now be found here:



The Rise of Doctor Akitomi Part Two

Top Heavy slowly began to wake. Her body was sore and she felt the extreme exhaustion her body only felt after having its powers drained through powerful orgasms. She tried to open her eyes, but found she was still too tired. Where was she? What had happened to her? It all came flooding back: the hidden lair, the Flesh Beast, and the mad scientist that had been behind it.

The young heroine began to move, but found her body was held in place. She could feel that her hands and feet were encased in cold metal, that there were metallic bracers holding her waist in place. Whatever strange device encased in was holding her in an odd position: it was as if she were sitting on an invisible bike or perhaps bent over forward, with her large, voluminous breasts hanging heavily off her front. Her back was perfectly flat and parallel to the ground below her, her legs behind her spread wide open.

She struggled to break free, but she was either far too weak or her bindings were far too strong. She forced her eyes open, fighting passed the exhaustion she felt. As her eyes opened her vision was flooded by a bright white light and she had to close them again. Slowly, she reopened and began to take in her surroundings.

Around her was a pristinely clean, white medical operating room. The counters surrounding her were covered with piles of medical equipment as well as strange electronic devices. As her eyes took in her surroundings she realized the room looked less like an operating room and more like a place where illicit medical experimentations were being conducted.

The heroine tried to call out, curious to discover if her captor was near. All that came out of her mouth was a muffled mumble as Top Heavy realized a large ball gag was secured in her open mouth. Realizing this helped shock her exhausted mind and body into finally beginning to fully awake and realize just how dire her predicament was.

She was totally naked, with no sign of her costume anywhere. Looking down she could see that her massive breasts hung nearly down to the floor below her. With the way her bindings held her bent over with her legs spread wide open she realized her womanhood was fully exposed and spread open to any standing behind her. In fact, the way she was bent over was highly suggestive, inviting even. As she thought about this she realized that her pussy felt as if a man had recently been in her, and the feeling of warm semen leaking from her cunt and running down her thigh seemed to confirm this.

A groan of despaired left her gagged mouth.

“Ah, I see you are finally awake, my new little test subject!” A man walked into her field of view, moving from behind her. It was the evil scientist, dressed the same as when he had first revealed himself but in the middle of tucking his cock back into his costume. “I had wondered if my use of your lovely black cunt would wake you. Simply marvelous, by the way.”

Top Heavy began struggling, reaching deep into her stores of strength to break free. Again, she found herself unable to escape the metal bindings around her hands, feet, and waist.

“Oh, you have no chance of escaping, so I wouldn’t even bother to try. Even if my Flesh Beast hadn’t made you cum yourself powerless you’d still be unable to break free. Those metal bracers holding you in place are made of Eudium, the strongest alloy on Earth. It would take a heroine FAR stronger than you to break free from them, and there are very few of those in existence.”

Although her mind was tired and slow Top Heavy quickly remembered what she knew about Eudium. It was, as the villain said, the strongest alloy on Earth. But it was so expensive to produce that it was rarely seen in use. If this villain had enough money to construct bindings out of the metal his operation was far more developed that the city had assumed.

Thinking of the city made her heart rise. When she didn’t return from her mission the police would be sure to send a rescue operation. And hopefully the heroines that came to save him would be far more cautious than she had been.

The evil scientist began to laugh. “Oh no, my fat titted slut, no one will be saving you.”

She looked at him, alarm on her face. She mumbled something through her ball gag.

“Sorry, didn’t understand you.” He then turned and looked at a nearby monitor. “Ah, ‘how did you know what I was thinking’, is that what you said?”

With even more alarm on her face Top Heavy began to shake her head.

The man before her answered her question by picking up a small handheld mirror and holding it up before face. Top Heavy gasped as she saw that her hair had been shaved, and her scalp was now covered by a large number of electrodes, each with a wire running up above her and connecting to some massive machine above her head.

