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Wonder Woman: Diamonds and Pearls

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 1:29 am
by flagonforge
here's an old story I found written by the very talented Trent Wolf.

Wonder Woman: Diamonds and Pearls

Updated (12/7/2000)
by Trent Wolf

Summary: Someone has created a mind control drug, with Wonder Woman as a target.

Inter-Agency Defense Command Offices

Stark Craven was livid. As he left the staff meeting and headed to his office, he grumbled under his breath, his thick fists clenching and unclenching. This was the last straw. Never again was he going to allow Steve Trevor to embarrass him in front of his superiors. It was one thing for Trevor to take credit for all his hard work at the agency, but to make Craven look like a fool was even more unacceptable. He vowed that this was the last time that son of a bitch Trevor and his little comrade Diana Prince would show him up. He was a decorated war veteran for cripes sake. Special Forces and Black Ops, Craven graduated top of his class from West Point while that cocky glory hound Trevor probably went to some pansy ass Ivy League school, where he got his diploma in brown nosing. He’d seen more action than Trevor probably ever dreamed of.
And Diana Prince was another matter altogether. Craven continually dreamed of having Steve Trevor out of the way so he could bring agent Diana Prince over to his team permanently. Although he didn’t care for her superior female attitude, he was extremely attracted to Diana, her blue eyes, high cheekbones, cupid lips and all the rest of her classic facial features and feminine form. He would give anything to get her in the rack to see what she was really like behind that prim facade, out of her conservative and tasteful outfits, without her glasses and dark hair pulled back tightly in a bun.
He couldn’t believe Trevor was not boffing her like he dreamed of doing to his own assistant Jennifer Marlow, a beautiful busty blonde who forever refused his sexual advances. He almost regretted taking this position as head of the Biological Terrorism Task Force in IADC, but an old mentor at The Pentagon recommended him for the job, which had its share of perks, speaking of one of which he now passed heading into his office.
“Come in my office, Ms. Marlow.” Craven brusquely ordered the bosomy golden blonde sitting at her desk. Jennifer Marlow stood up immediately, her plump breasts and gorgeous ass jiggling as her high heel pumps clicked on the tile floor and nylons swishing as her firm thighs rubbed together while she followed her boss into his office. Jennifer took great pride in her appearance, always wearing the latest fashions, especially those that accentuated her curvaceous body. She knew men looked at her as a sex object, and was secretly delighted by it. It gave her a special little thrill knowing she had the power to turn men on with her looks. She especially liked shooting them down when they asked her out.
“Yes, Mr. Craven?” Jennifer said dutifully as she stood before him, posture erect and hands placed primly in front of her as she gave her chest an ever so slight outward thrust.
“I want you to get a hold of Glover down in the lab.” Craven said as he sat at his desk and began rubbing his temples. Glover was an IADC scientist who was working on a special project for Craven.
“After you get him, I want you to pull the files on Amazon for me.”
“Is everything all right, Mr. Craven?” Jennifer asked innocently. “You seem tense. Is there anything I can do for you?”
Craven looked up at Jennifer in silence. A vision flashed of Jennifer Marlow down on her knees sucking him off behind his desk. He knew her little game. Always playing the ingénue, pretending to ask innocent questions, but with a hint of sexual enticement behind the words. One of these days he was going to get that ass of hers in bed, and when he did…
“No, just get a hold of Glover for me, Ms. Marlow, and then get busy on those files.”
“Yes, Mr. Craven.” Jennifer smiled and then turned elegantly on her heels and purposely strutted and swished out of the office, her body undulating under her tight skirt and silk blouse.
“Little cock tease.” Craven muttered as he watched her exit, wriggling her perfect rump as she walked out. He reached into his desk and took out a bottle of Pepto Bismol and unscrewed the cap to take a swig. His ulcer was going to get the best of him, and so he began some breathing exercises to calm himself down.
After a minute, Craven’s intercom buzzed, and Jennifer’s voice told him, “I have Corben Glover on line one.”
“Thanks.” Craven growled and punched line one.
“Glover, I just got out of a meeting, and I’m returning you’re urgent message.”
“We’d better meet in person.”
“What’s up?”
“I’ve made a breakthrough.”
“Say no more.” Craven said, brightening. “I’m coming right down.”
Craven disconnected and got up to leave his office with a slight skip in his step, barely
acknowledging Jennifer as she went about her duties, subtly trying to get Craven’s attention by thrusting her opulent ass slightly outward as she bent over to get a file from the stack of cabinets by her desk. She seemed vaguely disappointed when she didn’t sense a double take from her boss.
As Stark Craven stepped into the elevator, he smiled and thought to himself, if what Glover said was true, this day might no be a total bust after all. Maybe, just maybe, some of his problems would be solved. Starting with Steve Trevor.
Diana Prince was relieved that the meeting was over. Stark Craven looked like his head was about to explode, and she was still concerned about him. She had wanted to say something after the meeting, but he left in a hurry once it was over. To Diana, Craven seemed like a capable good IADC agent, despite the fact that he was too headstrong and aggressive. Several times he had requested asked Diana to come over to his team to help on the Biological Terrorism Taskforce, but Steve
Trevor always nixed that idea. It made Diana feel good that Steve cared enough about her to want her exclusively on his team, but she was afraid it was ruffling Craven’s feathers, and sooner or later things would come to a head between them. She made a mental note to pay a visit to Craven’s office at the end of the day, when Steve Trevor called after her.
“Yes, Steve?”
“Have you had any luck with that new case we discussed yesterday?”
“Um. Yes, actually. I was about to head out for a field interview with a Harold Meyers. He’s the head of security at Dunaway Industries.” Diana said quickly. Actually she had been preoccupied with personal matters, and had forgotten all about that particular industrial espionage case involving the theft of components for a sophisticated spy satellite system.
“Good. Let me know how that turns out.” Steve said, and then returned to his office.
Diana sighed and grabbed her bag. She would have to talk with Stark Craven another time.

“What have you got?” Craven said as soon as entered the private cubicle lab of Corben Glover,
Craven’s top expert in chemical and viral warfare. Glover was in the process of working for Craven
developing a mind control drug under the guise that it could potentially be of use in terrorist
interrogation. Although he admired Glover’s near genius mental abilities, he couldn’t stand the sight of the thin, slick-haired cocky young punk.
Corben grinned and held up a square glass platelet. “The Holy Grail.”
Craven looked close at the clear plate, squinting. “I don’t see a thing.”
“That’s what’s so beautiful about it. It’s nearly invisible. Look closer.”
Craven took the platelet and held it up to the light. Indeed now he could make out a hair thin circular outline on the surface of the glass. “What am I looking at?”
“A simple patch. Naked to the human eye, thinner than a hair, and it contains our special little chemical.”
“You’re kidding? The mind control drug?” Craven looked amazed.
“Absolutely.” Glover giggled with pride. “And it’s been tested.”
Craven froze and looked hard at Glover. “What?”
“Don’t worry, I was safe.” Glover assured his superior.
“I thought I told you I wanted to witness the first test.” Craven snapped.
“I know, I know. But I really wanted to make sure it worked perfectly before I brought you the good news.” Glover said. Although he was afraid of Craven, he tried extremely hard not to show it. It was a mistake to let Craven see your weak side. He told Craven. “Follow me.”
Glover led Craven to his private office and fumbled for the keys to his desk. He removed a videotape cassette from a drawer and then inserted it into a tape player adjacent to a small television. Craven watched as the monitor played back a recording of what appeared to be an average hotel bedroom as a time code counted off the minutes and seconds. A door opened and Glover entered followed by a pretty young woman with light curly brown hair wearing a snug sequined mini dress, and strapped high heels.
Glover watched Craven as his boss looked on, eager to see his reaction as the woman sat on the bed and crossed her sexy legs and snapping her gum.
“Are you sure you’re not a cop?” The girl asked suspiciously
“Yes. I’m sure.” Glover assured the girl.
“Who’s that?” Craven asked as he watched intently. The girl had an incredible body and face.
“A dancer I picked up in a strip club. Her name was Desiree. Is that a stripper name or what?”
Glover chuckled. “I offered her a thousand dollars if she’d go to a hotel with me.”
“So, how do you like it?” Desiree asked. “Do you want me to start with a blowjob?”
“Sure, that would be great.” Glover said on the tape.
“Sit down over here, handsome.” Desiree told him as she got up and guided him over to the bed and made him sit down. Then she got down on her knees and began to unzip his pants and unbuckle his belt. Soon she had him out, stroking him up and down to get him completely hard. Then she bent over and began to kiss and lick his erection.
“Look at me while you do that.” Glover said on the tape.
Desiree did as he requested and stared at him with her baby blue eyes while Glover leaned back on his elbows and enjoyed his oral treat. As he watched Desiree expertly suck him off on the tape, Glover told Craven, “She gave excellent head. Best I ever had.”
Craven ignored him and watched, waiting for something. It didn’t register with him at the moment that Glover kept speaking of her in the past tense. After several minutes of slurping and lip smacking sounds as Desiree’s head bobbed up and down rhythmically, Glover finally pulled her head up.
“Are you ready to fuck me now, baby?” Desiree asked demurely as she stroked him up and down.
“Yes, but first I want to make a bet with you.” Glover told her.
“A bet?” Desiree asked as she cocked an eyebrow. “What kind of bet?”
“I’ll bet you by the time I’m through fucking your brains out, you’ll want to give me all the tips you made tonight. What was it? A few hundred dollars maybe?”
“Are you kidding? Try more like fifteen hundred. I’m the hottest dancer there.” Desiree said,
offended by Glover’s low estimate. “You’re joking right?”
“No, I’m perfectly serious.”
“No guy I’ve ever slept with has ever made me want to pay him.” Desiree laughed cockily.
“Then you should probably win the bet.” Glover smiled, daring her to accept the bet.
Desiree stared back at Glover for a long time, and then grinned as her eyes lit up, “If I fuck you and you don’t blow me away, I still get the thousand you promised me right?”
“You’re on.” Desiree said with a wide smile. ‘Like taking candy from a baby.’ She thought, and
reached out to extend her right hand to accept the bet from Glover.
“Watch this.” Glover told Craven. I have one of the patches on my fingertip. You see, when I shake her hand there, I just press down on the back of her hand and it’s stuck like an invisible Band-Aid.
She can’t see it or feel it. The chemical seeps into her pores and begins to work almost immediately.”
Craven continued to watch with interest as Desiree began to strip off her dress and g-string panties.
She left her high heels on and then began to help Glover remove his clothes. Craven felt
uncomfortable watching this intimate display, but he never took his eyes off the small screen. He watched as Glover began pawing and sucking the stripper’s ample breasts, and then fingering her, all
the while speaking to her in a barely audible whisper. It went on and on for several minutes. Later, Desiree seemed to be reacting more and more favorably to Glover’s whispers, which Craven strained to hear.
“What are you saying to her?” Craven asked.
“I’m giving her subtle little suggestions. Telling her she’s hot, that she’s horny as hell and that I’m going to make her climax like she never has before. Stuff like that. The chemical works like a super aphrodisiac. Look how she’d responding. She was like a wild cat, and now she can’t get enough of me. Watch this.”
Craven watched as Desiree began moaning loudly as her body undulated in Glover’s hands. Then she began begging him “I can’t take this anymore! Fuck me. Please fuck me!”
Glover climbed between her legs and lifted her ankles over his shoulders and proceeded to fuck her deep and hard. He railed the gasping and moaning stripper on the shaking bed while she threw her head back and forth, arching her back upward as she continually begged him to fuck her harder.
Craven was in awe as she began to squeal louder. Then Glover ordered her to turn over and get on her hands and knees.
“Bark like a dog, bitch.” Glover told the stripper, who was at his complete mercy and control now.
Indeed, Desiree began to emit a high-pitched yelp as Glover pumped from behind. Craven couldn’t help but grin at the depravity and degradation of the sexy dancer. There was not one request that she refused. She even allowed him flip her back over to tit fuck her and then spray his load all over her pretty young face, her glossed lips eagerly parted to accept the sticky fluid, which splashed on her tongue and flushed cheeks. After it was all over and she began to calm down, Glover got dressed and waited for Desiree to recover.
“Ohmigod, I’ve never felt anything so incredible in all my life.” Desiree sighed as she continued shaking and panting on the bed, covered with sweat and semen.
“So, who wins the bet?” Glover asked nonchalantly.
“Oh, baby.” Desiree said as she reached for her sequined clutch purse and pulled out a fistful of ones and twenties and handed it over gratefully to Glover. “You deserve every dollar and more.”
“Glover took the cash and stuffed it into his jacket. “Okay, get dressed, let’s go.”
“No, I want to fuck some more, baby.” Desiree said with a sultry look in her eyes.
“I’m done with you, whore.” Glover said coldly.
“Please. One more time.” Desiree whined. “I’ll get some more money. I’ll suck your cock some more. I’ll do anything you want. You can do whatever you want to me. Please!”
“Maybe some other time.”
Desiree pouted and sulked, hurt that Glover didn’t want to screw her anymore. She reluctantly got dressed and Glover held the door open for her, “Go ahead. I’ll meet you downstairs in the car.”
After Desiree left the room, Glover walked over to the camera and reached up for it. Then the screen went dark. The taped demonstration was now over, and Glover looked over at Craven with smug pride and self- satisfaction. “So, what do you think? Pretty nifty, huh?”
“What happened to that stripper?” Craven asked, knowing the answer before it was even answered.
“I took care of her.” Glover said cryptically.
Craven had to admire the little fink. He wanted to be angry, but he realized he would have done the same thing. What did the life of one whore matter when national security was involved? He learned that lesson in the army during Special Ops training.
“Well, I guess that was best. And you never said that to me.” Craven said emphatically. Then he switched from a dark to a brighter mood as he realized the implications of this development. “This is amazing. I guess now it’s time for my own field tests. Do you have any more of these patches ready to go?”
“I knew you’d ask me that.” Glover grinned. “Let’s go back to the lab.”
Craven followed Glover to his work area, and watched the chemist open a cooling compartment to withdraw a 3” x 5” sheet of plastic and hold it up to the light for Craven to see. “There’s a set of six patches. They each have a coat of adhesive on the topside. You just touch one with your fingertip, and it lifts right off. Just touch and go. And then watch the magic begin.”
Glover demonstrated and held one up to Craven, who could barely make out the tiny clear circular patch, similar to a contact lens but slightly smaller. Then he put it back on the sheet and slipped it into a protective sleeve and handed it over to Craven with a chuckle. “Here you go. Have fun.”
Craven took the sleeve and placed it carefully into his shirt pocket. “I guess I don’t need to remind you that this…development…stays in this room.”
“My lips are sealed, boss.” Glover said, pantomiming zipping his lips closed.

“Good man.” Craven grinned crookedly. “You will be rewarded for your hard work of course.”
“Thank you, Mr. Craven.” Glover said. “I take pride in my work here at IADC. Uh, should I proceed with more of the product?”
“Absolutely. And I’ll let you know how my tests go.” Craven said before he left Glover alone in his lab.
“Yes, sir.” Glover replied, grinning with pride from ear to ear. He realized Craven wasn’t really a bad guy to work for as long as you produced results. After Craven left, he turned to his lab table and began to work on production of his new invention.
Jennifer Marlow sat at her desk, shifting through the stack of files her boss Stark Craven had
requested. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the elevator open and out come Craven, returning from his meeting with Glover down in the lab. As usual, Jennifer wondered what was going on between Craven and Glover. She couldn’t stand being out of the loop when it came to Craven’s dealings with other IADC departments and agents. As Craven approached, Jennifer made a big show of swiveling around in her chair and crossing her luxurious legs to get her boss’s attention. Craven barely noticed her as he walked right past her desk towards his office. Jennifer noticed the look of pleasure on his face, which was highly unusual
“I have those files you asked for Mr. Craven.” Jennifer called out right before Craven entered his office.
“Great, bring them in.”
Jennifer picked up the thick folders and brought them into Craven’s office.
“You look chipper.” Jennifer commented. “You must have had a good meeting with Corben Glover. How did it go down there?”
Craven ignored her query and only smiled back, telling her. “Just put those on my desk.”
Jennifer pouted her thick glossy lips. She wasn’t used to being left out and ignored, and dropped the files on the desk with a thud and swirled around to walk out without another word.

Craven didn’t even notice Jennifer’s little fit. He sat in his plush leather chair and opened one of the files. Clipped inside the cover was an 8 x 10 file photo of Wonder Woman, taken by one of the local newspapers. The statuesque heroine had fascinated Craven ever since he first heard about her. He studied the picture as he had done hundreds of times before. The way the raven-haired beauty filled out the red white and blue satin costume, the long legs, the red and white boots, the tiara with the single red star, the gold eagle emblem just below the generous amount of cleavage spilling out of the top of her bustier. It was very patriotic and sexy at the same time. Her face and body were stunning,
not one imperfection. And everyone loved her and her heroism. Many times she had saved
Washington, the country, even the world. It was just odd that she had some kind of relationship with Steve Trevor. More than once Wonder Woman had bailed Trevor out of a jam. There was a connection, and he had an inkling it had to do with Diana Prince. One way or another he was determined to find out. But how?
First he had to figure out a way to get Diana Prince on his team… permanently. And the only way was to get Trevor out of the picture. He was the one thing stopping him. He reached up with his hand to feel the sleeve of patches in his shirt pocket. He could use one of them of course, but that would be too easy. Craven knew he had to something that would humiliate Trevor, and possibly end his career with IADC.
Craven’s mind reeled for several minutes, and then he froze, a smile creeping across his face. He reached into his shirt pocket and took out the sleeve of patches. Then he carefully took out the clear plate with the six patches and used his thumb to lift one off the surface. After he put the sleeve back into his pocket, he reached over to the telephone and punched the intercom. “Ms. Marlow, could you come into my office?”
The door opened after a few moments and in walked Jennifer. She stood in front of Craven with her arm crossed and an indifferent statement on her face. Craven leaned back in his chair and smiled.
“Sorry I was short with you earlier Ms. Marlow. I’ve been under a lot of stress lately.”
Jennifer only raised one eyebrow as if to say, ‘And I should care about this because…?’
“It’s about a lady friend of mine.” Craven said.
Jennifer’s statement changed slightly. Craven had a girlfriend? Her interest was suddenly peaked.
But she tried unsuccessfully to seem not in the least bit interested and merely stared back at him.
“Forgive me if I get personal here for a moment, but, we had an argument recently.” Craven said. He could tell Jennifer was intrigued. “I’d be interested in your advice on the best way to apologize to a woman.”
Jennifer thought for a moment, and then smiled wickedly. “Well, whenever someone I know makes a big mistake and makes me upset, the only way I’ll forgive him is if he buys me something very expensive.”
“Hmmm.” Craven said as he nodded and rubbed his chin. “I guess that would work. Can you give me any ideas?”
Jennifer leaned across the desk and held out her hand, allowing Craven to get a close look on the huge dazzling rock on her finger. “Maybe something like this? Someone made me very upset once and this was what he had to give me to win back my… interest.”
Yes. Very nice…” Craven said as leaned forward and gently took her soft hand to get a closer look at the diamond ring. As he did so, he surreptitiously placed one of the clear patches on the back of her hand. Then he let her hand go and leaned back in his chair again, nodding. “I can see how that would make you…not upset. I guess I’ll have to make a little trip to the jewelry after I leave today. Thanks you Ms. Marlow.”
“Not a problem.” Jennifer said happily. She suddenly felt very good about giving her boss that advice. Whoever his girlfriend was, she was sure going to be happy. Suddenly a thought flashed across her mind that she really wouldn’t mind being that girl. Then just as quickly, Jennifer shook her head, as if to shoo away a bothersome insect. Did she really just think that?

