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Supergirl: Party Trap 24/Mar

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2023 1:20 pm
by Abductorenmadrid

An image story - a little apart from my usual comfort zone - coming very soon to the USHF!

Supergirl: Party Trap

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2023 3:55 am
by Abductorenmadrid

"I can't believe she insisted on this," Kara thought to herself as she walked down the entrance way into the Catco Summer Ball.

Dressed in a latex dress that had been sent by Cat Grant and delivered to her apartment, Kara had been told this was was a fetish themed event. However, the partygoers she had seen so far had seemed somewhat 'vanilla'.

"One wrong move and I am literally going to end up naked!" Kara thought as she walked.


Kara entered the main chamber of the venue and her heart sank as she saw the mock-up of an upcoming cover for CATCO magazine.

"O-M-G - they know... how do they know!? Why didn't I know that they know! I'm on her staff!! Lillian must have... oh Rao!" Kara's mind whirled as she took in the magazine cover.


Kara wrapped her arms around herself as she shuddered, remembering what Lillian had done to her... and how secretly she had actually enjoyed the sudden loss of power. But that was a secret for her to keep, wasn't it? At any rate, if there were pictures or recordings of what happened surely Cat wasn't going to publish them? She'd invested so much effort building up the image of Supergirl, so why would she do this now?

"Cat thinks Supergirl and I are friends... perhaps that's why she was trying to keep this story secret from me, so I wouldn't tell her?"

Kara seemed transfixed a moment as she looked at herself, the stock photo image of her looking down in shock at the title about Lillian Luthor and her inner dominatrix. It was only then she noticed the other features that made it onto the cover.

"Wait, does she think I am some sort of .... muse.... to dress up and ... grrr...where is she?!"


Kara spun around and scanned the busy venue, catching sight of just a few people, both men and women who seemed to turn their heads away as they fell under her gaze.

"Rao, I'm drawing attention. They're all thinking the same thing. Kara Danvers is an attention seeking slut! Why is no one else doing the fetish thing? Cat said this was the theme!"

Kara put her hands on her hips, her mind instinctively trying to project her power pose before she realised it was better just to try and keep the dress from drifting too high or too low.

"Where are you, Cat?" thought Supergirl as she tuned in her ears to try and find her often domineering boss.


Kara began to walk across the dance floor, sensing that she was suddenly the talk of the town. With her hearing tuned she heard every whisper, every comment and with her paranoia it seemed to amplify everything that was about her.

"Don't look!"

"Wow, hot stuff!"

"She's here!"

"On your six!"

"Wow, nice ass..."

"Bet you 10k she's got nothing under that dress"

"I can SEE she's got nothing under that dress!"

"Do you see that slut?"

"With it that tight she may as well not wear anything at all!"

"What a body!"

"Shhh, she'll hear!"

The barrage of words seemed to flick at Kara's clitoris, the humiliating attention awakening new sensations within her. The heroine tried to force a smile which became a grimace and she desperately tried to find friendly company with whom she might be able to shelter from all the unwanted attention. Winn? Jimmy? Cat?! Anyone!


"Well, well, well! She's here," smiled Cat Grant as she danced slowly with Maxwell Lord.

"And that smile... means she's dressed up to our liking," Max asked.

"Like a lamb to the slaughter," Cat responded.

"Well, the sooner you get over there, the sooner our guests can enjoy the show," Max added.


Cat threaded her way through the partygoers towards her target, ready to strike.


"Well there you are! Did as you were told again, I see," Cat said sternly as she was in range of Kara.

"Miss Grant! Oh thank goodness. I feel like a deer in the lion enclosure. Why did you ask me to come like this?" gulped Kara as she glanced around the venue. People's heads turned subtly away as she brought them into her field of view. She was obviously the center of all the attention.

"Now listen to me, you submissive little wretch. You're dressed like that so I can save the one last shred of value you have left!" Cat explained.

"Value? I don't understand,"

"Kara, I know who you are," Cat said bluntly.

"I don't know what you ...." Kara began to retort.

"Don't! Listen to what I am telling you. I. KNOW. WHO. YOU. ARE." Cat said under a very quiet voice through gritted teeth.

"But, you... can't...." Kara stammered as she glanced around the room nervous that someone might overhear.

