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Wonder Woman - In the Hands of her Savior

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2023 6:00 pm
by VegaTaxeca
In the Hands of her Savior
By Vega Taxeca

Disclaimer: The character of Wonder Woman in this story is owned by DC Comics, Warner Brothers-Discovery and associated companies. This story is not meant to infringe on their copyright. There will be no monetary gain connected to writing this story.

The Wonder Woman in this story is loosely based on the recent DCEU movies, with part of the background made up by me. The main villainess in this story is mostly based on my ideas of the mythological origin. I only later realized that she has been used in DC comics as well.

“Give me your money! Quick!”
This mugger had suddenly stepped in front of Diana, pointing a knife at her. She just wanted to change into a fighting stance, when another voice, a female voice, interrupted forcefully.
“Step back, you brute!”
A hand appeared from the side and before the mugger could react, a full load of pepper spray was pumped into his face. While he howled in pain, the owner of the voice stepped up and kicked him full force between his legs, hitting him in his most vulnerable body part. His howling ended in a strangled groan and he dropped down like a wet sack. The woman turned around and enveloped Diana in a caring hug.
“Are you okay? He did not hurt you, did he?”
It took Diana a moment to gather her wits and to answer. The moment she had felt the other woman's body touch hers, breast to breast (‘She must be tall’, came a random thought), a welcoming warmth had flooded her body and mind. Coupled with her wonderful exotic scent, it caused a sudden arousal in Diana. As an amazon, she was well aware of the attraction of a woman. But never before had she been turned on so quickly from just an innocent touch and a scent. Finally she regained her bearing and nodded.
“He never managed to touch me. Thank you!”
“You’re welcome. I’m glad I was there. Let’s get away from this creep.”
With her arm still on Diana’s shoulder, she turned her around and led her away. The amazon did not mind this closeness, since it allowed her to take more of the other woman’s scent in. She really had to ask her about her perfume. Meanwhile she contemplated what had happened. Of course Diana was never in any danger from the mugger. A mere human could never hurt Wonder Woman. But still she was very thankful and admired the bravery of her rescuer, who had risked her life for a complete stranger. Once they were out of sight of the attacker, the other woman stopped under a street light and stepped back from Diana.
The amazon felt a moment of disappointment at the loss of contact, but that was quickly forgotten when she looked at the woman. She was gorgeous. Dark hair framed a face of classic beauty, with luscious lips and sparkling brown eyes. A black leather jacket and a tight pair of jeans underlined her slender frame, with never ending legs. As Diana had guessed, she was almost as tall as the amazon. But it was her nice pair of tits, which drew her looks especially. They seemed quite a handful, but were still well proportioned, since she was so tall. Ever since their hug, Diana felt compelled to touch them without the barrier of clothes, to feel their softness. Luckily the other woman seemed not to notice her ogling. Actually her face showed true admiration, while she looked Diana’s body up and down. Finally the other woman spoke up.
“Sorry, where are my manners. My name is Cassandra. Hi.”
“Hi, I’m Diana. Thanks again. That was very brave.”
They shook hands. Cassandra did not release her hand immediately, instead lightly caressed her hand with the thumb.
“Oh, I was just reacting on instinct. But are you really okay? That must have been traumatic.”
“You were there so quickly, I did not even have time to feel fear. You were my knight in shining leather.”
Both women laughed. Diana had decided to keep up the charade. No reason to disappoint Cassandra by telling her she was never in any danger. The other woman watched her a moment.
“I am glad you are okay. But those encounters sometimes hit you later, when the adrenaline is gone. I would loath you being alone when that happens. My home is just around the corner. Why don’t you come in for a coffee or maybe something stronger?”
“Oh, I don’t want to burden you, you already did so much for me.”
“Nonsense, it would be a pleasure to have your company.”
Diana was not sure, if the other woman was flirting or if she was really only worried. But she had felt attracted to her from the moment they met and had no other pressing matters at hand, so there was no reason to decline. Maybe she would get lucky and score, but if not, it would be fine as well. Diana agreed and they started walking together. They talked amiably on their way. All the time, Cassandra kept holding her hand, giving the amazon hope that the attraction really was mutual.
Outwardly, Cassandra was smiling friendly, but inside she was gloating, for everything had worked according to her evil plans. She knew that Diana was in reality Wonder Woman. And more importantly, she knew her major weakness and would use it to defeat the super heroine. Of course, Cassandra was no mere human herself, but the immortal Circe, the most powerful sorceress of ancient Greece. Nothing tonight had happened accidentally. The mugger had been hired beforehand, and the whole attack had been staged. To make sure her victim would be attracted to her, she used powerful magics. Her perfume was spiked with a special aphrodisiac, strong enough to affect even a Goddess.