“You okay, Ms. Marlow?” Craven asked when he noticed her quizzical statement.
“Oh! Um. Yes. I just…” Jennifer stammered uncharacteristically. Then added brightly. “It’s
“Well, thanks again.” Craven said in a pleasant but dismissive tone that signaled that he was done with her and then began looking over his files.
Jennifer felt disappointed for some reason. She really wanted to stay and talk some more to Mr. Craven. She wanted to hear more about his girlfriend.
That bitch!
Goodness, did she really think that? She couldn’t believe she was…jealous? What was the matter with her? She never thought of Mr. Craven as a potential suitor. He was too old. Yuck.
But then again, there was something about him. He seemed strong and confident. Mature.
Get a hold of yourself, Jennifer.
She took a deep breath and said in a hopeful voice, “Is there anything I can get for you Mr. Craven?
Anything at all?”
Craven looked up from his desk. His heart was thumping in his chest. This was a moment of truth. It was the ultimate test to see if this chemical of Glover’s really worked. He was about to ask Jennifer something that he would never have dared ask her before today.
“Could you get me a cup of coffee?”
Jennifer reacted at first as if she had been slapped. Did she just hear him ask for what she thought he asked for? A cup of coffee? Like she was just a secretary that he could order around?
“Um…would you like cream and sugar with that?” Jennifer asked. Her mind was confused by two
separate instincts, one to get irate and upbraid Mr. Craven for his audacity, and the other to quickly comply with his request. To her consternation and utter confusion, the latter won over.
Craven was stunned, but he acted blasé. He remembered the lecture from Jennifer the first day she came to work at IADC when he innocently asked her to get him a cup of coffee. Then she went to his superior and made sure that he knew in no uncertain terms that she was not hired to fetch coffee like a maid. She was a top assistant and she expected the total respect afforded her position.
“No, just black.” Craven said as his mind reeled. He couldn’t believe what was happening.
“Right away, Mr. Craven.” Jennifer said and then spun around to hurry and fulfill Craven’s request.
As Jennifer scurried to the break room, her mind battled back and forth.
What am I doing? I can’t believe I’m doing this.
She poured a hot black cup of coffee and strutted back with purpose to Craven’s office. Once there she laid a cup holder on hi desk and a napkin and then placed the coffee down in front of him. Then she stood back a step with her hands behind her back, as if expecting approval.
“Thanks, Ms. Marlow.” Craven said, suddenly feeling confident. “That will be all.”
“Are you sure there isn’t anything else I can do for you?”
Like sucking your cock and fucking you senseless?
Craven looked at Jennifer and grinned. He could tell by her body language that she was very
anxious. The drug was working successfully. He knew that he could tell her to do whatever he
wanted and she would jump to it without question.
“Well, well, look at the time.” Craven said. “Why don’t you grab your purse and join me for
Jennifer was taken aback for a moment. He’s asking me to lunch? He knows I would never accept a lunch date with anyone here at IADC. I know I’ve made that clear before. Besides, I have a boyfriend. Boyfriends actually. And he has a girlfriend of his own, doesn’t he?
“I’d love to.” Jennifer said.
Diana Prince was let through a guarded gate and she drove into a secure area behind Dunaway Industries and was met by a stocky gentleman in a dark sports coat, slacks and tie, who did not look one bit happy.
Diana climbed out of her car and walked up to Meyers holding her hand out in greeting. “Hello, I’m Diana Prince from IADC.”
“Harold Meyers, Chief of Security. What can I do for you Ms. Prince?” He said gruffly, ignoring her hand.
“I’d like to talk to you about the theft.”
“What theft?”
Diana was surprised. It looked like she wasn’t going to get the cooperation she hoped for. She sighed and continued. “I think you know what I’m talking about. The spy satellite technology.”

Meyers looked at her for a long time. Diana could tell he was steaming inside. “I don’t know what IADC is doing sending you here. This is an internal matter.”
“Not really Mr. Meyers.” Diana said. “That satellite program could potentially fall into the wrong hands.”
“Well, that’s for me and Dunaway Industries to worry about.” Meyer replied.
“I don’t think you understand. National Security is involved now, Mr. Meyers.” Diana said. “If I don’t have your cooperation, perhaps I could speak to your superiors.”
Meyers jaw was clenching and grinding. After a long minute, he growled, “All right follow me.”
As Diana followed Meyers into the building, she thought to herself that it was going to be a long day.


During his lunch with Jennifer at a hotel restaurant, Stark Craven held his assistant’s full attention.
No matter what he said, Jennifer listened eagerly and giggled at some of his off color remarks. Craven
would never have dreamed of being so bold before, knowing Jennifer would have been offended and
outraged by his crude and distasteful remarks. Now she seemed to fully enjoy whatever came out of
his mouth. Not only that, but it seemed to get her excited.

Craven then had an idea and began to talk about his fictional girlfriend to arouse Jennifer even more.
“Sorry if I’m getting too personal here, but, I’m thinking about breaking up with my girlfriend.”

“Oh, really?” Jennifer asked, getting even more interested now. She crossed her legs under the table
and leaned forward on her elbows to get closer to Craven.

“Yes. Our sex life has gotten kind of… stale.”

“Hmmm.” Jennifer said with a slight smile. “Do tell. And I don’t mind you getting too personal.”

“Well, she’s got a great body and everything, but there are certain things she won’t do.”

This was sounding better and better to Jennifer. “Oh? Like?”

“She doesn’t give oral sex.”

“Well, well.” Jennifer said, blushing slightly. She didn’t particularly enjoy giving head herself, only
having tried it once and found it very unsatisfying, but all of a sudden the thought of going down on
Craven flashed into her reeling mind. A warm sensation began to stir between her thighs, and she
re-crossed her legs, the nylons swishing under her silk skirt. Jennifer decided it was now her turn to
be bold. “I’ve always thought that it was very important to please a man.”

“Is that right?”

“Um hum. If you give a man what he wants, he’ll never stray.”

“Sounds like you’re speaking from experience.”

“I’ve never had a man dump me.” Jennifer informed Craven proudly. “I’ve always ended the
relationships. And they never fail to beg me to take them back.”

“So how do you keep them satisfied?” Craven asked, intrigued.

“Oh, I have a few tricks up my sleeve.” Jennifer said. She was extremely horny now and she wanted
to say or do something, anything, to get Craven interested in her. Suddenly, the urge to have sex with
Craven became overpowering. All she needed was an opening to let her know he was interested.

“Be more specific.”

“I don’t give out my secrets to just anyone.” Jennifer said demurely with a raised eyebrow.

“Come on Jennifer, I really want you to tell me.”

Jennifer tingled inside. It was getting closer to what she wanted to hear. Her crotch was getting
warmer and wetter by the minute.

“Well…I feel uncomfortable talking about it in a public place like this.” She said with teasing

“What do you have in mind?” Craven asked.

This was torture for Jennifer. She wanted Craven badly now. She could almost feel his cock inside

“Well, since you seem so interested, maybe we could…um… go upstairs. And maybe I could do
more than actually tell you about my…techniques.”

Craven gulped down the last of his drink and grinned. “You want me to get a room?”

“You might as well get the full experience.” Jennifer cooed sexily, using all her sexiest charms.
“Then you can find out what you’re really missing from your little girlfriend.”

“Check please.” Craven said promptly to the passing waiter.


It was like pulling teeth, but Diana finally got what she needed from the Dunaway Industries Chief of
Security Harold Meyers. He gave her the name of a disgruntled ex-employee by the name of Archie
Binderman. As she drove out into the rural countryside of Virginia outside of Washington DC, Diana
tried to contact IADC and regretted calling earlier for backup when she discovered her car phone
was out of the service area. It was late in the afternoon and she decided she had driven too far out
into the desolate country to turn around now. She had already wasted enough time with this case
without any results. She needed something, anything, to give to Steve Trevor to keep him satisfied
with her work.

Diana then wondered why she was worrying so much about safety regulations. If anything
happened, all she had to do was change into Wonder Woman and everything would be solved. She
finally found the turn off she was looking for and steered her sedan up a long gravel road lined with
trees on both sides.

When Diana saw the house up ahead, her worries were relieved. It appeared to be a tasteful ranch
home with a barn in the back, and she slowed her car up to the front of the house. She exited her car
and went straight to the front door to ring the bell. She waited patiently for an answer but there was
none. After several more rings and knocks, Diana decided to head around the side of the house,
thinking that maybe the owner was out back.

Diana made sure no one answered at the back door, and then she headed towards the open doors of
the barn. She found the interior unusually well kept and called up towards the upper rafters, “Hello?”

There was some shuffling of feet on the upper floor and a voice responded, “Yes, who is it?”

“My name is Diana Prince.” Diana answered as she approached a wooden stepladder leading up to a
small square opening to the upper part of the barn. “Are you Archie Binderman?”

A spectacled man looked down through the opening. “Indeed I am. I’m busy right now. How can I
help you?”

“I’m sorry to disturb you, but I need to speak with you Mr. Binderman.”

“About what?”

“About your employment with Dunaway Industries.”

There was a pause and then Binderman answered back. “Who are you with?”

“IADC.” Diana responded. “Can I come up and speak to you?”

A thin smile crept across Binderman’s face. “Sure, come on up.”

Diana carefully mounted the thin slats of the ladder and climbed up. The ladder seemed unstable to
her and she moved up carefully to avoid falling from the steep structure. When she finally reached
the opening and her head and torso passed through the wooden flooring she looked around and
noticed a desk and chair, but no Binderman. Then as she continued climbing through, she heard a
creak behind her and started to turn around when a hard blow struck her behind the head, knocking
her glasses off. Diana’s eyelids fluttered and her eyes rolled up. She let out a grunt while her stunned
senses slowly faded to a thick gray. She tried to keep on her feet but she stumbled and fell to her side,
dazed but still barely conscious.

“Unnnh…” Diana moaned, trying to gather her senses as Binderman stood above her, setting aside a
thick rubber stick. Then he reached for a long coil of white rope hanging on the wall. The tall
beautiful IADC agent could barely resist as Binderman pulled her arms behind her back and began
binding her wrists tightly together, wrapping and cinching quickly as Diana winced from the slight
pain as her arms were pulled uncomfortably backwards. She let out a louder groan when Binderman
wrapped and tied her elbows together with several more coils. Once her arms her sufficiently bound,
he placed her ankles together and began to use the slack end of the long rope to place her in a
severely tight hogtie position.

Diana was now gathering back her senses and began to realize what was happening to her. She
mumbled to Binderman, “Stop. Don’t…do…this…”

Binderman ignored her plea and continued cinching and knotting the ropes until Diana had been
fairly well incapacitated, barely able to move an inch as she lay uncomfortably on her side upon the
hardwood surface. Binderman then stood up and looked over his captive. He liked the way she
looked on the floor, squirming and helpless in her black stretch slacks, gray wool turtleneck sweater,
and black ankle boots. He walked over to pick up her glasses and said, “You like a lot nicer without
these. I can see your big blue eyes much better now.”

“Why are you doing this?” Diana said as she pulled and tugged at the ropes. “You won’t get away
with it.”

Binderman chuckled. “Sure I will. You just came out here all by yourself with no partner or backup
agents. I’ll wager you spoke with someone at Dunaway, and they gave you my name. You headed
straight here and I’ll also bet you didn’t even let anyone know where you were headed. Not very
smart, Ms. Prince. What would Steve Trevor say right now if he knew you didn’t follow proper
IADC procedures?”

Diana was stunned. How did Binderman know so much about IADC? Binderman smiled at her as if
he knew what she was thinking. “I still have a few contacts over at IADC from a time back when I
was on the team that put together your IRAC computer. And I remember you very well Ms. Prince. I
seem to recall that you were always very businesslike in your day-to-day manner. Hardly a friendly
word whenever I tried to make conversation with you. So full of yourself, with good reason I
suppose. You are exceptionally beautiful, even though you always tried not to dress in ways that
would accentuate your feminine features. Oh, did you know that it was my idea to create the little
mobile robot as well? I think someone there named him Rover. That was ridiculous. Whose idea was
that? Steve Trevor’s?”

Diana searched her memory and began to recall Archie Binderman when IRAC was being installed
and programmed at IADC headquarters. She remembered him as brilliant, but very talkative and
annoying. She now wished she might have been friendlier to him.

Binderman paused and smiled when he got no response from Diana, and then turned a chair
backwards and sat nearby her prone form, leaning on the back with his forearms, and then continued.
“You know, my ex-employer Dunaway Industries didn’t fully appreciate my genius. I worked
tirelessly for that ungrateful company for years. All I asked in return was some respect and fair
compensation for my work. They took…rather stole… my greatest creation and decided to use it for
some spy satellite nonsense. Well, I had enough. If they didn’t want to compensate me, then maybe
someone else would.”

“You stole the satellite files and chips?”

“No, Ms. Prince, I just took back what was rightfully mine.”

“What are you going to do with them?” Diana asked.

“Sell them to the highest bidder of course.” Binderman shrugged.

Diana stared hard at Binderman. She had been trying to keep Binderman talking as long as she could
while she twisted and strained unsuccessfully at the bindings on her wrists, but it was no use. She
decided to ask the inevitable question. “So what do you plan on doing with me?”

“I thought you’d never ask.” Binderman said as he grinned at Diana, which made her shudder
nervously. “I’ll tell you later, but first, there’s the small matter of your car that needs to be taken care

He took a roll of thick masking tape from a nearby shelf and peeled off a strip and then leaned down
to try and cover Diana’s mouth with it. “I’ll need you to be quiet while I’m gone.”

Diana resisted, trying to twist her head and face away, but Binderman grabbed her hard behind the
neck, making Diana wince and cry out, “Owww!”

“Don’t move!” Binderman warned her as he gave her neck a painful squeeze, causing Diana to
freeze. Binderman then began to seal Diana’s grimacing mouth as she tried to plead with him.

“No…stop…don’t do…Mmmmmmph! Uummmph!” Diana cries were suddenly muffled in

“I have to confess, this tape really isn’t necessary since there’s no one around to hear you scream
with it on your mouth. But if you like, please go ahead and try. I really like the sound of it.”

Diana stopped her muffled cries at once and glared at Binderman, who only looked back at her with
a taunting smirk. “I’ll be back soon after I put your car away in the unlikely case one of your fellow
agents comes snooping around for you. Then I’ll come back and we’ll have a little fun.”

Diana Prince really didn’t like the sound of that, but there was little she could do at the moment. She
could only watch helplessly as Binderman climbed down through the floor opening and left her alone
in the barn, tightly gagged, bound and hogtied, where all she could do was squirm and grunt as she
tugged at the painfully constricting ropes. She heard her car being started and driven away, and then
after minutes that seemed like hours, she finally heard returning footsteps, hoping against hope that it
was someone that might rescue her. If only she could free herself and take on her alter ego form of
Wonder Woman. Then she could teach this kidnapping thief a lesson. When she saw that it was
Binderman, she sighed and closed her eyes for a moment with deep disappointment.

“Hope I didn’t keep you waiting too long.” Binderman said as he climbed back up. “I know how
impatient you women can get sometimes.”

Diana only stared back hard at Binderman defiantly as she tried not to let on that Binderman’s
taunting and condescending manner was getting to her. She followed with her blue eyes as he went
to a wooden box and took out a brown bottle with a capped metal spout. With his other hand, he
retrieved a thick handkerchief from his jacket. Her eyes widened as he approached her.

“I’m going to move you to a more private place.” Binderman informed the increasingly alarmed
Diana as he uncapped the spout and upended some of the contents into the folded up cloth. “You
might recognize this as ether. You’re going to take a short little nap now if that’s alright.”

Diana began moaning and shaking her head in protest. She had been put under enough times to
know that nothing good would come to her from someone that used such a heinous chemical.

“Don’t worry, I’m sure you know it’s really harmless. Just a little lightheadedness before you drift
off.” Binderman assured Diana as he placed the cloth over her nose. Diana shut her eyes and held her
breath, but it was no use, the sweet vapors invaded her nostrils easily and she couldn’t help but
exhale and then inhale quickly. Binderman whispered softly, “That’s it. Breathe it in. Sleepy time.”

Binderman watched excitedly as Diana’s clear blue eyes glassed over and rolled slightly upwards
while her head nodded back and forth, trying to fight the mind numbing effects of the ether fumes. It
amused him to watch how Diana’s lashed fluttered like butterfly wings, quickly at first, and then
slower and slower, until she finally drifted off into ether-induced lethargy and deep breathing

When Binderman was satisfied that Diana was completely out, he removed the cloth and stuffed it in
his jacket. Then he took a moment to look over his unconscious captive, a real live IADC agent. She
looked so helpless lying there, and he considered himself extremely fortunate to have captured a
woman with such a statuesque figure and strikingly beautiful looks. And she was totally in his
control. With his hand shaking slightly, Binderman couldn’t resist reaching over to fondle Diana’s
left breast through her wool turtleneck pullover. She was firm and exquisite, and he knew he was
going to thoroughly enjoy putting the agent through her paces. But first, he had to get her down to
his cellar, where all his equipment was located.

After making certain Diana was in deep slumber, he untied her from her hogtied position, but left her
wrists, elbows, knees and ankles securely bound. Then she took a pulley with a hook attached to it
and lowered it enough so that he could attach a doubled loop at Diana’s ankle ropes to it. Then he
used an electronic lever to raise Diana’s limp form until she was suspended upside down a foot or so
off the floor. With her ponytail dangling and brushing the hardwood, Binderman moved her along the
pulley track over to the edge of the rafters. Then he carefully lowered her all the way down through
the barn and even further down through a disguised opening into the barn’s cellar.

Once he had Diana where he wanted her, he returned the pulley hook back up automatically and
then sealed himself and Diana into the cellar. No one searching the barn would be able to detect the
opening or hear anything coming from the soundproof cellar. Before he made another move,
Binderman checked the panel of security camera monitors at one corner of the room. Then he
activated the numerous video recording cameras he had located throughout the cellar, which was
furnished with an assortment of restraining tables, frames, racks and other bondage type structures he
had constructed himself. He went and began to unlock three large wooden cabinets filled with
hundreds of different types of bondage gear and instruments. The first cabinet contained all manner of
ball and bit gags, scarves, ropes, chains, straps, rubber cords, and other kinds of binding material. The
second cabinet was stocked with various bondage tools such as whips, crops, vibrators, dildos, prods,
nipple clips and piercing equipment. The last cabinet contained racks of costumes, masks and collars
in a variety of materials such as satin, silk, leather, vinyl, PVC and rubber.

“Hmmmm. Where do I start?” Binderman said as he puzzled over his choices. He looked at Diana,
who was already beginning to stir. With her classic looks, he decided to go with something simple to
start with.

Before he began to untie Diana and remove her tasteful clothes, Binderman gave her another small
dose of ether to keep her nice and groggy while he went to work on her.


Stark Craven could hardly breathe as he sat in a high backed leather chair in a suite at the hotel
where he had taken his buxom blonde assistant, Jennifer Marlow, to lunch. The mind control drug
patch test was very successful so far. Jennifer was currently on her knees before him doing incredible
things with her lips and tongue to his rigid cock. Craven groaned as Jennifer’s head bobbed slowly
up and down as she gulped his pole into her warm eager mouth. He ran his fingers through her soft
blonde locks and guided her up and down slowly as she swirled her tongue around and around. He
hadn’t had a blowjob this good since he had that whore in the Philippines back in his military days.

Jennifer couldn’t get enough of him. She couldn’t get over the fact that something that had been so
totally uninteresting to her before could be so enjoyable and arousing. She had been sucking him off
for over an hour now, taking her time to tease Craven, changing technique and rhythm to drive him
to the brink of orgasm again and again. Whenever she got a response from him, like a gasp or a
groan, she worked all the harder to pleasure him even more. She couldn’t believe she could enjoy cock sucking so much.
She paused occasionally to look up at him with her bright blue eyes to say something like, “I’ll bet your girlfriend would never do this to you,” or “Your cock tastes so good.”

