The Pixies of Bondage Glen

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This is a compilation from a sequel to "Bridgett Bonds: GrrlTrap." I never got around to finishing the book, but I thought people might like to read some of the fantasies that Bridgett had. She had been reading a fictional Hentai comic from Japan called the "Pixies of Bondage Glenn." I thought I would share this, because I thought it was a pretty cool bit of writing. The set up is Bridgett Bonds, rock star, is hooking up with a fan and they are talking about their common interest in and Bridgett has a fantasy sequence....

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The Pixies of Bondage Glen
By Sneakly
“Can I ask you something?” Jesse sat up in the water, taking another sip of wine.

“Sure, fire away.” Bridgett smiled,

“Uhm, I read that you’ve got two tattoos.” She took a larger swallow from her glass. She didn’t want to offend her host, but curiosity and wine were getting the better of her.

“You want to see them, right?” Bridgett laughed. The tabloids had been speculating on what the second tattoo was for the last six months, when paparazzi snapped a picture her back loading a chair into her car. Her shirt pulled up, and her pant down, just far enough to show a sliver of the tattoo.

“Oh hell, these tattoos have been more fun than I could have ever imagined.” Bridgett turned around. “This one you probably know.” She pointed at the little blue butterfly on her shoulder blade.

“Yeah, I saw it when you did that Rolling Stone cover about a year ago.” Jesse leaned forward for a closer look. “It’s really pretty.”

“But this is the one you really want to see…” Bridgett stood up and spun around. The little figure that had been set across small of her back peaked out from the top of her bathing suit. She tugged the waistband down to reveal rest of the figure.

“I know her! I know her!” Jesse jumped up and down in the water. “That’s one of the Pixies from Bondage Glen! Her name is… Jezebel.”

“You know the Bondage Glen?” Bridgett twirled back around to face Jesse.

“I loved them! I had a friend buy them for me when she went to Atlanta to see her dad on the weekends. Turn back around, I’ve got to get a better look!” Jesse pushed Bridgett back around and looked back at the little figure inked into the small of Bridgett’s back. The small black haired fairy had her wings spread out across Bridgett’s lower back, her latex clad legs were bound at the ankles with her tiny pixie feet just extending slightly between curves of Bridgett’s bottom. The image had the wings seemingly pinned down and the pixie’s arms were tied to the two pins. The figure was nude except for a black miniskirt, latex boots and a cascade of hair hiding her breasts.

“I can’t believe you know who they are. My friend Tommy was in Japan last year and he ran into Kujo Yojima and he had him make a custom drawing for me. He set up the whole tattoo thing for my twenty-second birthday.” Bridgett pulled her bathing suit back up and turned back.

“I only read one book that featured her, the one where she tries to gain control of the Bamboo thicket.” Jesse sat up on the bed so she was directly across from Bridgett, her terrycloth robe hung partly open. “I love that she has a stinger in her box. It just sounds so bizarre. I never understood why if she wants to kill Jezebel and Rita, why doesn’t she just sting them.”

“Well, she’s supposed to be a wasp-pixie. I think she doesn’t because she’s the only pixie that hunts other pixies. Besides if she just stings them, she can’t collect their nectar.” Nectar was the euphemism the comic used for the pussy juices pixies released when they came. It was supposed to have magical properties that were highly prized by the other magical creatures. It was also the main reason Jezebel and Rita were constantly being captured and fucked.

“Jezebel was the sprite of lesbianism.” Jesse smiled at Bridgett. “ I always like Rita, the petulant fighter.”

“I bet you just liked that she was a red head.” Bridgett put her glass down, beaming with excitement. “I didn’t think that a nice bible school teacher from Georgia like you would even know about Japanese anime.”

Jesse gave a wry smile, “I wouldn’t say that I’m all that nice, I have a tattoo, too”

“Really? I showed you mine, now you show me yours.”

“I would, but I can’t. It’s invisible.” Jesse laughed and leaned back into the hot water.

“Sure,” Bridgett laughed and slipped back into the water next to Jesse.

