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Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 8:11 am
by Chloromaiden

Barbara Roth exited the elevator, and strutted down the hall towards her office. She was the CEO of the largest investigative agency in the country; Five feet five inches tall, brunette, an ex facial model for a cosmetic firm, with a figure and legs to match. Those assets were mostly camouflaged by her conservative clothes, glasses, as well as wearing her hair in a bun. However, she didn't hide her acumen as an executive, since having built the corporation from a one woman P.I. operation in ten years. "Beverly, do I have any appointments scheduled this morning?" Passing the secretaries desk, Ms. Roth picked up the mail labeled important, and continued into the inner office.

"You have Mr. Burdick, who's waiting now." Pamela announced over the inner com. "Can I send him in?"

"Give me a minute before you admit him, and then get two coffees." She sat behind the desk and started reading the mail. After a few minutes a tall imposing elderly man entered.

"Good morning Ms. Roth, I'm Herman Burdick." He approached offering his hand, then took a seat.

"Usually the department heads interview new clients, Mr Burdick, so what makes your problem so unique." Offering him a cup the cup of coffee that the secretary carried into the office.

"Thank you, I'll take mine black." Accepting it out of a sense of curtesy, He began his story. "Miss Roth, we're sort of in the same business. I'm with the Justice Association, and we track criminal activity....

"I hate to interrupt, but I'm very familiar with your organization, so why are you asking for my help?" She appeared impatient to get back to the mail.

"We have the best criminal analysts in the world, and they have discovered a pattern that might be of particular interest to you." Deciding the coffee smelled enticing, he took a sip. "Whew, that's hot." Returning the cup to the desk, he continued. " There have been several Super Heroine disappearances this year, which we find alarming."

"I suppose you want us to locate them? Perhaps I should get one of my best investigators in here." Reaching for the inner com the man stopped her.

"We have matched that with a more recent set of events." Once again he continued after a sip of coffee. "Three women named Barbara Ross have been assaulted in their homes. Nothing was taken, but a thorough search was conducted by the intruder. Our analysts have concluded from the evidence, that the same man was looking for someone in particular."

"That sounds a bit far fetched, but I don't see how we can help." She asked Pamela to bring some pastries.

At the same time across town another Barbara Ross was preparing for work, when the door bell rang. "Oh, who could that be at this time of the morning." She threw open the door. "Hurry up and tell me what you want, I'm already late for work."

"Package for Barbara Ross." The man held out a box.

"Well give it to me, I'm Barbara Ross." Taking the package, she turned to go back inside.

"You have to sign for it." He pulled out a clipboard with a receipt attached.

"Alright give me a pen." Scribbling furiously on the paper, she discovered that the pen wouldn't write.

"Sorry ma'am I don't have another. Do you have one?" He pleaded.

"Come on in, and I'll look." Not noticing that the man closed the door, she began searching her drawers, when suddenly a damp cold rag was forced over her mouth. "MMMMMMM" Her eyes were wide with panic, her arms and legs flailed wildly in the air, and she screamed loudly into the rag. Not having any idea as to what was happening, nor what that terrible odor was emanating from the rag, Barbara kept wriggling in the man's grasp, but quickly realized her strength was weakening. "Ooohhh..feel..sooo..tired."

"Don't fight it honey, you can't win, so just go to sleep." The attacker whispered into her ear.

Barbara's eyelids became heavy, as her arms flopped loosely to her sides, and her legs dangled towards the floor. " sleeep."

Feeling the woman's body go limp in his arms, he laid her onto the floor, then undid the robe to see she had a satin slip over a bra and panties. After searching all the drawers and closets, the man left, leaving his victim unmolested on the floor, and unconscious.

"Try these Danish, they're delicious." Offering the pastries that Pamela had just laid on the desk, the CEO still seemed puzzled. "Do you want to hire us to investigate these incidents?"

"Not exactly." The man replied. "These are very good." Pausing to eat one of the Danish, he then took a sip of coffee." After a bit of refreshment, Mr Burdick stared at the woman across the desk from him. "Why do you try so hard not to be beautiful. It's not working."

"Mr Burdick, I'm very busy, and unless you want me to help your organization in some way, I'll have to bid you good day." She stood, offering her hand as a sign that the interview was over.