Craven would only sigh and lay his head back as Jennifer continued on and deep throated him. When Jennifer knew he couldn’t take much more, she paused and stood up and slowly began to unbutton her blouse as Craven watched anxiously. He couldn’t believe how eager and horny she was.
“I’m not through with you yet Mr. Craven.” Jennifer said coquettishly. She didn’t know exactly
why, but she enjoyed her role as the sexy assistant seducing her boss. It amazed her how much she was attracted to Craven when before he was nothing more to her than a stern and no nonsense supervisor. What was it that made her feel like this? She couldn’t understand it, but she decided there was no use fighting it. She let her silk blouse fall around her high heels and then posed in her lace bra
and skirt, rubbing her body and pushing her ample breasts together. She then hiked up her tight skirt slowly and turned her back to Craven to give him a peek at her French cut lace panties. “Would you let me sit on your cock?”
“How bad do you want to do it?’ Craven asked.
“Very bad.” Jennifer moaned. “I’d do anything for it.”
“If I let you, you’ll have to agree to a few things first.”
Jennifer was fully aroused, rubbing her palms up and down her thighs and torso, her body tingling with excitement. He pussy ached to be filled, and at that moment, she would agree to anything Craven wanted.
She pleaded breathlessly, “Just tell me what you want.”
“First of all, you belong to me now. I’m the only one you suck and fuck. You dump any and all the rest of your other boyfriends. I’m your Daddy now, you understand?”
Jennifer was shocked at first. By his crude words and the meaning behind them. Her boyfriends were important to her. They bought her all sorts of expensive things and took her to fabulous restaurants and vacations. But the fact that Craven wanted her exclusively overrode all the normal urges to keep them. His needs were the most important now. After a few more moments of mental debate, she finally gushed “Okay. I…I understand.”
“Second. You address me as ‘sir’ from now on. Here and at the office.”
This went against all her normal instincts. Although she worked under Craven, she never found it necessary to ever answer him as ‘sir.’ She usually thought of herself as above most men… until now.
“Very good. You learn quick.” Craven smiled.
Jennifer blushed and smiled back. She liked his compliment. It made her feel good to please him. She
quickly said, “Is there anything else, sir?”
“Yes. From now on, you do exactly as I say. No questions asked. When I ask for a cup of coffee, you jump to it. If I ask for a file, you ask, ‘Yes, sir, how soon do you want it?’ When I ask you to jump, you ask ‘How high, sir?’ You go to lunch with me every day unless I have something else to do.
Sometimes we’ll come here and I’ll fuck your brains out if you’re a good girl. How does that sound?”
Jennifer’s mind reeled. No one had ever talked to her this way before, making demands of her. He made it sound like she was going to be his exclusive sex toy and she had no say in the matter. But why did it sound so attractive to her? She looked down at his erection and knew. She just had to have him, no matter what.
“That sounds…wonderful…sir.” Jennifer found herself saying to her astonishment. Her body was trembling and aching to get at his cock.
“Oh, yeah, one more thing….”
Jennifer groaned and asked impatiently, “Yes, sir?”
“Every morning when I come in, I want you to come into my office and give me a blow job.”
Jennifer bit her lip and shook her head in agreement, eager to get the demands over with. “Yes! Yes,
sir. May I please sit on your cock now, sir?”
Craven paused to tease her more, enjoying her aching discomfort. “Okay, whore, you can sit on me now. You don’t mind if I call you ‘whore’ do you, Ms. Marlow?”
Jennifer cringed at the question. Although it was degrading, and she wasn’t used to it, if letting him call her that would get her any closer to having hot sex with him, she would absolutely not mind it at
all. “No, sir. I don’t mind. You can call me whatever you want.”
“Then get your ass over here then.”
Jennifer rushed to strip off her panties, stepped up to Craven, turned around and straddled his legs as she lowered her burning crotch down to his hard pole, which was still moist from her cock sucking.
“Unnnnnnnnnnnnnnh!” Jennifer moaned as she impaled herself on Craven’s tool. It was even better than she imagined. She filled herself to the hilt and then froze to take in the ecstatic sensations she was feeling. No man had ever made her feel this before. Why was screwing Craven making her feel this way?
Craven reached up to palm her bosom, something he had dreamed about from the first day she
strutted into IADC headquarters for her first interview. It was the only hire Craven ever made based
solely on looks. She was conceited and haughty, but Craven knew someday he would break her. He
just didn’t know testing a mind control chemical on her would do it. He gave her ample mounds a good hard squeeze while he began thrusting upwards into her rolling hips. She reached back and dug her manicured fingernails into his clothes as she pumped up and down on his lap. The longer and harder they fucked, the louder Jennifer’s moans and sighs became.
“You like that don’t you bitch?” Craven asked as he gave Jennifer an extra hard thrust.
“God, Yes!” Jennifer squealed at the top of her lungs. She did like it. Loved it in fact, more than anything, she just didn’t know exactly why. She thought to herself, ‘He’s making me so damn horny!’
“Yes, sir!” Craven corrected her.
“Yes, sir! I love it, sir!” Jennifer quickly replied, not wanting to risk angering her boss.
“That’s good, slut.” Craven smiled. “Now I’m going to reward your obedience. Go over to the bed and get on all fours like the sleazy little whore that you are.”
“Yes, sir, Mr. Craven.” Jennifer replied as she got up from Craven’s lap, went straight to the bed and climbed on the mattress on her hands and knees with her smooth tight ass wriggling towards Craven.
She looked back at him with pure lust in her eyes, dying for him to come and take her. It was the horniest she had ever been in her life. She wanted Craven cock so badly it hurt.
Craven stepped up to his fully aroused assistant and grinned lasciviously. He couldn’t believe he was about to have his way with Jennifer Marlow, the sexiest and most attractive employee at IADC. He knew just about every male employee and agent there would have done anything to get Marlow in bed, except maybe that pansy Steve Trevor. But now here he was about to take her doggie style, as well as many other positions he could think of. Maybe he would even give her a nice tit fuck and spew all over those fill lips and flawless cheeks.

As Craven began to screw Jennifer’s willing and obedient brains out, he thought of the many other possibilities for the use of this chemical. The one that stood out first and foremost in his mind was agent Diana Prince. The thought of it immediately made his heart race, and so he began to slam hard into the squealing Jennifer with brutal and vigorous force.
“Who’s your Daddy?” Craven hissed between gritted teeth as he swatted her jiggling ass.
Jennifer, grabbing the sheets in her fists and biting on her lip, her body racked and shaking from Craven’s thrilling brutal thrusts, stuttered a reply, “Unnnh…You…ah…ah…are…unnnh…s-sir!”
“That’s a good little whore.” Craven said as he pulled out of Jennifer, making her gasp in surprise.
“Now turn over on your back. I’m going to give you a screwing you’ll never forget.”
“Yes, sir!” Jennifer jumped and obeyed quickly, turning over and eagerly spreading her shapely quivering legs wide. She screamed out with passion and pulled Craven close as he mounted her and began thrusting into her wet pussy deep and hard. The entire bed shook as he nailed her into the mattress. When he drove her pliable body forward enough so that the top of her head began to thump against the headboard, Jennifer braced her hands against the heavy frame and met Craven’s thrusts with her own. As the first of many orgasms exploded within her, Jennifer reeled at the thought that nothing else would ever compare to this experience. From now on, her only thoughts would be to satisfy Stark Craven in whatever way he wanted.
After another two hour of multiple positions and orgasms from Jennifer, Craven finally sprayed his load in her eager face after a luxurious session of tit-fucking her perfectly firm breasts. She leaned her head forward to tongue and lick the tip of his cock as it spilled the last of the creamy white fluid. To Jennifer, it was like tasting the sweetest nectar, and she swallowed every bit, careful not to waste a drop. By now she was purring and squirming like a kitten, fully satiated by Craven’s lustful fucking.
She still couldn’t get over how horny he made her as they pleasured each other, how aroused she was by knowing that she was satisfying his every desire. This was not like her at all. No man ever made her feel like this. She knew she was going to be sexually dependant on him from now on, and she wasn’t used to that at all. Her vow to never allow a man to dominate her like this was now completely shattered. It frightened her, but at the same time it made her more excited than ever.

“Get dressed. We need to get back to the office.” Craven ordered Jennifer. “If anyone asks, you assisted me with some research at the Library of Congress.”
“Yes, sir, Mr. Craven.” Jennifer said as she gathered her scattered clothes.
“I need you to do me a big favor tomorrow.” Craven said as he dressed himself.
“Yes, sir. Anything.” Jennifer answered, still astonished by how subservient she had become.
“Listen carefully…”
Archie Binderman took great care with Diana Prince. The first thing he had done was to remove all her clothes and put them away. Then he chose a suitably sexy black satin Merry Widow corset, silk panties and matching garters along with sheer black hose that fit Diana snugly at mid-thigh. He was even able to find a pair of glossy black pumps with extremely high heels that fit his captive perfectly.
Then he slipped a pair of satin elbow-length gloves on Diana’s limp arms. The last item he placed was a black leather collar around her slender neck with a large stainless steel ring attached to it.
He was almost breathless as he stared at Diana’s unconscious form, her cleavage virtually spilling out of the top of the corset. He liked her ebony hair in its ponytail style and left it unchanged. She was flawless and stunning to look at, so he decided to take several photographs of her slumbering form, posing her glamorously while his video cameras recorded the proceedings as well.
Just as Diana began to stir, Binderman began to move quickly, He took many coils of white nylon rope and began to tie Diana, first at the wrists behind her back, and then at the elbows, wrapping and cinching neatly and tightly. Then he wrapped a coil around her waist, looped at opposite intervals to create a crotch rope that he pulled up snugly between her legs, causing Diana to moan softly. He tugged at it a few times to see her reaction and then went on to wrap and tie her long legs at the ankles and knees.

Diana began to mumble sleepily as Binderman lifted her up onto a short platform and then bent her over a stool so that her stomach rested on the seat. Her resistance was minimal from the lingering effects of the ether as Binderman took her wrist bindings and attached them to another rope that was looped through a small pulley mounted to the ceiling. With a hand crank, he could adjust the tension on the rope, and wound it just enough to raise Diana’s arms at an upward angle. She groaned slightly as her shoulders bent back and up. Binderman went to a nearby table to retrieve a black rubber ball gag with a thick leather strap and buckle. He carefully pushed the large ball into Diana’s mouth between her teeth and lips, careful to allow access to a steel eyelet on the orb, and then cinched and buckled it securely.
“Unnngh…” Diana mumbled with the gag snug in her mouth as her eyes now began to flutter open.
Soon she would be fully conscious with her grogginess receding and senses returning little by little.
Binderman bent down to the base of the stool and adjusted the height of a telescoping pole until the top was just underneath Diana’s gag. He tightened the pole, and then went about attaching the eyelet of the ball gag in Diana’s mouth to a link mounted at the tip of the steel pipe.

“Mmmm?” Diana moaned, as if asking where she was. She was still slightly disoriented, but within a few minutes, she became more and more aware of her startling situation. The sleepiness was now becoming replaced with anxiousness and increasing alarm. As Diana began to squirm and twist, discovering that she had been gagged and bound hand and foot, her adrenaline began to rush throughout her body. She was outraged that Binderman had seen fit to tie her up in this position. She felt vulnerable and totally helpless. It angered her even more now that she realized that he had removed her clothes and had replaced them with this fetish lingerie. She blushed with rage when she further realized that a rope was digging into her crotch.
“Perfect timing. Now we can have some fun together.” Binderman said. He was now ready for his first session with his new captive IADC agent, and so he pulled the stool out from under Diana’s torso, which caused Diana to have to quickly shift her high heels to adjust her precarious balance since there was no support under her and her legs were closed tightly together.
“Ummm! Mmmmmp!” Diana mumbled as she tried to raise her head, but the rubber ball gag held fast to the pole, jerking her head uncomfortably. Her gloved hands opened and closed as she tried to turn her torso, arms and shoulders. Binderman quickly rolled the pulley crank a couple of times, and Diana felt her arms pulled painfully taut as she struggled in the demeaning bent over position.
“Other than getting captured by me, I’d guess that you were an otherwise very competent agent, Ms. Prince, full of vigor and confidence. Eager to uphold the law and protect the world from those that would harm it.” Binderman said as he looked over his collection of whips and crops. He found a flexible leather crop with a two-inch flattened end and began to bend it back and forth in his hands as he approached the struggling Diana on the platform from behind. “Let’s see if we can’t temper some
of that righteous do-gooder attitude of yours.”

“Uummmph! Mmmmph! Erummm!” Diana tried to plead through her gag-filled mouth, as she
yanked desperately at her bonds in increasing distress. She knew what was about to happen, and
there was nothing she could do to prevent it. All she could do was shut her eyes as she watched
Binderman from the side of her eyes as he bent the crop back.

Binderman released the crop a foot or so away from Diana’s exposed behind and allowed it to slap
across her flesh with a loud, ‘SWAAAPP!’

Diana’s entire body seemed to jolt and quiver at once from the shock and sharp pain. She barely
recovered from the surprise of the first lash when Binderman let loose with another.


“Unnnnhhhhh!” Diana grunted in anger. How dare he do this to her! She couldn’t even turn her
head to glare at him to let him know how much she despised him for assaulting her this way.

‘WHAAAP!!’ Came another, followed by another. ‘SWAAPP!!’

Each stinging lash made Diana quiver with increasing frustration. The full degradation of her helpless
body made her stamp her feet in defiance, but Binderman continued without letting up.

‘THWAAPPP!’ The next a little harder, then one softer, ‘WHAAP!’

Diana continued to tense up to brace herself from the blows, grunting and gasping her protests as
each one struck her with increasing intensity, but it seemed to only egg Binderman on.

Binderman admired the pinkish hue that began to surface on Diana’s taut ass cheeks and gave her yet another. ‘SWATT!’ He then decided to pause, as if he were finished, and watched as Diana relaxed the tenseness of her body after a few seconds. He could hear her breathing heavily through her nostrils, and just as she began to calm down, he swatted her yet again, harder this time. Diana responded with a muffled scream and angry stamping of her bound feet clad in high heels. She couldn’t believe what was happening to her. How did she let herself get into this situation? Never again would she ever go to a secluded place without a partner. Of course, that was assuming she was able to get out of this mess, and things did not look good at the moment.
“MMMPPPHH!” Diana screamed louder in protest. Although she knew it stimulated her tormentor, she couldn’t help but quiver and moan from the hot stinging lashes. After several more painful swats from the crop, Diana sensed Binderman leaning close to her and sighed gratefully that he had stopped for a moment.
“So how about it, Ms. Prince?” Binderman taunted. “Are we still all high and mighty? Or shall I continue?”
Diana looked at Binderman and fixed him with a defiant stare, nostrils flaring, her brow covered with perspiration and high cheeks flushed pink from her degrading ordeal. She wanted desperately to transform into Wonder Woman so she could wipe that smirk off his face.
“I’ll take that as ‘yes.’” Binderman said as he took his place behind Diana again. Diana promptly changed her mind and began desperately shaking her head ‘no,’ but it was too late. Binderman continued his punishing lashes again, this time with greater force and many more times. By the time he was done, Diana was a quivering mess. Her entire body ached from the intense pain, her shoulders burning from the awkward position, her legs tightening and aching from the strain of trying to keep her balance. When Binderman paused and asked her once again if she was willing to submit to his
will, she nodded furiously.

“Very good…Diana.” Binderman said, no longer referring to her formally as Ms. Prince. “I knew you had it in you to become a proper and obedient slave. Now, all you have to do is comply with my every command, and I won’t have to discipline you. But I have to warn you that I’m a very strict taskmaster. I require perfection and subservience at all times. If you stumble, which I expect you will many times in the beginning, I won’t hesitate to correct you. But I expect that if you are as good a slave as you were an IADC agent, I’ll have you whipped into shape in no time.”
Diana could do nothing but moan weakly as Binderman chuckled. Never had she felt so utterly degraded, helpless and defeated. She still wanted to defy him with all her might, but she couldn’t take the thought of more lashes right at that moment. She winced as she felt Binderman detach the ball gag from the pole and then watched as he went to release and turn the hand crank to lower the rope binding Diana’s wrists.
“Unnnnnnnh!” Diana groaned as her arms lit up with pain from the releasing tension. She dropped slowly until she was on her knees. Binderman then attached a chain to the collar on her neck and finally released the rope holding her arms.
“All right, come with me.” Binderman commanded his captive. Diana looked up at him helplessly. How did he expect her to get up when her knees and ankles were tied together? He shook his head and took her by the ponytail and lifted her up on her toes. “Come on, get up.”
Once Diana was on her feet, precariously trying to maintain her balance, Binderman gave the chain a gentle yank, and Diana couldn’t help but hop forward inches at a time until she was leaning up against a metal framed sawhorse. Binderman promptly shoved her over the leather-covered padded slat and hooked the chain from her collar to a link at the base of the frame. After she was secured to the contraption, Binderman untied her ankles and used a spreader bar to cuff her legs apart.
Diana felt more vulnerable than ever. Although she still wore the silk panties Binderman provided her, she knew it wouldn’t take much to become exposed. She hated Binderman more than ever for what he was putting her through. At least he was putting the whipping crop away, but now she was chagrined to see that he was searching for something else from his cabinet of sadistic toys. Her eyes widened when she saw what he was now bringing toward her, and she began tugging and straining at her stringent bonds harder than ever. In one hand he held a long thick chrome vibrator, and in the other he dangled a series of a dozen quarter inch black marble balls held together like a necklace.
“These are what I like to call my special ‘black pearls’. I think you’ll find this very interesting.”
Binderman told Diana, whose muffled protests filled the room while he lay the string of balls on her back temporarily while he loosened her crotch rope enough so that he could pull her panties aside to gain access to her most vulnerable and sensitive area.
“Nnnnhhh! Mmmmmph! Unnnnnn! Unnnnnn!” Cried Diana as she became more distressed by her cruel captors actions. She tensed up when she felt the vibrator first being inserted after Binderman had coated it with a lubricant. When he twisted and turned the invasive cylinder inside of her, filling her tightly to the hilt, Diana let out a long grunt, “Unnnnnnnnnnggggghhhhhhhh!”
“How does that feel, bitch slave? Pleasant I hope.” Binderman chuckled, as he made certain his cameras were capturing every moment, taking his time to push and tug at the vibrator before finally turning it on. It came on with a buzz and gentle vibration, making Diana gasp at the sudden intense sensation inside her most private opening. She reached back instinctively to remove the device, but the chain around her neck pulled taut and held her fast along with the ropes on her elbows and wrists. All she could do was moan and gasp as the vibrator stimulated her relentlessly.
After intently watching her reactions for several minutes, Binderman flicked the control on the vibrator, increasing the intensity of the electronic tool. “Don’t worry slave, there’s much more where this came from I’m only just getting started with you.”
Diana only responded with quivering and loud groans. “Erunnnnnggghhh! Unnnnnnnnh!”
Binderman gleefully turned the vibrator up another setting, with several more to go. He watched with interests at the midway point as Diana was twisting and struggling furiously with her whole body, not only trying to escape her bonds, but to fight the effects of the heavily thrumming vibrator.
Diana was finally succumbing to what she now realized was a fully pleasurable sensation. After nearly half an hour, her mind had blocked out Binderman and everything else around her. Her body was now preparing for the inevitable onrushing of orgasmic bliss. Binderman sensed her predicament and seized the moment to take his next step in his sexual torment of the moaning IADC agent. He took the strand of black balls and oiled them up. Then, as he held Diana’s quivering buttocks firmly, he began to insert them into her asshole.
“Erruuummmmmmph!” A muffled squeal erupted from Diana as Binderman pushed them in one at a time with excruciating care. Diana winced from the unnatural intrusion of her anus and simultaneous heightened tension within the inner walls of her erotically pummeled pussy. Once Binderman had all dozen balls in, he then began the slow process of tugging them out, pausing several seconds between every one.
Binderman watched keenly as Diana seemed to tense as each was pulled out, her hole tightening and constricting with each ball. He could see now that he had interrupted her orgasm with the shocking stimulation of the balls, and so he repeated the process over and over. First letting Diana reach the verge of climax and then stunning her with the pulling of the balls. She was now covered with perspiration, her body quaking from the intensity of Binderman’s sadistic manipulation. Diana wanted Binderman to just let her climax once and for all. If her mouth were free to speak, she would have pleaded and begged him to let her.
As Diana’s juices began to seep out and run down her shivering thighs, Binderman decided it was now time for the final part of this session. He took the strand of balls and removed the vibrator from Diana’s pussy. He then replaced one with the other, placing the tip of the vibrator at her tight asshole, and the ‘black pearls’ inside her ravaged opening. She was sopping wet inside, and Binderman was able to place them in easily. As he teased the rim of her anus, he began to pull the balls out, each one rubbing against her engorged clit, making Diana squeal with ecstasy and mind numbing excitement. Hr body seized and she immediately began pumping her hips against the padding as orgasm after orgasm pushed through her.
“Ummmmmmmmmmm!” Diana moaned as she bit into her ball gag and squeezed her eyes shut. This was the most incredible thing she had ever felt. When the last ball was pulled out and Binderman turned the vibrator off, Diana’s hips were still humping involuntarily.
“I’m surprised at you Diana.” Binderman said with a smirk, and then taunted Diana. “It seems like you enjoyed that quite a lot more than I expected. I guess you weren’t the cold haughty bitch I expected from one of IADC’s finest agents. I take it you might be ready for some more?”
Diana barely registered his words, but when she heard him say ‘more’ she panicked and began shaking her head back and forth and pleading. “Unnnh Nnnnnhhh!” She couldn’t take anymore right now.
“No?” Binderman asked and feigned disappointment. “That’s too bad. It’s just as well, it’s almost time for dinner and my favorite television program is on so I’ll have to leave you for awhile.”
Diana sighed with relief. At least the torment would stop for a while. And maybe now she would have time to figure out how to escape from this mess. Her relief was short lived however when she felt Binderman replace the vibrator back inside her pussy and then adjusted her crotch rope to keep the buzzing cylinder tightly inside her. Diana winced and tensed up when he turned it on again.
She turned and looked at Binderman with her most pleading statement not to leave her this way, but he only grinned back at her. Diana’s statement then turned to vehement anger when she saw the taunting look in his face. As Binderman began to climb up the steps out of the cellar, he looked back once more to watch as Diana strained furiously at her bonds.
“I’ll see you in an hour or so. Unless I decide to take a nap.” Binderman said and then giggled to himself.
When Diana heard his mocking laughter right before the door was sealed shut, she swore to herself that she would make Archie Binderman pay for this.