“Wow,” she continued, “I can’t believe you were into the Bondage Glen. I thought that was strictly a New York, LA, Tokyo type of thing.”

“Well gee, us goobers ain’t got nothing to do but hump our cousins and drink moonshine…”

“Ouch, I guess that sounded pretty snotty. I’m sorry.” Bridgett put her hand on Jesse’s knee.

“That’s okay, my cousin is pretty hot…” Jesse didn’t try to move Bridgett’s hand. Instead, she leaned a little closer to Bridgett and for a moment her smile faded. Her mouth opened slightly. Her lips pursed gently and Bridgett cocked her head to the side, closed her eyes and moved into meet her.


Bridgett hopped from the bed and went to the dresser. From under a cosmetics box she pulled a stack of plastic envelopes and brought them back to the bed.

“This is the one you have to read, it the sequel to Empress of Bamboo.” The title was written in Bold lightening bolt letters Vespa’s Revenge. Bridgett read from the cover, “Vespa comes back with a plan to take revenge on the Pixies of Bondage Glen and learn the secret to their magic nectar.”

“I read about this on the Internet. She goes totally freak on the Pixies. I saw a couple of sample panels, they looked cool but I wasn’t sure what was supposed to be happening.”

“Take it and read it, I don’t want to ruin it for you. We can talk about it when you’ve had a chance to finish it.” Bridgett pushed the magazines to the side and slipped closer to Jesse and gave her a kiss. Jesse kissed back and the two girls were soon lost in the passion of the moment.

“Who was your favorite character, other than Jezebel?” Jesse smiled in Bridgett eyes. This was one her favorite topics, but she had so few friends that were even interested in comics much less were interested in this obscure Japanese bondage artist.

“You mean villain right? I gotta say that Vespa is by far the coolest. She is just so freaky ya’ gotta admire her.”

“I only read one book that featured her, the one where she tries to gain control of the Bamboo thicket.” Jesse sat up on the bed so she was directly across from Bridgett, her terrycloth robe hung partly open. “I love that she has a stinger in her box. It just sounds so bizarre. I never understood why if she wants to kill Jezebel and Rita, why doesn’t she just sting them.”

“Well, she’s supposed to be a wasp-pixie. I think she doesn’t because she’s the only pixie that hunts other pixies. Besides if she just stings them, she can’t collect their nectar.” Nectar was the euphemism the comic used for the pussy juices pixies released when they came. It was supposed to have magical properties that were highly prized by the other magical creatures. It was also the main reason Jezebel and Rita were constantly being captured and fucked.

Bridgett hopped from the bed and went to the dresser. From under a cosmetics box she pulled a stack of plastic envelopes and brought them back to the bed.

“This is the one you have to read, it the sequel to Empress of Bamboo.” The title was written in Bold lightening bolt letters Vespa’s Revenge. Bridgett read from the cover, “Vespa comes back with a plan to take revenge on the Pixies of Bondage Glen and learn the secret to their magic nectar.”

“I read about this on the Internet. She goes totally freak on the Pixies. I saw a couple of sample panels, they looked cool but I wasn’t sure what was supposed to be happening.”

“Take it and read it, I don’t want to ruin it for you. We can talk about it when you’ve had a chance to finish it.” Bridgett pushed the magazines to the side and slipped closer to Jesse and gave her a kiss. Jesse kissed back and the two girls were soon lost in the passion of the moment.


Bridgett tossed in her sleep, she was bathing in a shallow stream. The sun was glimpsing through the bamboo canopy, warming the sand next the trickling water. The sun felt good as it warmed her naked body after splashing in the icy water. The stream tricked down from the snow capped heights of Mt. Fuji. She dunked her body back into the cold, refreshing water, bracing for the nipple hardening chill.

When she pulled her head out of the water she heard a gentle laughter of another pixie. Shaking the hair from her eyes, Jezebel scanned the clearing around the stream and listened for the fluttered of wings.

