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Accusations without citations need to be dealt with

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 12:57 pm
Ive got an idea for the mods.
When someone attacks another member of this forum with accusations they need to address the exact accusation and post citations clearly demonstrating that accusation.
If you call someone on this forum a Nazi then post screencaps of their actions proving this.
If you call someone on this forum a racist then post screenshots showing it
If the mods dont find credible examples the thread gets locked because user broke rules about accusations.
if the post in question is part of a greater thread the posts should be deleted or edited to show why they are no longer active.
If the member in question seems to go out of their way to attack another member the mods should make sure the two are blocked from viewing each others posts so they dont get tempted to wage unholy war.
If The the poster goes out of their way to view and reply anyway and has several infractions they can be given a timeout.

Im getting really tired of popping into a thread and enjoying it only to have one member who doesnt like another member spouting accusations without any citation whatsoever and when called on it they deflect and dont post proof so the thread derails and it goes to hell.

I really wanted to finish that thread but it gets overwhelmed by back and forth arguments and eventually the whole thread gets locked up and a great thread dies early..... AGAIN!

Re: Accusations without citations need to be dealt with

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 1:42 pm
by Mr. X
I do agree that some accusations should result in an immediate warning or lock. Calling people racist or Nazi or white supremacist should be dealt with by a warning or a lock. I don't think anyone would appreciate being called a pedo cause they disagreed with someone's position. And I don't think its fair to accuse 43% of the US population of the most horrendous things in history cause they don't agree with how you want to manage humanity.

On a side note. If you're not from the US please STOP making disparaging comments about 43% of the US population you know literally NOTHING about, have never dealt with and the Only thing you know is from one sided, slanted TV shows, news outlets, your government paid for media or movies. There are literally only about 2000 actual Nazis in the US and they are nearly all deadbeat losers living in trailers hooked on meth. Or half of them are infiltrating FBI agents. I'm sure YOUR country is just as much a shit hole as the US.

We can discuss things without cranking the boo boo head knob to 11 on everything. Just cause someone disagrees with some claim doesn't mean they are Nazis or want all the children to die or insensitive or a "denier". I don't want people to "die" just cause I disagree with how Covid was handled.

And I am guilty of hyperbolic statements as well.

Re: Accusations without citations need to be dealt with

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 1:49 pm
by Damselbinder
Mr. X wrote:
3 years ago
I do agree that some accusations should result in an immediate warning or lock. Calling people racist or Nazi or white supremacist should be dealt with by a warning or a lock. I don't think anyone would appreciate being called a pedo cause they disagreed with someone's position. And I don't think its fair to accuse 43% of the US population of the most horrendous things in history cause they don't agree with how you want to manage humanity.

On a side note. If you're not from the US please STOP making disparaging comments about 43% of the US population you know literally NOTHING about, have never dealt with and the Only thing you know is from one sided, slanted TV shows, news outlets, your government paid for media or movies. There are literally only about 2000 actual Nazis in the US and they are nearly all deadbeat losers living in trailers hooked on meth. Or half of them are infiltrating FBI agents. I'm sure YOUR country is just as much a shit hole as the US.

We can discuss things without cranking the boo boo head knob to 11 on everything. Just cause someone disagrees with some claim doesn't mean they are Nazis or want all the children to die or insensitive or a "denier". I don't want people to "die" just cause I disagree with how Covid was handled.

And I am guilty of hyperbolic statements as well.
This is already getting a little inflammatory. This thread started with someone saying "let's deal with personal attacks against other members more strictly." In fact a member was suspended recently for this exact thing. Expanding it to "and another thing stop making [x kind of political statement]" seems like it's going to start the exact problem KoG was trying to avoid. "There are literally only about 2000 actual Nazis in the US and they are nearly all deadbeat losers living in trailers hooked on meth. Or half of them are infiltrating FBI agents. I'm sure YOUR country is just as much a shit hole as the US", even if you're right, is political. This thread, I think, is not the place for this.

Re: Accusations without citations need to be dealt with

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 2:26 pm
by NotUv2
Mr. X wrote:
3 years ago
There are literally only about 2000 actual Nazis in the US and they are nearly all deadbeat losers living in trailers hooked on meth.
Dude. Many more people than that were involved in the Capitol insurrection in January. Some of them took private fucking jets to be there. They set up a gibbet and tried to hang elected officials. They assaulted and murdered cops. I get that it's uncomfortable to be aligned with certain political figures at certain points, but sometimes there's just no way around that. Sometimes you just have to fess up and admit mistakes.