"Oh I can, you servile little wretch! Now you better do as you are told if you want to keep you... and Supergirl separate!" Cat hinted.

Kara's heart sank. It was true, Cat knew and this event... it was some means to exert her control over her perhaps.

Re: Supergirl: Party Trap 22/Mar

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2023 11:11 am
by tmon
Great story/picts as always!

Supergirl: Party Trap 23/Mar

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2023 3:33 am
by Abductorenmadrid

"Why are you doing this? Why am I here .... like.... like this?" Kara asked, eyes misting subtly.

"Everyone here sees you, Supergirl, because we told them Supergirl would be here. The girl in the black latex dress," Cat said coldly.

"Oh Rao, they... they all know?!" Kara gasped as her head glanced around the room.

"Yes, you moron. You don't get it, do you? The one thing they don't know is your... your human name," Cat responded, rolling her eyes.


"Nobody knows you! You're just a nameless personal assistant in my media empire. Tonight, in this room, you aren't Kara Danvers. Tonight you are Supergirl in a black dress and that's all that everyone here sees because that's what they want to see. The last thing on their mind is you are here as someone else."

Kara's eyes widened in dread at the conundrum. Everyone there knew she was Supergirl and it was Kara Danvers that was the secret she had to keep.

"What do you want?" Kara asked, managing to regain a little composure despite her racing heart.

"Maxwell and I are... well.... let's just say we are of the same kinky mindset and we can tell you are ripe for the taking. All our guests here are BDSM minded. They have paid to watch you being dominated again, and you're going to go with the flow, to protect Miss Danvers,"

"You.. monsters. I won't. I can't," Kara replied, shaking her head.

"You can. And you will. Now, I am going to go and set myself down to watch while Maxwell get's the party started," Cat said with a wicked smile before gesturing subtly with her head.

Kara's head dropped. The whispers flooded her ears and the clinging dress reminded her how exposed she was.


Cat Grant edged away from Supergirl who was left to ponder what was next. Out of view Maxwell approached knowing that Cat had explained to the young heroine that her secret identity, Kara Danvers, was at risk if she didnt comply.

"Come on then, Supergirl... let's dance!" Maxwell teased Supergirl.

With her hair styled the way it was and the earrings it seemed to not match her dress which Max had secretly chosen for her to wear with Cat’s input of course. Surely she must have only had the courage to put on the sexy outfit at the last minute. Now only a few microns of latex covered her body, and barely, but if anyone had the body to make it work, Supergirl did.

Supergirl looked reluctantly up at Maxwell and with some hesitation reached out to him. Maxwell smiled and steered her to the dancefloor, drawing her in ready to make his play. In Supergirl’s ears the excited whispers of people could be heard, even beneath the music that filled the venue.


"So, Cat explained it all to you, right, Supergirl?" Maxwell hinted. He knew well enough she had arrived as Kara Danvers, but for his fetish-minded company they all thought she was Supergirl masquerading in civilian clothing.

The two danced close, his eyes looking into hers. She looked serious, like she was calculating her way out of the situation, but fighting against a lot of unknowns. The events with Lillian had somehow let Cat and Max figure out her secret identity. But how much else did they know? For now Supergirl was on the back foot and she had no idea how to get out of the conundrum. Flee and expose Kara Danvers? Or stay and go through whatever was in store for her.

"Maxwell, you…” Supergirl began in a bid to get information before she was abruptly interrupted.

“Ah, just yes or no,” Max interceded.

“Well, yes. But …” Supergirl answered, again trying to get her own agenda moving.

Supergirl instantly felt his commanding hold on her behind prompting her to grit her teeth, her grip on Maxwell’s hand tightening like a warning in reply.

“Ah ah, play nice… we both know what’s at stake here,” Maxwell said with slight discomfort before whispering … “Kara Danvers,” into her ear.

Kara paused her crushing treatment on his hand and glanced around to the same effect as before. She was being watched subtly by the crowd but with caution from the corner of their eyes, their low voiced conversations almost a narration of what was happening to her on the dance floor.

Max could read the expression in her eyes, she knew she was trapped. If she wanted to keep Supergirl and the life in the human world as Kara Danvers apart she had to obey. To confirm what he knew, Max became more daring, subtle pressure on Kara’s thin latex dress causing the hem behind to rise. Now he could just feel the edge of where Supergirl’s two perfect orbs of her behind met.