"My analysts say that the man is looking for you, but apparently has the wrong name." Sitting back in the chair, he waited for the expected reaction.

"What do you mean, he's looking for me?" Barbara Roth took her seat, becoming interested in the answer.

"We know that Roth Investigative Services Inc. is not the only group you lead." Finishing the Danish he indicated his coffee cup was empty.

"Pamela, could you bring us some more coffee, please." She looked at the man evaluating his expression. "You appear very serious, so please continue."

"Most Super Heroines have two personalities, and they use some device or technique to change from one to the other. However there is a small number, who have but one personality, which makes them a Super Heroine at all times, but unless they're actually performing, they take great pains in hiding that personality." He took the coffee from Pamela. "Thank you very much." Taking a sip of the hot beverage, the man continued. "My analysts are convinced that you are such a personality, and someone is trying desperately to locate you. For what purpose we're not sure yet, but I do think you are in danger of becoming one of the missing Super Heroines, unless you take steps to avoid it."

"Mr Burdick, do I look like some kind of Super Heroine?" Looking nervous, she went to a cabinet and poured some Sherry, downing it in one gulp. "I've been referred to as a Super Executive, but that's a far cry from what you have inferred."

Perhaps I have been in error, Minerva, so I'll be on my way."

"She closed the door. Please sit, and tell me more of what you know.

"Sorry, but none of the women I've checked show any evidence of being anything but a normal person." Jonathan reported. "Your information must have been incorrect."

"I'll recheck my sources, so stay in place until I get back to you." Hanging up, the Doctor decided to find out for himself, and told Jezebel to prepare the helicopter for a long flight. As per his habit when things didn't go his way, he strolled through the hall of Heroines, peering up at his many conquests. "I remember the day you were conquered, Star Girl." Staring at the tall lithesome beauty in a star spangled bikini that covered very little of the Heroine's ample assets, he thought back to that day.

Charlie Benson was reporting the daily weather forecast on TV channel 8, when the news of the Mayor's daughter being kidnaped came over the teletype. "When did it happen?" She asked their lead reporter.

"Apparently, it was this morning on her way to work. While looking out the window, a neighbor saw a black sedan pull into the drive way, and a big red haired man jumped out to grab Christina. She struggled violently as the man pulled a bag over her head, then dragged the poor girl inside the car. No one has seen her since, but the Mayor received a ransom demand for a million dollars." The reporter was finishing his script for the evening news. "Strange thing about it, the kidnaper wants Star Girl to deliver the ransom to the end of Pier 3 at midnight tonight, but nobody knows how to contact her."

"I have a feeling she'll be there." Charlie commented as she left. "Mayor, this is Star Girl, I understand you need me." Then just before midnight the Heroine swam to the end of pier 3, and waited. "I don't see a thing. I hope Christina is OK." Suddenly a net engulfed Star Girl. "What's this?" She fought to escape the mesh web, but it was impossible. "Can't free myself of this diabolical trap." Then it began to shrink around her. "Ohh..have to free myself before I strangle to death." Struggling with all her might caused the Heroine to become exhausted as she felt the fibers closing in around her body. "Soo..tired..can no longer fight it." Tighter and tighter the web closed, squeezing the breath from Star Girl, until water began filling her lungs. Soon the Heroine's eyes slowly closed. "I...drownnnn..uhhhh."

While this was happening, the Mayor's daughter was returned, so that no one was concentrating on Star Girl's plight. However, the Doctor was paying attention, and dragged the net containing the unconscious Super Heroine on board his boat. "Now I have you, my dear." Making certain his new captive was still alive, he secured her limbs, and placed an ether mask over her face.

"Ah yes, That was a glorious day."

"Doctor, the helicopter is ready." Jezebel interrupted his reverie.

"We've identified the intruder, but it doesn't make much sense to us. He's a small time crook that usually robs people of their jewelry, when they're not home. He plied his trade on a cruise ship one time, but has never been involved in assaults." Mr Burdick tried to imagine the CEO dressed as a Super Heroine. "Why the sudden change in M.O.? My analysts say he's working for somebody."

"Why is he after me?" Barbara asked.

"We don't know for sure, but we do suggest you get some extra protection.