“I’ve attached you to a machine of my own design, one I’ve long needed to test on a live subject. And as you are here I figured I would have you lend me your mind. See, the device you are hooked up to allows me to see what runs through your head. When you are awake your thoughts are displayed on a monitor for me to read. But that is just a side effect of the machine’s real purpose. This machine’s real purpose is the exploration, and manipulating, of a person’s subconscious dreamscape. And once the machine has a strong enough foot hold in the subjects mind it will allow me to rewrite their mind, changing their personality, their wants, even how they perceive reality!”

He turned and looked at the monitor as Top Heavy mumbled something at him. “You don’t believe me? Well, I’ll prove it to you…” He stepped closer, grabbing hold of her head with both hands. He squeezed her skull tightly as he moved his face to just within a few inches of hers. “This pretty, stupid head of yours is full of memories, dreams, fears, desires, and nightmares. My machine will allow me to see them all, but I want more than that. I want to learn how to manipulate them. So together you, me, and this machine are going to conduct some experiments.”

For a long time, maybe three full minutes, the Doctor held tight onto her head and painfully squeezing her skull as he continued to stare into her eyes. The long silence and frightening look on his face filled Top Heavy with fear. Finally, he let go of her head and backed away, turning to a nearby medical tray that stood behind him.

With his back to her he began to speak as he sorted through whatever lay on the tray. “I’ll need you unconscious again, so that I can induce a proper R.E.M. cycle in you. Now, I could simply drug you,” he said, turning around and holding up a syringe full of some unknown drug. “But that wouldn’t help me learn any new data about the unique physiology of a woman with an active P-Gene.” He turned back around, replacing the syringe on the tray.

“I’ve done a lot of research on women such as you,” he continued to say. “And I’ve found that heroines with larger breasts, well, they at times can be rather sensitive. So tell me, Top Heavy, are your breasts sensitive?” He turned around, a small club in his hand. “My best educated guess is that they can’t be, not with them being close to fifty percent of your total body mass. Why, in a fight it would be nearly impossible for an opponent NOT to strike one of your breasts when attacking you. No, they must normally be able to withstand nearly any attack.”

He began to menacingly swing the club, smacking it into an open palm. “But what about when you’ve had your powers drained? Will your massive breasts still be as resistant to being struck?”

Top Heavy gave the villain a defiant glare. He laughed at this. “Unafraid, are we? Well, that will all change very soon.” His expression changed in flash, turning to one of pure anger and hatred. With surprising speed he lifted the club into the air then swung it down towards one of her over large breasts. The club impacted hard and fast, sending pain shooting up through the heroine’s body.

She screamed through her ball gag, closed her eyes as tears began to flow from her eyes. Top Heavy had never been struck so hard while her powers were this drained. A moment passed, and she was able to once again open her eyes. The breast he had struck ached painfully, but she felt she had recovered from the blow.

Seeing this Doctor Akitomi swung, striking her other breast. Again Top Heavy screamed through her ball gag. Again she closed her eyes against the extreme pain.

When she opened her eyes she saw that the doctor had placed the club back on the tray, replacing it with a new item. Her eyes widened as she saw that it was a cattle prod, its tip sparking menacingly with electricity. She began to scream, wiggling pathetically in her bindings.

The villain moved the tip of the cattle prod near one of her breasts. Top Heavy shifted and struggled, doing what she could to move her hanging breasts away from the sparking end of the device but all she managed was making them swing from side to side. Then Doctor Akitomi struck, jamming the device into the meatiest part of her tit. There was a loud cracking then the smell of singed flesh as electric pain was forced into the helpless heroine’s body. The pain was intense, but as soon as it had begun it was over, the Doctor pulling the prod away from her breast.

Top Heavy opened her eyes and breathed a sigh of relief that the pain was over. Then the evil doctor jammed the cattle prod into her other breast, and this time he pressed it deep into her tit and held it there. He electrocuted Top Heavy till her convulsing body went limp. He cackled, reveling in the sounds of her pain till she passed out, the sound filling the heroines mind as her body gave out…

* * *

The pain seemed to stretch on forever. But eventually, at the end of the eternity there was light and sound. The pain Top Heavy felt in her breasts was still there, but it slowly faded into an easily ignored ache until it was all but forgotten about.