“Hey… I ….” Supergirl stammered, quickly adjusting her attire as Max steered her into a subtle spin with her facing away from him. His touch was just a little too much for her liking.

“You, don’t have anything on under there, do you!”, Max asserted. Already he was sure that beneath that dress was nothing but her pefect skin and all the opportunities that it would give him to make her his plaything.

“I… well…” Supergirl blushed as she protested.

“Oh I understand… the vanity of not wanting to show off your panty line…” Max suggested, offering Supergirl an out while his hands scanned her subtly, but almost intimately through her dress.

“Uh, yes…. I ….” Supergirl rapidly responded. Her mind trying to go with the answer while the alarm bells in her head warned her of Max’s exploration of her body.

“Don’t lie… it was because Cat’s note with the dress said not to. It excites you, doesn’t it… being on the edge of….. hmmmm ….. exposure. Of discovery?” Max teased.

Supergirl’s eyes betrayed her feelings, or at least, what Max suspected they were. Cat had described to Max her personal assistant’s almost transparent and submissive nature and that was who he felt he was dancing with now.

Max looked coyly into Supergirl’s eyes after her pause of silence, “Fine, you don’t have to say it but we know your body will betray you, to me and… everyone here… and tell us what we want to know,”

Max had stressed the words ‘everyone here’ which caused Supergirl’s heart to flutter.

“Even if… even if you… you can’t … your perverted friends… you can’t hurt me,” Supergirl protested.


Max scoffed, “Oh… sure….physically… no one here can hurt you… not like Lillian can with her gadgets and science… tonight is more about your…”

Supergirl was almost paralyzed by Max’s words as he nuzzled into her ear and whispered, “your…utter degradation.”

His words filled her heart and soul with an immense sensation that she could barely describe but her transparent expression could only be read as shock.

“Do you see? In all their eyes,”…. Max said while his eyes scanned the room to see his smiling guests as his hand settled on Kara’s tenderest flesh…”Supergirl willingly came to The Ball, dressed like a slut… ready to play. And you know, I think I can feel you like that idea. Now… expose those beautiful breasts….they all want to see them first,”

In that moment Supergirl realised the sense of pleasure washing over her was from Max’s touch. He was touching her! Down there!

“Hey… no… I … ” Supergirl managed to say as she tried to shrug off her sense of surrender that was building within her.

Max ignored her protest, “I said… show us…. Kara”.

He said her first name with a subtle hint of force, the threat of exposing the secret identity of Kara Danvers and the privacy it gave her hitting home hard for the heroine.

Kara Danvers was Supergirl’s true life of freedom. She had a family who loved her like she was their own, a job, a vocation that might go on to bigger and better things. And friends. So many friends that liked her. Not for the Superpowers they never knew she had, but for being herself. Kind. Fun. Caring. Giving. Honest. Smart.

Supergirl snatched herself away, spinning to face the man who was dominating her.


Angrily Supergirl brushed her dress down and then tugged at the strap, “Is… this what you want to see, pervert!?” she said through gritted teeth. She tried to emit this sense that exposing herself didn’t matter, that Max wasn’t going to get under her skin. But her exposure was barely anything and for only a fleeting moment.

Max raised an eyebrow at her labeling him a pervert and sensed that her act was all bluster. Her token gesture was not easy for her and she was going to resist doing what he wanted. But he had a plan.

Max scoffed, “Oh you’re going to have to do a lot better than that. Get them out. Both of them and if we are on to name calling I’ll just call you Slut. Unless of course you want me to call you… something else. So… what will it be? Super Slut with her tits out? Or … well… you know!” he hinted.

Max’s cautious eyes knew full well that today Supergirl’s Kryptonite was her own human name and on the dancefloor among his guests it was not a threat to be used casually.


The fire that had briefly shone in Supergirl’s eyes faded fast as she reluctantly, and slowly pulled at the straps of her dress, exposing her breasts. Now, her head was down, desperate to avoid eye contact with anyone, such was her embarrassment.

Max was momentarily stunned at the perfect view, a twinkle in his eye. “Better. Now hands away, slowly, let your dress do the work,” teased Max as his index finger tugged the top edge of the dress to cup under her breasts.

