Xena: A Necessary Evil - The Uncensored Version

A darker, full bodied blend.
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Sargeant 1st Class
Sargeant 1st Class
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A Necessary Evil – The Uncensored Version

By Vega Taxeca

This story does contain graphic descriptions of sex between women.

I do not own Xena - the Warrior Princess, or any of its characters or storylines. It belongs to Renaissance Pictures, Studio USA, Universal Studios and/or related companies. But I do not make any money with this story anyway, so I hope it is okay. No copyright infringement is intended.

The story takes place during the season two episode “A Necessary Evil”. It contains light spoilers for this episode and what happened before. It should be seen as a different way for Callisto to react, once Xena frees her and asks for her help against Velasca. Without knowing the show, some references might be slightly confusing.

A Necessary Evil – The Uncensored Version

Xena had just freed Callisto and explained the situation about the new goddess Velasca to the immortal.

“So, will you help, Callisto?”

“Hmm, yes. But only on condition that you have to do me a favour first.”

“We don’t have much time. What do you want? An apology? You can have it.”

“That’s nice, but no, I meant something else.”

“Well, what is it?”

“Quite simple, I have just spent a very long time alone in that cave. So what I really need is to get off.”

“You what ...?” Xena almost choked while Gabrielle looked stunned.

“I want to get off. And therefore, you will lick my pussy right now.”

“You expect ME to lick YOUR pussy? You are insane.”

“Why Xena, do you really want to tell me you have never had sex with an enemy before? ... No response? Thought so. And we both know you prefer women anyway. One of the many traits we have in common, darling.”

“We have nothing in common!” Xena almost spat her answer.

“Don’t be so sure, Warrior Princess! But whatever, you want me to do you a favour, so you will do me one first. You lick my pussy or there is no deal. Simple as that.”

Xena seethed in anger.

“No way!”

“Okay, it’s not like I mind watching that Velasca chick gutting you two.”

Xena grit her teeth. But after a moment of silence, she looked rather helpless at the bard and then back at Callisto. Resignation showed on her face. Finally, she answered quietly.


“Sorry, I couldn’t hear you. Could you repeat it a little louder, please?” Callisto smirked evilly.

“Okay, I will lick your pussy.” Xena said in her normal voice.

“Why thank you. And we all know I forced you. So, it won’t be your fault if you accidentally enjoy it.”

Xena glared at her.

“Can we get it over with?”

“Okay, let’s begin. Gabrielle, you will watch. I love to have an audience, but more importantly it wouldn’t be safe at the moment for you to be alone.”

Xena seemed about to protest, but then stopped herself. Obviously, she did not really have a good argument against the last point. So, she began to take off her armour when she saw Callisto do the same. The Warrior Princess could not completely hide her appreciation of Callisto’s athletic and well toned body. There was no mistaking it; her enemy was a very beautiful woman. In any other situation she would have loved this kind of interaction.

Callisto on the other hand openly admired Xena’s magnificent body in all its glorious nakedness. But this did not stop her from also watching Gabrielle’s reaction. At first, the bard was solely concentrated on looking at Xena, though she tried to keep it from being too obvious. Still, it filled Callisto with some satisfaction when Gabrielle finally noticed her as well. And she seemed to like what she saw. Her first look was straight at Callisto’s pussy, followed by a light blush. But the way she licked her lips next was rather telling. And she then was taking in every last inch of Callisto’s body. The immortal changed her concentration back to Xena. She stepped next to her and lightly caressed an ass cheek.

“Okay, let’s begin. I want to feel you right now.”

Callisto sat down on Xena’s bed roll, making sure to face in Gabrielle’s direction to give her an unobstructed view. She put her weight on one arm and slowly opened her legs to present her most intimate parts to the other women. Even Xena could not completely hide her arousal at the erotic sight. She stepped closer and lay down between Callisto’s legs.

“Yes, Xena, show me your many skills.”