“Rita? Is that you?” Jezebel looked up into the tall bamboo trees arching up into the sky a hundred human feet. Birds flit by and the bugs sang, but she couldn’t see a trace of another pixie. She was just deciding it must have been her imagination when she noticed the pile of clothes she had left folded on the rock was gone.

“Rita, This isn’t funny!” Of course it was, and she laughed a little pixie titter that sounded like a crystal wind chime. Standing naked in the ankle deep water, Jezebel flexed her wings; Rita was just teasing her.

Wind swept through the bamboos and made the thin leaves rustles. To human ears what Jezebel heard sounded just like leaves, but to a pixie there was the flapping of pixie wings mixed in with the other forest sounds.

Jezebel took off, she buzzed through the air towards the other pixie and her missing stash of clothing. She was almost ready to give up and rest and listen for new clues when she saw a pair of legs darting into the old oak that sat half dead on the Eastern edge of the stand. Jezebel knew the old hive well, because she and Rita often went there to collect honey that the bees had abandoned with the hive.

“Rita, I want my clothes back!” Jezebel called into the gap as flew into the dark, narrow opening.

Jezebel let out a shriek of surprise as something closed over her. It was large and sticky and she realized almost immediately what must have happened. A spider web!

Pixies were a favorite meal of spiders and Jezebel needed to escape quickly. She started to pull at the collapsing strands when she heard the flutter of pixie wings behind her. Before she could turn around and see who had joined her, she felt a thud on the back of her head and she slumped to the bottom of floor of the abandoned hive.

When Jezebel woke up she wasn’t slumped on the floor of the old hive any more, at first her fear was that she had been bundled in silk by the spider and was hanging in his web, soon to feel its digestive juices injected into her body. Instead her eyes fluttered open into the light of pixie torches jammed into the wax walls of the hive.

One of the torches that been in the upper recesses of the hive slowly descended into view.

“Nice of you to come and join me Jezebel. I can’t tell how happy I was to find you frolicking all by yourself.” The hand holding the torch was attached to the golden-bronzed arm of Vespa, the Wasp-pixie. She was dressed in a tight black and yellow corset, pulling her waist into impossibly small proportions. Her large breasts bulged over the top of her corset and her ass was barely contained by her shiny tight miniskirt. Her blue eyes, high cheekbones and masses of golden yellow hair glowed next to the flickering torch.

“Vespa!” Jezebel pulled at the strands of spider web that pinned her arms behind her back. “I should have known!”

“Yes, you should have, only the most foolish of pixies would have flown full speed into an abandoned hive. You’re lucky I was here to prevent the spider from coming back and making a tasty treat of you…” Her cherry red lips curling into a sadistic smile.

“So I don’t suppose, you’d mind untying me, accepting my thanks and letting me go on my way?” Jezebel examined the threads of silk that entwined her body. It was far more elaborate than what any spider might have constructed. Her wrist and ankles were crossed and held with thick bands of silk that went from her ankles to wrists. Pulling her into a loose hogtie. She was stuck face up onto a mound of what she guessed was old wax and honey that had collected on the floor of the hive. Ribbons and strap of the almost transparent silk crisscrossed across her chest and abdomen. Silken strands framed her pert little breast and directed them upward. Her wings were folded down and her bound wrists would prevent her from unfolding them. Even if she did manage to pull herself free, she was trapped in the hive, unable to fly. As Jezebel struggled against the trap, her breasts jiggled playfully from side-to-side in way that seemed very entertaining to Vespa.

“I’d love to help you out, but I had another type of reward in mind.” Vespa jammed her torch into the waxy ground and crawled on top Jezebel. “You know that I’ve been wondering how you and your friend, Rita, have been able to convert honey so that you can control other insects.” She licked her lips seductively.

So that was why she had lured me here, Jezebel thought. She wants to know how to mix honey that would allow her to take charge of the forest. With a single hive of bee’s she could easily capture every pixie for miles, leaving them enslaved or worse, wiped out.

“You’ll never get that from me, I’d rather die than tell you.” Jezebel struggled even harder to pull herself free of the sticky web. It sank into her that no matter how loud she screamed, the sound was unlikely to escape the upper reaches of the hive to the sensitive ears of other pixies.