For Supergirl the exposure and the manner of it seemed to be more arousing than anything and mentally it was an effort to contain the sensation.

Max admired his work, “There, now that's a look I like, Super Slut! Hmm I do like the ring to that. Now, come here,” Max said before dragging Supergirl back to him using the bottom of her dress to hold on with.


Supergirl’s hand rose defensively to protect her breasts while the other guarded her crotch but Max let her have that moment of peace, making sure she knew that it was his eyes that was doing the probing now, over her shoulder at the view.

“Hmmm… well you are turned on, aren’t you, Slut?” Max teased, noting Supergirl’s stiffening nipples.

Supergirl could only remain silent as she processed the whispers all around her.

“Nice rack…” commented one man.

“Mr Digital certainly knows how to press her buttons!” said a woman.

And on and on went the whispers.



“I do hope he doesn’t rush this…”

“I bet she’s so wet!”

Maxwell slow danced Supergirl around the floor, keeping her ahead of him like he was displaying her chest. With one of his hands on her abdomen which she guarded with her other hand, the defence of her chest was reduced. It was then that she finally saw the occasional admiring glance, even a wink.

“There… there are no cellphones…. or cameras?” Supergirl noted.

“No… this is an event for the mind. For the memories. It’s ours to keep and never to share. It protects them. It protects us. It even protects you. Any unauthorised tech that did make it in… it will have been fried. So…. Just keep going on being our Super Slut and your secret will be safe!”

Supergirl bit her bottom lip, the comfortably cool air on her breasts a proxy for the gaze that she knew she was receiving from the strangers in the room. She felt like an object being proudly shown off and while her heroine side screamed within she could feel the truth forming between her legs.


Re: Supergirl: Party Trap 23/Mar

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2023 8:32 am
by DrDominator9
Exquisite stuff as usual. The writing, the visuals. The delight of it all unfolding so nicely! Thanks for sharing.

Re: Supergirl: Party Trap 23/Mar

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2023 8:59 am
by Abductorenmadrid
DrDominator9 wrote:
1 year ago
Exquisite stuff as usual. The writing, the visuals. The delight of it all unfolding so nicely! Thanks for sharing.
Not my usual fare, I know, but have had that event scene in my head since I started doing SG manips way back when. That, and the fact I've not had time or space to really work a good scene for a while resulted in this. Hopefully I can get the last act posted up tomorrow.


Supergirl: Party Trap 24/Mar

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2023 4:35 am
by Abductorenmadrid

Max deftly steered his prize to the center of the dance floor then firmly grasped her dress once again and Supergirl could only glance anxiously about her, nervous about what was to happen next.

“Wha… what now?”

“Time to show off more of your assets, Slut,” Max said with glee.

Supergirl processed his words and went wide eyed, “I won’t let you take this dress off of me..,” stammered the heroine as she held on to the fine layer of latex covering her body.

“Slut, that dress will be nothing more than a belt when I am done with you… but you can keep it on… those shoes too…” Max responded smoothly. He was firmly in control and he knew it.

Supergirl’s breathing went ragged the instant she conjured up a vision of how she was going to be rendered practically naked in front of everyone. Max knew it was time to turn up the heat on his submissive plaything and clicked his fingers at Cat who had been watching on, a glass of champagne in hand while talking with a wealthy dominatrix. Cat relayed the signal onto a watching DJ in a closed of booth who did a thumbs up.


It was barely a dance the dominant Maxwell did with Supergirl as he teased and probed her defences. Kara held firm the front of her dress only for Max to spank her. She didn’t feel any pain, but to be publicly punished was dizzying.

“Oh Rao… please, I …”


“Move your hands and I will stop spanking you…” chuckled Maxwell.




“One way or another I am going to get what I want. Maybe I should get the clamp set and work on those… oh so delicious breasts of yours,” Maxwell said sincerely before swatting her behind again.

Supergirl’s hands rose, cupping her breasts almost lustfully before realising the signal she sent out was shockingly inappropriate. It was then she knew how confused she really was, the pure heroine seemingly melting into a lake of her own sexual juices.

“Good Slut,” teased Max as he saw on Supergirl’s face how she had realised she had just publicly played with her swollen nipples.

