Extra Extra, Supergirl!

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“Don’t move! I’ll blow her head off!” the thug cried. Ten Chicago PD cars and dozens of officers had closed down the street. A small crowd in the hundreds watched the life and death drama unfolding before their eyes. The street thug had tried to rob jewelry store only to find two officers walking the beat come upon him at the same time. Fearing a shoot out, he took the nearest woman hostage. Crying the mother of two made silent prayers as the 9mm was pressed into her hair.

The punk looked every which way seeing cops in every direction. He knew they wouldn’t move though, “Now get my f***ing car now!” He noticed one of the cops look up and then smiled. Not liking this one bit, he pulled his hostage back into the store. She was really screaming now, “SHUT UP!”

Suddenly he was spun around and nearly got sick from the acceleration. When he was done spinning, the woman was gone. Screaming an obscenity, he looked for the woman; she was safely being tended to by some cops near their barricade. Wondering what happened he suddenly heard a very famous voice, “Now that we have the kidnapping charge done with how about we just end this quickly”

In front of him hands on her hips, The Girl of Steel stood in her blue leotard, red boots, skirt, and cape, yellow belt and red & yellow S symbol on her chest. Supergirl had used her speed to whisk the woman away, now she needed to deal with this jackass. He screamed and was about to fire his pistol; raising it he took aim at the pentagon symbol on her chest. Suddenly the weapon grew red, screaming he dropped the weapon and looked up at Supergirl whose eyes went back to their normal blue. The officers thanked Linda for her help, the mother nearly cried on Supergirl’s shoulder. Reassuring the woman Linda took off to the cheers of the crowd. Heading back towards the Tribune building she turned into a blur and landed on the roof.

“Danvers! Get over here!” Linda heard as she stepped back on her floor, the chief was calling. Heading over to the Chief’s office she no longer looked like the famous heroine Supergirl. Her hair was in a bun, a pair of wire rimmed glasses on her nose and the change from her red and blues to a black suit jacket, and navy blue skirt with hose and pups, separated Linda Danvers from Supergirl. Although if you opened up her blouse you’d notice a certain blue fabric underneath it, “What’s up chief?” She asked stepping into his office.

A young woman with burnet hair and glasses like Linda’s was sitting in a chair in front of the Chief’s desk. Linda took a seat next to woman, who was dressed in a similar outfit although with black tights.
“Good Danvers, this is Alexandra Michel she our newest reporter.” The Chief spoke quickly.
“It’s an honor to meet you Ms. Danvers.” Alex smiled holding her hand out. Linda took it.
“Good Danvers you are going to be showing her the ropes.”
Linda tried to hide her discomfort, Alex didn’t see it but the chief did, “Alexandra why don’t you head for desk and get set up okay?” Alex did so and the chief got ready for the next problem.
“Chief, I’m not here to baby-sit.” Linda protested. But her boss wouldn’t have any of it.
“Now last one we gave to Cutter, its your turn on the chopping block. Besides she is actually a very good reporter I’ve seen some of her stuff, now you are partners for a little while understood?”

Back at her desk ‘Alex’ was putting everything away and in place. Alex wasn’t her real name, the one she previously had was far too risky since that night she was caught in DC. Now though with a fresh name and start, courtesy of some loot that Shannon let her know about, Extra was ready for her new assignment, learn Supergirl’s identity, viva Linda Danvers.
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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Very, very nice way to tie into another story. Can't wait to see where this leads.
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While Linda was talking with the Chief, Alex/Alice (I’m going to use her new identity for the story) decided to do a little snooping. Heading over to Linda’s cubical she looked for anything that could give her a clue to how Linda contacted Supergirl or vice versa. On the desk were her computer screen and keyboard, papers, notes, and some pictures. Alex eyed the one of Supergirl and Linda carefully. Making sure she wasn’t being watched she picked up the Supergirl photo and looked at it.

‘Looks real enough’ she thought. Feeling the frame and photo she couldn’t find any hidden communication devices, ‘And Chicago doesn’t need a bat signal or anything’ she thought. Taking a peek back towards the Chief’s office she could see Linda coming back. Alex quickly went back to her desk after returning the photo.

About a half hour later, Linda and Alex finished having some small talk. Alex learned a few interesting things, Leesburg, Adopted, lives here, likes this, and that. The conversation had given Extra all the info she needed to start filling her search parameters for Linda Lee Danvers. Fifteen minutes later her search engine chimed, signaling it finished. With military precision she began learning more about Linda.