The world around her shifted, confusingly at first. Where was she? When was she? She blinked then opened her eyes causing the world around her to come into focus. She was in a large room, countless young people happily chatting and eating at tables all around her. She looked down and saw that on the table before her was a tray with a sandwich, a bag of chips, and a cup full of soda. For a moment she was confused, but then she realized when and where she was: the cafeteria at The Academy.

At first this felt wrong. She didn’t go to The Academy any more, did she? This was all in the past and all felt horribly familiar… Was this some kind of vivid memory? If it was she needed to place when in her past this was.

She looked down and saw that her breasts were massive, so large that she had to rest them on the table if she wanted to lean forward and pick her meal up. So this was after her breasts had fully developed… But it couldn’t have been very long after that. She was still dressed in the simple school uniform every superhero in training wore till they were given a name. Only AFTER they had a superhero name were they allowed to start wearing any kind of costume.

Top Heavy shifted uncomfortably in her seat. The white button up dress shirt and the plain black blazer she wore over it were too tight. The university costumer had provided her with a custom set of tops to accommodate her oversized breasts, but they were still uncomfortable to wear. And as she concentrated on the clothes she was wearing she realized she had no bra on.

Her heart sank. There were only a few days of her life that she had still been in the plain school uniform and not had a custom made bra on. And only one of those days had occurred while class was in session: the day she had stopped being “Jasmine Lewis” and had become “Top Heavy”. She realized she was sitting at the table alone. This only confirmed that she was reliving that day: any other day her two best friends would have been sitting with her, but on that fateful day they had been too embarrassed to be seen with her.

Looking around her Top Heavy could see that most of the young students in the cafeteria were looking at her, many of them whispering and laughing as they pointed at her breasts. She knew what they were all talking about. During a class earlier in the day she had tried to fly and simply toppled downward, landing painfully on her face and breasts. One of the girls in the class had cruelly laughed at her, and commented that Jasmine appeared to be to “top heavy” to fly. The room had erupted into laughter and ever since then students had cruelly been calling her by that name.

“Awe, look, poor fat titted Top Heavy is eating all by herself,” a voice said from behind her. The young heroine didn’t need to turn around to see who was speaking to her. Even if this hadn’t been a memory that voice was one that was scarred into her head. It was American Dream, the most popular girl in school and the mean bitch that had coined the name “Top Heavy”.

“Hey, don’t ignore me you stupid cunt!” she snarled, walking into view.

She was shadowed, as always, by Southern Bell. The young heroine from the deep south with sonic screams had been American Dreams best friend and lackey since the first day of class. “Yeah,” she said in her southern drawl, “when American Dream talks you listen or I’ll be damn sure to give you something to hear.” It wasn’t an empty threat; she’d used her sonic powers on other students before. It was very much against the rules, but the two young heroines in trainer were adored by the university's staff and seemed to be able to get away with anything they wanted.

“I’m sorry,” Top Heavy heard herself mumble quietly. She was humiliated and intimidated by the two girls, at that point thinking about leaving the university. She knew what was about to happen. American Dream and Southern Bell were going to make fun of her breasts, right there in front of everyone. The room would laugh at her. She would leave in tears, retreating to the school counselor’s office. He would be the one that would convince her to stay, to learn to ignore mean girls like American Dream.

“I’m not going to live through this again,” she thought to herself.

She started to stand up, but American Dream was quickly standing behind her, using her superpowered muscles to push her back into her chair. “You’re not going anywhere, you fat titted whore! Who do you think you are, anyways? Everyone knows I’ve got the biggest, best tits in school.”

“Yeah,” Southern Bell said. “I mean, just look at how perfect they are!” She stepped up behind the tall, blond heroine and tugged the front of her costume down revealing the most perfectly shaped, large pair of breasts Top Heavy had ever seen. “Look at how flawless they are! And so big. You think you can upstage American Dream by growing a pair even bigger? Ha! Look how firm and round they are, I bet yours look fat and sag down to your waist. In fact, let’s all see!”