By Trent Wolf



Diana Prince was livid. In all her years as an IADC agent, she had never been put in such a helpless and humiliating position. Not only was she left alone wearing practically nothing except some sleazy lingerie and high heels, but she was bound in an extremely uncomfortable position with a thick vibrator buzzing away inside her quivering wet pussy, and totally unable to do a thing about it except succumb to it's tantalizing sensations. When the latest of many climaxes caused her to shiver and moan, she cursed Archie Binderman, her wily captor. She wondered how many others he had done this to, and the thought of what plans he might have in her near future made her twist and struggle with a deep desire to get free. The experience with the pearls was something she was not particularly looking forward to happening again. Diana surmised that anyone with his particular bent was capable of actions even more perverted than that.
An hour and a half had already passed, and Diana hadn't made any progress in freeing herself, and the batteries in the vibrator didn't seem intent on dying out anytime soon. All she could hope for now was for Binderman to return and allow her free for a moment to eat or rest. Then there was the slight
hope that someone from IADC would come looking for her. Suddenly, the thought of anyone,
especially Steve Trevor, finding her like this made her more anxious than ever.

"Unnnnmmmppph!" Diana groaned as yet another orgasm racked her quivering and struggling body.

"Well, well. It looks like your having a grand old time." Came a voice from behind Diana, startling her out of her ecstasy induced state. She craned her head and glared at Binderman, who stood watching with his arms crossed in front him with an amused expression on his face. "I was thinking of removing your little friend, but it appears that you've grown fond of him."
Diana gave Binderman a mournful look and uttered a pleading groan, shaking her head back and forth to let Binderman know how much she disagreed with that idea. "Unnnnh-Ummmmmm! Unnnh-Ummmm!"
"No? Oh well, you could have fooled me." Binderman chuckled as he approached Diana's bound form and began to loosen the crotch rope holding in the vibrator. Once he removed it, Diana gave out a long sigh of relief as her body shook from the after effects of the device. Her crotch was sopping wet and juices ran down her thighs and soaked her nylons at the tops. Binderman could not resist placing his fingers inside Diana to give her walls a good massage."Yes, very nice. I'm going to enjoy
having you as my private fuck toy, Diana. But we have a lot of training to do before we get to that. I
want you totally willing to be a good subservient sex slave before I decide to reward you with my

Binderman removed his fingers and then reached up to unbuckle the strap of the ball gag packed
tight between Diana's teeth and stretched out mouth. Once removed, Diana winced at the ache in her
jaws. As Binderman kneeled down to unlatch the cuffs from the spreader bar holding her ankles
apart, Diana began to try and reason with Binderman, "If you let me go now, I promise you'll only
serve the minimum amount of time for kidnapping an IADC agent."

"Don't waste your breath, Diana." Binderman said as he unhooked the chain attached to her collar
from the base of the metal sawhorse she was currently bent over. "You're going to be with me a very
long time. But I promise that after a short training period, you'll want to stay, and you won't want to
go anywhere else."

His smug insinuation and attitude angered Diana. "You do realize that you are obviously insane.
Don't make it any harder. Let me go, and I'll do what I can to get you help. If you don't, I swear I'll
make your life miserable."

Binderman wrapped the free end of the chain in his hand and gave it a hard downward tug, causing
Diana to grunt from the force and tightening of the snug collar around her slender neck. "I like you
Diana. You amuse me. It's certainly going to be a fun and interesting exercise to see how long it
takes me to tame you."

"You'll never... make me... a willing... participant... in your... sick little games." Diana struggled to hiss
back as the collar choked her straining neck.

"I guess we'll find out soon won't we?" Binderman smiled back sadistically as he pulled her up to
standing position and led her to a heavy metal door. "Now, I have a few things to square away before
we begin in earnest. Since I want to give you my total and undivided attention, I'm going to give you
a little time alone to contemplate your situation."

Binderman unlocked the heavy door, and led Diana inside the small cell, which was furnished with a
small cot, toilet and sink. "This will be your new home until all your training is through. I hope it suits

"Don't do this. You still have a chance." Diana said sternly as Binderman attached and locked her
collar chain to a ring mounted on the wall and then untied her arms. He left for a moment and then
brought in a tray of fruits and a bottle of water.

"You'd better eat and conserve your energy, you're going to need every ounce of it, I promise."
Binderman said as he left her alone in the cell, closed the door and locked it. "I'll be back in a couple
of hours."

In the dim room, Diana shivered at the thought of spending the rest of her days with Archie
Binderman. She tried to remain as calm as possible as she surveyed her surroundings and listened for
even the slightest noise from the next room, just to make certain Binderman was indeed gone. There
didn't appear to be any cameras in the cell. There were only four solid walls of smooth metal.
Tapping on the surface told Diana that they were very thick and likely sound proof. Screaming or
yelling for help wouldn't do much good since she was in the middle of nowhere anyway. Hungry and
resigned temporarily to her fate, Diana picked up an apple and tentatively bit into it. Then drank from
the water bottle after smelling it for any strange odor that might show it to be drugged.

After finishing a banana, Diana actually felt slightly better. She stood up from the cot and tested the
chain, giving it a hard tug at first, and then pulling with all her might. As Wonder Woman she could
have pulled it easily from the wall, but as Diana, she was only as strong as any woman her size and
the chain links were not going to break for her. Wonder Woman, Diana thought.

She stepped as far from the wall as the chain would allow until it was taut from her neck collar to the
wall link. She began to slowly step in a tight circle, allowing the chain to encircle her neck. By the
time she reached the wall, she counted almost enough turns. Darn! It won't work! If only the collar
weren't so tight. Then she looked around until she spied the banana peel and light went on in her
head. She grabbed the peel and began digging into the inside of the fruit skin and then dabbed the
whitish substance into the gap between her neck and the collar, all while twisting her neck back and
forth until she was successful in lubricating it enough to give her neck enough play to completely
allow the collar a full turn around.

Diana reversed her steps until the chain was taut once again. It would be a little tricky, but Diana
was confident that she could accomplish her transformation spin with a little fancy footwork by
simultaneously spinning and stepping forward toward the wall.

"Well, here goes nothing." Diana said as she spread her arms apart, took a half twist at her waist and
then swirled her body into as tight a circle as possible, her feet almost dancing as they stepped and
moved deftly. Suddenly the cell was filled with a flashing shower of bright light and sparks. In a
magical display of Amazon power and ability, Diana Prince had now become the stunning vision of
Wonder Woman, the strongest super heroine on earth. From her red and white high-heeled boots,
the blue and white star spangled bottom cut high above long slender legs, the red satin with golden
eagle bustier top which contained her abundant cleavage, gold bracelets on her wrists, belt and rope
around her wasp thin waist, and a red star tiara which held back a flowing head of raven tresses. Her
angelic face featured full glossy cupid lips, a slender nose, high cheekbones, startling emerald blue
eyes, and ears, which held round apple red earrings. With perfect unblemished skin, she was a classic
Amazon beauty of awesome wonder.

Wonder Woman was filled with supernatural feeling of power. She was then overcome with anger,
but then quickly fought to keep her emotions in check. She grasped the chain in one hand and with
minimal effort, pulled it from the wall. Then she slipped her fingers between her bondage collar and
neck and easily pulled it apart, then tossed it on the floor with disgust. She vowed never to allow a
man to capture her and place something like that on her ever again. Then she thought of Archie

"He had his chance," Wonder Woman said as she stepped over to the thick cell door, and now he
was going to suffer the consequences of his actions. With an incredible show of strength, Diana
coiled one fist back, and then released it like a bolt of thunder, smashing into the thick metal door and
blasting it off its hinges. The rending metal seemed to scream in protest as it flew across the room and
smashed into Archie Binderman's cabinets of bondage gear and restraining devices.

With a look of satisfaction, Wonder Woman smiled at the resulting pile of rubble as she stepped out
of the cell. Hell hath no fury like an Amazon scorned to paraphrase an old saying. She promptly
stepped over to where the door led down into the barn cellar and using her amazing strength and
agility, leapt up and smashed through the doorway and out into the middle of the barn. Then Wonder
Woman began to stalk toward Binderman's main house with narrow-minded purpose of teaching
him a lesson.

Archie Binderman heard a commotion from the barn, just as he was about to step back outside of his
house after he postponed his plans to meet with a representative of a Middle Eastern terrorist
organization for a couple of days. He had wanted to spend a full twenty-four hours with his beautiful
new captive, but now Binderman looked on with dismay as Wonder Woman headed in his direction.

Quickly Binderman reached for a handgun he kept near the doorway in case of intruders and stepped
out into the yard to face the oncoming Amazon. He raised the automatic pistol and fired several
shots. Wonder Woman had already crouched slightly when she saw the gun, and raised her arms up
as the muzzle flashed and shots rang out. With lighting speed, she deflected every bullet off of her
gold bracelets, causing sparks and high-pitched ricochets as Binderman emptied his clip.

Binderman's eyes went wide as he realized Wonder Woman was completely unscathed and now
continuing his way with a scolding look on her face and shaking her head. He panicked and bolted
toward his pick up truck, scrambled in and cranked the engine, slamming his foot on the gas as soon
as the truck jumped to life. With a roar of gravel as the tires spun out, Binderman aimed his heavy
quarter ton vehicle straight at Wonder Woman. She waited a fraction of a second before it would
have struck her and slammed her fist down into the hood, immediately stopping the pickup dead in
its tracks.

The sudden momentum caused Binderman to fly unhindered through the windshield and onto the
hood. Wonder Woman stepped back and allowed him to spill right into her waiting arms. Stunned
and covered with scrapes and tiny bits of glass, Binderman moaned, "What the...? Wha...what

"You forgot to buckle your seat belt." Wonder Woman informed him with smug satisfaction. She set
Binderman down on wobbly legs, and as he tried to shake off his disorientation, Wonder Woman
quickly took her golden lasso and began to loop it around Binderman's shaky form, binding him tight.

"Now, Binderman, you're going to tell me all about this satellite technology of yours, where the
stolen program is, who wants to buy it, and how you're going to sell it." Wonder Woman ordered

Binderman paused at first, thinking there was no way he was going to reveal anything to the star
spangled heroine, but soon he found himself revealing every last detail, including the whereabouts of
his impending meeting with the terrorist representative. When he was done, Wonder Woman asked,
"Okay, now I want you to tell me where you hid Diana Prince's car and personal items. She's going to need them to take you back to IADC for more questioning."

Archie Binderman groaned, and with the powers of Wonder Woman's golden lasso, he could not help but comply with her demands. As he spilled his guts, he wondered what it would have been like if he had a rope like that.


IADC Headquarters The Next Day

Jennifer Marlow strutted purposefully down the hall towards Steve Trevor's office, carrying a
letter-sized envelope in one hand. Diana Prince, who was writing up her report on the capture of Archie Binderman, looked up as Jennifer passed her desk, and was taken aback by the snooty drop dead look Jennifer gave her just before she stepped into Steve Trevor's office.

"What is her problem?" Diana said to herself, while wondering just what purpose Stark Craven's buxom assistant had going into Steve's office this morning, and closing the door no less. She tried to convince herself that it wasn't jealousy that was giving her such a disturbing feeling, and then she struggled to go back and concentrate on finishing her report.

Inside Trevor's office, Steve looked up from a report he was reading when Jennifer Marlow shut the door and stepped toward his desk, her nylons swishing sexily under her ultra tight skirt, which fit snug around her shapely thighs.

"Good morning, Ms. Marlow," Steve said as he leaned back in his chair and watched as Jennifer came up to his desk, leaned forward on her elbows and tossed the envelope on Steve's desk, giving him an eyeful of the bountiful cleavage bursting out of the top of her white silk blouse. Steve gulped at the sight, catching just a glimpse of a black lace bra.

"Just a little delivery from Stark Craven." Jennifer said, propping her pretty chin up in one hand and tapping her glossy red nails on his desk with the other.

"What is this?" Steve asked, picking up the envelope, as if it might contain an explosive.

"Why don't you take a look at it and find out, Steve." Jennifer said in her sultriest voice.

Steve was nervous. He had never see Jennifer act this way. While she certainly was a beautiful girl, he never gave a second thought of sexual relations with her. She wasn't exactly his type. He preferred a more conservative woman...kind of like...Diana Prince.
"Well, are you going to open it?" Jennifer urged with a smile. "I haven't got all day."
Steve opened the envelope and removed the one page sheet of paper contained within. With one glance at Jennifer he began to read the memorandum addressed to him from Stark Craven.







Steve huffed and tossed the letter down on his desk. "Who does Craven he think he is? If I've told him once, I've told him a hundred times. Diana works for me and no one else. Tell your boss I said 'no.'"
Jennifer came up and around Steve's desk, moving like a slinking cat until she stood right before Steve and then placed her hands on his armrests while Trevor sat motionless in his large plush leather chair, stunned at Jennifer's aggressiveness.
"My boss will be very disappointed, Mr. Trevor." Jennifer pouted with her full red lips. "Are you sure there isn't anything I could do to change your mind? Anything at all?"
"Ms...uh...Marlow." Steve began to stammer nervously. "Now see here. highly...inappropriate behavior."
"You know, Mr. Trevor, I don't think you realize how inappropriate I can be with the right man."
Jennifer purred as she let one hand rest on Steve's thigh and then slide slowly up towards his crotch.
Jennifer mesmerized Steve. Her perfume, her demeanor, all began to have an arousing effect on him.
He tried to resist her temptations, fighting the urge to grab her, knowing it was against his own personal mores to make love to someone he was not married to, but when Jennifer's hand brushed his groin, he became hard as a rock.
"Oh, my." Jennifer whispered, as she took Steve's bulge and gave it a gentle squeeze. She stared into his eyes as she massaged him, her beautiful face inches from his.
Steve was frozen and could hardly breath. And he grabbed the armrests of his chair as Jennifer smiled at him and got down on her knees between his legs and began to slowly unbuckle his belt and unzip his slacks. He sharply sucked in air when Jennifer reached into his pants and took out his erection, squeezing and stroking slowly, never taking her eyes off Steve.
Jennifer was fully aroused, just as Stark Craven had ordered her to be, instructing her to use her every feminine wile to seduce Steve Trevor. At first she had been resistant, unable to understand why Craven would want her to do such a thing, not believing that he would be jealous of her having sex with Steve, of all people. But Craven convinced her it was all right, promising her that she really belonged to him, that this was a one time favor that he needed her to do. She liked when Craven told her to pretend that it was him that she was seducing, and so as she went down and took Steve past her warm sensuous lips, Jennifer moaned as she licked and sucked, all while imagining Stark Craven's wonderful cock in her mouth.


Stark Craven sat before the director of IADC, Edward Holmes, patiently waiting until the director
finished a phone call and hung up.

"All right, Craven, what can I do for you?" The director asked. "I've got a budget meeting in ten

This won't take long." Craven began. "I just want to make you aware of my ongoing problem with
Steve Trevor."

Director sighed and rolled his eyes. "What is it now, Craven?"

"In the past, Trevor has repeatedly denied my request to use agent Diana Prince on some of my
missions. She's an excellent agent, and I feel IADC could make better use of her talents in my

"Well, I guess he needs her more than you do, Craven."

"I could understand if that were really the case, but..."

"But what?"

"It's just Trevor's attitude that agent Prince is almost like his...exclusive property." Craven said,
carefully choosing his words. "The last time I was able to get a response from him, he said, and I
quote, 'No one in this agency can order me to lend out my best agent.' This was after I suggested that
I would see you about this matter. Now Trevor refuses to answer memos. I stopped trying to call him
directly months ago."

Director Holmes sat up in his chair. "Trevor said no one could tell him to lend out his agents?"

Craven smiled inside. He knew he had hooked the egotistical director into potential action.

"Yes. I didn't want it to come to this, but I have a ton of investigative work and I could really use agent Prince's help. I wouldn't do this if I didn't have to, Ed. You know that."
The director looked off, his mind churning. Craven could tell he was getting angry. Suddenly, he got up form his chair and said, "Let's go see Trevor right now and sort this out, why don't we?"

Director Holmes marched out of the room quickly, and Craven got up to follow, close behind with a thin smiling creeping across his face. The shit was about to hit the proverbial fan.
"Good morning, director, Mr. Trevor is in a meeting. Would you...?" The secretary said as Director Holmes blew past her towards Steve Trevor's office door, ignoring her completely. As Craven passed the secretary, he shrugged his shoulders. From her office, Diana Prince saw Director Holmes and Craven entering Steve's office and got up curiously to see what was going on.
Director Holmes opened Steve Trevor's office door and froze in the door, about to speak when he was stunned into silence by what he saw. Craven's beautiful blonde assistant, Jennifer Marlow, was bent over Steve's desk, her tight skirt hiked up over her waist. Trevor was behind her, his pelvis pressed hard against her firm ass cheeks, pounding her hard from behind as he grabbed her waist.
Steve Trevor froze when he heard the door open and Jennifer gasped in surprise. She stood; yanking up her panties and then pushing her skirt down in embarrassment while covering her exposed creamy breasts as Trevor backed away and began fumbling for his pants.

"Trevor, what the hell is going on here?" Director Holmes growled with indignation, just as Diana Prince appeared in the doorway and witnessed the scene. Her mouth fell open in disbelief and she turned away at the glimpse of Steve's exposed privates, her cheeks burning bright pink from shock as well sudden anger at the thought of Steve Trevor having sex with Jennifer Marlow. The basic instinct of jealousy suddenly made her eyes tear up, but she composed herself and decided to step away from the scene, but remaining close enough to hear what was happening.
Steve was at loss, his mind scrambling for words to explain the humiliating situation he found himself in.
"Uh... she...I..." Steve stammered, his face completely flushed.
"I'm sorry!" Jennifer blurted, her eyes filled with tears. "He just...overwhelmed me."
"I can't believe this!" Director Holmes said and then to Jennifer, "Ms. Marlow, I want you to go to your desk right now and write up exactly what happened here. Turn it in to me and then I want you to go home for the rest of the day."
"Yes, Mr. Holmes." Jennifer sobbed as she left the office, glancing up at Craven with a gleam in her eye.
Director Holmes turned his attention to Steve Trevor. "I want you to do the same. But as of now, I'm putting you on suspended leave pending a full investigation and review of this...incident, as well as your future with IADC."
"But, I can..." Trevor began to speak.
"No buts, Trevor." Holmes interrupted angrily. "Believe me when I say that you are in a serious world of trouble. Don't make it any harder by protesting any of my orders. As of this minute, Starling is in charge of your division. Bring him up to speed on all your cases and files before you leave."
"All right." Trevor said, totally defeated. He looked over at his nemesis Craven, who stared back with a smug look on his face, as if to say, 'I told you not to fuck with me.' Trevor clenched his jaws and ground his teeth with anger, knowing full well Craven had set him up.
"By the way, as of today, Agent Diana Prince will be reassigned to Craven's area, so if you have her working on anything, tell Starling to assign it to someone else."
Steve Trevor's fists were now balled up, and it took all his self-control to keep from flying across the room to take a swing at Craven. The thought of Diana working with him was almost too much to take. Director Holmes and Craven then both turned and exited to leave Trevor to his misery. After the door closed, Steve slammed his fist down on the desk.
A few seconds later, the door opened and Diana Prince stuck her head in, and in a low voice, said.
Steve had slumped down in his chair, turning to look away, unable to face his best agent and friend, Diana Prince. He said in a barely audible whisper. "Come in Diana."
Diana entered and stood before Steve's desk, waiting for him to speak. After several long silent minutes, Steve spoke up, "I'm sorry Diana. You must be...ashamed of me."

