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Warning over dramatic rant incoming...4...3...2...1....
So i was perusing the web and i came across this video:

This video was so effecting to me because i see this shit all the time on my college campus and every time i tell people that i don't feel comfortable talking to girls at my school they don't understand just how bad it is nowadays.
It's like being a man now should be something to be ashamed of. I feel like even being a guy can be taken as a "micro aggression" at any moment and id be powerless to do anything to defend my self as the school would no doubt suspend me without any infraction on my part. Happens all over america. Earlier this month a girl expressed that she liked me and i turned her down because at any moment something i say in jest or flirtatiously in moments of intimacy now can be warped and used to ruin my life.

I have sisters and i see women at my school who talk about guys they find hot all the time. What is it with people that push them to punish the many for the actions of the very few?
I'm a 20 something virgin (70 percent a result of my own choices) who in part will remain that way due to this new culture in america. I almost feel bad because i've been to other countries and this new generation would get eaten alive. They have no ability to debate an opposing view, they would sooner paint themselves as victims than take responsibility, and no real woman (from my limited experience with them and growing up around them) will respect a man, whether they realize it or not, who follows this crazy male shaming campus culture. I'VE SEEN THIS.
For example:
So there is this girl in my building and she contributes to buzz feed, self proclaimed feminist liberal. She sounds a lot like the woman in the attached video but even worse as she identifies the colors pink and blue as a sexist form of oppression courtesy of the patriarchy. I really wish i were exaggerating but i'm not. Anyway she has this guy friend who confided in me once that he liked her. He did everything for her, entertained and supported her ideas, helped her with many things and she ended up rejected him. He told me that one morning a week later he knocked on her door and when she opened he saw a guy from the swim team who is a known arrogant (and tbh semi racist) asshole getting dressed.

I'm scared shit less to be honest because people down play how bad its gotten or deny it all together. I'm not sure what to do. I spend as little time as i can on campus and i plan to spend even less next semester. It's almost to a point where i feel i don't truly have freedom of expression and to be myself. In case there is any skepticism as for my intentions or any 'agenda'. I am not white. I am a minority. I am not right wing nor am i even a republican. I lean more left. I was raised in a house full of women. No brothers. Only sisters. The fact that that all even matters goes to show that freedom of speech and the validity of ideas have less to do with logic now a days and more to do with who you are (ethinicity, gender, etc.) and where you come from.

Yesterday my fuckin sister and I were having a discussion about Star Wars. It was a simple fun debate about whether or not Kylo is more powerful than Snoke. Fine we debated but during it i got accused of man splaining. I got seriously upset and insulted. Apparently pointing out that perhaps her knowledge of star wars is limited (she didnt even know what Mustafar was.) and speaking louder after being cut off multiple times is mansplaining.
I GREW UP IN A HOUSE WITH 5 WOMEN WHO ARE OLDER THAN MY TELLING ME WHAT TO DO CONSTANTLY... I GREW UP BEING WOMANSPLAINED .... if that's the logic were going with. How the fuck dare you accuse me of talking down to you because your a woman?... The closest people in my life are women, i had no brothers so most of my older family figures i looked up to were my sisters. I resent that you would resort to insulting my character like that just because you were losing a debate. That really dug deep and its like.. there's going to come a day where I am just going to not socialize with women at all.

If my being male truly does effect your life negatively I am sincerely sorry now please allow me the pleasure of not associating with any of you women any more. Don't come calling or get upset when men don't defend you. Its not like you wanted them to anyway.

Good Day.

- A very frustrated and confused 20 something student (with no other outlet to vent these frustrations) who just wants to do right by people and be himself.
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That video was quite aggravating on a couple of levels. The woman's stridency was getting in the way of her points so badly that they were almost rendered nonsensical. Also, the debate itself devolved on both parts, the man succumbing to sarcasm and the woman refusing to grant legitimacy to even the most obvious points. And that has become the debate style in today's world it seems: Politics of name-calling and deafness to the expressed views of others.

The debate between you and your sister followed a similar path, Dark Destroyer. You were trying to make a point, however forcefully cannot be determined here, and your sister took exception to not just the point being made but the delivery method employed. That's when the discussion went off the rails and escalated. And that's where logic was replaced by emotional responses...on both sides. In situations like that, one feels like one is fighting in a fast-setting mix of concrete where positions are taken and suddenly can't be moved from and bfore you realize it you're frozen in a stance that is indefensible on all sides by both people. It happened in that video and it sounds like it happened in your argument as well.

The answer cannot be withdrawal to hard-line positions of strident banner waving on the ramparts of male or female domination. It requires a willingness, ne a commitment, to seek common ground with the opposite gender for the sake of the species as a whole. You taking a position of non-engagement and completely withdrawing from the field is no solution. You've been wounded and need time to mend it seems but your presence, your insights and intellect are important and necessary to help bring sanity to the forefront of this "battle."

The fact that I refer to this national debate about the new rules of male and female interaction as a battle makes me feel like it is a civil war. And those never go well for either side.

