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Lady Justice

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:22 am
by ricky1989
First of all, thanks to tallyho, for help me to translate and for the advice, thank you!!! :)

This is my first story, hope is not garbage :)

Lady Justice

Jennifer Lawrence/ Jennifer Star-Lady Justice


Blake Lively/ Lara Dean


Elizabeth Hurley/ Margot Fenix


Part 1

The city of Megacity is considered the most developed on the globe. It is also the home of the most famous superhero in the world, Lady Justice. LJ's secret identity is that of Jennifer Star, an important entrepreneur in the technology sector and main shareholder of Star IndustrIes.

Jennifer founded the company just after graduation and in a short time with a steady and rapid growth it has become (thanks to her inventions) extremely profitable, making her one of the richest women in the city.

Jennifer had been a lover of comics since she was a child, especially those on superheroes and had always dreamed of helping her city through her company. Seeing the city and the whole world in the grip of violence and a total loss of humanity and values, she ​​had studied for years to find a way to create a serum to increase strength and develop powers, with the intentions of the Star Industries providing this serum to the police. She had ties with this sector of society to which JS felt very close, being the daughter of a mother who was a policewoman, who died in service when she was just 15 years old.

But 2 years ago with the serum still in development Megacity was hit by a devastating fire that had destroyed one of the most impressive buildings in a popular district of the city.

Seeing the images on TV, with the distressed troops and rescue services, JS decided that the moment had come to test the serum ... and she chose to test it directly on herself.

All tests had a positive outcome, but it had never been tested on animals (JS was totally opposed to this type of test) and above all never tested on any person, but the drama that was occurring was enormous and JS decided that 'there was no time to waste ... ' and injected the syringe that contained the serum. According to her calculations it would take effect in a few minutes and so it was.

At the first administration of the serum the effects were as expected by the doctors - the development of a super strength and a greater resistance that in the calculations should make
the subject immune to bullets She tested its powers directly in her laboratory, raising heavy machinery several tons and trying to pierce the skin with various materials, starting from the simple needle of a syringe until you get laser beams that simulate the power of bullets. All tests were positive and she was full of excitement, but at the same time also concern and fear.

JS was wearing a black suit, a Venetian-style mask she had bought for a masquerade party that was due to have been held a few weeks later and set off for the burning building where the situation was becoming more and more dramatic.

Arriving at the destination, she rushed into the building, easily avoiding the perimeter of security around it and began to take people out of the upper floors, realizing immediately that the searing flames did not affect her skin, but at the same time she still had to be quick, because the building was about to collapse and she don't want to die the fist day of helping people.

Thanks to her superpowers she could carry many people together and after about 10 minutes after she entered the burning building no one was left inside. Once all the people were safely rescued, JS's presence did not remain unnoticed in the eyes of the people at the fire and thanks to cell phones, images of JS's rescue went around the world in just a few minutes. Everyone asked the same question: Who is the mystery woman? The whole world was in shock including the journalist Lara Dean of the Megacity Post who was on the scene of the fire and the tycoon Margot Fenix, sitting in her office at Fenix ​​Global, an entrepreneur in the technology and television industry .

Back in her laboratory, JS sat in her office, the emotion for what had happened was intense. She had saved many lives. Thanks to her, many children, boys and girls, women and men would continue to live hopefully long and happy lives and at that moment appeared tears of joy on the face of JS . She no longer had doubts. Looking at the picture frame of her mother in uniform was born Lady Justice.

To be continued...

Re: Lady Justice

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 11:26 am
by DrDominator9
A good start here. Consider using a bit more specific descriptions in the action scenes you write. You have to imagine the various senses that would be involved in the moment and put them in there so the reader can better appreciate what's going on. Add in simple cues like the flashing lights of the police cars, the shouts of the firemen calling for hoses, the smell of the smoke coming out the front door. You don't have to overload it but even one quick descriptive phrase can set the moment in the mind's eye.

Your plotting right now is fine and you've got me intrigued about where you will take this. Keep it up and enjoy the process.

Good luck, Ricky.

Re: Lady Justice

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2018 3:33 am
by Get Your Exxon
First off, congrats and thanks for sharing. My one criticism is this: I felt like I’m reading a synopsis or a news recap rather than a story. It’s not that the ideas are bad - they’re not - but you need scenes. And then you need to bring those scenes to life with your own blend of character, dialogue and description.

