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Ms. Argentina, Inti and Killa's daughter.

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2023 4:56 pm
by argento
Before I start I want to clarify something...
This post is by the suggestions of a member of this forum Shevec. He showed interest in Ms. Argentina and gave some suggestions.
I made some modifications to the character's story and her outfit. As for the story is based on Inca mythology, this is because the sun of the Argentine flag, is the Inca sun, known as the god Inti. She is still a prosecutor, I did not change that. As for her clothing, I added a headband and two knee pads with the symbol Killa, the lunar goddess.
Without further ado, I begin to comment .....
ms arg cov.jpg
ms arg cov.jpg (1.03 MiB) Viewed 791 times
ms arg cov 2.jpg
ms arg cov 2.jpg (1.05 MiB) Viewed 791 times

Re: Ms. Argentina, Inti and Killa's daughter.

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2023 7:08 pm
by PartsUnknown
Looks good! I haven’t seen the original but I like this design.

Re: Ms. Argentina, Inti and Killa's daughter.

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2023 7:37 pm
by Mr. X
WOW! Love that costume!

Re: Ms. Argentina, Inti and Killa's daughter.

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2023 1:14 am
by shevek
Interesting derivation! (and very sexy costume indeed). Yes it would seem to be an interesting origin for Ms Argentina's power to derive from the Andean gods, similar to Wonder Woman. That's what DC was trying to do with Yara Flor but it didn't stick very well. Maybe her native supranym could actually be Inti Warma (the sun child in Quechua). Just a thought!

Seeing as how only the very southeastern tip of the Inca Empire was even in Argentina at all (as part of Qullasuyu, the southern quarter) there would probably have to be some kind of rationale for the mystical power of the Inca pantheon being passed that far south (as opposed to in Peru). Maybe you could still use the idea of the northwest jungle as Inca hunting grounds to explain maybe how the Inca nobles fled the conquistadors, hid out in the jungle, and spawned a clandestine civilization from which Ms Argentina arose as a warrior? Her armor would seem to indicate that they learned how to metalwork, which was not a skill that the Incas had originally. Again just spitballing.

Love the character! I'd be interested to know if anyone in South America has been working on comic characters of that nature.

Re: Ms. Argentina, Inti and Killa's daughter.

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2023 11:10 am
by argento
The character came to me spontaneously, hours before the World Cup final. Then he is with the Ms. Americana in a post. I hadn't thought much about her powers, something vague like the Amazons and she could be a prosecutor. I put the Argentine flag and that's it, why the Incas? Because of the sun on the flag, it's the Inca sun. It is true, I have to justify why it went south. The towns of Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, Colombia, Ecuador and Panama formed the viceroyalty of Peru created by the Spanish Crown in 1542, two centuries later, after the Bourbon Reforms, its immense territory suffered three important decreases. In 1717, the Viceroyalty of New Granada was created in the north. In 1776, the Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata was created in the south...............................
This is only an idea....... The capital of the viceroyalty of the Rio de la Plata was "Buenos Aires" (current capital of Argentina). Ms. Argentina somehow had to be involved in the wars of independence ....

Re: Ms. Argentina, Inti and Killa's daughter.

Posted: Tue May 23, 2023 8:21 pm
by argento
ms arg vs pizarro.jpg
ms arg vs pizarro.jpg (220.11 KiB) Viewed 437 times