Are there answers and common ground to be found amongst the clouds of smoke and fog we find ourselves in these days? I hope so but it feels like the women are trying to take the moral high ground after facing years of male aggression and abuse. No, it's not been universal but they certainly feel as if it has been and the statistics are pretty damning against men and so there is a hell of a lot of righteous indignation that men are now facing. It will take quite some time I fear for moderate opinions to gain a foothold in this national debate. Animosity and male backlash against the MeToo movement can be expected. And the continuing revelations of specific instances of male aggression will only serve to feed the flames for the forseeable future.

This cold war that women have been fighting for years (not so cold from their perspective) has now erupted into a full-scale engagement. How long it is waged and whether reason and the long term interest of both sides to come to a truce seems to be but a distant hope for the time being.
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DrDominator9 wrote:
6 years ago

That video was quite aggravating on a couple of levels. The woman's stridency was getting in the way of her points so badly that they were almost rendered nonsensical. Also, the debate itself devolved on both parts, the man succumbing to sarcasm and the woman refusing to grant legitimacy to even the most obvious points. And that has become the debate style in today's world it seems: Politics of name-calling and deafness to the expressed views of others.
I agree but don't lose sight of the danger in not even being able to express that you find a girl attractive in a conversation with other men let alone to a girl.
DrDominator9 wrote:
6 years ago

The debate between you and your sister followed a similar path, Dark Destroyer. You were trying to make a point, however forcefully cannot be determined here, and your sister took exception to not just the point being made but the delivery method employed. That's when the discussion went off the rails and escalated. And that's where logic was replaced by emotional responses...on both sides. In situations like that, one feels like one is fighting in a fast-setting mix of concrete where positions are taken and suddenly can't be moved from and bfore you realize it you're frozen in a stance that is indefensible on all sides by both people. It happened in that video and it sounds like it happened in your argument as well.
It wasn't forceful until she kept cutting me off and ignoring facts. Also i did not escalate anything after the man splaining comment. I bite my tongue and just internalized my anger. I ate shit but feel free to tell me that its my fault some more.
DrDominator9 wrote:
6 years ago

The answer cannot be withdrawal to hard-line positions of strident banner waving on the ramparts of male or female domination. It requires a willingness, ne a commitment, to seek common ground with the opposite gender for the sake of the species as a whole. You taking a position of non-engagement and completely withdrawing from the field is no solution. You've been wounded and need time to mend it seems but your presence, your insights and intellect are important and necessary to help bring sanity to the forefront of this "battle."

The fact that I refer to this national debate about the new rules of male and female interaction as a battle makes me feel like it is a civil war. And those never go well for either side.
This cold war that women have been fighting for years (not so cold from their perspective) has now erupted into a full-scale engagement. How long it is waged and whether reason and the long term interest of both sides to come to a truce seems to be but a distant hope for the time being.
That would be all well and good except free speech is under attack and the rules of male and female interaction is one thing but even expressing attraction of a woman is against the rules?... Should i deny that i like food and need to take shits every so often?... I'm a god damn human being. Sorry but i am also a damn good person and i don't deserve to be treated as if i am anything other than that. The road to hell is paved with good intentions and causes. People don't see there is a real agenda to demonize what it is to be a man. I researched the woman in the video and she believes that its okay when women talk about a guys hotness because "women never hurt anyone" and she constantly refers to women as the better sex. Yea so much for equality.

Woman are just as smart and capable as men. I have seen it with my own eyes growing up. This new movement is something else entirely. Nothing to do with equality more to do with tyranny.

With drawing is an option because its clear that the result will be a robotic professional environment being enforced even in the privacy of ones home. The day will come when certain words are labeled hate speech and banned. Don't believe its realistic? I implore you to check out the passing of bill C-16 in Canada where its not only a hate crime to miss assume someones Gender but it states that they can change their gender identity at any moment. Enjoy that world.
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I do agree hate speech is being regulated by SJW.

DeBlasio and NYC said you must identify someone with their prefered pronoun which includes things like Ze

It is only permissable in the SJW world to use hate speech against white males or Jews
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I don't believe what is now called the Alt Right has anything nice to say about Jews of either gender. And noone would confuse them with SJW.
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viking wrote:
6 years ago
I don't believe what is now called the Alt Right has anything nice to say about Jews of either gender. And noone would confuse them with SJW.
The alt right is an invention by the left

As a Jew I feel more of a threat from SJW, BLM and the so called progressives of the Democratic party

After all it was Trump who is moving the embassy to Jerusalem
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Dazzle1 wrote:
6 years ago
viking wrote:
6 years ago
I don't believe what is now called the Alt Right has anything nice to say about Jews of either gender. And noone would confuse them with SJW.
The alt right is an invention by the left

As a Jew I feel more of a threat from SJW, BLM and the so called progressives of the Democratic party

After all it was Trump who is moving the embassy to Jerusalem
That's, putting it bluntly, utter nonsense. Look I can do it to 'Donkey's don't actually exist, they are a ruse that horses invented so that they could make their midgets do all the work'.