Alex brought up the first file on Ms. Danvers. Her search engine went through the Internet and Government databases and as a result she had plenty of data to sort through. First on her plate was Leesburg Ledger article on Linda and how she had rose to become one of Chicago’s top reporters. Another was her last tax filing, all in order. Finally after about five minutes, Alex began to find some interesting connections.

Supergirl had first appeared in Leesburg in the nineties, and a number of her early accounts mentioned Linda being involved in one form or another. ‘Hmm okay so they’ve know each other since their teens, they are good friends’ Extra decided. Alex moved onto Linda’s parents now. Fred’s background was provided by an FBI file. Married in 81, served in 1st Infantry Division 79-92: Gulf War Vet, Cop in 93, detective in 97, so that’s normal enough. Edna Danvers didn’t show much of interest either, although again Officer and later Detective Danvers had quiet a few incidents with the Girl of Steel. ‘So that means a possible family connection or just confirmation of my first theory’ Alex thought.

The rest of the documents she’d have to look over later, she had an appointment to keep. If she was to gain Linda’s trust she’d need to first look like the innocent newbie reporter she was, and get some good stories along they way. This would be helped by a little black book she managed to steal from Blaze’s personal belongings.

Linda was at her desk typing away on an article about U.S. Successes in Iraq when Alex came over. The burnet was painting and almost ready to shout out.
“Ms…Danvers…big…tip….need to…go now!” Alex cried excitedly.
“Whoa slow down there rookie, what are you talking about?” Linda asked the girl turning away from the keyboard.
“I have a tip.” Linda was skeptical, but Alex pushed on, “Listen, a good snitch I had in College gave me a tip, Ice Princess is going to rob the Art Museum’s new Ice Sculpture exhibits. I swear Ms. Danvers its good!” Alex exclaimed.
Linda was about to question her more when she heard the emergency call on the police radio nets, “All units, All units proceeded to Art Museum, ice using criminal at site with accomplices. Use extreme caution, MCU on route.”

‘She’s right, maybe she isn’t to bad for a rookie after all’ Linda pondered, but she needed to get rid of Alex so she could go change and put a stop to Ice Princess’s plans.
Like most times though, the Chief came to her aid, “Danvers, Michel, Sharp get your buts down to art museum! Robbery in progress looks like some crazy woman with an ice gun or something is on the loose.”
“Alex you go with Cutter.” At first Alex began to whine, “No arguing you two are going to go down to the museum, I’m going to go make a call.”
“To who?” Alex asked, but knowing the answer. Linda sighed not seeing through Alex’s false naïve face, she pointed at the photo of her and Supergirl.
“Oh right!” Alex said like the young inexperienced girl she was trying to act like.
“Good I’ll see you there shortly.” Linda left Alex and Cutter who was grabbing the new kid and running for his car, and headed for the stairs.

Once inside she made the change while flying up into Supergirl. Coming out at the roof door she placed her street clothes into a special compartment on the roof and took off towards the museum. The Slipstream whipped past her as she crossed over the Loop to the museum near the lake.

Police were sealing off the exits and making sure people got out. Hovering a few hundred feet above the scene of chaos below, she scanned the building with X-Ray vision. Soon she found the Queen of Chills inside the special climate controlled display for the ice sculptures. Diving down, Supergirl planned to enter through the rear of the Museum and fly right to the villainess.

Cutter had a knack for driving inside the Windy City so they managed to get to the Museum only a few minutes after Supergirl arrived. Alex and Cutter made it past the Police barricades showing their press badges. Although this only got them a 1000 feet from the action as opposed to 2000 feet back near the barricades. Alex looked for any sign of the Ice Princess, ‘she better do her part!’
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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“Come on faster, the cops are already here and you know who will show up anytime now!” Ice Princess, better know to her family as Ingrid Phrost called to her two henchgirls. Wearing her low cut blue leotard with white fur along the neck line she also had white fur coming from the edges of her blue gloves. A pair of light blue tights encased her legs and her white mask and sliver crown completed her costume.

