Guardian Angels

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It was a large beach house that was the size of most high schools. Occupying a pleasant strip of the Mediterranean beach on the coast of France it also had secure airspace and water around it. Even though the buyer had questionable criminal activities a little money in the French government goes a long way. Besides the protection of the government, a series of discreet black clad women watched the perimeters. Armed with assault rifles they usually caused any interested party to quickly depart, usually not taking the time to notice their skin tight black clothing.

Inside one of the balcony rooms, with a lovely view of the sunset three women sat and watched. One had blonde hair, the other two burnets. The blonde wore a light blue bikini and some see through matching fabric that hugged her like a toga. One burnet wore a one piece black swimsuit and sunglasses, the other sill dressed formally with a black blouse, skirt and sun tan colored tights.
“You should change Claire, you are far too tense.” The blonde spoke.
Claire laughed. She kicked off her heels and placed her nylon encased legs on a foot cushion, “I’m fine now, you must love defense attorneys.” She had just won her freedom for another crime.
“Of course you have to love them. Plus the French.” The blonde Victoria Stackhouse smiled. Her bribes to certain French officials had worked out well, keeping the CIA and FBI out of her hair, while she was here. That allowed her to extend her growing criminal net.

Russian Defense contractors, Chinese Generals, North Korean chemical warfare producers, all could be at her beck and call. Already she had made her name as the premier black market weapons contractor. Her latest venture had been the acquiring of some F-14 fighter parts for Iran to keep their remaining F-14s from the Shah’s era flying. The Brain Trust was becoming richer each day, and despite the best efforts of organizations like ANGELS, INTERPOL, the FBI she was in business and it was booming. Not even the pesky superheroines running around had put much of dent in her operations.

Now sitting here enjoying the sunset, it was time to plan for their next project.
“Mary your contacts in the DOD?” Victoria asked.
Mary Patterson, wearing the one piece sat up and removed her sunglasses, “He says that the new XM-250 will be ready for testing next week. If we want to move…”
“Of course we want to move. I have several very interested parties. Russia, China, the French.” Victoria smiled; her successful negotiating and her long shapely legs had made sure there were plenty of potential buyers.
“Let’s send my niece. She can test out our other new piece of equipment.” Mary offered. Victoria and Claire frowned. She saw it, “What she’s the prefect candidate.”
“With an unhealthy fixation.” Claire added.
Mary laughed, “Any more than yours? Running off to the Pacific with a teenager who had too much time on her hands.” Claire fumed at that comment, partially because it was true.
“Jessica will control herself, I assure you.” Mary said. The two other partners looked at each other and nodded. Mary smiled in return.
“All right she can go, but she is to keep her responsibilities in her mind.” Victoria said sternly.

The beach house had many rooms. One of which was a high tech command center. Cameras covered every possible angle, data screens showed information gathered by Brain Trust agents from around the world, and it even had systems to link into French Military systems. Right now three of the techs were having fun watching the radar data from a French E-3 Sentry.

Watching the techs at work was the woman only known as the Professional. Her name was only known to the three bosses above and even then she didn’t encourage them to use it. She could speak fifteen different languages, change her features with make up and special cosmetics. Right now she had short brown hair and green eyes. She was also dressed casually in a short black tee shirt and yoga pants. A phone rang on one of the consoles and one of the techs picked it up.
“Boss, its Ms. Patterson.” She said. The Professional took the phone, listened then hanged up. Without a word she walked out of the Command Center.

Her next stop was a workout/gym room. Inside a series of wrestling mats had been laid out. In the middle practicing a series of strikes and kicks was a young red head. Her top was incased in a tight black sports bra. Black spandex workout pants hugged her legs. Jessica Patterson was not the college girl who had battled it out with Supergirl two years before. Now she was a lovely 22 year old with fine muscles and combat training that made her a lethal weapon. She was fueled by a goal, the elimination of Supergirl.