"If I'm who you say, then why would I need extra protection?" She ended the interview on a friendly note, then got back to work. After a very long day, she packed up her laptop to do some investigating at home. "I need to find out who this Jonathan is working for." Even the elevator operator had quit for the day, and when she walked out into the parking garage level, she noticed there was only a van parked in addition to her Mercedes. "This is ridiculous, the boss isn't supposed to work harder than everyone else." Her luxury sedan was parked in space number one, next to the elevator, and as she stood beside it punching the combination, there was a sting on the side of her neck. "Ouch, what was thaaa." Falling against the door, she struggled to maintain her balance, but her hand fell from the buttons, and slid to her side. Then Barbara's legs buckled, causing the executive to descend towards the concrete. "Uhhhhh." Before falling completely to the ground,a pair of hands grabbed around her waist, keeping the dazed woman from falling all the way.

"I don't want you to hurt yourself Ms Roth." Jonathan lifted the stunned CEO, and dragged her to the van. Then placing her on the floor, he climbed inside next to the straining Ms Roth. She watched the man take a bottle, soak a cloth with the contents, and then approach her. Unable to stop him, she merely lay there and let the cloth cover her nose. "Just breath deep." Her eyes studied the face of her attacker, before they slowly closed. "That seemed too easy, if she's really a Super Heroine." His curiosity caused him to pull back the woman's suit jacket, and unbutton her blouse, revealing to him a costume that confirmed her secret identity. She lay very still as the van wound its way along the highway, and over the Bay Bridge, heading for a beach house near Ocean City. "When I discovered that the Doctor's informant had the wrong name, and I really should have been looking for a Barbara Roth, you seemed to be the obvious target." It was a two hour drive from Baltimore, but the woman lay there quietly without moving. As he finally pulled into the driveway, Jonathan was amazed at the large full moon hanging just above the dark ocean, with its light shimmering off the waves. However at this time of year, there were no tourists to appreciate the sight.

"Quickly, bring her inside." The Doctor urged. "Do you think she is the one?"

"Wait till she's inside." With some difficulty the young man pulled the sleeping woman from the van, tossed her over his shoulder, and carried her into the two story beach house, where he laid the limp body on the floor. "Look at this. " Removing the helpless executives suit, and her blouse, he then pulled off her plain brunette wig, thus displaying a magnificent blonde beauty, attired in a skin tight navy blue leotard trimmed in gold. "I give to you Minerva, the Super Heroine."

"You are right, she is magnificent." Kneeling down next to the woman, he stroked her hair, but was astonished when she sprang to life, grabbing his wrist and pulling him over her body. Then jumping to her feet, the suddenly awake Super Heroine threw the stunned Jonathan against a wall, knocking him out. Minerva then went back to the Doctor, who was struggling to get up. "So you're the one who wanted me. Well, now you have me, and I hope you enjoy it." She bent over, karate chopped the man at the nape of his neck. "Gentlemen, meet Minerva." Then removing her special nose plugs. "I guess I won't need these anymore."

"I wouldn't bet on that, dearie." A strong female arm wrapped around Minerva's neck, while a hand clamped a cloth soaked in chloroform over her mouth and nose. Startled by the sudden attack, the Super Heroine gasped with surprise, inhaling a large dose of the fumes. She grabbed at the arm, but couldn't dislodge the grip, and every second she struggled to get free, meant less strength, and alertness.

"Can't let thisss..happen." Minerva took a step, then quickly bent over, causing the woman's arm to severely restrict her windpipe, but at the same time loosening the grip, allowing her to spin around. "YEAAGGHH!" Letting out a painful shout, the Super Heroine placed a high kick on Jezebel's jaw, forcing the woman back to the wall, and then sliding to the floor. "Ohhh..the others are recovering." She staggered out the door, stumbling down the steps, and sprawling onto the ground. "Must get away, until my head clears." With great effort she rose to her feet, racing from side to side to the nearby wooded area.

Looking at his fallen comrades, the Doctor decided he must be the one to retrieve his prize, so he grabbed a tranquilizer gun, and ran after her.

I think I'll drop it here. I've become too trite, as is obvious by the kack of interest. Besides I have other things that need attention.