Even more powerful was the spell she had used on her own breasts. Any normal human would immediately fall in love with her, just seeing her covered breasts from a distance. Although the effect was much weaker with her, even Wonder Woman did feel it. And the longer she was exposed directly to them, the stronger she would be affected. This was one of the most powerful ways to attack Wonder Woman with magic, because like most divine beings she was protected against a direct assault spell. Therefore the sorceress used this spell that was not aimed at Wonder Woman, but at herself. Of course even without the protection the Amazon was a difficult target to use sorcery on, but Circe had still some more aces up her sleeve.
Only at the door did she let go of Diana’s hand to unlock it. They left their boots at the door, and Cassandra led her guest inside and showed her to the living room. She stepped behind Diana.
“Here, let me take your jacket.”
Diana complied easily and enjoyed the nearness of the other woman, for it gave her another whiff of that enticing scent. She sat down on a large sofa, while the hostess put away the jacket. Slowly removing her own leather jacket, Cassandra turned to her guest.
“I have a very good port. Would you like a glass?”
It took Diana a moment before she could answer, for she was mesmerized by the view. Once Cassandra had removed the leather jacket, the form fitting t-shirt underneath it was revealed. And it was quite obvious that she wore nothing beneath it. Her breasts were clearly visible. Diana could even see that both her nipples were pierced, the way they were pressing into the thin shirt. Diana felt an almost overwhelming desire to play with those barbells. Finally she managed an answer.
“Yes please, that sounds nice.”
Cassandra picked up two glasses and grabbed a bottle from a high cupboard. Diana could not take her eyes away from her chest, watching the way the breasts were straining against the tight t-shirt. Cassandra was an all around very beautiful woman, but for some reason her breasts were pulling most of Diana’s attention. The hostess came around the sofa and sat next to Diana. She filled both glasses and handed one to her guest. Then she raised hers for a toast.
“Cheers. May the night end better than it had begun.”
“Yeah, cheers to that.”
They clinked their glasses together. Diana sniffed her drink and then took a healthy gulp. The port tasted even better than it smelled and was probably quite old. It could almost rival the best Amazonian ports, in taste as well as in potency. Diana could practically feel the warmth spread through her body from where it went down, adding to the heat she already felt from being once again so close to her beautiful hostess. She felt Cassandra’s eyes on her and turned to her.
“Do you like it?”
“Yes, it tastes wonderful.”
“Great. Don’t be shy, I’ve got plenty.”
Diana drank one and then a second glass while they talked. She found her hostess to be a very charming and well educated woman. But the longer they talked, the harder it became to concentrate. She had been attracted to her from the beginning, but now she felt an almost animalistic arousal from her presence. She longed to be touched by Cassandra, and even more she longed to touch her, especially those gorgeous breasts. It did not help that Cassandra had come even closer and was playing with her fingers along the Amazon’s thigh. Even through the jeans she almost felt the fingers burn into her heated flesh. Cassandra put her glass aside, then took Diana’s glass from her and set it aside as well. She looked deep into her guest’s eyes. Her look promised untold pleasures, but her demeanor had almost turned predatory.
“It is time.”
Cassandra saw the obvious desire in her victim’s face. Her skin was flushed. Her pupils were blown wide in arousal. She had Wonder Woman on her hook. It was time to reel her in. The port had done its job. She had spiked it with another very strong aphrodisiac, this one working through ingestion. The sorceress herself was immune to it, but on Wonder Woman it would work devastatingly. Even though she was a Goddess, she would be creaming her panties by now. And the sorceress had not even used her most potent weapon yet. Yes, it was time to fuck a Goddess.
Cassandra closed the distance and kissed the aroused woman. Diana immediately kissed back and opened her mouth willingly, when a demanding tongue brushed against her lips. Once inside, the tongue explored Diana’s mouth thoroughly, dominating the exchange. They kept kissing for several minutes, until Cassandra pulled back slowly, to her guest’s disappointment. But that quickly vanished when Diana heard the next words.
“All night you have stared at my tits. Do you want to play with them?”
Diana could only nod in excitement and felt her hand being guided to her lover’s chest. The moment she touched a silky mound, a flash of desire raced through her body. Liquid was pooling in her loins. It was incredible, just from playing with the soft globe she was getting wet. Her finger closed around a stiff nipple. It was thrilling to know that Cassandra was so aroused as well. For several minutes Diana played with the nipple and the barbell piercing. She was almost mesmerized from watching it. A throaty voice made her look up.
