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AR-13L The Little Mercmaid (Arrow Comics / FundMyComic crowdfund)

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2023 11:20 am
by shevek
There's a new crowdfunding site in town for comics, called FundMyComic, which was founded by comic creator Luke Stone (Hybrids) and some other helpers.

It promises to be 100% gatekeeping free, avoiding all the restrictions of Kickstarter and Crowdfundr and the as-yet-unexplained shadowbanning algorithms of Indiegogo.

There are already about 20 campaigns on the platform, but the first one that really wet my whistle is AR13-L: The Little Mercmaid.

It looks sexy, violent, and the kind of fun parody that I'm used to seeing come out of Don Chin's Parody Press (X-Farce, Beardzzerker).
But this one is a team-up between the longtime Twitter comic-skeptic legend Pixeltraitor (creator of the IndieCron website)
and the publishers over at Detroit's Arrow Comics. Plus art by rising Mexican indie comics superstar Jose Garcia (Cartoon Network, Heavy Metal, Comixology, Devil's Due, etc. - not to be confused with the legendary Jose Luis Garcia Lopez).

Some art and promo stuff is below. If this floats your boat (heh) sign up on the mail chimp link for when it launches soon. ... e-mercmaid
little mercmaid statement.png
little mercmaid statement.png (45.24 KiB) Viewed 668 times
little mercmaid banner.jpg
little mercmaid banner.jpg (212.86 KiB) Viewed 668 times
the little mercmaid.png
the little mercmaid.png (1.71 MiB) Viewed 668 times

Re: AR-13L The Little Mercmaid (Arrow Comics / FundMyComic crowdfund)

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2023 7:59 am
by shevek
Just an update to say that more information has been released about this AR-13L Little Mercmaid campaign.

First of all, the comic is being brought to life by three combined forces in indie comics: (see their Twitter handles)

@Pixeltraitor (the creator of the Indiechron crowdfund campaign publicity site)

Erik Hodson aka Detroit's @DreadedDinosaur (I see him all the time at Cons in Pittsburgh, he specializes in pro-wrestling comic book art)

and the lovely Piper @PipersAdventure, creator of Rift Riders.

Plus you can follow the character herself at @littlemercmaid

Next, the campaign will officially launch on May 19, with a livestream on Australian indie publisher Michael Bancroft's Youtube channel.
So watch for that and sign up to the campaign at the Mailchimp. ... e-mercmaid

Finally, the book will be in full color (the sample below is from the original intent of doing it 3-color, but it will be colored in) and there are lots of well-known names from the indie comic book movement doing sketch cards for the book as extra perks in the campaign. It's shaping up to look like an interesting cross between the Disney Princess and Red Sonja (but of course, with more than 25% parody differences....) so if that's your thing, then dig in.
ar13l sketch cards.png
ar13l sketch cards.png (1.18 MiB) Viewed 590 times
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ar13l page.jpg (586.84 KiB) Viewed 590 times