GRACE EXPECTATIONS A Batgirl/ Wonder Woman Story FINALLY UPDATED 10/09/2020

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Thank you gents for the kind words, hope you enjoy this next part. If anyone does or doesn't please post to tell me why! :thumbup:


Batwoman, rendered paralysed and helpless by her own Bat spray, finds herself stripped and sexually assaulted by Charity. But as she endures the terrible ordeal, a glimmer of hope catches her eye as Wonder Woman starts to come to, after the chloroform attack by Hope…

Katherine felt her heart race in anticipation as her hopes soared at the sight, such a small and insignificant movement that spelled salvation for them all, the barest flick of Wonder Woman’s finger. But if she could see the first signs of recovery in the Amazon, then so could the sisters she needed to make sure Charity’s attention was firmly fixed on her…and with a dread heart she realized that the only way she could do that would be some kind of dare…a challenge to Charity that she couldn’t resist…something that would keep her interest. Paralyzed as she was, there was only one thing she could say that would – or might - work.

“Y-you…wi-will …never make…me…COME!!!!” she gasped out through gritted teeth, her speech slurred by the paralysing drug, as Charity’s fingers probed inside the very essence of her body, the fingernails scraping painfully against the walls of her vagina as they rotated, snagging the flesh.


“OH! NOW THAT SOUNDS LIKE A CHALLENGE!” Charity crowed in delight. “Honey, you got no idea who you are up against. I done a coupla stretches in Chowchilla, you heard of that place, huh? Oh sure you have, you being in the law business an’ all. Well, when you do time in a big ol’ women only prison like that, it gets kinda boring, ya know? Oh, they got them education programs to give a gal an interest but, meh, who needs it. Ya know what’s the best thing a gal learns in a place like that? It ain’t in the school classes. The best thing a gal learns is in her cell… at night… with her cell mate. All alone in the dark. The best thing a gal learns is…technique!” she smiled as she bit down on Katherine’s nipple her mouth spread wide to engulf the crest of the breast, her hot wet tongue pressing the teat down , then allowing it to spring back up before the teeth closed in like a vicious pincer as her mouth pressed down and closed in an airtight seal before she pulled back with the nipple between her teeth and a shrill shriek of pleasure.

Inwardly, Katherine felt relieved that she had taken the bait, but the reality of what the situation called for – slowly weakening her resistance to all of Charity’s sexual skills- also registered and just what that might mean filled her with dread. She risked another quick glance at the Amazon, but unable to move her head she could only flick her gaze in that direction for an instant. There were no more signs off movement. She swallowed hard and braced herself for the torment that was to come.

She couldn’t see Batgirl at all and just had to assume she was still incapacitated. After the terrible ordeal that the young crimefighter had gone through tonight, Kate would surprised if she was in any state to take on the formidable sisters. But Wonder Woman, who had suffered less at the sisters’ hands, was an Amazon; physically more robust and so, Kate hoped, with faster recovery times for the debilitating effects of the chloroform. Kate hoped that, having lied to the sisters about the time the paralysis spray lasted, she would be in a position to surprise them and aid Wonder Woman when the time came to make a move. But right now, that time seemed a lifetime away. And might literally be so, if the sisters had murder on their minds.

Charity frantically worked her fingers deep inside the Gotham heroine, and Kate reluctantly admitted to herself, the crook’s boasts were based upon fact. The practiced skill and dexterity that the elder sister showed was something of an eye opener, literally, to Batwoman. As a well-practiced lesbian herself, she thought she had seen (and felt) it all. Undeniably, Charity had skills.

The senior Grace girl was groping and kneading Batwoman’s breasts whilst her head migrated from chest to neck to cheek to lips in a precise and passionate tour that Katherine found impossible not to respond to. Charity’s hot breath played over the heroine’s skin, warm and soft and teasing, announcing the passage of her mouth over Batwoman’s helpless body before the lips would descend and strike at their prey like the flash of a cobra’s attack. And with a similar bite.

It left Kate breathless, her only movement the twitch of her jaw as her eyes gazed up at the darkened ceiling above the stage. Her mind was racing, a massive conflicting cauldron of raw emotions. She felt fear, yes; for herself; for Batgirl; for Wonder Woman. She felt frustration at her own impotence; her total inability to act to stop these vile criminals, to save herself and her friends. But above all she felt…excitement. In her own sexual relations she had always been the dominant partner, controlling, leading, dictating the levels of intimacy, the pace of the ride. ‘Scream if you wanna go faster’ was something of a bedroom catchphrase of hers. Yet now, as all that control was robbed from her by Charity’s forceful finger fucking, it felt almost…liberating to her.

Her breasts rose and fell, increasing in speed as they mirrored Charity’s own frantic pace building inexorably to a climax -‘Scream if ya wanna go faster’. Her mouth, dry and barely open due to the drug, was quivering as it fought the rigid muscles, aching to drop open, to widen in the sheer raw passion of the moment, as she felt the tension in the taut muscles of her pelvic floor, locked, trapped in an endless clench by the damned paralysis spray. She couldn’t bare this; she couldn’t resist the building pressure within her own body. Deprived of movement and the ability to touch, her other senses seemed to heighten. She became acutely aware of the blood hardening in her nipples, the teats swelling as Charity toyed and played with them.

‘Scream if ya wanna go faster’ - she kept on returning to that thought- but she couldn’t scream, she couldn’t do anything, except gasp and grunt the briefest of words and phrases. All thought of Batgirl was gone, all thought of Wonder Woman was gone. There was just her and Charity’s fingers, and lips and breath and hands - destroying her will, toying with her, playing with her body, crushing her resistance with pleasure.

And yet…something was not right, was holding her back from releasing herself in the throes of pleasure. As good as Charity was – and she was really, really good – there was something missing. She didn’t realize what it was until there was a sound and movement at the periphery of her vision.

As Hope and Faith returned to the stage, as Katherine saw them and the younger girl in particular she knew what it was – LUST. Charity’s working over of her might be ticking the boxes but it was just that- formulaic. She had said she had learned technique and she clearly had; yet though her defilement of Katherine couldn’t be more intimate it somehow lacked… intimacy. Yet when she saw Hope, things stirred in Katherine. Passion, desire - almost independent of whatever Charity was up to physically with her body. Katherine knew that Hope was the one she desired to be doing this with.

“AWWW! WHAT THE HEY?!!!SHE WAS MY ONE! I CATCHED HER, ITS ONLY FAIR I GET TO DO THAT!” Hope said petulantly when she saw the scene before her. Faith just enjoyed the view of the defiled champion of Gotham.

The interruption broke Charity’s stride. “Dammit Hope just use one of the other ones… they ain’t gonna protest none…” she said as she stopped mid thrust with her hand and let out a heavy sigh of impatience.

“You wouldn’t be a-bossin’ me about if I still had my chloroboobies…” Hope said with a voice heavy with regret. “Knewed I shouldn’t a washed it off…” she glared at Faith. “Them other two are still unconcussed, they ain’t no fun just lying there …”

“They’re UNCONSCIOUS, Hope,” Faith corrected her, “not ‘unconcussed’. She’s kinda right though Char they ain’t gonna be up to much, spark out like that and they got all chloro over their faces from when ‘Brain of the USA’ here took ‘em down”. She threw a thumb at her younger sister who looked behind herself to see who Faith meant.

Charity sighed. “FINE! We will all get to work on Mommy Bat here, happy?”

“YAYYYY! “ Hope cried delightedly. Faith however walked over to squat beside Batgirl, her wrists resting on her knees. She slowly slapped her face lightly looking for signs of recovery. There were none.

“Shit. Jimmy did a job on her alright.”Faith shook her head. “She looks fucked. Which of course is ironic as she has ACTUALLY been fucked…” she sniggered as she stood and strolled over to the Amazon.

Charity frowned. “Not sure if it counts as ironic if it actually did happen…”

“Yeah, well, whatever. She took a poundin’ is all I’m sayin’. Wonder he didn’t break her poor little Bat-back. Think he might have broken her Bat Butt anyways. Or at least put a crack in it…HA-HA! Get it Char?! Put a crack in it ! Ha ha!” she laughed.

“JESUS! You are getting as bad as her…” Charity shook her head as she indicated Hope, while Faith looked over Wonder Woman. But she did snigger.

Not to be left out Hope laughed too.
“HA-HA! A CRACK IN IT! A CRACK IN IT! HA HA!.....I don’t get it…” Hope said as her voice faded.

“Oh, for fucks sake…” Faith rolled her eyes. “Oh, never mind. C’mon Hope – lets get you some senior Bat-Pussy.”

As she turned away from her inspection of Wonder Woman she suddenly felt a tug as her ankle was held. She looked down in surprise as it was suddenly swept away from her by the Amazon who spun on the floor to swipe the remaining leg from under the middle sister, sending her crashing onto her back even as Wonder Woman had risen to a crouch.

But she was still woozy from the chloroform and as she made to stand upright she swayed in place instead, forced to steady herself with a palm to the floor, blinking to try and clear her head as her vision swam.

“SHIT!!! GET HER, HOPE!!!!” Charity shouted to her youngest sister as she was still lying atop Batwoman.

“OK!” Hope answered dutifully and trotted over to stand beside Faith, bending down to help her sister up.

“NOT HER, YOU FUCKING MORON!!!! GET WONDER WOMAN!!!!” Charity screamed desperately , now up on her knees.

“WELL YOU NEVER SAID!” Hope shouted back angrily, feeling defensive. But by the time she turned to face Wonder Woman the Amazon was upright and towering above her. “Oh crap.” Hope said as she saw the formidable woman before her.

Wonder Woman gave the briefest of forced smiles before she threw a right cross that spun Hope around on the spot as it connected firmly with her jaw. But though the first round went to the Amazon she was still tottering unsteadily as she came back to her senses.

“YOU FUCKING BITCH! THAT’S MY SISTER!” Charity cried protectively as she finally stood squaring off against the raven haired beauty.

Wonder Woman checked herself slightly in surprise at the show of sisterly love. She shook her head again as she gathered her wits, taking in the scene fully with Batwoman and Batgirl both lying prone, though Batwoman at least seemed conscious as her eyes looked beseechingly at Diana.

“You’d better pray they are both still alive…” the Amazon said menacingly.

“Oh don’t worry…you’ll soon be joining them…” Charity said as she reached down her cleavage to retrieve the paralyzing spray… only to find to her surprise it wasn’t there. Then she remembered she had left it beside Batwoman’s body, which was now behind her. “SHIT!

She turned to retrieve it, but Wonder Woman, though oblivious to her plans , had no intention of letting her get a hold of anything. She spun her round by the shoulder and hit her, hard, with a straight left that caught her on the right cheek and sent her flying backwards. As Wonder Woman started after her, she felt her foot being held by Faith, still on the floor. She didn’t try to kick loose but instead just bent her knee and then straightened it savagely, hitting Faith hard in the shoulder. She grunted and let go as she fell backwards.

Hope was still out of the equation, sprawled on her stomach, still shocked by the attack, her limbs slowly moving ineffectually as she tried to raise herself.

Katherine’s spirits soared as she saw Wonder Woman in action. She herself was powerless to aid her but it looked as if help was the last thing the Amazon needed. She strode passed Batwoman and gathered Charity by the throat. Charity grabbed the wrists that held her, choking as the mighty female warrior started to lift her off her feet. She held her for a second, then threw her several feet across the stage. Hope had risen to her knees and looked up just as Charity went flying passed.

“Oooo. ‘Bye Char!” she said brightly and waved before she stood. She saw Faith stumbling to her feet too before she turned to see the large Amazonian advancing on her. “Uh-oh. She looks pretty mean, Faith…” Hope said uncertainly, backing up.

“Oh, ‘pretty mean’ doesn’t even begin to cover it…” Wonder Woman said with venom.

Hope wasn’t particularly adept at fighting but she was often too stupid to realize when to be afraid. She suddenly launched herself at the advancing warrior with gusto. Wonder Woman caught her mid-air by the ribs and tossed her away some ten or twelve feet.

The youngest sister landed with a scream heavily on her back, winded.

Faith saw her fall with concern. “You big fucking bitch! You wanna play? WELL COME ON, BITCH! BRING IT!” she beckoned the Amazon towards her.

“Be careful what you wish for, Faith.” Wonder Woman responded as she accepted the challenge, advancing menacingly.

Faith threw a left and a right that Wonder Woman ducked under easily. As Diana rose from the second dodged blow she landed a chop to Faith’s stomach that doubled her up, her arms clutching her gut. She was about to land a second chopped stroke to Faith’s neck and finish her off when her instinct took over and she turned , just in time to avoid a chair that Charity had hurled at her from beside the table. It caught her a glancing blow, forcing her to take half a step back and in that second the doubled up Faith charged into her midriff from her crouched position, grappling with her and wrestling her to the floor. But Wonder Woman had trained a lifetime for such things and rolled with the attack, ending up on her back but flinging Faith onwards, using her own momentum against her.

But Charity had used the time to help Hope up.

“You ok? “she asked with surprisingly genuine concern of her youngest sister.

“I guess so. Boy she’s really pissed off at us…” Hope said with wide eyed surprise.

Charity smiled as she looked at her affectionately. “That’s my Hope. Now, go get the BITCH!” she slapped Hope on the back and the young girl nodded grimly and then ran at Wonder Woman as she was getting up. Charity headed for the paralyzing spray beside Batwoman.

Wonder Woman didn’t know what scheme Charity was up to, but the fact she was using her sisters as fodder seemed obvious, and as such the wily Amazon knew she had to stop her from doing whatever she was planning.

She sighed as she batted away Hope easily , who flew into Faith. Though she was fighting without her belt she was still naturally strong and as a trained athlete and skilled warrior she was more than a match for the sisters individually. But in multiple attacks it might be a different story. Especially if Charity was seeking to arm herself in some way. Wonder Woman decided not to give her the chance. She rushed at her, grabbing her by the throat once more, but this time with both hands. Charity again grabbed Wonder Woman’s wrists but this time she also wrapped her thighs around the Amazon’s waist. And clung on. Locked in this tussle but unbalanced by Charity’s weight the two women crashed to the ground, with Wonder Woman choking her rival into submission.

ZBREDABIDCH!” gasped Charity as they grappled and rolled, choked by the Amazon's powerful grip.

“What?”said Hope failing to understand. “You’ll have to speak clearer I can’t understand you when you are being choked like that…”

Charity flung an arm out to point to the freezing spray beside Batwoman. “ZBRAYYY-DA -BIDCH!!!”

Hope followed the arm and the penny slowly dropped.

