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Xena - Wind Beneath my Skirt

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2023 1:36 pm
by VegaTaxeca
Wind Beneath My Skirt

By Vega Taxeca

This story does contain graphic descriptions of sex between women.

I do not own Xena - the Warrior Princess, or any of its characters or storylines. It belongs to Renaissance Pictures, Studio USA, Universal Studios and/or related companies. But I do not make any money with this story anyway, so I hope it is okay. No copyright infringement is intended.

The story takes place during the season two episode “A Necessary Evil”. It picks up after Xena and Gabrielle left the amazons to run from Velasca. It contains light spoilers for this episode. Without knowing the show, some references might be slightly confusing.

Wind Beneath My Skirt

Gabrielle stopped in her tracks when she heard the howling ahead.

“Xena, what’s that?”

“Don’t worry. It’s just the wind.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, you will see it for yourself quite soon.”

They were on the run from the mad goddess Velasca and Xena led them along a not very comfortable mountain pass. To the left the sheer mountain face went up even higher and to the right it dropped down rather steeply for several hundred feet. At least the pass was still wide enough to walk it without any real danger, even for Argo, Xena’s horse. When they turned around a corner, the pass widened to a plateau. The howling was now even louder. It seemed to come from what looked like a hole in the ground, near the wall. The two went there and the Warrior Princess explained the phenomenon to her companion.

“This is where the noise comes from. This hole leads all the way to another opening down below in the cliff face. When the wind comes from the right direction, it blows through this opening. It’s like a gigantic pipe. There are stories that the ancients considered this a holy place where they offered sacrifices to the elements, but it’s all just a natural effect. Here, I’ll show you.”

She picked up a dried leave, which had been caught in her armour. Next, she held it straight over the hole, which was about 4 inches in diameter. You could not see the other end, since the connection was not completely straight. Now Xena opened her hand and the leave floated for a moment on the stream of air. Gabrielle picked it up and tried it herself. Again, the leave was floating for a moment till it fell down at the side. Curiously the bard held her hand in the stream.

“It feels nice.”

“You can play with it a little bit longer. We take a rest and then I will scout ahead. You will wait one candlemark and then you will follow me.”

After they had consumed a light meal, Gabrielle went back to the hole.

“This fast marching has made me quite hot. I am wondering...?”

The bard made a step forward and stood over the hole. The wind blew under her skirt and hit her bare thighs and even reached her breeches. Gabrielle shrieked a bit at the strange feeling and jumped aside. But then she giggled and repeated the little game. Even the usually stoic Warrior Princess could not hide a smile at Gabrielle’s childlike antics. But she was glad to keep her friend’s mind for a few precious moments from their precarious situation. She looked so young suddenly, but also quite sexy with the wind blowing up the skirt and revealing those lovely thighs. She watched a moment longer, but time was not on their side.

“Okay, I have to move on. Please stay out of trouble. I will wait at the end of the pass. If something comes up from behind, yell and then run. Hopefully here in the mountains I will hear it.”

“Why do you think I could get in trouble? You are the one scouting for it. See you later.”

Xena just waved before she jumped on Argo and rode off. Without anything else to occupy her always curious mind, Gabrielle went back to the hole. She repeated her earlier game a few times, when a naughty idea hit her. She looked quickly in the direction where the Warrior Princess had disappeared and then back to the entrance of the plateau. When she was sure to be alone, she pulled off her breeches and threw them aside. Then she stepped once more into the stream of cool air. She moaned when the wind hit her now unprotected crotch. The feeling was almost erotic. She wished the wind would be a bit stronger, because then it would almost feel like a soft massage of her pussy. She had an idea and knelt down. This way the opening was closer and the stream hit her stronger.

‘Oh yes, this is great. I’m getting really aroused. I’m wondering if those ancients did something similar during their rituals. It would explain why they considered this a holy place, since it really does feel divine.’

Ever since Velasca had reappeared and become a goddess before their eyes, Gabrielle had been running on pure adrenaline. Her body needed some kind of release and the bard was willing to grant it to him. She began to massage her breasts and undulate over the hole. She wanted the stream to hit her pussy everywhere and wished it would be even stronger. Always the bard, she loudly asked for it.

“Oh mighty Wind, please hit me stronger. You feel so good.”

To her delight, just at this moment the wind picked up a bit and hit her pussy with more force. It was almost as if it had actually heard her plea. Just the way it was streaming along her inner thighs was now like a light touch. And where it hit her pussy, it felt like a soft and cool massage. The bard took off her top and kneaded her breasts with more force. At the same time, she kept moving her body almost dance like in the stream of air. The heat inside her pussy grew stronger despite the cool wind touching it. With the slight increase in the force of the stream it also seemed to have picked up some currents and eddies. They made the experience even better since they could enhance the stimulation in one point and decrease it in another. It was a bit like being touched by lots of tiny fingers.