"I don't know what to think right now." Diana responded. "I don't want you to say anything if you don't want to."

"I'm going on suspended leave until I clear this up." Steve said. "I know it's impossible for you to believe, but I was set up."
"Set up?"
"Stark is responsible for this."
"But Steve..."
"I know. I am too. But he put me in this position. You have to believe that."
Diana looked at Steve, and for the first time he was looking straight at her, and she felt the sincerity in his quavering voice. She knew Steve too long to know he wouldn't normally do anything like this, but it still hurt nonetheless. To her, Steve was the model of an ideal man, compassionate, uncompromising in his beliefs and moral. They had grown close as friends since they first met, and now Diana felt totally betrayed, and she didn't know if she could forgive him for something like this, especially with that strutting and vamping vixen, Jennifer Marlow, who Diana never really liked.
"Tell me you believe that, Diana." Steve urged her.
After a long pause, Diana finally responded, "I believe you, Steve."

Late in the afternoon, Stark Craven sat at his desk with a content smile on his face. He was on top of the world now that he had successfully fucked up Steve Trevor's career. It was about time someone put that smug prick in his place. Now everything was falling into place. He had just got off the phone with Corben Glover, who informed him that he had completed a full production run of their mind control drug in tiny patch form. They made plans to meet after work so Craven could take possession of the product.
As for Jennifer Marlow, she was at home, awaiting Craven's next command. His mind churned with the possibilities of having her beautiful statuesque body at his beck and call. Soon, Craven's mind wandered to the most important result of this morning's incident. Agent Diana Prince would now be assigned to him. She would be coming to his office any minute for their first meeting, and as he thought about her, his pulse quickened and he became almost giddy with excitement. He touched his shirt pocket containing a full sheet of the chemical mind control patches, took it out and carefully lifted off one of the clear disks with the index finger of his right hand. Then slipped the rest back into his pocket

A voice suddenly came on his telephone intercom. It was the voice of one of the new secretary's assigned to Craven now that Jennifer was gone for the day. "Mr. Craven, Diana Prince is here to see you."
"Send her in." Craven said, barely able to hold back the anxiousness in his voice. He stood up just as the door opened a moment later and Diana Prince entered his office. He looked her up and down, admiring her stylish outfit. Her hair was pulled back into a bouncy ponytail, and her black frame glasses were perched atop her pert nose. She appeared to Craven to be slightly nervous in his presence, and not at all happy to be in his office.
"Good morning, Diana." Craven said brightly as he approached her with his hand extended in
greeting. When Diana took his hand, Craven deftly placed the patch on her slender wrist. "Please have a seat."
Diana sat down, crossed her long legs and responded with a perfunctory, "Good morning."
"I'm going to be very straight and open with you, Diana. I know you aren't here under the best of circumstances. I'm sure you don't want to admit that you don't exactly want to be here, am I right?"
"You said it, I didn't." Diana responded coldly.
Craven couldn't help but grin. She was uppity to the end. He couldn't wait to take her down a peg or two. "Well, all I can say then is I hope you won't let your personal feelings get in the way of your job."
Diana sat up, perturbed by his insinuation that she was anything but professional at all times. "I certainly don't intend to."
"Good. Is there anything you want to say? Speak freely. Be as frank as you wish."
"I don't know exactly what happened this morning, but I have a feeling Steve was not totally at fault."
"I agree." Craven responded. "As a matter of fact, I terminated Ms. Marlow's employment right before she left. Believe me when I say this, Diana, her misconduct was totally unacceptable to me."
Diana was taken aback by this admission. She always surmised that Craven and Jennifer were closer than professionals. If it were true that they were lovers, if the gossip around the office was to be believed, then Craven would have every right to be angry at what Jennifer had done. Was it possible that he was sincere?

"Well. I'm certainly glad you feel that way." Diana said, still unsure of his intentions. She wanted to reveal Steve's assertion that Craven was somehow responsible, but she decided to hold that information back.
"Absolutely." Craven assured her, looking straight into her blue eyes to reinforce his convictions.
"Now, I think it would be best to move on for now. I have a lot of things to brief you on if we're going to have a successful working relationship. Before we do that, though, I just want to say one more thing. And please tell me if I'm out of line here."
"All right." Diana agreed, hoping that it would not be some overly personal admission on his part.
"I've always considered you a top rate agent, and I've worked with some of the best. Even when I was in the military, I never met anyone as conscientious as you. I can tell you love this work. That's why I admit that I always wanted you over here on my team. I just wish it were under better circumstances. I don't want you to resent the way this happened. If you do, even a little bit, I want you to tell me now, and I'll tell Holmes that I don't need you after all."
Diana was pleasantly surprised by Craven's complimentary statement. She still had slight
reservations about him, but deep inside she appreciated his comments. It felt very good actually. And it was more than Steve Trevor had ever told her in all the years they worked together. She decided that for now she would see how it worked out between them. And if by chance Craven really was responsible for what happened with Steve, which she was beginning to doubt more and more, she might be able to find out how. Then she suddenly thought of something else.

"Well, if that's how you really feel, then I'll work for you under one condition" Diana said.

"Anything. Name it."

"You know Starling was told to assign anything I was working on to someone else. But there's one case I'd like to stay on."

"Not a problem." Craven said without hesitation, anything to make Diana more secure in her
decision. "Is it something I can help out on?"

Diana was feeling better and better now. Indeed a strange feeling of euphoria was overcoming her. The nervousness and anxiety of having to work under Craven had virtually disappeared. She began to see him in a new light, a colleague to be respected, and someone who respected her. She enjoyed this feeling, and the comfort it brought out in her. There was even a moment that she felt a strange attraction to Craven, but she dismissed it quickly and tried to concentrate on the matter at hand. "As a matter of fact, it is."
"Fantastic. I think you made the right choice." Craven gushed. "Tell me all about it."
Diana began to lay out the details of the Dunaway Industries satellite technology theft case, as well as Archie Binderman's involvement and plans to sell it to an interested but secretly kept foreign technology corporation. Binderman originally had plans to meet with the firm's representatives in a Washington D.C. hotel, the Watergate. Since they had never met Binderman face to face, and had only communicated by encrypted telephone contact, Craven and Prince decided that they would proceed with the buy and set up a sting operation. Stark Craven would pose as Archie Binderman to meet at the appointed time, with Diana Prince posing as his companion. Even though they already knew their whereabouts and could have already picked them up, it was decided that Craven and Diana would try to determine who the real buyer was.
"Well, we have few hours to get wired and pick up some surveillance equipment that we can hide in your purse or something. I think you should dress sort of provocatively, Diana." Craven said.
"Why?" Diana asked, puzzled by his suggestion.
"I've done a few of these before. It's a calming distraction... keeps them from getting nervous if there's an attractively dressed woman in the room."
"Oh, okay." Diana said after a pause to think it over. That made sense. His backhanded compliment made her blush, and she felt very school girlish all of a sudden. "Um, what do you think should I wear?"
"From my experience, these guys usually go for miniskirts. In your case, black leather, with some nylon stockings and some boots or high heels. And maybe some kind of zebra stripe top, the lower cut the better. You have a great body Diana, don't be afraid to show it off a bit."
Diana shifted in her chair. This was making her uncomfortable, but in a pleasant way. The thought of Craven admiring her body was making her feel an oddly wonderful sensation.
"Well, if that's what you think." Diana hesitantly agreed.
"Oh, yeah, and wear your hair down, maybe curl and blow dry it out. Add some big jewelry, too."
"It sounds like you want me to dress like a hooker." Diana said with humor in her voice.
"We're just doing a job here, Diana." Craven said. "Nothing more."
"Well, okay, then. I guess I'll have to go shopping. I certainly don't have anything like that in my closet."
"Great. Now, I've got a meeting with one of the lab boys downstairs. I'll get a hold of a surveillance crew with a van and meet you at the Watergate at 7:30. Look for my car in the 5th level of the parking garage. It's usually pretty empty. I'll be parked next to the van. We'll be using one marked Capitol Plumbing. " Craven told her as they both stood up.
Diana smiled and left Craven's office to pick up some things from her own office. As she strolled down the hall, she felt excited about this case. Sometimes she felt Steve tried to protect her too much by keeping her from tough or potentially dangerous assignments. It was nice to know that someone had enough confidence in her to give her this type of work without hesitation. Maybe Stark Craven wasn't as bad as she thought. As a matter of fact, the more she thought about him, the more she felt herself feeling attracted to him. She was surprised to find that she couldn't wait to see him again.
Just as Diana was about to enter her office, Brenda, one of the assistants called out to her, "Ms. Prince."
"Yes, Brenda?"
"It's Harvey from downstairs." Brenda said, referring to the head guard at the front desk of IADC headquarters. "He said you have a visitor waiting in the lobby down there."
"A visitor?"
"Yes. Harvey said to tell you it's your sister, Drusilla."
Diana's heart leapt in her chest. Drusilla? What was she doing here?
"Thanks, Brenda." Diana sighed and groaned silently inside. She shook her head in despair as she headed to her office to get a few personal items. Every time Drusilla came for a visit, it always led to near disaster. Her little sister just couldn't stay out of trouble. Well, this time, she would make sure Drusilla didn't cause any trouble.


It was already past 5:00 p.m. and unlike the rest of IADC, all the lab personnel were long gone
except for Corben Glover, who was busy wrapping up the last of the mind control drug patches he had so proudly created. Most of the lights in the lab were off except for Glover's workstation. He was daydreaming about using one of them again, for his own prurient purposes. Maybe he would make a trip to one of the Washington area discos and look for a healthy, big-breasted blonde and take her home and fuck her to his hearts content. He always wanted his own real live Barbie love slave. An erection grew in his pants along with a creepy smile across his face.
Suddenly his reverie was broken by a starling noise behind him. He spun around quickly and came face to face with the imposing figure of Stark Craven.
"Holy shit! You scared me!" Glover gasped, his heart pounding rapidly.
"Calm down, Corby." Craven said with paternal tone, placing a calming hand on Glover's shoulder.
"It's just me."
Glover chuckled nervously, like he had just watched a frightening scene in a horror movie. "I, um, I'm just wrapping up the last of it."
"Great. Is this everything?"
"Yeah, I was just about to lock up everything in my personal safe. Formulas, everything."
'That's smart." Corben said. "Nothing on your computer? No hard copies?"
"Nope. I did just like you told me." Glover assured him. "I even destroyed all the left over chemicals and production equipment."
"You're a good man, Corben." Craven said with an ominous smile on his face. "I'm going to miss working with you."
"What?" Glover said as his expression slowly revealed confusion. His furrowed eyebrows suddenly went up when he saw Craven take out a pistol with a silencer attached and placed it directly on his stomach.

"Hey! What the hell? Why are you doing this?" Glover said in panic.
"Your first mistake was testing the product without telling me. The second was disposing of your test subject. That wasn't very nice. I can't trust you if you're capable of things like that."
"I just wanted to show you it could work! Please! Mr. Craven!"
"Be honest with me. Tell me you haven't thought about using it again. If you lie to me I'll kill you."
"I swear I haven't!" Glover pleaded, his body shaking with fear.
"You're lying." was all Craven said to the whimpering scientist.
"Uh!" Glover uttered with opened mouthed surprise when the pistol emitted a muffled 'WHUFF!'
into his gut. As Corben's began to crumple, Craven seized him with one hand by the back of his collar and dragged his limp body across the floor to the lab's incinerator, where waste materials were burned. He set his gun down, lifted Glover's limp body and pushed it through the stainless steel doors. After his hapless victim's shoes passed through the panels and they clamped shut, Craven picked up his pistol and headed back to Corben's desk to pick up all the materials that had been packaged so neatly. Craven admired Glovers' attention to detail. He really was going to miss working with him.


Diana Prince drove her car through the Washington streets with her young teenage sister Drusilla in the passenger seat. Drusilla was smaller in stature than her older sister, and not as classically beautiful as Diana, but she still young, sprightly and attractive enough. With her fresh scrubbed looks, girlish bouncy locks, eager brown eyes, and a mischievous smile, she had an abundance of naive charm and spunk, which more often than not, always seemed to get her in hot water whenever she came to visit Diana from their home in Paradise Island. It distressed Diana further that Drusilla had adopted some of what she considered the more provocative clothing style of America's teens, ultra tight blue jeans which embellished her firm ass and trim thighs, a tight rainbow striped short sleeve top which accentuated her pert breasts and small waist, and black leather black go-go boots.
"So what are you doing here, Dru?" Diana asked, visibly perturbed with Drusilla's presence in Washington.
"That's a nice way to greet me." Drusilla smirked, knowing full well Diana was bothered by her visit.
She always got a thrill out of needling her older sibling, ever since they were children. "Can't I just come and visit my favorite sister without getting the third degree?"

"Look, I really don't have time to baby sit you." Diana said. "I'm on a very important case right now."
Drusilla's eyes lit up. "Really?"
Diana looked at Drusilla and immediately regretted her statement. "Well, it's not that important, but I still need to do some work tonight, so I'm going to drop you off at my apartment, and you can fend for yourself until I get back."
"That's no fun." Drusilla complained. "Can't I come along? I won't get in the way. I promise."
"I don't think so."
Drusilla pouted and crossed her arms childishly. "Well, I guess I can always check out the sights around Washington. I know I can't get into any trouble doing that, right?"
Diana rolled her eyes. That's exactly what would happen if Drusilla were on the loose by herself. Her little sister could play her like a piano and she knew it. Diana sighed, and after a long painful pause,
said, "All right, you can come along, but you have to promise to do everything I say."

"I promise!" Drusilla said as her eyes lit up and her body perked up in her seat. "So, tell me about this case. Is there anything I can do to help?"
Diana thought about it. "Well, maybe there is something."
"Since you're so fascinated by fashion every time you come here, maybe you can help me pick out some clothes that I'm going to need for tonight."
"Yeah! I can do that! What kind of clothes?" Drusilla asked eagerly.
"Well, it's sort of an undercover outfit. It's not something I would normally wear."
"Hmm. This sounds interesting. Tell me more." Drusilla said, intrigued by her sister's answer.

It was almost time to meet with Stark Craven when Diana pulled up to the gate of hotel parking garage. She retrieved the parking ticket, signaling the electronic gate arm to lift up and allow her to enter. Then she drove up the multiple ramps until she was on level five and pulled into an empty space.
Diana stopped the car and turned to Drusilla, and with as serious a tone as she could manage, told her younger sister, "Listen to me carefully Dru. I'm not sure how long this is going to take, but you have to promise me again that you won't leave this car until I come back. Do you promise?"
Drusilla looked at Diana at with her crossed fingers hidden at her side, assured Diana, "Yes, I promise."
"Okay. I'll come back for you just as soon as I can. You can listen to the radio and read somemagazines until I get back." Diana said as she opened the car and got out.
"Sure. No problem." Drusilla said, chomping away on some bubble gum.
As Diana began to head for the stairway to the 5th level to find Craven, she tugged at her leather miniskirt, which had ridden very high up her shapely thighs. She silently cursed Drusilla for picking this one out. It was much too tight and short.
"You look great!" Drusilla called out, a she watched Diana walk away, the high heels of her boots clicking on the concrete pavement.
Diana sighed at Drusilla's compliment, glancing around and feeling totally foolish and uncomfortable in these revealing clothes, her large costume jewelry bracelets and earrings rattling and dangling.
Then she thought of Stark Craven, and a tingly feeling began to come over her. She was anxious for Craven to see her outfit and wondered if he'd be pleased with it. It confused her to why she was feeling this way over someone like Craven, who she hardly ever thought twice of before today. It was like she had a crush on him all of a sudden, and it baffled her to no end. She tried to push those thoughts back, but she was unsuccessful.
Then she saw the van as she stepped of the stairwell and quickly advanced to the back doors of the vehicle which had phony plumbing business signs on the side panels reading 'Capitol Plumbing.' The doors swung open and Craven lent a hand to help her inside.

"Wow! You look great!" Craven said, as his two slack-jawed surveillance crewmembers looked on in awe. They had seen Diana Prince around IADC headquarters in her usual conservative attire, but now she was dressed like a high-class hooker, her jet-black hair in teased in large curls and waves around her beautiful face.
"Thanks." Diana said with slight embarrassment. "I feel like a fool, though."
"No. You look fantastic. It's exactly what I had in mind." Craven said assuredly.
Diana beamed at the compliments. It felt good to be appreciated for her beauty, even though it was never really important to her before. Actually, it felt more than wonderful and tingly. She almost felt like giggling as Craven stared at her with a grin on his face. Diana tried to stifle her giddy feeling and said, "Well, I guess we'd better get ready."
"Absolutely. Here, I want you to put this hidden mike in your purse." Craven said, handing her a watch battery sized microphone. "And this pin has a camera hidden inside. Bob and Jerry will be watching and listening to everything while we meet with this guy. Here, I'll help you with the pin."
Craven took the brooch and carefully pinned it to Diana's sleeveless and low backed zebra-striped silk blouse. Diana experienced a sudden rush of adrenaline when she felt his hands graze her bosom.
She had to hold her breath to keep from moaning out loud. She couldn't understand what was going on with her. Why was she reacting this way?
She let out her breath when Craven finished pinning the brooch. Craven noticed her anxiousness, and knew the mind control patch was working perfectly. Diana was practically putty in his hands, and he was ready to get all this over with so he could find out just how well the mind control chemical was working.
"All, right let's go." Craven said, and turned to Bob and Jerry, who were still speechless in Diana's awe-inspiring presence. "Okay, we'll be on the 12th floor in room 1220. Like I told you before, there shouldn't be any problem, but if anything goes down, call hotel security and get your ass up their ASAP. Got it?"
Bob and Jerry nodded blankly, both of them still gawking at Diana Prince's provocative outfit. After Diana and Craven exited the van and shut the door behind them, Bob turned to Jerry and drooled,
"Holy freaking mackerel."