Wonder Woman was locked in the struggle with Charity but even she could tell the significance of Charity’s instructions, although she didn’t know what the spray did, she assumed it had to be some kind of knock out gas. She rolled onto her back in order to get her knee up beneath Charity and fling her off but to her dismay she suddenly felt Faith’s body land on her, pinning her down. Knowing full well what was at stake, she bucked furiously , flinging her off and loosening Charity’s grip on her own wrists. She rolled on top, pinning Charity below her and reared back, breaking Charity’s hold and finishing her off with a sharp crisp punch to the jaw that finally laid the villain out cold. Suddenly arms enfolded the Amazons shoulders, as Faith grabbed her from behind. Wonder Woman snapped her head back, butting Faith in the nose and knocking her backwards. Wonder Woman stood and turned, advancing on Hope who stood uncertainly, wondering what to do.

But as she got within two feet of her Hope suddenly brought up her hand. There was a ‘PFFFSSSSSSTTTT’ noise and a faint mist engulfed the Amazon.

She stopped dead in her tracks, coughed and blinked, but the knockout gas had no effect. She took a step forward towards Hope and to her surprise her legs never moved and she instead toppled forward to land heavily on her knees. She was totally stunned but as she went to rise and bring her arms up she found nothing happened. Wide eyed and frowning, open mouthed she tried to speak but to her horror found even that was difficult.

“C-C-CAN’T…MOVE…HU-HUH” she could only look up as Hope moved to stand over her.

TIMBERRRRRRRRRRRRRR!” Hope cried with glee as she forcefully pushed Wonder Woman on the shoulder and watched her topple over helplessly to the floor.

Katherine could only watch in utter despair.
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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Hope wins again with a TKO.

The heroines still can't get a full count on the sisters to win. Great description of Wonder Woman fighting for all she could, but not being able to keep them all down.
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Terrific fight scene! I just wish that BW had been forced to cum before WW recovered. But now maybe they both can enjoy the full attention of the sisters, with Hope giving BW the lustful ingredient needed to push her over the top. :yahoo:

This series is quite a thrill, Tallyho. Thanks. Great work. :thumbup:
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Each chapter gets better when we think we will end the sisters manage to excel
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Uhm...hello?...Is this thing on?....I uh...on behalf of everyone hanging on your every word...well, what I'd like to ask you think, sir, Mr. Ho...that you could, you know...continue this wonderful epic...? It would mean ever so much to the young ones who live on your example, sir. Please? Pretty please?
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lol, Well its gonna be up this weekend at the latest, I'm aiming for THURSDAY but it might slip. I've been busy 'Sg-ing' :thumbup:

Its not easy deciding who's-gonna-have-lesbian-fun-with-who, ya know, these 6 girl orgies needed to be worked out carefully!
:smile: :yes: :w00t:
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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Yippee! :yahoo: I'll have my can of carpet cleaner ready if things get messy. :yes: Oh, and thank you, sir, for your speedy response. Wait? SG-ing? Surely you're not writing two stories at once? :blink:
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Yep two Sg shorts. having trouble working out how best to order them or to integrate them and post as one bigger story. Decisions, decisions.

Oh, I see you meant this one and an Sg one as the two. Well in that case no, I'm not writing two stories at the same time. I'm writing 3. :)
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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Well, you asked for it (literally Dr Dom!) so I'm putting it up a day early, I'll proof read it for typos tomorrow. Enjoy it lads and lasses and as ever please post a comment, especially if you didn't like it, only way I'll improve, :)


Batwoman and Wonder Woman have been incapacitated, paralysed by Batwoman’s own freezing spray, whilst Batgirl is still unconscious from the chloroform attack. Now all three heroines face a terrible fate at the hands of the Grace sisters…

“Auuuuuuuggggghhhhh, what the hell happened?” groaned Charity as she groggily shook her head, blinking herself fully awake. She slowly sat up on the stage.

“Wonder Tits clocked you. “ said Faith sitting a few feet away from her.

Charity braced herself on her arms as she looked around, spying the fallen Amazon a few feet away.

“Ha! But you got her! Well done sis, I owe ya one.” Charity crowed.

“Not me, that little firecracker nailed her with the Freeze spray…” Faith nodded her head in Hope’s direction, who was standing over Batwoman, looking down appreciatively at the semi-stripped heroine.

“WHAT? AGAIN?!!! You shittin’ me?” Charity asked as Faith shook her head. “Shit. Hope darlin’, you been great tonight. I owe you one.”

“One what?” asked Hope absently.

“One favour.” Said Charity as she slowly made to rise.

“I’ll take strawberry.” Said Hope, still not really listening.

FAVOUR! NOT FLAVOUR YOU MORON!” said Charity loudly before her face softened with a smile at her younger sister.

“Does this mean I can have another donkey?” Hope said expectantly.

“NO.” Faith and Charity both answered in unison.

“Look I tell you what. We get all these three fuckbuddies here together and then you can pick whichever one you want, then we’ll all go to town on these bimbos before we put them out of our misery. Ok?” Charity asked.

“Sure sounds good to me!” Faith said. “Should we cuff ‘em up some more or something? Make sure?”

“No need. Bat mom there said it lasts for hours, right li’l miss homemaker?” Charity sneered at Katherine who looked up fearfully. She was afraid but not for herself, nor indeed for the Amazon who, she was confident, could endure. But for young Batgirl, who’s body had already been wrecked sexually tonight, she was terrified that another such ordeal might send her over the edge.

“So we got plenty of time. They’re gonna be dead before it wears off anyhow.” Charity continued

“Leave… her… alone!” Katherine forced the words out slowly from between gritted teeth “I’m …the one …you want!... I’ll let… you take… me,… let… you do …anything… you want……. to me,…. all of you, …just… spare that… brave… young woman…” Katherine didn’t think it would work but any delay no matter how small was a few more seconds nearer to the freeze spray wearing off. She was secretly pleased that the sisters had swallowed the ‘hours’ ruse hook line and sinker, when in fact the spray only lasted some 20 minutes, maybe even less for Wonder Woman with her superior physicality. But she was all too aware that 20 minutes might literally be a lifetime. Some of that time had gone in her own case; she wasn’t sure how many minutes had elapsed, but she hoped 20 minutes would not apply to the Amazon. She would bide her time, even when the drug wore off, to try and time her attack with Wonder Woman’s recovery.

“AWW, ain’t that sweet? Well toots, this ‘brave young woman’ ain’t gonna be so brave when we’re done with her, are ya sweet cheeks?” Charity said as she knelt beside Batgirl and squeezed her cheeks with her fingers . Batgirl emitted a soft low groan from between those slender purple lips beneath her mask.

“You gals are big on heroic sacrifices, huh? ‘Course you wouldn’t be in this mess now if Wonder Bitch over there hadn’t dived in to save my li’l ol’ sister from a lighting gantry. But ya know what? I wasn’t impressed. IT WAS JUST FUCKING STUPID. And look where it’s got you all, huh? So, no thanks kiddo, because we are gonna do anything we want to you and her anyhow. But seeing as how she’s got a special place in your heart an’ all, maybe we’ll let you watch as we all fuck her over, huh? You like that?” Charity raised an enquiring eyebrow and waited for the reaction.

“Y-You…a-animals!” Katherine hissed between clenched teeth as the sisters burst out laughing at her indignant rage.

“Ahhh, good times.”sighed Charity. “OK Calamity Jane, you decided which one you want yet?” she asked Hope.

“No Char its me Hope, “ Hope pointed to herself “I ain’t …C-clamty Jane…”

“Dear god.” Charity looked to the heavens. “WHICH. ONE. DO. YOU. WANT?” she said slowly and loudly as she walked over to her youngest sister.

“I’ll take Bat Mommy!” Hope said clapping excitedly.

“Fine. Go get Batgirl” she gestured to Faith.

Faith strolled over to the young hero and unceremoniously grabbed an ankle dragging the drugged young body behind her across the stage as she trudged to where Wonder Woman and nearby Batwoman, lay.

“I’ll take the Amazon, and I DO MEAN TAKE” Charity sniggered, “you go to town on that Baby Bat” she flicked a hand dismissively at Batgirl who was groggily groaning, her head slowly moving from left to right after her brief journey had stimulated her senses.

“Thought you’d never ask! “ said Faith as she sprung lightly around to stand at Batgirls feet. All three villains stood over their intended sexual victims, looking down with utter contempt at the three famous heroines. Contempt and cruel desire. “Bet ya twenty mine comes before yours?” Faith smiled at Charity.

“Why don’t we have a race? Twenty in for each of us and whichever makes theirs climax first wins, deal?” Charity stood over Wonder Woman, looking from left to right at both her sisters.

“I ain’t got no axe for her to climb Char!” Hope said slightly worried, as she looked around the stage.

“Hope, CLIMAX, you know, when the gooey stuff runs between ya legs when you have sex. Whoever makes theirs cum first,… well, comes first! “ she laughed at her own joke. “Spread ‘em out a bit - I want them to see each other suffer.”

Faith moved Batgirl around to the left slightly as Charity pulled Wonder Woman by the ankles, dragging her down between the other two until her head was level with their shoulders, while Hope moved Batwoman around slightly so that they were at 7, 6 and 5 o’clock relative to each other with Batgirl and Batwoman flanking the Amazon. Dragging Batwoman caused her costume to ride up once more covering her breasts beneath the red Bat symbol restoring a slim piece of modesty. But with the back zipper open and her back exposed it was little more than an illusion of protection.The reality was she was still half naked beneath the loose Batsuit.

As the three villains stood below the heroines, with the helpless champions of law and order laid out like conquests at their feet, the sisters exchanged glances of triumph. A subway train rattled through far beneath them, sending the tiny vibrations rippling up through the stage and in particular the three bodies lying on it.

For Batgirl, in her semi-conscious state, she first became aware of the vibrations as a numbness in her buttocks, almost pins and needles that resolved themselves into a slow steady vibrant shaking that spread to the backs of her legs and where her shoulders touched the stage. She moaned softly, a truly pitiable sound as the shaking spread up through her body, finally setting her nubile young breasts oscillating gently, the firm orbs spreading the motion up finally to the teat.

“How about we go once the train stops?” Faith suggested, as Charity nodded.

“Shouldn’t we find Cousin Jimmy?” Hope said.

“Fuck Cousin Jimmy. We go once it stops.” Charity said emphatically. With anticipation building they waited, watching the delightfully quivering breasts of the three law enforcers. Finally the shaking ceased.

“GO!” cried Charity as she pounced on the loins of the luckless Amazon.

WHEEEE-OOO!” Faith called as she fell on the poor exhausted body of the once-proud Batgirl.

Hope just strolled to kneel beside Batwoman’s shoulders and stroked her face gently, slowly pressing back stray hairs with her slender fingers, a light, delicate touch. She leaned forwards to whisper in Katherine’s ear as her hands pulled the costume tight across her victim’s body, tucking the loose folds behind Katherine’s back, so the Bat symbol resumed its place and from the front at least she looked like her old self.

“You are ssssssssso amazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzingly ssssssssssexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxyyyyyyyyy…” she over emphasised the sounds, whispering them softly in Batwoman’s ear like a Disney snake, the warm breath playing delightfully over the fine hairs within the orifice. Katherine felt her nipples harden. Hope watched them do so. Their eyes locked and as Hope smiled slowly it was only the paralyzing agent that stopped Katherine doing likewise.

“Ohhhh!” Batgirl moaned pitifully as she felt Faith’s body press down upon her. Manually spreading her thighs apart, the manoeuvre caused a stab of pain deep inside Batgirl’s ruined loins. Batgirl tried weakly to fend her off, raising her still cuffed hands feebly in a doomed defensive gesture. Still groggy, her eyes were clamped shut, tears squeezing out from beneath her eyelids as the realisation hit her that she was about to be violated once more. ”NO!” she gasped desperately. “Oh please no!” she said, though her pleas were really just utterances to herself. Faith pressed her cuffed hands down and once more pulled aside the famous purple Bat costume, now sullied and soiled by the sordid sexual acts that had violated this once-proud symbol of justice – and the once proud guardian of the people who wore it. Batgirl’s stunning breasts were revealed in all their modest glory. Firm, but yielding to a stronger touch, smooth and curvaceous, crested by the small soft perfect pink circles of the tender nipples. Neither outlandishly big mammaries, nor too small. ‘Goldilocks breasts’ indeed, as Faith had referred to them earlier. Batgirl silently prayed for this nightmare ordeal to end.

Wonder Woman heard the moan from her ally and the sound filled her with despair. She could do absolutely nothing to help her and now it seemed she would be forced to watch the desecration of the bodies of two of her heroic comrades as well as endure the shameful abuse of her own powerless body. How had it come to this? She felt a huge surge of frustrated rage within herself, pent up and with nowhere to go. Charity’s body pressed down upon her own and she could feel the warmth in the criminal’s groin as she rubbed her body over the powerless princess.

The internal rage had made her breathing heavy, her chest rising and falling rapidly, the only movement Wonder Woman was able to make as the frustrated adrenalin kept pumping the blood to her nipples, causing them to flush pink and throb as they swelled to their maximum painfully declaring her arousal. She had never known a feeling like this – the strongest of urges and desire to act, to resist but the total inability to even raise a finger to try and stop the molestation. She could not turn her head but rolled her eyes to the saddening sound of Batgirl’s pitiful pleas for mercy, to spare her body more sexual distress. It was the saddest sound the Amazon had heard in her long life. Choking half-sobs of whispered ‘No!’s, the pathetic beseeching of a brave young girl who had simply endured too much. Wonder Woman’s heart ached to hear it.

Batwoman felt her own breasts pushing tight against the latex of her suit, the nipples like bullets protruding from the black rubber. Hope ran her thumb across one of them causing a little twanging shudder to ripple through it for an instant as Katherine held her breath. She never had a chance to release it as Hope lunged in to kiss her forcefully, passionately on those magnificent ruby-red lips, a kiss that literally stole Katherine’s breath away. She found her body responding as much as it could, given the paralysis; though she couldn’t raise a hand or move externally in anyway, her tongue at least was fighting for movement as it was caressed and embraced by Hope’s own, as it folded and rolled and rubbed around inside her mouth. Hope placed both hands on Katherine’s cheeks as she moved and gyrated her groin against the gentle but prominent rise of Batwoman’s public mound, still covered by the tight rubber bodysuit. It was a silent rhythmic dance to a tune only those two could hear. Maybe it was her impending death creating an auto-erotic peril element to the situation but Katherine found herself wanting Hope as she had desired no other woman in her life.

Faith was starting to find Batgirl’s whining pleas off putting.

“Shut the fuck up you mewling quim!” she had first heard the phrase in the Avengers movie and just loved the sound of those words, especially in that cool crisp accent of Loki’s. “Yeah, that’s what you are – a mewling fucking quim!” She squeezed Batgirl’s throat viciously in a choke hold that made the heroine gag before she released her and resumed her brutal assault.