Basically, don’t just tell me about the journey, take me on it. The ideas are there. Keep going. I can’t wait to see where this goes. Good luck and bravo. It takes courage to do what you’ve done. I wish I could be as brave as you. Nothing but respect.

Re: Lady Justice

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2018 4:49 pm
by ricky1989
Thanks for the support

Re: Lady Justice

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 5:00 pm
by ricky1989

In the weeks that followed, JS concentrated totally on perfecting the serum and, besides improving strength and invulnerability, managed to add a fundamental power to its purpose. She managed to add the ability to make leaps hundreds of meters long and through her power it was also able to remain suspended in the air for several seconds, certainly the closest thing to flight that she could get.

She also created a costume, essential to be a heroine, the main color of the costume was that of purity, white, with the initials LJ in red on the prosperous chest and red shorts to cover the thighs of the superhero, white boots at the feet and obviously the fundamental garment for JS, the mask also white to protect its identity.

Since she was a child, JS pushed by her mother, had done martial arts courses, and so she obviously spent a large part of her time training and extending her knowledge about the various methods of fighting, especially studying training techniques and MMA fighting.

Some 4 months on from the burning building incident, with the whole world still focusing its attention on the mysterious savior, JS decided it was time. LJ was ready to be a superheroine in all respects.

2 years later

At Megacity they honor Justice Day, the day on which justice is celebrated in general, but the whole world symbolizes the day with Lady Justice, the superheroine loved by all and the main pride of Megacity, LJ is an inspiration for boys and girls and is loved by everyone, the crime rate is reduced to the bone, apart from rare attempts by some improvised enemies, perhaps in possession of some particularly developed weapon like Electic and his electric gun or The Shadow with his particular cloak that made him intangible. LJ did not have particular problems with her opponents and the press was full with the stories of her rescues. Only the newspaper and the satellite channel belonging to Fenix ​​Global have challenged the superhero on the lack of revelation of her identity and have tried to instill in listeners and readers a sort of fear regarding the "invincibility" of the heroine a fear that such power may awake in her "the mania of being God".

Among the journalists who follow LJ's work stood out Lara Dean, who like almost all her colleagues was practically a "groupie" of LJ. The superheroine, in spite of her secret identity, has never been shy towards the press and even if she had never released an exclusive interview, almost at every rescue she stopped to talk to the media.

JS spends an important amount of time in the role of heroine, but manages not to neglect the activities of her company, such that it has increased its commercial power and continues to be in strong stage of development. The same can not be said of her private life, which is affected by her time being almost entirely dedicated to his company and her role as protector of MC is practically full time. JS's last boyfriend dates back to almost three years ago and in the following years only passing flirtations were reported by magazines and gossip sites, and many friendships were lost over time.

In the offices of the Fenix ​​Global corporation, the tycoon Margot Fenix observed the festival ​​on her giant screen, not concealing a deep irritation to the celebrations for LJ. The love and admiration that the city spreads for her heroine is what she has always dreamed for herself, heir of the Fenix empire, which has always been closely linked to the city. Her destiny had deserved that adulation about two years ago, on the very day of her ascent as president of the family business, her great day that she had been waiting for all her life, was the same day of the first appearance of LJ, the perfect superheroine, the blonde that everyone loves, the beloved daughter of MC.

But fate was knocking at the door of the tycoon even on that night ...

At the door of the office of Margot Fenix two very elegant men showed up, presenting themselves to her. Dmitri and Santis, had called by Fenix because they were exponents of two embassies of countries struggling with the United States. In the world LJ was seen especially as an American heroine and to the countries politically opposed to the United States this was not liked and secretly some of these nations had carried out development projects to create their own heroine, some for the prospect of propaganda and national pride and others, like those of Dmitri and Santis, with the aim of defeating LJ and humiliating and attacking America.

Thanks to informants Fenix was able to have secret information that two countries had reached the point of developing their own serum, serum on which Fenix wanted to get their hands ...

Re: Lady Justice

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 5:16 pm
by DrDominator9
More intriguing set-up here. Nice

I still see a tendency to tell rather than show but that's the nature of this chapter.