“I have better than that planned for you, my dear.” Vespa leaned forward and extended her tongue towards the helpless pixie. Jezebel gasped in fear, Vespa’s tongue extended from her mouth like a corbra from a basket, licking the trapped pixie’s exposed breasts. “Didn’t know about that did you? I bet the elder’s just told you to beware the wasp-pixies, but they probably didn’t tell you why…”

“One our favorite foods is pixie nectar and we are specially adapted to harvest it…” She extended her tongue again, curling it into a tube the underside, studded with small bumps. She gripped the small round pixie breasts in her hands, her pointed nails painted black and yellow. She waved her tongue at her victim, just to emphasize its size and girth.

“Don’t worry little one, it’s not for kissing, although I could use it for that, too.” Vespa crawled lower down the Jezebel’s lithe and prostrate form. Because of her hogtie, Jezebels thighs were spread wide. She tried futilely to close them, but it was no use, Jezebel wasn’t the first pixie Vespa had ever captured and she was already an expert at maximizing her enjoyment.

Vespa looked at the tiny flower of Jezebel’s pubis and let her enjoy the first lick juice. The first taste was always the sweetest. She let her tongue run along the edge of Jezebel’s pussy, tasting the accumulated fear and arousal that had built up during her session of taunting.

To Jezebel, those first licks were quick and intense, Vespa’s tongue felt like a pussy willow that Rita had tormented her with one day last spring. Rita had told her that’s why they were called “pussy” willow.

Jezebel didn’t want to admit it, but the sensations Vespa was eliciting were as intense as any that Rita or any of the other pixies had been able to create, she could feel herself creating more of the more nectar and she moaned at the intensity of situation. There were two things pixies could not resist; bondage and oral sex, and Vespa knew how to make the most of both of them. Although, she started out with just gentle licks warm kisses, Vespa was slowly working her way towards a feeding frenzy. Her tongue hardened, as she became more excited, her kisses turned to nips and bites at Jezebel’s flowering pussy.

Jezebel fought heroically against the foe, knowing that once Vespa was done feeding she would have no desire to keep the little pixie. That was hardwired into all wasp-pixies. Eventually, Vespa would win and Jezebel would start to cum, and when she couldn’t any longer, Vespa would finish her off.

Vespa was enjoying her time playing with the little victim, she was completely secured and they were totally alone. No other pixies had any clue that a wasp-pixie had even entered the forest. That would change and the captures would become more difficult and the feedings more rushed, so she would enjoy this moment all the more.

Her tongue pressed against the head of Jezebel’s flower and started to push it’s way in. Jezebel groaned. Vespa tasted for the first time the juices from inside. If Jezebel had agreed to tell Vespa the secrets she wanted, she might have been able to stop, but now Jezebel’s fate was sealed.

Vespa closed her mouth over Jezebel’s pussy and began to suck in earnest, her tongue burrowing in deep between her victims legs. She used her tongue to both stimulate Jezebel to produce more of nourishing nectar and to collect it, in great swallows.

The young pixie was lost in the stimulation. Every moment of Vespa’s oral assault drew her towards orgasm. She fought valiantly but she knew her cause was lost. Finally, she could hold back no longer. The first orgasm swept out from between her thighs and her body pulled rigid and quaking in ecstasy, her pussy throbbing in tempo with Vespa’s motion. The Wasp-pixie’s tongue took complete control from that moment on. Vespa could make her trapped quarry cum at will. And she did. Jezebel came harder and harder as Vespa’s demands on her intensified. She intended to get all the naked youth had to offer, robbing her of nectar and with it, willpower and finally her strength.

Eventually, Vespa could feel the draughts of magic dwindle and Jezebel lost her will to resist. Satiated, Vespa pulled away, herself exhausted, she knew there was little point in trying to pull more from the pixie laying before her.

Even exhausted, defeated and bound, completely drained of her magic, Jezebel was still one of the most beautiful of all the pixies.

