Fire and Ice

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She was in the zone. The sounds of her skates crisscrossing on the ice helped her with the timing. Her red skirt picked up slightly from the spin, revealing her nylon and lyrca covered behind. The crowd clapped as she set up her famous 1080 spin, with a leap, Sara was in the air. Sara’s red leotard with silver highlights reflected the light making her shimmer during the spin. Landing the crowd went nuts and she came to a stop. Striking a finishing pose, she then accepted the crowd’s applause.

Heading off the stage Sara met the next person up in the competition, Lena Nance.
“That’s going to be hard to beat, I guess second place again for me.” Lena joked. Sara blushed and Lena gave her a light punch, “I’m kidding Sara, great job.”
“Thanks, you’ll do great Lena.” Sara said with a smile. The two despite being rivals on the ice were good friends. Sara headed for the lockers to take a bathroom break before the awards ceremony.

Lena finished up her routine and would probably get second place in the event. She too decided to visit the bathroom before going back onto the ice for the awards. Inside the locker room she stopped at her bag to take a sip of water when she was grabbed from behind. She began to scream only to have a light blue cloth placed over her face it matched her leotard Lena was inhaling a sweet sticky substance. As she breathed in Lena felt weaker and couldn’t stay awake.

“That’s it Lena, breath it in. It’s chloroform, something to help you sleep.” The fan said. He was about twenty-two and obsessed with Lena Nance, world famous skater. Now she was his to care for and protect. Lowering her to the floor he set her on the comforter he brought to let her sleep in. Lena was out cold and couldn’t fight her abductor. With glee he removed her skates and revealed her opaque nylon tights covered feet. As he began to carefully place her skates into their travel box he heard a feminine voice in a strict tone.
“Going somewhere with my friend?”

The Fan turned and saw his worst nightmare or dream girl he couldn’t decide. She had light brown hair which came down to her shoulders. Her face was protected by a light blue mask that looked like a pair of connected diamonds. The rest of her costume was a leotard that looked like it should be on an ice skater. There was blue see through nylon covering her arms and shoulders. The rest of the leotard was a darker blue that ended in a mini skirt that covered only her behind. Her costume covered in white sequence that outlined her curves. White tights and a pair of white skates covered her legs and feet completing her costume.

He recognized her instantly, “Ice…”
“That’s right, now what are you doing?” Ice demanded.
“She…fell I was just trying to help her…” the Fan tried to bluff his way out. Amazingly Ice walked forward and bent over to check on the sleeping Lena. He smiled, ‘Perhaps I can protect a superheroine as well’. Slowly he brought the cloth forward…

Ice turned her head and right hand quickly and a stream of white mist and snow left her hand. Suddenly ice began to grip him from his feet to his arms as she worked her way up. Unable to use his chloroform cloth and frozen all over his lower body, he was trapped. Security came seconds later.
“This man tried to kidnap Ms. Nance.” Ice explained making sure Lena was okay. The crazed fan was taken away and Ice received the thanks of Lena.
“No problem Ms. Nance, just doing my job.” She replied.
“Thanks again Ice, man I’d swear you have been staking me.” This was another time that Ice had rescued her. Lena had an idea on why that was happening but decided to keep it to herself for the time being. Ice smiled and made her way out. Blades popped out of her skates and a small thin trail of ice appeared and she began to skate away.

Lena had collected herself enough to head back out to get her medal for the event. A concerned Sara made sure she was okay, yet for a reason Lena couldn’t shake, she had a suspicious feeling that Sara had know everything that just happened. Of course since Sara was Ice she did.


“Alright, you go first get the money and the guards. I’ll hold off the cops.” Shannon explained to Terri Coyle. Velocity and Blaze had staked out this bank for two weeks. It was defended by twin guards and cameras, but it had a load of profit if they could pull it off. The two had been paired up since their escape from the Washington PD three months ago. Now they were sitting in a stolen car across from the bank.

Velocity was wearing her skin tight all dark blue runner’s suit. It covered her from neck to toes which were in special blue sneakers for her superspeed. A pair or light blue eye goggles protected her baby blues, “Right, I’ll be quick about it.”
Terri got out of the car and walked up to the doors of the bank. Highlighted by the street lamps of the evening she was clearly visible to the guard as she approached. He was locking the doors but wasn’t completing his task because he was too captivated by her skin tight spandex. She smiled then went into her speed right through the door.