Gabrielle decided to up the game even further. While her left hand kept playing with her nipples, she entered the right one into her mouth to suck on it and coat it with her saliva. Then she moved it all the way down to her pussy. Slowly she pulled the hood of her clit aside with two fingers to expose it to the air. Almost as if the wind had waited for it an eddy appeared just around the little bundle of nerves. Gabrielle moaned and her arousal increased another notch. Never before had pleasuring herself felt so good. And with the skirt now partially held up by her arm, the wind could reach her whole body. Very quickly she felt the effect at every sensitive spot on her body. At some points it was like a cool breeze caressing it, at others it felt like soft touches. Around her left nipple another eddy appeared while it seemed to stream in pulses over the right one. Every time she pulled on the nipple with her left hand the air hit its sensitive base with more force.

Had the bard still been able to think rationally, she had recognized the odd behaviour. But she was already too deep in the throes of passion to care. Each and every sensitive spot send pleasure to her brain and caused a signal overload. The bard had long closed her eyes to concentrate on her body. Her arousal was rising steadily, but she still did not feel close enough to a climax. She left the stimulation of her clit in the surprisingly capable care of the eddy. A soft pair of lips sucking on it could not have felt better. Instead, she moved her hand to the slit between her pussy lips and used two fingers to spread them wide open. This allowed the stream of air to hit her deep inside her vagina. It seemed almost corporeal, the way it hit every spot inside her core. It felt incredible, but she still could not push herself over the edge. Therefore, she started begging again.

‘Oh mighty wind, enter me. Touch me deep inside and take me.’

The pulsating stream of air in her vagina grew stronger immediately. The bard was ecstatic, but she still could not reach that elusive peak. Her desire was stronger than ever before in her life. Her screams of pleasure were louder than the howling wind, but still no orgasm. Suddenly she seemed to hear a voice in her head.

“This is a place of sacrifices. What would you do to come?”

“Anything. I would do anything.”

“Accepted. You will learn the terms once you have recovered.”

Before she could react or become worried, Gabrielle felt herself lifted several feet into the air. This was no longer just wind; it was a mini tornado. But it was an almost living one who could solidify in parts. And the biggest part was the stream in her vagina, which fucked her like a dildo. A smaller one worked her asshole. It had been virgin until now, but the bard welcomed the intrusion wholeheartedly. The eddies above her nipples had turned into little hoses and sucked on them rhythmically. Gabrielle’s pleasure was beyond measure. And finally, she was able to climax. One super strong orgasm was followed by a second and a third one. Her howling of ecstasy did almost sound like the wind before.

Only slowly could Gabrielle recover from her high. She had kept her eyes closed, even while she rested, like on a cushion of air. But now she felt something change around her. In some places the touches vanished completely, in others they felt very different, while at the same time the bard seemed to descent slowly. After a few moments, the changed touches were those of a human body. Somebody was carrying her, breast to breast, with one arm around her back and her own legs around the mystery person’s hips. This mystery person was obviously strong and female, the soft cushion of her breasts a dead give-away. But probably more important was the position of the other arm, since her hand was actually still buried in Gabrielle’s nether hole. The bard had just decided it was time to look when the other woman greeted her.

“Hello Gabrielle.”

The bard’s eyes flew open in shock. She knew the voice – it was Velasca’s. And it was true; it was her enemy, former amazon and now goddess of chaos, whose amused look greeted her. The goddess was completely naked and standing about two feet away from the hole, where the wind had come from. For a second the bard was impressed by her strength, since she still held the bard with just one arm, but then more important thoughts rushed through her brain. Still confused she could only come up with one word.


“The one and only. Who else would you have expected, you have called for me. I mean, you have seen me as a whirlwind. It should have been obvious that I am now the goddess of storm and air. Especially since the position was unoccupied with the Olympians, with Zeus only using the thunderbolts and Poseidon limited to the sea. But let’s get back to business.”


The usually verbose bard still had problems to build a complete question.

“Yes, your nice sacrifice. You offered to do anything for an orgasm and I accepted. And you don’t want to deny to have come, do you?”

Gabrielle blushed. She suddenly remembered her carnal thoughts very clearly. She saw no advantage in any denial of that fact. At least Velasca had not killed her right away, which had to be considered a good sign. She remembered that talking was her strength and coughed slightly before she asked her next question.

“And what exactly do you want me to do?”

“Something a lot of fun. Since you enjoyed it so much, when we fucked, I have decided to make you my personal sex slave. Therefore, I want you to do anything needed to bring me pleasure. And I expect you to be always ready and willing to be fucked.”

The bard was getting even redder.

“What?!? You might be a goddess and therefore strong enough to take me against my will. But you can’t force me to want to be fucked.”

“You think so, hm?”

The goddess started to move the hand in Gabrielle’s vagina lightly back and forth. The bard purred and her body reacted immediately. Juices were flowing and she pushed her pussy against the arm to increase the intensity of the contact. Velasca stopped again and watched with an evil smirk as realization dawned on her victim’s face.

“Yep, you entered the deal on free will. Therefore, you changed into the total slut needed to be a perfect sex slave. From now on, one touch, even just one look from me will be enough to have you cream your pussy. What do have to say to that?”

Any negative response was immediately pushed aside by unbelievable pleasure, when the hand in her vagina moved again.

“Oh my Goddess, please fuck me! Take me hard and make me come.”

And Velasca did just that. Then she teleported them to a more secluded place where she had the bard return the favour for two days without a break.

The end