Callisto encouraged the Warrior Princess but kept looking surreptitiously at Gabrielle as well. The bard’s face was an open book to her. It clearly depictured a combination of jealousy and desire. She probably would enjoy the show almost as much as Callisto herself. Xena’s lips had her quickly focus on her reluctant lover, though it seemed she was no longer so reluctant. On the contrary, light kisses on her inner thigh showed her willingness to give her best effort. She did not just simply start licking the pussy, to get it over with. She treated the blonde warrior like she would a lover, by teasing her and kissing her to build the arousal. All of which did not came as a surprise to the Immortal. Xena might be better at hiding her feelings than the bard, but she knew her very well, nonetheless. And Callisto was sure, other than Gabrielle there were not many people higher on Xena’s “to-fuck”-list than herself, maybe none.

And the Warrior Princess really seemed to make the best of this chance she had gotten. She licked and sucked all the juices she could get. Her efforts paid off when Callisto finally came in an intense climax. But Xena did not just stop there. She kept licking and pushing her tongue into the vagina until she got the other warrior off a second time. Every last drop of the salty pussy juice she could find was consumed. It was such an erotic but forbidden experience, the Warrior Princess came herself just from pleasuring her enemy, but tried to hide this from the other two women. Only then did she stop. Callisto looked very pleased with the situation, but refrained from too many further comments, other than a quick “That was great, thanks lover” which got her a dirty look from Xena.


After they had made camp on a clearing, Xena went to hunt dinner. Before she left she gave Callisto a terse warning to behave. The Warrior-Queen smirked, but nodded. Alone with Callisto, Gabrielle felt a bit awkward. There was obviously still her fear, but also the very recent memory of Callisto climaxing. The whole scene had her aroused more than she would be willing to admit. The bard tried to hide it in her usual way with chatting.

“So, what was it like, Callisto, down there for such a long time?”

The blonde warrior looked at her for a moment before she replied.

“You know what, Gabrielle, if you want a sensitive chat, you can have it. But let’s do it in a more fun way. Let’s play ‘Truth or Dare’. I’m even generous and allow you to begin.”

Gabrielle was surprised with this suggestion, but she had always been more comfortable with talking than with a brooding silence. Therefore she agreed and thought about a good question.

“You actually seemed to enjoy what Xena did. Didn’t you?”

“Yep, no denying it. She got me off good. Even if I hadn’t been starved for months, I would have gone off in no time. Xena is just such a great cunt-licker. She has obviously lots of experience, knows exactly which spots to hit. She must have eaten dozens of pussies to be so good. Funny she hasn’t tried it with you yet.”

Gabrielle had difficulties to hide being stung by this remark.

“We are the very best of friends, you know.”

“Yeah, yeah. You are probably too young for her. She prefers her lovers to be more experienced, so they can keep up with her in the sack. No fumbling around or having to teach them everything.”

Again, Gabrielle could not hide her reaction at these remarks.

Callisto spoke up again. “Okay, my turn. What about you? Do you prefer to get sucked or fucked?”

Gabrielle blushed deeply at this very personal question. “Erm, I ... uhm ... don’t really know. It’s not like I have experienced both. Though I did really like what Perdicas did on our wedding night, when he made love to me.”

Callisto smirked evilly.

“Well, that explains a lot. It’s no wonder Xena is not interested in you, if you are almost still a virgin.”

Gabrielle blushed again. She quickly tried to turn the tables by asking her next question.

“So, you actually really liked what Xena did. And you seem to be very fascinated by her. Do you really hate Xena or do you actually love her?”

Callisto looked thoughtful.

“Maybe both? It’s not like I know much about love. You probably know more about loving Xena than I do, don’t you?”

She looked at Gabrielle, but the bard avoided her eyes. She continued.