Blaze got out now and took position at the front ready to hold off the cops in her skin tight red catsuit. It covered her arms, body, legs, and neck. Her hands were exposed to allow for her fire powers to work. A sliver belt hung loosely on her waist and a sliver necklace around her throat. Finally her mask went over her eyes and down the sides of her head; it matched her red hair that flowed out.

Hearing the cops approaching she readied her powers.


Sara put her medal away to join the others she had won over the years. Her apartment was quiet no TV or radio on. She was wearing only her white blouse and tights from the show. Closing her trophy case she looked at the photo on her desk. Mom, Dad, Sister, Her, she sighed, bad memories. Walking away from the case she headed towards the kitchen to have a drink and then go to bed. Suddenly her night was interrupted.

“All units, Bank Robbery at 1454 West, proceeded with caution, meta humans reported at the scene.” Her police scanner squawked. Sara rolled her eyes at that name they had for people like her but decided she needed to help out. Reaching for her neck Sara touched the snow crystal on her necklace. With a blue light that covered her body, she was instantly covered in her Ice uniform.

Triggering her hidden blades in the skates she formed an ice path and began to skate at faster than normal speeds towards the bank. Sara had always known she was different. At age six she had once sneezed and froze a portion of the floor her mother slipped on. Once in middle school the first boy she kissed had gotten his lips frozen with a bad case of frostbite, which she instantly corrected. Sara could form frozen water from her hands and absorb the ‘cold’ out of an object. Her control over ice and snow allowed her to slip around town on her skates, and she made the ice slicker than normal allowing for speeds up to 80 MPH. Tonight, speed was essential.


A Police cruiser had its front engulfed in flames. Blaze had stopped the car; the cops tumbled out and ran. Another car was coming towards her fast! She took to the air in flight and then caused a burst of hot air under the car. This lifted the squat car into the air and then crashed it down breaking the suppression. Shannon then set up a wall of fire between her and the cops.

Velocity had nearly everything packed up and was almost ready to go. ‘Prefect, no hitches, snags, or superheroines to deal with, easy money!’ She thought. Then the snag came. One of her burning cop cars was cooled by a fire extinguisher like burst. Next her ring of fire was smothered by a wall of ice, which quickly melted. Shannon landed ready to take on who ever had come to ruin the evening. She was shocked to see which superheroine had come forwards.
“SHANNON!” the figure who skated to stop said.
“SARA!” the fiery coed said easing out of her fighting stance.

Shannon and Sara Hayes looked across the pavement at each other.

“You…your….not supposed to be here.” Shannon stammered.
“And you? Shannon…I saw some pics of you on the web…but I never…why?” her sister Sara asked.
“Get out of here Sara, don’t make me hurt you.” Shannon said not as a threat but as a request.
Sara’s eyes watered up …she had been away, unable to… “I can’t do that Shannon. I’m stopping you.”
“Ice, I won’t go easy on you…” Blaze was talking now, not Shannon.
Ice assumed her fighting stance and readied her powers, two bluish white spheres forming over her hands, “I won’t either.”

Fire and Ice lanced out. Both connected, and nothing happened, the fire canceled the ice mix out, the ice mix canceled the fire out. Blaze and Ice charged each other on foot. They locked arms in a contest of strength. Circling each other they grunted and began to sweat but not because of physical exhaustion. Ice’s hands glowed blue while Blaze’s glowed red. Each was pouring their powers into the other, changing the temperature.
“A…little hot…sis?” Blaze asked weakening from Sara’s attack.
Sara was feeling the effects more but knew Shannon was weakening as much as her, “No…a little cold Shannon Jean Hayes?”
“Don’t use my full name!” Shannon yelled summoning up the strength.
“Why…why Shan?” Ice asked her eyes wet with tears as the two sank to their knees.
“Because…” then out of the bank a blue blur hit Ice.

Terri came to a stop right back by Shannon. Sara had skidded a few hundred feet towards the cops.
“Hey you okay?” Velocity asked.
“No…get…out of here, we need to…” Blaze responded weakly.
“All right hold on!” Velocity scooped Blaze up and ran away at max speed.