A pine forest lined the beach as far as the eye could see, with pine cones and needles covering the ground beneath the tall trees. Minerva stumbled along, barely able to keep her footing,due to the remnants of chloroform on her upper lip still feeding fumes into her nostrils. "Tired..must..get" Finally the Heroines legs gave out, and she slid to the forest floor. "Can't..let them..catch..meee..uhhh. Her eyes reluctantly closed as Minerva fell sideways onto the pine needles.

"She has to be here." Searching diligently through the darkness, he wasn't about to give up now. His prize was about to slip out of his hand, and his thirst for her as well as his ego wouldn't allow that to happen. "Where are you?" He suddenly saw the silhouette of a woman emerge from the dark shadows, into a beam of moonlight. "Gotcha now." Aiming the tranquilizer rifle, he fired.

"OOWWW!" The woman yelled at the pain inflicted by the dart puncturing her breast. "Noooo..please...not..uhhhhh." Quickly the drug disabled her, sending the woman to her knees. "C..can't..mooo." Falling face forward onto the ground, she lay very still, moaning softly as the drug finished her off.

"Aha, I've got you." Then peering through the darkness at the figure lying unconscious at his feet. "Jezebel...ohh..noo." Frustration overwhelmed the Doctor, causing the disappointed man to return to the beach house. "At least I now know her identity." Upon returning to the living room, Jonathan was sitting on the sofa. "Why aren't you out searching for that Super B***h?"

"Hey pal, I fulfilled my part of the bargain. It isn't my fault you couldn't hold on to her." Shaking his finger at the Doctor.

"We'll make a quick search in the morning, but I'm sure she'll have recovered and left the area by then." After pouring a single malt Scotch, he sat in a chair by the window, peering out at the trees, wondering if maybe he should keep hunting for his prey. "There's some kind of big animal near that pine tree. I wonder what it is." Then picking up the tranquilizer rifle, the Doctor went out to satisfy his curiosity. "Hey Jonathan, you just have to see this."

"Wow, who could have done this?" The young man stared down at the Super Heroine with her hands tied above her head, and secured to the tree, her ankles bound together, and a rag soaked in ether, tied around her head, so that it covered her her nose and mouth. "Who would have gift wrapped her like that?"

Both of the men stood stunned and puzzled at the sight, when Jezebel stumbled into the clearing. " shot me with the tranquilizer." She then spied Minerva. "I see you got her."

"Well someone did." The Doctor commented. "No sense trying to figure it out now. Let's get her inside." They loosened her hands from the tree, and then carried the unconscious Super Heroine inside. "Make sure she doesn't escape again."

A pair of eyes watched them from the forest. "He has her, but it took some effort on my part." After reporting, the person hung up the cell phone.

It was a restless night for everyone, but when dawn arrived, they hastely prepared for the long journey home. "Leave the van here. We'll take the limo to the airport."

Jonathan lifted Minerva in his arms, looking down at the Super Heroine feeling sympathy for what was about to happen. "When will you complete your end of the deal?" His eyes met the Doctors.

"I'll tend to it as soon as this one is ready to take the other's place." Leading everyone outside, he opened the rear door of the limo, allowing the young man to place his burden on the seat, then climb in beside her. "OK, Jezebel drive us to the airport." No one noticed a small sedan following.

A voice came over the radio in the sedan. "Were you able to ascertain where they're heading?" The female inside the car answered. "The only thing my directional mike picked up, was a reference to the airport. No comments as to their final destination." Once again the voice spoke over the radio. "You must get a homing device on their aircraft."

It was a small airfield that serviced several towns along the ocean, taking the limo less than a half hour to reach. "As soon as everyone's aboard, we take off for home." The Doctor declared,as Jezebel let him out next to the helicopter, as well as Jonathan, who carried Minerva over his shoulder. No one noticed the small figure hidden by the helicopter, race across the tarmac, then race back to the small sedan parked in the grass. After completing all the formalities at the rental agency, Jezebel hurried back to take her place at the controls.

"How's the signal?" A tall bearded man asked the person in front of the screen.

"It's loud and clear sir. They're headed out over the ocean."

A small young red haired woman sat in the front seat of a sedan, watching the large helicopter lift off and head east. Then a voice came over the radio once more. "I've arranged a pilot and plane for you, so as soon as we know the destination, you're to follow them." The message was terse and to the point. "Good thing I stay packed for an assignment like this."