“Whaa… what’s happening to me…” moaned Supergirl weakly.

“I … am destroying your inhibitions, Supergirl,” Max said assertively.

“No, I …”

“Every step around this dancefloor I’ve lowered the bar for you, Slut. Displayed more. Touched more. There might be nothing you won’t let me do to you. You’re even responding to your new name,”

Supergirl gulped as she could feel Max’s fingers starting to test her labia. How warm it was. How soft. And progressively Supergirl felt the sensation of self lubrication that was building and building with each thunderous heartbeat.

Supergirl shook her head in disbelief at Max’s words but was rendered speechless by the notion. All she knew was the sensation between her legs was…heavenly and she didn’t want anything to make it stop.

Supergirl’s inner thoughts raced, “No wait… oh Rao… it’s wrong…. must stop. Oh Rao, can’t. Ohhhhh don’t stop. Go deeper… I need… oh….,”
Max saw her shake her head in denial, “Hmmmm, you don’t think so? Good! A little resistance to your debasement is going to be very invigorating,”


The dance of Supergirl’s degredation continued on with no sign the heroine could break out of the drug like addiction to her situation. Max had used the occasional subtle placement of his feet, keeping hers very much apart, the cool air on her increasingly bared flesh somehow adding to the exhilaration that she felt. Moments of regret seemed to come, then be obliterated by hunger for more perverse deeds. Max deftly played with Supergirl’s pussy, even at times whispering evil thoughts into her ears as he presented her in various directions on the dancefloor, in one moment he even convinced her to touch herself down below. Difficult to achieve but gratifying once she did it.

“Time to take you down even further, Slut,” boasted Max. It was like what he had done to her was barely anything. To her though, she felt she had given everything.

“M…m… more,” Supergirl managed to say, one leg actually starting to tremble nervously where she stood.

Max was stood close, his smiling face looking into her lustful eyes as he snapped a black latex glove onto one of his hands.

“I did say, UTTER degredation… didn’t I?”

Supergirl shook her head, she could barely contemplate giving him more of herself.

“Spread your behind apart, show them all those delicious holes of yours…” Max taunted, a glance at her nether regions causing her to shudder.

Supergirl couldn’t add up the reasons why, or how, but as he fingered her so masterfully she seemed to judder her hands behind herself, grasping the cheeks of her behind and subtly parting them, all the while Max looked into her doe like eyes which hoped that she pleased him. By now the detailed reasons of why he had command over her seemed to turn to fog, the tidal wave of pleasure pulsing through her.

“Good. Show them….Slut!” Max said with a smile as he guided Supergirl to turn on the spot, her behind parted to reveal her perfect yet forbidden point of entry.

Having turned a full circle Supergirl momentarily nuzzled into the man who seemingly had mastery over her, two fingers of one hand inside of her while the tip of his latex gloved finger of the other hand provocatively came to rest on the outer wall of her virgin anus.

Max felt her tension as he touched the spot, but she did not protest as such but seemed to want to hide her face against him. He found that very endearing, that she should seek his sanctuary from all the strangers’ eyes, something that stroked his ego.

Maxwell ordered Supergirl to get more upright once more so he could deliver his own personal coup-de-grace. Known among his peers as Mr Digital or some variation of it his skill with his fingers was beyond compare and he intended to get Supergirl to perform as much depravity on his watch as he could muster, because nothing was more exciting than the first time. And the things he was making her do were no doubt not only the first, but maybe the last time he would get a chance.

Supergirl sensed Max’s rhythm change as he seemed to be drawing away from between her legs with his fingers. Sure, he returned, burrowing deep, finding her G-spot, but somehow she sensed his action was about drawing from her with each and every stroke.

“Whaa… what are you…doing…” Supergirl asked with a dazed blink.

Maxwell removed his fingers from within her and held up his arm, gesturing to the crowd how wet his fingers were, and in turn revealing what a soaking wet mess the heroine was. The sticky residue stretched out like web as he moved his fingers before her eyes.

“Removing another inhibition, Slut. You’re going to taste your own cum. ” Max said as his fingers approached her mouth.