She had stripped Jessica of her powers, and got her thrown in prison. Now she was out and had trained her body each day for her one task in life. The day she would have Supergirl in her grasp, weak, helpless waiting for the final blow that would end her career, maybe her life.
“Jessica.” She heard.
Turning she ceased her attractions, “Boss, what do you want.” Although her aunt was one of the founders of their little criminal enterprise, it was well established where she was, and where Jessica was.
“You have been given an assignment.” The Professional said. Jessica smiled, finally a chance to show my skills.
The Professional walked deeper into the room to talk face to face, “Fermi Labs.” She expected the coming look of joy over Jessica’s face.
“And you’ll have strict rules.” Her boss added.
Jessica furrowed her eyebrows, “What?”
The professional closed her face right next to Jessica’s, “It means that if a certain Girl of Steel shows up you are to complete your mission, not a personal vendetta.”
Jessica soured; she was expected to run…no not after all this time! The boss could see her continued anger and decided it was time to give her some of the good news.

“Since you will be in Supergirl’s turf though you will be allowed to tryout the XM-50 Exosuit.” Jessica beamed at those words.
“So it’s ready?” she asked with eager anticipation.
The professional nodded. Jessica screamed yes and eagerly asked when she could try it out.
“We’ll start immediately.” Jessica followed her out of the gym and the two moved towards the lab. After the short stroll they now were inside the lab and headed to where a technician worked on the exosuit. It was on a mannequin, Jessica looked it up and down.

It looked like a one piece catsuit to start off. Going from neck to toe, everything but her head would be incased in what looked like black lyrca and nylon, but was really a special mix of Kevlar and fiberoptic energy lines. The next piece of the suit was a one piece sleeveless leotard. Again it looked like lyrca and spandex but wasn’t. Also on the leotard was belt that lead to a small flat rectangular solid buckle in the center. From the buckle a series of thin tubes that appeared to be large pieces of thread went around and to the back of the leotard from across the abs. Two tubes traveled up the stomach and encircled the breasts then cut each one in half by running across the diameter of the breast.

Jessica was smiling with visions of Supergirl being pounded by her in the suit, “So did we get all the requirements?”
“Yes, strength, speed, invulnerability where the suit covers your skin, and ability to fire and energy beam from the finger tips.” The professional answered. Jessica ran her hand down the fabric enjoying the feel of the power that would soon come through it.
“The power source?” she asked.
“Installing it today.”

Langley, Virginia

She walked by the stars on the wall. Looking them over, she knew each one of those stars had been an officer who gave their life in the service of the Agency. I nearly became one of them, she thought. Jennifer Ryan, ANGELS operative quickly flashed her Agency badge and proceeded to the elevators. Her dark clothes were evident of the coming mood she expected from the staff near her boss. Once she was up on the seventh floor of the CIA Headquarters building she proceeded to the office of her boss, Karla Lee. Some of the stares she got were quite menacing as she expected. Even with the arrest of the Deputy Director as the leak in the Agency, she was still a product of suspicion.

Her drug induced leak had been covered up pretty well, agents reassigned, missions changed, millions spent as a result. That is what had made her the target of the CIA’s internal security, she cost the bureaucrats lots of money. Probably part of the reason she was re-staffed to the analyst position in ANGELS. Even then I bet what I get is filtered, she thought. Her career was over, she’d talked, and people were hurt as a result. So why am I being called to the head of operations? Jen pondered.

“Jen, take a seat.” Lee offered as she came through the door. Karla was finishing up some paperwork that needed her ‘utmost attention’ but really didn’t. Damn bureaucrats, she thought. As much as the CIA was assumed to have magical and evil governmental powers, it was still another government agency.
“So I bet you’re wondering why I called ya up here.” She began
Jennifer nodded, “I am, I thought I was off field ops?”
Karla sighed, “Listen, I didn’t agree with the decision. I fought it but there were higher forces at play, but since the latest incident with the Deputy Director I can you get back in.”
Jen sat a little straighter not believing it. Karla continued, “What do you know about Railguns?”
“Well…no propellant right? They use magnets to fire bullets at super high velocities.” Jen furrowed her eyebrows trying to recall everything on the subject.
“Right, anyway the DOD has been working on them since the early eighties. They got a boost in funding during SDI spending but, the problem with them is the power requirements are extremely high. Smallest they worked one down could be placed on a battleship, and would have taken up the entire bow. Not anymore.” Karla handed her a briefing book. Jen flipped through it while Karla kept talking.