Just because you don't like the 'SJW's' Which is your right as a human being with thoughts and feelings, doesn't mean that they've invented all the arguments they have, or anyone else has, out of thin air. Progressive Democrats didn't make fox news, Alt right republicans did. I get that everyone's got their heads up their buts when it comes to thinking rationally about anything to do with gender, racial or any sort of politics whatsoever, but it'd be nice if people would stop making ridiculous blanket statements like this.

If you refuse to see any of the good in the far left's cause, at the very least don't try and pretend like all of the bad in the alt right doesn't exist. That isn't smart, it isn't noble, it isn't realistic, it is utterly useless in convincing anyone to take you seriously in any sort or persuasive argument and it insults your own intelligence. Don't just say whatever you've heard someone else say, look it up, do some research or something. You'll find that alt right republicans aren't as uncommon as you seem to believe, and in return, I won't pretend like I believe that everything that democrats do is inherently in our best interest. Let the politicians kill each other along party lines, YOUR best interest is ALWAYS somewhere in the middle.
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I hope folks realize that shows like Tucker Carlson are booked to give the host obnoxious guests that (he) can toy with and humiliate. Just like they did on "Jerry Springer".

It's no more real than WWE.
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Femina wrote:
6 years ago
Dazzle1 wrote:
6 years ago
viking wrote:
6 years ago
I don't believe what is now called the Alt Right has anything nice to say about Jews of either gender. And noone would confuse them with SJW.
The alt right is an invention by the left

As a Jew I feel more of a threat from SJW, BLM and the so called progressives of the Democratic party

After all it was Trump who is moving the embassy to Jerusalem
That's, putting it bluntly, utter nonsense. Look I can do it to 'Donkey's don't actually exist, they are a ruse that horses invented so that they could make their midgets do all the work'.

Just because you don't like the 'SJW's' Which is your right as a human being with thoughts and feelings, doesn't mean that they've invented all the arguments they have, or anyone else has, out of thin air. Progressive Democrats didn't make fox news, Alt right republicans did. I get that everyone's got their heads up their buts when it comes to thinking rationally about anything to do with gender, racial or any sort of politics whatsoever, but it'd be nice if people would stop making ridiculous blanket statements like this.

If you refuse to see any of the good in the far left's cause, at the very least don't try and pretend like all of the bad in the alt right doesn't exist. That isn't smart, it isn't noble, it isn't realistic, it is utterly useless in convincing anyone to take you seriously in any sort or persuasive argument and it insults your own intelligence. Don't just say whatever you've heard someone else say, look it up, do some research or something. You'll find that alt right republicans aren't as uncommon as you seem to believe, and in return, I won't pretend like I believe that everything that democrats do is inherently in our best interest. Let the politicians kill each other along party lines, YOUR best interest is ALWAYS somewhere in the middle.
If you means the KKK and Nazi party as the alt right yes everyone disavows them

But I don't see the left disavowing BLM Antifa and CAIR which are just as vile nor do I see the right blocking people's right to speak at campus.

The facists are almost all of the left
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Dazzle1 wrote:
6 years ago

But I don't see the left disavowing BLM Antifa and CAIR which are just as vile nor do I see the right blocking people's right to speak at campus.

The facists are almost all of the left
you're the fascist!
no! you're the fascist!

Perfectly encapsulates the pathetic ridiculousness of this entire thread. There is no "left" and there is no "right" there is just blue team and red team and for some reason (reason broadly is that everything you see hear or participate in is a 'team' event) everyone seems to think that it'd be a jolly good idea to swear unwavering allegiance to one of these ridiculous monkey troops.

We have the moronic situation of a socialist republican government and a socially conservative democrat party where the idiot scarf waving (maybe foam fingers) mouth breathers still think there is an ideological stream here? You're a bluddy product, it is exactly like sports, the business isn't showing you football it's taking you the person and selling you to advertisers on mass. The same is Anglo saxon politics, you take the red members and you sell them to product/service/show provider X,Y,Z.

All of this "wah wah wah, I'm at college and totally wanted to be a 30 year old virgin by choice honest, no I do not protest too much, which come to think of it defeats the entire point of my why are girls mean to me rant in the first place" is fabricated nonsense that you've just been conned into.

Grow a bullshit radar and move on.

lionbadger wrote:
6 years ago
Dazzle1 wrote:
6 years ago

But I don't see the left disavowing BLM Antifa and CAIR which are just as vile nor do I see the right blocking people's right to speak at campus.

The facists are almost all of the left
you're the fascist!
no! you're the fascist!

Perfectly encapsulates the pathetic ridiculousness of this entire thread. There is no "left" and there is no "right" there is just blue team and red team and for some reason (reason broadly is that everything you see hear or participate in is a 'team' event) everyone seems to think that it'd be a jolly good idea to swear unwavering allegiance to one of these ridiculous monkey troops.

We have the moronic situation of a socialist republican government and a socially conservative democrat party where the idiot scarf waving (maybe foam fingers) mouth breathers still think there is an ideological stream here? You're a bluddy product, it is exactly like sports, the business isn't showing you football it's taking you the person and selling you to advertisers on mass. The same is Anglo saxon politics, you take the red members and you sell them to product/service/show provider X,Y,Z.

