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Rivals: Ophelia vs Karen Starr

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2022 6:01 am
by ksire_99
(This is a collaborative effort)

Chapter 1: Power Girl's Secret Discovered


The words came from Ophelia Day's lips like a soft murmur as she read the interview in The Daily Planet. ‘That Rag’ as she thought of the ‘Planet’ had just completed a series of interviews with 'Power Girl' as they had been calling her. She wanted to rip the cheap paper up but couldn’t. Proudly displayed on the front page was a smiling picture of the superheroine. Day had sneered at the picture when she first looked at the paper earlier and tossing in the trash. But she could help herself, partly because the large front-page picture of the heroine peaked out of the top of the trash basket beckoned her. The short haired blonde with her rich red lipstick smiling for the camera. Blue gloved hands on her hips, which featured that red belt which hung off her hips seemed to mock her.

She sat down and stared at the picture in disgust and something much different even though she did her best to conceal this. She thought even though the costume was skimpy, was just too much!. The costume was just a white leotard! Which hugged Power Girl's every impressive curve. Most infamous about the costume was the circular window over Power Girl's cleavage. It was so blatant that it annoyed much as it excited her. The short red cape hung from the Princess of Power's shoulder, her strong yet beautiful body, tights clad legs and blue boots, all of it exciting Day. ‘And It doesn’t hide that sexy ass’ she thought. Ophelia was obsessed with Power Girl for numerous reasons. Her amazing abilities were goddess like. Power Girl was an alien, whose knowledge could bring untold discoveries to the human race. Above all that though was her desire to have the mighty heroine as her lover.

Focus Ophelia! the copper haired corporate giant told herself. She would get nowhere with her plans to make Power Girl hers if she was distracted by her sensual desires.

She redoubled her efforts to gain anything from the article. Power Girl had been around for a while now but had given few interviews. While her foe seemed to have little to no weaknesses, she did possess one fault Ophelia knew she could exploit, pride. Maybe there is something here I can find that will shed some more light on Power Girl, Day thought as she scanned the article again.

It covered at best the most basic information about Power Girl, things that Ophelia with her company Dayworks had already found out at the cost of much treasure. The blonde bombshell was an alien, had powers beyond those of mere mortal humans, and of course stood for truth & justice. Day rolled her eyes at the last part. If only I had such power, wouldn't be using it for mere 'truth and justice'. Day was quickly approaching the point where she was going to toss the paper away again when something caught her eye.

Power Girl also shared how she came to Earth, 'I arrived on Earth roughly twenty years ago. It was a bit of an exciting ride, with lots of space debris in the way. I wasn't as tough back then, felt a bit squeamish at the time. It was a very rough and scary ride as the debris rattled against my pod.’ Day focused on the 'space debris' part.

"Space debris...twenty or so years ago..." why did that sound familiar.

Ophelia went to her computer turning it on and accessing her company's powerful search engine. Unlike Google, this engine searched not just the internet but secure government databases. She typed in her queries and was soon given a dozen or so results. As she read things became clearer, ahh yes the K99 Meteor Shower, caused quite a bit of debris to come down. One of the government reports flagged in her results was from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Curious why the NRC would be interested in the meteor shower she read.

Radioactive materials found? She saw. It seemed a few of the meteor fragments from the K99 Shower had been located near Smallville, Kansas. Some had carried a low-level alpha radiation that was normally harmless to humans. The NRC guys had still checked to make sure there was no radioactive contamination or sickness in the town....

It clicked.

Ophelia's eyes widened as she realized. She pushed a button on her desk, "Mercy!"

The tall form of her bodyguard entered the office seconds later. Mercy Graves had short brown hair, wore a black business suit with a short skirt, grey tights, and simple heels completed her look. The bodyguard looked amazing but was also deadly with her hidden automatic pistol and numerous fighting skills, "Yes Ms. Day?"

"I want you to begin a search for a specific meteorite fragment. It was once known as, X6, a government designation but it might be called something else now." Day stood up showing off her purple business jacket, short black skirt, and long tanned stocking clad legs. Since she was in the privacy of her office, Day moved about without her shoes, "Check museums, government storage sites, and even foreign sources to see if anything like that meteorite sample."

Graves had been given many tasks, spying on company rivals, seducing and blackmailing people, even eliminating people. Yet, she found this assignment odd, "Ms. Day I'm confused why are you so interested in this space rock?"

Ophelia grinned as she looked at her puzzled assistant, "Because my dear Mercy it may be the key to conquering Power Girl I have been looking for!"

Graves raised an eyebrow in surprise, "What?"

Day took a seat on the edge of her desk. She did want Mercy to find the meteorite, but she also wanted to explain her theory, "21 years ago, the ship carrying a young Power Girl arrived on Earth. As with any large planetary destruction all that mass and elements that made up the planet had to go somewhere. I believe that the K99 shower all those years ago was pieces of the planet which had somehow traveled with Power Girl's ship. Those fragments were scattered all over the globe but...." she smiled now, "Some were more special than others."

Day went to her computer printing the page about the meteorite. As it came from her printer Ophelia looked to Mercy, "Some held a radioactive signature that wasn't harmful to humans. However much like uranium or plutionum's radiation doesn't affect Power Girl I believe that this substance this.....Kryptonite." Ophelia almost wet her stocking as she coined the name, "Won't affect humans....but to anyone from the planet Krypton this substance is lethal!"

Graves furrowed her eyebrows some, "Ms. Day are you saying this rock will....kill Power Girl?"

Day scooped up the print out and walked towards Mercy, "If not kill it will severely weaken her...if my theory is correct." she handed the page to Graves, "We won't know though till we have the rock." she turned deadly serious, "Don't tell a SOUL about this Mercy. I don't care what you have to do to get this rock but do it."

Mercy didn't know if her boss was right, but she wasn't paid to be the scientific genius. She also had learned long ago to not challenge Ophelia when it came to her Power Girl obsession. She curtly nodded, "Understood."

As Graves went to begin her search Ophelia went back to her computer. She clicked on the picture that the government report had linked to it. A green jagged rock was visible in the shot. Ophelia rubbed her chest as she looked to it, "Your just what I need to make my dreams reality."

The Kryptonite would give Ophelia what she had always desired, the means to conquer and control Power Girl. To make the Princess of Power...hers.

Ophelia moaned in sensual pleasure at the thought

Re: Rivals: Ophelia vs Karen Starr

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2022 8:21 am
by DrDominator9
Fun beginning. Nice to have you back writing, ksire.

Re: Rivals: Ophelia vs Karen Starr

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2022 9:19 am
by tmon
Excellent start!