“Fermi Labs worked out a new way to do it, balancing the power and size issues. In fact they now have a working prototype with more on the way.”
“Let me guess, someone is taking an interest in the project.” Jen finished. Karla nodded.
“Yep, Russia, China, Europe, you name it they want it. So security has gone up the wazo around the damn thing. It’s going to move out to Groom Lake for more testing, that way it be safe from everyone.” Lee explained.
“So, you want me to watch over the thing?” Jen asked.
“No steal it.”

Thanks to C for making up the Brain Trust.
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
The Great Dutch Ninja
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Excellent start, pzgr. Thanks for the mention of Roberds as well. Hope to give your tale a wide berth, since it looks like we're doing simultaneous stories (although Boiling Point won't concern Ms. Stackhouse or Jennifer Ryan, so that shouldn't be a problem).

Looking forward to future installments,

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The Great Dutch Ninja wrote:Excellent start, pzgr. Thanks for the mention of Roberds as well. Hope to give your tale a wide berth, since it looks like we're doing simultaneous stories (although Boiling Point won't concern Ms. Stackhouse or Jennifer Ryan, so that shouldn't be a problem).

Looking forward to future installments,

Same here, I didn't want to step on anything you were doing since you realsed Boiling Point earlier. I would have put this up earlier but Its been stuck on my computer because I have been working, hate the end April! :evil:

Thanks for the comments Ninja, and hope to see next installments of Boiling Point soon!
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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Jennifer was on the approach, viva hang glider. Carefully she turned the glider to the right, zooming in towards her target. The Fermi Lab complex was lit by a few lights so her stealthy approach should go unnoticed by those on the ground. While guiding the glider in she remembered her insertion for the mission. Jumping out of the back of C-130 high above the center of Illinois, she descended for a harrowing twelve minutes.

‘Simple job Jen, get in, steal the Railgun, meet extraction, mission over’ she thought. The logic of the plan was simple enough; the CIA would steal the railgun for DOD. That way the various factions already trying to get their hands on it would assume one of the other member parties stole the experimental gun. Now all she had to do was complete the mission.

The final seconds were coming. She aimed for the largest of the buildings, intending for it to be the best runway. Unfortunately she was long… “Shit!” she said. Jen threw her weight forward to land the glider before she ran out of roof. Twenty feet, ten, five….she slamed into the roof with less than three feet to spare, Jen breathed in a sigh of relief, only to get back into panic mode quickly.

“Hey what was that?” called a guard. She heard the sounds of approaching shoes.

Quickly getting up she took the black hang glider and collapsed it into its foldable halves. Taking it with, Jen found cover behind some air conditioning units on the roof. Two male guards appeared on the roof taking a look. All they found was her imprint when she slammed into the roof. Jen had considered going for her small pistol when both men left deciding that there wasn’t much to find.

Once the guards were gone, Jen came out of hiding. She found some empty spacing in the roof and stashed the glider. With that hidden away, she could start. Taking out a small PDA she checked her map of the labs. Inside it were her mission objectives and a note from Karla.



Plan on exactly that she thought. Jen switched the PDA over to a map now. Checking it she smiled. Alright, I’m right on top of the labs and weapon storage. Standing up she was now ready. Her outfit was changed for the mission. Instead of the standard blue leotard and light blue tights she wore a black leotard and matching tights. This was to help prosper the rumor that another force had stolen the weapon. Moving along silently in her stocking feet, Jen came to the roof’s access door.

Once done the stairs she came to the door to the main hallway. Sticking her optic probe under the door she spied the area. The lights were off requiring her to switch to NVG. She could see a guard disappearing down the hallway. Quietly she opened the door and stepped through the frame. Inside the darken hallway she crouched and put her own special NVG goggles, hidden in a pair of dark sunglasses. Moving silently with in her nylon and spandex, she arrived at the corner and peeked around the side.