“Ms. Ice, are you okay?” A concerned officer asked.
Sara held her head and recovered from her weakness, “Yes…did they get away?”
‘Good’ Sara thought standing back up. She looked at the officer, “I have to go.”
“Wait, it looked like you knew Blaze really well. Now we couldn’t hear what you were saying…”
She looked the officer in the eyes with a cold hard stare, “And what we discussed was between us.” With that she activated her skates and headed off down the street away from the scene crying softly, it’s not everyday you learn you’re big sister is a criminal.
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Sargeant 1st Class
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I'm glad we finally get to see the debut of Blaze's sister Ice. I like her costume and powers. Looking forward to seeing what happens next.
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8 Years Earlier…

“Oh yeah, try this!” Sara yelled forming a slide of ice she ran and slipped down her icy creation. With a splash she entered the water. Coming up a short while later she looked up and saw the sun being blocked.
“Incoming!” Shannon yelled as she flew into the water in a prefect ten dive. They splashed and played a little more till the twelve year old Shannon and the ten year old Sara climbed out of the lake. They began the slow walk to their house next to the farm in Nebraska.
“So what are we going to do with our powers when we get older?” Sara asked beginning a conversation held many times before.
“Ugh…Sara do we have to do this now?”
Sara stopped and looked at her sister, “Yes, we could do great things, help people out like…”
“Like your comics.” Shannon joked.
“Hey! Yes…but we could do a lot of good!”
Stopping Shannon turned and looked at her sister who was usually smarter than her age, With a sigh, “Okay, when we get older we’ll use these powers for good, there happy?”
“Yes…now race ya!” Sara created an ice path and began sliding on it to the farm.
“Hey!” Shannon took off and flew after her.


Sara held the photo of her family and sighed. Putting the photo back on the table she went over to the window and looked out. It had been a rough four years. First she had left the country. Even before her powers manifested, she loved ice skating. Practicing on the local frozen water holes in Nebraska and then in rinks, she honed her skills. After she learned how to control her powers, Sara could almost be one with the ice. Knowing where to do harder moves, make best use of the surface, and smooth it for more speed. Her skills got so good that she was offered a spot on the Olympic Team.

It required lots of training. She had left home right out of High School and trained for the next three years and went to the Olympics. This began her career and she won quite a few awards and made some money. Then her father died, Shannon became distance and left for the east coast. Sara hadn’t seen her for two years, now this is what she was up to. The news report on the robbery had just finished up. Turning her head away from the window she looked back at the info she had collected on her sister’s sinister identity.

‘She’s not like this, why is she doing this…’ Sara thought. Reading through Blaze’s exploits she sighed seeing how many times her sister had committed crimes and shown a disregard for others.
Her Cat, Snowball (Yes she had named it from the Simpsons) came up and rubbed her tights covered leg. She reached down and began to scratch the cat’s neck.
“I can’t bring her in Snowball…I can’t give her to the cops.” Sara scooped the cat up and rocked in her chair.
“Maybe though…I can, change her. Get her to come back to the good guys, what do ya think?” she asked the cat.
It yawned in response; she narrowed her eyes “I think I should get a dog.”

Terri was cutting up some onions for the soup she was making. Shan was staring out into space.
“Hey Earth to Shannon, earth to Shannon, what’s bugging you?” Terri asked.
“Nothing…” Blaze said moving to the couch. Sitting on it she couldn’t believe her sister was here. ‘I knew she started playing superheroine the minute she got to the States but…damn it!’ Now she was most likely going to fight her sister, and be force to hurt her.

Their temperature based powers had the opposite weaknesses. Severe cold weakened Blaze, making her body temperature drop to unsafe levels and acting like her version of kryptonite. For Sara, heat was the danger. Unlike normal people, Ice’s body temperature was at 55.5 degrees, although she seemed just as normal to everyone else. If she was exposed to high heat, she began to weaken from the increased temperature.

Shannon shook her head, ‘No…I need to talk Velocity into moving on, hell I’d rather take on Supergirl than stay here.
“Hey Terri, we should move out to another city soon.” Blaze said.
“What, we were just warming up here!” Terri complained.
Shannon pressed, “Yeah but its getting too hot…look at that encounter we had tonight.”
“So, Ice showed up, big deal. When we have an Amazon, Bat, or Kryptonain on our ass I’ll worry.”
“Terri, please…let’s go somewhere else, we can hit a big city like Metro or Gothic.” Blaze tried.
Terri looked at Shannon, she seemed generally upset, “Okay, only because you busted me out with ya. One condition though.”
“Name it?”
“We hit the civic center tomorrow.” Terri said.
“Terri, no…”
“Then we stay here.” She said. Blaze thought for a moment, ‘I could just leave her…no, she’s watched my back since we busted out…, “Okay we rob it, but then we go okay?”