Ice Princess’s two henchgirls, Snow wore a white body stocking and Sleet wore a blue one, both went from their neck to feet. White masks like Ingrid’s protected their identities, right now the two ladies in blue were lowering an ice sculpture of a little girl into a special travel container. Princess waited impatiently for Supergirl. If Extra kept her word, the Girl of Steel should show up…

“My, I thought we just finished with winter?” A confident Supergirl observed, hands on hips in her power pose. Ice Princess smiled and turned to look Supergirl in the eye.
“Well if it isn’t Supergirl? I haven’t had the pleasure, Ice Princess pleased to meet you.” The woman with white hair and blue costume smiled.
Linda eyed the room, there were two body stocking clad woman assisting Princess, no signs of Kryptonite or any other trap for the Girl of Steel, “Not so pleased to see you unfortunately, what’s wrong Metro City not busy enough for you these days?”
The Maiden of Frost laughed, “Oh Nightswan and Cardinal are plenty of fun but I decided to take a little vacation for a while.”
“Make a few bucks along the way?” Supergirl asked. Phrost nodded, Linda also noticed that the two henchgirls were making their way around her, circling her in.

Ice Princess reached behind her back, a blast of X-Ray vision showed her reaching for some sort of weapon. ‘Probably her freeze gun or whatever it’s called’ Supergirl decided remembering the most recent superheroine newsletter created by Agent C at the FBI.
“Well it’s been nice talking to you Supergirl, but I must be going, hope you don’t mind if I take these lovely sculptures with me?” Ice Princess ran out the exit talking her boxes with her.

Supergirl was going to go right after her but needed to make sure the henchgirls weren’t a threat. Turning to deal with the nearest one, Snow, is when she saw the strange weapon they each held. Snow and Sleet fired off the guns, each of which shot a strange sticky ball. Both connected to the Girl of Steel’s costume. Then each began to expand in size, Snow and Sleet fired off more balls, each one did the same thing upon contact with her body.
‘Oh God! They have one of those anti-meta weapons!’

Each of the blobs was encasing Supergirl, she pushed and pulled on them but they stretched with her body, not yielding to her strength. Snow and Sleet laughed as they each fired a blob round into Supergirl’s S symbol and face.
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Snow and Sleet kept firing till Supergirl was encased completely in the Anti-Personnel orbs. Admiring their handiwork, they gave each other a high five. The blob that was Supergirl continued to move and struggle but it was useless. Suddenly, one of the blobs exploded. Snow and Sleet looked on in shock! Twin red beams began piercing each of the blobs till what looked like a series of sticky balloons were deflated around the Maiden of Might.

“Okay now you scared me for a minute, I thought I was in trouble…shouldn’t have done that.” Supergirl said then she disappeared into a blur that took the two henchgirls with her. Seconds later the Police were shocked to see a pair of nylon clad woman hanging from a lamp above the barricade. Both bodystocking wearing villainess were tied tightly with duct tape (Which Linda found in janitors closet) much to the delight of the media who had action footage and sexy ladies for the six and ten clock news hours.

Linda floated above the scene, looking for Ice Princess. Ingrid was running through the front doors of the museum. Quickly she used her freeze pistol to form an ice path that she slid down in her tights. This was bringing her right to her get away car, parked by the Press area. Watching the approaching villainess, Alex prepared for her part of the show. Coming to a stop in front of the press, most of who ran Alex moved to confront Ice Princess.
“Supergirl! She’s right here.” She called and waved her arms. Supergirl responded flying right towards them.
Ingrid now played her part, recognizing Extra, “You little bitch, hope you enjoy a good freeze!” Lifting the ice weapon she fired. A thin blue beam that had an almost water like quality to it lanced out and struck Alex! She was instantly frozen in a block of ice.
“Ice Princess!” Supergirl snared landing a punch seconds after she finished firing her weapon. Ingrid had never encountered a punch like that before! Stunned from the impact she now found the front of her leotard meshed in Supergirl’s fist. An angry pair of eyes looked down on her.
“You killed that girl for no reason, you are so…”
“She’s not dead! Please Supergirl, give me more credit. My gun only is fatal if you’re incased in it for more than five minutes, and it seems the clock is ticking.” Ice Princess answered.

She also still had use of her armed hand! Firing another burst, she caught a group of escaping Press. Supergirl was pissed; she had let some more people get put in danger because she was too focused on Ice Princess.
“Now here’s the deal Supergirl, let me go and I won’t stop you from defrosting them. If you don’t well, you won’t save all of them. I think it will take you two minutes to unthaw yourself.” She pressed the gun against Supergirl’s thigh, “By time you’re freed the tattle tale will have passed onto an icy grave, choose my dear.”