Re: Accusations without citations need to be dealt with

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 3:18 pm
by Mr. X
NotUv2 wrote:
3 years ago
Dude. Many more people than that were involved in the Capitol insurrection in January.
Ok what does that have to do with Nazism?

So if that incident is Nazism is the fire bombing of the federal building in Portland or the Chaz in Seattle "communism"?

You proved my point.

Re: Accusations without citations need to be dealt with

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 3:20 pm
by Damselbinder
No, you both proved MY point. This is exactly what we were trying to avoid!

Re: Accusations without citations need to be dealt with

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 4:08 pm
by NotUv2
Mr. X wrote:
3 years ago
Ok what does that have to do with Nazism?
1. Many of the groups involved were extremely explicit neo-Nazis or subscribed to similar ideologies. The dude in the "Camp Auschwitz" t-shirt was not some anomaly.

2. At a certain point "are they according-to-Hoyle Nazis?" stops being an interesting question, since what's going on is more than bad enough regardless.

3. AFAIK the details of the Portland firebomber's ideology are not known, but whatever they are, he also can obviously go stuff himself.

That said, I will defer to @Damselbinder. I have no wish to further fan the flames.

Re: Accusations without citations need to be dealt with

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 4:28 pm
by Mr. X
NotUv2 wrote:
3 years ago
Mr. X wrote:
3 years ago
Ok what does that have to do with Nazism?
1. Many of the groups involved were extremely explicit neo-Nazis or subscribed to similar ideologies. The dude in the "Camp Auschwitz" t-shirt was not some anomaly.

2. At a certain point "are they according-to-Hoyle Nazis?" stops being an interesting question, since what's going on is more than bad enough regardless.

3. AFAIK the details of the Portland firebomber's ideology are not known, but whatever they are, he also can obviously go stuff himself.

That said, I will defer to @Damselbinder. I have no wish to further fan the flames.
Wow. Simply wow.

On #1. Was that the Nazi branch with the Hitler head on the gorilla body? Was that Nazi leader the guy wearing the moose hat?

Knights of Gotham. Don't waste your time.

Calling people Nazis or racist or things that extreme is just crossing the line.

Re: Accusations without citations need to be dealt with

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 4:33 pm
by NotUv2
Mr. X wrote:
3 years ago
Calling people Nazis or racist or things that extreme is just crossing the line.
When they explicitly call themselves that, no, not really. And at any rate, showing up to violently overthrow the elected government of your country is extremism. There's no other word for it. Nothing further to add, really.

(Well, except this: FWIW I do my best to give individual Trump supporters some kind of benefit of the doubt. They don't always make it easy, it's true, but I really do try. If people here have made a habit of recklessly accusing other members of being Nazis, I can promise I won't be one of them.)

Re: Accusations without citations need to be dealt with

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 4:37 pm
by NotUv2
Incidentally, I don't know what "Knights of Gotham" is a reference to?

(Ohhhhh that's a reference to the OP! *smacks forehead* As you were.)

Re: Accusations without citations need to be dealt with

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 5:12 pm
by tallyho
We do issue warnings that the forum doesn't see via pm and as we don't want banning as a first resort we do usually make appeals for calm.
Sometimes the situation has escalated and several people are involved by the time we see it and it's not always possible to unpick who said what when very easily.
The hope has always been that we treat you as grown ups and sooner or later you will act like it.
But we all have our own lives and sometimes that gets in the way and at the end of the day we just make mistakes.

Re: Accusations without citations need to be dealt with

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 5:22 pm
by NotUv2
Off-topic but something I just noticed: tallyho, is that a quote from "Soldier of the Mist" in your sig?

Re: Accusations without citations need to be dealt with

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 5:32 pm
by tallyho
It is indeed

Re: Accusations without citations need to be dealt with

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 5:37 pm
by NotUv2
Nice! Love that book.

Re: Accusations without citations need to be dealt with

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 6:30 pm
by tallyho
Sent you a pm. (personal message) see top right of screen.