The guard, evidently female entered a room and left the door open. Jen carefully moved down the hallway’s right side wall. Once next to the door she reached into her pack. Pulling out the special 5mm pistol she checked to make sure it was loaded with tranq rounds. Taking two careful breaths, Jen spun on her heels and faced the open door. Two guards were inside, a male and female. She took the female first, hitting her in the neck. Next Jen fired at the male. After being hit, each guard slumped to the ground koed.

Entering the small break room she lifted up the sleeping female. Jen laid her over her shoulder. A short walk brought her to a small closet. Opening it up she found it had some duct tape in it. Three minutes later both guards were tied tightly with the tape and locked in the utility closet.

Jennifer was once again on the move towards the computer lab. It took about ten minutes to avoid all the cameras and hack the passcode doors. Finally she had arrived at the lab, and was disappointed, ‘intel forgot this.’

A twenty year old woman was working in the lab section. She had blonde hair, glasses, a black sweater and demon skirt. Walking around the lab she checked the computers in her stocking feet. Jennifer considered her options. She could tranq this unexpected visitor, but then she’d have to search the entire computer system on her own for all the relevant railgun data. The CIA had given her an idea on where to look but it was pretty vague, okay plan B, she decided. Crouching she moved using the lab tables for cover. Once close to the target, she needed a distraction.

Okay time to try the scrambler, Jen decided. The Scrambler was a nifty little electronic device that fouled up any electrical item in a two foot circle radius up to five feet away. Invented by their rivals at the NSA’s Third Echelon Spies, it was prefect for knocking out lights and then slipping by in the shadows. The effect was only temporary; she’d have to move fast. Aiming her pistol at the light on the ceiling she then triggered the scrambler. The light blub winked for a few seconds then went out.

“Damn.” The woman said and walked over to check the blub, with her back to Jen, the Blue Angel moved. In seconds she was up to the blonde and had her gun pointed at her head.
“Freeze.” Jen said. The woman was going to scream when Jen pushed the pistol a little tighter into the blonde.
“No screaming, don’t make me shoot.” Jen warned. Even though the gun was loaded with tranq darts, her victim didn’t know that.
“Please…don’t kill me…” the blonde said in whispered tones.
“I’m not going to, just do as I say, first get me all the railgun data from the computers.” She ordered.

Both of them moved to the computer and Jen had her transfer all the files and put them on a CDR for her. Once that was done she had the Blonde wipe the files from the computer. With that done she moved the blonde over to a walk in storage closet for computer parts. Sitting the woman on the floor, Jen used some extra computer cords to tie her victim up. As she prepared to gag her victim the blonde pleaded, “Oh please don’t gag me!”

“How do I stop you from calling out then?” the Angel asked.
The blonde didn’t answer; Jen then came up with a solution, “Okay I could knock you out?”
“How…” the blonde asked nervously.
“I have an anesthetic know as chloroform in my bag. I pour it onto a cloth or something and press it up against your face; you’ll take a few breaths and fall into a sleep.”
The blonde thought it over, “I don’t know…”
“Then I shoot with a tranq dart.” Jen said flatly.
“Chloroform please.” The blonde decided the pain of being shot overweighing her fears of the cloth.

Jennifer couldn’t fine a cloth at first and her gloves weren’t the special chloro soakable one she had used before, finally the woman came up with a solution, her spare pantyhose. The Blue Angel found the spare nylons in the woman’s bag. She soaked them with the right amount of chloroform then held the chloro nylons, “Ready? Just remember to breathe in.”

“Okay…” the blonde answered as Jen carefully placed the balled up pantyhose in the woman’s face. She smelled the anesthetic and at first mhmped a no, but then surrendered when she saw that Jen wouldn’t remove the hose. She took some breaths and Jen watched as the girl’s eyes fluttered and slowly closed. He body relaxed in the bonds, a sign of the chloroform weakening her muscles. The Blonde’s heads slumped to the side and she was out.

Jennifer left the nylons with the Blonde. As she walked away she didn’t see the smile creeping up on the blonde’s face.