Supergirl angrily released Ice Princess who made a break for it without her merchandise. Linda turned to the frozen Alex. Her eyes lanced out and worked on freeing the trapped newbie reporter. Making sure not to use too much power so she didn’t chop the more girl in half, it took a minute and forty seconds to free Alex. Collapsing to the street, Alex coughed for breath. ‘God! She never said it would be that cold!’ Extra thought, but she had played her part. By being a victim, she’d have Supergirl’s trust.
“Stay here I need to free those people too.” Supergirl ordered, helping Alex up. Linda quickly turned her attention to the frozen members of the press.

Fifteen minutes later, everyone was unfrozen and sipping coffee. The police thanked Supergirl for her help, while a few members of the press criticized her for letting Ice Princess escape, strangely enough none of the nay sayers were those who had been frozen.
Coming back to check on Alex, Supergirl found her resting on the hood of Cutter’s car wrapped in a blanket and having a Starbucks coffee of the day.
“Are you all right Ms. Michel?”
Alex nodded, “thank you Supergirl, I thought I was a goner. Sorry I caused Ice Princess to get away.”
“That wasn’t your fault. Sorry I couldn’t have reacted sooner and taken that ice bullet for you.” Linda answered.
“No please Supergirl, don’t think that. I’m grateful to be still ticking.” She then got up and gave Supergirl a hug. Linda was a bit surprised by this but went with it.
“No problem Ms. Michel, Mr. Sharp could you please take Ms. Michel back to the Tribune, I’ll inform Linda of what happened.” Supergirl said.
“Gee where is Linda?” Alex said aloud, wanting to see how Supergirl would react. Linda was surprised by the tone in which Alex asked it, as if she knew the answer coming was less than truthful, “She decided to take a cab over here. I offered a ride over but she told me she didn’t want me to hold her up.” ‘Hope that works.’ Linda thought.
Alex tried to see if Supergirl was lying, ‘damn can’t tell, probably don’t want to play poker with her.’

Supergirl took off and accepted another thanks from Alex and Cutter. While driving back, Cutter didn’t notice Alex playing with her PDA. He did see her using it but little did he know that it was something more than a PDA. Looking down at the screen, Extra could see her tracker she had planted on Supergirl’s cape was working. ‘Excellent that 10,000 to Ice Princess was worth it. Now I just wait to night fall and see where little Miss Steel ends up.’
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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Extra waited till dark to begin her track of Supergirl. She also decided to switch to her costumed identity before going on the hunt. That way if spotted, she’d be seen as Extra, not Alex. Slipping into her new costume Alex admired herself in the mirror. She wore a black leotard with matching gloves. Her legs were incased in white silky tights without footwear. Finally a Robin like black mask covered her eyes. A large twenties style hat with PRESS card in the top went a top her head.

A quick trip to her car and she was on the move. Her not fancy 95 Nissan wouldn’t draw any attention and allow her to search in peace. She followed all the rules, didn’t speed, no running lights, nothing to tip off the Girl of Steel. Checking her PDA again, she saw Supergirl was near the Sears Tower. A quick drive by showed the remains of a car accident in which Supergirl must have gave assistance. Following the signal from her tracker she was soon taken to an apartment building. Stopping Extra checked the PDA again, Supergirl’s signal had stopped.

Leaving her car, Extra grabbed her bag of tricks and walked into the building. Finding the stairs she breathed a sigh, why did Supergirl have to stop on the twelfth floor? She thought. A short while later, a tired Extra came to a stop at the 12th Floor, “Finally!” she painted.
Walking down the hallway she checked the tracker, from the looks of the signal, Supergirl was in Room 420. Carefully coming on the room she listened for anyone was inside. She heard a muffled voice on the phone then the sounds of a opening window.

Curios, Extra took her fiber optic probe and placed it under the door. A peek inside showed a normal apartment apparently now empty. Looking at her PDA for a final check it showed Supergirl was no where in sight. Removing her optic probe, Extra now pulled her lock pick out. Making sure no one was watching she quickly picked the lock. Heading inside she saw nothing suggesting the apartment of a superheroine.