“You love my piercing, don’t you?”
“Oh yes, it is incredibly sexy.”
“Well, I think your gorgeous tits should be adorned by piercings as well. But in your case, I think nipple rings would be more fitting.”
Only in her thoughts she added: ‘Because I will attach a leash to them.’ She loved how just this suggestion made the other woman moan. Cassandra changed her position to sit in the taller woman’s lap, face to face, with her long legs bent either side.
“Watch this!”
She gripped the hem of her t-shirt and pulled it over her head. Diana’s breath hitched when she saw those beautiful mounds finally naked. Her desire increased even further, although that should have been impossible, while her heart raced in expectation. Cassandra looped her arms around the amazon’s neck.
“Since you love my tits so much, you should taste them.”
With these words, she pulled Diana’s head into her cleavage. The Amazon moaned in ecstasy, when her lips touched the creamy flesh. Pleasure branded through her body and she felt the juices leak from her pussy. Soon she would be sitting in a puddle. Her hands roamed over Cassandra’s strong back, while her lips closed around a stiff nipple. Like a thirsty baby, she sucked on it. Her lover’s hands had not been idle, either, kneading and massaging Diana’s breasts. The hostess only stopped to pull up her lover’s shirt. The Amazon pulled back only reluctantly, to allow her shirt to be removed. Her bra was next, but by that time her mouth was already closed around the other nipple, with her tongue teasing the piercing. When two claw-like hands suddenly pinched her own nipples, it was too much and Diana came with a cry of pleasure.
She’d probably have to pay for cleaning the sofa, she vaguely thought, for her juices had not only soaked her panties, but were now seeping through her jeans as well. At this moment she was happy not to be a man, for then she might have been finished after this one load. Now that would have been embarrassing. But even happier she was about the fact, that Cassandra, who just deftly popped the button on her jeans, was not a man. Because then this would have been as far as she would have dared to go. For there was a weakness coming with her powers that almost nobody knew about. If she was ever to lose her virginity, she would from then on be under the complete command of the one who took it. It was the typical patriarchal thinking of a male God like Zeus, who had granted her these powers, but expected her to submit to the man at her side.
The only advantage of this patriarchal thinking was him defining “losing her virginity” as having semen in her womb, instead of the usual broken hymen. That allowed her to have all the sex she wanted with female partners, since there was no danger involved. With men on the other hand, she did not dare to have them enter her, even with protection. It was simply not worth to risk her independence on a ripped condom. So, even though she liked men as well as women, she usually only chose the latter. Of course that choice was easy with such a gorgeous woman as Cassandra. Her raven-haired lover had pulled down the zipper and pushed a hand into her jeans. Coherent thinking became difficult, when the fingers crawled under the panties as well. Once they touched the wetness of Diana’s pussy, both women moaned.
“Wow, you are so wet. I bet you can’t wait to be fucked.” Cassandra said.
Diana let go of the nipple she was sucking on to answer.
“Yes, please.”
Diana groaned. Despite having come just moments ago, she was already desperate for the next orgasm. Her pussy had become a boiling inferno and she bucked into her lover’s hand. She licked all around Cassandra’s piercings, while the other woman was playing with her clit. Diana’s arousal rose and rose, she was putty in her lover’s experienced hands. The fingers on her pussy were playing her like an instrument. Now one finger entered her, quickly followed by a second, while the thumb pressed on her clit. Cassandra pumped her fingers in and out. Soon she had her lover on the brink and whispered in her ear, while she pushed her over.
“Come for me!”
Diana had thrown her head back and shouted in orgasmic bliss. When she had calmed down a bit, she looked at Cassandra and saw her smile predatorily.
“Now that we have broken the ice, let’s get rid of our clothes. It’s time for some payback and then the real fucking will start. But have a drink first, you might be thirsty, with all the fluids you lost.”
Diana actually did feel thirsty and therefore emptied the glass her lover held at her lips. Cassandra got up. She gripped Diana’s jeans and pulled them down, together with the soaked panties. The socks came next and her lover was finally naked. She dropped the clothes and stepped back, so that she was just out of reach.
“Your turn. Time to find out what’s behind door number one.”