After only fifteen minutes, Drusilla was bored out of her mind. She debated breaking her promise to Diana about leaving the car for about two seconds and got out, shut the door, and headed into the elevator, which would take her into hotel so she could have a look around. There was totally no action happening in the lobby, so Drusilla headed for the elevators and entered an empty one. She looked at all the buttons for a few seconds, and mentally struggled in her decision to push the 12th floor button, the floor she knew Diana was on from overhearing the car phone conversation Diana had with someone named Craven as they drove to the hotel earlier.
She knew Diana would be furious, but then Drusilla's mind began to rationalize several reasons why she should. What if Diana's meeting went bad? What if she was in trouble? She might need Wondergirl's help.
Drusilla took a deep breath and pushed the number 12 button. The doors slid closed, and Drusilla was now on her way up. When the doors pinged and opened, Drusilla stepped tentatively into the hall, looking both ways to find it quiet and empty. She saw the plaque pointing right to rooms 1200 to 1240 and headed in that direction, glancing at each door number as she passed near the halfway point. She had already begun to tiptoe, although the plush hallway carpeting kept her footsteps virtually silent already. When she reached room 1220, her heart began to pound a quick rhythm as she bent over slightly and put her ear to the door, straining to hear the muffled voices coming from within. Drusilla was concentrating so hard to hear what was going on the room that she didn't notice the model beautiful well-dressed Japanese woman in ultra fashionable high heels, sheer hose, black skirt and tailored jacket who spied her from behind as she came down the hall, returning from the ice machine.
The woman set the ice bucket down as quietly as he could and snuck up behind Drusilla. As she stepped up behind her, and with a grin, reached over and tapped Drusilla on her firm behind. Drusilla gasped with surprise and spun around. The woman clamped his hand over her mouth and as she pressed Drusilla against the wall, putting her index finger over Drusilla's nose to signal that he didn't want her to make a sound. She whispered in a Japanese accent, "Do not scream, I will not hurt you."
Drusilla, wide eyed with panic at being caught sneaking around, was frozen stiff.
"My name is Emi. I am going to take away my hand, and you are going to tell me who you are."
Drusilla nodded compliantly. She didn't dare make a fuss outside the door where Diana was. If Diana knew she was there, she'd have a fit. When the woman took her hand away, Drusilla told her,
"What are you doing here...Drusilla?" The woman asked suspiciously. "That is not your room."
"I' the wrong floor." Drusilla said nervously. "I'm supposed to deliver a..."
Drusilla's mind churned to think of get out of this mess. "A telegram."
The woman looked at her and smirked. "Where is the telegram? Maybe I can help you find the right room."
Drusilla's stomach turned. "It's...a... a singing telegram!"
The woman looked at her for a long time, and for a moment, it looked as if she would let her go. Then Drusilla wilted when she said, "You come with me now."
The woman took her by the arm and marched her a few steps down the hallway to the next room door marked 1218, and let herself in with her key while Drusilla debated trying to run away, but the viselike grip on her arm held her fast.
"Ouch! You're hurting me!" Drusilla complained as she shoved her in the room. Inside there was another woman sitting in a chair, also dressed in matching black skirt and jacket, her shapely crossed legs clad in dark hose and glossy patent leather pumps. She was elegantly smoking a cigarette as she looked up from the television she was watching with bored interest. As soon as she saw Drusilla, her attention perked up as she peeked over the tops of her wire rim dark glasses.
"This is my sister Keiko." Emi introduced Drusilla.
"Who is this?" The woman on the bed demanded to know. Drusilla noticed now that she was identical to the woman who caught her in the hall, and surmised that they must be twins.
"Her name is Drusilla. She is lost."
"Why did you bring her here?"
"Tell my sister why you were spying on the room next door."
"I wasn't spying!" Drusilla exclaimed, becoming increasingly nervous at the threatening expressions on the petite silk haired women. "I told you, I was supposed to deliver a telegram. I just went to the wrong floor."
"Why did you not knock? Why were you listening to the door?"

Drusilla spoke up quickly, "I...I was listening for the guests to sing Happy Birthday. That was when I was supposed to come in and sing a song."
"A singing telegram." Emi told her twin sister.
"What is singing telegram?" Keiko asked.
"Tell her what is singing telegram." Emi ordered Drusilla, nudging her in the side sharply.
Drusilla stammered nervously, "It's like a telegram, a personal message, but I'm supposed to sing it."
"We do not believe you." Emi said.
"It's true!" Drusilla insisted.
Keiko spoke up from her chair, a grin creeping across her face. "I think she is prostitute. American whore."
Emi's right eyebrows arched up at the possibility. "Are you a whore?" Emi asked with arms crossed in front her with a sudden lascivious grin across her face.
"No, I'm not!" Drusilla hissed as she stamped her booted foot. "Please, I have to go."
"I don't think so." Emi said, placing her hands on her hips as she stood blocking the door, as if daring Drusilla to try and get by her. Drusilla took a deep breath. She noticed a closed door that she now knew was connected the adjoining suite where Diana was having her important meeting. If she tried to fight her way out, they would certainly cause a commotion and Diana would hear something going on.
"What do you want with me?" Drusilla asked with trepidation.
The twins both stared at the meek teenager with matching lascivious smiles, and then looked at each other.
"Take off your clothes, pretty whore." Keiko ordered. "We are going to show you good time."
Drusilla gasped with distress and surprise, then groaned and thought, I'm in big trouble this time. She knew she had no choice, and slowly began to remove her tight shirt while the twins watched anxiously.

Diana Prince sat with Stark Craven at a conference table in room 1220, a large executive suite.
Across from them sat the representative of the unknown Japanese corporation. He was a
well-dressed man with smooth skin and a thin mustache, who introduced himself by the name Masato. Sitting and watching silently behind him were his two bodyguards dressed in dark business suits and ties, Kazuhiro and Takashi.
Other than feeling degraded with being vigorously frisked by one of the overly enthusiastic bodyguards for weapons, Diana felt the meeting had gone well so far. Craven had turned over the packet of computer disk copies of the spy satellite technology, which was then given to the Koji, a technical and computer expert. The bespectacled Koji took the disks from Masato over to one corner of the room to load into his computer and he began to pore over the computer code to verify their authenticity.
In return, Masato had placed a slim briefcase on the table. Craven nearly had a heart attack when he opened the briefcase and saw the contents of the briefcase, which was filled with countless uncut diamonds in a variety of sizes. He knew immediately that they were worth millions, and his mind began to churn.
"Your companion is very beautiful." Masato said out of the blue. All through the meeting he had been unable to keep his wandering eyes from Diana Prince. "I would be willing to add more to the amount if you would allow me to... spend a little time alone with her."
"What?" Diana gasped in disbelief, utterly stunned by what she had just heard. Livid by Masato's bold request, Diana stammered, "I wouldn't even think of ... How dare you!"
Masato smiled brazenly and turned to Craven, "Mr. Craven. Did you know that in my country, the only time women are allowed to open their mouths is for the sexual pleasure and satisfaction of their men?"
"Well! I never!" Diana exclaimed with open mouth outrage at Masato's vulgar and misogynistic attitude.
Craven leaned over to Diana and spoke to her like she was his personal valet, "Why don't you run down the hall and get us some ice so we can celebrate our little deal?"
Diana got up in a huff without even realizing how quickly she was eagerly following Craven's suggestion. Although her instincts were to be angry with Masato, she was shocked out of it by a playful swat on the ass to get her moving by Craven, who then turned and winked at Masato, like he had her totally trained. The mind control chemical had fully rendered her compliant to Craven's suggestions, no matter what the circumstance, and Diana found herself grinning at Craven as she headed out the door.
Masato spoke to one of his bodyguards, "Takashi, go with her."
Takashi, who had the singular pleasure of frisking Diana earlier, had never taken his eyes off of Diana ever since she entered the room, and nearly leaped out of his chair to follow Diana out. Once the door was closed, Craven leaned back in his chair and told Masato, "So, you like my girlfriend, huh?"
"Very much." Masato agreed eagerly.
"She's very beautiful." Craven said as he then held his hands in front of his chest, "She had a great body, too. Big breasts."
Masato nodded in agreement.
"Let me tell you a few things about her." Craven began. "She is very sexy in bed. Very wild."
Masato grinned wider, revealing a thin row of pearly white teeth.
Craven continued. "She does things with her mouth that you would not believe. She likes to do it a long time, too, sometimes for hours. But the best thing about her is her pussy. She exercises all the time to keep herself tight. And she has great muscle control down there. You wouldn't believe it."
"I believe it." Masato chuckled and nodded perversely.
Craven looked at Masato for several seconds and then said, "Why don't we make a little deal?"
Masato leaned back in his chair. "What kind of deal?"
"I'll let you spend the night with her and you tell me who you work for."
"Why would you want to know that?"
"I might have some more technology they might be interested in." Craven said.
"And if I tell you, I can do whatever I want with her?" Masato asked, liking the proposition.
"Within reason." Craven answered. "Why don't we negotiate?"
"Yes." Masato agreed. He loved to negotiate. "Let us talk about it."
Diana Prince located the enclosed alcove containing the ice machine at the end of the long hallway. She was chagrined to discover it was nearly empty, so she had to bend over and stick her arm and head in to reach down through the access opening to scoop out a bucket full of the glassy cubes.
Suddenly she was shocked to feel a hand on her buttocks squeezing firmly. She pulled her head and arm out of the opening and spun around angrily to glare at her molester, one of Masato's bodyguards, Takashi.
"You'd better cool it, buster!" Diana scolded Takashi, who stared passively with a grin on his face.
"Hey, I'm cool, pretty lady," Takashi said, trying unsuccessfully to assume a debonair attitude. "Why don't we have some fun?"
Takashi looked utterly foolish to Diana, and she decided to teach him a lesson. Her facial expression slowly changed from icy cold to sexy and demure. "You really want to have some fun?"
Takashi nodded and giggled nervously. The sudden sexually aggressiveness of Diana made him overly excited, and he rubbed his sweaty palms on his pants legs up and down.
"Well, let's see what you have in here." Diana said as she reached over for Takashi's belt and slipped her fingers in the waistband of his slacks. Staring straight into Takashi's nervously shifting eyes with a come hither look in her own, her glossy lips parted to whispery breath, "I can tell you're very hot right now."
With one deft movement with her left hand, Diana emptied the contents of the ice bucket down the front of Takashi's pants and said, "Maybe this will cool you off."
The stunned Takashi, mouth open and gasping, seized up as the freezing wet ice chunks struck his crotch like an electric shock. He began to dance, jiggling his legs to loosen the ice down his pants as he shivered and scrambled to open his belt and pants, emitting repeated high-pitched cries and whoops.
Diana refilled her ice bucket and brushed past the hapless bodyguard to head back to the room with a self satisfied smirk on her face.
In room 1218, Drusilla was distressed to find herself in the one of her most desperate situations ever, and she wished she had obeyed Diana and just stayed in the car. The beautiful Japanese twins had her sitting on a chrome barstool, using elaborate bondage ties to truss her up with white nylon ropes.
Her hands were at her side, wrists bound tight to the armrests, her elbows pulled back and tied with a length of rope behind her which was then looped and pulled taut under the stool and connected to her ankles so that her back was bowed in an arch, her smooth thighsspread slightly apart, and her full perky breasts thrust out and upward. Wearing only her bra, panties and high heel boots, the twin sisters had the nubile teen near the bar, where Keiko was currently holding Drusilla by the nose and blowing white smoke into her gasping mouth from a hand rolled cigarette. It contained a unique blend of tobacco along with a substance, which caused the moaning teen to experience heightened feelings of arousal and sensitivity in her most intimate areas.
Meanwhile Emi had slipped her fingers inside Drusilla's cotton panties and was delighting herself by gently fingering the whimpering and struggling teen's clitoris with one hand while she rolled Drusilla's left nipple through her cotton bra with the fingers of her other. Occasionally Keiko and Emi would lean across in front of Drusilla and give each other long wet tongue kisses while they molested their new plaything.
Whatever was in the tobacco smoke was already having its effect on Drusilla. Her body tensed up, and she began to experience the most incredible feelings in her groin she had ever experienced. As her body quaked and quivered, Drusilla bit her lip and tried to stifle her squeals, trying not to make any noise. Despite her situation, she still worried about Diana hearing her in the next room.
"Oooooooooooooooooh!!! Please... stop! Wait...!" Drusilla pleaded. Before she could even catch her breath and recover, Keiko planted her moist lips on hers and kissed her soulfully, gently thrusting her tongue into Drusilla's mouth.
Drusilla's Her nipples were on fire and itching, and whenever Emi touched or pinched them, Drusilla gasped and moaned like an insatiable nymphomaniac. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!"
"You like, pretty whore?" Keiko asked with a lascivious grin.
"We're going to love you long time, sweet little girl." Emi purred as she began to stimulate Drusilla faster now, bringing on another squealing climax, as she gave the teens erect nipples increasingly more intense pinching and kneading. Drusilla's shivering body arched even more than it already was when she felt the mind numbing impact of another more powerful orgasm, her third now. It seemed like the women were just getting started, and despite the incredible sensations her body was encountering, Drusilla didn't know how much more she could take.
"Unnnnnnnnnhhhhhhhhh!!!" Drusilla groaned as her body was racked by multiple climaxes.
Diana Prince was almost back to the meeting room, and as she passed the room next door, she stopped when she heard strange noises coming from within. The load moans and groans Diana heard were very familiar, not the moans themselves as such, but whomever was making them.
'Drusilla?' Diana thought as she leaned closer to the door and listened intently. She couldn't believe she could actually be in there. She had given her strict instructions to stay in the car. Whoever it was, they were either having wild sex, or they were in trouble. Diana decided that it was more likely that it was Drusilla, and she had to do something about it, despite the IADC operation going on next door with Stark Craven.
Diana was about to knock on the door, but then she remembered the camera on her brooch.
Suddenly, an alarming cry came from inside the room. "Diana, help!"
This situation now called for more serious action. Diana quickly glanced both ways down the hall to make sure no one was coming. Then she stood back from the door, spread her arms apart, and began her spin to bring forth the magical transformation, which would alter her appearance from the mild-mannered IADC agent into the amazing Amazon Wonder Woman. The hallway flashed bright with light, and then it disappeared as quickly as it had come. Now slowing the twirl into a standstill was the red white and blue costumed heroine, her black mane flowing down her back.
Instead of knocking, Wonder Woman merely grasped the doorknob in her fist and smashed the jamb open with a loud crunch. Her mouth fell open when she stepped in the room and saw Drusilla trussed up with the exotic twins on either side of her, their hands all over her near nude body.
"Step away from her." Diana ordered the Japanese sisters Keiko and Emi.
"Wonder Woman!" The twins said simultaneously, as only twins are known to do. They were both very familiar with the stories of the uniquely American heroine, and they were amazed by her sudden presence.
Wonder Woman suddenly put two and two together. The Japanese twins, which had Drusilla captive, were obviously part of the Japanese contingent currently exchanging stolen goods for diamonds in the room next door with Craven. She guessed these women were most likely the girlfriend's or associates of Masato. But when Keiko and Emi suddenly took on Martial Arts stances and began advancing toward her, Wonder Woman now surmised that were much more than that.
"You'd better back down now, ladies, before you get hurt." Wonder Woman warned them.
Keiko turned and smiled at her sister, as if to say, 'We can take her.'
Takashi suddenly appeared in the open doorway, saw what was going on, and snuck up behind Wonder Woman and grabbed her around the waist. The twins were over in a flash, both emitting loud yells as they attacked Wonder Woman as she was breaking Takashi's grasp. The Amazon used her incredible strength to swing her body sideways, bucking Takashi's hapless body toward the door, which adjoined the next suite. As Takashi crashed through the door, Wonder Woman was now defending herself from the oncoming kicks and blows from the fierce twin whirlwinds.
Next door, Craven and Masato both stood up as Takashi spilled into their room. Kazuhiro leapt from his chair and dashed into the adjoining room to see what the commotion was. Craven followed and watched in the doorway as Wonder Woman, who was blocking the kicks and fists from two Japanese twins as Kazuhiro approached Diana from behind and clubbed her in the back of the head with his closed fist.
"Unnnnnnnh!" Diana grunted as she reeled forward from the concussive blow. The twins were on her now, Emi placing her hands on a nearby couch to leap up and catch Wonder Woman' head between her powerful thighs and twisting her torso around sideways so that she could bring Wonder Woman to the floor. Once she was on her back, Wonder Woman barely had time to recover when Keiko leapt and straddled hard onto the Amazon's stomach, successfully knocking the air out of her, "Whuuuunnnngggghhhhh!!!"
Wonder Woman managed to grapple and struggle, but it was extremely difficult now that her head was in the grip of Emi's thighs and now even her small waist was clamped into a scissor lock by Keiko's crushing legs. Meanwhile, Kazuhiro took advantage of the valiant heroine's desperate battle to grab her golden lasso and yank it away, pulling her belt loose in the process.
Panic set into Wonder Woman as she realized now that she was virtually helpless. Without her precious belt, her Amazon strength was gone, and now she was at the mercy of her fierce Japanese opponents.
Craven watched the proceedings while wondering where Diana Prince was. Now that he realized the twins were part of Masato's entourage, he guessed that Takashi had done something with Diana when she went to get the ice. Then he turned around just in time to see Koji whispering feverishly to Masato. Craven knew Koji had discovered that the computer program was incomplete.
Masato looked angrily at Craven, and ordered Koji and Takashi, who was staggering to his feet as he recovered from his crash through the door, to attack Craven. As Takashi and Koji advanced on Craven, Masato grabbed the briefcase full of diamonds and ran for the door. Craven, with years of hand-to-hand Special Forces combat training, made short work of first Takashi, and then Koji, blistering them with hard shin kicks and debilitating knife hands to their throats. After seizing Takashi's gun from his shoulder holster, Craven left them choking and convulsing on the floor of the suite as he ran out of the suite after Masato, whom he glimpsed just as he disappeared into the stairwell at the end of the hall. As he gave chase, Craven spoke to Bob and Jerry through the throat mike hidden inside the knot of his tie.
"Get up here quick. Find Agent Prince and call for backup to secure the suites 1220 and the one next door."
Bob and Jerry, who had lost visual contact when Diana Prince transformed into Wonder Woman, were at a loss. They were used to surveillance and not actual physical agency work. The looked at each other and gulped. Then Bob called for backup before they both grabbed some weapons to head up to the 12th floor, taking their time to do so.
Wonder Woman was in trouble, and Drusilla was desperately pulling and tugging at her bonds to free herself so that she could help her sister, who was now being tied up with her own golden lasso. She couldn't get the irritating smell of smoke out of her nose, and turned in the barstool to see a burning cigarette in an ashtray with a lighter next to it. While the others were distracted with Wonder Woman, Drusilla stretched with all her might to reach the cigarette lighter with her fingertips. It was just within her grasp, so she began to tip herself over little by little to reach it. In one great gasping effort, she was finally able to snatch it and hold it securely in the palm of her hand.
With great care, she flicked on the flame and began to burn one of the ropes near her wrist.

On the bed, Wonder Woman was twisting and struggling on her stomach to break free as the twins held her fast while Kazuhiro knotted and cinched the lasso around her slender wrists and then pulled her arms back until they reached her boots and wrapped the slack end around each of the Amazon's flailing ankles, and tied each one to the bed posts to spread her long legs wide apart. The virtuous heroine couldn't believe she had been captured like this, and now so helplessly at their mercy. She turned her head to look over at Drusilla, who had gotten them into this mess by disobeying her, and gave her a scolding look. Her young sister looked back at Wonder Woman with a look that pleaded for forgiveness.
"All right you three, if you let me go now, I promise the authorities will go easy on you." Wonder Woman announced, trying to reason with her captors now that she was in such desperate straights.

Keiko giggled as she took a scarf, knotted it thickly in the middle and stuffed it into Wonder Woman's resistant mouth. The Amazon responded angrily as Keiko took the ends of the scarf and tied them tight behind her twisting head. "Mmmmmmmffffff!!!!"
"Now we have two pretty American girls to play with." Emi laughed with enthusiasm as she glanced over at Drusilla, unable to see what the teen was up to with the lighter. She assumed the smoke coming from the other side of her was from the cigarette still burning in the ashtray on the bar.

The lithe Japanese twins were both high with narcotics and excitement, while Kazuhiro was high with adrenaline, his eyes fixed on Wonder Woman's upturned bottom. All of them were totally unconcerned with their associate, Masato or Takashi and Koji for that matter. All they were concerned about was the voluptuous Amazon tied up on the large bed of the suite.
Kazuhiro was overcome with lust, and seized Wonder Woman's ass cheeks and began kneading and squeezing them vigorously. Soon, Emi and Keiko joined in, their soft tiny hands roaming over Wonder Woman's resistant body to slowly remove her costume while they leaned close to lick and kiss her flushed ears and cheeks.

"Ummmmmffffffff!!!" Wonder Woman uttered through her muffling gag as the three Japanese molested and stripped her, leaving only her boots, bracelet and tiara. Apparently, something happened to Stark Craven, but Wonder Woman still held out hope that Bob and Jerry would soon arrive with help.


By Trent Wolf


Bob and Jerry bounded up the stairwell until they reached the 12th floor doorway.
"I think we should wait for backup," Bob said nervously.
"What? Why?" Jerry asked, anxious and scared himself. The two agents were not used to the potentially dangerous situation. They were used to spending days at a time drinking stale coffee, eating junk food and listening to hours of mostly nothing.
"Craven and Prince can handle these guys," Bob explained. "And I don't want my ass shot off."
That sounded good enough to Jerry. "Yeah. Let's wait here for backup."