Looking for any evidence, Extra began her search. Soon though she was shocked by the first thing she found. Linda Danvers! She thought in shock, so this is Linda’s apartment, hmm maybe her and Supergirl meet here? Leaving the bills behind, she began looking in the bedroom. Inside she began to go through Linda’s draws, under the bed in the closet, nothing! Extra began to cruse, her search had turned up nothing. Still inside the closet she leaned against the wall and sighed in frustration. That’s when she noticed it, an edge running along the wall seams, a door. Curios she removed her tools again.

This time she used a special door splitter. Slipping the paper thin material into the edge she then pressed a button on the device. Instantly the paper inflated, and caused the door to open. Sliding to the other side off the wall, Alex was shocked by what she found. On a transparent mannequin was the blue and red uniform of Supergirl (although not know to Alex this was Linda’s backup uniform) she was stunned. Everything was there, the red cape, skirt, and boots. The red and yellow S was stretched on the blue leotard was her main fascination. Feeling the fabric she now came to a new conclusion, what if Linda Danvers was Supergirl?

At first Extra was convinced she had found out the Girl of Steel’s identity, but then she thought about it logically. Supergirl might be just stashing stuff here at Linda’s apartment. There was only one way to be sure, she’d have to get Linda to expose herself to Alex.
“Great, how do I do that?” she thought. Putting that aside she removed her digital camera and began taking shots of everything here. As she was taking photos of Supergirl’s secret room she noticed another compartment on the wall.

Labeled with large letters DANGER it also had a radiation symbol on it. Curios she opened the chamber up. Inside was a series of large black boxes. Picking one up she was shocked to discover how heavy it was. Putting it on the floor, Extra opened it up and was for a final time shocked. A glowing green stone with crystal parts was inside, kryptonite. Extra like most villains had heard about the deadly substance. Problem was there was a shortage of the stuff. Reportedly Poison Ivy and some rich girl brought up the last pieces available on the market.

“Except now I have some for free…” a plan began to form in her head. Extra searched the other lead boxes; she found some more kryptonite of the green variety and some red ones. Not knowing what the red did she settled for the good old fashion green kryptonite. Taking the smallest piece and pocketing it in her bag. She quickly replaced the lead boxes and made sure nothing was disturbed in the costume room.

Soon she was out of Linda Danvers’s apartment and back at her own. Taking her stolen kryptonite she also went for her jewelry box and got to work.
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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Linda got her usual tea and doughnut and headed for her desk. She was working on a story about Supergirl’s reaction to claims that she had let the villainess get away. Linda sighed; she’d try to keep her irritation in check while writing. Sitting at her desk typing in between eating and drinking, Linda noticed Alex come off the elevator and smiling and talking to everyone.

The Chief had been thrilled with her tip and she was more accepted around the office. I guess the rookie isn’t that much of a burden after all, Linda thought. Alex had placed her coat and purse at her desk and headed towards Cutter’s desk. They were both writing a follow up story on Ice Princess’s robbery. As Alex got closer, Linda suddenly felt a wave of nausea overcome her. Alex continued on to Cutter’s desk, but Linda didn’t notice that the weakness came with Alex.

‘What was that? Kryptonite? In here?’ she thought. Holding her head, Linda suddenly felt another wave of weakness and nausea. Gritting her teeth she looked for any sign of the deadly remains of her home. None appeared, nothing on a desk, no laser or anything. ‘Where is that coming from?’ she needed to know.

Alex sat behind Linda’s desk and heard Linda get up. Watching her she could see the woman wasn’t at her best. Smiling she needed to be absolutely sure. A few girls were heading over to get some water. Alex got up and joined them, the group headed closer to Linda. Drinking some water, Linda rested her back against the wall trying to regain her strength. Suddenly she was once again feeling the effects of the kryptonite.

Holding her stomach she fought the urge to collapse to the ground and curl up into a ball. The group of ladies noticed that Linda wasn’t feeling well, “Ms. Danvers are you all right?”
“No…” Linda said through her pain. She left the group of ladies near the water cooler and felt better again. Looking back she tried to see if any of them were wearing kryptonite jewelry. Problem was all of those girls had on either a necklace, or earrings, some which were green. Damnit can’t tell which one has the kryptonite! She thought. Coming to a regretful conclusion she headed for the chief’s office.

