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The Shocking Defeat of Invulnera

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2023 6:54 am
by 80ng
The Shocking Defeat of Invulnera

The city was abuzz. Despite it being midnight, the highways were flooded with traffic, all towards the direction of Star Stadium, the largest stadium in the world, which would host the upcoming exhibition fight between heavyweight boxing champion, Anthony Johnson, and his opponent – the Rank 3 Superhero and Strongest Woman in the World, Invulnera. Obviously, the match would be heavily one-sided in favor of the blonde bombshell, but Invulnera had agreed to participate in the 3-round bareknuckle showmatch due to 100% of ticket sale proceeds going to charity.

The time had come. Over one million people filled the enormous stands, with billions more watching from home. It was the spectacle of a lifetime – Anthony Joshua was the greatest boxer of all time, with an exemplary record of 110 wins and 14 losses. And he looked the part, too. He was physically imposing, at 7 feet tall, and was covered from head to toe in almost 300 pounds of rippling muscle, with only his red trunks leaving anything to the imagination. And yet, he was not the overwhelming favorite tonight. That status would belong to the breathtaking beauty in the opposite corner.

Invulnera stood at a confident 5’11, her slim body accentuated with perfect curves. Her perfect chest bore her signature gold emblem of an eagle, and her world-famous costume snugly hugged her flawless body. She did not have her armor or power belt on, but she was still more than a formidable opponent, with the strength of 20 men and world-record agility. She was the global beauty standard, with golden blonde hair radiating an angelic aura, and piercing blue eyes with the essence of glaciers. Her pale features were completely unmarked, as though she had never been in combat; in reality, she had merely never been defeated or even imperiled, despite saving the world from some of the most powerful evils the world had ever witnessed. She shot a small, but dazzling smile at her massive hulking opponent, who seemed to shrink just a bit as he steeled himself for the match.

The bell rang. As Anthony Johnson cautiously approached his adversary in his boxing stance, Invulnera strode confidently towards him, her hips swaying hypnotically. The crowd was mesmerized by her elegance and poise. She truly was perfection.With inhuman grace, she weaved around all of Johnson’s punches, gliding around his attacks like a dancer, and striking him back with cataclysmic force. To her, the punches she threw were light – to anyone but a champion like Johnson, they would have been devastating; Johnson grimaced as his body was punished like never before. The bell signifying the end of the first round sounded, and Johnson looked relieved to escape her for even a moment, retreating back to his corner. Invulnera shot him a wink before spinning to the crowd and posing with her classic hands-on-hips power stance, drawing a deafening cheer.

Johnson’s respite would not last, as the dreaded bell rang once more. As he warily took a defensive stance, Invulnera slowly approached him; some concern shone in her eyes, wondering if she needed to hold back even more than she already was. She threw a light jab at his face, which connected at breakneck speed, snapping his head backwards. As Johnson began to fall towards the mat, Invulnera held him up, realizing she had gone too far. Johnson, half-conscious, was reduced to only his primal fighter instincts, wildly swinging with his arms in hopes of connecting at all. While Invulnera was trying to check if he was alright, his fists connected with her rock-hard body a few times, doing no damage at all. Then, his knuckle brushed against her left nipple; she gasped, eyes widening and knees buckling just for a split second. To the onlookers and even the referee, nothing had happened. To Johnson, who was dazed, it seemed almost like a hallucination. There was no way he could have done any real damage to Invulnera. But as his eyes wandered to her legs, he noticed something: there was a growing patch of moisture between them, at the crotch of her uniform. Was she… aroused by his strike on her nipple? Impossible. A foolish thought.

The referee separated them from their clinch, and checked in on Johnson, who was still wobbled and shaky on his legs. After confirming Johnson’s presence of mind, the referee signaled for the fight to continue. Johnson threw a jab at Invulnera, who dodged gracefully and punched the boxer in the midsection. Johnson doubled over, winded. But he had noticed something – Invulnera seemed relatively… sluggish? She was still wickedly fast, but not inhumanly so. And her punch, while still brutally painful, was noticeably less potent than before. Johnson feinted towards Invulnera’s head, and as she slipped to the right, he sent a fast hook towards her breast. Invulnera’s reaction time was just a hair slower than normal, and Johnson felt his knuckles graze her nipple. Invulnera’s eyes widened again, and a small moan escaped her lips, audible only to the shocked Johnson. He had not been mistaken. Invulnera appeared to have a previously unknown weakness – her nipples.

Invulnera was reeling, and clinched up with Johnson. Johnson went for a body shot, and connected. Invulnera’s body felt like the body of an Olympic athlete; impressively toned, but a far cry from the start of the fight, where punching her felt like punching steel. “Umphh…” she groaned, clearly pained. Johnson, with his hand still at her midsection, suddenly came up with a ludicrous idea. It was stupid. Foolish. But in the heat of combat, and still dazed from the early round, Johnson felt like he had to go for a crazy move. Anthony Johnson grabbed Invulnera’s crotch.

“UNGHHHH,” she moaned, as her piercing blue eyes rolled back in her head. Her knees buckled, and she would have surely crumpled to the floor without the clinch – and of course, with Johnson holding her up by her crotch. The onlookers and referee still had not seen anything out of the ordinary; the combatants were still locked in a clinch, and who would have imagined that the almighty Invulnera was in any trouble?