Upon entering a large room with several men sitting around a table, one of them asked the bearded man a pointed question. "Are you sure this will work? We'd have a lot to explain if she is killed."

He walked over to the refreshment table, poured some coffee, and took a doughnut. "Her pastries were much better." He then sat at the head of the conference table. "We have our best agent tracking them." That wasn't quite true yet, but they didn't need to know it. "We have to discover what this man has done. Too many important Super Heroines have disappeared at his hands, and we need to find out where they are." Then picking up his coffee and doughnut he started to leave. "I'll present my official report in two days."

Several hours passed, until McGregor Castle came into view. "It'll be good to be home." Looking at the sleeping Heroine. "I have a lot of preparation to do."

When are you going to reverse Shark Lass?" Jonathan insisted on an answer.

"After I have done this one. How many times must I repeat it?" He said, watching the tourists staring up with awe at the big helicopter landing in the court. "Take her to the clinic." As soon as they finally landed, agent 101, boarded the plane, and took off across the ocean.

"My name is Marvin Connors" The pilot declared, as he ogled the pretty young lady seated next to him. "What's your name?"

Reluctantly agent 101 replied. "You can call me Mickey."

"But that's a boys name. How did such a pretty young girl get a name like that?"

"My Dad wanted a boy, so he could name him after his all time favorite ball player, Mickey Mantle. Unfortunately I arrived instead, but that didn't deter him from naming me Mickey. However, Mom wrote Michelle on the birth certificate, which caused such a rift they got divorced. The Judge turned out to be a good golfing buddy of Dad's, so he got custody, and I've been called Mickey ever since." She had rehearsed that tale to avoid telling anyone her true identity, which was kept a secret. Mickey avoided any further conversation, and thought about the fate of the woman, who was now in the Doctor's clutches

Marvin rented a car when they landed, and then drove Mickey through the countryside with sheep roaming the lush green hills. "I don't know why you're here, but I'm sure happy they asked me to come along. This area's almost as beautiful as you are." He smiled at the young woman sitting next to him.

"Keep your eyes on the road." Mickey was getting tired of her companion hitting on her, but she was glad he was there. "When we reach the castle, we're just an ordinary tourist couple." Soon an impressive stone structure loomed ahead on a tall hill.

"Get ready, beautiful, we're here." Marvin never tired of staring at the young agent.

While in the Castle, Minerva lay on a bed with an I.V. needle constantly inserting a sedative into her veins. She has been completely unaware of her situation since the pine forest, when a small woman approached in the darkness, to press a rag soaked in ether over her mouth. There was no way she could resist the attack in her weakened condition, so she lay on the pine needles staring at the young face looming over her, wondering what fate had in store. That was the last image she remembered, and now she was floating in the air, weightless, and dreaming.

"When do you plan to reverse the process on that Shark Lass statue?" Jezebel inquired, while looking out the tower window at the people milling around. "Your Inn is quite popular."

"I told that fool I'd bring his sweetheart back to life, merely to get his cooperation. I can't reverse the process." He laughed. "Let's get something to eat, it's going to be a long night."

Jonathan quickly slipped away from the door. "He's been lying to me." Becoming despondent over hearing the Doctor's words, the young thief went to Heroine Hall, where he stood staring at Shark Lass' statue. "What am I going to do?"

Mickey recognized him from a photograph in the Doctor's dossier. "That's the thief, who was involved in the Shark Lass disappearance." Casually walking over. "A beautiful statue, don't you think? It's so life like." The agent tried to elicit a comment, but Jonathan merely stood staring up with a tear in his eye. "You seem rather melancholy." He then moved away.

Marvin followed him down the hall to a door, leading to the court, but had to pass by, when Jonathan stopped to look behind , before going through it. Not being able to see what was on the other side Marvin hesitated, allowing Mickey to catch up. "He went through there."

Taking a chance, the small girl opened the door ajar, to see daylight on the other side, as well as the helicopter parked in the middle of the huge courtyard. "He's not out here." She declared walking through the door. "Must have gone through one of those other doors, but which one." While the two agents studied their dilemma, Jonathan had entered the clinic.

"Hello Minerva." Staring down at the beautiful, helpless captive of the Doctor, he vowed to prevent the same thing happening to her. "It's too late to save Shark Lass, but I can still help you to safety."