“I think, to really hate somebody, you probably have to love them as well. That’s where the real passion comes from, you see. After all, the way Xena gave her best to make me come, you would have to think there was some passion behind it from her as well. I mean, even after I had come, she kept sucking my cunt till she got every last drop of my juices. She had me coming once more with her eagerness.”

Gabrielle did not know if she should blush or get angry at these last words. But deep down, she felt very aroused by the thoughts of Xena’s mouth working between a woman’s legs. Oh, how she hoped to be this woman one day. But when she looked at Callisto, she realized what her enemy’s next question might be. Her deep love for Xena was her big secret. She could not reveal it, especially not to her nemesis. Callisto was probably already close to the truth anyway. When Callisto opened her mouth, Gabrielle quickly interjected.

“Dare! I think, I will take dare this time. After all, it is Truth or Dare we are playing, not just Truth.”

Gabrielle was almost babbling now.

Callisto looked at her thoughtfully.

“Okay, if that’s what you want. Let’s see, I dare you to remove your breeches and to show me your naked pussy. I’d like to find out how much you enjoyed the earlier show.”

The bard blushed deeply, but with only minimum hesitation did as she was told. It was kind of a secret thrill. She pulled down her breeches and held up the skirt. Her pussy, which was lightly covered by fine blonde hair, was glistening with wetness. Callisto even bent closer and took an obvious whiff.

“Hm, nice and juicy.”

Gabrielle tried to hide her embarrassment behind a front of false bravery and fired her own shot.

“So, do you like what you see?”

“Oh yes, very much so. I’d fuck you any time. Your turn again, truth or dare?”

Gabrielle gritted her teeth. The warrior had tricked her. Of course, the question was not meant to count, but now it was too late. But inwardly, she was also quite pleased with the positive response. It was a surprising turn on to think about being fucked by the beautiful blonde. But then she was reminded of her dilemma, which still was not solved. She went with the same answer as before.

“I’ll take the dare.”

“Twice in a row, that’s kind of brave, isn’t it? Let’s see, what can I ask you to reward such bravery?”

Gabrielle spotted an evil spark in Callisto’s eyes. She shivered and squirmed in anticipation. At last, the Warrior-Queen had come to a decision.

“Okay, I dare you to get yourself off right now, in front of me watching you. After all, it is only fair. Otherwise, you’d be the only one today without an orgasm.”

Gabrielle started to protest, but suddenly stopped and asked a completely different question.

“What do you mean, ‘the only one without an orgasm’? Xena just brought you off, not the other way around.”

“Didn’t you realize it? Xena had her own orgasm, just from tasting my juices and feeling my reactions.” Callisto laughed. “You really are so naive, Gabrielle. That woman is so much defined by her passion and her sexual energy. Did you think all those stories about her sexual conquests were just fairy tales? Oh no, especially as a warlord she has slept with hundreds of men and women. And she has never been one to just take; she loves to give just as much. For her, fucking is at least as good as being fucked. Just imagine it is her finger inside of you and you should have no problem at all.”

Gabrielle shivered again, but now for a different reason. She had been in a state of arousal ever since she watched Xena and Callisto. She remembered Xena’s mouth on Callisto’s naked body, the blond warrior a very beautiful woman in her own right. And now, with their sexually charged talk, she felt wetness pool in her breeches. And after all, it was her turn. Callisto had answered her questions, so Gabrielle could not back down now, could she? Slowly the bard moved her hand downwards. She picked up the hem of her skirt again and still very slowly pulled it up over her hips. Then she closed her eyes. With her left hand, she lightly caressed her thighs and at the same time licked the fingers of her right one. Softly she then touched her pussy with the fingertips of her right hand. She could not completely suppress a moan.

Callisto shifted her position, so she could whisper in Gabrielle’s ear.

“The first moment, when Xena’s tongue touched my clit, it was as if an electric shock ran through my body.”