After two more minutes of hacking passcodes and a crawl through an airshaft, Jennifer was now in front of the railgun. Kept in a large warehouse sized room with targets at the far end, it was big, a little ungainly for one soldier to carry, but it was getting there. It was black and the rear looked like a normal back and stock to a Barrett .50 caliber sniper rifle. Except it was larger and had twin rails coming out of the front instead of a barrel. Feeling it Jen quickly worked on unlocking the device. As she was at work, the Angel didn’t hear the opening of a small window at the top of the large storage and testing area.

Almost finished with freeing the device she didn’t notice the figure behind her, “My, my breaking an entering and theft of government property, very bad.” Jen’s ears picked up that confident imposing tone.

Slowly turning around she started feet first with her new arrival. A pair of red boots encased tanned pantyhosed legs. A short red skirt was kept on with a yellow belt. The royal blue leotard was stretched over an impressive figure, and had a red and yellow S in a pentagon shield over the breasts. Finally a pair of blue eyes and blonde hair that cascaded down onto the shoulders of the red cape completed America’s most know heroine.

“Hi, I’m Supergirl your name would be?” Supergirl asked, hands on hips in a power pose.
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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All I can say is WOW!!! Quite the conundrum.
I got a quick question for you...I know that you probably have a huge backlog of stories planned out, but is there any possibility of doing a prequel of sort on Karla Lee's early adventures as an ANGEL.

eagerly awaiting the next installment!!!
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Last edited by cthulhu1 13 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Jen backed away slowly, she was screwed. ‘Oh all the bars in the world, you had to walk into my’ popped into Jen’s head as she tried to think of anything to say. Supergirl stood hands on hips ready to take this thief that had already tried to chloroform her. The local security had contacted her saying they got a tip that someone would try to steal the railgun tonight. So she had gone in first undercover to be ready to respond. Linda didn’t have to wait long for Jen to show up and knock her out. Problem was that the Girl of Steel didn’t know the woman in black was on her side.

“Supergirl, listen this isn’t what it looks like!” the thief held her hands up pleading.
“Oh, so you’re not trying to steal this?” Supergirl asked sarcastically. Linda stepped closer watching the woman backing off some more.
“I know this is going to seem crazy, but I work for the Government…” Jen couldn’t finish.
“Of Russia, China, one of our European friends?” Supergirl smirked again.
“No, U.S. specifically CIA.” She said. Supergirl laughed.
Linda rolled her eyes, “Please, you have ID?”
Linda stepped forwards ready to knock the girl out when the roof exploded inward. Supergirl rushed forward to cover the thief. Looking up, Linda saw a dark clad figure jump through the hole and land in front of her. With a shock Supergirl recognized the girl.
“That’s right Supergirl…I’m here to make good on my threat.” She lunged out for Supergirl, tackling her. Linda fell to the ground as was shocked to discover the strength in Jessica’s arms. Smiling Jessica lifted Supergirl up and threw her across the room. Crashing through a target at the other end, Linda collapsed. Jen raised her pistol hoping she could drop the new arrival before she caused more damage. Jessica laughed at pointed her finger at Jessica a thin beam of energy lanced out and struck the Blue Angel in the chest. Clutching it in pain she fell to the floor unconscious.

Supergirl was back up and flew at full speed right back at Jessica. Knocking the woman over, she then delivered two superstrong punches to Jessica’s stomach. The blows had no effect however. Linda was shocked.
“My suit gives me plenty of protection Supergirl.” Jessica then gripped Linda’s wrists and reversed the pin and now Supergirl was under her.
“I’m going to enjoy this.” Jessica turned into a fist machine, punching Linda in her face, stomach, using a belly claw on her abs. Then taking a handful of Supergirl’s blonde hair she slammed the Girl of Steel’s head into the concert floor. Linda seemed to be out. Getting up Jessica smiled, she then went to thumb a switch on her buckle

Supergirl then woke up and smiled. Shooting up she carried Jessica up with her as she took off. Both slammed into the roof, Jessica taking the brunt of the impact stunning her. Linda then dropped her from the twenty foot height. The villainess fell and landed with a scream. Scanning her with X-Ray vision, Linda could see she wasn’t hurt. Descending she landed next to the weakened girl.
Lifting her up, “All right Jessica its over, you can’t be me.”
Jessica smiled and began to laugh, “I guess, so that’s why we used a special power source.” She thumbed the button on her belt. The tubes in her suit began to glow, green.