Re: Lady Justice

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 8:54 am
by ricky1989
Part 3
Thanks to my friend Tallyho for the help!

Irina Shayk - Tigress


Lady Justice was delivering the criminal to the police, when she felt a shift of air behind her. Yet even with her superpowers she did not have time to react and was hit from behind and fell to the ground in an instant. She turned and saw a woman in a costume with a black bodice with red stripes on her hips, and a red mask. She was taller than Lady Justice, but with a more slender body.

"Who are you?" the heroine shouted, surprised by the power of the blow. Immediately, Lady Justice went after her rival with confidence and the woman with a Russian accent answered with a provocative tone

"A Superheroine, surprised? Are you not used to dealing with women with your own strength?
My name is Tigress and I will make you and your country cry"at that point the super villain threw herself on LJ and with long and sharp nails she tried to hit the heroine.

She just managed to avoid being hit, but not without great difficulty.

'She is strong and agile, " thought the heroine, "certainly the strongest opponent I've faced since I became Lady Justice". The heroine was hit by a fist in the abdomen and a strike to the head, as Tigress slammed the back of LJ’s head to the floor with an audible smack. The heroine was scratched by Tigress, her costume showed cuts that had also scratched the skin of the heroine a little.

She had underestimated her rival and realized that continuing to stand on the defensive and back away sooner or later would lead to her being seriously injured and so she went on to the counterattack, crouching low with her body and trying with her left leg to hit the opponent in the legs with a sweep to knock her off balance. But Tigress was very agile and with a quick jump not only did she avoid the blow, but she struck with a flying kick to the face of the American heroine, who again hit the ground.

The blow hurt her pride , she who had never before been so distressed by an opponent or adversary.

"Need a hand?" said the Tigress say sarcastically.

"She is quicker, stronger and more skilled than all my enemy so far" thought the heroine, who took a risky decision and jumped on the opponent for a hand-to-hand fight, conscious of risking being hit by the claws of Tigress "It is undoubtedly more agile than me" thought the heroine

The two exchanged numerous blows, advancing and backing away into a now deserted square Lady Justice threw punch after punch to Tigress face and belly.

Fortunately for Lady Justice her preparation and her power were superior to those of her opponent who showed signs of fatigue, slowing down and with weaker strikes of her own . Tigress body was bruised and battered and the heroine connected with a vicious knee to Tigress head that saw her enemy dropping to the ground.

Then she grabbed her by the shoulders and lifted her up and started pounding punches into Tigress belly. Soon, Tigress’s movements slowed and a jab of LJ's stretched out Tigress flat on her back, only semi-conscious in the center of the square.

"Surrender" exclaimed the heroine looking down at the barely conscious enemy, now helpless. The villain was exhausted and had been completely overwhelmed by Lady Justice. She was utterly at the heroine's mercy. But now she extracted from her costume a small kind of pill, swallowed and before Lady Justice had a chance to do anything, the body decomposed, leaving only ash with the heroine stunned by what was happening in front of her eyes "There is something big and dangerous at stake, I had never faced an adversary able to keep up with me for so long and why commit suicide when she was defeated? How did she have these powers? "were the thoughts in the heroine's head.

Lara Dean and her colleagues reached the victorious heroine, but this time she did not stop to talk to the press and Lara Dean, who now knew Lady Justice quite well, noticed the disquiet of the Megacity champion. For the first time since she appeared on the scene, she seemed nervous and not so sure of herself, even in triumph. She seemed worried.

Re: Lady Justice

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2018 3:39 am
by wondergirlsupragirl
Wow, Lady Justice is a true heroine saving many lives & she, definitely knows her combat moves. I'm really liking the tough fight action with the interesting heroic storyline. Awesome story, can't wait to read more.

Re: Lady Justice

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2019 8:15 pm
by ricky1989
Last part of the story, very thank you to Tallyho for the help

The workers of the city began to clear the square of the rubble. Obviously the area showed signs of battle and no one paid much attention to a man intent on observing the ground and not interested in anything else. The man bent, pulled something from his pocket, scraped up something from the ground and pulled out his phone "Mrs. Fenix? As expected the Russians have failed miserably and I managed to recover what he had asked me, the blood sample of Tigress"

"Perfect" exclaimed MF sitting comfortably in her office "Those idiots should have accepted my offer and my advice, but no one can stop Margot Felix, starting from that sample of blood I can perfect the serum" thought the businesswoman looking at the on screen images of LJ .