Diana knelt before her beautiful lover and complied. She opened the button of the jeans, then slowly pulled down the zipper, all the time looking up at the sexy smile of her lover. Once she had pulled down the jeans a bit, her breath hitched. Cassandra was not wearing any panties, granting Diana a close-up view of her neatly trimmed pussy. She moved faster now and pulled the jeans all the way down, allowing Cassandra to step out of them. The other woman lifted a leg and held her left foot in front of Diana’s face. The Amazon understood the hint and opened her mouth. Then she pulled of the sock with her teeth. The same procedure was repeated with the other foot. Diana felt already wet again. She could not wait to get a taste of all that Cassandra had to offer.
Circe loved how compliant her victim had become. Wonder Woman had obeyed even the subtlest suggestions. Next she would have her eat her out. She was sure she would love having the Demigoddess servicing her. And then it would be time for the main event. She would fuck Wonder Woman with her magical strap-on dildo. She had placed a similar spell on it as she had on her breasts. The amazon would explode the moment she felt it in her cunt. She would be wrecked by never ending orgasms, leaving her at the mercy of Circe’s dominant will. And that would be the moment the sorceress would cast the one spell that would devastate Wonder Woman.
Cassandra sat down on the sofa, close to the edge and with the legs wide open. She did not need to say a word for Diana to kneel before her on the floor. She smiled at the beautiful amazon.
“Yes, my gorgeous, it’s time for payback. Suck my cunt!”
Diana did not mind the crass language. She was already too aroused to care. All she wanted right now was a taste from that juicy pussy on offer. She bent forward and dove right in. Foreplay was not needed, seeing as how wet her lover already was. Diana licked up and down the slit, humming in delight from the taste. For a few moments, she let her tongue play around the entrance. Only then did she start to push it between the fleshy lips. Cassandra moaned, when the tongue entered her. She gripped Diana’s head to pull her closer, allowing the Amazon’s wet organ to drive even deeper. Diana let her lover guide her, willingly submitting to her aggressive dominance. She was secretly aroused by Cassandra’s relentless way of fucking her, since it was something she – being Wonder Woman – could only seldom experience.
Diana pumped her tongue deeply into her lover’s core, bumping her nose into the clitoris with every stroke, still guided by the grip in her hair. It was Cassandra who kept the pace, using the Amazon’s face for her pleasure. Only when Cassandra was close to coming, did she loosen her grip. Diana took the chance to move up a bit and to close her lips around the clit. She had only sucked on it for a few seconds, when the orgasm washed through her lover. A fresh flood of juices gushed from the pussy and coated Diana’s face. The moment Cassandra had calmed down a bit, she pulled her lover up and kissed her hungrily, groaning at the taste of her own juices.
„Yes, that was great. Your tongue is magical. We will have to repeat that later, but first I will reward you for servicing me so nicely. Kneel on the sofa and wait.”
Wonder Woman was so aroused from watching her lover come that she followed the command obediently. She looked over her shoulder expectantly and watched Cassandra pick up a strap-on dildo. Her lover stepped into the harness and fastened it. The dildo was black, almost eight inches long and more than two inches wide. For many mortal women it would be too much to take, but for her it was just the right size. A thrill ran through her body when she saw the confidence with which Cassandra lubed it and then approached her. She obviously knew how to use such a tool. Diana was sure that this would be the ride of her life. Her lover wanted to fuck her into submission and her only answer was to open her legs wider. Even though it would only be for a night, she would enjoy to be dominated to the fullest. Cassandra knelt behind her on the sofa, but instead of touching her she teased the Amazon.
“Tell me, Diana, are you ready? Do you want me to fuck you?”
“Oh yes, please, take me!”
“Already begging? Wait till you feel my dick inside you.”
Diana moaned. Just looking at the strap-on around her lover’s hips had her aroused so strongly, that she felt wetness leak from her pussy. The sight was even more erotic than those gorgeous naked breasts, which alone had been enough for her to cream herself. Cassandra moved closer and placed one hand on her back. With the other hand, she guided the phallus towards Diana’s pussy. The moment it touched the Amazon’s nether lips, a shockwave of pleasure raced through her body. Just this simple touch was almost enough to make her come. And her lover seemed to sense how close she was. Without bothering with any foreplay, she pushed the dildo into Diana’s pussy, causing the Amazon’s arousal to rise to an almost unbearable height. A keening wail was forced from Diana’s lips, when her lover kept pushing.
In no time Cassandra had buried half the dildo in the vagina, before she stopped and pulled back slightly. With even more force than before she pushed again and created a pumping rhythm. Every move sent shockwaves of pleasure through Diana’s body. Never before had she been pushed to such ecstatic heights of arousal. Her mind was flooded with orgasmic feelings. She was wrecked by an intense climax, which was quickly followed by another and another. Nothing in her long life had prepared her for being fucked by this woman. It was far beyond any pleasure she had felt before. And as impossible as it should be, her arousal rose even further when Cassandra pulled her closer and she could feel the soft breasts push into her back. Several minutes later Diana had lost count of the number of times she had come. She could not remember a fight that had drained her as much as this sex marathon. And Cassandra was still not finished with her.
