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The Perils of Power, a SHiP TTRPG for you and for me!

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2023 12:50 pm
by Femina
I've decided to create a Superheroine themed tabletop role playing game! I'm only just starting out but I've got more than a few ideas bouncing around up here. The original inspiration came when I discovered the 'Heroine Crisis' system which I thought had some neat ideas... but fell alarmingly short on ambition (for that reason a few of the Character Creation systems currently do have a bit in common with Heroine Crisis system at it's very base, but I've already got a lot of ideas to bring this system into its own. Admittedly it is currently a bit of a soup of dreams and ideas, but I think it's progressing into something like what we here would all like to see in a game like this.

In the meantime, while I do plan to do the bulk of the work on my own, no TTRPG can become the best version of itself without the help of the people who are most likely to actually PLAY it. I can input the sorts of features I would like to personally see in a SHiP rpg myself, but this isn't going to be a game for JUST me either so I'm putting a link to the google doc here for anyone who wishes to take a peek, and should you be so inclined or excited by the prospect, you might offer whatever suggestions you might like to see put into the game here as well!

As I am but one woman my brainpan is limited to my own perspective and desires, for that reason I'd particularly appreciate ideas for powersets, weaknesses and the sorts of technology and otherwise you think would make great additions to a Superheroine rpg.

Thank you for your time should you choose to help in this, probably lengthy, process. ... _i9dM/edit

Please do not share this link outside of the website. I'd like to keep some semblance of control over the communities peeking over my shoulder while I work.

Re: The Perils of Power, a SHiP TTRPG for you and for me!

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2023 5:11 pm
by Damselbinder
This looks like a really cool, really fun idea!

In this system, how would you class a sentai-type heroine? Would they be counted the same way an Iron-Man style tech hero would, or what have you?

Re: The Perils of Power, a SHiP TTRPG for you and for me!

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2023 5:18 pm
by Femina
Damselbinder wrote:
1 year ago
This looks like a really cool, really fun idea!

In this system, how would you class a sentai-type heroine? Would they be counted the same way an Iron-Man style tech hero would, or what have you?
Hmmmm that's a good question. They'd probably be high on technology with minimal inherent powers loaded up with technology. I could make a bunch of equipment and costumes for them. Prolly around Tier 3?

Re: The Perils of Power, a SHiP TTRPG for you and for me!

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2023 6:40 pm
by shzam
Sounds interesting will have to have a full read through.

Any chance you could share a link to "heroine crisis"? not familiar but also sounds like its worth look even if just to compare to what you have.

Re: The Perils of Power, a SHiP TTRPG for you and for me!

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2023 6:59 pm
by Femina
shzam wrote:
1 year ago
Sounds interesting will have to have a full read through.

Any chance you could share a link to "heroine crisis"? not familiar but also sounds like its worth look even if just to compare to what you have.
Heroine Crisis is just a google search away. It's just like, a little wiki entry. The issue is it's entirely 'japanese magical girl' focused, entirely derived around sex, sex, and only sex... and doesn't have that many actual features.

With this game I'm looking to make it a functional all around RPG where you can just have some good clean 'comic book' peril fun as easily as you can do smut stuff

Re: The Perils of Power, a SHiP TTRPG for you and for me!

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2023 11:37 am
by ThatOnePervert
Interesting, I've been playing around with the Crisis Heroine system and do find it a bit lacking. I understand the thought process behind abandoning leveling, but I do think something is lost in having your heroine develop as you play. I'll take a look at rolling up a character at some point and give some feedback.

Re: The Perils of Power, a SHiP TTRPG for you and for me!

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2023 1:24 pm
by Femina
ThatOnePervert wrote:
1 year ago
Interesting, I've been playing around with the Crisis Heroine system and do find it a bit lacking. I understand the thought process behind abandoning leveling, but I do think something is lost in having your heroine develop as you play. I'll take a look at rolling up a character at some point and give some feedback.
I considered it for awhile... the main reason for this is that, I don't imagine this being played around an actual table in 99.9% of circumstances. The majority of play is like to be in solo Roleplays between two adults online in a chatbox/google doc/other means of online roleplay... and almost ALL of those are semi-casual OR abandoned shortly after start. It makes more sense to me to allow the player to create the superheroine they WANT to play this with (or play against in the 'Archnemesis's case) Supergirl is JUST Supergirl. She doesn't level up, she just IS. Wonder Woman doesn't have to unlock her true potential in order to use her powers. There's a FEW cases in comic books and superhero fiction where this isn't precisely true, and I do plan to eventually include some variety of way for characters to perhaps 'jump' up a tier should the players feel the narrative is asking for it, but by and large. I want people who wanna play Batgirl, to be able to just play batgirl... or play as their long developed OCs, etc.

Actual emotional character arcs and the like, which is more the Superhero genre's bread and butter than 'leveling up' their skills and fighting ability, I would still consider the ballpark of the players to build dynamically and doesn't require a leveling system to execute. Example: If you want your heroine to be naïve play her as naïve. I already am trying to emphasize that choosing your heroines weaknesses for the archnemesis to use against you is a FEATURE for you to use for your enjoyment. I.E. Pick the weaknesses that twirk you. Being defeated in battle isn't the end of the game. I plan to include a 'captivity' system down the line and the game should wind up a balancing act around Superheroic combat, glorious victory... or humbling defeat resulting in your capture, and a push pull to attempt an escape from capture to get back around to the combat. I'm not even including a 'death' or 'lose state' mechanic at this stage. (Though as I know there are folks with 'corruption' 'hypnotized' 'completely submitting' fantasies and fetish's that stuff WILL be considered by the time any finished product comes around... but I expect it's to be considered 'optional' content.