The husky voice, whispering erotic details in her ear, increased Gabrielle’s arousal. In her mind’s eye, the bard tried to picture a naked Xena in all her glory. As she had seen her often enough during their travels, it was not difficult for a bard of Gabrielle’s calibre. She had now pushed her index finger between her pussy lips and started to pump it in and out. Her hips bucked. Soon she used a finger of her left hand to rub her clit. All the while Callisto kept whispering filthy descriptions in her ear, but Gabrielle was already too far gone to understand everything. She just got bits and pieces.

“... sucking on my clit ... licked my cunt lips up and down ... pushed her tongue so deep in my cunt ... and I came and came and came a second time ...”

Gabrielle had now added two more fingers and was pumping into her pussy as fast as she could, while the left index finger circled her clit. Her juices were running like a fountain. Just when Callisto mentioned coming, the bard was overwhelmed by her own climax. She shuddered and moaned loudly between clenched teeth. Slowly she came down from her high.

Callisto chose that moment to draw her index finger nonchalantly through Gabrielle’s juices and then to suck it clean.

“Hm, sweet! I’d say, you have fulfilled your dare. Unfortunately, we will have to stop our game for now, since Xena will be back soon.”

Inwardly, Callisto was filled with evil triumph. She was well aware of Xena’s sharp senses. The Warrior Princess would have no problem to smell Gabrielle. And even if she would not manage to get a reaction from Xena, it had been well worth it. It had been incredibly erotic to watch the bard, even more so than Callisto would have anticipated.

Only moments later Xena returned to their camp. She immediately realized that something had happened, though her stoic face gave nothing away. Since Gabrielle avoided her eyes, she looked at Callisto and pulled up one brow.

Callisto smirked, but then just shrugged and answered lightly.

“We were just playing a bit. She is better than I would have thought.”

Xena looked at her a moment longer, but did not say anything.


After they had dinner, Xena announced she would check the perimeter. Callisto offered to help, which seemed to make the Warrior Princess suspicious.

“Why the sudden eagerness?”

“That’s simple, Xena. You were nice to me, now I want to be nice to you. If you check the north, I’ll take the south and if everything is okay, we can meet behind the large rock in the west.”

“You want to be nice? Hard to believe. But okay, we’ll meet at the rock. Don’t be late.”

With that she turned around and left. Callisto did not follow immediately. First, she picked something up from her bags; then she turned towards Gabrielle.

“No need to worry for that Warrior Princess. I’m actually planning to be VERY nice.”

She winked at the bard and left in the opposite direction. Gabrielle was speechless. She might not be that experienced, but even she could recognize the kind of item Callisto had picked up: It was a leather harness with a fake phallus attached to it. The bard had seen something similar when she had visited the amazons. They called it a strap-on and used it for sex with another woman. And Callisto planned to use one on Xena! Gabrielle felt an odd mixture of shock, arousal and jealousy. This she simply had to see for herself.

Meanwhile both warriors did their perimeter check. Xena was first, followed only moments later by Callisto. She turned towards her.


“No. So we will have enough time for me being nice.”

The blonde warrior stepped very close to her darker counterpart, who eyed her warily.

“What do you want?”

“As I said, I want to be nice to you, very nice.”

Callisto’s voice had become very husky. She closed the rest of the distance between them, invading the other’s personal space. With her nails she scratched the back of Xena’s thigh up and down. Then she got a good grip on her ass cheeks and pulled her even closer. The Warrior Princess felt something hard bump into her crotch. She had an idea what this might be. Callisto leant closer and whispered into her ear.

“I want to be so nice to you that you scream my name in ecstasy.”