"Enjoy your glory LJ, as long as it lasts"

Weeks after the battle JS was still troubled by what had happened, she had always known that with the passing of time her enemies would have studied something to oppose her strength, but the dynamics of the battle and the suicide at the end of Tigress was the clear signal that it was not an isolated attempt, but a plan well studied and conceived, probably by more people. JS, in the role of Lady Justice, had looked for evidence of any kind that could make her discover something, but also the man responsible for the first attack had taken his life in the same way as Tigress. Even LD had many suspicions about the attack, suspicions of which he continued to speak in his articles on the Megacity Post, articles that attracted the attention of JS who decided to visit the journalist in the role of LJ. LJ landed on the terrace of the apartment of LD and saw the young man watching TV, entered using the open window of the living room and surprised the journalist

"LJ! To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit? " he exclaimed surprise.

" I need to talk to you about your attack on the central square, I suspect it's a much bigger and more dangerous project for the city "

"I have my own idea, but the story is closed at the moment, nobody knows anything about it. It seems the two bad guys have appeared out of nowhere and their disappearance has left no trace"

"I understand, I thank you for your attention to the story and please be careful, the people involved will surely do everything possible to keep the information hidden"

"Do not worry LJ, I will pay attention and thanks again for everything you do for the city"

The two began to talk about what LJ represented for the city, what it meant to be a heroine and other things. JS had always been intrigued by this handsome journalist who followed her from the beginning and his articles were her favorites, she loved his way of writing and the passion that was transmitted through his articles. They spent hours talking finally without cameras and microphones and LJ found it pleasant.

Kylie Burnbury- Jenna Smith


"Finally," MF yelled into his laboratory, had finally managed to finish the processing of the serum recovered from the blood of Tigress and had made numerous checks to improve it. All tests had a positive outcome and finally seemed ready to be tested and MF had studied the best way to use it. In these months she had thought a lot about what was needed to find the best antagonist to LJ, during this research there came to her eyes the articles of a blog, which were full of hatred and jealousy towards LJ, a hatred similar to that felt by MF. Perfect according to the magnate, to create a motivated nemesis. The research led to the name of the blogger, Jenna Smith, a young independent journalist who had lost her job at the Megacity Post because of her hatred of LJ.

MF organized a meeting with the blogger in her office. The blogger, a young 26 year old, brunette, with a very athletic body and dressed in a tight red shirt and aN even tighter skirt that emphasized her body, explained her pure hate for LJ and for the superheroes in general, always revered by the people and yet they believe themselves above the law. LJ also had jailed David, Jenna's boyfriend at the beginning of his business, a drug dealer in a popular district. For all this Jenna blamed LJ and had a strong hatred of the superheroes.When MF stated the proposals to have the same skills, but with very different purposes, the young journalist accepted without hesitation.

"I can not wait to crush that bitch," she exclaimed enthusiastically

The operations moved to an abandoned Felix Global site and after several days of analysis and preparation came the big day,. JM took the serum and immediately felt her body change and strengthen. She wanted to go out and try out her powers, but she was stopped by MF - it was not yet time for her, she would have to train, know her new powers and limits and study LJ's tactics and moves. She had to be ready to do anything to destroy the heroine and humiliate her in front of the city.

Intense weeks went by for the young blogger, but in the end the training gave the desired result. When MF told jenna she was ready to go out into the open, the two women hugged and in her study she revealed a surprise to the young woman, - the costume ... it was totally identical to that of LJ, only that it was black with red lettering LI, - Lady Injustice. The mask was black.

The blogger looked excitedly at the costume and looking at the magnate exclaimed "the end of LJ has come, her life will cease - TODAY"

It was a quiet spring afternoon and JS, once she had completed her activities, was relaxing in her office on the top floor of the Star Industry headquarters. Suddenly her attention was drawn to the television with the breaking news of an attack by a mysterious woman at MC's mall. The woman was destroying the building, but whilst she was destroying the whole structure, she did not attack people. Witnesses told that she screamed the name of Lady Justice. JS did not hesitate and once she put on her tight and sexy costume she sprung into action to reach the area. When she arrived at her destination, she approached detective Alvarez "Detective, what are we dealing with?"