Southern Bell leapt to Top Heavy’s side, grabbing hold of her dress shirt and ripping it open. Buttons flew across the room as her massive breasts were exposed, causing them to topple out onto the table before her. With them revealed for all in the room to see Southern Bells’ prediction was proved. Where American Dreams’ breast were firm and perfectly shaped Top Heavy’s were so large and soft that they pooled up on the table before her like to fleshy puddles.

Even their nipples were stark opposites. American dream had perfectly pink nipples with normally proportioned areolas that looked perfect surrounded by her Caucasian flesh. Top Heavy’s nipples, in comparison, were large and unevenly shaped. Her areolas were huge, like large fleshy pancakes that were incredibly dark compared to the fairly light tone of her black skin. The nubs of her nipples were huge even when not hard, while American Dreams’ were perfect, pretty little nubs.

“Wait,” Top Heavy said, “this isn’t right. This never happened!”

“Wait,” American Dream repeated back in a mock baby voice. “This isn’t right. This never happened.”

The blond heroine took a breath then began to rant in her normal voice. “That’s what you sound like, you dumb titted slut! God, I can’t believe you thought you could get away with having tits bigger than mine. I mean, they are fucking saggy and gross, but still: how dare you! Its cause you’re jealous, isn’t it? You see that all the boys in school, even all the male professors, they all like me better. You must have thought it was because of these big perfect tits of mine,” she cupped her exposed breasts as she said this. “Well, I’d be the most popular woman here even without these beauties.

But you, you’re only being noticed now BECAUSE of your fat udders! You want all the boys to pay attention to you? Okay, we’ll see how you really like it.”

American Dream turned around and snapped her fingers, silencing the room. “I want every boy in the room to come over here and pull your cocks out. Show this big titted bimbo what you think about her fat, ugly breasts. Come on! Let’s show her what they are good for.”

Men began to surround Top Heavy, far more men then had ever been at The Academy while she went there. They all began pulling their dicks out; all started jerking off to the sight of her large, soft, saggy breasts sitting on the table. She wanted to scream in anger and disgust, wanted to leap up from her chair and dash out of the room. But it was as if she was locked in place. She simple leaned forward and began eating her lunch, trapped in this sexually perverse nightmare.

Men began to cum on her. Load after load of thick semen shot towards her, plopping down onto her large breasts. Some landed on her face, other loads shot into her hair. Some of the men had bad aim, and their cum landed on her sandwich and splattered across her food tray. Others seeing this decided to aim some of their cum there on purpose, covering her lunch in thick, oozing semen.

One of the men picked up her glass of half drunken soda and jizzed into it, passing it around to other men. For a time it disappeared, only to return to her table overflowing and now filled with far more cum then soda. The crowd, led by American Dream, began to chant. “Drink it! Drink it! Drink it!” With tears streaming down her face Top Heavy felt herself lift the glass to her lips then began to drink the foul mix of semen and carbonated sugar water till not a drop was left. The crowd cheered, the men continuing to jerk off all over her.

“Still got your sandwich left,” American Dream said. “You need to eat ALL your food, wouldn’t want any of it to go to waste.”

The sandwich was now so covered in cum that it was hard to see. The bread seemed to have been sucking the semen up, and as she lifted the food to her mouth the bread felt wet and spongy. It was so soggy that cum oozed from it where she was holding it, cum dripping from the bread down onto her large breasts. Still in tears she needed to take a deep shuttering breath before she put the food in her mouth. While she did this a man walked up placed his cock on her sandwich and then added a fresh load of semen to its surface. “Eat up,” he told her with a cruel laugh.

Then Top Heavy began to eat the cumwich. Cruel laughter from American Dream and Southern Bell rung out all around her. They stood close by, jerking off men with both hands to help send more cum flying her way. Top Heavy ate bite after foul bite the cum covered sandwich till it was all gone.

Sobbing, tears adding to the cummy mess covering her face, she wailed in despair. “No more! Please, no more!”