The Warrior-Queen felt a shudder run through Xena’s body. She was sure of her seduction since Xena had not stepped back from her advances. She licked the dark warrior’s ear and bit not too lightly into the lobe. Ever since becoming an immortal, her senses were sharper than even Xena’s famous ones. She easily picked up the distinct smell of Xena’s arousal, just as she was hearing a light rustle of leaves in a distant bush, announcing to her the arrival of a watcher. The Warrior Princess had not backed off yet, but neither had she made a move of her own. Therefore, Callisto decided to up the ante even further. She picked up one of the hands Xena held so stiff at her side. She guided it to the soft skin of her own inner thigh and then slowly upwards until both hands disappeared under her battle skirt. Even without her superior senses she would have detected the hitch in Xena’s breathing. The Warrior Princess had just realized that Callisto was naked underneath, except for the leather harness with the phallus.

“Feel it, Xena. Feel my dick. Soon I will pump it into your hot cunt. Admit it; you want me to fuck you – right here, right now.”

Callisto guided Xena’s fingers around the polished ivory phallus. Then she moved both their hands up and down the shaft, as if giving a hand job. The Warrior Princess was still reluctant, though she felt her will to resist dwindle. She had been attracted to Callisto’s wild beauty from the first time they met. Then they were mortal enemies, so it was easy to forget about it, but the situation was quite different now. And she also still felt responsible for Callisto’s difficult past, which created a further bond between them. She was so preoccupied she did not even realize she was now gliding her hand along the phallus on her own accord. The blonde warrior had moved her hand to gather some of her juices. Once she had gotten a sample, she held it under Xena’s nose to entice her even further. Next, she offered it as a treat to suck on and the Warrior Princess happily obliged.

While the dark warrior still sucked and pumped as if on automatic, Callisto reached with her other hand under Xena’s battle skirt. She moved the breeches aside and palmed her pussy. She looked deeply into Xena’s eyes and pushed her index finger in between the nether lips. The Warrior Princess could not suppress a moan around the finger in her mouth. The finger between her other pair of lips entered her as deep as possible and was pumped back and forth a couple of times. When it was pulled back just as slowly as it had entered, the Warrior Princess again could not suppress a moan. This one clearly showed disappointment. Callisto still kept the eye contact, while she brought the hand to her own mouth. Her smirk showed satisfaction and pleasure as she sucked the finger clean. Finally, the Warrior-Queen pulled her finger from Xena’s mouth and let it glide slowly down the neck and into her cleavage. A wet trail was left in its wake. With both hands now she went for the hooks in Xena’s bronze armour.

“It’s time to get rid of this stuff.”

With these words she pulled the armour off. Only when she dropped it to the floor rather careless did Xena stop stroking the phallus and pulled back her hand. But still she was very passive and allowed Callisto to remove the bracers as well. Even when the blonde warrior started to remove her clothes piece by piece, she did simply allow it to happen. But this was not a complete surprise for Callisto, rather had she hoped for it. She had studied the Warrior Princess for many years before she made her first move. She knew her better than anybody. As confident and headstrong as Xena usually appeared, at some crucial points in her life she had submitted to strong female figures like Lao Ma, Alti or Cyane. And the Warrior-Queen had every intention to be the next and final woman to dominate the Warrior Princess.

At the moment, it worked perfectly. The way Xena let herself be disrobed reminded the blonde of a little girl being tucked in at night by her mother. Okay, maybe a very big and rather sexy little girl. The boots were the last articles of clothing remaining. Callisto picked up the left leg first and removed the opened boot very slowly. The same procedure she repeated with the right one. This way she wanted to further increase Xena’s anticipation. Finally, the Warrior Princess stood completely naked before her. Once more, Callisto looked her deep into the eyes. With her right hand she fondled Xena’s gorgeous breasts. Suddenly she got a strong grip on the left nipple and started pulling. With her left she simply pointed downwards.

“Now you will suck my dick. Get it nice and wet.”

Guided by the painful grip on her nipple the Warrior Princess dropped to her knees. Submissively she bent forward and took the phallus in her mouth. Only then did Callisto release her grip. Instead, she got a good hold of Xena’s long black hair, to encourage her to deepthroat the phallus. The dark warrior complied and coated it completely with her saliva. Her head bobbed up and down in rhythm. Once she was satisfied, Callisto stopped her.