"LJ, we have no idea, we have collected some testimony of people on the run, it seems that she is equipped with a superforce, some say like yours"

"Nobody can compete with me," the heroine replied

Once she entered the structure LJ heard nothing. There was a deep silence. She walked slowly, trying to see something, but she did not observe anything until a woman in a black costume came down from the top and stood in front of her.

"Well, well, well, finally the city's most beloved has arrived ... I now say that you would not come again"

"I see you're a lover of my costume, and what do those letters mean?"

"I am Lady Injustice, the woman who will bury you and your arrogance"

"You're just another girl who dares to challenge me, try your best shot" but in the soul of the heroine was a feeling of discomfort, something never felt before.

LI did not let her repeat and lashed vehemently at LJ and with a right hand she threw her to the top floor of the mall. LJ got up, but did not have time to stand in wait for her nemesis to stand in front of her and with a series of right, left, right, she sent her against the wall "Fuck, she's fucking hard"

The two came back to collide and this time it was the superhero that pulled a series of punches that stunned her opponent who replied with a fist in the chest that took the breath from LJ who felt the negative feeling grow in her stomach.

The two continued to exchange blows of a devastating power, booming even outside the shopping center where the curious crowd had gathered and journalists were waiting to understand what was happening inside, while MF followed everything from her office

"Courage, you are Lady Justice, the city trusts in you" repeated the heroine to herself, stuck in the exchange of powerful shots with her opponent. The fight lasted for more than 15 minutes, usually it took no more than 5 minutes to put a ko on her enemies.

An opponent's kick sent LJ to the mat

"That's all? I was expecting much more from the invincible heroine of MC, "said LI
With the exchange still ongoing between the two, LJ now in a panic and incredulous to have an opponent on her level, in a desperate attempt to hit LI with a right jab is unbalanced and her nemesis leaves no escape, hitting her on the solar plexus and leaving her breathless, unable to move. The superheroine remained like a punching bag, easy prey for LI now, exalted because she was dominating what she believed the invincible. Right, right, left, right, left -all struck with unprecedented strength and without mercy. From the eyes of LJ came tears because she had disappointed her city and the memory of her mother, but the worst was yet to come.

Slammed against the walls, now destroyed and physically and emotionally defeated LJ suffered the final humiliation.

"Now stupid bitch let's see who hides behind the mask"

"No, I beg you no, please, please!!!!"

"Nooo? Hahahhaha, I will destroy you in every way. I have dreamed of destroying you for years, now you must be so ashamed, you will not let yourself be seen anymore, and no one else will decide to become a fucking superhero "

"Noooooo" LJ's desperate screams were heard outside, but no one understood from which of the young girls they came

She took the heroine's head and slammed it against the wall

"Finally you will pay your arrogance"

She felt a sense of almost sexual excitement in forcing her to remove the mask from LJ's face

"WTF, you're Jennifer Star, I can not believe it, Jennifer Star is Lady Justice!!!"

JS tried to hide her face with her hands and hair, but there was now nothing she could do, - she had been defeated, she had been humiliated by an adversary stronger than her, her identity had been discovered, her her career as both LJ and as an entrepreneur was over ... but her suffering had not yet ended.

For several minutes outside, nothing was heard, the population and the journalists were nervous, usually LJ was quick to finish her enemies, reassuring for the population and the press and then quickly deliver them to the police, but this time it was different. Tthere was something that did not go as usual and there was an evident tension in the air.

Not hearing noises for a long time and Lara Dean decided to join a group of brave journalists and a cameraman who broadcast live, the whole world attached to TV to discover the inside of the mall completely destroyed and full of rubble, but of the women with superpowers there was no trace. Past a pile of rubble LD in the front row saw the image that would travel by the cameras to shock the world, - to a semi-destroyed column was attached Lady Justice or rather Jennifer Star, destroyed, her costume bloodied and face swollen with blood coming out of her mouth. The superheroine was conscious, but her eyes were totally extinguished; she seemed powerless and humiliated, her arms attached to the column by the steel cables.

