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Joined: 8 years ago

That morning Barbara Gordon opened, as usual, the doors of the Gotham Public Library, where she worked.

She was the only librarian present when the first visitor entered. He was a short, bald man, dressed very neatly in a suit and hat.

He greeted Barbara and introduced himself very politely.

“How do you do? My name is Littlejohn, Jonathan Littlejohn!!!”

“Hi, I am Barbara Gordon.”

“Yes, and…you are Batgirl!!! “

“W-What??” Barbara reacted startled.

“Oh! How disappointing!! Your reaction is not the right one. You see, I am a psychiatrist and I am conducting a test to discover the identity of the most lovely of all enemies of crime. You do not respond properly. Therefore, you are not her.

“Wow!!”, Barbara thought. “Oh! Well! I am happy you er..mean…er- how very interesting!” she said.

“Well goodbye! I am on my way more ah…attractive redheads!! I must say …ah…this research is…ah…most, most entertaining!!”

“It should be”, Barbara thought. “It will be interesting to know how you make out, Mr. Littlejohn!” she said.

Just as the psychiatrist closed the door behind him, Barbara sighed in relief.

Five minutes later a cry for help was heard in the hall.

Barbara quickly went to her office and quickly secured the door. She took out her costume that she hid in a secret compartment inside her purse. From there, she also withdrew her boots, gloves, mask, and utility belt and in a flash, she became the beautiful crime fighter. “Not even the Boy Wonder would dress so fast,” she thought

When she opened the door to leave her office, she nearly ran into Chief O'Hara.

“Hey! Batgirl! What are you doing here? And where is Barbara Gordon?”

“Oh, how am I going to get out of this”!”, wondered Barbara. “Er.. she is out in the hall! I heard a cry for help!”

“I came here to give Barbara some books back. Come on, she may be in trouble!!!” the Chief said.

They both went out into the hall together.

“Where is she?” the Chief asked.

“Er… the cry came from the hall, but there is nobody here!” Batgirl answered.

“Oh, yes, there is!” a voice was heard.

Who is that? Batgirl inquired.

“Littlejohn is my the name! Jonathan Littlejohn!”

“How do you…I mean…did you yell for help?” Chief O´Hara asked.

“Yes, I yelled! You see, gentleman, it was all an experiment! I wanted to discover who this young lady really is! So I called for help and…behold, here she is! I trapped her into revealing herself! Do you understand me, Batgirl?

Before answering, Batgirl took a deep, calming breath to steady herself. “I have exposed my secret identity in a silly way. I was careless and naive. If the advantage my dual identity gives me against the villains is lost, I´m finished as a superheroine”. Barbara thought to herself.

“I am afraid I do! But why are you so curious? You know that if I must fight crime, my true identity has to remain secret!” Batgirl said.

“Because I am going to commit some very high-class robberies! If you fight me, I shall reveal who you are! Goodbye for now!”

“I’ll bust him into two!” threatened Chief O´Hara.

“Don´t! I have to handle this on my own!” exclaimed Batgirl. “Ok! I´ll look for Barbara. If anything happened to her…” said the Chief.

Batgirl was pleased that she had gotten rid of the old policeman. First of all, she had no way to explain what was she doing at Barbara´s office, and secondly because she didn´t want him to associate anything with her that might prove her dual identity to him (not to mention that she surprised the Chief more than once peeking at her when she was wearing her Batgirl costume and that she knew he would take advantage if he had a chance to learn her secret).

When Batgirl pursued the thief, she noticed that he entered into a jewelry store “I know what he´s up to!”

“This is a hold-up! I must disturb you for that trayful of diamonds!” Littlejohn said.

“And I´ve got to disturb you Mr. Littlejohn!” exclaimed Batgirl.

“Batgirl! Don´t or I´ll expose you!! “

“You´ll what? Where you´re going, you´ll have a chance to do a lot of talking! All to yourself!”

“ULP!” the slam of her hand against his neck knocked him down.

In responde to the owner of the jewelry store call, a young police officer arrived:

“Well! Well! Jonathan Littlejohn! This man escaped from the state insane Asylum! He´s a lunatic!”

“I know who Batgirl is! She is Barbara Gordon! I know, I know!!!” Littlejohn shouted.

“See? What exactly did I tell you? He thinks he knows who you are! He is really insane, I tell you! If I should ever try to find out your identity, the first name I´ll scratch off the list would be the plain Jane daughter of Commissioner Gordon!!” the policeman remarked.

“Whoa! That hurts!! Is it time for Barbara for going to Fashion Emergency?” pondered Batgirl.
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