Supergirl eyed the gooey mess on his fingers but any attempt to process the imminent humiliation was interrupted as Max’s gloved fingers resting on her behind subtly pushed at her, though the super strong muscles instantly rebelled. But that diversion led to the inevitable, and her resulting gasp only led to Max yet again getting what he wanted; Supergirl’s own cum in her mouth.

Supergirl first seemed repulsed, then accepting of what had been forced past her lips. Max’s rhythmic pulsing over her tongue ensured she had taken on the full load before, wide eyed, she sensed his return between her moist wet slit which offered no resistance at all.

“Oh, Rao… what’s happening…” Supergirl moaned as she enjoyed the pleasure of being played from front and teased behind.

“Just a little debasement… Slut,” Max responded as he removed his fingers from her pussy and plunged them into Supergirl’s mouth again.

The second time of having herself in her mouth was easier for her. The taste of herself was already on her tastebuds and it merely reinforced what had happened the first time. Just like all her other barriers that had fallen, once something had happened it seemed like she had no need to fight it again.

Maxwell knew full well what Supergirl’s response signified, trying to evade her degredation through acceptance but he knew even she had limits. Making sure Supergirl had sucked his fingers clean he withdrew, his eyes flashing wickedly at her as they returned below, his fingers sinking yet deeper into her.

“Oh, no…” Supergirl moaned as her hands started to drift off her behind to hold onto her tormentor.

“Oh no? Well that certainly means you’re not ready yet…” Max scoffed as he massaged her love canal again, stimulating every nerve he could before drawing his wet fingers once more.

“Open,” he commanded, only to see Supergirl’s jaw slacken and her eyes roll back revealing she was reluctant yet accepting of more of herself.

Cum-fed once again the humiliation of her treatment only served to make Supergirl wetter and heighten the sensation of her raging nipples and engorged clit. And as for the sensations she was feeling against her ass, she had no metric to describe it.

Max’s fingers plunged below once more and he could see that his charge was utterly devastated. But he still was not done, wanting to be sure he could get one last degrading gesture from her before he moved on.

“I give you a choice, Superslut, you can either beg for the next lot of your cum… or you can taste my other finger,” Max said, his eyes flashing wickedly at her as he told her, wiggling his finger against the sensitive opening of her ass as if to underscore what he was suggesting. In the meantime he continued to play his melody within her pussy, the Super Slut unable, unwilling or both to prevent him.

“Rao… please not… I won’t do that,” Supergirl said in desperation when she realised what he meant, her legs sometimes giving slightly at the knee before she righted herself.

“Oh I won’t make you, but if your choice is to beg… beg away. But, you’re going to let me in…” Max teased as again Supergirl was presented her own cum from her pussy before her eyes, Max’s fingers gesturing her to approach.

Supergirl stepped forward, eyes on her target, her mouth ready to suckle on Max’s digits.

“I said beg, Slut,” Max interceded, his fingers moving slightly away from her.

“Please… may I?”

“I said BEG, Slut,”

Supergirl looked at the unpleasant prize and felt the violation of her anus continue. She certainly didn’t want to taste anything else of herself today.

“Please… Max… may I suck your fingers clean?”


Supergirl’s heart raced as Max pushed her to talk, making her speak words she never in a million years would have said.

“Please …. May I clean myself off your fingers?” Supergirl asked hopefully.

“Who or what is asking?”

“Rao, Supergir…. Super Slut. Slut. I …. My…. Whatever that is, on your fingers. I want to lick it off. All of it. I swear. Please!”

“OK, get back to holding your ass spread and let me in. Then I will let you…” Max said with some faux strictness in his tone though it barely camouflaged his delight.

Supergirl’s eyes pleaded, but with the kindest, yet cruellest of smiles Max shook his head. Head bowed, Supergirl reached behind once more and with a hidden expression on her face focused on making the next humiliation happen. Max’s gloved digit eased in, moans from his new made Slut telling him he had hit his mark.

“Better… no you can have your reward,” Max scoffed as he glanced at his wet fingers that he held before her eyes.

Reaching forward with her neck Supergirl attempted to latch onto Max’s wet fingers but as she did so he steered her forward using his anal probing finger in her ass to guide her. Supergirl was gently coerced into shuffling around the dancefloor, butt cheeks spread and violated while she was allowed to suckle from Max’s fingers, cleaning the remnant evidence of his visit into her pussy in front of each little cluster of people at the gathering.