All of this "wah wah wah, I'm at college and totally wanted to be a 30 year old virgin by choice honest, no I do not protest too much, which come to think of it defeats the entire point of my why are girls mean to me rant in the first place" is fabricated nonsense that you've just been conned into.

Grow a bullshit radar and move on.
It's really funny how out of touch with the climate on college campuses and how little you understand. The administrations are kicking students out for things like tweets. You obviously cant read. I never said i wanted to be a virgin by choice. I said i was still a virgin as a result of choices i made and probably will stay that way until my college career ends because of MY FIRST HAND EXPERIENCES.
Last edited by Darkdestroyer17 6 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Lionbadger, what makes you think that Dark Destroyer's rant at the start of this thread was mere baiting? I think that's an assumption on your part. The fact that this thread as devolved yet again into a left vs right "debate" was probably inevitable. #the times we live in.
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I've been staying out of this but I've noticed a trend that the moment SJWs are complained about someone says "well the alt-right is blah blah Nazi blah blah". Yes anyone can take any cause and compare it to Hitler and say "see hitler was worse". That doesn't make the issue go away. The thread is about SJWs. Deflecting to some alt-right red herring is meaningless. If some alt right person came here wanting women to be barefoot and pregnant I would be against them as well.

However seeing the whole sale damage SJWs have done to Marvel and the fact this forum contains a lot of threads and material that are against any SJW stances I am far more worried about SJWs than some trailer trash Nazi tattooed hillbillies. I don't see the alt-right attacking video games and our material and comic books. Its not the alt right that cranked the knob to 11 about that Spider Woman cover. And if SJWs ever found this forum they would burn it to the ground.

So please stop with the deflection and red herring. Trying to argue some other group are boo boo heads does not mean SJWs are angels. Ted Bundy isn't an angel cause Gary Ridgeway killed more people.

Also someone stated that people do not understand what SJWs are trying to do. Ok what SPECIFICALLY are they trying to do? Specifically? Not vague nonsense like "we want equality" or "we want all voices heard".

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Dark -- talk to your sister about the way she played the mansplaining card during your Star Wars debate. Tell her how it made you feel. Ask her if she really felt you were mansplaining and why. Don't even get into the Star Wars debate itself -- just have an honest deep-breaths conversation with her about what happened.

And don't just spring it on her. Tell her you need to talk about it, and pick a time when you won't be distracted or have to run off. Better if you both have time to think about the conversation before you have it. And then just don't hang up angry at each other. Or if you do, call back.

Figure out what happened there -- sure, it's uncomfortable for you and for her, but ultimately it's a safe place -- and you'll be clearer about how to navigate everything else, without withdrawing. You're a social creature -- withdrawal is toxic.

And if your relationship with that sister won't support such a conversation, talk to another sister. Hell, talk to all of them. And your mom. They are valuable resources in your quest to be a good happy human being.

That is your quest, right?
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There is not a day that goes by when I don't have to deal with some third-wave extreme-progressive social justice virtue signaling. And I am writing this as a second-wave feminist who believes in equality of the sexes, and same-sex marriage, and abortion on demand, etc. I am definitely no right-winger or alt-righter. However, you've seen me comment about SJW influence on entertainment (especially comics) since 2014, which seemed to be the Year Zero for the current spate of this kind of activity.

Last night, a cover band I was watching at a venue was about to launch into a version of The Cure's "Killing An Arab" (which is about the famous Albert Camus novel, The Stranger, and its depiction of existentialism). The opening guitar line of that song is quite distinctive, for those of you who grew up in the 80s. A 20something white girl burst from the audience and rushed the stage shouting, "Don't you know that song is racist?"

Today, I had a 40something white academic professor, who has made regular appearaces in my episodes as a recurring character, tell me the following when I sent her a script in which the main superheroine is black, has a doctorate in veterinary medicine, works at the city zoo's big cat enclosure, and has acquired feline powers (a la Cheetah, Catwoman, White Tiger, Vixen, etc). "Too many stereotypes about black people. I get uncomfortable with the whole black folks as animals thing... to me this particular association has hurt a lot of people in a different way and I can't get on board with it. I know you'll probably find this silly but also that you'll respect my take on it..."

I told this professor that all of the black actors in the episode (including the actors playing the heroine's mother, her church pastor, and her young neighbors) are OK with the script. I also informed her that right now on TV there are TWO shows featuring Vixen, a black superheroine with animal powers. And that in a few months, Marvel will release a blockbuster film
about a black superhero with animal powers: Black Panther. And that none other than ultra-progressive sjw Ta-Nehisi Coates (who wrote a whole book about reparations) helmed a Black Panther comic book for Marvel for a couple years.

She's an open-minded logical person so we'll see if she relents about her obvious virtue-signaling. But it's still bullshit having to deal with this stuff (whether it's in person, in communications, or in online posts) all the time. This literally happens to me almost every day. So it's not just on college campuses (though those are some of the worst cases). It simply wasn't like this before a couple years ago. The Trump election seems to have driven a certain elite portion of the populace to such distraction that they are now losing their minds constantly over every little thing.