Shannon sighed in relief. She would hit one thing tomorrow then put a couple thousand miles between her and Sara. That way there would be no way the two could run into each other. Little did Shannon know, Lena Nance and Sara Hayes had agreed to teach a class at the civic center’s rink for the day.

Next Day

“Okay kids now we’re going to try a speed a run.” Lena said. Sara and Lena were standing in front of an eager group of twelve year olds. The two world famous skaters were wearing simple black leotards, skirts, and opaque tights for the teaching session. As they were having fun with the junior skaters, Terri and Shannon approached the civic center.

As the group of kids came to a stop Sara smiled, “Wow guys you are going to be pretty good in the next few years. I guess we should look out eh Lena?”
“Maybe you more than me.” She answers with a playful smirk causing the students to laugh. All fun was gone though as a scream shot out. Sara looked and saw people running out of the main part of the center.
“Lena, get these girls out of here, I’m going to check it out.” She began to skate to the other side.
“You…” Lena started and shook her head. She quickly rushed the little ones over to the other side and began to make their way away from the center. All she could think was, ‘be careful Sara, Ice too.’

Velocity ran into the ticket booth and broke into the third cash register. She was dumping the money into her backpack. Blaze was standing guard, her few acts of flames scaring most of the people away. Terri was working fast and once again everything was going to plan, and once again it fell apart. Ice came skating into the lobby and stopped her blades coming back into her boots and resting on her feet.

“Back for more?” Ice asked Blaze.
“I suggest you leave Ice, before you get hurt.” Shannon said readying a small blast of heat, hoping to weaken her sister enough to give Velocity time to finish up. Ice stuck first. Sara lanced out with a blast of icy stream that washed over Blaze. Weakening she fired back and hit the ground where Ice had been. Sara had gone into a roll and avoided the attack. Next she aimed her freezing vision at Shannon’s legs. Twin beams of light blue lanced out from her vision and struck Blaze.

Shan winced as her lower legs froze up. Trapping her, Ice got back on her feet and froze everything below the belt. Shannon was chilled and trapped for now. Looking to make sure they were alone she approached Blaze.
“I’m going to bring you back to my apartment then…” once again Sara had forgotten about opponent number two. Velocity slammed into Ice and carried her through a pair of doors, into the ladies locker room. Sara connected with a locker and her back hurt like hell, unlike other heroines she didn’t have invulnerability. Sliding down the locker Sara saw Velocity. She stood in a hands on hips stance looking down on her.

“So its little miss snowflake, for some reason you scared Blaze pretty good, care to share how?” Terri asked with a smirk.
“Yeah…I’m her walking weakness, cold duh.” Ice said then raising her hand firing off a burst of cold air. Velocity was sent backward, she fell on her but and Sara followed that up by firing her icy mix, freezing the speedster in place. Terri struggled under the ice and began to do something. She smiled at Ice. Suddenly the ice over her body began to melt and revealed her hands moving at superspeeds.

“Friction you’ve got to love it.” Velocity laughed and then charged. The two blue clad girls met again and crashed into another locker. Sara cried out again and then was slammed into more lockers faster than she could believe. In an act of desperation she aimed her eyes at the floor and fired. Suddenly the floor turned into an icy sheen. Velocity slipped with no traction to support her. Both of them collapsed onto the floor. Sara was prepared thanks to years of skating falls. Unfortunately she was slipping too on the floor.

Ice slid towards an open door and was deposited inside. At first she didn’t notice anything, and then she felt hot, really hot. Looking at the room she was in, wood paneling, seats, a device letting out steam, “Oh God!” She was in sauna. It was as if Supergirl had walked into a room of kryptonite. The high heat began to take its toll immediately. Her powers were faltering, she couldn’t focus her vision. Standing up she tried to walk out but suddenly tripped. Falling forwards she ended up on all fours. Crawling forwards she noticed a figure in the doorway.