"What are you doing here?" Nurse Phillips asked, as she entered the clinic from the laboratory. "I think you should leave." She approached the intruder, to usher him out, but suddenly felt something scratch her arm. "Ouch...wha..did..yooo." The Nurse's head began to spin, as her legs collapsed under her. Lying on the floor, unable to move, she watched Jonathan disconnect the I.V. lift Minerva off the bed, and toss the limp body of the Heroine over his shoulder. "Have to get you out of here." Marvin and Mickey were busy checking the other side of the courtyard, and never saw him place the Super Heroine in the parked helicopter. However they along with Jezebel heard the engine start up.

"Who's in the helicopter?" Jezebel wondered, looking out of the tower window into the court below. "Someone's stealing it." She brushed past the Doctor, nearly knocking the drink out of his hand, then raced for the elevator. By the time she reached the ground, Jonathan had rev'd the engine enough to lift off. Jezebel busted through the door to the courtyard in time to see the helicopter disappear over the wall. "Who's the thief?"

It was fortunate that he had paid attention to Jezebel operating the controls, and fortunate the helicopter was always refueled upon landing in the courtyard. Flying over the lush green hills, Jonathan searched for a good place to land, and then heard Minerva moaning. "I wish she'd wait till we're on the ground"

When the Doctor finally arrived, his first thought was to check the clinic, so he and Jezebel raced across the ground, burst into the main room to see the bed empty, and the nurse lying on the floor. "OH NO..I've lost Minerva again."

Seeing them in such a panic, Marvin and Mickey peeked inside and heard the Doctor's wail. "I think we're finished here." The young agent proclaimed. "Now we have to find that thief."

To be cont.

This was a small update, but I thought it a good place to stop, leaving a bit of suspense.
Minerva pt5

While the Doctor and Jezebel stood staring at the empty bed, and the paralyzed nurse lying on the floor, a man entered. "Doctor you have a phone call."

"Tell him I'll call back." Frustrated, he had not the patience to talk on the phone.

"A man claims it's important, and that I should hand you this note.

Peering down at the note pad. "Good heavens, I thought he was dead." The Doctor searched the room for a phone. "Can I take it over there?"

"Yes sir, just push the lighted button."

"Hello." Before saying anything else he was told to be at the Birmingham Inn, next to Piccadilly Square in London, three in the afternoon, tomorrow. I've arranged for a private table in the dinning room." His caller then hung up, leaving the Doctor slack jawed. "I can't believe he's still alive."

"Who's that?" Inquired Jezebel lifting the nurse onto the bed.

Carefully tearing up the note he replied. "I can't say. Get us reservations at the Royal Hotel, for tomorrow night. We leave for London in the morning."

Mickey backtracked to follow the man, who had passed them, hurriedly crossing the courtyard to the clinic. "You go on to the car. I want to see what that's about." Then once again peeking through the open door, agent 101 was witness to the puzzling phone call. "I must find out who was on the other end." Racing to the car, she imparted the mystery to Marvin."It's on to London."

In the meantime Jonathan was concentrating on finding a flat open space to land, so was surprised by the swft karate chop to he nape of his neck. "UNNGGHH!!" His unconscious limp body was quickly removed from behind the controls, replaced by the beautiful and fully awake Minerva.

"Now let's get this thing on the ground." Within minutes, the helicopter's rotors were winding down on top of a low flat hill, near a two lane country road. Then the Heroine searched the unconscious Jonathan for his cell phone. "Hello, this is Barbara Roth...I don't have time to explain now. Hone in on this signal, tell me where I am, and give me the directions to the nearest airport. Then call a rental car agency to arrange for a car to meet me there." After receiving the necessary information, Minerva lifted off, heading towards a small airport outside a nearby town. It took half hour to reach the destination, and since the car hadn't arrived yet, she used the opportunity to question the man who had originally abducted her.

"I was trying to save Shark Lass." Jonathan pleaded. "The Doctor promised to reverse the process he used to turn her into a statue. I would have done anything." Nearly crying, he continued. "Then I heard him say it was not possible to reverse the process, and I didn't know what to do." After explaining the rest, he broke down.

"The car is here, so let's go." Minerva grabbed his shoulder, shoved him out the door onto the tarmac, and then instructed the driver to head for London. "When we get there I'll contact my London office."