Batgirl’s sobs fell to silence as she felt Faith force herself on her, with fast emotionless kisses and bites to her ear lobes, her cheek, her neck. It wasn’t lost on the young law defender that their direction was moving ever down her body. With her eyes closed to the terrible injustice of her fate, she felt rather than saw Faith peel her suit back off her lower shoulders, forcing it down more towards her waist. She tilted her head up and opened her eyes to see the appalling sight of her two fellow crime fighters, lying motionless as the other sisters had their way with them. She felt Faith’s lips close around the teat on her left breast and shut her eyes to her own horror, the sobs of her despair spasming silently through her well-toned body, causing it to quiver and shake beneath the press of Faith’s torso. She felt the warm wet lips close around her aureole, as the tongue played with the nipple at its centre, before the sharp nip delivered by Faith’s teeth made her gasp. As disgusting and embarrassing as this was for her, she knew it was as nothing compared with what was to come.

“There’s a funny smell in here…it might just be…FISH!!!” said Faith laughing as she continued to molest Gotham’s young female guardian.

Hope stopped a moment, frowning slightly then she leaned forward and whispered to Katherine, “I know what the smell really is, but they won’t listen, so I ain’t sayin’ no more…” she laughed as she pressed her palms against Kate’s exposed breasts keeping the firm contact as she slid her hands down from the breasts to the distended ribcage, to the flattened well-muscled stomach, the skin smooth soft and warm to her touch. She kept her hands in tight contact the fingers rippling in and out of every undulation of her ribs before finally they pressed into the softer flesh just above Batwoman’s slender hips. She rolled her fingers around the curve of Kate’s butt, slipping them beneath the scrunched up latex folds from the costume gathered at her waist, feeling the exciting touch of the flimsy underwear below the rubber, beneath her fingers. She forced the costume down over the curve of her ass cheeks as she moved the hands around to the front of the costume, rolling her wrists so that her hands were inside the panties, the elasticated waistband tight against the back of her hands as her fingertips emerged from the arch of the leg holes, still hidden beneath the rubber of the suit. She levered her hands up, away from the body then, but keeping the fingertips touching as the panties and the black rubber slid down slightly to expose the merest hint of Katherine’s slit, a slight trace of wispy ginger pubic hair visible just above the crack hinting at what lay out of sight below the horizon.

Hope set her chin between Katherine’s breast and keeping it pressed in contact with the heroine she moved it downwards, over the skin, constantly touching Katherine as their eyes locked. Unable to move, Katherine watched helplessly as Hope’s head slid from view, her cheeks brushing gently against the sides of Batwoman’s cleavage. She had an almost unbearable urge to raise her head to follow the young criminal’s journey downwards towards her illicit goal, but due to the freeze spray she could only follow her with her eyes, and then her own spectacular breasts hid the girl from view.

Whilst Faith molested Batgirl with a cold uncaring intensity, almost functionary in the matter of fact way that she had worked her way down the young girl’s body, Hope and Batwoman had a shared mutual desire, though only one of them could act upon it. But for Wonder Woman and Charity there was just a one-way savage passion, as the criminal relished the sexual dominance of her adversary.

Charity had cast aside the bustier and pulled back the spangled briefs, ripping apart the satin tights where they still held firm. With she shaven slit bared, she seized Diana’s chin and forced her head to turn and stare at Batgirl as Faith set to work on the law defender’s cunt.

THERE! There’s where your 'defence of justice' gets you! You happy you ventured out tonight, Princess? You think SHE is, right now? Huh? You think she wouldn’t rather have stayed at home in bed with a good book? Well, make sure you watch every last moment, of her every last moment!”

Charity held the powerless Amazon’s head in place as she set to work with consummate skill on Diana’s own vagina, working her tongue expertly around and between the inner and outer folds of the labial lips, her nose nuzzling into the hood above the slit as she pressed and blew over the exposed clitoris, the warm air from her mouth drying some of the tiny flecks of sexual juices that were starting to seep from within her body as Wonder Woman inevitably became aroused. It was a strange sensation for the Amazon. She could feel nothing in one sense, as the numbed nerves failed to communicate the sense of touch, the sense of feeling that she knew she should be experiencing. Yet deep inside her body was responding as it was biologically programmed to, to sexual arousal – it started to produce sexual lubricant to make the process easier. Diana frowned with angry tears forming in her eyes as she was forced to witness the lesbian rape of Batgirl, all too well aware that on her other side, temporarily out of sight, a similar fate was befalling Batwoman. And she was completely powerless to help either of them in any way, just as she could not help stop her own violation. She swallowed hard and gave a low growl of frustration between clenched teeth. She could feel her heart rate quickening , the only yardstick that she had of the state of her arousal. She tried to flex her abdominal muscles, clenching those of her pelvic floor but it was no use - she could feel nothing and so do nothing to stop the inevitable. She couldn't feel her climax building within her, but at the same time she knew it was, with a deep and awful certainty. Too much of what Charity was doing was reminiscent of the actions of her sister Amazons. Centuries alone amongst the company of her fellow female warriors had inevitably, at times, resulted in them exploring each other’s bodies. Charity was reawakening those latent desires once more that had been buried for decades.

Katherine was also experiencing frustration at the lack of sensation, as Hope clearly provided the magic ingredient that had been lacking from Charity’s advances earlier – the mutual desire. Her heart racing, she too could sense the tingling numbness hiding her rising sexual arousal. For her too, the end could not be far away and yet for all its lack of feeling she found she was secretly enjoying this strange impotence, this total dependency of her sexual partner to service her needs. For Katherine, so long the powerful dominant in sexual situations, being a reluctant submissive was a new and exciting thrill.

For Batgirl, the situation was very different. Though Faith’s abuse of her was only slightly rougher than normal intercourse, it was the combined effects of the combat, defeat, chloroform, blow to her head and above all the brutal violation of her body that had seemingly broken her spirit, coupled with the final sight of her fellow heroines being defeated and abused, that finally sapped almost all hope from her heroic heart. She was exhausted and in immense internal pain from her wrecked anus but above all she lacked the will to physically resist what was happening to her. Her body, like the others, started to respond at a primal level to the actions it was experiencing. But unlike Wonder Woman and Batwoman who had no physical ability to stop it, she could have potentially, with an act of will, resisted. But her will was broken.

When the female ejaculate rose and burst forth from all three heroes it was almost simultaneous; gushing forth to soil the famous blue and white starred briefs, turning them a darker blue; to gleam stickily in the stage lights on the matt black latex as it sprayed into the air; to settle in opaque blobs against the light purple costume as it seeped slowly out from the exhausted cunt of the equally exhausted heroine.

Wonder Woman screamed a gnarled cry of frustration at her impotence to free herself and her allies, as Charity forced her to cum.

Batwoman screamed a strangled cry of irritation at her inability to fully experience the pleasure that she should be sharing at that moment with her young and desirous lover, as Hope made her climax.

Batgirl could only emit a pathetic whimper of pain as Faith violated her and she was betrayed by her own body.
Last edited by tallyho 9 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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A beautifully-balanced symphony with a fine crescendo, sir!
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I feel so much pity for Batgirl :(
Please, my friend, tell me that this abuse won't destroy her?! :weep:
Could you, maybe, bring in one of Batgirl's most loyal allies (Catwoman) to save her from the looming darkness that threatens to engulf our lovely Batgirl's heart? ;)
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Short answer, NO.

How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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Uh...since when is Catwoman an ally of Batgirl? Did I miss an arc somewhere? :blink:

I'm pretty sure that Tallyho isn't into offing his lead characters so you can probably expect them all to survive, I'm just not sure what their ultimate psychological state will be for the trio. Therein lies the suspense. :smart: Suspense that may last weeks. :weep:
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DrDominator9 wrote: Suspense that may last weeks. :weep:
Hey, how else can I rival your viewing (reading) figures except by spacing things out? ;)

All I will say is my heroines are heroines for a reason, so watch this space. :)
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

I am here to help one and all enjoy this site, so if you have any questions or feel you are being trolled please contact me (Hit the 'CONTACT' little speech bubble below my Avatar).
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T: worth a try ;)

DrD: Nope, I'm going BTAS with that ;) True... and it sucks! -_-
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tallyho wrote:
DrDominator9 wrote: Suspense that may last weeks. :weep:
A) Hey, how else can I rival your viewing (reading) figures except by spacing things out? ;)

B) All I will say is my heroines are heroines for a reason, so watch this space. :)
Regarding A: It's not a race. I'm above all that.....LOSER! :lol:

Regarding B: Are you insinuating that MY heroines are any less heroic than yours?
:pirate: Aaarggg! I certainly hope not!
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No, wouldn't dream of it. My second sentence was partly in response to you saying that 'you (a generic you) could probably expect them to survive' and partly in response to Wheelie asking if this abuse would destroy her.

And as for your response to A)....touche my friend, touche! ;)
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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Great chapter, this story is getting better, the three heroines having orgasm while each of your way, was sensational
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Part 21

All three heroines have suffered the indignity of being forced to cum at the hands (and lips!) of the evil Grace sisters. But as Batwoman and Wonder Woman still struggle to move against the paralyzing effects of Batwoman’s own Bat-freeze spray, their ordeal is far from over…

“So did I win? I’m pretty sure mine shot her juice before you guys’ gals did…” said Hope as she smiled down at Katherine, extending her neck to kiss her affectionately on the nose.

“No…” Faith and Charity answered in unison with practiced ease.

“Awwww!” cried Hope with disappointment. “So who did win?”

“Errr…it was a tie between me an’ Faith” Charity sniggered as Faith smiled slyly and looked away.

“Aww, so I owe you both twenty bucks now?” Hope said in a pained voice.

“Nope. You owe us both forty. ‘cos if you’d a won, you’d have got forty wouldn’t you? So cos you lost you gotta pay us forty instead…” Charity cruelly lied while Faith hid her laughter from their naive younger sister. “Twenty and Twenty is Forty.”

“Awww shoot!” Hope said in frustration. “It’s as bad as them interest rates at the banks.” She spoke directly to Katherine. “Ya know, I owed Char and Faith ten bucks once and we robbed a bank and because of the bank’s interest rates when I paid them back out of my share of the loot I had to give them a thousand bucks! EACH! No wonder everyone hates bankers. Jeez!” she huffed and shrugged. “Lousy interest rates…” she grumbled under her breath.

She rested her chin on the back of her hands as she settled her palms on Batwoman’s chest and lay down on top of her lower body, smiling up at her contentedly, tracing a finger against the curve of Batwoman’s proud jaw.

“You taste real nice” she whispered to Kate. “Like…like a rainbow ought to taste! Think I might get me some second helpings…” As she spoke she slid her body down that of Katherine’s, her chin pressing warmly over the crime fighter’s abdomen, feeling the pulse of her breathing and the pumping of her blood against the soft flesh of her cheeks as she rubbed them alternately against the yielding skin as she worked her way down the body.

“Ya know, a round two ain’t a bad idea at that…” Charity smiled at Faith. “Reckon I can still teach this here gal a thing or two…” she said, as she raised herself on her knees, nodding down dismissively at Wonder Woman who was straddled beneath her.

“Yeah, what the hell. My prom date ain’t showed…” Faith said as she smiled cruelly down at the moaning and groaning Batgirl before her. She extended her index finger from her loosely clenched fist and rubbed the back of it against Batgirls leaking cunt, gathering up the seeping juices that had dribbled from the slit of the shattered heroine. She scooped up the trickle, amassing a small amount on her finger, then leant forward, supported by her other hand, as she loomed over the exhausted champion of the law.

“SUCK IT!” She commanded the defeated hero as she held up her finger just below Batgirl’s mouth. She was smiling cruelly. Batgirl grimaced and turned her head away, but Faith moved and sat on Barbara’s stomach, pinning the handcuffed hands beneath her butt as she grabbed Batgirl’s chin with her free hand, forcing the cum drenched finger up to Batgirl’s lips.

“Euggghhhhh!” Batgirl whined piteously at the disgusting indignity. She would be forced to drink her own cum. She swallowed awkwardly and clenched her eyes closed to the foulness as she tried to pull and turn her head away, her mouth clamped firmly shut in the only act of resistance she could offer.

But Faith squeezed ever harder into her cheeks until she forced the purple clad lips to part.

“UGGGHHHH! N-NO!” gasped the Batgirl as the finger was forcibly smeared against her lips and then thrust inside her mouth forcing Barbara to gag in reflex, as still she tried to twist her head away. As she half choked on the finger as it its tip hit the back of her throat, inevitably she found herself forced to suck on the digit.

“Suck it, BITCH!” Faith smiled as she forced the finger deeper, then slowly started to withdraw it, forcing Batgirl’s lips to form tightly around her finger, rubbing it against the inside of her mouth, scraping the last vestiges of Batgirl’s own cum inside her.

“MMMmmmmpppphhh - u-ulllggggghhh- huh! No! Oh …no…” she panted as Faith slid her hand out, smearing the love juice on the inside of her mouth.

Batgirl felt the tears of disgust and revulsion creep out from the corner of her eyes beneath her famous mask. She felt…ashamed. She looked desperately through her tears for help from her fellow female law enforcers, but one glance at the two immobile heroines suffering their own indignities at the sister’s hands convinced her that their situation was indeed hopeless. Despair filled her courageous young heart. She felt beaten; exhausted. She felt… broken. She felt worthless and disgusted at herself. She felt ashamed and afraid. She was sobbing silently as Faith set to work on her intimate areas. Massaging her sex beneath the costume. How much more would the evil trio force her to endure? Faith lifted her head by the red-wig pony tail, moving so she was leaning close to the side of Batgirl’s cowled head, she slid her knee behind Batgirl’s back and swung her body around so that Batgirl’s torso was cradled in Faith’s lap, her chin over Batgirl’s shoulder, sitting semi upright, ear beside ear. Batgirl’s body suit, still trapped at the wrists by the magician’s handcuffs, had moved partially back up her body in the manoeuvre, at least restoring a semblance of some dignity.

“Oooo, we got a good view of your …er…rescuers? Ha Ha! I like that, rescuers! Yep we can see ‘em in all their glory, eh, Bat tits?” Faith smiled and squeezed her around the waist.

“Now, I don’t know what Char has planned for Wondie over there, “ Faith pointed as she spoke into the fake ear of Batgirl’s cowl, “and you can sure as shit bet that Hope is gonna go down on your momma over there, but you, do you know whats gonna happen to you sweetness?”

As Faith spoke Batgirl had torn her eyes away from the terrible sight of the rape of her friends. She stared up into the blackness of the rafters above the stage her eyes flicking back and forth rapidly as she digested the awful import of Faith’s words as she went on.