As she walked forward uncomfortably it was obvious that now Max’s words were true, her dress was little more than a belt hanging around her waist. Parts of it still clung, but much of it didn’t, leaving her partially covered below.


Eventually Supergirl ended up in the middle of the dancefloor again, a quivering wreck. Max looked over Supergirl, her dress about her waist and her long legs slightly apart. Truly, for tonight she was ruined and at his hands. He felt like a god, his power sourced from the submission she had given him, and nothing more. And for that, secretly, she had his respect, because his power could only come from those who gave themselves to him which she had done, with the right guidance.

Supergirl looked over at Max, unsure what she was facing next. Every touch, every act, every word seemed to be like Kryptonite to her willpower to resist and she could not fathom the reason why the state she now found herself in was both the worst and the most satisfying she had ever experienced.

“Good girl, Super Slut. And what a Slut you have become,” boasted Maxwell as he removed his finger from her behind and peeled off the glove turning it inside out before putting it in his pocket. She had declined the deprivation of worshipping it in place of another humiliation and so he had no need of the glove anymore.

Lustfully Supergirl held one breast in her hands, the sensation seemingly helping her offset some of the other sensations that flowed through her easily. As she glanced over her situation she could imagine the portrait she would make if the moment was captured on film. She glistened with sweat, her legs apart, her bottom lip adorned with her own juices and with everything more or less on display for the gathering to see.

“Well, my time with you is almost over. But, I’ve just a little more for you before I am finished, Slut,”

“More? No… I …”

“Yes, Slut, just a little more. First you were Super, then my Slut. Now a Super Slut, especially as you willingly spread yourself open for all to see. But now it’s time to knock you down a little more. You’re going to be my Super FILTHY Slut…” Max said with a wicked grin.

Supergirl moaned like a whore as Max’s words produced another pulse of of arousal which pushed from her chest downwards, deep into her crotch, flushing another wave of her juices into her already soaking crotch. His words and deeds seemed to touch her in ways she never experienced before and while some of them seemed pleasurable the negative side that it represented seemed enormous.

As the echo of Max’s words pulsed through the heroine her imagination touched on the now discarded glove in his pocket. She knew the idea of what Max had proposed to her had disgusted her but it was the symbolic weight of what he might have done to her, not the actual deed which somehow touched her more. Reducing herself to that accepting that? Rao, she might have orgasmed there and then. But maybe not. The perversity of it all was overwhelming, but what could she do? All she knew was the mental image of that black glove sliding into her mouth both turned her on and repulsed her in one stroke. She was glad it was now out of play, and yet the threat of it had unlocked more of her inner filthy slut than she dare tell.


“Filthy?” moaned Supergirl in reply to Max’s last words.

“My friends and your audience desire something. Not only do they need you to look like the slut you are. You’re to taste and smell of one too, understand?”

“Oh Rao… what are you going to do?”

“I’m making my masterpiece, and you are my canvas,”

Maxwell’s boyish smile appeared once again as his rubbed and dug into the heroine’s flesh, not so much to bring her pleasure but to bring his words to fruition. He rubbed and he cupped. He massaged and he plunged.

Shuddering, Supergirl could only stand there as Max used her body, loading up his fingers until he was satisfied.

“At least…”, Max began with a whisper, “your filth is your own, Super. Filthy. Slut,”


Fingers aloft, Supergirl saw Max’s digits glistening with her cum. With his other hand Max tugged Supergirl towards him by her latex belt and then began do daub Supergirl’s chest and torso, swirling her cum into a “S” across her skin.

“What… what are you doing to me?” Supergirl moaned as she looked down at herself while he smeared her juices over her.

“My version of ‘Hope’, Slut” Max gloated.

It was then Supergirl was reminded of her defeat at the hands of Lillian Luthor and how her fingers too had glistened, but with Supergirl’s blood. And then the heroine remembered her words too.

“Ooooh there’s what I wanted to see! Seeing you look up at me like that excites me, those are the beautiful eyes of submission you pathetic little loser!” Lillian had said with glee.

In the moment of recalling Lillian Supergirl imagined her watching now having been so thoroughly debased at the hands of Max and for some reason it suddenly…

“Oh… oh no!” Supergirl moaned as she began to climax on her feet.