On topic, I have said on numerous occasions that if anyone is unhappy about the treatment they have had from myself or any other mods they can complain to MH or the other mods and it will be taken seriously.
I would stress the first point of contact should be the mod concerned, to hopefully reach an amicable solution or at least understand each others position, then if still dissatisfied, contact another Mod or MH, preferably by PM

Re: Accusations without citations need to be dealt with

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 6:52 pm
by bushwackerbob
NotUv2 wrote:
3 years ago
Mr. X wrote:
3 years ago
Calling people Nazis or racist or things that extreme is just crossing the line.
When they explicitly call themselves that, no, not really. And at any rate, showing up to violently overthrow the elected government of your country is extremism. There's no other word for it. Nothing further to add, really.

(Well, except this: FWIW I do my best to give individual Trump supporters some kind of benefit of the doubt. They don't always make it easy, it's true, but I really do try. If people here have made a habit of recklessly accusing other members of being Nazis, I can promise I won't be one of them.)
Certainly that January 6 event was a disgraceful, shameful event. I think at times there are folks who attempt to define an ideology based on the extremes, those are the people one ought to watch out for. Forget about members, we have had moderators make personal attacks on forum members with nary an apology, so with that example set, I do not see the incivility or intolerance of other views which sometimes seeps into this forum going away anytime soon.

Re: Accusations without citations need to be dealt with

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 7:43 pm
by Philo Hunter
tallyho wrote:
3 years ago
We do issue warnings that the forum doesn't see via pm and as we don't want banning as a first resort we do usually make appeals for calm.
Sometimes the situation has escalated and several people are involved by the time we see it and it's not always possible to unpick who said what when very easily.
The hope has always been that we treat you as grown ups and sooner or later you will act like it.
But we all have our own lives and sometimes that gets in the way and at the end of the day we just make mistakes.
I left the forum a couple years back mainly because I got to heavily involved in the really heated political stuff. When I came back I made a personal vow to try and stay out of that stuff and I think I've done an okay job of that. But pretty much every single thread I've had interested in has quickly devolved into the same kind of political and personal bickering from the same few members and it is exhausting. I've only been using the site again for a couple of months and already I am basically burnt out and only really come on here to post personal projects and check those threads. Every other thread just leaves me exhausted and not wanting to bother.

I don't know what the answer is, but I did want to just verbalize that the site as it is now is for the most part not a very enjoyable experience and starting or joining pretty much any conversations just feels like wasted efforted cause it's just going to devolve into the same kind of fight between the same few people.

Re: Accusations without citations need to be dealt with

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 8:28 pm
by Femina
What's the inciting factor in this? I have not actually seen to many incidents of people being directly called Nazi's on this forum. I mean, I wouldn't say I've NEVER seen it, I've at least seen the 'lets not call the capitol rioters and their ilk Nazi's!' defense crop up a few times, and then there was discussion of the word Nazi in the 'Pepe le pew' cancel culture topic (god rest its mutilated soul) in response to the twitter post by Gina Carano wherein she was specifically talking about Nazi's in the quite, thus turning Nazi's into a natural discussion point... but of her meaning in utilizing the references not as an attack on any forum member here.

The issue here is in citation I guess? While there are businesses' here advertising product I'd generally agree that, if one were to attack said member's BUISINESS then citations and evidence should probably be included... however if the intent is to enforce the average forum member supply evidence for every stupid thing they say... on a fetish forum on the fringes of the internet? Most people don't arrive to the forum with a studious disposition... nor should they feel like they have to lest they begin attributing their relaxation fetish stuff to just more work. It's commonly been my opinion that, if a conversation on the website here requires I go and do actual research INTO ANYTHING... than I'm probably way more invested than I should be in what people say on a website devoted to fetish material. Thus, it's probably best ordinarily to simply not take anything stupid that a person says on this forum TOO seriously... or even any INTELLIGENT thing that they say too seriously. You should essentially treat everything anybody writes here as hearsay at worst, and the ramblings of marginally informed opinion AT BEST. Even If somebody DOES take the time to go search the internet for sources, to be frank, the vast majority available to the average poster are almost never going to be useful as evidential proof of anything. Dragging up a few news articles drafted from various proprietary sources is far and away from what typically is trusted as CITATION in pretty much any field imaginable, and the majority of citations brought up by news sources and articles don't typically qualify as carefully expert vetted material the same way it might in other fields wherein citation acts as articles for proper argument.