“You…” Faith said in a hot, husky whisper, her lips millimetres from the purple satin fabric of her victim’s cowl “are going…” she paused for effect and placed a kiss from the side of her mouth against the Bat-ear of the cowl “to be…finger fucked…” she hissed the last two words with venom as she slid her hand down inside Batgirl's opened Batsuit suddenly, sliding over the breasts and thrusting down beneath the remnants of her panties to find the wet cave beneath."That's right honey... I am going to finger you..." she whispered "...until you fucking bleed."

“O-OH…G-god …no….NO!” Batgirl cried in a tortured whisper of despair as she grimaced and braced her exhausted body against the violation. She stiffened, her tired muscles locking rigid for an instant as she gallantly tried to fight against the assault. But she couldn’t stop it.

“S-SO…T-TI-TIGHT!” Batgirl gasped and winced as the width of Faiths hand forced its way laterally and painfully into her vagina. The middle and flanking fingers of Faith’s hand thrust down and curled inside her, then frantically worked in and out in a fevered frenzy of sexual assault, her knuckles pressing hard into the side of Batgirl’s opening.

Hope was altogether more loving in her intimate assault of Katherine; her progress downward towards the sexual organs marked by a procession of delicate, caring, tender kisses. Katherine again felt herself warming to the eroticism, her body responding internally were she could still make no outward movement due to the paralyzing spray. They were like soft warm touches of sunshine on the skin, with just the merest hint of moisture held back behind the lips, with every now and again the dam holding back Hope’s tongue being breached and the warm wet extension of her body darting out to dab a little calling card against Kate’s flesh. But this time Batgirl’s pitiable cries penetrated the moment, reminding Batwoman of just what was at stake for them here tonight. But never the less, Hope’s attentive shows of affection were not altogether unwelcome.

Wonder Woman heard Batgirl’s anguish too, and like Kate it gave her a new resolve. But just like Kate, she too was still paralyzed and could do nothing to help the young woman who had suffered so much this night. But in her case she certainly did NOT want Charity’s attention. The bizarre sensation or rather lack of it was infuriating to her. She could feel the natural responses of her body deep in the core of her being, but even then they were subdued, muted. The usual excitement of touch and sensation of skin on skin just wasn’t there. Yet this absence of feeling was almost a different kind of arousal. She found she was waiting for the usual feelings to kick in and it created a sense of …expectancy. Desire, almost, for her to feel what she knew was happening - not exactly in a sexual sense, more for peace of mind. The uncertainty caused…not quite fear per se but…trepidation. And the symptoms of that – faster heart rate, rapid breathing, an adrenalin rush – well, they were the same as those of erotic arousal. All exacerbated by her ability to do nothing to stop it, to save her fellow crimefighters, to save herself. Here, in this darkened, disused theatre she would die a vile, inglorious death. Not sword in hand, fighting for freedom or law and order. But a miserable end -raped and then –what? Gunned down as she lay helpless, unable to deflect the bullets that would kill her? Or stabbed with the throwing knives, or her throat slit, or whatever other twisted fate this wicked trio might dream up. The rage of frustration grew inside her with no way of releasing it, like water building behind a dammed stream.

But all Wonder Woman could do was to utter a low, guttural growl.

“OOOoooo, easy tiger.” Charity crowed, smiling. “You’re gonna get yours. In fact, you’re gonna get yours riiiiiight now.”

As Charity spoke, she moved her head between the Amazon’s thighs and then just rested her nose on the rise of the pubic mound. She stayed there, her cheeks tight against the inner thighs of the Amazon, the breath from her nostrils playing through the tiny neatly trimmed hairs of the female warrior like wind through grass. The centre of her lips where just resting softly against the middle of Wonder Woman’s slit with her eyes all the while locked on those of the frustrated law upholder, as the slow and rhythmic pulse of warm air through her mouth played over Wonder Woman’s snatch as she breathed. In and out. In and out. She pressed her mouth in tighter, lips against lips as all the while the invisible force played on the labia, in and out, in and out, the warm air seeping inside her like a summer breeze.

Charity simply lay there, in that position, for long moments. The sounds of Batwoman’s moans of pleasure seemed distant; Batgirl’s own groans of despair were impossibly far away, almost as if heard underwater to Wonder Woman’s ears; her world had shrunk so that it was only about her and Charity and what Charity would do next. And at the moment Charity was doing nothing. Or rather she was doing nothing except waiting. In and out, her breath teased over the sex of the Amazon, in and out, in and out, warmer air, cooler air, warmer air, cooler air, a seemingly endless game for the elder sister. Finally she smiled, burrowing her face in tighter between the Amazon’s thighs, her nose pushing down into the mound as she felt the brush of the slit lips against her own as she grinned and then opened her mouth wider, forming a seal around the raised outer lips of Wonder Woman’s cunt, and then twisting her tongue so it was at 90 degrees before sliding it in vertically into the gap before it.

Wonder Woman was only vaguely aware that something had happened down below; she just had the dimmest of sensations that all was not as it should be. But the real give away was Charity’s smiling eyes. Deep, deep inside her body something started to stir. Something raw and primordial. Some thing base. A biological need to breed, brought about by the sexual stimulation. Though impossible to fulfill with another woman, her body didn’t know that. And with the adrenalin rush that brought, she started to feel, to really feel things again. Slowly at first, such that she didn’t even appreciate that the freeze spray effects were in fact diminishing.

She could sense more than feel Charity’s tongue thrust inside her and she waited for it to get to work – but it didn’t . Charity lay there grinning, her smiling eyes gazing at Diana as her tongue just sat there inside her, the top edge barely tickling the nub of her clit where it brushed against it. But she didn’t move her mouth at all. She just left her tongue inside Wonder Woman, watching her face for a reaction.

“Y-yu…c-ca…ca…du…thi...” she could only crudely utter a sentence, a weak statement that was then followed by a firmer demand of intent.

“Gu …o-uv…m-mu…” Wonder Woman fought to get her words out through gritted teeth. Unlike Batwoman, who’s mouth had been open when the paralyzing agent had kicked in and so could still form words, Diana’s teeth had been clenched tight when the Batfreeze took hold. Now every word was a struggle to get out.

“Ge…ou…ov…mehh!” she panted but Charity still just ignored her, leaving the tongue inside her, breathing in and out, just waiting. As the seconds past, each instant brought more feeling back to the Amazon. It came as a tingling sensation at first, percolating the numbness, but still with no real sense of what was happening. But then she could finally feel it warm and wet and solid inside her, starting to throb and pulse with blood in time with her breathing, but still just sitting there.

“Y-yu …c-ca…jus…l-eave…i’….in…me!?” Wonder Woman gasped through gritted teeth. It was part statement, part question as the lack of activity confused her.

Wonder Woman suddenly found her breathing quickening as the excitement built, waiting for something, anything to happen as the tongue sat inside her, barely inside her vagina, like an animal making a nest inside a comfortable, warm burrow. And then suddenly finally it happened. So quick and so sudden that, because of the freeze spray, she almost wasn’t sure she had actually felt it. Charity rolled and twisted her tongue around rapidly and then just kept it still once more, having flicked it over so now the tongue was inverted, twisted in the middle. Just as Diana realised it had happened, then so she did it again, unkinking the twist. Then again and again and again, faster and faster, warm and wet and alive in her cunt. Then suddenly she was curling and uncurling its tip, licking and coiling and thrusting and sucking all in one mad frenzy of movement. It had been inside her so long and had been so still, that it had almost felt a part of her. Now, as it exploded in movement it almost felt like some creature awoken from hibernation. The sensations were coming back within her with a raw intensity. She could feel the tingling stroke of each lick within her cave, almost feel the difference in mingling of saliva with the natural lubricant of her sexual juices. As she lay, still physically unable to move fully, she found her head straining to lift off the stage, her neck muscles aching, her mouth a grimace as it fought to form an ‘O’ of exclamation, her eyes wide with a pained look of effort as she strained to respond, to resist what was happening to her.

Years in prison had made Charity a master of her craft and every aspect of that skill was on display now as her tongue worked relentlessly. Her head was now bobbing in and out as she rolled and twisted her head around Wonder Woman’s opening as she sucked and blew within her , her appendage stretching and straining to probe deeper into the Amazon as it licked and flicked its way around inside her.

“UH—uh….uh….Oh…g-goddess!....Uh….OH…NOOOOO!” Wonder Woman gasped finally forming proper syllables as she felt her juices responding to Charity’s attention once more, rising and building inside her before squirting forth directly into Charity’s mouth forcing her to swallow in a gag reflex. She finally pulled her face away laughing and wiping the sticky, salty ejaculate with her fingers as it dribbled down her. She sucked the juice of her hand as she stared in triumph at the Amazon.

“Y-yu….zzzz-gumm!” Wonder Woman finally managed to spit out as she lay panting after her exertion.

Charity rose up on her knees and looked down at her with utter contempt. She slapped her, hard, left to right with her palm and then repeated the return stroke with the back of her hand.

“Wham…bham…” she wiped away the last of the cum drool from her chin with her cupped fingers ”thank you, Ma’am.” She put her first two fingers tight together and touched her forehead in a mocking salute as she smiled down cruelly at the stricken heroine.

“Hey Char! She’s just called you a Goddess!” Faith called to her elder sister as she misunderstood the significance of Wonder Woman’s invocation. She threw a glance at Hope who was still clearly enjoying herself with Batwoman, who paralyzed or not, didn’t seem totally aghast at what was happening to her. Faith pulled her hand from between Batgirl’s legs and held the dripping fingers up to her captive, just below her pretty, cowled nose. Batgirl blanched and sobbed, trying to pull away again, but Faith held her head with her other hand and clamped her thighs tight to Batgirl’s hips limiting her wriggling. Batgirl forced her mouth closed but Faith forced it open and again her own juices were smeared into the young crimefighter’s mouth.

Batgirl gagged in revulsion. It was hopeless; Wonder Woman and Batwoman must have been drugged in some way, for they were just lying there and taking it. And she…what was she? Broken, violated. Weak. A spent force.

Faith seemed to pick up on her despair.

“This what you signed up for sweetness? Huh? Fucked and killed in some crummy theatre? This how you saw it working out? ‘Spect you’ve had better days, huh?” she spoke softly into Batgirl’s ear, rubbing her cheek against the satin cowl.

“Hey, ya know what I think? I think it’s finally time we see who the fuck you really are, huh? Ya know before we fucking kill you…Just so we know what to put on the tombstone, ya know? Here lies ‘Batgirl’ who was really…’well why don’t we look to fill in that particular blank, huh?”

Faith grabbed Batgirl’s cowl beneath the mask, gripping where the edge met her cheek.

“N-NO!” Batgirl half sobbed. So this was it. The final injustice. Her ravaged body would now finally have its identity exposed.

NOOOOOO!” she cried as Faith started to pull the mask up. Charity was ‘busy’ with Wonder Woman and as the mask half rose to reveal Barbara’s face only Hope got a good look at her.

“Oh, it’s you!” she said in surprise.

“Who is it?” Faith said excitedly as she leaned around to try and see from the front even though the mask was only half up

“I DON’T CARE WHO THE FUCK SHE IS, SHE’S MIIIIIINNNNNNNE!!!!!” screamed a male voice in the darkness that froze Faith and caused her to look around “AND THAT FUCKING BITCH IN BLACK! I’M GONNA GET HER REAL GOOD!”

“Oh, hey Cousin Jimmy! Where ya been? You is missin’ all the fun…” Hope said brightly as she saw him come limping down the aisle in silhouette but recognized the voice.

‘Shit!’ thought Katherine as the voice interrupted Hope’s ministrations. Then she cursed silently again as she realised that Jimmy getting loose from out front had ended their chances of him being spotted by the patrol cars and so them getting rescued. She was puzzled as to how he had gotten out of her cuffs, but then she remembered when she had inadvertently pressed the wrong button trying to release herself. But Jimmy was hundreds of feet away outside when she had pressed it , the sonic key shouldn’t have carried that far…except she was on a stage where every aspect of the acoustics were designed to make sound carry – even ultrasound apparently. Dammit.

“Oh, trust me, Hope. The fun ain’t even started yet…” Jimmy said grimly as he limped onto the stage.

It was hearing that voice, Jimmy’s voice that started it. The panic rose in Batgirl at the sound of it and then rose faster still when Hope called him by name. But that started the blood pumping, her adrenalin rushing, her mind snapping back to the horror of what he had done to her. And that chilling knowledge that it would happen again.

In her weakened state she crumpled, defeated. So he would take her again, do what he had done to her again…maybe even worse. Well, he would as long as she let him. The thought sprang into her head from nowhere, almost abstractly. And what had he done? Hmm? Fucked her up the ass, roughly. And it had stretched her, hurt her, bruised her.Well, so fucking what? Aren’t you a hero? Aren’t you sworn to fight injustice ‘til your dying breath? Well, you are still breathing and look at you – whimpering and squirming and feeling sorry for yourself. You stand or you fall. It’s your choice. You accept your fate or- what was it in the Dylan Thomas poem? ‘Rage, Rage against the dying of the light’. You want to live, you want to save your friends, so make it happen. Everything depends upon you…

The inner voice calmed her. It was almost as if it came from Batgirl herself, and all this time she had been suffering as Barbara. And yet she was still weak, still wearing the handcuffs. But weakness was a state of mind. She still had her training she still had her muscles, her limbs – nothing was broken. What she had lost was the will to fight. Sure she was in pain, but pain could be overcome. FOUGHT. She had gone through this process earlier- the doubt, the inadequacy, the lack of self-belief. Now she realized she had fallen back into that mindset. Barbara had been anally raped. Batgirl could not afford to be.

She wore the cowl. She was Batgirl. And Batgirl was not a victim. Batgirl stopped these terrible things happening to people. And she would stop this or die trying. But she was still bound, chained in the Magician’s handcuffs. And finally it hit her – MAGICIAN’S HANDCUFFS. Magicians who performed TRICKS. She had studied locks and handcuffs when she had practiced to pick locks as part of her crimefighter training. She remembered now that many stage cuffs had secret mechanisms. Of course in some instances the magician would hide a spare key on their person or in the chest they were locked in or whatever it was in the trick. Hopefully that didn’t apply here. But some were in the technique - a twist of the wrist, a snapped movement and – nothing happened. She slumped as her attempt failed. Dammit! She felt the cuffs themselves, moving a gloved hand awkwardly over the screwhead – and there it was! She felt the slide of the metal head beneath her touch. The excitement grew within her as Jimmy shuffled onto the stage. He was limping and one eye was swollen and closed, his jaw equally puffy and bruised.

“Tha’ fuckin’ bitch…” he said awkwardly, his speech thick and slurred as he moved towards Batwoman menacingly.

“Easy Jimmy, they’re drugged – paralyzed. Ain’t goin’ anywhere. We got hours to fuck ‘em over, and I’d say from the look of things, you’ve earned the right…” Charity said.