Stark Craven stepped out on the roof of the Watergate hotel, and carefully surveyed the area. He had pursued Masato up here and he was going to find him. He couldn't hide forever.
"If you come out now, I won't hurt you," Craven called out in a threatening tone. There was a sound behind him and he spun quickly to see Masato dashing away. Craven took off after him until he cornered his terrified quarry to the edge of the roof, where he backed up to the parapet with both arms up, one hand holding the briefcase full of diamonds. Craven walked up to him with the gun pointed at his face.
"Please, just let me go," Masato stammered in fear. "I give you the diamonds. Just let me go."

Craven stared at Masato, his mind working out every alternative. Then he reached up to the knot of his tie and crushed the tiny microphone hidden within effectively killing any communication with the surveillance equipment located in the van parked in the garage underneath the hotel.
"All right. Give me the diamonds and you can take off," Craven finally said. "Set the case down.

Masato let out a deep breath and relaxed. He eased down and set the metal briefcase down on the gravel and tar rooftop.
"Put your hands on your head," Craven ordered Masato as he approached with great care, holding the gun still pointed at the Japanese criminal's face.
"You said you let me go," Masato protested, becoming angry.
"Relax. I am going to let you go. Now let's just see if you can fly back where you came from,"
Craven said as he grabbed Masato by the jacket and shoved him over the parapet. A silent scream came from Masato as he panicked and flailed helplessly at the air as he fell all the way to the pavement below. Craven had already grabbed the briefcase and was quickly on his way to the roof access door when Masato smacked the sidewalk with a sickening thud. Craven went down the staircase until he reached the top floor. Then he jogged down the hallway to the elevators so he could ride down the parking garage. His first priority was to hide the diamonds in his car, and then he would go and find Diana Prince.

Drusilla had to get free and quickly. Her older sister, the virtuous Wonder Woman was now in desperate trouble. Emi had buried her face between the squirming Amazon's trembling highs, busily working her tongue on Wonder Woman's most intimate area. Keiko was in the process of using another chemical-laced cigarette on their captive similar to the one they used on Drusilla, blowing the mind-altering smoke directly into Wonder Woman's nostrils.
Wonder Woman struggled to hold her breath and fight the aphrodisiac effects of the smoke, but it was becoming increasingly useless, as she became dizzy from the heightened sensitivity to her entire body, the effects of the chemical caused her to become highly aroused by the constant touching and caresses of the two nubile Japanese sisters. All she could do was close her eyes and groan, trying to imagine that it was Stark Craven who was touching her. But her erotic fantasy of Craven was constantly disturbed by the lascivious taunts, coos and whispers of Keiko and Emi.
Kazuhiro remained by the bed, watching the passionate scene with great interest, waiting for just the right time to join in. He had pulled his stiff penis out of his pants and was slowly stroking himself as he watched the twins sisters attempt to bring Wonder Woman to her first orgasm. As he giggled at the women on the bed, he began to notice a pungent odor. He decided to ignore it, totally unaware that Drusilla had successfully burned her way through one of the ropes holding her hand to the barstool.
Drusilla used her free hand to begin pulling and untying the remaining ropes, all while carefully watching the others. Once her hands were free, she worked swiftly to free her legs and ankles. She wasn't about to take a chance trying to fight the three skilled Japanese, so she stepped away into the darkened kitchenette. There, Drusilla used the same transformation process that her older sister used.
She stood in the middle of the room, lifted her arms apart and made a half-turn of her torso, then spun the other way until she began to spin in a circle. It only took a few moments until her clothes were magically changed into her own star spangled uniform; glossy red high heel boots, shiny nylons, dark blue bottoms, a gold belt and lasso, and a red satin sleeveless top with stars splashed across the right side of her ample chest. Her gold bracelets and tiara sparkled in the fading light as her soft dark tresses bounced over her shoulders.
With a deep breath Wonder Girl was now ready to vanquish her foes. The stalwart heroine rushed into the room just as Kazuhiro ejaculated as he kneeled on the edge of the bed, his ropes of milky liquid spurting out and splashing Wonder Woman on her bare back. A the same instant Wonder Woman was brought to full climax by the twins, Emi plunging her tongue into Wonder Woman's opening to tease the moaning heroine's clitoris, and Keiko plucking and pinching her erect nipples as she jammed her tongue in Wonder Woman's ear.
"Unnnnnnnggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!" Wonder Woman groaned through her gag as the orgasm seized every inch of her sculpted Amazon body while it undulated on the bed, helplessly succumbing to the intense climax. She felt as if her mind was about to explode with ecstasy.
Drusilla grabbed Kazuhiro, who was stunned and dizzy from his ejaculation, and threw him across the room, where he slammed onto and over the bar. Keiko and Emi looked up in surprise at the new intruder, totally unaware that their prisoner Drusilla was gone. They both jumped up simultaneously, leaving the panting Wonder Woman alone on the bed and bewildered at what was happening.
Keiko and Emi attacked, all fists and claws as Wonder Girl took on a defensive stance and began to block their fierce blows. They were deceptively quick, and gave the teen heroine a run for her money, despite her superior strength. The twins were all screams and grunts as they tussled with Wonder Girl, grabbing her hair, punching her stomach, kicking at her arms and legs. Wonder Girl took their blows and gave back her own. She was hesitant at first to seriously hurt them, but when they showed no mercy in their assault, Wonder Girl let loose with a barrage of fists, first catching Emi across the jaw, knocking her backwards until she struck the bed and fell out cold right on top of Wonder Woman, who was desperately struggling to free herself so that she could help her sister.
Now Wonder Girl faced Keiko, who displayed hard eyes and bared teeth as she gasped to catch her breath before the next attack.
"Yaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!" Keiko shrieked as she leapt at Wonder Girl, but the intimidation tactic did not work. Wonder Girl spun and dodged the petite girls flailing form and used her momentum to shove and slam Keiko head first into a wall, denting the plaster. Keiko collapsed in a limp heap, her unconscious body splayed out on the carpet.
Wonder Girl moved quickly, rolling Emi off of her sister and onto the floor where she fell with a thud.
Then the young heroine began to remove Wonder Woman's stringent bonds. Once free, Wonder Woman yanked the gag from her mouth and rubbed her sore cheeks.
"Are you all right?" Wonder Woman asked with concern.
"Yes!" Wonder Girl exclaimed as she handed Wonder Woman her costume. "Are you?"
"Never mind me. What in the world were you thinking Dru? I told you to stay in the car and not to move." Wonder Woman exclaimed angrily as she began to dress as quickly as she could, slipping the gold embroidered satin uniform over her voluptuous form, taking great care to tuck her generous mounds into the bustier.
"Wait a minute..." Wonder Girl said defensively. "I just saved you from these..."
"You deliberately disobeyed me!" Wonder Woman interrupted.
"We'll discuss this later. I want you to turn back into Drusilla and go straight downstairs. Have the doorman get a cab for you and go straight to my apartment."
Wonder Girl was steaming, and was about to speak defiantly to her big sister, but Wonder Woman stood up and looked at her as if to dare defy her again.
"All right," Wonder Girl said, looking very disheartened. She spun and transformed back into her regular clothes and began to leave with a morose expression on her face.
Wonder Woman began to feel sorry for her kid sister. She did mean well, even if she went about it all wrong. Wonder Woman called to her. "Dru..."
"Thank you."
Drusilla gave Wonder Woman a half-hearted smile and left Wonder Woman to clean up her mess.
Stark Craven exited the elevator as a young dark-haired teenager climbed aboard. He barely acknowledged her, but Drusilla recognized him as Diana's new partner Stark Craven. Drusilla decided that she'd caused enough trouble, and the doors closed before she could say anything. She didn't feel like risking Diana's wrath again by doing anything else. Once was enough for tonight.
Craven moved quickly down the hall, running through his mind everything that happened. Masato was dead, which he would write in his report to IADC as a desperate 'kamikaze' suicide jump to escape capture. The diamonds were safely hidden in the trunk of his car. The surveillance tapes were packed neatly in his glove compartment.
"Craven!" Came a voice behind him. Stark spun a round, gun drawn, frightening Bob and Jerry as they cringed down the hallway.
"Where the hell have you two been?" Craven snarled.
"Uh...we were looking for Diana Prince," Bob stammered.
"Check down the hall in the room where the ice machine is," Craven ordered Bob. "Jerry, come with me."
Jerry hesitantly followed Craven and the two of them moved cautiously.
"Should we wait for backup?" Jerry asked hopefully.
"Shut the fuck up!" Craven cursed in a loud whisper.
Jerry gulped and began to tiptoe down the hall, making himself as small as possible behind Craven.
Craven crept up to room 1220 and peered in the open crack. When he saw that the room appeared empty, he gently opened the door wider and scanned the room. Craven motioned for Jerry to stay put and entered. Jerry let out a deep breath and wiped his sweaty brow in relief, thankful he wasn't needed.
Inside the room, Craven grabbed all the computer disks and shoved them in his pocket. He froze when he heard a noise from next door. The door separating the two suites was damaged, and Craven slowly slid along the wall and over to it so he could peek inside. He was stunned when he saw Wonder Woman.
Slack-jawed, Craven watched as the heroine tidied up, laying the last of the trussed up Japanese criminals side by side on the bed. Kazuhiro, Takashi, Koji, Keiko and Emi, all bound at the hands and wrists with the left over ropes from Drusilla's ordeal. They were also gagged and blindfolded with strips of the bed sheets so that any of them that were even conscious wouldn't make a fuss or call any more attention to the room than they already had.
Craven thought that Wonder Woman was extraordinarily beautiful, even more so than the news clippings he had seen of the Amazon heroine, and questions ran through his mind as he watched her.
What was she doing here? And where was Diana Prince?
Wonder Woman, totally unaware that she was being watched, made sure the Japanese crew was all securely tied before she stepped back from behind them and surveyed the five of them with her hands on her shapely hips in a triumphant stance. Although they had put her into a sexually compromising position, something about the entire experience intrigued her. She chalked it up to the combination of the drug-laced cigarette and her previous sexual bondage experience with Archie Binderman. The thought made her shiver with arousal and excitement and she tried to block it out of her mind.
Wonder Woman did not particularly care for the fact that she might be losing control of her urges and emotions. After shaking the thoughts out of her head, she made a cursory check until she was satisfied that the Japanese were securely bound and unable to see. Then Wonder Woman spread her arms apart, made a half turn of her wasp-like torso, and then spun in the opposite direction.
Bright lights and sparks began to fly, and Craven had to shield his eyes and step back from the door for a moment. When the brightness began to dim, he peeked back into the crack and had to bite his lip to keep from gasping. Now standing in the room was Diana Prince, his new IADC partner. She was now back into her semi-hooker attire of leather miniskirt, plunging zebra stripe top, hose, heels and loud jewelry. Craven was stunned and speechless as he backed away from the door, his mind reeling at the realization that Diana and Wonder Woman were one and the same.
Of course! Now it was clear. The reason why Wonder Woman always showed up to get Diana Prince or Steve Trevor out of a jam on past IADC cases and missions. It was so obvious now, and he couldn't believe he hadn't thought of it before?
"Holy shit," Craven muttered as a smile crept across his face.
"Stark?" Came Diana's voice from the next room.
Craven got a hold of himself after a second and stiffened up. He had to pretend that he had just walked into the room and called out, "Diana?"
"In here." Diana answered.
Craven stepped in and met Diana face-to-face, and then looked over at the five bound and
blindfolded on the bed. "Good God. What happened here?"
"It's a long story, but I took care of this bunch," Diana said with a smile. She was worried about what she would have to come up with later for her IADC report, but she was also relieved to see Stark, and proud to show him what she had accomplished, even if Wonder Girl had helped. "What happened to Mr. Masato?"
"You won't believe it," Craven began. "I chased him up to the roof and I had him cornered, and he must have gone nuts. He pulled some kind of kamikaze stunt and jumped right off the roof with the diamonds. I went down as fast as I could and when I got there, of course Masato was dead and the briefcase was gone. Some passerby must have snatched them. Can you believe that?"
"Oh, no. Should we go try and find them?" Diana asked.
"Bob and Jerry called in for backup. Some agents should be here any minute. When they arrive, I'll have these clowns taken to headquarters for lockup until tomorrow when we can interrogate them. I think the chances of finding the diamonds are next to nil now. Especially once they find out what they have, but we may be able to find them later through some fences once they try to sell them."
"I guess you're right," Diana agreed.
"It's been a long night. I still can't believe what happened with Masato. We've both been through a lot," Craven sighed as IADC agents began pouring into the room.
"Look, these guys can take over from here. I'll brief them quickly and then I'll drive you home so you can get some rest. You did good Diana. You're a top notch agent."
"Thank you," Diana said with a deep sigh. It felt good to be receive praise for her work, something she seldom received from Steve Trevor. She had been through a lot tonight. And the thought of Stark taking her home sounded wonderful right now. Especially now that she was feeling extremely aroused by her brave and strong partner.