Can’t stay here, if I get close to that kryptonite and pass out or collapse, everyone is going to want to help me, then they open up my blouse or look under my skirt and the jig is up, she thought. Knocking on the chief’s door she began to act like she wasn’t too well.
“Chief…ohhhh I don’t feel so good.” She said in a sickly voice.
“Danvers, if your sick why you come to work?” he asked with his usual angry tone.
“Sorry Chief but…ohh!” Linda felt a very real stab of pain go through her. Unknown to the Girl of Steel, Alex walked by the chief’s office to see her effect on Linda.
“Gee you don’t look to good. Okay take a sick day, but email your story if its no trouble. Need me to call ya a cab?” the chief asked like a Dad.
Surprised by his change in mood Linda shook her head, “No I’ll make it back on my own. Thanks Chief, and I will email ya that report.”

Leaving the office Linda quickly shut down her computer and took her coat and purse with her. Once more she felt a pain of weakness slice into her right as she got in the elevator. As the door close though she felt relief, oh I’ll have to walk home, shouldn’t risk flying, she thought.

Alex was overjoyed, she had Supergirl! Linda was reacting to kryptonite every time she got close. Extra was smart enough to avoid the Girl of Steel’s view; only get close enough to see is Linda was visibly affected. Alex looked down at her breasts and removed the gold chain from inside her cleavage. Attached to the middle was her newly polished stone of kryptonite. It had glowed every time she got close to Supergirl, she had all her proof.

Grabbing her backpack and coat she headed to the same elevators Linda had used minutes before, she was ready to expose Supergirl.
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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Man this is a great story. You can just feel Supergirl's weakness as Alex gets near. I kept waiting for her to collapse helpless to the floor.

Please, continue this awesome piece.
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Linda unlocked her apartment door and walked inside. Closing it but failing to lock it, a superheroine isn’t as worried about someone breaking in while you are home as other people. Kicking off her flats she collapsed onto her couch and took a breath. Rubbing her pantyhosed feet together she relaxed and tried to shake off the after effects of her exposure to her fatal weakness.

Closing her eyes she worked on the relaxation techniques that Dr. Carter suggested. She was basically in a form of meditation when she heard a knock on the door. Shaking herself out of the trance she shot off a blast of x-ray vision at the door. Standing there was Alex, with a bouquet of flowers. Surprised Linda called out for her to let herself in. Opening the door Alex came in, “Linda you shouldn’t leave your door unlocked like that. Never know who might come in while you’re out.”
Linda was too distracted by her discomfort that arose from Alex entering the room. Once again she was feeling the kryptonite’s effects.

Weakly she got to her feet and made her way to the kitchen, trying to increase the distance between her and Alex. Why does Alex have kryptonite on her? Is it an accident, somebody put a piece of it in some jewelry? Linda search for answers was soon ended by Extra.
“Wondering why I have kryptonite on me Supergirl?” Alex smirked. Linda’s eyes burst open, she tried to cover, “What are you…talking about Alex…I’m…”
“Please, Linda I think we’re past that. Oh see how your knees get weak as I get closer.” Alex walked forwards bringing her kryptonite necklace closer. Linda slumped onto her countertop, trying to stay awake. Pain and nausea gripped her, Alex was now only feet away. Placing her flowers on the table, Alex proceed to remove her coat. Underneath was the black leotard and white tights of Extra. A quick trip to her hand bag revealed her hat and mask.
“Extra, Supergirl, pleased to meet you.” She reached over and grabbed Linda pulling her close.

“Stop…please…” Linda pleaded in between her pained breathing. Extra smiled as she reached inside her neckline revealing her necklace.
“Pretty isn’t it?” she said holding the polished piece of kryptonite in front of Supergirl’s face. It was shocking, Supergirl disguised in secret identity, helpless at the hands of Extra. Alex was quick to take Supergirl over to her couch. Laying the weakening Girl of Steel on it Extra returned to her bag.

Quickly she set up a tripod with a digital camera on it. Aiming it on a position to show Supergirl on the couch she returned over to Linda’s side. Pained to stay awake she watched helplessly as Extra bent over and now looked down on the powerless Supergirl. Removing her necklace and placing it around Linda’s neck Extra spoke, “Now Supergirl its time to bear all.”