“Sh….a…” Ice weakly called out. Velocity furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, ‘who’s she asking for?’. Walking forwards she bent down and lifted Ice’s head by her chin.
“Feeling a little hot Ice?”
Sara couldn’t respond. Her body temp was shooting up and she was to weak to fight back. Warmth gripped her chest and she was finding it harder to breathe. If she didn’t get out of here soon she could slip into a coma, maybe even death.
“What’s going on?” Blaze called from the hallway.
Velocity smiled, ‘about time’, “In the sauna.”
Shannon was still outside when she heard that so Terri couldn’t see the look of horror on her face. ‘Oh my god, that could kill Sara!’ she ran forwards into the sauna, and saw her sister being rolled onto her back, barely conscious. Terri removed her sister’s mask and yelled out loud.

“Look at that, the ice skater!”
“Yeah…let’s get her out of here.” Shannon said.
“Why? Let’s leave her here, finish her off.” Velocity said.
“Because…we’ve been here too long, other heroines might have been tipped off. I’ll chain her up, she doesn’t have superstrength so she can’t get away. We hold her for a few hours then head for Metro City.” Blaze finished.
“Okay, I’ll get the loot.” Velocity sped off.

Blaze ran in and scooped her sister off the floor. Bringing her outside she laid her on a bench and drained some of the heat from her body, cooling her sister. This helped a lot, Sara’s breathing became steady, her skin became less clammy and clear. Shannon was about to leave to meet Velocity, claiming the heroine had got away, when Terri showed up again.
“All ready to go.” She said holding the bag with their loot, “Hey are you going to tie her up or what?”
Shannon looked back at her sister and winced in pain, “Yeah…just a sec.” After a quick visit to the maintenance room, Ice still knocked out and now bound was in Blaze’s arms as she carried her to the apartment she and Terri were hiding out at.
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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Thanks for the kind words sign!
Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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Sargeant 1st Class
Sargeant 1st Class
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Great update! I really like the weakness in the sauna aspect. We're really developing some comlex characters here. Keep up the awesome story!
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Last edited by cthulhu1 13 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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C, in a private message to me where he asked permission to use Emerald in one of his stories, pzgr6 mentioned Ice and her relationship to Blaze.
Can't move... This device... holding me by my... sheer tights... has me powerless!
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Sara shook her head. Feeling strange she tried to move only to her the clinking of metal as a result. Her eyes finally focused and she looked down at her uniform. Chains were wrapped around her body, pinning her to the chair. Her white tights were pinned to the legs of the chair in a similar fashion and she could she her nylon encased toes. Ice’s skates were lying on the floor a few dozen feet away.

She could also feel the air on her face, ‘oh no my mask!’ she thought. Looking around she saw her prison was a normal apartment. Over to her left was her mask along with a two pairs of boots and another mask plus Velocity goggles.
“Well sleeping beauty is awake.” She heard. Turning her head, Sara saw Velocity.
“Terri Coyle…” Ice said

“Sara Hayes, nice to meet ya.” Terri snickered. Even though Terri’s identity was know to police and heroines alike she still wore her mask for sentimental value.
“Mind giving up now?” Ice tried.
“You’re kidding right?” Terri almost laughed. Sara shut up, ‘at least she hasn’t figured out I’m Shannon’s sister or, does she know?’ Velocity smirked and headed for the kitchen. Trying to free herself Sara quickly realized what she already knew, it was useless. Although she could just about anything with her icy powers, superstrength wasn’t one of them.
“Terri it’s almost time to go.” Shannon called walking into the room. She stopped when Sara fixed her gaze on her. The two looked at each other not speaking.
“I’ll load up the car.” Terri said coming into the room. She had on a blouse unbuttoned and was holding a skirt over her costume. Shannon shook her head in a positive response and Terri finished her disguise leaving.

Shannon walked over and grabbed a chair, setting it down in front of her sister.
“I’m sorry about tying you up. Terri’s faster than I give her credit for.”
“No problem if you untie me right now and we go home.” Sara said. Shannon look hurt.
“I’ll untie you before we leave…”
Ice frowned, “And go back to your life of crime?”
Shannon got up and walked away her arms crossed over her chest. She went on the defensive, “Oh what I didn’t fulfill your little girl dream of being a superheroine with you.”
“Hardly, Shan, I could care less about you doing good or not doing anything with your powers. But why, where did you decide to become bad?”
“It was too hard…after dad died; Mom was depressed, you weren’t here…” Shannon didn’t have an excuse. She was just another troubled kid who slid down the wrong path, all be it with superpowers. Silence hung in the air.