“We was worried about ya Cousin Jimmy. Well, I was. Charity just said ‘Fuck Cousin Jimmy’” Hope said innocently.

Jimmy glared at Charity, who looked guiltily away. He spat contemptuously down at Batwoman, his spit hitting her on the side of her cheek as she flinched. Katherine looked over at Wonder Woman who was slowly rocking her head back and forth in despair as Charity was licking up the seeping juices from her cunt like a cat with cream. But the sight gave Kate new hope. Because if the Amazon could move her head, then the effects of the spray were almost done.

Jimmy leaned down over Batgirl, who was still sprawled between Faith’s legs with the middle sister sitting behind her.

“You an’ I got some unfinished, hot stuff.” He smiled lecherously down at her.

Batgirl smiled back at him mirthlessly. “You forgot to say ‘Business’.” She sighed. “I guess its up to me to be taking care of ‘BUSINESS’! “ as she said this she clicked the cuffs free, reaching back behind herself to grab the back of Faith’s head and with one heel on the stage levered her body up as she kicked out with her other leg, smashing into Jimmy’s jaw and sending a white tooth flying through the air. The act caused an immense wave of pain in her abdomen and rectum, but she had been ready for it and was ready to ignore it and fight on through the agony and swallowed hard keeping back the pain from showing visibly. Half-risen, she pivoted around on Faith’s neck, swinging her foot around and twisting her body in the air so that now she was standing beside Faith, bent over, her weight supported by the criminal. As she pushed off a stunned Faith to stand upright she brought down a hand to chop at the back of her neck and stun the criminal for real. She almost collapsed at that point but she locked her jaw and rode out the pain. Her fellow heroines needed her now. She wriggled her shoulders and her costume was back on, albeit still undone at the back. Jimmy was still holding his bloody mouth when she kicked him full force in the testicles. His hands dropped to grab his balls and that was when she punched him squarely on the nose. He screamed a garbled scream and staggered back.

Barbara had been raped. But Batgirl would make them pay.

“Now…”she said with confidence, standing hands on shapely hips “who’s next?” She was still a little unsteady but hiding it well.

Hope looked at Charity, and pointed at her silently. Charity rose to her knees as she looked over.

Charity saw Faith, down and moaning, and watched as Jimmy collapsed onto the stage groaning. But above all she saw the fierce look of determination in Batgirl’s eye.

“Awww SHIT!” she said, worriedly.
Last edited by tallyho 8 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Masterful as always, Tallyho. Incredibly rich descriptions of how the heroines are sexually compromised and their helpless reactions to those varied and exquisite manipulations. I want to be like you when I grow up. :yes:
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Thanks Doc, I'd like to be like me when I grow up too! ;)
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Again with some introspective insight to our characters, this time Batgirl!! We get to see what makes a heroine a heroine. Very nice touch. Hope to see more. Perhaps some introspective insight into Wonder Woman or Hope?
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Another great chapter, as I spoke to you Tallyo, you are very descriptive, which makes the very interesting history
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Thanks for the comments fellas. Sorry its taken so long guys, had other stuff on. The next one won't be as long a wait, I promise. Hope you feel its worth while. As ever tell me if you like it, tell me if you don't. Its 1.20 am here now, so I'll edit it for typos etc tomorrow.


Batgirl has finally broken free and despatched Faith and Cousin Jimmy, leaving only Hope and Charity to deal with, though as both had proved in the past , they could still be formidable opponents...

“Don't be afraid Char!” Hope urged. “You can do it”

“I ain't afraid, you asshole! I'm just preferrin' it when there was four of us. Shift your boney ass and get in there with me, and we will both take the bitch down.”

“I can't Char,I said you was next.” Hope said seriously.

“Dammit Hope! That don't matter shit ! What you say don't count what I say is what matters...” she stood to face Batgirl, squaring up for a fight. “ And I say you give me a hand....”

Hope sighed heavily.”But Char I'm kinda in the middle of something...” she dipped her head to indicate Batwoman who she was 'busy' molesting.

“NOW, HOPE! I AIN'T FOOLIN'” Charity said as she swung a punch at Batgirl who evaded it easily.

Something in the way Batgirl repeatedly kept coming back for more had unsettled Charity, rocking her confidence. It seemed as if the young heroine was almost unstoppable. No matter what they had done to her, no matter what she had suffered, Batgirl , like a true hero, stood before her once more ready to fight. The relentlessness of the brave young girl's determination worried the career criminal more than she cared to admit. If they still outnumbered her 4-1 she wouldn't have been so alarmed, but two of her family had already gone down, and Hope didn't even seem to be up for this fight, which just left herself. She threw another blow which Batgirl easily swayed back to avoid.

For her part Batgirl didn't exactly feel back on top form. Though her modesty was now temporarily restored as she had pulled up her Batsuit, it was still unzipped at the back and as such didn't have the sveldt, skin-tight reassurance that it normally gave her. It was loose and she was wary of it once more dropping. She still ached terribly internally , where her brutal violation at the hands of Jimmy had hurt her horribly. Not used to such a method of intercourse, the innocent young girl had felt sickened and degraded by her sodomisation, giving her mental pain and anguish almost as intense as the physical humiliation that she had had to endure. She was dodging Charity's blows now more because she didn't yet feel strong enough to attack rather than for any tactical reason. But she knew too that she needed to deal with Charity before Hope got in on the act. With her abdomen bruised and painful she could not use her powerful thighs as a weapon – her strong scissors kick was a legend amongst the criminal underworld- even the small movements as she swayed back to dodge the clumsy blows were extremely painful for her. She was gritting her teeth and trying not show how badly it had affected her.
She saw her chance as Charity swung another wild right which Batgirl was able to duck under and land a crippling gut punch of her own which completely winded Charity.

“OOOFFFFFFF!” Charity gasped as she doubled up, breathless.

Hope gave another sigh, patting Katherine on her chest as she rose, “Don't go away I'll be right back.”

“AUUUUUGGGGGHHHHHH!” Jimmy said as he crawled on his knees supported by one palm as the other hand still clutched his balls. His head was down and he seemed to be going nowhere, aimlessly crossing the stage, only vaguely aware of what was around him. He seemed to focus in then on Charity's groan as she was struck, heading towards the noise without looking up.

Batgirl, ever alert , cast a quick glance in his direction and on the basis he couldn't yet stand, dismissed him as an immediate threat. As Charity collapsed to her knees Batgirl would have normally finished her with a knee to the head, but with the delicate state of her loins she didn't feel up to the task, landing a light blow with her gauntleted fist to the side of Charity's jaw which sent her sprawling onto her side. Hope rushed recklessly at Batgirl who simply ducked under the youngest sister and then straightened herself back upright, levering Hope up and over Batgirl's back to drop flat on the stage staring up at the ceiling in surprise. But just that modest act had been immensely painful for the Angel of Gotham , sending spasms of pain though her pelvic floor. She grimaced beneath the mask and tried not to show weakness.

“OOOOOO” Hope said in surprise as she landed heavily.

“Way to go Batgirl!!!!” Katherine cried as she tried to move against the drug – almost there but not quite worn off. “Take 'em down Batgirl! You can do it, I know you can!” Batwoman cried encouragingly.

Batgirl flashed a forced smile of confidence that she didn't feel towards her fellow crimefighter ,as she turned to tackle Hope. But pain had slowed her down and given Hope a second or so to recover and scramble a few feet away. Rolling and scurrying, she rose and then seemed to remember something . A slow smile spread across her face as she reached down her cleavage for the Batsleep.

Batgirl was oblivious to the impending danger but she knew that whatever Hope held in her hand now couldn't be good. She bravely closed regardless with the youngest Grace sister.

“Not so fast Batty....I got a present for ya...” said Hope as she brandished the object at arms length and pressed down on its top.

Batgirl froze mid step as Hope's arm extended but she could only look on in surprise as a tiny blue and yellow flame flickered into life about an inch from Hope's finger.

“A- oh! “ Said Hope in surprise. “Cousin Jimmy, I just found your lighter! I forgot I found it in the kitchen. You must have left it there when you dressed up as the cop earlier.” Hope said turning to face Jimmy, who was still edging closer.

“Never mind that now, you crazy bitch!” groaned Charity.

Hope turned back to face Batgirl and had a spectacularly close up view of Batgirl's famous blue-purple gauntlets. She took the punch full on the chin and went down like a fallen oak, crashing ass first to the stage as she collapsed on her back to lie sprawled.

Batgirl locked her jaw against the waves of pain that rippled through her lower body, stepping gingerly over to Charity who was just rising to one knee, striding past Jimmy who released his grip on his balls to flap a hand at her ineffectually. He edged forward on all fours..

Batgirl stood before Charity in classic fighting stance, legs braced apart, one foot forward of the other, her fists clenched, one held back low at her hip, the other forward and raised slightly, her forearm presented to ward off a blow.

As Charity rose, Batgirl flashed forwards with her fists, again with a Miss Pggy-like cry of “Hiiiiiii-YAHHH!” as she threw first one punch ,then the other .

Charity, always a wily opponent, managed to sway past the first as she lunged forward herself, only to be stopped in her tracks as she walked straight into Batgirl's second strike.

“YESSSSS!!!!” cried Batwoman in triumph as she saw Charity go down.

Batgirl froze in the follow through position, her feet still apart, breathing heavily with her exertions. She felt exhilarated but exhausted. Hope and Charity were down and out - now to make sure of Faith and then release her friends. Jimmy was still several feet behind her and still incapable of standing.

Batgirl turned her attention to where Faith lay barely coming to. But it was a mistake. She heard a slight scrabbling sound behind her and by the time she realised it must be Jimmy it was too late.

Incapable of standing, Jimmy had been faking his inability to act. Instead he suddenly scrambled forwards on all fours, rising to his toes and supported by one hand as he launched himself, his free hand swinging up between Batgirl's slender thighs to slam into the unsuspecting girl's loins with a devastating force. As the cruel blow struck home Batgirl screamed and clasped her womanhood, her satin gloves pressing on her slender slit in a desperate attempt to ease the dreadful agony that was washing over her from the base of her pelvis. The blow had landed at the perineum, the crucial point between the anus and the vagina, the gap between front and back that in Batgirl's case was already tender. It had slammed home with appalling force. Her knees slammed together as her head flung back in a scream that echoed from the stage to the furthest reaches of the theatre. It rang with a terrible sense of tragedy in the ears of her two fellow heroines. As she saw the blow land and she heard the anguished cry of her ally Wonder Woman winced and slowly closed her eyes in despair. Batwoman could only look on horrified at the most cowardly of attacks that had felled her brave friend and fellow champion of justice.

“AAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH-OH-HUH-HUH-OOOOH” the scream faded as so too did hopes of her rescuing her friends. She felt sick to the pit of her stomach as she sank to her knees.

AAAAA-AAAAAA---HAAAAAAAUUUUGGGGGGHHHHHH -GOD!” she gasped. She felt the waves of pain wash over her and everything else disappeared from her world. She clasped her genitals as her eyes clamped shut, her teeth clenched in agony.

Jimmy lay sprawled and panting, but he wasn't too exhausted to mock the heroines.

You can do it Batgirl! Take 'em all down! I know you can do it! HA-HAH-HA-HA-HA” He laughed.
“Ain't so funny when its YOU getting hit in the crotch is it sweetheart, huh?” Jimmy panted.

All fight had left Batgirl. Her misery was complete as she was dimly aware of all four of the family gang slowly recovering and rising to their feet . Charity high -fived Jimmy before standing imperiously before Batgirl.

Batgirl was doubled up on her knees moaning and groaning when she was aware of hands beneath her arms yanking her torso upright

“NO!” she gasped as she was manhandled.

“Leave her alone you bastards!” Kate called impotently, knowing it would have no effect but powerless to stop the words coming.

Batgirl too, was completely powerless as she could only struggle feebly in the grip of the two. Sickened, she swallowed back the fear as her head fell back on her shoulders. She roused herself slightly bringing her lolling head back up to the vertical.

“Well now, seein' as how I finally got your full attention...You've lead us quite a dance tonight ain't ya, sweetie? Well, its time for a 'ladies excuse me'...” She struck Batgirl with a vicious blow to the jaw. In her weakened state it was enough. Batgirl stiffened and then slumped in their arms. Charity dipped her head and the two younger sisters dropped her unceremoniously to the ground.

Batgirl sprawled, her head rolling slightly as she lay on her back and one thigh resting on top of the other. She groaned, a piteous sound, before she lay still, unconscious.

“Excuuuuuuse Me!” Charity crowed over the body of the stricken young hero.

“YOU! YOU'RE JUST...JUST COWARDLY ANIMALS!” Katherine cried in frustration.

“'YOU CAN DO IT BATGIRL!'” Charity mocked her as Jimmy had done , in a squeaky, mickey mouse -style voice. “Well, I'd say you been misinformed.”

Wonder Woman didn't say anything but struggled to move against the paralyzing drug. Katherine was secretly heartened by how much movement she had, but it was still not yet enough for the Amazon to spring into action. Katherine too would have to bide her time. She was alarmed that Wonder Woman hadn't yet recovered, but then she realised that in all probability they had hit her with more of the spray than she herself had suffered.

“Strip her girls.... Jimbo ,why don't you keep an eye on the dumb duo over there huh? Just until you get your breath back, so to speak. Me an' my sisters gonna give you a bit of a floor show you might say...” Charity said as she watched the two paralyzed heroines squirm and twist where they lay. But even she didn't take in the significance that both were moving far more than they had been able to just a few minutes before.

With Batgirl helpless and unconscious, the two younger sisters manipulated her limp body as they pleased, roughly man-handling her as they stripped her back down to the waist then callously letting her upper torso drop so her head slammed once more into the wooden stage. Fortunately Batgirl's reinforced metal cowl protected the back of her head from damage, but it was yet another stunning blow to the already defeated hero. She groaned piteously in her daze.


“Oh, I'm sure we can raise a much better moan of pleasure than that,right girls?” Charity cooed.

The younger sisters laughed in tandem.

Faith put a hand beneath Batgirl's butt and rolled her partially over as she and Hope pulled the bottom half of the Batsuit down over her trim hips and on down past her slender thighs to below her knees.

“Step aside ladies...” Charity said as she held her hands aloft either side of her head and flicked her wrists dismissively, shooing away her sisters. “Let the dog see the rabbit...or in this case the Bat....<he-he>” she laughed quietly to herself before she settled down comfortably to lie beside the half-naked body of the once-proud crimefighter.