With a start Top Heavy woke up. Something thick and wet and warm had just splattered across her face. She was disoriented, her heart racing. She was covered in sweat. It had all been a dream, a terrible nightmare. Yet there was the unmistakable feeling of cum running down her face!

She opened her eyes and saw Doctor Akitomi standing before her, his cock in his hand. Clearly, the man had just ejaculated onto her face. “Sorry, my dear, but watching that dream on the monitor got me too excited. I started to jerk off then decided I need to make your dreams come true and cum on your face.” The helpless heroine howled in despondency, realizing she was still trapped and unable to break free from a living nightmare.

“Now that my head is cleared I’ll need to evaluate all the data I just gathered from you. And maybe work on a few other projects… I’ll let you rest for a bit then we can run another experiment.”

The Doctor turned, tucking his cock in and grabbing a pile of print outs from a nearby computer before exiting the room. Top Heavy struggled for a few moments, trying in vain to break free. Then she simply went limp, letting her body hang helplessly inside the device that would keep her captive till the evil scientist decided to do something else with her.

Top Heavy knew her only real hope of escape was being saved by other heroines. She hoped someone would soon come looking for her…

* * *

Police Chief Boyd nervously paced back and forth in his office. His secretary sat patiently, knowing he was about to come to an important decision. “Alright Deloris, it’s been too long,” he said, continuing to pace. “Obviously something has gone wrong and Top Heavy has failed in her mission to take care of this Doctor Akitomi. Either we underestimated how big of a threat he was or we overestimated how powerful Top Heavy was.”

Deloris kept silent. She had never liked the way the police department relied on the superheroines, and frankly found the way they dressed and frequently acted to be scandalous. But that was the way things were, and she had no place to question it.

“Put the call out to all the other superheroines in the city. Tell them I need to have a meeting with them, asap!”

“Yes, sir,” she said, turning to pick up the phone and send out the call.

* * *

When Doctor Akitomi had returned to Top Heavy it had been with a metal cart full of wires and electrodes. At first the heroine had thought these were simply replacements for what was attached to her shaved head, but she soon found out she was sorely mistaken. The Doctor went about attaching them to her massive breasts.

“These will allow me to continue testing the limits of your breasts,” he told her as he attached the last of the electrodes then began attaching all the wires from them to a nearby machine. “I’ll be able to send even more electric pain into them while getting detailed readouts of how your body responds to such stimulation.”

Top Heavy whimpered at this. “Please,” she whined, “Please, just… just drug me to sleep! Or… or let me go, I promise, I won’t tell anyone about your operation.”

The doctor laughed. “My, how quickly I’ve broken you!” He stopped, falling deep in thought. “No… no, you’re not broken yet, just telling me what I want to hear. Inside you’re still defiant. If I was to let you go you would return with reinforcements, other meddlesome heroines and you’d prepare them for what I have in store for them! No, I can’t believe anything you say yet. You’re lying, and everyone knows lies need to be punished.”

He connected the last of the wires then turned to Top Heavy, an evil smile spreading across his vile face. “Are you ready for the pain?”

“No!” she said desperately. “No, please, I’ll do any—” Doctor Akitomi then turned a dial and sent electricity flowing into her large breasts. The young heroine’s pleading was interrupted and replaced with screams of pain.

The doctor began slowly turning the dial up, increasing the pain and the intensity of the heroines screams. “Interesting…” he said, looking at the readout on a nearby screen. “Even though this is enough pain to kill a normal woman your body is taking it. It’s amazing that you are so resilient even when nearly completely depowered. Even more interesting is the fact that through the pain your body is growing aroused! What a truly perverse woman you are. Let’s see what happens if we double the amount of electricity flowing into those mammoth mammaries…”

He twisted the dial. Top Heavy screamed one last time then fell limp as she passed out from the pain.

Once again the pain in her breasts seemed to last for an eternity. And then the pain began to fade, replaced by light and warmth and the smell of cool water wafting up at her. Top Heavy blinked, waking to a dream.

She was on a small boat, sitting on a bench dressed in a bikini and looking out at a large lake. She knew this place! It was the large lake on The Academy grounds. It was used for both training and recreation. Some of her happiest memories from her time at the superhero university had been on this lake. She looked around the boat, hoping that her pained body had allowed her to retreat to a happy memory.