Sara felt pain, she hadn’t been there to help out Shannon, “Shan…I’m sorry, but you can end that right now. Free me, then we’ll go down there deal with Velocity and turn her in. If you work with me I can get the charges against you dismissed.”
“It’s too late for that Sara…I’ve got some stuff to take care of….” Shannon went to her room and left Sara alone. Ice shook her head than heard the door open.
“Sisters…I knew the last name was the same but….” Terri said standing in the doorway.
Ice was shocked, “How much…”
“Did I hear?, only everything important.” Terri snickered. She walked forwards forming her plan. Sara was too much of a risk to Blaze and of course her. Velocity was going to do what she should have done in the first place. Now next to Ice’s bound form, she began to undo the chains from the chair. Sara prepared to use her powers but then Terri placed her hand on Ice’s leg. Rubbing at superfast speeds she began to create heat.

“NO….stop that….” Ice said feeling the heat creeping into her body. Velocity kept up her rubbing leaving Ice weak and helpless in the chair. She then took the ice skater in her arms. Sara tried to fight the slight heat stroke that had begun to take her but was too weak from the quick attack.

Terri carried Sara to the bathroom. Closing the door with her foot she then set Ice on the floor. Velocity then threw the small bathtub on. Hot water flowed from the facuet on the tub and she looked at Ice who knew what was coming. Velocity then smiled, she rubbed Ice’s legs again weakening her further. Using this to her advantage, Terri left again. Returning in less than a second she brought one of the chains back. Quickly she bound the heroine’s wrists together. As more hot water filled the tub, Sara could only think to cry for Shannon.

“Shan!” she said weakly but still loud. Terri smiled again.
“Sorry my dear this room is pretty soundproof, plus I turned the radio on pretty loud.” With that she picked Ice off the floor. Held in Velocity’s arms, Ice struggled but could do nothing as her nylon and lyrca encased body entered the water. Her costume clung even tighter to her body and Sara’s hair became wet and straight. Instantly her body began to loose its strength. As she grew warmer in the center her body lost more of its ability to fight off the cold.

Sara tried to cool the water but was meeting with mix success. She could cool the water to a more survivable temperature only to have more hot water come from the faucet. Ice’s powers began to fade quickly with the heat, meaning she couldn’t keep cooling the water. Again weakly she cried with tears.

Shannon was packing things up placing them in her bag. She heard the radio go on and didn’t think about it. While packing she thought about her and Sara. They had grown too distant…it was her fault. Shannon had just wanted to get away. Part of her was arguing with the other half. One side would scream to run, while the other would scream to go with Sara. Stopping her packing, she then looked at her one real personal possession. It was a photo of her and Sara.

Closing her eyes, she decided that Sara was owed a final talk. She left her room and went back into the room they had Sara in, only to find she was gone. Seeing the chains lying on the ground Blaze finally put everything together. Breaking into a run she hit the bathroom. Kicking the door open she saw Terri watching her sister slowly succumb to Ice’s weakness. With a scream of rage, Shannon slammed her fist into Terri’s face. This knocked Velocity to the floor. Blaze then soaked up the oxygen in the room and knocked the speedster out.

With Velocity taken care of, Shan shoved her arms into the tub and lifted her unconscious sister out from the hot water. Placing her on the floor she then began to suck the heat from Sara’s body, lowering her temperature. Next she grabbed some towels and began to dry off Ice.
“Come on Sara, wake up…” she said. Ice didn’t move.
“Don’t do this…please, I’m sorry…oh god, Sara wake up, I can’t do this again…”
Sara could hear crying; she opened her eyes and looked at the person above her, “Shannon…”
Looking down a smile broke out across Shannon’s face. She hugged her sister and cried softly realizing how close she had come to losing her.

Hours Later…

“Well I guess you can turn me in.” Shannon said sitting in some shorts and t-shirt. Ice was resting on her couch in her panties and tank top. An ice pack was on her neck and a very cold beer in her hands.
“I am but you’re not going to jail.” Sara smiled.
“I know that face, you’re hiding something.”
Sara still had the smirk on her face, “I saved Judge Henderson’s son about three months ago, she owes me a favor. If I can get her to put Blaze in Ice’s custody, you can pay for your crimes with public service.”
“Why do I have a feeling you’re about to make that little talk we had all those years ago true?” Shannon groaned.
“Come on, Fire and Ice? It’s prefect!” Sara laughed.
“Now I know why Supergirl works alone.”

Yes Supergirl, that's right its a necklace for you....What's the matter you don't like Kryptonite?
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