See, if "The New Yorker" writes a news article titled "Donald Trump is a stone cold liar!" you can only take that as truth so far as the New Yorker believes it to be the trugh, but as a citation it's not MUCH better than idle hearsay. The New Yorker didn't hire a team of experts to read over each article and fact check them individually in-between the articles inception and printing because the media's time constraints on articles and publication don't allow for diligent 'sourcing' to be trusted on the same level you could bank on a scientific article published over peer review. SOME of them are, to be fair, but the vast majority are pushed out the door to meet the morning rush with only as much care as they possibly can under such a tight framework.

In other words... nothing said on this website should ever be taken as absolute fact unless you yourself have taken the time to research it yourself and come to the same conclusion... and even then it may still only be opinion if you find evidence of both agreement and dissent. If somebody drops a source along with their accusation that someone or other is a Nazi... that doesn't make it true. It just means that its the opinion of the author of the article and the author of the post... and nothing more? The only other thing to glean would, I guess, be in holding the poster accountable for the validity of the article, or else to measure if the article constitutes believable evidence enough as to exonerate the forum member from simply being an asshole calling another member a Nazi... which just means someone ELSE has to go do research... who is unaffiliated... when they only came to the website to get off on superheroines being molested or whatever.

It's not a realistic expectation.

If someone is calling you a Nazi, and you aren't, then rest assured most rational minded members on this website probably can tell that somebody is irrationally accusing you of something. Complain to the moderators, and they'll surely see restitution made. If you plan on CALLING someone here a Nazi, just don't. Personal attacks of all kinds are prohibited here in the rules already. So if you stick your finger out like a jackass and yell 'YOU NAZI!' at someone, then you're guilty of a personal attack... period.

Re: Accusations without citations need to be dealt with

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 8:54 pm
tallyho wrote:
3 years ago
if anyone is unhappy about the treatment they have had from myself or any other mods they can complain to MH or the other mods and it will be taken seriously.
Since the posts have not included me, attacked me, or pointed at me I didnt feel it was my place to reach out to a mod as a third party that was untouched (YET) by the accusations. If I knew that it was I would report them and reach out to a mod but I dont want to be a Karen, I just want those who seem to have a bone against others to be sorted out unless they have proof.
As others have said Im here to enjoy the content but when the threads get too heated and too angry I just back away for a few weeks/months and go without the pleasures of others posts.

Personally I just wish that it would be stricter when it comes to one person personally attacking another with no citation to their claim.
and instead of posting "lets calm down folks" someone would pull that person to the side and say to them privately "listen if you're gonna call someone on this forum "This" you are going to have to post proof that they did that/ said that/ posted that. otherwise your post will be deleted or worse edited to make it clear you were talking out the side of your ass"

I get that we are all from different political/ financial/education and that for some what they see as fascist or nazis may seem to be under every bedpost but when it started derailing threads that have nothing to do with the gripe issued then something needs to be done.

thats just my opinion.

Re: Accusations without citations need to be dealt with

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 9:49 pm
by Philo Hunter wrote:
3 years ago
Personally I just wish that it would be stricter when it comes to one person personally attacking another with no citation to their claim.
and instead of posting "lets calm down folks" someone would pull that person to the side and say to them privately "listen if you're gonna call someone on this forum "This" you are going to have to post proof that they did that/ said that/ posted that. otherwise your post will be deleted or worse edited to make it clear you were talking out the side of your ass"
Those "lets calm down folks" posts at times add to my frustration. Maybe there are warnings and discussions going on privately, but I don't get to see that. All I see is people NOT calming down. It looks like people basically ignoring the mods and continuing their heated debate and steam rolling over on topic conversations which pretty quickly kills those conversations. That's what happened in the thread on the Mandalorian. It's been hard to want to bother talking about pop culture stuff knowing the conversation here will get derailed so fast. So I just don't have those conversations here and I know at least a couple other forum users who feel the same way and take those conversations over to a discord server or even facebook.

Again, I don't know what the answer is, it just kind of sucks that this site and community it could be is less than it could be, if that makes sense?