“That’s enough. Lie down on your back and open your legs. I will make your world explode.”

Just like before, the Warrior Princess complied without hesitation. Callisto looked one more time at the naked body on offer. It was very athletic and perfectly built. The blonde warrior knelt between those strong muscled legs. She pointed the tip of her phallus with one hand at Xena’s opening. She herself had still kept her clothes and even the armour on. With this contrast she emphasized her dominant status. She wanted Xena to feel exactly that this was no sex between equals, but a dominant female fucking the submissive one. She wanted her full acceptance of this role. And it seemed to work perfectly. Xena had her legs wide open, without needing another prompt. Her only desire right now was to be fucked by Callisto.

The Warrior Princess always had the ability to focus on one important task at a time. Right now, she focused on her pleasure, on being fucked by Callisto – or rather, on Callisto fucking her. Because that was the difference, she did not act, she reacted. She had become a fucktoy to be used by the Warrior-Queen. And oh boy, did Callisto know how to use her. She had plunged forward and deeply entered Xena’s vagina. Next, she pushed the phallus in to the hilt. Within moments she had created a rhythm to fuck the Warrior Princess. When she pushed forward, the metal of her armour cut rather painfully into the sensitive skin of Xena’s breasts. But this contrast between pain and pleasure only enhanced the dark warrior’s experience.

Callisto kept pumping her strap-on forcefully into Xena’s cunt. The Warrior-Queen was one of the few people in the world who were a match for Xena’s great strength. And now the blonde warrior used all of this incredible strength to drill her phallus as deeply into Xena as possible. Every time their bodies met, wet squishing noises could be heard because of the juices coating their skin at the meeting point. The Warrior Princess had her powerful legs around Callisto’s waist, pulling her in. She was opening herself wide to take as much of Callisto’s phallus as possible.

Callisto cried out.
“Oh yes, Xena. You are so responsive. You are the best fuck I ever had, taking me so deep, taking everything I give. I believe next time we fuck I will not use the strap-on, I will ram my whole fist into your womb.”

Xena moaned involuntarily, when she heard this.

Callisto laughed with glee. She never let up with her powerful strokes and continued seductively.

“Tell me, Xena, would you want me to fist you? Would you even beg me to fist you?”

“Oh, yes! Yes, yes!”

The Warrior Princess cried out in ecstasy as a most powerful climax overwhelmed her. But Callisto did not stop there. She kept pumping till two more orgasms wrecked Xena’s body. Never in her life had Xena been fucked with so much intensity, so much passion. At last, she was spent and Callisto slowly removed the phallus.


By this time, Gabrielle had already silently crawled back and returned to their campsite. She was deeply aroused from the spectacle she had just watched. She even contemplated to get herself off right there, but then she heard the two warriors return as well. A smirk was playing around Callisto’s lips, while Xena was showing her usual stoic face. The Warrior Princess spoke first.

“I will scout ahead to find a perfect location for a trap. You will wait two more candlemarks; then follow me slowly. Watch out for hidden signs.”

She gave a reassuring hug to Gabrielle, then jumped on Argo and rode north. She did not even bother to give her usual warnings to Callisto, showing that she had started to trust her a bit more.

Once Xena was out of earshot, Callisto turned to Gabrielle.

“So, Gabrielle, did you enjoy the show?”

Gabrielle’s blush was answer enough.

“Do you know what the best aspect is about being immortal?”

When Gabrielle just shrugged, Callisto answered the question herself.

“Unlimited stamina. I can already go again. And since we have some time to fill ...”

With a suggestive look she lifted her battle skirt, showing the bard the strap-on still attached to her naked pussy. Gabrielle blushed again, but did not protest. Callisto continued.

“Look closely. It is still covered in Xena’s juices. Do you want a taste of your beloved Warrior Princess?”