"Here you are your heroine, the pride of the city, does not seem so proud now. You have entrusted yourself to this woman who was hiding her face and now I showed you, the face of Lady Bluff, Jennifer Star"

The heroine tried to say something, but every form of energy had left her body and only managed to whisper a feeble 'Noo'

The journalists as well as the people in front of the TV were in shock, their heroine had been destroyed and her identity unveiled, in the front row Lana Dean felt a strong anger, could not believe the malice she was assisting, the moment was interrupted by the sound of all the cell phones of journalists who rang after a notification, someone had uploaded on the internet the video of the struggle between the two women and the defeat, with Lady Justice completely humiliated by Lady Injustice

In her office meanwhile Margot Felix could not contain the joy looking and watching the video of the humiliation and unmasking of LJ that she had just uploaded on the internet. She had been to place those cameras in the previous weeks and had calculated her plan in minute detail. As expected in the next few minutes she was to be contacted from various countries to get the serum with offers that would make her very rich ...

3 months later...

Jennifer Star had completely disappeared from the scene as her alter ego Lady Justice, the crime rate had reached a very high level, the city and the country were on an unprecedented course, people had lost confidence in justice. Yet there were some who did not give up, such as the woman who broke into the now abandoned headquarters of the Star Industry. After hours of searching she found a passage not marked on any plan of the building that led from the office of Dr. Star to a secret laboratory

"Bingo," Lara Dean whispered
"Justice will come back".


Re: Lady Justice

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2019 11:39 am
by DrDominator9
Well, that story didn't end the way I expected it to end at all. Not a bad thing, by the way. I guess I expected you'd want to develop the character more over time.

I think the fight scenes needed some work in terms of pacing. It felt like the fight moves were done almost before they were started. The scenes felt oddly static somehow. I think because things are being translated to a different language, that could be the issue. I wouldn't even begin to attempt to write in another language so kudos to you for trying. Over all, I think you did a very good job here and would encourage you to continue to practice your craft.

One other minor thing: using initials for the character names puts distance between the reader and the character. It's hard to relate to initials. An easy fix though.

Thanks for sharing, Ricky. I look forward to see if Lara takes up the mantle of Lady Justice and hopefully Lady Injustice and Margot Felix get their just punishment.

Re: Lady Justice

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2019 10:23 am
by wondergirlsupragirl
The first two parts of this story are an enjoyable great start, that set up an excellent storyline. I really noticed things get exciting in parts 3 and 4, with the action packed, fight confrontations, along with entertaining dialogue and plenty of good imagination. There could of been some more detail written about fight moves, but either way in my opinion, the fight action was still damn good!

Amazing creation of a hot and strong, new superheroine, who has some great fighting abilities and superpowers. Beautiful descriptions of characters and costumes.

Perhaps there could be a second story where her journalist friend motivates Lady Justice, to get back on the horse and be a superheroine again. Maybe she could have a rematch with Lady Injustice, and bring peace back to Megacity and the nation. Looking forward to whatever story you write next.

Perfect choice of pics chosen for your story, that work really well, IMO. It must of taken a lot of effort to translate and write this first piece.

Awesome! :yahoo:

Re: Lady Justice

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2019 11:29 am
by ricky1989
wondergirlsupragirl wrote:
5 years ago
The first two parts of this story are an enjoyable great start, that set up an excellent storyline. I really noticed things get exciting in parts 3 and 4, with the action packed, fight confrontations, along with entertaining dialogue and plenty of good imagination. There could of been some more detail written about fight moves, but either way in my opinion, the fight action was still damn good!

Amazing creation of a hot and strong, new superheroine, who has some great fighting abilities and superpowers. Beautiful descriptions of characters and costumes.

Perhaps there could be a second story where her journalist friend motivates Lady Justice, to get back on the horse and be a superheroine again. Maybe she could have a rematch with Lady Injustice, and bring peace back to Megacity and the nation. Looking forward to whatever story you write next.

Perfect choice of pics chosen for your story, that work really well, IMO. It must of taken a lot of effort to translate and write this first piece.

Awesome! :yahoo:
Thanks 🙏🏻, this story was possible thanks to the help of Tallyho that help me a lot with the translations