She kept her eyes on Batwoman and Wonder Woman for reaction as she slowly caressed the young girl's cheek with the back of her knuckles as she propped herself up on the other elbow. She continued the touch down, over her neck, onto the sweeping curve of her shoulder where she turned it palm down and lightly stroked the skin on the upper arm, down to the elbow where the costume was bunched at the sleeves at the top of Batgirl's gloves. She moved back up, over the upper arm, cresting the gentle bulge of Batgirl's small but firm biceps, scooting around the armpit to land on Batgirl's delightful upper chest, teasing over the firm muscle and tendons she found there before slipping in towards the centre of the breast, her whole hand now pressed flat and warm against Batgirl's skin. She moved it down over the gentle rise of the nearest breast to her, pressing firmly against the softer yielding flesh of the mammary. She splayed her fingers wider and moved the whole of her hand slowly in small little circles over the tit as if wiping condensation from a window . As her palm covered the nipple she pushed down, curling her gentle fingers over the flattened curve of Batgirl's breast to hook around the boob like a claw. She squeezed cruelly hard, watching her actions provoke a frenzy of impotent activity from the two powerless heroes before her. All the while she molested Batgirl she never once took her eyes off the two senior heroines. She slid her hand slightly so that the nipple was exposed between her thumb and the knuckle of her fore finger. She squeezed the breast forcing the soft flesh to bulge up between the gap in her fingers, sending the blood rushing to the nipple and forcing it to rise, hard like a bullet tip. Charity with her eyes locked on the Amazon dipped her chin to touch Batgirl's chest then slid it towards her own hand, keeping it in contact with skin until the last moment when she raised her head slightly over her hand before descending at the last moment to savagely bite on the end of the teat like some ravenous sexual zombie. She pinched it painfully between her upper and lower teeth and shook her head like a lioness with her prey.

“UUUUUGGGGHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH...........” Batgirl moaned loudly as the pain penetrated her slumber, her face scrunching up in unconscious agony

“GET OFF OF HER YOU SCUM!!!” shrieked Katherine as Wonder Woman just growled in rage as she 'Hummmmmpppppphhhed' as she tried once more to move.

Charity slid the hand off the breast and over the well defined, toned muscle of Batgirls' abdominals, her visible but still feminine six pack rippling beneath the horrific touch of the criminal. Charity sucked on the teat between her lips before she released it, delighting at the teeth marks sprang up in an angry red crescent necklace around the nipple as it jumped back into place like soft rubber.

Her hand's journey continued down to the tattered remnants of Batgirl's panties, slipping beneath the torn garment where she hesitated, before curling the fingers around, below the rise of the mound and pressing down with her palm against Batgirl's cleft. She squeezed, forcing the labial lips to rise to fill her hand, feeling the wet secretions from her earlier trials seep against her palm.

“Hmmmnnnnn....Its wet and yielding....and soft, like warm butter...” She squeezed even harder and this time a dribble of natural lubricant seeped out, trickling downward between Charity's fingers as she smiled cruelly as Batgirl uttered a powerless moan as a wordless call for help. As Charity squeezed harder so Batgirls' sex swelled beneath the pressure, filling her hand, squashing between her fingers.

“OOOOO....”Charity groaned, closing her eyes in secret personal pleasure. “ It feels feels like putting your hand in a can of warm peaches....” she opened her eyes and laughed as Batgirl groaned once more.

“YOU DESPICABLE SCUM!!!! YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS!!!!! YOU'LL ALL PAY FOR THIS” Wonder Woman finally screamed at her assailants

“Hell, I'd pay for this!” Jimmy laughed, causing Faith to snigger.

In the auditorium, in row A, seat 29 in the Grand Circle, the sole member of the audience tossed a stale piece of popcorn up into her mouth, caught it there, gave a partial chew and then spat it out.

Damn. She should have known it was bad. It had probably been sitting in the machine in the foyer for weeks. Her feet were crossed at the ankles, resting on the edge of the Grand Circle balcony. She sighed as she uncrossed them . Time to get ready. She had let this go on far too long. But in truth she had thought Batgirl was going to win through. Then, when she hadn't ...well, in all honesty she had just wondered what would happen next. Then, when Charity had started her cruel caress....well, it had aroused her, drawing her in seductively to just be a witness to the violation. But she knew that was wrong. She thought how best to announce her presence to those on stage... and decided on a time honoured tradition. She clapped ….slowly.

On stage, heroes and villains froze, alike. “WHAT THE HELL?” cried Charity as a sub way train far beneath rumbled by, breaking the silence. “WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!!!” she left her victim and leaped up in alarm .

“Its someone clapping Char.” Hope said keen to solve the mystery. "Or a little Earthquake again...."

“I know that you fucking moron, but who is it that's clapping?!!!!”

“Well, it ain't me Char.” Hope said simply. “'Cos I'm right here.”

“Ohhhh, sweet Jesus!!!” Charity said rolling her eyes.

“I don't think its him either...”said Hope helpfully.
Last edited by tallyho 8 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Love the surprise entrance, masterfully timed. I can't wait to see who it is.
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Great chapter on suspicion of who that person is, but let's wait for the next chapter
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Oi, where is the next chapter?!
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Yes my sincerest apologies I am working on it (slowly!) But real life kept on getting in the way.
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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tallyho wrote:Yes my sincerest apologies I am working on it (slowly!) But real life kept on getting in the way.
I miss this so much :thumbup:
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Finally! I hear you cry and my sincerest apologies for such a long break from this story - that's what happens when you have 8 projects on the go and then real life decides to crap all over your chips. I hope there are enough former readers still alive to remember the story and take an interest. If you are still out there, please leave a comment! And my apologies to the creators of the Bond theme 'Mr Kiss Kiss Bang Bang'


Whilst Batgirl, Batwoman and Wonder Woman are still helpless prisoners in the clutches of the evil Grace sisters and their cousin Jimmy, a stranger appears...but whose side is she on...?

The clapping slowly faded to silence, leaving those on stage peering out into the darkness, frowning beneath the lights of the theatre.

“HIT IT MAESTRO!” cried the voice in the darkness and on cue a trumpet blared out from the speakers in the wings.


“OOOOHHHH GOODY! MUSIC!” clapped Hope excitedly. “I like music!”

There was a thunderflash on stage and as the smoke cleared a woman appeared in high heels, fishnet stockings and dress tails. She had a black silk top hat cocked at a jaunty angle and stood legs crossed with her back to them, her left foot on her right side and vice versa. As the music started in earnest she spun around, uncrossing her legs in the turn. Her head was lowered, her hat stylishly dipped to cover one eye. Her raven hair fell past her shoulders, while beneath the tails jacket she wore a white silken waistcoat that barely concealed a spectacular cleavage. She wore no shirt but had a dickie-bow tie around her throat on a neckband. With practiced ease she flicked the brim of the top hat to tilt it the other way, hiding her other eye as she began to sing in time to the music.

'DAH-DA-DAH-DAHHHH!DAH-DA-DAH-DAHHHH! DAH-DA-DAH-DAHHHH! DAH-DA-DAH-DAHHHH! DUUUU-OO, DU-OO-OO...' the music faded slightly as a disembodied voice began to sing, and the sexy stranger took up the melody.

“She's taaaaaall, and She's dark,

And like a shark,

She looks for trouble,

And she fiiiiiiiiinds it

At the double,

For Zatannas her name!”

As she sang she danced lightly between the sisters and Jimmy, pressing up seductively against him as she pressed her body close, her hands running lightly over his chest, down to his hips and then a round to grab his butt, all the while making contact with her dark, seductively wide eyes. She moved on to toy with Hope, running a light finger up her delicate neck before flipping it off her chin as she spun and turned before continuing with the song .

“She's faaaast,

And She's smooth,

And She can sooooothe

You like vanilla,

Her life reads like a thriller

ZATANNA's her name!”

“She'll thrill you!

And she'll chill you!

And make you weak, at the knees!

But she's certain, that she'll please

For Zatanna's her name!”

She waggled a shoulder seductively as she pouted with her chin upon it at Charity who glared at her, non-committally, but Faith, Hope and Jimmy were clearly smitten.

“Madamoiselles and dangers

Have filled this stranger's past,

But like a knife -

She cuts through life-

Like everyday's her LAAAAASSST!”

Hope was beaming and clapping, hopping up and down in little skipping jumps, whilst Faith threw a quick glance at Charity before locking her eyes on that fantastic cleavage once more. She didn't realise it but she was holding her breath in anticipation.

“She's strooooooong!

And she's smart!

And she's sure to break your heart!

She'll lead you to your grave!

But-its HER -that-you'll- still-crave!


As the strange woman's head turned away from her, Charity had brought down both hands laced in a sickening double blow to the young woman's neck, prompting a low gasp from Wonder Woman as she saw another chance of escape snatched away.

“WATCHYA DO THAT FOR?!” Hope cried in dismay as she looked at the crumpled form on the ground. The woman had fallen on her side, her elbows bent so that both hands were loosely clawed at ease before her face. The top hat had rolled away and a cascade of dark hair fell about her shoulders above the top of the white bustier. Her dress tails had fallen away from her butt to reveal a high cut white satin bottom part to her outfit, with a spectacular view of her smooth, creamy white thighs ensnared in the fine fishnet tights that she wore. The fantastic side profile of her butt looked amazingly inviting to Jimmy, Faith and Hope alike. Batwoman's view, at ground level, was somewhat obstructed, but even she had to admit, she had LOVED what she had seen so far. Her feelings of despair at not being rescued were somewhat secondary to the slight disappointment that twitched between her thighs as she realised that, tied down and helpless as she was, this stunning newcomer WASN'T going to be taking advantage of her. Like Wonder Woman, she too gave a sigh of frustration, but it was frustration for a different reason.

“Because, dumbass, the bitch was frisking us! All that rubbing up against us, she was patting us down.”

“Oh I know that, “ said Hope. “I saw her take Jimmy's blade from his back pocket, but why'd ya hit her like that?”

“You wha-?” Charity and Faith said in unison, both surprised, before Charity went on.

“Hope, if you saw her, why didn't you SAY something?! And how the hell did you see that anyhow?”

“Its one of the few good things I can do, remember,? Pick locks, PICK POCKETS,Read lips, READ MINDS.” She counted them off on her four fingers.

Faith sighed. “Hope, you can't read minds...”

“Oh can't I?” Said Hope, skeptically, raising a questioning eyebrow. “Then how come, right now, I know you are thinking 'Dumb ass Hope thinking she can read minds...


“My knife? She took my freakin' blade? “Jimmy mumbled to himself as he patted his empty back pocket. “SON-OF-A-BITCH!” he cried as he stormed over to where the young woman lay.

Zatanna uttered a low groan as she started to come to, which was replaced by a gasp of pain as Jimmy viciously kicked her upright shoulder, flipping her body all the way over on to her back with a second low moan. As she rolled and her body settled a switch blade fell from her sleeve and skittered a few inches across the stage.

“That frickin' bitch!” Jimmy declared as he stomped over to retrieve his knife from the stage

Zatanna's head had rocked to one side and her eyes fluttered open as she recovered from Charity's stunning blow. She found herself looking at the slightly angry face of Wonder Woman, bound on the floor a few feet away.

“You HAD to make an entrance, huh?” the Amazon hissed angrily. Zatanna and her had a slightly uneasy relationship with a distinct lack of faith in her on the part of the Amazon. It was understandable as at one time Zatanna had been controlled by malevolent magic and her body used as a vessel to infiltrate the Justice League . But even now, years later, Wonder Woman still had a resentment towards her. In truth that was partly why Zatanna had stayed in the Circle seats so long, a sense of schadenfreude at watching the misfortunes befall the Amazon. She would have stepped in if there was the immediate danger of death but as there wasn't, she had been quite happy to watch what amounted to a Lesbian floor show. Though as the latter stages of that had primarily involved Batgirl, she did feel decidedly guilty now.

“Hey, its what I do...” she whispered back before she rolled quickly away from her position and was up on her toes braced on her finger tips in an instant, watching the sisters argue about Hope's 'mind reading' from beneath her dark hair, that fell forward as she moved across the floor.

“Son of a bitch! She's back in the game!” Jimmy said surprised.

“You'd better believe it, small-balls...” Zatanna said as she caught her breath. It was stupid, but she just felt naked without her top hat.
Em-ot-tah-pot” she whispered in a low incantation that saw her hat develop a life of its own and fly across the stage towards her. She caught it dexterously by the brim and in one fluid movement and with a roll of her wrist had effortlessly placed it back upon her head. She stood up, with a satisfied sigh and pulled her coat tails down to adjust her look, brushing away dust upon her sleeves. She swayed back with impeccable timing to avoid a rash right hook from Jimmy.

“Oooo! Magic! Real Magic! “ Cried Hope delightedly, clapping once more as the hat flew to its owner, followed by “OOO Boxing! Really bad boxing!” as she saw Jimmy swing and miss. “Go get her Cousin Jimmy!” she clapped and winced as she saw Zatanna deftly hit her assailant whenever she wanted.

“Try blocking the punches Cousin Jimmy! “ Hope cried helpfully. “But maybe try NOT blocking them with your face....” she winced again as a flurry of precise blows landed from the magician and Jimmy fell to his knees. He triggered his switch blade only to drop it onto the floor almost instantly, causing, rather oddly, another round of applause from Hope.

Faith flicked a back hand into Charity. “Let's get her! You too sis...” she said to Hope.

“Aww can't we watch a bit more? I think she's getting tired of hitting him so hard...”

A final flurry of blows saw Jimmy go down like a sack of potatoes.

“Awww....” Hope said offering a polite round of applause for effort.

“Right...” said Zatanna with satisfaction , having barely broken a sweat. “Who's next?” she said with a very sexy smile and a wink at Hope.

“OO! OOO! DO ME ! DO ME! DO SOME MAGIC ON ME!” Hope cried excitedly.

“Hope, you moron ! She didn't use any magic on him, she just beat the crap out o'him! “ Faith said.

“Well she's gonna need more than hocus pocus to get the better of US!” Charity said evilly as she started to close, her and Faith moving apart to divert Zatannas attention.


“What ? 'toh der efink?' What the fuck is that?” said Faith

“Its 'knife red hot' you asshole” Charity said with an angry sigh.

“Yeah and then he dropped his knife! Cos, it was like red hot...”

“Oh shit !” muttered Zatanna under her breath, as her secret was discovered. “EZEERF -EMI-OOOF!” she cried, as Hope flung a sandbag that had dropped and missed Wonder Woman earlier, across the stage winding her as it struck Zatanna in the gut. She had been concentrating on the menacing approach of the two older sisters and like the other heroines before her, had seriously underestimated Hope.