To Diana’s disappointment, her lover had pulled out of her. But it was only to change positions. The Amazon was now on her back, with Cassandra kneeling between her legs. Diana loved that this way she would be able to watch her lover fucking her. She could not wait to once more feel the phallus inside of her pussy. She was glad of her divine heritage at this moment, for it gave her the strength to keep going, despite the devastating force of those orgasms. Wonder Woman was too far gone by now to realize that her lover would have to be aware of this as well. No human could have come this often so strongly without blacking out at some point. All Diana could think about was her lust and her need to be fucked again. She wanted to feel the phallus once more inside of her pussy. A shiver ran through her body, when Cassandra entered her with the tip. The other woman looked at her and said something, which sounded like it was the language of her home country. Even through her haze she managed to ask.
“Was that Greek?”
“Yes, I have some Greek ancestors. It is a kind of blessing used during sex. I think it says something like ‘I want to flood your cunt with my semen.’ A bit crass, I know, but they were probably simple fishermen from some of the islands.”
Diana just smiled. Her lover had just penetrated her fully, distracting her from any further thoughts. She closed her eyes in bliss at the feeling of being fucked again. Therefore she missed the evil triumph on her lover’s face. Cassandra started to fuck her again in earnest. The phallus glided in and out of her pussy. This time it felt even better than before, somehow softer, almost as she would imagine a real phallus to feel like. Soon she was close to another climax, when suddenly the phallus inside of her jerked erratically. Within seconds a hot liquid pumped into her inner core. Cassandra threw back her head and roared in triumph.
Only now did Wonder Woman realize what had happened, but it was too late. For the so called blessing was in reality an extremely powerful spell that turned Cassandra’s artificial phallus into a real one. And the moment the immortal sorceress came and ejaculated into Diana’s womb, the Amazon’s special weakness was triggered. From now on she was powerless against Cassandra, practically becoming her slave. Cassandra now owned Wonder Woman and her will could activate or deactivate Diana’s powers. This feeling of power over the Demigoddess was like an aphrodisiac for the sorceress. It allowed her to come several times, forcing her new toy not only to deepthroat the phallus, but also fucking her in the asshole. Only after pumping another load into Diana’s pussy did she end the spell. The dick had served its purpose, but otherwise she preferred her female body. And now it was time for her new sex slave to service her and suck her cunt.
Several months later
Circe was in a good mood. Which was not surprising, since she was standing in the office of the esteemed Louvre curator Diana Prince, having said curator bent over her desk and fucking her in the ass. And the slut by now just loved to be treated in such an embarrassing way. Probably even more than Circe loved to take her sex slave whenever she wanted. Amid Diana’s pleas for more, she contemplated how well her plan had worked. She had not taken Wonder Woman completely from the streets, since that would have alarmed the other super heroes. And even though Circe had now her slave’s inside knowledge of the Justice League, she was too careful to take them on heads on. And it was not as if Circe minded some other super villains to be captured by Wonder Woman. Most of them she hated just as much as the heroes.
So Diana still fought crime as Wonder Woman and still worked as a curator at the museum, she just had a third, even more important job: to serve her Mistress. For example just last week Diana had introduced Circe as Cassandra Colios, a guest lecturer, who would spend the day in Diana’s office to prepare for her talk. Of course, Diana’s colleagues did not know that she spent the whole day under her desk, servicing her Mistress. With a smile, Cassandra idly wondered if anyone had noticed that her boots were shining so much more when she left than when she came. Inspired by her thoughts, Circe brought her slave to another climax.
However, the routine would soon change. Diana would take an extended holiday and had told the other members of the Justice League, that she would be gone for an undercover mission. The reason was simple, Diana was beginning to show. For during that fateful night, Circe had impregnated her and Diana was now carrying her child. The sorceress would take her slave to her secret hideout, to give birth to Circe’s greatest achievement, a daughter with Wonder Woman’s godly powers and Circe’s unrivaled magic. Together, they would rule the earth.

Re: Wonder Woman - In the Hands of her Savior

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2023 2:18 am
by DrDominator9
Very nicely done! Thanks for sharing this.

Re: Wonder Woman - In the Hands of her Savior

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2023 4:12 am
by VegaTaxeca
Thank you for your kind words. :)