Sitting nearby on the small boat were two other bikini clad women. Both were young, in their early twenties.

One of them was Kick Girl. She was a white girl with brown hair and pretty, but forgettable looks. She had an athletic build and early on had excelled at feats of acrobatics and especially in combat with her long legs earning her name. She didn’t have any powers other than the enhanced strength, endurance, and speed most with an Active P-Gene had, making her all the more forgettable. But she was nice to Top Heavy and even gave her support, and just like her she had been intimidated and bullied by American Dream and her clique.

The other heroine in the boat with them was Raccoon Girl. She was one of the unlucky women whose P-Gene had brought mutations other than just superpowers and enlarged breasts. When her enhanced agility and strength had activated she had also grown a large, bushy tale covered in grey and black striped fur. Not long after that her thick messy hair had all turned gray and she had also sprouted fuzzy ears on her head that looked like a raccoon’s. The spunky young woman had embraced the new look, proudly taking on the name of “Raccoon Girl” which had seemed even more fitting once she realized she had heightened senses when the world around her was dimly lit.

But like Kick Girl her powers weren’t impressive compared to others at The Academy. She knew, like Kick Girl, that if she graduated she would never have a world famous career. She’d be lucky to land a job as a support member in one of the super teams in a smaller city.

That’s what the three heroines were chatting about as they sat in the boat together, each drinking glasses of ice cooled tea. “We’re going to be nobodies,” Kick Girl was saying. “Sure, we’re going to make a difference, but only in some small town where there’s barely any crime. And I mean, that’s cool and the world needs C-list heroes like us…”

“We’re not C-listers,” Top Heavy objected.

Raccoon Girl rolled her eyes. “YOU’RE not! You can easily lift a tank, you can take more physical abuse than almost anyone else in our class AND you can fly— uh, I mean, you used to be able to fly. I mean, I know you have problems with it since you…uh… finished developing, but like you can still do it! Everyone knows the public loves a heroine that can fly. They get all the press, all the best jobs. The day after we graduate, you’ll be off to bigger and better and things and we’ll never hear from you again.”

“No way,” Top Heavy said. “We’ve got to stick together! Look, I’ve been looking at what cities have openings when we all graduate later this year. There is this place, Destiny City, used to be kind of small but it’s been growing a lot recently. They’ve got a ton of new openings for heroines AND all of the city’s current heroes are about to retire. It would be easy for all three of us to get stationed there! Hell, they don’t even have a super team yet. I bet after we showed the local cops what we can do we could convince them to let the three of us form their official team.”

Top Heavy felt herself go through the motions of the memory, enjoying the act of reliving it. This was a happy time spent with friends that were still in her life. She was vaguely aware that this was all a dream, that even at that moment these very women were probably on the way to save her. But then the dream seemed to shift. The bright sunny sky above grew dark with clouds, and the happy expressions on her friend’s faces melted away, replaced by angry glares.

“Oh, sure,” Kick Girl said with a sudden snarl. “You just want us following you around, doing whatever you say. Just like Southern Bell and that dumb twit Giantess do with American Dream. You just want a fan club, loyal little minions.”

“Yeah,” Raccoon said. “Well, we ain’t falling for that! Once we’re a team you’re going to take all the credit, get all the glory while WE do all the work.”

“No,” Top Heavy said in objection. “It’s not like that at all! That’s not what I want. We’re friends, a team; I’d never take the credit for—”

Kick Girl cut her off. “Yeah, right. Even if that’s what you want you’ll end up getting all the attention anyways! I mean, who is the media going to cover? Us or the chick with the tits so big they practically have their own gravitational pull!”

Both heroines stood up and approached Top Heavy. “Just look at these flesh monsters,” Kick Girl said, grabbing hold of Top Heavy’s bikini top and tearing it open. Her massive breasts, no longer supported by the top, fell down to rest on her lap.