“GET HER!” cried Charity as she and Faith rushed in to close on her as Zatanna doubled up clutching her stomach as she gasped for air. They grabbed an elbow each as Zatanna put her head back and gulped in a lungful of air before gasping


“NO YOU DONTS!” shouted Hope as she jumped on her back, and, not having a gag, she just shoved her hand into the magician's mouth to stop her speaking, her other arm hooked around her neck as she gripped Zatanna's waist with her knees, but accidentally kicked Charity in the ribs as she did so. As the four of them struggled Hope not-so-accidentally kicked Charity in the ribs again.

With Hope's hand rammed between her teeth, Zatanna couldn't speak her backward spells, so she did the only thing she could do, as her arms were held firmly at wrist and elbow by the elder sisters – she bit down hard on the knuckle and forefinger.

Hope bravely stuck the pain for a while, far longer than Zatanna had expected, but when the skin broke and a trickle of blood started to flow into Zatanna's mouth she knew the young girl was about to release her – she had to, or risk losing a finger. Zatanna felt the warm, sickly- sweet taste of that red trickle land on her taste buds, just as Hope finally screamed and released her jaw, Zatanna feeling the grip ease and opening her own mouth to let the young girl withdraw her hand.

“EZEERF E-OOOF!!!!” Zatanna cried as another blow to her stomach from Faith winded her temporarily., again stopping her mid-chant

“SHIT! I THINK THE KID'S RIGHT! SHE KEEPS SAYING 'FREEZE' BACKWARDS! We gotta stop her saying anything more! Work on her gut!” Faith said to Charity and the two released Zatannas wrists but held her upper arms, to take turns in a series of alternate blows to her abdomen and stomach, that once more knocked off her precious top hat.

EZE-OOFFFF” Zatanna gasped again as she desperately tried her incantation.

“SHE DONE AND BITTED ME!” Hope said, sucking her injured hand before landing a kick between Zatanna's legs, her toe sinking deep into the magicians soft vulnerable parts, causing a further gasp from her victim as this time her legs sagged as her knees instinctively closed together. Only Faith and Charity were holding her up now and her head groggily lolled from side to side with each blow. A thin strand of pinkish drool slowly seeped from between her luscious lips as Hope's blood was washed off her teeth by Zatanna's own saliva, before escaping between the rose-red lips in a slow bid for freedom.

“Hold her, Hope!” Charity ordered as Hope, still shaking her hand to ease the pain slid her arms around each of the groggy magicians elbows, pinning them back as her long dark hair fell forward as her head nodded with each further blow. Charity grabbed her by the chin with her left hand and lifted the dazed maid's head up to look her in the eye. Too stunned and breathless to speak, the brave young woman could only look bleary-eyed at her tormentor. Her head sagged once more and her chin dropped to her chest before Charity lifted it again with a cruel laugh at her plight.

“Zatanna, huh?” she said with a malevolent smile. “I gotta admit, I ain't too impressed with your efforts to save these three bimbos so far...” she nodded her head to one side to indicate Batgirl, Wonder Woman and Batwoman. “Still, I'm sure you gonna give us a real nice show in a little while...” she gripped the magicians sex with her other hand and squeezed, enjoying the feeling of the soft warm mound beneath the white satin costume, the hint of softer panties beneath her fingers under the outer fabric. She rolled her middle finger around delicately, over the gentle rises of Zatanna's outer lips and then just giving the briefest of touches into the hint of the cleft that lay beneath the satin and (she supposed) silk. Zatanna winced in shame and frustration, a tight lipped grimace on her face as still she fought to get her breath back. She opened her mouth slightly wider to try once more but Faith was ready, landing another blow to her midiriff that left her staggered , winded once more and literally speechless.

E-OOOFFFFF-UUUNNNNNNGGGGHH.....!” she panted as the blow landed.

As her head spasmed with the reflex response to the blow , Charity held her rigid, forcing it upright, forcing the brave champion of justice to look her in the eye. She pressed her finger harder into the helpless young woman's cleft, delighting at the look of horrified, powerless angst that crossed those beautiful features.

Breathless, Zatanna could only gulp back her pain and shame. She swallowed hard, her jaw set in a grim expression as she watched Charity remove her wandering hand and clench it back in a fist. All she could do was watch in despair as she waited for the cruel blow to fall.

“Nighty-night, 'Maid of Magic' she quoted the tag line on one of the posters in the lobby for Zatanna's act as she landed the vicious blow on the helpless heroine.

Zatanna's head snapped around to the right, her whole body going rigid in the grip of the evil trio, before sagging, senseless , as she slumped in their arms.

“Let the bitch drop.” Charity said with a dip of her head to indicate the floor and both Hope and Faith released her, the limp body crumpling and slumping to the floor.

“No body likes a biter! “ Hope cried at her and kicked the crumpled form causing it to sprawl flat. Then she ran over to the magician's top hat and shook it.

“AWWW! It ain't got no rabbit in it Char! I wanted me a rabbit....” she said sullenly.

Charity ignored her, staring down intently at the prone body of the hero at her feet. Faith stood alongside her, smiling broadly.

“Wow, helluva body on her...” the middle sister said appreciatively. “What we gonna do Char?”

Charity smiled too.“Ooooh yeah. And we are gonna explore every inch of it. But first things first....”

She didn't finish the sentence, causing Faith to raise her eyebrows expectantly.

“Gag the bitch.”

Faith smiled, pulling a clutch of multi-coloured silken handkerchiefs from the top pocket of Zatanna's tuxedo tails.

“Oh, I got that covered...” she smiled with a cruel grin.
Last edited by tallyho 7 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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Like Zatanna, I'm left breathless by this exciting but all too brief chapter. More please.
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Staff Sargeant
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Another great chapter, the sisters are becoming expert at capturing heroines, really very good, I liked the appearance of Zattanna, we'll see how it will now
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Great story, but will we ever see a finale?
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Yes I am typing up the next chapter now there are 2 maybe 3 more to go.
Had a change in personal circumstances 3 years back and with all the other projects ongoing its difficult to get back to this. But I am now re reading it with a view to post in 3-4 weeks. Got part of it done already

Thanks for the comments
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

I am here to help one and all enjoy this site, so if you have any questions or feel you are being trolled please contact me (Hit the 'CONTACT' little speech bubble below my Avatar).
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tallyho wrote:
3 years ago
Yes I am typing up the next chapter now there are 2 maybe 3 more to go.
Had a change in personal circumstances 3 years back and with all the other projects ongoing its difficult to get back to this. But I am now re reading it with a view to post in 3-4 weeks. Got part of it done already

Thanks for the comments
Hey - this is great news - I am glad you are getting to do something for yourself! All the best,

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My current story is Supergirl V Bane

This is all the stuff I've done here but don't tell anyone about this!
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Part 24

Batgirl, Batwoman ,Wonder Woman and now the magician Zatanna have all fallen foul of the three Grace sisters, Faith, Hope and Charity, aided by their partner in crime , Cousin Jimmy in the old Windsor Theatre, temporarily abandoned due to a gas leak. After a series of to and fro battles the heroines have been laid low by a series of traps, weight of numbers, treachery and sheer bad luck. At each twist of fortune they have found themselves molested by the gang of villains and forced to endure a terrible array of sexual torture. Batgirl has suffered a brutal and agonizing anal rape at the hands of cousin Jimmy, and lies broken and barely conscious on the stage of the makeshift hideout. Batwoman and Wonder Woman have been mercilessly molested by the bisexual sisters, though in the case of Batwoman this hasn’t always been the hellish experience that the sisters envisaged for her. For Wonder Woman, desperate to save her young friend Batgirl from the despicable sisters, the expert lesbian attentions of the three have been mostly a frustrating distraction from her mission.
With Batgirl physically and mentally exhausted, Batwoman and Wonder Woman paralyzed by Batwoman’s own Bat- freeze spray, things looked bleak for the trio until Zatanna arrived. But as she systematically disarmed the villains using seductive techniques, Charity Grace saw through her and has rendered her unconscious. Bound and gagged so she cannot use her spells, Zatanna’s fate also looks as grim as her compatriots.
But as the Batfreeze spray wears off is there yet hope for our heroes...?

Read on to find out!

Now that Zatanna too, was bound and gagged with her own magicians silk handkerchief string, the sisters gathered to survey their handiwork. Cousin Jimmy, walking gingerly due to a vast number of blows and one bite (from Batgirl) to his genitals, hobbled over to stand beside them.

Zatanna had her wrists tied tightly in front of her with the stream of silk handkerchiefs from her sleeve, with the other end of the stream stuffed solidly into her mouth as a gag. Faith had been surprised by the length of the handkerchief string that just seemed to keep on coming as she pulled it out. She had tried to tear it up but gave up and settled on trying it tightly and leaving two kerchief lengths loose, stuffing the rest into her victim's mouth. Her cheeks were now bulging with it. The Lady Sorcerer (as it called her on the posters) lay flat on her back. That postervwas a particular annoyance for the magician as she should have been dubbed a sorceress, but they had been printed that way by her agent. But right now she had bigger problems.

The villains looked down at her in the stage lights. The battle had caused her white silk leotard- like bottoms to press in slightly to the raised mound between her powerful thighs. Her legs weren’t bound and the whole elegant length if them was visible in the fishnet tights she was wearing. She wore black high heeled shoes but the heel, though slender, was of a modest size. The open toes revealed black painted toe nails. Faith started her survey there at the elegantly shaped feet, following up the curvaceous calf and smooth, rounded shin, reflecting the light in a sheen even below the tights; the knees were strong, the patella sitting flatly in the main body of the leg, glowing slightly dark brown in the stage lights; then her thighs, strong, smooth, powerful and flawless. Her act often called for her to grip a pole or a beam with one leg crooked around it and so her well toned legs were strong from heel to crotch, used to supporting her weight. Also they were equally used to delivering a kick like a mule in combat. But now, they lay still. And all were encased in the silken fishnet tights creating black framed diamonds of skin , smooth and inviting , calling out to be touched. Jimmy put a toe beneath the small of her back, standing on the bottom of her tails, putting the heel onto her jacket for leverage as he lifted his toe so they all had a view of her butt as she rolled slightly over in the opposite direction.

Maybe it was the stage lights, picking out the delightful curves in light and shadow, perfect half crescents of ass cheek with a slight horizontal crease where they met the top of her thigh; or maybe it was the fishnets, disappearing beneath the briefs that invited the viewer to take a look-see, to find out just what beauty had been caught in the net of those tights; or maybe it was the satin leotard bottoms poking out from beneath the waistcoat,in creamy virginal white, that gave each curvaceous orb a flawless, smooth surface that just cried out to be patted, to be kneaded , to be touched. Whatever it was, there was denying it . That ass was SPECTACULAR.

Jesus..” said Charity appreciatively.

There was a long moment of silence from all four villains

“Dibbs on her butt!” shouted Hope.

“Dibbs on her pussy!” shouted cousin Jimmy.

“Dibbs on her tits!” shouted Faith.

“W-?Wait, what the hell?” cried Charity in dismay. “I’ve said before , there are no FREAKIN’ DIBBS!”

“Great , I’ll take it all then” said Jimmy with a grin , putting a cigarette in his mouth but failing to locate his lighter as he patted himself down.

“No you fucking won't" Charity declared.”We been here before, there’s no dibs and I am the boss around here. I say the way it goes down!”

Jimmy held up both palms placatingly, grinning at teasing her once more. He knew not to get her riled.

“Hope , you got Batmom over there, Jimmy you wanted Batgirl, well you got her, and make the bitch pay for that bite. Faith you get to show Wonder Woman what a wonder you are , but SHE-" Charity pointed forcefully down at Zatanna,” is gonna be mine. We can all swap later anyways. But for I’m gonna do some magic tricks...” she said with relish .

Cousin Jimmy kicked her with his toe and Zatanna rocked gently back and forth. Her bound hands were resting on her groin, her crossed wrists at her waist, her slack fingertips resting gently on her satin bottoms just above her cleft. Jimmy squatted down with a wince or two, held up a hand to indicate he was ok despite his obvious pain, then smoothed the silken white briefs over her lower torso, sliding his hand palm down beneath hers, moving her hands out of the way. He looked at the smooth surface he had created over her abdomen like a craftsman inspecting his handiwork. He pressed his palm down, flattening her abdomen, feeling it rise into his hand with her intake of breath as he pushed down upon her. Her skin was hidden beneath the silk or satin briefs but beneath his hand he could feel its warmth. He noticed that warmth too. He looked up the length of her body, seeing the rhythmic swelling of her breasts against the white satin bustier- styled bodice- waistcoat. Her raven black hair was tousled and her stuffed mouth made it difficult to see her true beauty. But he was pretty certain from what he could see that she was stunning. He rose to look at Charity.

“Ok, Char. But I’m next. I’m a bit... tender down below there so I'll forego Batbitch for now, I figure I'll just watch you gals make out. Til’re done with her “ he dipped his head towards Zatanna.

“Hey can I have her AND Wondie?” Faith asked about Batgirl.

“Sure. Go knock yourself out.” Charity said offhandedly. Her gaze was locked on Zatanna like a cheetah with its prey, ready to run it to ground. But bound and unconscious, this prey wouldn’t take much hunting.

Hope settled back down to lie beside Batwoman , paralyzed and helpless. She placed her palms across the heroine's chest, the elbows bent so the fingers could interlace opposite each other and settled her chin down on the back of her hand to stare dreamily at Batwoman. When Kate's gaze flicked to the young criminal Hope blew her a kiss only with her mouth, her hands still beneath her chin.

“ I like you. I mean she’s sweet an all,” she tilted her head slightly in Batgirl's direction, “ but you got that milky white skin... those ruby red lips ...killer bod...” she looked slyly left and right before whispering “and I think you like me too"

Batwoman just stared impassively but Hope, laying across her body undoubtedly excited her. It was wrong but inevitable. Her heart rate picked up , beating a tattoo of longing deep in her breast and her nipples swelled against the black latex of her suit, causing the hard little hillocks to press out once more.

Hope felt the heart rate quicken, she laughed, raising her head and twitching up her shoulders as she did so.

“You DO! I knew it!” she crowed delightedly. She wriggled her body up Batwoman , resting her chin this time on Kate’s chin. The rubbing of their bodies up close was not unpleasant to Kate.

Hope learned forward and nibbled Kate’s bottom lip, stretching it to an almost painful length before releasing it with a wet ‘bwop' noise as it hit her teeth and then wobbled before lying still. It glistened wetly in the stage lighting, the pinch of the bite causing it to swell as the blood rushed to fill it. Paralyzed still, Batwoman stared breathlessly at Hope. God , she wanted to kiss her, or for her to kiss Kate.

Hope licked Katherine’s chin. Slowly , relishing the rough wet contact with the smooth dry surface.

Hope smiled and in a passable impersonation of sports referee Mills Laine said “Let's get it on!”

Jimmy sat gingerly on a chair near the table, stage left. He again fumbled for his missing lighter before throwing away the cigarette in annoyance.