I think overall most middle-of-the-road people could give a shit. But there's this certain shrill minority which has taken over many positions of power in certain fields (they would, of course, call it smashing the patriarchy) that is hell-bent on imposing a strident agenda. They wield this power all out of proportion to their actual numbers, just like the white cis males they decry so much.
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Dazzle1 wrote:
6 years ago
If you means the KKK and Nazi party as the alt right yes everyone disavows them

But I don't see the left disavowing BLM Antifa and CAIR which are just as vile nor do I see the right blocking people's right to speak at campus.

The facists are almost all of the left
I do not endorse violent behavior (or rioting for that matter) from the BLM movement nor would I approve of terrorst behavior should CAIR participate in such things. What I do NOT do is pretend that these things and those organizations don't exist or that they are an invention of their opposition simply because I happen to lean a little to the left and happen to be talking to someone who leans a little to the right (because that's stupid).

The KKK does exist THEREFORE the alt right exists and is not a fabrication of the left devised only to discredit the right. Do me the favor of not using the 'everything my enemies use about my side is a LIE!' platform, because its blatantly wrong and easy to disprove. Go on wikipedia and type in 'KKK' everything there wasn't invented by the left, it was invented by the history of the 'clan.' The Alt right exists the 'Alt left' exist. They BOTH exist, and neither 'created' the other in any sense other than that the constant fighting between the left and the right caused them to swirl into existence like the white crap that accumulates on the corner of your mouth when you're thirsty. Don't say ridiculous things that make people roll their eyes if you want people to listen to what you're selling. Im not trying to pick on you, I'm trying to tell you, that when you say things like that, it makes people not listen to you! It's not black and white, Stop thinking in binary.

Besides, everyone knows that BLM doesn't actually exist, its an invention by the right. *sarcasm*

Give me a %&*$in break.
shevek wrote:
6 years ago
She's an open-minded logical person so we'll see if she relents about her obvious virtue-signaling. But it's still bullshit having to deal with this stuff (whether it's in person, in communications, or in online posts) all the time.
Or, you know, you could just respect her decision to not want to be part of it since it makes her uncomfortable and find an actress who will do it? You don't know why she doesn't want to do it? Feeling uncomfortable with something isn't 'virtue signaling' it's just a reaction someone has to something that is based upon their upbringing and psychological development. It's alright to tell her 'hey no problem, I'll send you my next script and if you like that one you're welcome to come by." What isn't cool would be to get angry at her for not wanting to be in your flick and call her names or something, which I'm sure you didn't do, but it certainly does sound like you've gone and judged her all the same for it. If she wrote a script about a bunch of guys losing a war and being forced to swear off the 'patriarchy' and dedicate themselves to the new world Fempire then threw in a bunch of social ques in the mix as icing, then you told her 'I dunno, the script makes me feel a little queasy' you wouldn't want her to turn around and name you a sexist for not supporting her feminist work piece... so why not treat her decision the way you'd like your own decisions to be treated, eat that little bit of reactionary disappointment to someone not feeling comfortable taking part in something you've done and just accept that human beings are complex and sometimes wont feel comfortable being in a flick, and that its okay, and that nobody is wrong here, and let bygones by bygones?

Imagineer wrote:
6 years ago
Thanks Imagineer I may just take your advice.
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lionbadger wrote:
6 years ago
Dazzle1 wrote:
6 years ago

But I don't see the left disavowing BLM Antifa and CAIR which are just as vile nor do I see the right blocking people's right to speak at campus.

The facists are almost all of the left
you're the fascist!
no! you're the fascist!

Perfectly encapsulates the pathetic ridiculousness of this entire thread. There is no "left" and there is no "right" there is just blue team and red team and for some reason (reason broadly is that everything you see hear or participate in is a 'team' event) everyone seems to think that it'd be a jolly good idea to swear unwavering allegiance to one of these ridiculous monkey troops.

We have the moronic situation of a socialist republican government and a socially conservative democrat party where the idiot scarf waving (maybe foam fingers) mouth breathers still think there is an ideological stream here? You're a bluddy product, it is exactly like sports, the business isn't showing you football it's taking you the person and selling you to advertisers on mass. The same is Anglo saxon politics, you take the red members and you sell them to product/service/show provider X,Y,Z.

All of this "wah wah wah, I'm at college and totally wanted to be a 30 year old virgin by choice honest, no I do not protest too much, which come to think of it defeats the entire point of my why are girls mean to me rant in the first place" is fabricated nonsense that you've just been conned into.

Grow a bullshit radar and move on.

The government is an area of improvement as far as tolerance. Under Obama racists were welcomed at the White House.

I did not vote for Trump but as a Jew, I am glad that a man who my people and sold out Israel is out of power

But intolerance is still viable on college campus, just see how Berkeley and Depaul let brown shgirted thugs attack those they disagree with.
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this thread is too fuckin devolved

and we may be picking sides ... soon (not men vs women but when we can speak or not)

We need to stop fighting ourselves. Looking for divisions that are not really there. We take a huge view of the world see an issue then 'laser' in on it and make it the end all , be all. It isn't. Be your own fuckin person. Be yourself, be true to yourself and respect others!