Linda felt like she had been punched in the gut. Her grip on Jessica loosened. Supergirl grew weaker her legs unable to hold her up. With laughable easy Jessica freed herself and walked around Supergirl who fell to her knees. Using one arm to hold herself up, Linda couldn’t get up. Her strength was being sucked from body, leaving her nauseated and weak.
“Oh what’s the matter Supergirl? How does it feel, having your powers stolen from your body? Now you know how I felt that day you decided to play god for me.” Jessica said the anger of two years building up.
Linda’s arm gave out and she slumped to the floor. Looking up her eyes followed the green lines that glowed over Jessica’s uniform, “Please…Jessica…you weren’t…listing to me…you weren’t responsible…with your powers…”
Jessica reached down and pulled Supergirl’s face up to hers, “Well that’s your opinion, now I’m going to do the same to you. I’m taking the super out of you, and then killing you.”

Jessica lifted Supergirl up with one arm. The kryptonite powering her suit now doubling her strength, she threw Linda back towards the railgun. Landing Linda clutched her back; it burned where she had hit the table. Jessica walked towards her with an evil smile; she brought her finger up and pointed it at Supergirl. Firing a small kryptonite beam she struck Supergirl in her chest. Crying out in pain Supergirl felt her heart was on fire. She rolled off the table holding the railgun and sprawled out on the floor.

Her veins were turning green in her neck and wrists. The pain was growing, her powers were gone. It felt like molten hot metal was being poured into her chest. Jessica came closer and kept the laser on. Supergirl was rolled onto her back with Jessica’s spandex incased foot. Finally she cut the beam and kneeled next to Supergirl who felt she could breathe again.
“Oh did that hurt Supergirl?” Jessica mocked Linda.
“Stop…Jessica…you’re…” Supergirl painted. She was too weak to stop Jessica from doing anything.
Jessica lifted Linda up by her shoulders. Taking a seat Jessica crossed her legs and placed Supergirl in her lap, “No Supergirl I’m not stopping…”
She began the kryptonite again and held Supergirl’s head in her hands. Linda screamed as she felt the poisonous radiation hit her. Jessica was overjoyed by the pleasure. She had dreamed of this moment for years, now it was coming to life. Suddenly though she was slammed in the back by something hard. Turning her head she saw the first girl in black wielding a large pipe.

“Let her go!” Jen said as she slammed the pipe across Jessica’s head this time. It stunned the villain long enough for Jen to grab Supergirl and begin dragging her away from the kryptonite powered suit. Jessica got up and sent kryptonite blasts after the woman, missing. She then gave chase.
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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Jen huffed and placed the weakened Supergirl under cover. She didn’t know what was wrong with the Girl of Steel, one minute she was most powerful woman in the room, the next she’s sickly and weak. ‘Just get better otherwise she’ll take me apart!’ Jen thought to Supergirl. With Supergirl hidden, Jen turned back to face the woman coming at her. Okay she’s stronger than me, faster, and can shoot lasers…so how do I fight her? She thought.

Jessica attacked and Jen managed to dodge left. Rollin she reached into her backpack of tricks. She pulled out a flashbang. These little grenades used a blast of light five times brighter than the sun and a thunderous boom to disorientate an enemy. Special Forces and SWAT teams used them before entering a room. The blast stunned Jessica who didn’t share Supergirl’s immunity to sight and sound. Jessica had shielded herself from the blast and used it to go on the attack.

She delivered a quick kick to Jessica’s midsection, next a hand thrust into the woman’s chest. Finally she delivered a left hook that crossed the black clad woman across the chin. Knocking Jessica over Jen retreated and backed off to pull her next attack out. Jessica screamed and blasted the general area where Jen had been. Luckily the Blue Angel’s resourcefulness was keeping her out of range and vision of Jessica’s attacks. She was already going for her next weapon. Thumbing the trigger on a gas grenade she tossed it over her shoulder and pulled out her sunglasses and gun.