Enjoying every moment of this Extra proceeded to unbuttoning Linda’s blouse. Once they were all undone she exposed the blue kryptonian fabric underneath. Her S was prominently displayed for the camera which began taking pictures on a timer. With the deadly ore around her neck she couldn’t fight any of Extra’s moves or the revealing of her identity. Next her skirt was slid down her nylon encased legs, revealing the shorter red one underneath. Completing the exposing Extra unrolled Supergirl’s red cape and attached it to Supergirl’s shoulders and neck.

Linda struggled with out her boots but there was still one last item to be removed. Extra pulled her wire rimmed glasses off Linda’s face.
“Much better Supergirl, here let me help you up.” Extra laughed she removed the kryptonite from around Supergirl’s neck and placed it back on her own. Lifting up Supergirl she helped the weakened heroine over to the counter again. Trying to struggle was useless for Linda. Extra a mere woman was now ten times stronger than her, plus she couldn’t get any traction on the carpet in her pantyhosed feet.

“Now just so there’s no hard feelings Supergirl, I brought some get well soon flowers. Hope you love the sent, it’s almost like poppies” Extra held Supergirl’s face next to the flowers. Linda breathed in some almond smelling fumes, all ready helpless and weak from kryptonite, she was taken down easily by the drugged flowers. Koed in her opponent’s arms Supergirl was dragged to her bedroom.
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Extra laid Supergirl on her bed. The Girl of Steel looked quiet fetching as she slept, although she didn’t sleep soundly. Radiation from the kryptonite was still weakening poor Linda while she slept. With Supergirl out cold on the bed, Extra went back to the kitchen and retrieved her camera and took more pictures of the sleeping Supergirl. With that completed, Alex went over to Supergirl.

To give her time to escape to her hideout, she would need Supergirl to sleep. Extra revealed her bottle of chloroform, which she had brought in her coat. Pouring the contents onto Linda’s blue pillow she watched the liquid become absorbed into the soft fabric. Now Supergirl would be breathing in the sleepy fumes while she rested.
“It’s been great Linda. Thank you for the two million which will soon be in my pocket.” Bending down to Supergirl’s face she gave Linda a small kiss on the forehead, “Sleep tight.”

Washington DC

Diana Prince was enjoying a light lunch in an outdoor café near the J. Edgar Hoover Building, FBI headquarters. Polishing off the sandwich, Diana was about to head back to work when she got a cold shiver down her spine. ‘Something’s wrong’ she thought.
[Diana…help…] suddenly popped into her thoughts. She almost shot out of her chair. ‘That’s Linda’s voice’, she decided.
Remembering Linda’s kryptonian telepathic abilities Wonder Woman forced out a thought, hoping Linda could read it, [Linda, what’s wrong?]
It seemed the telepathy worked one way in this case, [Please…Diana…help…]

Wonder Woman needed no more encouragement. Disappearing into an alley she quickly spun into the patriotic garb of Wonder Woman. Her golden belt that encircled her waist provided her Amazonian abilities away from her home. A quick call up for her jet which remained invisible both on radar and to the human eye and one giant leap up, and Wonder Woman was on the way.


Wonder Woman came through the window of Linda’s apartment. Diana had decided that she should start her search for Supergirl at her apartment. Looking around Diana saw Linda’s clothes lying near the couch. At fist she thought that Supergirl had rushed off to an emergency, but then she noticed that her red boots were still out in the open. Diana knew that Linda wouldn’t have gone anywhere without her boots, she must be here.

A quick search ended up at the bedroom. Inside she saw Supergirl struggling to wake up from her krypto, chloro slumber. Rushing to her side, Wonder Woman was almost overcome by the fumes from the pillow. Stepping back she took a breath and went and retrieved Supergirl. Carrying her back to the living area she placed Supergirl back on the couch.

Free of the chloroform and recovered from the kryptonite, Linda came too.
“Wonder Woman, you heard me?” she asked sitting up.
“Yep, came as fast as I could, what happened?” Diana asked. Linda explained the whole situation, Extra, the kryptonite, photos.
“If all that goes public, my friends, family are all going to be at risk. I need to find her.” Supergirl finished.
“Yes Supergirl, but she has kryptonite, we don’t need her selling you and your identity.” Wonder Woman cautioned. She began to form a plan, problem was would they have time to implement it before Linda Danvers’s secret appeared on the news.
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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Extra was all set up at her temporary hideout in a warehouse on the south side. She had a laptop, high speed secure internet connection set up and the precious kryptonite necklace next to her equipment. Alex smiled, that little green rock was a good idea on my part. Now I have life long insurance against Supergirl, she thought with satisfaction.