Drusilla let herself into Diana's apartment and rushed straight to the guest bedroom where she would be sleeping. Ever since she had left the hotel where she had been held molested against her will, and then escaped to vanquish her foes, she felt a euphoric exhilaration that she could not understand. She was fully aroused, experiencing sensations that she had never felt before. Her urges was so strong that she quickly stripped off her clothes and climbed under the covers of the bed, tossing and turning as she struggled to keep her hands from plunging between her legs.
What was happening to her? Why did she feel like this? Was it something the Japanese did to her?
She just couldn't help herself any longer. She put one hand between her legs and began rubbing her slit and found herself completely wet. Her other hand cupped one of her pert breasts, and soon the anxious teen began massaging her clitoris and nipples.
"Ummmmmmmmmmm," Drusilla let out a long soft moan. She let her mind and body float from into a heightened ecstatic state, giving in to her carnal urges with total abandon. Her hips began to buck upward as her fingers dipped ever deeper into her sweet slit. Her nubile body was trembling with excitement, and Drusilla began to fantasize about being tied up and teased.
"Unnnh! Unnnh! Unnnnnnnnh!" Drusilla began a rhythmic groan as she pinched her budding nipples and masturbated her steaming hot pussy. It was almost more than she could take, and she longed for something longer, thicker and harder inside of her. As her body began to tense with orgasmic seizures, she winced and emitted a long high-pitched squeal of ecstasy. "Aaaaaaah! Aaaaaaah! Aaaaiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!"
Her long extended climax nearly knocked her unconscious, and after the last of her intense orgasms rolled through her, Drusilla lay perspiring and gasping in the middle of the bed with her supple breasts heaving.
It took the Amazon teen several long minutes to recover, and she became very anxious when the urges returned, and she feared what it going to take to satisfy her craving. Drusilla decided she would have to keep doing it until she passed out from exhaustion.
Craven pulled his car up to Diana's apartment building. The entire way back from the Watergate hotel, Diana Prince hoped that Stark Craven did not sense her aroused state. With her nervous chatter, she tried to avoid appearing too eager and interested in him. Diana still had some basic instinctive resistance to men, and was still confused and puzzled by her attraction to Craven.
The mind control patch was totally successful. Craven knew all he had to do was ask Diana to have sex and she would comply without hesitation, but she did have to be told or commanded. Instead he decided the best course was to drive her to the edge until she almost had to beg for it.
"Well, I guess I'll see you in the morning," Craven said.
Diana was crestfallen. She had hoped that maybe he would suggest that he walk her upstairs, and then she would invite him in for a drink. Not that she had any liquor. There was a long pause until finally Diana gathered up her every nerve and asked Craven, "Would you like to come up for some coffee? We could maybe talk about the case and compare notes."
Craven smiled before answering. "Are you sure? You're not too tired?"
"Um. No. Actually I'm feeling wide awake," Diana responded anxiously with a chuckle. "I guess with everything that happened earlier, I still have some adrenaline pumping in my system."
"Yea, I guess I do too," Craven said. "Okay then, let's go up."
Diana was exhilarated, and she couldn't help have a wide smile and sparkle in her eyes as she climbed out of the car. As she entered her apartment building, Diana barely acknowledged her uniformed doorman Fred as he held the door for her and Craven as they walked in. She didn't notice his gaping stare while he got an eyeful of Diana's sumptuous ass packed into her miniskirt as she strutted toward the elevator with Craven.
"Holy cow," Fred muttered after the elevators closed as the night security man came back from his rounds.
"What's up, Freddy? You look like you just seen a vision."
"I think I just did, Eddie. I've never seen her take someone up to her place."
"Who?" Asked the puzzled Eddie.
"Ms. Prince in 405. And she was dressed like some high-class hooker. You know, like the ones that come and see Mr. Wolf in the penthouse every Friday. Jeez, that was one lucky stiff that was with her too."
"How come?"
"She looked all moon eyed," Fred explained with all seriousness.
"No kiddin'," Eddie grinned.
"If I'm lyin', I'm dyin'," Fred sighed as he imagined the possibilities.
The elevator opened onto the fourth floor, and Diana dug through her purse for her keys. Just as she placed the key in the lock, the shock of a realization froze her. She forgot all about Drusilla. Diana winced and then looked up at Craven with an odd expression. It was just like Drusilla to ruin her chance with Stark.
"Something wrong?" Craven asked with concern.
"No, not at all," Diana quickly replied. "It's just that...I sister is visiting me."
"Well, maybe some other time." Craven said casually. "I'll take a rain check on that coffee."
"No!" Diana exclaimed, and then calmed down quickly. "No. It's all right. Let me just change into something more...appropriate...and we can go out for coffee."
"Sure," Craven agreed.
"Great," Diana smiled as she opened the door and led Craven inside her tastefully decorated apartment, sighing with relief inside. "Why don't you have a seat? I'll just be a minute."
Craven, hands stuffed into his pockets, nodded and headed to a plush cushioned chair and made himself comfortable as Diana disappeared, presumably to her bedroom to change and wash up. He began to think about everything that had happened, beginning with Steve Trevor, Corben Glover, the mind control patches, Jennifer Marlow, the Japanese, the diamonds, and now the revelation of the real identity of Diana Prince as Wonder Woman. It troubled him that he would undoubtedly have to explain Masato's death, and Corben's disappearance would raise questions sooner or later. Suddenly he didn't feel like returning to IADC in the morning. Why should he? There was no valid reason to put up with the bureaucracy and headaches associated with the likes of Steve Trevor and any typical IADC superior that didn't know their ass from their elbow. Now was as good a time as any to retire.
He could volunteer to take the fall for the Japanese debacle and ride off into the sunset with millions in diamonds as well as total control of the world's greatest heroine. The more he thought about it, the more the idea appealed to him. He would suggest to Diana that she might want to quit in protest over Steve Trevor's indiscretion and disillusionment with her former mentor. Once he retired, he could go to his vacation home tucked away in the Virginia wilderness. He would bring along Diana and Jennifer Marlow. The possibilities there were endless. As the ideas fell into place, Stark Craven began to feel euphoric. His situation couldn't get any better.
"Oh! Uh...Hello," Came a voice from the across the room, and Craven was startled out of his reverie.
He looked up and saw Drusilla standing in the hallway from the bedroom area wearing only a large Georgetown College sweatshirt.
"Hi. I'm Stark Craven. I was just waiting for Diana," Craven said as he stood up quickly and tried to remember where he had seen her familiar face. "You must be Diana's sister."
"Yes, I'm Drusilla," The teen introduced herself, now self-conscious about her bare legs, hoping that the sweatshirt was covering her pubic area, but trying not to call any attention to it by acting embarrassed. "I know who you are. Diana's told me so much about you."
"It's all good I hope," Craven smiled.
"Oh, sure. She was going on and on about you," Drusilla admitted with a chuckle. "It kind of surprised me after how long she had been with Steve Trevor. As a partner I mean. It's too bad what happened."
"Well, I can't really comment on that."
"Oh, right, of course." Drusilla nodded vehemently. There was an uncomfortable pause, and Drusilla could swear Craven might spy her bare crotch, so she quickly continued the conversation as she walked toward the kitchen area. "Diana was real disappointed at first, but since she started working with you, she's all gung ho again."
"Is that right?"
"Oh, absolutely," Drusilla said. "Um, can I get you something from the kitchen?"
"Sure. A glass of water with ice." Craven said. He needed some time so he could remove one of the mind control patches from the sheet in his pocket. When Drusilla turned her back to reach into the refrigerator for ice, Craven peeled off one clear disk and tucked the sheet back into his jacket. He listened toward Diana's bedroom and heard the faint sound of a shower. Perfect.
Drusilla filled a glass with ice cubes and water took a peek down toward her waist. The sweater was covering her groin, but just barely. She wished she at least would have put on panties, but she wasn't exactly expecting company, and her panties were soaked anyway. All she could do was hope he didn't notice. Trying to keep his eyes on her face, she smiled wide as she brought him the glass of water.
"Thanks," Craven said as he took the glass with one hand and covered her passing hand with the other. He was surprised to recognize the scent of sex coming from Drusilla as he pretended to let the glass slip a bit in his fingers. She must have been masturbating before he arrived with Diana.
Excellent. He clasped her hand tight, deftly placing the chemical patch on the back of the teenager's hand. "Sorry, I got it."
Drusilla blushed as a sudden odd sensation came over her. Her natural disposition towards men in general was one of fascination. She was always envious of Diana's role in Washington away from boring Paradise Island. The starry eyed teen was totally unaware that a mind control chemical was now coursing through her system, increasing tenfold all her strong instincts towards men, and now especially the one standing before her, Stark Craven. Suddenly Drusilla found it hard not to stare at Craven with a look of adoration.
"Are you okay?" Craven asked, amazed that the patch worked so quickly on her. He thought back to the original research he had done with Corben, in where the chemical had the potential to turn women who had a higher than normal hormone level into libidinous, sex starved nymphomaniacs.
Just by looking at Drusilla, Craven could tell that this might be the case with Diana's young sister. It probably had something to do with the fact that she had been masturbating as well.
"Um...yes...I..." Drusilla stammered as she struggled to contain her feelings. She didn't know why she wanted to hug and kiss this man all of a sudden. It was forbidden for an Amazon to make intimate physical contact with men, unless they become corrupted by their influence. It was something Drusilla forever struggled with whenever she visited Diana, and got her into trouble more than once when she made the mistake of trusting the wrong men. But Stark was different. He was with IADC, working for good. It wouldn't be wrong to be attracted to him would it? "I don't know...I feel...never mind."
"I hope you don't mind me saying this, but I just have to tell you that you are a very attractive young girl," Craven said as he stepped closer to Drusilla as she in turn backed away. "I guess it runs in your family."
Drusilla blushed again as she smiled shyly and looked away as she backed up to a wall. Was Stark attracted to her too? It kind of bothered her that he was mildly comparing her to Diana. There would always be a sisterly competitiveness between her and Diana, and the fact that someone who worked closely with Diana was interested in her thrilled the blushing teen to no end. Drusilla giggled and asked, "You really think so?"
"Absolutely." Craven said, keeping one ear toward Diana's bedroom, where he still heard the faint sound of a shower. "And maybe sometime we could get together while you're here in town."
Drusilla nearly fainted. Great Hera! A date? That would be incredible! Her entire body was tingling with excitement. The more interest he showed in her, the more aroused and delirious the eager teen became. The nubile young teen had to use all the control possible not to tear at Craven's clothes. He was only inches from her trembling body.
Craven more than enjoyed watching Drusilla lose control. He decided to drive her to the edge stepping even closer to Drusilla until he was barely touching her body with his. He slowly reached forward and gently brushed the back of his free hand against her thigh, causing her to stiffen her lithe body.
Drusilla winced and moaned softly as Craven moved his hand higher. "Ummmmmmmm."
"Do you mind if I touch you like this?" Craven asked, already knowing the answer.
Drusilla could barely speak. She murmured a reply and shook her head 'no.' His touch was sending mind rending sensations through her body that she never thought possible. The confused teen began to question why her ancestors were so adamant against close relationships with men. It was incredible. She almost felt sorry for them for not realizing what they were missing. When Drusilla felt Craven cup the warm area between her shivering thighs, she groaned and almost fainted with an overwhelming passion.
"Please...stop..." Drusilla begged half-heartedly. Her instinct was still causing her resist this man's overwhelming influence, but it was battle she was losing very quickly.
"I really don't think you want me to," Craven said with a grin as he watched Drusilla tremble and sigh with her eyes closed as she melted under his touch. "But I think it would be better if you went to bed now Drusilla. I'm taking Diana out tonight, but I promise we will get together later and pick up where we left off. In the meantime, I want you to think about me when you go to bed. Will you do that?"
"Yes." Drusilla moaned as she opened her eyes and stared longingly up into Craven's face.
"You were touching your self before we came in weren't you?" Craven asked.
Drusilla's soft cheeks flushed a deep pinkish hue and she looked away embarrassed.
"There's nothing wrong with that. It's very normal for a healthy young girl like you," Craven assured the chaste teen. "Have you ever been with a man before?"
Drusilla gasped at the question, and whispered "No."
Craven grinned wide at the shivering teen's admission. "I want you to go now before Diana comes out, and after we leave, I want you to enjoy yourself again, just like before. Except I want you to think only about me while you do it. You'll do that for me, won't you, Drusilla?"
The sprite young Amazon was shaken by Craven's suggestive words, and she could only emit a soft mewling groan of desire. Her body was aching to be taken, and once again her pussy was dripping wet. She knew Craven could feel it through the material of the sweatshirt as it became slick with her sex juices.
"I want you to make yourself orgasm...three times," Craven said with a smile, pressing his fingers into the fold of her pillow soft groin. "You won't go to sleep until you've done it, will you Drusilla?"
"Unnnnnnnnh!" Drusilla sighed. She couldn't believe what he was asking, especially in light of the fact that she had already experienced several orgasms earlier that evening, some brought about by the Japanese, and the others by her own autoerotic manipulation. Drusilla didn't know how much more her body could take, but she was surprised to find that she was almost climaxing again already.
"That's a good girl," Craven said, whispering inches from her ear. "If you're successful, I may reward you with something very special. You won't lie to me will you? I'll know if you're lying."
Drusilla whimpered and shook her head back and forth to let Craven know she wouldn't dare lie.
"Go to your room now," Craven said, sending the teen on her way with a soft slap to her firm rump.
He grinned as Drusilla squealed and quickly tip toed to her room to do as she was ordered. As she disappeared, Craven thought about how much he was going to enjoy deflowering the virgin Amazon.
Craven finished his glass of water to calm down. He had a raging erection in his pants that he hoped would go down before Diana returned. After several minutes, Diana Prince returned from her bedroom, showered and changed. She wore a tight fitting pair of gray slacks and a black tank top pullover. Craven noticed she had her hair now pulled back into her usual conservative ponytail, but she was without her glasses, which was unusual. Craven sensed that Diana wanted to look as attractive as possible for him.
"Shall we go?" Diana asked with her cupid lips formed into a pretty smile.
"Absolutely." Craven said eagerly, and the two of them headed out the door.
As Stark Craven drove through the near empty streets of Washington, he could sense very anxious behavior from Diana Prince. She sat fidgeting and nervous next to him, as if she were dying to tell him something. He knew exactly what she wanted, so he decided to put her out of her misery.
"Why don't we go to my place?" Craven said. "I'd like to kick off my shoes and relax...if you don't mind."
Diana was hesitant to answer at first. It was the first time a man had ever invited her to his home where the two of them would be alone. Years of Amazon teaching back on Paradise Island had prepared her to refuse suggestions like this, but her own will was telling her otherwise. She wanted nothing more at that moment than to be alone with Stark Craven.
"I don't mind at all," Diana finally answered, feeling a combination of excitement, guilt and an overwhelming rush of profound arousal. She wanted to tell him that she couldn't wait, but used every ounce of will power to keep silent instead.
"Great," Craven said as he stepped on the gas ever so slightly. He couldn't wait to get Diana Prince in bed, and when they finally arrived at his townhouse, he led her inside as quickly as possible. Once inside his home, Craven left the light off. Instead, his first move was to grab Diana by the arms and pull her close to him and kiss her full on the mouth. He felt Diana melt in his firm grasp, giving in to his desire.
They kissed for several minutes as Craven let his hands roam over Diana's statuesque body. He reached down and cupped her buttocks and pushed her close until his groin was crushed into hers. With his other hand Craven cupped Diana's plump left breast and massaged it gently.
"Ummmmmmmm," Diana moaned as she hugged Craven tightly. She could feel his erection pressing into the crevice between her legs and her body responded by turning rigid with passion.
Craven was hard as a pole, and with adrenaline pumping through his body, he lifted Diana into his arms and carried her into his bedroom and lay her on his bed. He began to undress as Diana did the same, and when the two of them were both totally nude, Craven climbed onto the bed and slid in between Diana's tensed thighs and entered her easily as he suckled on her full mounds. Diana's body arched upward at the exquisite sensations that rolled through her body. Craven did not move at first, only relishing the warm wet tightness of Diana's sex while he fondled and licked her breasts. He couldn't believe how wet she was.
He also couldn't believe he was about to make love to an Wonder Woman. Then he felt something pop inside Diana. An incredible thought flashed through his mind. Of course! Diana Prince had never been with a man before like this. She was a virgin. The realization made him more aroused than ever, and he began to pump deep and slow into Diana, pressing her into the bed.
Diana moaned loudly as she received Craven's stiff organ. The sharp pain of her broken hymen began fading away. Her hands were all over his back, her nails digging into his flesh as he entered as deeply as he could, filling Diana to the hilt. Diana began to kiss and suck Craven's neck and shoulder as he continued to grind deep and hard inside her. Breaking the Amazon law of being with a man was now far from her mind. She was ready to forsake everything she had ever been taught by The Queen, if only if it meant being with Stark like this.
Craven began to move quicker, thrusting his hips harder, making Diana gasp loudly as she braced her arms up against the headboard as he drove her forward into the pillows. Her long toned legs were wrapped tight around Craven's waist and locked at the ankles as she urged him on. As Craven rammed her relentlessly, Diana emitted a high-pitched squeal of passion,
Their taut bodies tensed and slid against one another, changing positions frequently, almost violently.
As Diana mounted Craven from on top, Craven looked up at her and reached for her jiggling mounds, to crush them in his palms. Her hips were rolling and grinding hard on his stiff cock, and he reveled in the fact that he was fucking Diana Prince, a fellow agent, once a close comrade of Steve Trevor. She was no longer the prim and proper agent he knew at IADC headquarters. Now she was a wild and passionate goddess who was totally enamored with him due to his own chemical device. He could do whatever he wanted with her and she would not refuse one request. Then he thought of her alter ego, Wonder Woman.
Craven rolled Diana back onto her back and penetrated her deeply. As he slammed into her with force, he whispered into Diana's ear, "Is there anything that you want to tell me, Diana?"
Diana was barely conscious of his question, she was so far into the mind melting experience of their act. She didn't know why he was asking her that question, and she finally shook her head and moaned "No."
"Are you sure?" Craven reiterated as he gave her a deep thrust.
"Um hum." Diana winced as her lover filled her.
Craven decided not to pursue it. Instead, he picked up his pace and began to thrust harder and faster, until the entire bed was shaking. He fucked his agent as hard as he could, poring every ounce of his strength into one last series of thrusts as he began to climax, shooting his load deep inside her.
Diana Prince could feel Craven's body grow rigid, and her body responded by imploding with an orgasm of intense power, her body arching upward. Diana groaned with deep passion and screamed out as she climaxed, "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!
Then it was over.
Craven rolled off of Diana and onto his back to catch his breath. It was the most intense sex he had ever experienced, and he had been with some of the most talented whores and sexually experienced women around the world. It was the fuck of a lifetime, and it was only going to get better.
Diana was exhausted and exhilarated. It was past two o'clock in the morning and she had been through so much that evening, in addition to the last few days. Her mind and body were drained as the release of her orgasm washed all her tension away. She slipped into a euphoric state and began to drift off to sleep.
Craven leaned up on one elbow and looked down at Diana's nude form. She had an incredible body, and he thought of all the ways he was going to enjoy it. But first, he had to sort through a few things.
"Diana, are you asleep?" Craven said softly as he reached over to cup her warm mound.
"Mmmmmmm?" Diana moaned.
"Just relax and listen to the sound of my voice," Craven commanded. She was in the perfect state for what he needed. "I want to ask you a few questions, and I want you to answer very honestly."
"Um hum."
Craven paused several seconds, his heart pounding. This was the moment of truth. "Are you Wonder Woman?"
There was silence. Craven could see the look of confusion on Diana's face in the dim light of the room. She was struggling with her will to answer. Finally she muttered softly, "Yes."
"That's nice, Diana." Craven said, keeping his voice even. "I'm glad you told me."
Diana smiled thinly. Craven knew it would be good to keep her in a pleasant mood. It would make her admissions come easier. "When you are Wonder Woman, you are very strong aren't you?"
Diana nodded. Her body was reacting positively to the combination of his gentle massage and voice.
"Do you have any weaknesses?"
Again Diana took a few moments to answer. "Yes."
"Tell me what they are."
Diana's eyebrows furrowed while she kept her eyes closed. "I shouldn't...tell you."
"It's all right." Craven assured her. "You can tell me. You should tell me."
"I...lose my strength...without my belt."
"That's very interesting Diana. I'm glad you told me that."
"Ummmm," Diana purred as Craven gave slipped his finger in her wet slit to reward her answer.
"Now tell me about your powers as Wonder Woman."
"I...uuunnhh...I'm strong...jump fast."
"Yes, I've heard that you can block bullets with your bracelets too," Craven said. "What else?"
"My lasso."
"What about it?"
"I can use it on anyone...Ummmmmmmm.... make them tell...the truth."
"That's incredible," Craven whispered as he massaged her clitoris, making Diana hiss with desire.
"Now tell me about your sister, Drusilla. Is she an Amazon too?"
"Yes..." Diana moaned. "Wonder Girl."
Then it hit Craven like a flash. The girl in the elevator at the hotel was Drusilla. While Wonder
Woman fought and defeated the Japanese, Wonder Girl must have been there too to help her.
"Interesting." Craven said as he began to bring Diana to another climax. After she exploded again,
Craven commanded Diana to go to sleep. He lay next to her warm body and began to churn ideas in his mind. He was too excited to sleep, so he got up to take a shower. Fantasizes about the possibilities of having Wonder Woman, Wonder Girl and Jennifer Marlow began to run through his head, and Craven becomes erect again.
He quickly finished showering, dried off and returned to his warm bed. He shifted his body sideways while he slowly pushed Diana's head down toward his crotch. Once there, he slipped his cock into her warm eager mouth and allowed her to suckle him the rest of the night.
5 - One Week Later
"Here you go, Craven, all you have to do is sign this, and you're officially retired," said IADC director Edward Holmes as he slid a sheet of paper across his desk to Stark Craven. "I just want to say we won't forget about you taking the fall for the Japanese case and preventing an international incident. When we found out Masato was the nephew of their ambassador here, I almost had a heart attack. Of course we had to do something so they could save face. You know how they are about honor and all that."
"All too well," Craven replied as he scribbled his signature across the bottom of the official form. "By the way, what's the latest with Steve Trevor?"
"Trevor's not in too good a shape right now. He didn't like having to take mandatory sexual harassment classes and some sexual addiction therapy. He's also not too happy about Diana Prince quitting on him."
"That's too bad." Craven said, trying to keep a straight face.
"Yeah. Prince was a good agent. We'll miss her." Holmes sighed.
"So, what have you got planned? Travel? Some golf?"
"I'm just going to go home and relax," Craven smiled as he got up from his chair. "I just closed on a little split level lakeside home with some money I put away over the years."
"That sounds great, Craven. I really envy you," Holmes said as he shook Craven's extended hand firmly. "Well, good luck. Keep in touch."
"Will do," Craven said, as he walked out of the office. He made a few cursory farewells to some of the other IADC agents and personnel. He rode down the elevator and exited the headquarters building with a huge smile on his face. His next stop was a downtown bank, to verify a wire transfer of seventeen million dollars as payment on a case of diamonds. The bank officer greeted him with an enthusiastic manner. He was an old buddy from Craven's military days, and he readily agreed not to report the huge transaction as required by government banking laws. It was the least he could do as a favor to the man who once saved his ass in combat. When Craven walked out of the bank, he was now retired and wealthy. Now it was time to go home and enjoy the fruits of his labor.
6 - A Few Weeks Later
Stark Craven couldn't have been in a more luxurious position if he tried. It was early in the evening. Drusilla was dressed in a schoolgirl uniform of white blouse, plaid skirt, short socks and saddle shoes. Her hair was in two bouncy pigtails, and she was currently on her knees before him giving Craven mind-blowing oral sex while he sat back in his plush leather recliner. Drusilla was an expert now after hours and hours of training and Craven's instructions. The eager teen knew exactly what he liked now, using his stiff cock like a cherry ice cream pop, licking and slurping like crazy while she stared up at him with her pretty brown eyes. She couldn't get enough of him down her throat.
Most of the time Craven had Drusilla act like a giggling young schoolgirl, either wearing the schoolgirl uniform, a cheerleader outfit, or a variety of string bikinis or tiny cutoff shorts and halter tops. Craven had her addicted to having something wetting her moist lips or in her eager young mouth, so when she wasn't constantly sucking his cock, she was slurping on Popsicles or lollipops.
Wonder Woman was across the room, wrestling on the carpet with Jennifer Marlow, who waswearing a sheer black bodysuit and patent leather heels. Wonder Woman was attempting to tie Jennifer up with her golden lasso as the busty blonde panted and struggled. It was a game Craven sometimes ordered them to play while Drusilla pleasured him. He enjoyed watching them catfight, and he had to take away Wonder Woman's belt to give Jennifer a fighting chance. The catfights were just a few of the diversions he created for his trio of sexually aroused female pets. Sometimes Craven had them wrestle naked in a mud pit in the backyard, or on a mat smeared with a slick coat of body oil. He even used them in his own personal wet t-shirt contests, spraying them down with a water hose wile they danced for him on his pool deck. At those times, he later moved the three of them into the Jacuzzi, where he held a breath holding contest to see who could blow him underwater the longest as Drusilla rubbed his shoulders.
There were a number of other fetishes Craven used his women to indulge in. Making them suck each other's toes or tickle each other's feet. Spanking was also a favorite, especially when he had Wonder Woman tie up the protesting Jennifer and swat her firm ass as she held her down firm across her lap. Sometimes they would switch roles, and Jennifer would play the villainess and spank the bound Wonder Woman. The helpless heroine role-playing would generate even greater instances of costume play.
Craven especially enjoyed when Jennifer took on the role of a villainous nurse, complete with nurses cap, a white, ultra tight uniform with a hemline to mid thigh, white hose with lines up the back, and ultra high heel pumps. Nurse Marlow would perform gynecological examinations or enemas on Wonder Woman and Wonder Girl. Or gas them to sleep on an exam table. Other times, Jennifer would dress as a Nazi She Wolf, and torture the Amazon heroines with light whipping and an assortment of vibrators. Each time Jennifer played a leather or latex clad dominatrix villainess, she would use chloroform to capture the valiant but hapless heroines, and then expertly tie and gag them in an endless variety of stringent bondage positions. Craven would sit back and watch, occasionally videotaping the proceedings with his camcorder.
When it was time for dinner or housework, Craven would have Jennifer dress up as a French Maid and speak with a sexy French accent as she dusted. He would also make Wonder Woman wear a frilly apron as she vacuumed the floors or fetched his drinks. Craven enjoyed seeing the world's greatest heroine as his personal servant. Even as she her performed menial tasks, she always had her soft cleft chin jutted proudly. He never tired of staring at her beautiful clear blue eyes, cupid bow lips, high cheekbones, and especially her generous cleavage as it spilled above the bustier of her satin Wonder Woman costume. She was a classic beauty in every sense, and she was at his total beck and call.
Having three insatiable, voraciously sex-starved women was all that Stark Craven needed right now, and he used the them to his every sexual advantage and to satisfy his every dark desire when they all retired to bed each night. But the inevitable probability that he would get bored with them was in the back of his mind. Therefore, he had tentative plans for the future to make Wonder Woman reveal the secret location of her home on Paradise Island. Then he would have the Amazon fly him there in her invisible jet along with Drusilla and Jennifer. Once on the idyllic island, he could use his mind control patches to enslave the Queen. Once she was under his complete control, all the rest of the stunning and voluptuous Amazons would fall in line, he would live out the rest of days in utter bliss by impregnating their entire population.
But that would have to wait. Right now, Wonder Woman was fondling the tightly bound and gagged Jennifer Marlow's huge breasts, and he was unloading into Drusilla's furiously sucking mouth.