Flipping to her Thermal vision in the glasses she looked for Jessica. Finding the red, green, and blue heat image of the villainess she squeezed off tranq round, and it hit with no effect. Jessica now had an area to target; she fired a blast of kryptonite laser. Although the radiation wouldn’t have any effect on her, a laser is a laser. The Blue Angel dodged the blast and fired again trying to hit Jessica’s head. The girl no longer became a stationary target and moved out of the way of the inbound projectile. Using Jen’s last shot as a reference, Jessica accelerated into superspeed.

Jen was running to reach for her next trick when Jessica slammed into her. Knocked over she was then trapped in the grasp of the exosuit powered villain.
“So who are you working for, one of our competitors?” Jessica asked, squeezing.
Jen gasped from the strength used against her, “Please…stop.”
“I don’t think so, now who are you working for?” She asked increasing the pressure. Jen was on the verge of passing out when Jessica screamed in pain. Collapsing both women fell to the ground.

Jen scrambled away as fast as she could. Jessica was still in pain on the floor; her suit was glowing red where she was hit. Linda was standing on one knee her eyes returning to their normal color. Her heat vision hadn’t burned through the exosuit, but it did cause enough discomfort to free he ally. Supergirl concentrated and took to the air her flight wasn’t prefect. She was wobbly but still airborne.

Jessica fresh with renewed angered looked at the flying Supergirl and began firing her kryptonite beams. Linda sped as fast as she could, dodging left and right, avoiding the beams. Swearing Jessica looked for something else to impale the Girl of Steel with. Linda was heading over towards Jen when suddenly she was hit with a metal girder. Falling Supergirl crashed into the floor and was stunned by the impact.

‘Still a little weak…got to get up and moving’ she thought. As Supergirl raised her body she felt a stab of pain lance onto her back, Linda immediately collapsed to the ground a green laser hitting her in the yellow S on her cape. Jessica kept the beam going, this time she wouldn’t stop till Supergirl was dead.

Jen attacked at that moment. She jumped the girl from behind and tackled her to the floor, both of them struggled as each of them tried to gain an advantage over the other. Their nylon encased bodies rubbing against one another. Linda managed to get up and tried to help Jen only to feel the wave kryptonite energy from Jessica’s suit wash over. Linda fell quickly back onto her side, and then rolled over.

“Help me!” Jen yelled as she struggled with Jessica now each of them had their legs wrapped around each other’s waist. Squeezing with her superior strength Jessica was winning the battle, but the war wasn’t over yet. Linda knew how she could help.

“Get…her buckle…off.” She said. Jen nodded but was quickly fighting the effects of the scissors. Her body was already tried from the fight and was growing weaker in the iron grip of her opponent’s legs. As a result her mind was cloudy but she had one thought, ‘get the buckle’. Jessica was too busy crushing the life from Jen to notice Supergirl trying to sneak up on her. Even though it meant crawling into the kryptonite’s effective range, she needed to give her ally an advantage.

Linda hit Jessica in the back but it was a mere slap with no strength behind it. Jessica smiled and released Jen who appeared to be out. Taking Supergirl by her cape, she dragged the helpless Maiden of Might over to the targets. Once there, she used some tape from Jen’s bag which had spilled during the fight to secure Supergirl. She patted Supergirl on the cheek, “Prepare to become a real Angel my dear.”

Walking back to the railgun she lifted the device up and powered it up. This took about four minutes, but it was well worth the wait. Aiming the thermal site right on Supergirl’s S shield she smiled, two years were about to be repaid. With uncontrolled glee she pulled the trigger. A slag of depleted uranium left the gun in blast bluish energy. In less than second it arrived at Supergirl. The Girl of Steel disappeared in a flash and shattering bits of target was sent into the air. Jessica laughed, “I killed her!”

“No quite bitch.” An exhausted tried Jen said holding her gun, now armed with bullets. Jessica smirked, too smug to look behind her.
“Oh please, she was weak from kryptonite and hit by a bullet going 1/4 the speed of light, I think she’s dead.” Jessica smirked raising her finger to fire a beam at Jen. The Blue Angel in black just stood there. Jen now smiled as Jessica realized that her laser from the finger wouldn’t fire.