Just a moment, Gabrielle’s libido warred with her conscience, but her carnal instincts quickly won out. She was already too deeply aroused to decline. The bard nodded.

“Then get rid of your clothes, kneel before me and beg for it!”

Without hesitation Gabrielle followed these commands. In seconds she was naked and knelt directly in front of the Warrior-Queen.

“Please, Callisto, may I have a taste of Xena’s juices?”

“Well, since you ask so nicely. I suppose you know what to do?”

As an answer, Gabrielle leaned forward and licked the phallus. Then, with one hand around Callisto’s hips and the other holding the base of the phallus, she started to work it in earnest. First, she sampled more juices with her tongue. Next, she opened her mouth wide and pushed her lips over the bulb at the tip of the phallus. She started sucking. The taste of the salty juices felt like ambrosia to her. Callisto had her hands in Gabrielle’s hair and started to push the phallus slowly further into Gabrielle’s mouth. When the bard had to gag, she pulled out a bit, then she started a pumping motion, effectively fucking Gabrielle’s oral opening. After Callisto was convinced she had shown Gabrielle her total dominance, she pulled the phallus out completely. A string of saliva connected mouth and phallus for a few seconds; then it dropped down on Gabrielle’s breast.

“Lie down! It’s time at last for you to experience a real fucking.”

The bard quickly followed the command and lay down on her back. She opened her legs wide in submissive invitation. Callisto chuckled.

“Oh yes, now you show your true personality. You just can’t wait to be fucked, can you?”

“Please, Callisto, take me now.”

“Oh, I will take you, my little fuck-toy. I will take you hard and I will take you thoroughly. When I am through with you, you will have problems walking.”

Gabrielle just whimpered, while Callisto knelt between her open legs. With her left hand, the Warrior-Queen pointed the head of the phallus at Gabrielle’s opening. She waited a few more moments, to show the bard once again who was in control. Then she started pushing. Gabrielle had only been penetrated once before in her life, at her wedding, but she was already so wet that Callisto had no problems to enter her vagina with the phallus. She kept a steady pressure, till only moments later hips met hips and the whole phallus was buried inside. Callisto pulled back a bit, pushed again, pulled, pushed and within seconds had a pumping rhythm established. Soon Callisto had the bard moaning.

“Oh yes, yes please! More! Yes, please, fuck me, keep going. Please!”

Callisto reacted by pulling Gabrielle’s legs over her shoulders. From this angle she could penetrate the bard even deeper. Her steady yet powerful strokes hit at all the right places. Gabrielle was in ecstasy. If she had believed she had liked what Perdicas did to her, then this was a whole other level. The way the blonde warrior was fucking her was beyond anything she could have imagined. Her juices were running in big rivulets from her pussy, sweat covered the rest of her body. The orgasm was building inside of her like a tidal wave; she was almost there, when Callisto suddenly stopped. Gabrielle whimpered in disappointment. Callisto chuckled evilly.

“Not so fast! Where would be the fun in that? We want this little fuck-session to be memorable, don’t we, Gabrielle?”

Gabrielle started begging again.

“Please, Callisto, go on! Fuck me! Make me come! I need your strap-on inside.”

“Really, Gabrielle? You need me? Will you be my willing fuck-toy, whenever I want you, if I take you now?”

“Yes, yes, Callisto! Just take me! Take me hard and I am yours to fuck me as you please!”

“Okay, but you shall never forget who now owns your body.”

With one mighty shove Callisto pushed the phallus again to the hilt into Gabrielle’s vagina. Within moments she had started a new, even faster and harder rhythm. Gabrielle cried out and it did not take long for Callisto to make the bard come forcefully. For Gabrielle it was orgasmic bliss beyond anything she had ever felt before. When Callisto slowly removed the phallus, another wave hit Gabrielle. Once the bard had recovered her breath, Callisto ordered her to turn on her stomach.