For the feminist movement....

These are the people fighting for really matters. Dark D, could you image if your family lived in Iran?

Stop the hatred, it is biology. Technology is on a curve our DNA/Society can not keep up with...apparently
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Yeah this thread is Phantom Zone bound I fear.

If you are worried about the opinions of people you don't know and have never met my only advice to you is don't.
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if this is the first thread to be relegated to the Phantom Zone, as its purpose seems inherently political and controversial. Fair enough if that happens. Doesn't mean the thread can't continue.

To Dazzle: I do respect you as a fellow Jew, and I do agree that Obama was undermining Israel. (As a former campaigner for Hillary, I actually think that she would've been more supportive of Israel than Obama, in the way Bill was in the 90s).

But you do need to see things in a less binary way. The alt-right definitely *does* exist, it's not an invention of the left.
(And there are prominent Jewish alt-righters..according to Haaretz, a clear majority of ultra-religious Orthodox
Jews voted for Trump.)

And there are more than two "extremist" positions. All of this nuance happens because you are basically dealing with three *different* issues worldwide: economic (which the left calls 'class war'), ethnic (which the right calls 'race war'), and religious (which extremist Islam calls 'holy war'). Wherever two or three of those tendencies intertwine, you get a sticky web that cannot be unraveled in a simple binary approach. In few areas is this more evident than the approach all the various extreme factions have to Jews, history's ultimate whipping boys. Whereas those in the political center, or with little to no political opinion, usually have a neutral to positive opinion of the average Jewish person as responsible citizen and consumer, those on the various extremes (by which I mean far left, far right, extreme Islam - and even extreme Christianity, which is still a thing - I mean it helped elect Trump) always have a hate/love relationship with the Jewish people.

Enough said on that - I could really go on for too long.
shevek wrote:
6 years ago
She's an open-minded logical person so we'll see if she relents about her obvious virtue-signaling. But it's still bullshit having to deal with this stuff (whether it's in person, in communications, or in online posts) all the time.
Or, you know, you could just respect her decision to not want to be part of it since it makes her uncomfortable and find an actress who will do it? You don't know why she doesn't want to do it? Feeling uncomfortable with something isn't 'virtue signaling' it's just a reaction someone has to something that is based upon their upbringing and psychological development.... so why not treat her decision the way you'd like your own decisions to be treated, eat that little bit of reactionary disappointment to someone not feeling comfortable taking part in something you've done and just accept that human beings are complex and sometimes wont feel comfortable being in a flick, and that its okay, and that nobody is wrong here, and let bygones by bygones?

Or...and hear me out here....I could actually use the approach that Imagineer suggested might work with Dark Destroyer's sister: talking it out. As I've said, the 40something professor has a logical mind, and also knows that she doesn't know everything. She's been an actress in my series but that didn't mean she's an expert in comic books or superheroes. So in fact, when I explained (yes, mansplained) to her about how 1) the black actors are excited about doing the episode, 2) there are current popular characters on TV and in the movie who are black heroes with animal-based powers, and 3) the black geek fanbase considers those characters beloved, her response actually was, "you've given me a lot to think about. Let me chew on this and get back to you soon."

The key word in her response was THINK. You've mentioned how she initially responded with gut feelings. Of course she's not a millennial, but this is the response millennial snowflakes have to pretty much any problem: 'feels' not facts. Like Dark Destroyer's sister was 'feeling' that he was mansplaining instead of listening to his facts. Sure, right wingers have plenty of problems with facts (especially science - look at Trump's constant nonsense), and all sides are unnecessarily polarized. But my professor friend, despite her concerns, is not responding in a typical knee-jerk progressive manner, sticking to a polarized opinion and shutting down discourse. She is talking it out with me (and I value her input highly as a friend, a collaborator and an actress) and using new information I have provided her (which she didn't have before) to possibly revise her stance.

In case Vixen and Black Panther didn't do the trick, I even sent her photos of Eartha Kitt from Batman 1968 (something I bet some forum members would suggest that I do anyway..right?). Powerful sexy black woman in a cat-costume. Not considered "problematic" but rather she is iconic, venerated, awesome and groundbreaking like Lieutenant Uhura.

We'll see what my professor friend says. But my point in bringing her up (and the 'Killing an Arab' incident the day before) is that much like Dark Destroyer, I too experience what some would call 'sjw' incidents on almost a daily basis. Not just online but in the real world. That's what happens when you live in a city, in a hip neighborhood, associating with cultured, forward-thinking individuals. It's how each situation is dealt with that matters. And I, for one, tend to address these incidents with facts and communication, rather than 'feels'.
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Logic doesn't answer everything. Nor is it useful for everything either. As always I'd advise a rationalization of what sort of person you're speaking with and adapting your persuasive methods from that. Logical discussion in a disagreement with someone like (for example) my sister whose overly emotional and prone to ridiculously selfish and hypocritical outbursts at the drop of a hat, logic is useless. You have to calm her down by making her think that what you want her to do is what she wants to do (like a cat)... but the trick is not JUDGING someone for this. People who don't behave logically are wired differently, they aren't ever going to respect logic, they don't CARE whats logical. They exist in a continued state of the sort of discussion stasis in forums like these where they've dug out their stance and wont budge even a little no matter what argument they listen to... I certainly don't discourage a rational discussion with your lady friend, I DO discourage mentioning things like 'virtue signaling' or 'woke agenda' when doing so... because it is incredibly insulting and makes it clear to whoever you're speaking with that they have been judged, just the same as if they had called you a racist homophobe to your face.