Faith hauled Batgirl to lie beside Wonder Woman, dragging the near-limp little body with ease, prompting the Amazon to cast a deeply concerned look at the brave young crimefighter. Faith saw it and smiled.

“She's REALLY fucked!” Faith said mockingly . “But I do believe I heard her whisper just then as I moved her..” she squatted down beside Batgirl tilting her head as she pretended to listen.

“What’s that Batgirl? You wanna lick Wonder Woman out?!!! Why Batgirl I’m shocked!” she made a pretence of feigned surprise, jaw dropping open as she spread a palm across her chest.

“You FILTH “ Wonder Woman said tearfully but the tears were not for her but for her young companion.

Faith smiled as she pulled Batgirl down by her ankles, dragging her on her back until her head was level with Wonder Woman's crotch. Batgirl groaned feebly as her head rocked back and forth slightly.

“Actually, I think its her that gonna get a bit ‘filthy,' isn’t that what the Brits say? You sound kinda snobby and English sometimes the way you speak. So what state is Amazon in anyway?” Faith asked as she manipulated a barely conscious Batgirl into position.

Wonder woman said nothing, instead casting her eyes subtly round the stage, seeking out her belt

“ She dont seem to have the energy for lickin' anything, poor thing. Know what I’m gonna do Wondie? I’m gonna bury her face in your snatch. That's another one of those English words ain’t it? Snatch. I like that one too. Anyhow I’m gonna pop her, nose first, down there and she can either eat her way to freedom by chewing you out or you'll be responsible for smothering her! How about that , huh? One hero kills another. I like those words too.”

Wonder Woman clenched her teeth in impotent frustration as Faith laughed but then the Amazon realised what no one else had: She COULD clench her jaw. Which meant the Batfreeze spray was wearing off.

Hope lay with her head on Batwoman’s chest, shifting her position so her cheek rested there and she could tilt her head back to look up the length of Batwomans face. Kate struggled to make eye contact with her young assailant, before she gave up. She could feel a little more movement coming into her neck muscles . Another few moments and she might be able to-
“”AUUUUWWWWGGGGHHHAAAA!!! Batwoman screamed as Hope ferociously bit down on a nipple, through her costume.

Katherine winced and clamped her mouth shut, her lips stifling any further screams.

“Got your attention now huh,?” she smiled as her head came up to Kate's. She rested her own chin on Batwoman ’s. And looked into her eyes beneath the mask. “So...dyed or a wig?” she whispered smiling slyly. “Don't worry , I wont say.” She held a finger up to her lips. “ Downstairs dont match...” that’s how I knewed it.”

Batwoman rolled her eyes beneath the mask. Could she really ever end up in any kind of relationship with her, even if the girl reformed? Death by bad grammar. But she needed a few more minutes to get her mobility back. Time to play along with the fantasy.

“Y-you...wont...make me....c-cum!!!” she declared defiantly through clenched teeth, her voice so low only Hope could hear her

“Oh , I wont make you do anything you don't want to...” Hope said brightly. She leaned forwards and kissed Kate on her nose then nibbled it without breaking the skin. Us lawmen need to stick together...I was Sherrif in these here parts for...well ok about 20 minutes but still...”

Charity squatted beside the crumpled body of Zatanna, running her eyes appreciatively over her unconscious form. The raven black hair was tousled as she lay on her hip, her hands tied by the silken rainbow handkerchiefs or scarves , bunched by her knees , her back bent, her head resting part on her shoulder, her temple on the stage. The multicoloured ribbon of handkerchiefs stretched from her wrists to her bulging cheeks where it was brutally stuffed between those ruby red lips. Charity flicked the hair away from her sleeping face with an index finger. She tilted her head to look her over. No blemishes...flawlessly smooth bronzed skin. That perfection continued down to the rising curves of her breasts, slightly slumped within the confines of her white satin bustier waistcoat as she lay on her side. Charity ran the back of her hand over the rounded cheek, feeling the solid ball of cloth stuffed firmly into her mouth. She rolled her hand at the wrist and gripped Zatanna’s chin with her thumb and palm, her fingers pressing into the bulging cheek. She shook Zatanna’s head but the magicians eyes remained closed.

Charity smiled cruelly. “She’s fucking out of it...dumb bitch...Great ass on her though...” she was almost holding her breath in anticipation. Then she saw how Faith had bound her.

“Jesus, Faith!”


“You left the flag ribbon intact!”


“So, genius, you left the hands bound and still connected to the flags stuffed in her mouth" Charity traced the offending trail of multicoloured silks from the bound wrists to where they were stuffed into Zatannas mouth.

“They ain’t flags Char, more like little silk squares stitched end to end...” said Hope helpfully turning away from Batwoman for a moment.

“Shut up!” Charity snarled. “ Faith she can pull back her head and stretch her arms and loosen the frickin' gag! Then the bitch can say the spells and we are screwed.”

“She’s a magician Char, not a witch. They aint spells they are...errrr...well something else...!”

“I dont want to hear it - gimme a knife! “ Jimmy obliged her by tossing her the knife Zatanna had pick pocketed from him earlier, and she gleefully cut through the string of scarves, glowering at Faith when she had finished.

“Heads up!” she called tossing the knife back to Jimmy who caught it dexterously, one handed.

“ business...” she said softly, stuffing the trailing silk scarves into Zatanna’s already bulging mouth. She pulled Zatanna’s tail coat off the shoulders and down past Zatannas elbows , pinning her arms tight to her body, revealing the naked curve of her bare shoulder and the heaving rise and fall of her bosom within the white silk bustier. At her throat was a white silk choker with a scarlet dickie bow tie that matched her ruby red lips.

Charity rolled her over onto her back, her arms bound in front, above her abdomen. One leg was straight, one bent at the knee. She positioned herself on her knees, the bent leg before them, the straight leg extended beside her own right hip. Charity looked over her prey once , then pressed her right palm onto Zatanna’s inner ankle on the left leg, the straightened limb. She very slowly manouevred her hand until the slight rise of bone nestled snugly into the palm of her hand. Her other hand supported her weight palm down beside Zatanna’s bent knee. All the while her gaze was locked onto Zatanna’s peaceful face, the cheeks distorted by the silk scarves stuffed in her mouth but her closed eyes were relaxed, her breathing slow and regular.

Charity rolled her palm against the ankle, feeling the fishnet beneath her skin, she splayed her fingers outwards, curled upwards at their tips , her expression a triumphal smirk. She rolled the palm around, feeling her victim’s body heat and warming her own skin against it as she rolled it around before her fingers slowly came down to close around the ankle joint in a light grip, like the leaves of a Venus fly trap slowly gripping its prey before the last instant where it snaps shut. Her grip tightened as she carefully slid her arm up over the shin, her thumb pressing into the back of the calf, feeling the strong, well toned muscle there beneath the fishnet, beneath the bronzed skin. She started to rock her body forward on the supporting hand, her breast brushing lightly against Zatanna’s groin every few seconds as she moved forwards, then back , her hand edging up the leg, over the shin to just below the knee. Her bosom moved Zatanna’s bound hands off to one side, the clawed fingers still limp in her unconscious state. At the knee, Charity again cupped her palm over the bone, rolling it around once more, again feeling the warmth of the skin beneath her touch. She moved her whole body forward slightly, so that her hips were just below Zatannas cleft, such that now when she rocked forward and back there was bodily contact, breasts pressing to abdomen.

She continued, gently increasing the contact, the breasts pushing down more now on the white satin fabric over her crotch, as the Venus fly trap closed on the patella, relishing the warmth. The stage lights were warm and a light sheen of sweat bathed Zatanna’s skin, despite her scantily clad appearance. Charity's body too was heating up , but only partly from the lights. She felt her arousal grow as her hands slowly climbed the prone body of the crime fighter, the blood pulsing faster as her heart beat quicker with excitement, the anticipation building within her. She felt her nipples slowly harden beneath her catsuit, finally pressing outward into the dark satin fabric of her own costume. The spider grip of her hand edged upwards, curling around the knee and slipping up over it, thumb and forefinger pressing into the soft dimpled flesh behind the top of the knee cap, the skin was warm and soft, slightly damp with sweat. Charity hooked her thumb and fingers beneath the fine threads of the diamonds in the fishnets, clawing her fingers against the skin, scratching it but barely breaking it and not drawing blood. They hooked around the holes in the net fully this time and pulled, tearing a gaping hole in them above the knee and over the inner thigh. She slid her palm deftly into the breach beneath tights, feeling the slickness of the sweaty inner thigh and delighting in it. The sweat was barely noticeable but it was there and she used it, it acting like lubricant as she began smearing her hand around the inner thigh and moving upwards towards the groin beneath the fishnet tights. The rip in the tights extended as her forearm forced it wider, so she was able to slide her hand almost all the way up to the top of the thigh. She dipped her head down , her lips a whisper away from Zatanna’s sex, close enough to smell it, as she tilted her head to lick between the black diamonds of the fishnets that still clad the bent right leg. The other sounds of violation taking place on the stage faded in Charity's ear. All she could hear was the booming beat of her own excited heart beating within her own breast and the gentler sigh of Zatanna’s breath as it moved with difficulty through her packed mouth.

Charity closed her eyes a moment...hearing that sound, delighting in its struggle to draw in oxygen. She opened her eyes and pressed her lips to Zatannas crotch pushing down on the white silken camel toe that she found there, her pursed lips leaving a red lipstick mark where they pressed home against the white shiny fabric.

She drew back smiling and when she spoke, her voice was a husky whisper, a secret shared almost exclusively with herself alone.

“I can hear her....I can see her...I can touch her...I can smell her and -" she licked her lips-" I can taste her.....and I’m gonna fuck her....” she smiled cruelly as she ripped the fishnet stockings on the other thigh.

Zatanna stirred slightly as Charity gripped both her inner thighs and spread them slightly wider, improving her access and bracing her own weight on her alms as she lowered her head towards the magician’s defenceless crotch. Her shoulders rolled slinkily within her catsuit but her head was rock still, like a cheetah after an antelope. Steady. Patient. Dangerous. And just like the cheetah, she too could suddenly sense blood.

As her head dipped towards Zatanna’s loins she stopped, her nostrils flaring briefly as her eyes remained locked on Zatanna’s face. With her head perfectly still her gaze dropped to the silken clad white mound just inches below her own face, then flicked back up to Zatanna’s unconscious one. Her nose twitched again and she lowered her head to press her lips lightly over the pubic mound. It was the barest of touches but it confirmed her suspicions.

Guuu-uuh...” Zatanna gave a low short groan through the gagging scarves.

Charity's mouth curled up at one corner in a cruel smirk of delight. Her eyes slowly flicked down and then up at Zatanna once more. She smiled more fully and looked back at where her intimate kiss had pressed the white fabric tighter to the womanhood beneath. There, Zatanna’s femininity was picked out in intimate detail, a series of ridges and crests beneath the white satin that highlighted her slit in a spectacular camel toe. She pressed her lips down on the delightful vision before her, gently at first once more , but then increasing the pressure of her lips sucking and blowing slightly as they started to form a seal over her victim’s cunt.

There was another low, broken groan from Zatanna that grew in intensity as Charity pressed down harder

Guuuu-uuuuhhh -UUUUUUUUHHHH!!!” The moan broke through her gag if not through her unconsciousness.

Charity's warm breath percolated through the shiny fabric playing onto Zatanna’s panties beneath them. Charity pressed inward with both hands, her middle finger slipping tightly beneath the rim of the leg opening on Zatanna’s costume, sliding under the edge of the leg of Zatannas black lace panties, lifting the elasticated rim with the back of her fingernail . Her right hand edged up beneath the briefs, feeling the warm skin give beneath her fingertips as she pushed on, the knuckles moving beneath the garment's edges, pressing her hand down tighter as the space became more restricted.

But Charity's probing fingers and found their target and beneath the lace panties they felt the tell tale damp towel against the back of her fingers and then, as they rose up the mound of the outer labial lips, they felt the first signs of sticky, damp warmth. Charity smiled as she moved her fingers in the warmth. She could feel the young woman’s skin, her briefs and the tender mound. There was a slight trace of sweat but also a denser more viscous fluid, warm to the touch. She could feel the warm dampness from the towel against the back of her fingers and a slightly tougher piece of thicker thread as she withdrew her hand to stare at the substance that coated them. The fluid was warm and sticky, a mix of clear ejaculate and a darker crimson fluid that shone dully on her fingertips as she held them up in the stage lighting. The faint smell of blood that Charity had caught was now confirmed.

She started to giggle before laughing raucously, so much so that her sisters stop their own molesting to stare at her curiously.

“Whats so funny Char ?” Faith asked curiously.

Charity was beaming between guffaws and leaned up close to her victim.

“HA-HAAA! You ain’t gonna fucking believe this! The bitch is only having her period! HA-HAA! Ohhhhh honey! Talk about bad timing! Oh dear, oh dear sweetie. I’m gonna introduce you to stuff that’s gonna make your period pain look like a euphoric experience! And...” Charity sucked the heroine’s bloody discharge from her fingers...”I’m gonna make you wish you'd just sat this one out honey... Towel and tampon up there too huh? Must be a heavy day today you poor lamb...”

She smacked her lips together a few times as she withdrew her fingers one at a time from her mouth , sucking each one clean as she did so.

“Hmmm. Needs more salt, but hell girl, you still taste 'finger lickin' good!'” she laughed as once more she moved over her helpless victim.
How strange are the ways of the gods ...........and how cruel.

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Neophyte Lvl 2
Neophyte Lvl 2
Posts: 14
Joined: 10 years ago

Thank you, thank you, thank you for coming back to this. Whereas I would have still liked Batgirl being punished for her biting skills, having him wait and form a line to rape a Zatanna is very well done and adds to the anticipation. A woman ripping her fish nets to get to rape her (how humiliating). Forcing poor Barbara to either eat out Wonder Woman or be smothered in her pussy. Even if she can escape and stop it, she still might feel some pleasure from Batgirl's mouth and someone might place Diana's hand on Batgirl's, resting them there and stands back to watch. Then in my dream, Diana, with the possible mental effects of the paralyzing agent (a bit high or mentally lethargic), and feeling so bad for Barbara, her love pours forth and she can't but help enjoying her friends lips and tongue. As she bends her head back, she pulls Batgirl's head into her crotch, harder than she needed to. Her grip becomes tighter and she pulls her in more, this time however, Barabara pulls back, trying to breath and her cowl comes off in Wonder Woman's hands. They each look at the other in shock and shame as Diana not only exposed Barbara to the entire room, but she is now one of Barbara's attackers and she lets the guilt seep in.

That's my dream anyway but yours is usually better than my dreams, so I defer to you and will sit quietly, while waiting to see what happens to our poor, demoralized heroines! Great Job!
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