“And now up on all fours. We are not finished yet and taking you doggy-style seems to fit nicely to a little bitch in heat like you are.”

Gabrielle did not hesitate and followed the command.

“And now wiggle your ass! Show me that you want to be taken!”

Gabrielle blushed at the embarrassment, but she felt her arousal already rising. She did what the Warrior-Queen asked. She looked over her shoulder and watched Callisto as she knelt behind her. The warrior gave her a sharp clap on her bottom.

“That’s enough. Now I want to hear you: To whom belongs your body? Who shall take you from behind? Who shall forever fuck you?”

“YOU! You, Callisto! Please fuck me again! What you did mere moments ago was incredible. Please make me come once more!”

Suddenly Gabrielle felt the tip of the phallus, but not at her pussy. It was pressing against her anus. She did not know how to react.

“Remember, Gabrielle, your body is mine to use as I please. And I don’t accept a virgin hole on a body that belongs to me. Do you understand? I will fuck you in your asshole and you will love it!”

Gabrielle did not dare to resist and tried to relax. The moment Callisto felt this reaction she used her left hand to lightly rub Gabrielle’s clit. Then she started to push the phallus against Gabrielle’s ring of muscles. The bard was soon assaulted with mixed emotions. From her clit came pleasure, from her behind pain. But the pain was not as strong as she had feared and quickly it was overshadowed by the pleasure. For the powerful Callisto it was no problem to push the phallus inside, despite the still slightly resisting muscles. Once the head had popped past the ring, she stopped for a moment. The bard groaned, but got quickly used to the fullness in her backside and it now felt almost as pleasurable as the finger on her clit. When the warrior pushed again, she felt a few shocks of further pain, but it actually increased her pleasure now. Her juices were already running.

Soon Callisto had the whole phallus buried inside Gabrielle’s asshole. Slowly, very slowly, she started a pumping motion, pulling back a bit and pushing again. Once she had established a stronger rhythm, she stopped rubbing Gabrielle’s clit. She wanted the bard to concentrate solely on the feeling in her ass. Instead, she got a strong grip on Gabrielle’s hair and pulled her head back. This gave her a handle to pump even stronger into Gabrielle’s asshole. The bard’s groaning changed to moaning in the meantime. Now she felt only pleasure from being taken in her behind. Immense pleasure, actually! Only a day ago she would not have imagined to submit so willingly to anybody, especially not to Callisto of all people. But a day ago, she also had no idea how incredible sex could be. Callisto was able to give her pleasure beyond her wildest dreams.

Already she felt the waves of orgasm rising. Callisto was now fucking her asshole at least as forceful as her pussy before. Gabrielle’s mouth was wide open, she was moaning almost constantly, only mixed with incoherent babbling, of wanting to be fucked, to be taken, of being Callisto’s willing toy. All the time, the Warrior-Queen kept her powerful rhythm. Her eyes were shining in triumph. She knew the bard was now hers. Once Gabrielle had come, she would be addicted to the pleasure only Callisto could bring her. Gabrielle’s increasingly erratic movements told Callisto how close the bard now was. With all her strength she pushed the phallus in deeper than ever before.

“Come for me, Gabrielle! Come for me and be mine!”

The bard was now howling in the pleasure of her overwhelming climax.

“Yes, yes, I am yours. Oh gods, you are in so deep.”

Then the bard blacked out from the force of her first anal orgasm. Callisto slowly pulled her phallus out. She had climaxed as well, though more from the feeling of the power she was now wielding over the bard than anything else. She decided to give Gabrielle a little rest, before they had to move out after Xena. Watching the beautiful naked bard during the short rest, she decided that soon she would teach her to eat pussy. She was sure it would not take long and she had two sexy fuck-toys at her back and call. They only had to take care of Velasca first. But she would show the bitch who was the boss around here. Nobody was allowed to mess with her toys, not even a goddess!

The end
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