Max’s hand visited Supergirl’s crotch repeatedly, rubbing her vigorously as she orgasmed at thoughts of Lillian. Max had to support her for a moment as she shuddered while he summoned fingers worth of her cum from her crotch before wiping his fingers clean, over and over again on her tits and torso, drawing onto her a corrupted version of her glyph.

Supergirl could see herself. Smell herself. And she truly felt filthy. While Max had toyed with Supergirl the partygoers had slowly congregated onto the dancefloor, closer and closer. The many people glanced hungrily at the Super blond who was now reduced to a cum drenched Super Slut before their eyes. Her high heels, black latex belt that once was a dress and her well set hair all combined to deliver the message that she was the fallen Superheroine, sexually liberated and ready to plummet deeper into the abyss of submission.

Maxwell looked over his prize with satisfaction. His part had been played and Supergirl was ready to pass on to the next wave of tormentors from the party, each of whom had their own wishes and desires to extract from the seemingly submissive young alien woman.

In Supergirl’s ears she could hear the encroaching whispers of the guests as they slowly closed in on her. She was the slave they craved and they were the drug she seemingly now hungered for.

“She’s ready. Look at her, she’s covered in herself”

“Use the posture collar!”

“I want to touch her,”

“Do you think I can kiss her?”

“You’re sure this spreader bar is strong enough?”

“I’ll whip her but how much will she feel it?”

“I’m going to force all the orgasms I can from her!”

“I’m gonna stuff my panties in her,”

“Man, my cellphone died. Max wasn’t lying when he said no photos!”

“Do you think the speculum can get her open?”

“I can’t wait to try this tunnel plug in her,”

“I think the medium breast clamps will fit perfectly!”

“When it’s our turn, diaper or chastity belt?”

BEFORE ANYONE LOSES THEIR MINDS - The hand element of the image was sourced from a random KY Jelly product page.


It was then there was an announcement which was made over the sound system of the venue.

“Ladies and gentlemen, the first act is coming to a close. Please give some well earned applause for Maxwell Lord who has broken in Supergirl ready for the next session. Anyone who is interested in participating in the continued domination of our guest of honour, please come to the dancefloor.”

Max looked upwards into the dome of the structure, “If I were you, I’d embrace what is to come as much as possible. I can tell you were born to it, even if you don’t think so.” Max grinned as some of the guests approached, the tools of their craft now coming out for her to see.

“M…Max…Maxwell. I’m not some … some prostitute. I can’t …. I won’t…” Supergirl said with a tremble to her voice.

“Of course. None of them will try and fuck you without your consent, that’s how OUR community works. They aren’t monsters. Even those like YOU worry that THEY are the monsters, but you’re not! For each one that’s like you there is someone like me. We are… birds of a feather. Sure, I had to push you to open the door, but now you are free. So, are you one of US? I think you know the answer, SLUT!”

Supergirl looked at the ones who now approached her, their restraints and toys in hand, ready to take her on a new sexual adventure of depravity which went who knew where.

“No… no photos?” asked Supergirl weakly.

“Supergirl, after tonight all that will be left are memories and nothing more,” Maxwell affirmed, “Now, let’s just make the finishing touch,”

Maxwell put a necklace about Supergirl’s neck, a gold glyph of hope dangling from it and then released her hair, framing her lipstick smudged lips and beautiful yet mascara streaked face. Then he finally took her glasses, completing her “Ruined Supergirl” look.

“Oh… what…. what have you done?” Supergirl moaned. While she knew that everyone there had been told that she was Supergirl in advance she still had this sense of protection behind her glasses and her hair up. But now… it was like a whole new unmasking, leaving her utterly devastated to be on display in such a way.

“There, beautiful. You are ready!” boasted Maxwell with a smirk.

In the wings Cat watched on with a sly smile. The DJ had played soundbites from Lillian’s domination of Supergirl at a frequency only the heroine could hear, albeit subliminally And the result was that Supergirl obviously responded well to the domineering presence of the matriarch of the Luthor family line, even if it was only virtually.



Re: Supergirl: Party Trap 24/Mar

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2023 7:47 am
by DrDominator9
A superb conclusion! Thanks again

Re: Supergirl: Party Trap 24/Mar

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2023 3:10 pm
by Steazil