Edit: Don't take 'product' the wrong way. I'm not selling this, I pretty much despise the rat race ESPECIALLY where artistic concerns come into play. That's not to say I'm gonna give any artists out there flak for selling their art and making a living for themselves in any way... it's just not for me. Money injected into an artistic endeavor utterly DESTROYS my investment in tinkering with it. So I'm making this 'product' to be free and open source. This is me enjoying a hobby, and hoping to share it when its done.

Re: The Perils of Power, a SHiP TTRPG for you and for me!

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2023 4:19 pm
by SnidelyW
This is great! I run D&D games and I've been chatting with some people about finding a way to do this. There are existing superhero systems out there that could possibly be used, albeit with very particular stories... and there's also GURPS, which actually has a system for adding strengths AND weaknesses to balance them out.

Please keep me in the loop for any future endeavors

Re: The Perils of Power, a SHiP TTRPG for you and for me!

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2023 5:00 pm
by CaptainHanna
This is very cool! I've been wanting to do a tabletop roleplaying game for my own superheroine universe for some time too. Cool to see that there are others out there with the same ideas and ambitions :)

Re: The Perils of Power, a SHiP TTRPG for you and for me!

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2023 6:04 pm
by Femina
SnidelyW wrote:
1 year ago
This is great! I run D&D games and I've been chatting with some people about finding a way to do this. There are existing superhero systems out there that could possibly be used, albeit with very particular stories... and there's also GURPS, which actually has a system for adding strengths AND weaknesses to balance them out.

Please keep me in the loop for any future endeavors
Ty Ty, I am a D&D alum as well and while I've played many a D&D game, my major success there was as a DM, and thus I really came to have a great understanding of the mechanics in the game and the sort of balancing act that exists in the structure of the game. For this reason I think I have a good chance at putting together something that's playable enough to be enjoyable while also catering to what the SHiP community would like that they just can't get elsewhere.

Re: The Perils of Power, a SHiP TTRPG for you and for me!

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2023 9:05 pm
by bou
Hello, long time lurker here - coming up for some air and throw some good juju your way.

You've put in a lot of work into that document and it's awesome! Thank you for sharing. Hopefully one day I will have some actual concrete contributions, but please have some positive vibes for now :-)

Re: The Perils of Power, a SHiP TTRPG for you and for me!

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2023 11:19 pm
by Baralton
You know I got a simple ttrpg called Magical Fury which uses a simple version of powered by the Apocalypse. It has a system where you roll 2 d6s and add them up. Depending on what you rolled, the number can be good or bad. The only reason why I am suggesting this is if you need mechanic for the capture system, or something similar.

Re: The Perils of Power, a SHiP TTRPG for you and for me!

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2023 3:23 am
by Femina
Baralton wrote:
1 year ago
You know I got a simple ttrpg called Magical Fury which uses a simple version of powered by the Apocalypse. It has a system where you roll 2 d6s and add them up. Depending on what you rolled, the number can be good or bad. The only reason why I am suggesting this is if you need mechanic for the capture system, or something similar.
Thank you, I'm currently focusing on the combat system overall and have worked out how being captured works. The other... probably not 'half' but the other major gameplay system outside of just 'roleplay' is going to be a 'captivity' system... but I'm gonna not get to far ahead of myself and start out by just trying to make the basic roleplay and combat systems decent first.

Re: The Perils of Power, a SHiP TTRPG for you and for me!

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2023 4:53 pm
by Kitten
This is groovy.

I dabbled in something similar to this years ago..

At the time i called it Damsels and Deathtraps.

It was a really rules light version of Champions/Gurps/and MM.

Sample Character Sheet if you're curious... ... -291263923

I took a look at what you're working on, and it seems you're on the right track. You may or may not find people interested in this. Years ago someone came out with a parody game that was suppose to be a joke (Macho Women with Guns) and it was a hit beyond their expectations spawning a few sequel follow ups.

I can see this mostly being popular online, either... as you call it in a chat box or adult roleplaying forum.

Good luck with this.

Re: The Perils of Power, a SHiP TTRPG for you and for me!

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2023 12:59 am
by Baralton
Femina wrote:
1 year ago
Baralton wrote:
1 year ago
You know I got a simple ttrpg called Magical Fury which uses a simple version of powered by the Apocalypse. It has a system where you roll 2 d6s and add them up. Depending on what you rolled, the number can be good or bad. The only reason why I am suggesting this is if you need mechanic for the capture system, or something similar.
Thank you, I'm currently focusing on the combat system overall and have worked out how being captured works. The other... probably not 'half' but the other major gameplay system outside of just 'roleplay' is going to be a 'captivity' system... but I'm gonna not get to far ahead of myself and start out by just trying to make the basic roleplay and combat systems decent first.
I understand. The combat and role-playing is important of any ttrpg. May I ask which system is that?

Re: The Perils of Power, a SHiP TTRPG for you and for me!

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2023 3:36 am
by Femina
The Captivity system? Well half of SHiP stuff is heroines getting captured and stuff by villains with ill intent. It's going to be an important part of the game eventually, but im still a long ways off from starting working on it