Checking the clock she saw it was almost two. It would be then that her fifteen minute window would be open to upload the photos and receive her millions. The buyer made it very clear that if the pictures and identity of Supergirl didn’t arrive in those fifteen minutes the deal was off. Extra was so absorbed to have everything ready that she didn’t notice the tall dark haired beauty behind her.

“Extra I presume?” Wonder Woman said in her power pose. Alex’s eyes opened wide behind her mask. Turning to face the Amazon she stuttered, “But…how…how…”
“Your secure connection was a bit obvious in cyberspace; Batgirl is really good with computers.” Wonder Woman smirked. Grabbing Extra by the front of her leotard she lifted the young villainess into the air.
“Don’t mess with my good friends it pisses me off.” Wonder Woman spoke coldly. Extra pleaded with Wonder Woman while her one had went to her hat. Diana was too slow to notice. In a flash Extra removed her PRESS card from her hat and brought it down on to Wonder Woman’s arm.

“What did you think that would do?” Wonder Woman asked defiantly. Quickly though she knew why Extra was smirking, she became woozy and couldn’t focus her vision. Stumbling backwards she lowered Extra to the ground. Releasing the young woman she brought her hand to her head.
“What…did…you…” Diana struggled to speak.

“Ha, ha!” laughed Extra, “Wonder Woman now you know why it’s bad to show off so much skin. My card is covered in a special paralyzing agent, it can be absorbed through the skin, and soon your muscles will be jelly and my newest prisoner.”

Diana stumbled backwards. Extra watched with glee as she grabbed onto her table for support. Rapidly though Extra was close by to make sure the Amazon Princess now drugged didn’t mess with her computers. The Amazon staggered away from Extra and the table. After a trip of thirty feet however, Wonder Woman was helpless and collapsed to the floor.

Extra smiled and came over to the helpless Wonder Woman.
“This is going to be my easiest exposure yet. Your precious magic lasso will force you to tell the truth and can’t even break under your strength.”
Soon Diana was bound with her own lasso. It stared at her tan pantyhosed thighs and the lasso traveled upwards along her body like a spiral staircase. The Amazon moved her head back and forth trying to fight off the drug in her system. Alex left her captive to struggle and returned to her computer, damn it! She had wasted five minutes with Wonder Woman; she needed to start uploading the files.

“Hold it Extra!” Alex turned her head and saw Supergirl floating near the ceiling. Extra smiled, maybe she thinks I don’t have the kryptonite; she is in for a pleasant surprise.
“It’s too late Linda! I’m mailing the photos now, don’t worry I’m sure you have lots of loyal fans to comfort you.” Extra began uploading photos, only to have the Girl of Steel come down on top of her.

Alex expected Supergirl to collapse like jelly to the floor as soon as she neared the necklace, she didn’t. Extra looked on with shocked eyes and Supergirl melted her laptop and connection. Next thing the villain knew she was flying in the air and slammed into a concrete wall of the warehouse. This knocked the girl out cold.

When she came too she felt weak and submissive, Extra was bound with Wonder Woman’s lasso. Staring her down was Supergirl and Wonder Woman.
“But! How the kryptonite!” she stammered.
“We knew I couldn’t get close to you because of the kryptonite. And we figured you had some sort of KO trap waiting for either Batgirl, Wonder Woman or Wondergirl. So we decided to play a little gamble.” Supergirl explained.
“I allowed myself to be attacked so I could steal the necklace. While you were enjoying my weaken body I picked the necklace up from the table and got as far away as I could from where Supergirl would enter, you know the rest.” Wonder Woman finished.
“Now let’s discuss who wanted to buy my identity and where you hid any notes or extra pictures.” Supergirl added.

Mr. M.H shut down his computer. Hmm, that what I get for using an amateur. The man thought heading back to his dining room. Even if he had gotten the photos he would have only used them as bait to lure Supergirl to him. There be other times, there always were…
The End?

Thanks for all the feedback, I really enjoyed writting this one and hope you all enjoyed reading it.
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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Last edited by cthulhu1 13 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Thanks C, I do enjoy Extra she'll be back.
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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Hey PZ:

Great story! Is Mr M.H. who I think it is?
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