“God, just look at how fat and soft and gross they are!” Raccoon Girl said, her fuzzy ears twitching. “What woman would want breasts that BIG and soft and… and… fucking gross!”

“Yeah, but you know men LOVE them,” Kick Girl said. “The bigger the better, that’s what most boys like. And with the biggest tits in the world you’ll get all the attention from all the boys! The media is going to love you. And your colossal breasts will literally overshadow anyone dumb enough to be on a team with you. Hell, you’d be popular even in the south. With tits that big the racists perverts there wouldn’t even care that your black.”

Top Heavy sniffled, fighting back tears. “Stop it. This isn’t you… none of this ever happened! I want to wake up now!”

“Stop it,” Raccoon Girl repeated back in a mock baby voice.

“I want to wake up now,” Kick Girl said in the same voice.

Then they both began to laugh, and as they laughed their voices changed. Slowly the sound of their laughter became that of American Dream and Southern Bell. Top Heavy blinked and when her eyes opened her friends were gone, replaced by the two heroines that had tormented her the entire time she had been at The Academy.

“No,” Top Heavy said, starting to cry. “Just go away…”

“Awe, look, the dumb bitch is crying!” American Dream laughed cruelly. “What a baby you are. You’re going to make a shit heroine. Hell, I bet you give up the first time a villain defeats you. And you know what’s going to happen then, don’t you?”

“Yeah,” Southern Bell said. “You know the first rule of the villain’s code: once you defeat a heroine she’s fair game sexually.”

“You know what they will do when they defeat you?” American Dream asked.

Top Heavy turned away, trying to stop the tears flowing from her eyes. “Make it stop, make it go away,” she mumbled.

“They are going to fuck those fat tits of yours,” American Dream said. She grabbed hold of Top Heavy’s face and made her look back at her.

The heavy breasted heroine gasped. American Dream was now naked, her perfect breasts exposed but instead of a pussy the woman had a large, long cock standing erect between her legs. “Cock!” Top Heavy proclaimed.

“Yup,” American Dream said, stepping closer to Top Heavy. “The bad guys are all going to have huge hardons like this just for you once they see these tits running around. They are all going to defeat you then they are going to fuck these tits, just like this!” American dream then jammed her cock into Top Heavy’s breasts and she started to fuck her tits. “This is all your good for, isn’t it?” American Dream asked her.

Top Heavy began to sob again. “No,” she said through the tears. “No… no one is going to fuck my tits…” But she couldn’t deny just how real it felt to have the dream version of the blond heroine fuck her breasts. And then the dream began to fade, the feeling of someone fucking her tits becoming even more real.

She opened her eyes to see Doctor Akitomi’s body pressed up against hers. He had is cock buried in her dangling tits, busy fucking them and groaning in pleasure as he squeezed them together around his hard shaft. “Had to fuck them,” he mumbled, noticing that she had woken up. “Couldn’t wait any longer, had to see what it felt like…”

A moment later she felt an explosion of hot moisture spread out into her breasts. “Ahhhhh…. There we go, that’s better.” Doctor Akitomi stepped back from Top Heavy, his cock dripping cum. Top Heavy could feel his semen oozing down between her hanging breasts.

“I’ve got loads of new data to go through,” The doctor said as he cleaned himself up. “And I’m sure you’ll need some more rest. But don’t worry, I’ll be back soon.”

* * *

Chief Boyd sat at the head of the table, Deloris sitting next to him. He impatiently tapped a pen on the piece of paper before him as the gathered heroines walked into the room. Deloris proclaimed each of their names and main powers as they entered.

“Raccoon Girl, enhanced dexterity and super senses at night. Kick Girl, enhanced agility and a master of combat involving kicks. The Lone Star Duo, Texas Red and Buckaroo Blondie who both excel at ‘wrangling’ villains. Flower Power, who can control and manipulate plants as well as the earth they grow in. And finally Red Tanya, who has enhanced endurance and a bionic arm full of gadgets.”

The gathered women all took a seat at the large table. It was a colorful, strange looking collection of superpowered women. Raccoon Girl looked strange, even amongst other powered individuals. Kick Girl, who sat whispering next to her, was by far the most easily overlooked and forgettable of the group. Even her simple, form fitting costume failed to stand out.