A pair of steel hard hands griped her shoulders. She was spun around to see a much reinvigorated Supergirl holding her.
“She was nice enough to turn you off.” Linda smiled. Jen had just placed the buckle power device in her bag. The scream Jessica gave was cut off as Supergirl slugged her out cold. The Blue Angel lowered her gun then fell forwards her body exhausted from her struggle.

When she woke up she could see SWAT and Army personnel cleaning up the scene. Looking to her left she saw a concerned Supergirl knelling next to her.
“Supergirl? You okay?” Jen asked.
She nodded, “Thanks to you. If your curious I called the number on your PDA, your boss says good job.”
“That’s why I joined the CIA, to please Karla Lee.” Jen joked but cut off as a pain made her wince.
“I checked you with my X-Ray vision you have a couple bruised ribs, nothing broken. The Army Medics will take you to the field hospital for some rest.”
“Thanks.” Jen said. She then went right back to blissful sleep.


“Well that was all very public.” Victoria Stackhouse said throwing a copy of the Chicago Tribune down on the coffee table the three women were seated at. A photo of Supergirl leading a black clad Jessica Patterson to a waiting FBI car accompanied the story next to it by Linda Danvers. Mary Patterson merely looked down at her feet then back up to argue but was cut off by Claire Sanders.
“I knew it…I knew it! Your stupid little niece couldn’t do a simple task, steal a railgun, then leave. If Supergirl showed up, give her a taste of the kryptonite nothing more!”
Mary tried a last defense, “We didn’t anticipate the Angel’s involvement…Victoria…”
“Yes I know how troublesome Jennifer Ryan can be and her blue clad pals, but it still doesn’t excuse your niece’s actions. She could have easily handled the Angel!”

“Actually I wouldn’t want to fight Jen, she’s good.” The three were shocked as Supergirl hovered inches over them.
“Come to arrest us, but what crime have we committed?” Claire asked like an innocent schoolgirl.
Supergirl narrowed her eyes, “You three run an arms dealer outfit called the Brain Trust. Not only have you given the North Koreans missile technology, but you’ve assisted Iran, sold Russia weapons illegally to Chechyena, and just three days ago attempted to steal a US Army railgun.”
“Of course you can’t prove any of that.” Victoria said quietly.
“I can’t.” Supergirl said sharply.
“So why the visit Supergirl?” Mary inquired, big mistake, Linda was on her in less than a second holding her by her collar.
Pulling her eyes close to Linda’s blues, “I’ll be watching you. And no matter how much the French claim that you’re a legitimate organization I’ll be watching you. My friends will be watching you, and the CIA will be watching you.”
“You’re point?” Mary asked trying to preserve her dignity.
“You’ll screw up and I’ll be there.” With that Mary fell on her ass and Supergirl was gone. The Professional, fourth member of the Brain Trust burst into the room and looked for the trouble that had caused her to enter.

“Too late, she’d gone.” Claire said.
“I’m sorry; she wasn’t even on the radar long enough for us to register her IFF device in her belt.” The Professional explained.
“No problem Marie, you did your best. If she had tried to cause trouble…” Victoria began.
Her question was quickly addressed, “Kryptonite Gas would pour into this room within 3 seconds.”
Mary readjusted her blouse, “She could have down a lot in 3 seconds.”
“No she doesn’t kill.” The Professional said.
“Not us.” Victoria added. Marie nodded.
“True she only killed once, her clone created in the red kryptonite incident. She was correct in her assumption that there was no other way to stop her.”
“Well we will have to enforce that to our long term project, by the way…” Claire started.
Again the Professional was quick with the answer, even though it unnerved her, “We should have Phase One complete in two months. If everything goes as planned, we’ll have a workable subject in four months.”
Claire smiled, “She’ll need a name.”

Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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Sorry that this story is shorter than my other ones. Not sure what the next one will be about. I think I'm going to go back to American Star but not sure what to have poor Allison run into...thoughts?
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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