I'm just gonna say it.

This topic has devolved into a political argument all the way to the point that I'm being forced to swallow a 'Trump is making things better' post up above that has my neck hackles raised to defcon 5. As a human being that has a LOT of trouble ignoring something she disagrees with VEHEMENTLY, I formally request that this topic be locked down before myself or someone else *%*#&ing explodes on the Trump supporters like Kylo Ren on a couple of hapless storm troopers that happen to be walking by.
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I tend to agree that this topic has reached its nadir and will lock it in one hour to allow any final thoughts of worth. No name calling and stay on topic please.
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Doc lets move to the phantom zone and let it die
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I can see where the OP is coming from. Women do seem to think they're perfect, and do no wrong, and can speak about men how they want without repercussions. It's all because of the parasitic media industry. They're vultures, and always focus on the negative, rather than positive.

A woman calls a man a pig, nothing happens. A man says something about a woman, there's an outcry and we're branded sexist monsters. There was a discussion on Twitter the other week where a feminist started a ALL MEN ARE VIOLENT RAPISTS thread, and it really hurt me. I love women so much. I've been lucky enough to be surrounded by women that have their heads screwed on right.

But get this. Women kill. Women steal. Women do drugs. Women rape. And, women abuse children. It isn't as widespread, but it's never focused on, like it is with males. It's like the black vs. white race card. White guy gets bashed by black guy, nothing. Black guy gets whacked by white cop, massive media outcry.

Women need to stop reading propaganda, and in my case sexist UK TV shows like Loose Women, and realise that not all men are pieces of shit. As a sweet loving, woman respecting guy (I wouldn't be wearing the costume and crest of Krypton of my idol otherwise), it hurts when we're victimised.

But, you can't let it rule your life and worry about it. Women aren't all pedestal material either. They cheat, they use men, and they steal, just like a lot of men do. I've literally saved women in real life from scummy men (not in my costume mind but I might as well have!) outside clubs, and when they're drunk or crying lonely on a park bench (a crying woman breaks my heart), and those ladies realise that not all men are bad.

Just be there for a girl, and if she rejects you, she was never worth it anyway, just let her go, and wish her a nice life. You did your best and she'll soon be whinging how shit her life is, on Facebook. Us superhero guys have a lot of bad rep because of scumbags, it's hard work, but it won't get fixed overnight!
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Slightly OT, not that it matters in the Phantom Zone. I just like how Tucker Carlson pulls that stupid fucking expression which is supposed to mean "What the fuck is this shit?" but it looks more like "What the fuck is this shit I've just done in my pants?"
"A brass unicorn has been catapulted across a London street and impaled an eminent surgeon. Words fail me, gentlemen."

Heroine Addict wrote:
6 years ago
Slightly OT, not that it matters in the Phantom Zone. I just like how Tucker Carlson pulls that stupid fucking expression which is supposed to mean "What the fuck is this shit?" but it looks more like "What the fuck is this shit I've just done in my pants?"
I could see how one might say he looks constipated :giggle:

Thanks to everyone for allowing me to vent about something, even if it did end up in the phantom zone, and taking time to give me advice or having a discussion. This community truly is great. I think discussion is good. I didn't intend for it to get so political but i can see now that it was probably inevitable as my post did touch on politically polarizing terminology and ideology.

I haven't spoken to my sister about it as quite honestly i know for a fact i didn't 'mansplain'. I 10000% was talking facts and she is always the first to raise her voice at people then play the victim after. Nothing to do with politics its just how things are with her since i was a really small kid.

Nonetheless i don't regret my rant. It came as advertised. It was really interesting reading all the differing comments and opinions. I also want to say thank you to the moderators for 1. Making me a very special boy as i am the first and solo owner of a thread in the phantom zone :laugh:
and 2. For being as patient as you guys were before ultimately having to bin it.

Also i wonder if i might suggest adding a section designated to potentially political topics? You can call it "The Mine Field" or something. This way everyone can express their opinions and debate on such topics should they choose to. (Within the rules of the forum of course.) We all love sexy heroines in compromising situations but our interests aren't limited only to that.

This is the last post i will contribute to this topic. So, thank you again SHF.

- Dark :buhbye:
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On behalf of all the moderators, you're welcome.

Ranting can be a healthy outlet when properly applied. This forum has its share of ranters, fanatics, off-worlders and others who "just don't fit in" except there seem to be enough of us here that we, in fact, "do fit in." Go figure.
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Darkdestroyer17 wrote:
6 years ago
This video was so effecting to me because i see this shit all the time on my college campus and every time i tell people that i don't feel comfortable talking to girls at my school they don't understand just how bad it is nowadays.
It's like being a man now should be something to be ashamed of. I feel like even being a guy can be taken as a "micro aggression" at any moment and id be powerless to do anything to defend my self as the school would no doubt suspend me without any infraction on my part. Happens all over america. Earlier this month a girl expressed that she liked me and i turned her down because at any moment something i say in jest or flirtatiously in moments of intimacy now can be warped and used to ruin my life.