Next to her was the Lone Star Duo. They were both dressed in patriotically patterned red white and blue bikinis. Texas Red wore a flared short skirt and a flashy white cowboy hat, while her partner wore brown leather chaps and had on a hat exactly the same as her partner’s except it was colored red. Both women had looped lassos hanging from the sides of the large belts that ran around their waists. Texas Red was obviously named for the bright red hair that flowed down to her lower back. Her skin was so pale that she looked almost like the color had been drained from her skin, while her partner was tan with dusty blond hair. Both were blue eyed Caucasian beauties.

Across the table sat Flower Power. She was a tall, thin woman with long, thick, dirty dreadlocks that made her look out of place at the table. Her costume didn’t help: she wore a tie-dyed wrap around skirt, with a matching cloth top that barely covered her large breasts. Her costume was incredibly impractical and seemed likely to fall off of her if a heavy breeze blew through the room.

Finally there was Red Tanya. She was short and muscular. She wore a top that looked to be little more than a sports bra and a tight pair of shorts leaving most of her skin exposed. She had an incredibly tight, fit, well muscled body but her glittering, metal arm distracted from that. Its sleek form had bands of glowing blue energy running up it. Everyone at the table knew that although the arm’s surface looked sleek and smooth countless devices were hidden within it.

“Is this all?” the police chief asked.

“Yes,” Deloris said. “The city has three other heroines,” she added, looking through a paper before her. “American Dream, Giantess, and Southern Bell; but they are all busy taking down a drug running operation and were unable to attend the meeting.”

“Well, that sounds important. Glad we didn’t pull them off that.” He sat up straight, putting on his most serious expression. “I’ve called you all here today because—”

Suddenly an attractive woman dressed in a tight blouse and a short skirt came bursting into the room holding out an audio recorder before her. Two police officers were chasing after her, trying to grab hold of her and pull her out of the room. “Chief, Chief! Jenny Baltimore with the Destiny City Journal. Do you have any comment on why you’ve gathered almost all of the city’s superheroines?”

The Chief’s face turned bright red. “Get that god damned reporter out of here!”

The two officers managed to finally get a hold of the woman, pulling her towards the door. “You can’t silence the press,” she yelled. “I’ll find out what’s going on one way or another!!!” The door slammed closed as she was removed from the room.

“Sorry about that,” Chief Boyd said, trying to regain his composure. “That woman’s been a pain in my ass since she started working for that newspaper… Anyways, we’re here today because one of your own is in danger.” He then proceeded to tell the gathered heroines that Top Heavy was missing and filled them in on what little they knew about Doctor Akitomi.

“We need to send out a team to find Top Heavy, save her, and deal with this mad scientist once and for all. I’m open to suggestions and volunteers.”


There’s a lot going on in the story right now, so I think I am going to be breaking the voting up into three separate parts. Please choose ONE choice for EACH of the three parts.

Part one is to decide what happens with Top Heavy. Part two is to determine who is chosen to come and try and rescue her. Part three is what those that come to her attempted rescue face.

And once again, the poll will be open till I feel the need to write the next part, which hopefully should be a little longer this time.

Re: The Rise of Doctor Akitomi Part Two (a poll driven story)

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 8:38 am
by Philo Hunter
Okay, we've got clear winners in all three fields and I'm chomping at the bit to get started on the next part, so we'll say the poll is closed. But I don't actually know how to turn it off, so I'll jot down the winners here in case any more votes are added:

PART ONE: Doctor Akitomi decides, once his testing on Top Heavy’s mind is finished, to let her go. He tells her she simply has to make her way through the room with the Flesh Beast and walk out of the base, but as soon as she sees the creature she remembers how delicious it’s cum tasted. She gives herself to the creature and is unable to leave.

PART TWO: The heroines don’t want to take any chances. They all volunteer to attack the villain’s base together.

PART THREE: The heroine(s) face an improved version of the Flesh Beast.