By afternoon of the next day, all the pieces were in place."It's rather appropriate, don't you think." Pointing to the statue of Eros, as they drove around Piccadilly Square to the parking lot at Birmingham Inn. He announced his name to the Maitre D' and was led to a room off the main dining area. "I'll have a Martini, and my friend will have a Flying Bridge." After ordering their drinks the Doctor and Jezebel sat back in the velvet covered chairs to wait.

Mickey and Marvin soon followed and were told to have a seat at the luxurious bar, until a table was available. "There they are in that private area." Mickey pointed at the room towards the back of the restaurant. "We won't be able to see them once the curtain is drawn, but we'll be able to see who meets them."

Minerva had arranged for a hotel suite for her and Jonathan, then contacted the London office of Roth Investigative Services for new clothes, cosmetics, and information on the whereabouts of the Doctor. After a long hot shower a change of clothes, and a new make-over, she was once again Barbara Roth. "We'll have to await word from my agency, before planning our next move, She informed her new partner.

Everyone heard Big Ben chime three times, and as soon as the last gong sounded, a man entered the small private room. "You're to come with me, but she stays here, until you return." He led the way out of the restaurant with the Doctor following.

"I'll follow them, and you stay with the woman." Mickey announced to her companion. She left the bar, not noticing two men leaving right behind her. Then seeing the Doctor get in the rear of a limo, and the other man enter the driver's seat, she raced for her car, but before unlocking the door a gloved hand covered her mouth. "MMMPPHHH" Then an arm wrapped around her slender waist, pinning her arms. "NNMMPPHH!" She yelled a protest into the big glove, but no one could hear her muffled cries. While struggling in vain to free herself, agent 101 felt a slight pain in the side of her neck. "Ohh..nnooo." Experience told her what it meant, and sure enough her body started to tingle all over, before numbness crawled up her legs, through her torso, and then to her brain.

"Put her in the back." One of the men ordered, as he climbed behind the wheel of the black sedan. Lifting the limp investigator , the other man placed her on the seat, climbing in beside her. When the horn tooted, indicating all ready, the limo pulled out of the lot, followed by the sedan. "Her partner stayed at the bar." The driver declared.

"Do you remember me?" The old man asked, as he lit a large mersham pipe. "Seeing the sign of recognition in the Doctor's face, he continued. "I understand you've been using my human statue process. Word in the underworld tells me you have tried it on several Super Heroines, and I'd like a report on how it worked out for you."

The stunned Doctor merely sat wide-eyed and silent on the seat, until finally he spoke. "Everyone thinks you're dead."

"And I want to keep it that way. That's why all the secrecy." He told the driver to stop at a quiet spot along the Thames. "I have some new things for you to try, but I can't come to your Castle, so you need to come to my place in the Alps, and obtain the equipment, drugs, and notes." Pulling out a small notebook, he opened it for the Doctor to peruse.

"You've been able to do this?" He appeared astounded after reading some of the notes.

"I don't have enough subjects in my small Chalet, therefor I want you to do the experimenting, so I can confirm my conclusions." Still puffing on the pipe, he looked out at the serenity of the spot, and the auto headlights of the heavy traffic on the opposite side of the river. "Meet my plane tomorrow morning at this location." Handing the Doctor a piece of paper with directions and instructions, he told the driver to proceed, and after dropping off his passenger at Birmingham Inn, disappeared into the night with the sedan containing Mickey behind.

To make certain she would not miss any communication from her organization, Minerva and Jonathan had dinner delivered to their room. "God that smells awful." She held her nose in a gesture showing disapproval.

"I happen to like Herring." Jonathan quipped, as Minerva dove into her large pizza with pepperoni, mushrooms and anchovies. After most of the food was gone, the phone rang.

"Sorry Chief, but we haven't been able to locate the Doctor, but I have an interesting side issue to report. One of our airport contacts informed us that a small private jet with a suspicious registration, landed this morning, and as per instructions she took candid photos of everyone departing the plane. Agent McDuff discovered something very disconcerting as she scanned the pictures. One of the passengers closely resembles an old friend, who was supposed to be deceased." There was a short pause. "It appears the Curator is back in town."

To be cont as the Curator Retuns pt1