I have sisters and i see women at my school who talk about guys they find hot all the time. What is it with people that push them to punish the many for the actions of the very few?
I'm a 20 something virgin (70 percent a result of my own choices) who in part will remain that way due to this new culture in america. I almost feel bad because i've been to other countries and this new generation would get eaten alive. They have no ability to debate an opposing view, they would sooner paint themselves as victims than take responsibility, and no real woman (from my limited experience with them and growing up around them) will respect a man, whether they realize it or not, who follows this crazy male shaming campus culture. I'VE SEEN THIS.
For example:
So there is this girl in my building and she contributes to buzz feed, self proclaimed feminist liberal. She sounds a lot like the woman in the attached video but even worse as she identifies the colors pink and blue as a sexist form of oppression courtesy of the patriarchy. I really wish i were exaggerating but i'm not. Anyway she has this guy friend who confided in me once that he liked her. He did everything for her, entertained and supported her ideas, helped her with many things and she ended up rejected him. He told me that one morning a week later he knocked on her door and when she opened he saw a guy from the swim team who is a known arrogant (and tbh semi racist) asshole getting dressed.

I'm scared shit less to be honest because people down play how bad its gotten or deny it all together. I'm not sure what to do. I spend as little time as i can on campus and i plan to spend even less next semester. It's almost to a point where i feel i don't truly have freedom of expression and to be myself. In case there is any skepticism as for my intentions or any 'agenda'. I am not white. I am a minority. I am not right wing nor am i even a republican. I lean more left. I was raised in a house full of women. No brothers. Only sisters. The fact that that all even matters goes to show that freedom of speech and the validity of ideas have less to do with logic now a days and more to do with who you are (ethinicity, gender, etc.) and where you come from.

Yesterday my fuckin sister and I were having a discussion about Star Wars. It was a simple fun debate about whether or not Kylo is more powerful than Snoke. Fine we debated but during it i got accused of man splaining. I got seriously upset and insulted. Apparently pointing out that perhaps her knowledge of star wars is limited (she didnt even know what Mustafar was.) and speaking louder after being cut off multiple times is mansplaining.
I GREW UP IN A HOUSE WITH 5 WOMEN WHO ARE OLDER THAN MY TELLING ME WHAT TO DO CONSTANTLY... I GREW UP BEING WOMANSPLAINED .... if that's the logic were going with. How the fuck dare you accuse me of talking down to you because your a woman?... The closest people in my life are women, i had no brothers so most of my older family figures i looked up to were my sisters. I resent that you would resort to insulting my character like that just because you were losing a debate. That really dug deep and its like.. there's going to come a day where I am just going to not socialize with women at all.

If my being male truly does effect your life negatively I am sincerely sorry now please allow me the pleasure of not associating with any of you women any more. Don't come calling or get upset when men don't defend you. Its not like you wanted them to anyway.

Good Day.

- A very frustrated and confused 20 something student (with no other outlet to vent these frustrations) who just wants to do right by people and be himself.
Hi and wow I have just read this from you and I only saw it as it was on the main screen. I feel soo sorry that you feel this way. We females are not all like this please I beg you to trust me on this! I am not sure if it is different there (I am from England) but here it is a mix of yes some are like it but a lot that I know are not. I think equality is great obvs but I wont shoot a guy down for having an opinion.
I hope you give us girls another chance as there are also normal ones out there!!! (And ones dressed as Catwoman lol) Take care, Dionne xx
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DionneStock wrote:
6 years ago
Hi and wow I have just read this from you and I only saw it as it was on the main screen. I feel soo sorry that you feel this way. We females are not all like this please I beg you to trust me on this! I am not sure if it is different there (I am from England) but here it is a mix of yes some are like it but a lot that I know are not. I think equality is great obvs but I wont shoot a guy down for having an opinion.
I hope you give us girls another chance as there are also normal ones out there!!! (And ones dressed as Catwoman lol) Take care, Dionne xx
That's why I never give up hope, there are lots of lovely ladies out there, like yourself, and I love them, hold them close as friends xx
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SuperJamesZorEl wrote:
6 years ago
DionneStock wrote:
6 years ago
Hi and wow I have just read this from you and I only saw it as it was on the main screen. I feel soo sorry that you feel this way. We females are not all like this please I beg you to trust me on this! I am not sure if it is different there (I am from England) but here it is a mix of yes some are like it but a lot that I know are not. I think equality is great obvs but I wont shoot a guy down for having an opinion.
I hope you give us girls another chance as there are also normal ones out there!!! (And ones dressed as Catwoman lol) Take care, Dionne xx
That's why I never give up hope, there are lots of lovely ladies out there, like yourself, and I love them, hold them close as friends xx
Hi how do u know I'm lovely I cud be evil Catwoman lol xx
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