Re: Accusations without citations need to be dealt with

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 11:45 pm
by Femina
Philo Hunter wrote:
3 years ago
Again, I don't know what the answer is, it just kind of sucks that this site and community it could be is less than it could be, if that makes sense?
I hate to state my reasoned opinion in this case but, I fear you may be expecting a lot from a community whose primary mode of entertainment comes from the observation of, in one way or another, the degradation and objectification of fictional women. I want to STRESS that I have a lot of respect for a lot of people here on this website, and that I in no way mean to imply that there is an absolute connection between sexual desire and ones moral codes and beliefs... but there's also absolutely a lot of creepos smoldering in the shadows around these parts as well. I don't know that I personally believe that any community built on the sort of fetish we partake in could ever possibly manage without some er.... 'real charmers'. A fetish like this is always going to have community members of all shapes and sizes, and many that don't like to play together.

It DOES suck though... I get you. Just cause I'm a big pain in the ass spectrum realist and feel the need to point out the logical realities as I interpret them.... doesn't mean anybody has to LIKE it. It sucks.

Re: Accusations without citations need to be dealt with

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2021 3:55 am
by Imagineer
I don't think the special interests at the root of this site have much to do with the discussion trainwrecks here, except to the extent that they limit the size of the community.

Re: Accusations without citations need to be dealt with

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2021 4:53 am
by Philo Hunter
Femina wrote:
3 years ago
Just cause I'm a big pain in the ass spectrum realist and feel the need to point out the logical realities as I interpret them.... doesn't mean anybody has to LIKE it. It sucks.
I don't think the environment is inevitable as you think. None of the other kink/smut forums I frequent have this problem and it really is just a handful of instigators and a handful of people who always push back. You HAVE to know your part of that handful that always takes the bait and pushes back and helps derail conversations. Personally, I agree with most of what you have to say in those heated conversations, but they are almost always off topic and just rehashing the same things with the same two or three people. Don't you get tired of that?

Re: Accusations without citations need to be dealt with

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2021 8:25 am
by Bert
As a person who has been guilty multiple times of rising to the bait, and a person who has received more than one cease and desist PM from mods, I've settled on simply blocking the three main perpetrators of bullshit on the site. It works pretty well, provided I always remember to log in when I visit.

Re: Accusations without citations need to be dealt with

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2021 10:33 am
by tumkar
Femina wrote:
3 years ago
Philo Hunter wrote:
3 years ago
Again, I don't know what the answer is, it just kind of sucks that this site and community it could be is less than it could be, if that makes sense?
I hate to state my reasoned opinion in this case but, I fear you may be expecting a lot from a community whose primary mode of entertainment comes from the observation of, in one way or another, the degradation and objectification of fictional women. I want to STRESS that I have a lot of respect for a lot of people here on this website, and that I in no way mean to imply that there is an absolute connection between sexual desire and ones moral codes and beliefs... but there's also absolutely a lot of creepos smoldering in the shadows around these parts as well. I don't know that I personally believe that any community built on the sort of fetish we partake in could ever possibly manage without some er.... 'real charmers'. A fetish like this is always going to have community members of all shapes and sizes, and many that don't like to play together.

It DOES suck though... I get you. Just cause I'm a big pain in the ass spectrum realist and feel the need to point out the logical realities as I interpret them.... doesn't mean anybody has to LIKE it. It sucks.

this was the point I was trying to make on that other thread. We're all here for a reason which would probably get us excluded from most of polite society :) Within that realm we all have slightly different nuances, from one extreme to the other.

It is somewhat of a lord-of-the-flies-esque irony that even in such a shared community we are still able to divide in to groups and fight amongst ourselves :)

I guess humanity is doomed in the end.

Re: Accusations without citations need to be dealt with

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2021 11:20 am
by Femina
Philo Hunter wrote:
3 years ago
Femina wrote:
3 years ago
Just cause I'm a big pain in the ass spectrum realist and feel the need to point out the logical realities as I interpret them.... doesn't mean anybody has to LIKE it. It sucks.
I don't think the environment is inevitable as you think. None of the other kink/smut forums I frequent have this problem and it really is just a handful of instigators and a handful of people who always push back. You HAVE to know your part of that handful that always takes the bait and pushes back and helps derail conversations. Personally, I agree with most of what you have to say in those heated conversations, but they are almost always off topic and just rehashing the same things with the same two or three people.
idk... I like to think I do my best to keep things circling back into the topic... not necessarily my fault if the only things people respond to in my posts are the political bits. I tried my damndest in the 'Pepe le Pew' forum to at least maintain discussion about cancel culture around the politics... I try only to respond, but I don't appreciate the idea that 'just staying quiet' is the answer. I know some people believe that. I don't. As I've stated elsewhere, if I see an idea presented that feels 'bad' I'm going to present the opposing opinion just for posterities sake. It does nobody any good to 'prevent argument' at the sake of allowing only one opinion be blathered all over the internet... and that's an opinion at least I'm sure whomever my 'opposition' at any point might be would share.