“It’s a shame that you never reached you full potential.” Vespa crawled on top of the sweat soaked body of her prey. “In a few years, you would have been a leader of the forest, instead you have become just another meal.” She watched Jezebel still trying vainly to pull her wrists free from the web pinning them behind. “You’ll never pull get them free. You couldn’t get them free when you were fresh and full of magic. Now you’re exhausted, I’ve been draining your little cunny for hours and you still hope to wriggle free? Go ahead and try. I rather enjoy the show.”

Jezebel did look stunning in the dim amber light of torches. Her body glistened in sweat and her hair was damp and jumbled, sticking to her shoulders, loose strands clinging to her breasts.

“The question is, what should I do with you now?” A smile crept across her face. Her red lips broke into a grin of evil anticipation, “I can’t exactly let you go warn the entire forest that wasp-pixie has set up house in their midst. Now can I?”

Jezebel knew this was entirely show, wasp-pixies had no choice but to follow instinct after a feeding. She might be able to choose the way she did it, but Vespa needed to eliminate her victim, nature dictated.

Vespa picked up one of the torches that stuck out of the debris close by. She flexed her wings and hopped easily into the air and started to circle around Jezebel.

“This hive was only recently abandoned. The honeycombs are mostly intact.” She lifted the torch and punched the end into one of the wax chambers. Golden liquid started to ooze out. It trickled down the comb until a droplet formed on a broken comb tip directly above Jezebel. The drop stretched down and suddenly leapt down and crashed on Jezebel’s chest.

“Bull’s eye!” Vespa laughed, delighted at the effect. “This will do just terrifically! But, I don’t feel like breaking all these combs…” She smiled down at Jezebel, “I know…”

Vespa took the pixie torch and plunged the end of it into another honeycomb, but this time she didn’t pull it out. Instead, she pushed it farther in until the flaming tip was just close enough to heat the wax walls. She laughed with the same high-pitched laugh common to all pixies, but from her it seemed cruel and tinged with evil.

“No, please don’t …” was all the exhausted Jezebel was able to muster.

Vespa raced all over the hive, collecting all of the pixie torches she had used for lighting. She jammed them all in the mass of wax that hung above the bound Jezebel.

Soon, the wax was breaking down from the heat; rivulets of warm honey started moving down the walls toward the helplessly trapped pixie.

Jezebel started pleading with Vespa not to let her perish. She knew it would do no good, but she had been far too securely bound and she thought maybe she could convince Vespa that she might still be of use to her.

No sooner had she started, than Vespa pulled out one of the stockings she’d stolen along with the rest of Jezebel’s clothes. She pulled the stocking tight across Jezebel’s mouth and let out another chilling pixie-ish laugh.

“I don’t mind your screaming, but I find gags very sexy.” She leaned over and Jezebel a hard, deep kiss. “In case you haven’t already figured out what’s happening, I’m going to hide you under a layer of melted wax and honey.” She let her finger slide over the mess of honey that covered the terrified Pixie’s perky breasts, tracing down her torso until she reached the damp nether reaches of the girl’s flower. There was enough dampness remaining to give wasp-pixie easy access. She stroked her victim deep and hard as the two of them watched the first rivulets of hot wax and liquid honey formed a drop directly above her writhing body.

Vespa pulled back slightly as the drop struck Jezebel square in the chest. But Vespa never lost her nerve and she kept stroking her victim as she watched drop after drop coat the helpless youth. With the heat and ever expanding layers wax stinging her flesh, Jezebel started to cum once again. Helpless in the extreme danger and victim of a master in the arts of slow torture, she came ever harder despite her exhaustion.

Vespa, already gorged on the cum of her captive, would sample her finger occasionally or lean into kiss her gagged mouth deep and hard with her long tongue, but she made no motions to release the little pixie.
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Sargeant 1st Class
Sargeant 1st Class
Posts: 225
Joined: 2 years ago

Good story, well writen and the thinking about how to built the death trap is very nice.

I find the interaction between the characters and especially the little sadist and her prey very arousing.
Thanks for sahring!
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