Her pussy was soft and smooth, he noted. But that wasn’t the most noticeable feature about what he was touching. Moisture. She was so wet. He could’ve sworn she squirted a little when he grabbed her crotch. He moved his index and middle finger, and felt her hips buck and legs tremble, accompanied with a soft moan. But before he could exploit her weakness any further, the bell ending the second round rang. Invulnera removed herself from the clinch, shuddering slightly as his hand slid off her crotch, and walked back to her corner, giving a wave to the crowd with a small smile – the crowd, of course, roared in response, still thinking their heroic champion was in complete command of the fight. Johnson stood in the middle of the ring for half a beat, still dumbstruck with what he had discovered. Finally, at the call of his coach, he walked back to his corner and sat down, still lost in thought and completely ignoring everything his coach was trying to tell him. He glanced over at Invulnera’s corner. Was he hallucinating? Had he been hit in the head so hard that he had lost his mind? These creeping anxieties were interrupted by the bell signifying the start of the third, and final, round.

For the first time in the fight, Invulnera started in a defensive boxing stance, and Johnson warily approached her. He threw a jab at her head, which she parried, but Johnson’s other hand was already aimed for her midsection. As his bare fist connected with her stomach, he watched as the Strongest Woman in the World doubled over with an uncharacteristically inelegant gasp, clearly winded. The roaring of the crowd paused for a beat, and then continued. Half the crowd was still cheering on Invulnera, and the other half were cheering for Johnson; some were fans who were happy he was finally landing some meaningful damage, and others just wanted to see a closer fight. Johnson’s boxing training kicked in, and he continued his onslaught. Invulnera parried a punch to her face, sidestepped a hook, and then moaned loudly as Johnson punched her in the right nipple. Johnson, seeing her eyes roll up and knees wobble, saw this as his golden window, and went for a giant uppercut – probably the most power he had ever put in a punch in his lifetime.

His fist connected with her flawless chin, and her head snapped up. He could see her perfect neck, collarbone, and cleavage as her golden blonde hair flew back. Almost in slow motion, the Rank 3 US Superhero Invulnera sank to her knees for the first time. As her head came back down from the uppercut, Johnson saw her eyes, once piercing-blue, now white and fully rolled up in her head. She was completely unconscious before she had even hit the ground. Her perfect breasts bounced up and down as her knees hit the canvas, and she fell backwards. Her head hit the canvas, blonde hair splaying around her perfect face. A line of drool slowly rolled down from the corner of her flawless mouth.

Johnson was dumbfounded. The unconquerable Invulnera lay in front of him. Spread-eagled. Defeated. Her chest was heaving, and her legs twitched slightly. He noticed a small puddle forming between them, and wasn’t sure if it was cum or pee. As her small spasms came slowly to a rest, Johnson began taking note of the world around him.

The stadium was pin-drop silent. The referee stood awestruck at what he was seeing. The audience was completely still, taking in an unbelievable sight. Even the ringside announcers were speechless. The Strongest Woman in the World had just been knocked out by a superpower-less man.

And then, the bubble of silence popped, and chaos exploded. The speakers boomed:


“Anthony Johnson… WHAT?!”


“Ladies and Gentlemen, your winner by knockout, Anthony Johnson!”

The referee rushed to Invulnera’s side, unsure of how to help the defeated superheroine. The crowd was in disarray. There were of course fans who were rioting at Invulnera’s demise. Then some who cheered on Anthony Johnson’s underdog victory. In billions of homes, couples were arguing about the result of the fight, with a backdrop of Invulnera’s unconscious face, broadcasted around the world. Some cynics believed that the entire fight was scripted, and this was all somehow a publicity stunt. Feminists were weeping, and misogynists were gleeful that the most powerful woman in history had been so publicly humbled and humiliated. Governments and the Superhero League were in chaos, nervously considering the ramifications of the Rank 3 Superhero being dominated by an ordinary man.

In the ring, Johnson was rushed by his team, who cheered and lifted him above their shoulders. The group was then surrounded by security, trying to stave off throngs of rioting fans who were trying to get to him, either to attack him or ask for autographs. But through all the overwhelming chatter and flashing cameras, Johnson could only think of one thing: did his eyes deceive him, or did she have an orgasm when she was knocked out? He stared at the beautiful goddess, whose heavenly body was being put on a stretcher by medics. Throngs of news reporters flocked around the superheroine’s body, taking endless photos of her first ever defeat as her limp form was escorted out of the ring.

The entire internet was nearly overwhelmed by the amount of new traffic. Every news outlet had posted a front-page cover:





The next few days were a blur for Anthony Johnson. He had been deluged with news reporters day and night, escorted by heavy security to stop assassination attempts, signed countless autographs, and was paraded around the city. On billboards, he saw pictures and video clips of his fight, and of the vanquished Invulnera. Blogs had already started circulating rumors of her weakness, and criminals all over the world had taken notice. She had disappeared from the public eye, and many, including Johnson, wondered if she would ever return.

Re: The Shocking Defeat of Invulnera

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2023 12:08 pm
by mcarvalh
Loved the way you described the superheroine situation after being knocked out. I really enjoyed your story. Great job!

Re: The Shocking Defeat of Invulnera

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2023 5:51 pm
by HeroineTard
Loved how she wet herself in a final act of humiliation.