I guess I don't agree with your findings outside the forum either. I must point out that I'm a woman so my experience may be different from your own (not in any way meaning to imply that any of you men reading this are necessarily to BLAME for that) In the old days of 'free form chat' on the site I was oft beset by the agonizingly loud "DING!' that someone on the forum, usually a creepy lurker' had left me a message and all but a few were... strange encounters to say the least and I've never found it to be the case elsewhere that our fetish is in any way a bastion of solely well reasoned and honestly upright human beings just looking to get their rocks off and relax. There's PLENTY of that, enough that I don't worry about the future of mankind or anything :P, but experience doesn't impress upon me that our community could ever be a shining beacon communal hospitality. Too many people are going to be interested in the fantasy of what amounts to abusing women... for too many reasons. That can and does attract some real er... 'meanies'.
Don't you get tired of that?
That's my secret Cap. I'm always tired.
tumkar wrote:
3 years ago
this was the point I was trying to make on that other thread. We're all here for a reason which would probably get us excluded from most of polite society :) Within that realm we all have slightly different nuances, from one extreme to the other.

It is somewhat of a lord-of-the-flies-esque irony that even in such a shared community we are still able to divide in to groups and fight amongst ourselves :)

I guess humanity is doomed in the end.
What I mean is, it's the nature of the community we share that makes me incapable of expecting a shining bastion of pure honestness here. We aren't a community of butterfly lovers. We don't congregate to sing songs with each other. We're here to admire the degradation and humiliation of an archtype of fictional women. The very nature of the thing lines in a negative context otherwise we WOULDN'T get excluded from most of polite society for it. I don't find it an irony at all that we can't just all get along, I find it a bit of an inevitability. ANYWAY... we're spiraling a little bit. The topic IS about citation here and not necessarily politics.

IMO necessitating citations here probably isn't realistic. It takes a lot of work to deal in proper citation, and not just by you... but by whomever you expect to verify your citations. I'll reiterate that if you're going to attack someone's BUISINESS on here, you should come armed with more than just heresay, but if someone insults you... its best to just ask the moderators to give that person a warning.

Re: Accusations without citations need to be dealt with

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2021 12:39 am
by Bert
Femina wrote:
3 years ago
What I mean is, it's the nature of the community we share that makes me incapable of expecting a shining bastion of pure honestness here. We aren't a community of butterfly lovers. We don't congregate to sing songs with each other. We're here to admire the degradation and humiliation of an archtype of fictional women. The very nature of the thing lines in a negative context otherwise we WOULDN'T get excluded from most of polite society for it. I don't find it an irony at all that we can't just all get along, I find it a bit of an inevitability.
There are a number of things worth discussing in what you wrote, but I'm going to focus on the quoted bit. I really disagree with your point. In my opinion, most of the people here are pretty normal folks who happen to share an odd kink. I'm not denying that a few are dangerous, but I think by and large the community's political/social/cultural opinions aren't defined by the particular fetish in question. The arguments that have consumed this board aren't a reflection of the fetish, they're a reflection of the riven society we live in and a small number of provocateurs who enjoy stirring the pot.

Re: Accusations without citations need to be dealt with

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2021 1:55 am
by Imagineer

I humbly suggest that if your prosecution of the wrongness dragon leads a thread into the woods to die, you are not serving the greater good, you're just feeding the dragon and helping them poison the ground.

Re: Accusations without citations need to be dealt with

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2021 6:12 pm
by Femina
Imagineer wrote:
3 years ago

I humbly suggest that if your prosecution of the wrongness dragon leads a thread into the woods to die, you are not serving the greater good, you're just feeding the dragon and helping them poison the ground.
Hypothetical: What if the thread itself is wrong?

Re: Accusations without citations need to be dealt with

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2021 3:49 am
by Imagineer
Femina wrote:
3 years ago
Hypothetical: What if the thread itself is wrong?
I don't know what you mean.